Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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lituA li ESTATE nnt roTim
aoaaiaa a. . . . r.n iAin
11 a.:"- rH SAIE. FARM A HAM 14 LAN
!f ebraaka.
Farm at Auction
1.1 v?1! of th l8te J- w- arr will be sold at public auction to the
highest bidder on
November 10, 1915,
Commencing at 1 P. M.
This farm consists of the vV4 ee section 3, township 11. rang 9, and
the ne4 of section 10, township 11, range 9, and the aH nw section 10,
r " w-' - i vvuut-, tm , v a .- nui Diaia ui nruiDR, i K Vtjk W n a nnKan. a,. ,
. - - v " v i mo au uiu iv vuiiiibuuu ruu ncn mimry wnrrc rerip( v r ro
Wheat Take Sharp Drop, Selling
One to Three Cent Under Sat-urd-v's
In the nata mar: cam about chiefly
fifiin sympathy with corn. Kaatern de
mand waa only fair.
Provlalons developed firmness In conse
quence of support given by packers. It
J" said the ahlppliig demand waa mod,
both on domestic and foreign account.
Chicago Cash ITIcm-WIimI: No. I red,
$; No. I rd $1.064JHo; No 3
hard, nomlnaj; No. I hard, $1 illl.M'4.
Com: No. 1 yellow, old. 6Ki4c; No I
yellow, new, 6.,itil4c; No. 3 whit. St'-tf
Sftc; No. 1 whit, new, 61634o. Oats: No.
t white, SSV4f.lo; atandard. WWS'.'o Rv:
OMAHA. November a 1916. 1 ' t $1.01 If 1.02. Barley: Wc. Seed; Tim-
Wht take .horn dron. selling '. !n.v' aVOosrii 00; clover. $10 orJ70 oo. pro-
turday a prices. Th V" 'm: r 1"u: '. M; "oa, $10
7 rasas:
lfrflc under Rat
, - .t ... i in; in ii t. Ilia c. 1 1 ,
wheat receipts totaJld 2.T7 car, thla he- ,.,..,
ng the heaviest recelpte of wheat th L,,.T!KR,-",her: creamery.
' ' " ' 1 nnu inr nermi monini. . 'i, '. j : v .
m miiowed the wheat aelllnn ';. wt, orannrj , ifiorJc; ai
r. Th receipt of thla cereal wer , "Z .''"JT; Jnf '."V0"' Wo. .
ainr heavy and there waa a tood de-
.''", "ffred a decline; they wer
" . u tower.
Tbe location la the best that could possibly be had, being located one
half mile from a splendid school, 3 miles southeast of Greenwood, Net . a
splendid market town, on the main line of the B. & M.; 5 miles north ot
AIto, Neb., on Rock Island railroad; 16 mllea from Lincoln, the capital of
the state, with splendid automobile road; 35 mllea southwest of South
Omaha, making short haul for stock.
I lOTATOFS Tltaher: f,rtvm t
Mlohlunn and Wlaconaln, 4rrfV; Mlnna
aota and iMkote whltea, B-MAic; Mlnne
iota Oh Inn. B0ifc.
tVfL,TnT-Allv, lower; folw. Jl-o;
iprlnga. IV.
Qaotatloaa of the ny as Varloaa
Com modtttea.
NKW YORK, Kor. -FIOT R-tVeartY!
The land la of Mack loam soil. No stone.
There are $8,0i'0 of improvements.
No bad soil.
Terms of Sale
10 per cent of purchase price will be paid on the date of sale, balance
cash, with the exception of mortgage of $9,000, running about S years, at 6
per cent, which purchaser will assume. Balance; on deferred payment will
be made on or before the lat day of March, 191C.- A clear title, abstract
and warranted deed furnished.
The purpose of this stile is to satisfy the owners In making proper dlrt
slon, and will positively be sold to the highest bidder.
,v..DJ.r5t aU ,no-ulrl1 to J. W. BARR. UNIVERSITY PLACE, NEBRASKA,
702 E. 2 2D STREET.
Kanan City
Omaha .....
8t Ixiula ...
Winnipeg ...
Thea sales
... 35
... JS7
... 3i
Colonel Z. S. Branson, Auctioneer.
Untarnished Room.
FT.VK rooma, opaUlra. 1014 Hoctor Blvd.
Houarkfep-nc Roonu.
Unmi ana Cottnarea.
SEVEN' ROOMg-4427 Charlea, $18. Phona
Walnut Vf.
8526 PARKER ST. room. $18. Voug. 613.
$14 4-ROOM cottage, modern except fur
nace. 2K19 Blnney. Call Web. 1174.
$30 SEVEN rooma and bath, all modern,
224 Mandemon St Web. J206.
ELEGANT 5-r. cottage, modern excpt
heat Apply PJ10 Hamilton St.
FOR RENT a-room houae, all modern
convenience. H block to car. 13 N.
THh Bt. M. A. Past, 4519 N. JSlh St
Phone Colfax 1173.
2625 Brlatol New, mod., bungalow, $27.50.
FOR RENT Beautiful modern re.
dance, 7 rooma and bath, iot waur
heat Lrsa garage
at m
Blvd. Pnone Colfax 830.
S-room, all modern 1807 Lothrop. $22. M).
WALKING distance. 2638 Dodge, 8-room,
modern, $26; key, 140; call Web. 4875.
WALKING distance. 2638 Dodge, 8-room,
modern, $26; key. 8640; call Web. 4fi75.
Rent Reduced
Nloa s-room house, modern except heat;
storm window: arranged for two fami
lies If o desired; rent la. KU Corby St
Tel. Web. 7fftO.
eEVEN and five-room bouses; modern,
walking distance. Douglas ia.
MY HO.Mli farm. 60 acre. Sarpy Co.
lays fin; $&0u0 lmprovametita: hal
mil to town and accredited 11-grad
scnooi; IS to Omaha. Prlc $1,000. $7,000
$6,000 Improvements; three mile to Elk
norn; 14 mile to Omaha. $ miles to
Pv roexland Lincoln highway. Prlc
$14,800; $10,000 can run nine years, 6 per
r UR BALK Elghty-acr farm. In cultl
vatlon. at Decatur. Rnr VrK -i. .
owned by widow lady who I compelled to
chang climate. Will carry $3,600 on th
Pr cent interest. Address P. O
Bok No. S8. care Tribune. Hastings. Neb,
rOR BALE Beat larg body hlgh-grad,u,n Prl5d land In Nebraska; very
MtU money required C Bradly. Wi-
200 ACRES good timbered stock farm,
wen improved, easy terms; 2 miles
mJ?Vntyfeat- Wr,to ,or ,nfo
Bwill. N.b"" Stefka- Ko"" L
100 ACRES raw land ti. hr.,w n v.i.C
,.Cr?S-J.,."t' rem Ogalalla. If i
n. n. rler- ivingaiey, la.
Wauiadl Cr? hevy oU. well
?Jr. i a Part of Todd county. Minn :
Kr4'. aohool. and church. PwS
i P1" c- Terms. $1 per aor
cash; balance l per acre a mm: som
KvSh--!??' ?.roa. W
- . ,.. muiMrMpniiB. Minn.
W. DOWN, $5 monthly, buva 40
120.. f.S2m?. tim; near town; prlc
asl Mo b,r"aln- B -V, 'Cirth!
S-ROOM amuse, strictly modern, hot
water beat, $30. 2716 Burt tit.
LANDY 6-room modern oottage, 33d and
Decatur, $18. TurKlngton, 617 Be Bldg.
S-ROOM cottage, ,4 lota, near car and
echool. 4244 Fort St.
6 ROOMS, modern except heat. 2611
Caldwell; $16; adults only. Web. a7-6.
NICE 6-room cottage, with bath, gas,
electrlo light, shades. WW Wirt St.; $18.
6-ROOM bouse, all modern, 3932 No. 23d
St.. $22. Colfax 3272.
a-R. cottage; mod. W31 8. 81st H. 1925.
CPPER WISCON8IN-Bal dairy and
-5Vi?f5I.oro ,.tmu "? th un'on: settle?
anted; lancfa- for sal at low arioe oa
'"J- m. ak tor booklet 34 on Wlacon.
fi? ?.e"t51 V!n1 Jran.t- Kxceil.nt landi
11 nirsia in fruit
tJS?" tol booklet on aupl orcharda
ddress Land and Industrial Depart.. Sua
Ine Hallway. Minneapolis ialun
louae, strictly modern, with
garage; splendid neighborhood, 3u32
Marcy; $:. Call Hamey 2705.
STRICTLY modem, 7-r., Hansoom Park,
oottage. oak floor. $2u. Tel. Har. 4229.
T-ROOM, modern, 2969 Poppleton Ave.
MODERN 7-roora house. laU Park Av..
ISt. Phona Hamey 1566.
627 PARK AVE it-room mod home, $36;
garag extra. Otrey Cleaning Co. H. 7207.
ftOOM cottage. Ill 6. 38th Bt, U. Water
8-R. houae and sleeping porch. H. Mi.
nu modern home, practically new,
prettily decorated, good woodwork,
easily heated, good location, near car
inl. inquire jritra ir. t""iwi
6-r. house, mod. ex. heat, kit) S. 21t
FOR KENT 7-roora houae all modarn
except heat. 1721 S. th St.
6TR1CTLY modern cottage, larg yard,
fenced in. $18. 2419 So. 24th. Call 2411.
$20 (-room modern house, H block from
car, 3618 Jones St. Call Harney Us6.
A VERY choice flat. 6 rooms and bath,
modern, ground floor, close to cross
town and Leavenworth car lines, bee
owner. MB 8. 27th St.
Writ a good description of your land
and send It to th Sioux City. 1., Journal.
"Iowa Moat Powerful Want Ad at.
mum. wvuir-iiv woraa every Friday
.....u.a, ,uiuar uiuiuiug ana avery
Saturday evening and Sunday mornlxia
for on month, giving slxUa ad oa
twelve different days tor $2;. or 60 worda,
M. or 16 words, $.
Largest cltculatioo of any Iowa new,
paper, 3M.UUM raaUer dally In four areai
To people wishing to build
homes or business buildings.
For complete information con
cerning term. tc, call on or
wiuuna c iuor xsee clog.
Telephone "Douglas 2926.
$100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F D
Uead. tfq B-dg.. iStn Kamam'sts.
,:,.TX,.ad 'arm ioana, 6. b. per onl
J. H. Dumont (',. 4is sa Hank
A "For Kle'" ad will turn tweonu-uaad
furnltnrn Into cah.
okefctfcrl, ,ir,n an1 city 'c at
pk'kki TRUST CO.. l Famara.
C,i5V .?'iK'ty na a specialty.
W. H. Thomas ?2k S(at. Rhnk Bldg.
OMAHA h-ma. Ensi NebraK farm.
101 Oman Natlo jal. Phona Donslaa IM
IFiftg N. yth Ave.. 6-room houa
Storea, moves, packs. htpa; 1-borae vaa
and t men, $1.86 per nr. ; storage - per
mo. Ratiataoiion mar. 11. 4Xis Ty. 23U,
FIVE-ROOM col time. K45 61at St.
ENTIRE downstairs, 6 rooms, nice house,
private entrnnce, good neighborhood.
ti. Webster 5000.
MMN,Yf i11"1 tot cl,y and farm loan
... Pinnir. niy ivational Hank Hldg.
fiC.,TJ Ii,ANH. C. G. Carlberg. 319.
I II Brsndeis Theater Bldg.
OFFICE furniture bought and aold.
C Reed. 107 Farnara. Doug. CI.
fctrk-tly hlsh grade piHno Web. 373.
Yale bus yverythlng 2d hand Web. 404
HIGHCdT prices for old clothing. cTUli
$12.602220 Clark, 4 rooms.
$14.00222 N. lh, 6 rooms, toilet
$14.001506 N. 20th. 4 rooms, toilet
$15.00 2i:i6 Seward. 6 rooms, tarn.
$26.00213 N. lth, 8 rooms, butli.
$36.00 2IS63 St. Mary's Ave., 12-r., mod.
$4o. 00 S'llu Davenport, 6-r., mod., new
Gordon Van Co.i3j,;'
69 N. lltb St
Tel. D 394 or Har. 117.
CEE th Central Furniture Store's FRES
iff. packn.g,
Douglas 14ML
3 van and Storage
rVC S Co. Call us for -
nipping. 17 U Webster tit
l-ROOM modera house. 1526 Georgia Av.,
rent $36.
3207 Evana. 7 rooms, rent $.
411$ N. 3oih St., rooms and sleeping
porch, rant $10.
Phone Poug. S1. JOI Neville Blk.
ITllUSPH Cretgb Bona A Co., Be Bldg.
la all part of th city.
Fben Dofgla tsk for coraplet list el
vacant house and apartmeins: aiao fo
torase. movltia. l'th and Jarkaoa
3-ROOM mod, cottage, hit 8. 19th. R. 6J.
J.CReed SV-
O CI44
Str and off!
FOR RENT Corner room. 32x100, in
County seat town; beat location In city
and rant reasonsbl. Address Temple
Craft Association. Aurora, Neb.
A ROOM for location fur first-class bar
br shop, loth an-l Harm-y. City Hotel.
MODERN STORE, near postorfice; low
rant O. P. SteuUn. 1619 Chloago.
i:kai, kstatk nin kxciiangk
VEHY nicely located Income proptrty,
worth $4n,rn'0. for exchange for N. E.
Colo, land; mortgage, (l.OV; equity, 113
tOO. Want clear l:nd. B. 407, Hee.
FOR SALE or exchange, to lots in Van
couver, Ijrillsh Columbia. Address P
Ml, Be
DENVER p:operty for exchange. Hrven
room, or and a half-story brick, mod
ern except ht-at, lot buxljo; price $3,000,
mtr "O. Four-room frame bungalow,
modern except heat-, lot 8UIJU; prlne $1.6ti0,
cltar. Both houir, are In good neighbor
hood, and will trade for Omaha or Un
roin of about same value. Y 138, Bee.
FOR Kxchange A aix-rooin houae, lot
and barn: rents forf $16 per month. My
eciuitv $l.0O to $t.2o0. Want a good, five
or sevt-n-paaaengcr automobile worth an
even exchange. Glv full deacrtptlon of
car and here It can be seen In anawer.
Adrtrexa P 4M Be.
i All A
buahela and shipment 1 TSS.WI Ixiahela.
?ki ' rc"rts of S.31.0iV) huahels and
t.' ! 1 11 nuaneis mat vear.
trimarv corn receipts wer 73i.OiX) bush
els and shipments 423 000 bushels, asalnat
rSciR,.J,r..7S8-0fl0 b"oels and shipments
of 672.000 bushels last vear.
Pnmirv mii p.r... . . . . .ia ivji ,nrtn, t b i . . kimi. i . .
bushels and shipment- 1 38.) hushed. $.' 4 i6 SO: winter straights. $;..MJ V.
iZ?in'L.TcpU of buahols and WHEAT Spot market Irregular; No. 1
shipment of 1,439.000 buahels last year, i durm. II ll f o. b., New York; No. 1
CARLOT RECEIPTS. I northern. Thiluth. $1 and No. II
Whent. Corn. Oats. I riV.'.V.V- ' J"nnoD- f 1 t f .
$1 H'-S r"1"1' were easy; iwrmwr,
; I CORN-Spot. easy; No. t yallow. TRe,
i rrompt.
P4 OATS Spot, easy; No. t white. 418
oa 4mc.
... ' HAY-Pteady; prtme. $1 ; No. 1, $1 SO;
v No- No. 3. $1 01 06; ahlpplng. Sic
. - ' . Bin . .1111111' II III
choice. 1915, rWSOc: 1914. Tfillc; Pacific
ccas' TVl'j. IMIS; 1914. 10ffl2o.
H1DKS Stiady: Bogota, Srtaaic; Cen
tral America. 3?c.
LKATH KR Firm; Hemlock first. KVfc
c: aeconii". xztrwe.
PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mesa,
$l.6'.UI7.ti: fnmily, $n.Wv-2 50; hort
clcsr, $18.6r'Xi00. Beef, steady; middle
west. $9XMi.45.
TALLOW yulet; city. 7ttc: cxuntry
BI TTER Steady: receipts. .tH tuha;
creamery extras, 29tf-31c; firsts, 37W
29c; p-conda. 2f.it27c.
KOU8- Receipts, ,43 eases: market
firm; froch gathered extras, 39u-40c; extra
firsts, 3t"!i3)-c; firsts. 31(gc; seconds.
CHKESE Firm: receipt I.3M hoxea:
state, whole milk flats held, special. lt
filftn; average fancy, 15Vc; freah apectala,
lo-tTJ lfi'iic; average tanry, xi4fpuHC.
POULTRY-Allve. unsettled: dreaaed.
firmer; western fresh chickens, barrels,
ltfcff24c; fresh fowls. Iced, Wit lie; frosen
turkeys, la22o.
Cattle Steady to Ten to Fifteen
Lower Sheep and Lamb Are
Generally Steady.
OMAHA, November t, 1916,
Receipt war: Cattl. Hoga. Sheep
r.atimate Monday 18.XI 4.W tMK
anie dav ), m.i. h im nt n ii
Sam day $ wk. ago.'.l,IM l.7 Kl.l
lS 2V ss. ago..l3.M 378 ss.n
uay a waa. ago. .19.747 41,770
f-ime dny last year... 6,11 i.US t4.r4
. i ... "' tat.t st.nws the recelnta
r.VJ em "osa and skeop at the Omaha
.m,?too5 B,r' lor tne year to dt-. as
compared with last year:
1M6. 1914 tn.
i.'1" 1.P35.3M 79.tl31 2.746
r.0" 3.3SO.MJ l.a?6.SS4 333. 48
Th following table sTiowa rh Tr
11 no"g " " Omaha Hv atork
market for th laat few days, with com-rartsons:
Wheat: N. l,.. i o-I- m.?7. HOPS-Steady;
iinrn: X cara. Wirt- r. ran a j. K'rt l,
para. c; cars, 94c; 4 cara. 9:'c; 15 cars,
lVc; 7 car, 91c; 1 car, 9ou.C; , car. :i0c.
3 cara fckj; 5 cars, JWo. No. 3 aprlng: 1
rt an, i9i4 1 ton i mit 1 10n
7 CM 4i 441 T M
Oct. tl.
Oct 33.
Oct. 34.
Oct 35.
Oct W.
Oct. 27
7 14W,,
T 39S
7 Ml
7 3SV' T 01
8 94
1 11
mm (U. I . - VI. .. ' .
. Fine. no. j innnt l tmr vt
car. 94c. No. 4 anrlng: I rar, 91c. No. I
m;xed: 1 car, c; 1 car. kc. No. 4
miaeo: l car. r.'o; 2 cars. 9lC; 1 car. Sc.
No. J durum: 4 car. J6c. Sample : car,
90c; 4 cars, 8"-c; l car He: 1 cur. HV ; I
car, 7uc. corn: No. 3 white: $ cars M'c.
No. 3 whit: 1 car. G9?. No. 6 wnlte. 1
car. E9e. No. 6 whito; 1 car. Wo. No. 1
yellow: 1 tar. 614C. No. 3 yellow: 7 cara.
61c. No. I yellow: 1 car, 8lc.No. 1 mixed:
i car tnear yellow!, fioc. No. 3 m.xed: 4
cara 6so. No. I mixed: 1 car, 6!H,c;
cars, 64c. OaU: Standard : 4 car.
J5jc. No. i white: I car. 84Sc; cars,
$Jc; 6 cars. 34'4c; 7 cars. 34o. No. 4
white: S cars. 38Sc; 6 cars. 83c. Him
Pi: I oar, OWc; 1 cars, ilc; 4 car. 27"V.
Hy: No, I: 1 car, 9c. No. I: 1 car. 9c;
1 car MVc: 1 car. 93o; 2 cars, 91V4c; 3
car. lc. No. 4: 1 car. 91c; 1 rr, Si9o; t
car. UUo. Barley: No. 3: 1 car, 53.
Sampl; 1 ear. sc
Omaha Cash Prlo Wheat: No. t tur
key, WVc$1.00H; No. t turkey, 9Mi9Ho;
No. t hard. 97y;: No. 3 hard, 94WTc;
No. 4 hard, 87(u06c; No. 1 spring, Wuttsc;
No t spring, UtSo; No. 4 spring, 96V
97Vc; No. 3 durum, 9tVS'97c; sample, 74i3
90c Corn: No. 1 white, 69Vi3j69vc; No. I
white. 6Mg6V(c; No. $ white, 68Wc;
No. 4 whit. 684569e; No. S white, 68V,
680 : J- yellow. 60i(Zr61c: No. 8 yellow,
WBic; . So. yellow, W,igi4c; No.
6 yellow SoeWHc; No. 6 yellow, 6e4iOHc;
No. t mixed, 69ig0o; No. mixed, b9&
69c; No. 4 mixed. 68(g9'ic; No. 6 mixed.
686V; No. mixed. MVylo. Oats:
No. 1 white, 36V(JfSSc; standard. 36"4H;
No. t white, S4"(f34c; No. 4 white. SM
33M.C Barley: Malting, 61ipMc; No. 1 feed,
4PCi60c. Rye: No. I, 9BHi9ic; No. 3, 91
Chicago closing price, furnished Th
Be by Logan AV Bryan, stock and grain
umaera, no oouin mxteentn street
Artlcle Open. High.) Iow. Clos Yes y.
Wheat i
Deo. 1 08V.1 1 04S 1 07 1 03H17 1 04HO
1 03'A 1 WW 1 04
May 1 040 1 0SH I 04 1 (HA 1 06
1 06
Deo. 60tW9Ti 60 69Vi E9B 60H
, ! eeo
MaySZtaert 2H 6114 M GiB
Dec. W4 SB
May 39Tti W 394 S9 H
Deo. 14 50. 14 65 14 60 14 80 14 40
. Jan. 16 C.4 16 66 16 42H 16 47 H 16 82H
Lard. i
Jan. BOTH flB 074 9 124 9 0MP
1 1 9 074
May 36 9 r74ff 9 124 224
Ribs. .....
Jan. 8 tK4fS 0349 96 00 8 924
9 00 06
May J 224 J Kg
.20 .30 1.36
.33 . 36 1.60
.14 .86 146
.96 .40 L75
.28 .46 1.90
A Asked. B Bid.
Featoi-ea of the Trndlngr and t'loalng
Prion on Board of Trad.
CHICAGO. Nov. 8. Nearlv 1 flno nnn hx.h-
ela increase In the United States Ueihl
total acteo as nig weight today on the
price of wheat. Larsrlv ss a result th
market, which was unsettled at the cloae,
showed a net decline of 4e to 14c. with
December at 11.03(91. and Mav at
$1044. Corn lost KWc to c and oats
44$4 to He. In provlalona the outcome
was an advance or sc to 2bc.
Decided significance was attached to
the visible supply figures, s the rate of
gain showed that stocka of wheat had
accumulated last week three times ss fast
as during th previous week or at the
corresponding time a vear ago. The mark
ket was also bearish! y affected bv pre.
diction of generally fair weather for to
night and tomorrow and hv the fact
that the receipts at the leading primary
terminal continued to be on a liberal
scale. Lower Quotations from Liverpool
counted fuurther against the bulla, and so,
too. aid in slowness oi export aemana.
About the only Important Influence that
tended to lift the wheat market was a
notice of some European demand at
Omaha for shipment by way of th Gulf
of Mexico. The effect, however, waa con
fined to a brief period In the early part
of the aeaslon. when ralna In the north
west were also given a little notice.
Corn weakened, owing to bearish fore-
easts of the government crop report. The
actual figures from Washington turned
out to be leas adverse to th bulls than
had been predicted, but arrived too late
OYSTERS Chesapeake:
Can Bulk
Small. Laraa. Gala.
ptandarfla, small sis..
Standard, larg
Northern Standard ..
Northern Select
Northern Counts
Bttiel'olnta, per 100, $1.36: per barrel, $9.00.
r H r id ri Halibut, scare. 13c; at
fish, lt'c; bullheads, 14c; red salmon. U4o
pink salmon, 9c; trout, 13o; rHke, 17c
ders, 10c; fresh water eel. 18o: lobster.
green, per lb., 38c; boiled, per lb., 40o; frog
ra. ariiis, per aoi , mfl'joo; irog lega.
meaium. per aos.. 32.W: Irog leas. Inn
per aos., $2.60; frog lega Jumbo, per do.
FROZEN F'SH Halibut alaa to aiilt
104c; catflah, large, for steaks, Uc; sal
mon, ran. 9c; salmon, silvers, lOo; No, 1
trout. 11c; No. 1 whlteflah, dreased, 10c;
No. 1 whlteflah, large, 15o; No. 1 whlta-
iisn, JumDo. ixc; pickerel, round W. C
6c: pickerel, headless, 8c; . Mack baas,
order alia, 25c; hrrlng. dressed, pair
uiumiwn, extra rancy, uc; raQ
nsip-r, neanieas, areeaefl, lno; noun
ders. 10c: acallona. nr raJlon. line
SMOKED FISH-Whlt. 10-1 b. baakats,
per lb.. 14c.
KirPERED FISH Salmon, Is-na bas-
kcib, iwr io., io.
CELERY Mammonth, per doa. 7,
R17EK CUTS-Ribs. No. 1, 194o; No. 3,
l4c; No. 3, 124c. Loins. No. 1. 214o; No.
2. ISc; No. 3, 14c. Chucks. No. L l&j; No.
3. 94c; No. 3. 9c. Rounds. No. 1, 14c; No.
I 18Hc:NNo3l3,2.-4cP'te W U
i-i POt'LTRY Broilers, 14 to 14
lbs.. In separata comp., I7c; ovar 14 to I
II.... ine; aprings, any bibs, 4c; ducks.
picaea, price, but not wanted, llo:
hena. av 4 h. ik itu.. ' . '
84c. Turkeys, 17c; old Tom. 16o under
.'a X VRn 1 lb- oh not
" yormi, iuh reatnerea and fat,
c; picked. 4 nrlca hn n
Guineas, each, 25c; young, I to 14 lb.'
t??1 ,n ; "oner squaba, 14 oa and ovar,
$3 00; 0 to IS os.. 82.00: Mn 1 mi.. .iu
8 ox.. $1.50: under 8 oi. 60o Pigeons, any
U I n il hi.. An- u. '
iF.K V Tslrne. California ralancla.
,' ?0,,u2'V "d Lemons
(.olden Bowl. 3nos. box, $5.00; 800s, UM.
2?Pt'ts..4a. 64., 64 $0., Monday
t-T in' ;ue,r! s6 00- Peach. Onlo-
trim, iuc: I5anrnrnl Dal.
Oct. 38.1 6 981
Oct. 39.1 7 06S
Oct. . 7 3041
vet u.i
Nov. 1 7 0?
"HI. 1. 1 w
Nov. 3.1 $ SMj
Nov. 4.1 S2X
Nov. 6. 6 as.,
Nov 6. 6 Wi 7 SK
7 0(W
7 OS
7 13
7 12
7 10
7 091
7 11
7 ; 8 i $ a I t n
r. js i m
7 b; 43 i
1 67
7 7
7 74
7 76
7 71
7 Ml
7 m
7 41
41 6 141 I 471 7 4
$41 191 I 361
I 191 8 361
$ OS it 131 I H
7 Irj It 131
7 66 t 18
7 t 12 8 Oil
7 711 t 041 7 87
7 761 t im 7 91
I S 10) 8 091 7 ft
7 81 13i 8 orl 7 74
7 8I 7 06 7 70
T 1U
7 69
7 54
7 3
7 70
7 72
7 sx
tin 1 in i ia
NOV. 7 1 I f III 1 fi-ll 9 ui A 1.. mil
Nov. 8.1 6 7.1M 7 65' 7 86 6 ( 8 03! 7 71
Receipt and dl noaltlnn vf live iImiIi
fl. "Is 1'nlon stock yards, Omaha, tor
,jr-iuur nours ndtng at 3 o'olock
nicrirTiTa rina
r u a. e. n t'attle.Hogs.Shee.H's
Missouri Pacific j
Union Paclflo 81
C. N. w .
C. aV N. W.. west.. 88
C., St. P.. M. A O... 2S
C. B. U .! 9
C.. B. at Q.. west.. 192
Illinois Centric ill
Chi. Great Welt... 24
Total receipts... 613
IIIM'I IM TU IN 14 fin
Practh-allv the entire mutton supply
consisted ol wes, and th market showed
little or no change, bulk of tit good One
being bought at $6.60.
Quotation on ahp and lamb: tamtii,
good to choice, $vjt.7; lambs, flr to
good. $t.60ti8 60; lamba, feeders, 17 7604.60;
faarllnaa. fair to rholc. $66146 80; year
Ins a, feeders, $6 0007.16; wether, fair to
Chiilce, $5.6f6 00; ewe, good to cholo.
$5 A4J4 60, ewes. flr to good, $4.764j.3&;
ewes, feeders. 4 60W..IO.
14i native lamb
15 Idaho lambs
1SS Idaho lambs
li4 Idaho lamb
Av. Price.
... 77 I 70
1... 7T $ 7f
77 8 75
... n Its
is 30 i
2 1
i is 'i
1 1
2 3..
t 91 is
Modern In every way, oak finish, good
eleepln porch, full basement, Milton
Rogers furnace, lot 40x126, located on the
boulevard, near th Prettiest Mil. Thla
Is a good buy at $3,600. Reasonable term.
Houae 1 vacant. I will be pleased to
show you through at any time.
201 Neville Block.
OWNER will sacrifice 8-r.. strictly rami-
ern house, wlih larg s eeping room, oak
'loor. woodwork nicely decorated. Term
Phona Webster 1127.
X P ?v?:in,P:arS M.'ch,f n Kefferng, bS
Jl.Oi). W Inter Nellls. box. $2 ; Idaho
Kelfers. box. $2.00. Grapes, TotayS or
m,rorfi.f:t!' .1B: lK- W50; Im!
Bunch. $1 75
VEnETlBtlpa vi ..
head lettuci doT$l 7lel7 lettuo dof ''
4ic; celery. Jumbo. di775? wVe'
dos.. 75c: Michigan, doi. T!"'
Washington red. lb., ?c; yellow." lb Tu
cnumiower, crate, $3.00- tomiinu
II. f0; peppers, basket 75c; tS' do.
S5c; rutabagas, b iug- ' J12"j
beans ha.k 11 on. d'iff?' w Sreen
Il Sv inT..h .V ,,iD,""""n ,nons, crate,
ii-w 1 Vh- Ifc: Pumpkin, b ln-
S Ih Jk"- tlX.: bru"l sprout.
?0c lb. casabaa; craU, $3.00- ootatXeZ
Colorado and whit. t-. Pta,?es.
55c. fiweet potatoes. Vllnlii bbl $ifio'
Cranberrlea. Belle 4 Cherri"" fchl J?"S?:
Bene ft Bugle, $8 60. ' '
lhNUL3-. '.,w,'lnut- " tie; filbert.
SitZS 11V So' pttt.:
s. vv.-ir, tOL
.h.: sJ.- ro"ted' "
u CfV " r5.- Co"?PPs. caw, $3 .26
4 cae. $1.65. Drum dates, box. $1 60
augar walnut datea, box, il 60 Sal tad"
peanut, can. $116. Popcorn 4te" 1-lb.. Ma.
$2 50. Honey, case, $$.7$; Alrlln, caie.
Grime. Golden, fancy, all .Is $n per
box; JVIne.aps. pld fashioned. Washing
ton. $J2S per box; Arkansas Black
fancy. $3 50 per box: Stay men Wlneaapa!
fancy, all .I.e.. $2 26 ,per box: Black
BENSON lot., close In. nesr achool: easy
terms. Phone owner. Benson 3T7 w.
t-room cottage. Council Bluff SO acres
Irrigated Colorado land; for lot or Cot
tages in Omaha. Colfax 209.
WANTED to buy A hoineeiead relu,
aulahment, caah. Addreas W. D. Elrod
45U N. 14lh St., Omaha. Neb.
Large living room, dining room with
Dutch windows, kitchen, pantry, rear en
try with room for lc box. 3 bedroom,
sleeping porch and bath on 2d floor; oak
flnlan and floor, cement baaernant and
walk, east front lot; )uat being com
pleted. Price. t0t. Will glv term.
Located 2318 S. 35th Av.
0. (1. CARLBERO,
2 Brandels Theater Bldg.
HOME, built by owner. rooma and bath,
nic lot. handy to depot. Forest Hill
park. L Soutlt (to fH Telephon owner,
Douglas $273.
FOR HAUHBy owner, lot In Evanston,
the exclusive residence district; on
Harney St., nesr 63J; 5xl35 feet. Price
$1 150, one-third cash. G. I. Carpenter,
Phono Harney 687.
FOR SALE Flue two lota. 4xl3u feet,
Kansas Ave., ajuih side Miller park,
half block west 24th St. car line, aur
roundid by beautiful new homes Ow,l
In summer, warm in winter. Web. 83u0.
Notice Is hereby given that scaled pro-
roaaJs will be rucelved by the Board of
Mreciors of ths Short Line Irrigation
District at their ofilc In the Vlllag of
Bayard. Neb., for the purchase of fif
teen thousand five hundred and eighty
two dollars face value of the 6 per cent
serial bonds of said district until 1:30
o'clock p. m. on the 7th day of December,
1916, said bonds are Issued under and by
virtu of an Act of tbe leglaiature of the
tat of Nebraska, approved March 26th,
imo. Session Laws 1ms. Chspter 70 and all
amendment thereto and pursuant to aJ
vot of the majority or the qualified elec
tor of said diatdk'l. Th Board expressly
reserves th right to rejeot any and all
bids and will In no event sell any of said
bonds for less than ninety-five per cent
of th fac value thereof. By order of
th Board of Directors.
Secretary Short Lin Irrigation District. '
sues. $2.00 per box; Wagners., extra fancy,
all sixes. $3 26 tier box: Spltsenburgs.
large sixes onlv, $2 60 per box; Jonathans
Idaho, extra fancv 3175 r ep k,.. . i... '
thnn. fancy. $1.60 per box: Rome r1.,,,i..
extra fancy, all slsca, $2.00 per box:
Pejrmalnea. extra fancy, all Hsea, Colo
rado.. $2.00 per box; Pear main., fancy.
$1.75 per box; Fearmalnes, choice, $1.60 per
J. M. Beehtel's . Jonathans. $4 69 per
barrel; Wallbrldg, $4.00 per barrel; Oen
Itens, $4 00 per barrel: Black Twigs, $4 00
ner barrel: Hen Da via, $3.60 per barrel
Mlsaourl Pl'ipins, $4 00 per barrel- York
Imnerlala, $4.00 per barrel' Willow Twigs
$4.00 per barrel; Wlneaapa, $4 ( per bar
rel; Huntsman's Favorites, $4 00 par bar
rel. Htar Brand Ben Davis. $2.76 per barrel;
Willow Twigs. $3 26 per barrel: Wlnesaps.
$3.50 per barrel; Jonathans, $3.60 per bar
rel. Shield Brand Black Twigs. $3 60 per
barrel; Black Twlga. commerldal brand
$3 26 per barrel; Hen Davis, Illinois, $2 75
per barrel,
Knnaae Cltr Grain anal Provlalona.
3 hard. $1.0fffl.O8: No. 3 red. $l.lim 1$
December. 97-)'&974e; Mav. 99Xr
CORS-Nr. 2 mixed. 6ofjUc; No 9 white.
614c: December. 64'4c: May. 67'?W74e.
OATS No. 2 white, 274c; No. 2 mixed.
bl'TTER Creamery. !c; firsts. 26c;
recrmt. ffic: packing. 194c.
r;08-Flr.ta. 2sc; setwrnd.. 23c.
POCLTRY-IIen.. H4"; rooaters, 9c;
broilers, 15c.
Mlanraanllt Grain Market.
recember. 97S,c: May, I0SS: No. 1 hard.
$10?; No 1 northern. 99c41.01.
FLOl'R Unchanged.
BART EY 9iet7c.
BRAN $18.60.
COB N No. 1 yellow. 6fMS4c.
OATH No. 2 white. S34&4e.
Cotton (ilanlnsT Resort.
swirt A Co nu
C'udahy Packing Co...! 676
muiour T 1. x 1,039
J. W. Murphy
Lincoln Packing Co....
W. B. Vanaant Co
Benton. Vanaant A L.
F. It, Lewi.
J. B. Root AV Co
w. 11. nulla
L. F. Huh.
Uoeen.tock Bros
C. A. Kellosir
Werthelmar & Degen..Li(l
n. r. Hamilton 174
Sullivan Bros 214
Rothschild . 2.1K
Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.. 174
Chrlatl 27n
Hlggln. 2
Huffman is
Meyer a
Baker. Jone. A Smith.. 123
Banner Bros 148
John Harvey 149 . ...
Dennl A Francis 195
Clin 84
Jcnaen A L 92
Other buyer 1,171
Totals .twin ii
CA TTLB fteeptnta war larewr than
expected, not only here, but at moat
other selling point., with th re.ult that
the tendency everywhere waa lower.
Local receipt amount to 51, car., which
waa smaller than one and two week,
ago, but larger than three week, ago
and double the receipt of a yar ago.
There was a lot of .orting to be done,
and th morning waa well advanced bs
tore the cattl were Ir, shape to be
shown and well along toward midday
before th trad was really under way.
When buyers and sellers finally got to
gether on a trading basis th bast kind,
of oattle. auoh a. averyon aeeined to
want did not .how much change, th
market on such .lock being about steady
with last week's close. On the other hml
there was a world of common to trashy
filnd. that were unevenly lower. The
esa desirable kind, of atocker. and feed
er, wer especially alow and weak to a
much as 10url5c lower In soma caaea. In
other words a good many of the atocker
and feeders are 36Q50O lower than a week
Quotation, on cattle: Prima corn fed
bave., $8.751M0.00; good to choice fed
yearling. $900r9.7li: fate to a-ond fed
yearling.. $8.rVMT900; common to fair fed
yearling.. $6 Sows 60; good to choice heavy
peeve. $9.oof, BO; fair to good comfed
beeves, $8 eoowt on; common to fair corn
fed beeves. 8 60r8.3B: prim grass beeves,
".OOff 60: good to choice grass beeves,
37 6V!8 00; fair to good grass beeves.
$6.767.60: common to fair graaa beeves.
o.(nT!i7n: trooa to cnoir grass heifers,
$6.0tVA7.00: SOod to cholca lrraa ewa
$8.8offe.60: fair to good cows, $6.nrrr v
common to fair cows. M 006 00; good to
Choir feeders. 37.4O.0O: fair to good
feeders, $6.7MT7 40; common to fair
feedera. X6 7MTST5: good to rhnlr
atocker. $7.608 00: fair to mod itiwlim
96 767. 80 common to fair atockera, 4 A6)
676: stock heifers, $6.T66.TV atoek cow
I4.7M1.00: stock oalvas. $6606.60: veal
ralves. $6.604.60; bulls, stags, etc
4.tfl6.3B. "
"e. At. r. Na. 1,
t K4 4 IS it ... .
1 r: 4 r II m u
1 mo in
8 19no 8 06 t SM 1 u
It 10H t 8 1071 t 93
HOGS SUDDlles of hn v.r.
at slxty-nln car or 4.50O head, the
Istrsrnt received on a Monday since the
middle of August. As compared with a
Week KM todnv'a eiln .krtm. - I .
900 heal. 1 1,710 head larger than two
wea ago, and neavier than th corre
sponding Monday of laat I'fM l Kv nvns
200 head.
Shipper, took a bar' aeat nn th. rt
trade. an4 while thev ant In 1.,.. , .
limited extent, their purchase, such a.
may were, looxen anyway lotfl5o lower
than Saturday. Topa failed to beat $6 HS.
h lowest level th high price has reached
line August 19.
Pckera predicted lower nrtcea rifkl
from th outset, but on early rounds were
.paring with their bids, and trade wa.
consequently iat m gettirg startnd. First
offers, when finally made, looked fully
lOo lower than Saturday's good time, and
although seller, were a little alow about
cutting looa the market finally opened
on that basis. Values gradualiv weakened
a. the morning advanced, and when the
bulk of th offering. Blurted to move
price looked lolSc under Saturday's
opening trade, or fully :0c lower than
Saturday's average Kxtreme cloae waa
th weskest spot It sales made were
several load still In first hands. Most of
these were wheat and barley-fed Idaho,
on which packer had not made a bid.
Bulk of the sales was made at $6 70JW so,
with )ust a sprinkling up to $6 80, the top.
representative sales:
Vo. At. Bh. r. No. Av av Tr
Tt irr ... t it w i7 i it
Ml M7 SM I M M. IV) 40 I Tl
! ... t a r n in 171
rr so ... at to 101 us u
iti ... lu m lu ,i 40
irr tit t it n 104 at 1 at
t 1KT 4t I SO M iti ... t II
I in ... 1 at m at ... t It
1 121 ... I 00
SHEEP Receipts were somewhilt larsor
than on last Monday, but with that ex
ception wer tna smallest for a Monday
sine early In Auguat. Supplies of eighty.
three cara or about 21,000 head, were
7.0U) larger than a week ago, but 6.01(0
smaller than two weeka ago, and 2.6u0
short of the .am day laat year.
Trade In fat lambs opened out In good
season on about a ateady basis. Som sail
er tried hard to beat the $8.76 limit set on
good lambs by packers, but up to a 1st
hour this flgur had bought practically
everything that lad been caahe.l. west
ern ranger and dealrable corufeda selling
at the sam money
Movement dragged In .not., and It waa
clos to noon before a decent clearance
waa finally made. Value, remained about
th same throughout he ealon although
toward the 'ate end of tha forenoon a
tew scattering nunrne. or ismiis mat
wer not the beat moved at $8 totft 70.
Th feeder trade got rr slow on the
start, but everything was wanted and
when the market got under way prices
Cattl t'neettled Hoar gtronsr !
Sheen Firm.
IS,ii0 head; market unsettled; native
eef steers. 35.Hi.00; western steer.
txtlK cows and heifers, $2.76ty8.16;
calves, tt6otfi0 36.
HOGS Receipts, 10.000 head: market,
strong, 6c higher- bulk of .ales, $6(9
7.:; light. 96rj7.30; mixed. $6 367 46;
tXMf J010'- ru- $-30a,46; pigs.
SHkW Receipts. 20.000 head: Market
firm; wether. $6.9Mr.60; we., 60jj.75;
lamb., $6.60(19.16.
St. I.nla Live Stock- Market.
ST. LOl'IH, Nov. a CATTLE Receipts,
11.100 head: market slower; native beef
steer. $7.60jno.$O; yearling steer. $8604
10 36- now snd heifers, $6.0niraon; stock
S5.3Mm.60: cow and heifers, $4 0nre.60; na
er. and feeders. $6 007 78; southern steera
Uv calvaa, $6.0010 50.
IHXiS Receipt a, 11.700 head: market
higher; plga and lights. S8.2MP7.I6: mixed
and butcher. $.80itt7.$0; good heavy, n.20
7 86.
SHEEP AND tiAURS Racelnta. 6706
heal; market strong; yearling $6.607 :
'"J" $s.OOi8.00; aheap and wa. $6.60
Sinn ritv Stoek Market.
ftlOltx CITY, la.. Nov. a-CATTLE
neceipts, swo head: market loo lower: na
tive steer. $B7ti,60: butcher. $4.606.76;
canners $3.354.26; stoeker. and feeders,
tt.outfe.To: clva, $6.OC00. bulla, ataga,
ets.. 4.7Vri.tO.
HOGS-Recelnt. .$ head; market 10c
lower; heavy, $6TXt6,76; mixed 96 666.70;
iixnt, fn.nao'sm; ouig or wje, pnotTO.
head; market Stady; ewoa, $A00J7.76;
lambs, $4.oXt.26.
K a nana Cltv Llv fltootr Mararet.
ceipts, 83,000 head; market weak; prima
red tera, J9 2Mmo.ll: dresred Neef steer,
$7. 754i 00; western steer. 96.806 60: at nek.
ers and fder. $6 60.25( bulla, $4.36
. 8HEJ33P AND IMMBS-RwlTta 14,400
head; market steady; lamba, tt.2WT1l.76:
St. Jn Llv Stnotf Varkot,
Receipts, 1,800 bead: market staady;
steers, 98.0000 90: row and heifers, $4,000
9.00; calves, $a00O9.$e.
HOGS Raoeipta, $900 baadi market
If;.0-. lwr: s7 : bulk of aJM.
0. WW,n,
neaq; marxet steady; iamb. tt.O0efl.7B,
Ltv ItMk la Igrat.
Cattle, Hoars, Stteen.
13.200 ,8n nam
8.0TO Itno 3 000
11.100 H.7W 6. Trt)
tl.ono lo.ono 14.600
23,000 $0,009 20.400
Moit Conjpiononi Feature of Day's
Senioa I It's Belative
NEW YORK. No. I.-Vntll th closing
nour. th mot oonaplcuou. feature of
todays stork market was Its rel-tlv
ouiineas. Trading wa altogether proi'ns-
, " nn witn a moderate upwrrJ
lTJ?r ',"'r '.h" 'rragular opening. In lao:,
some specialties, including a few of i.u
so-called war Issues, were almost buoy
ant at midday.
In the last sixty minutes, however, tin
"at developed sudden weakness, whic.i
not only obliterated numeioo fa 1
gains, but cauaed som severe net If ese..
L Vi..mMn" 'J""" re I'anadlan PaclHo
in the railroad group, and I nlted States
nit?! m,P..the I'adlng Induntrlals. i.a
r .," ,rfm u toP P'lr of 18,4
iJZ V.Wh rh a,Iy ,n th" showed a
f almost a point at 864. fell to t.
and closed a mere fraction higher,
.el h "arrlmans Atchison. Great Nor:h-r.-NT
Yor" c'nl"il and Brie .tibatl
tuted gain, of a point or mort by loaac
?,JiKi miV"'i B11w'n Locomotiv and
Crucible Steel, ahlch had scorwd aubatan
stains over ,t week's final figures,
wJT.i mt,rtay lower, as were als
Weatlna-hous and other share of th
sam class.
w-Jl. r,ous theories and reasons
wer orfered tp account for th break,
2r. TCf from hom foreign af.
ri?..,e2n.t ith "'I and Ineffectlv -ei.ur
of American htp seemed to hav
'H h eariy dealing, apart from
,ow'r. V'1 for .Americana,
fn. ""yarning the health of a pronr
ment financier now convalearlng from a
minor operation alao wer dlsml.aed. For
rvJlinc,i.r0m, T.r- Un,Dl ason. th
. fselllng was ettrlhuted to
thl 7.Mrom WM"lniron. Indicating that
X'ffl admlnlatratlon might met
n 7.JS.T,?.''11 oPPIt'on In It prop. se I
?, ?.T..0fw PParedness." In all prob-
pirtr 7 Ln!T'. of tn av smbracd re
Y?nJm thlcagn and other Important
tZZri catit.ra .howlng an lncreaM of
trnVn..'.n"(1,"n Pucta especially
i rvylis capacity.
art ? Z.V "I"5' rtng th greiter
Itoks ntr" nn' but "'"Itsnstl Mth
lm.O1 par r,,u- -mounted
Unltjjd State, bond, were unchanged
enN.rock's aSSM" quoUt,on
. S5- "'ss- f- Clm.
1 at 4
lent mi
it. too as
t.tiw rt
14.SX) MlJ
South Omaha
Sioux City ...
Pt. Loul.
Kansas Cltv .
.(7.100 5S, 400 t4.TW
7w Vnrk Moaev Market.
VFW YORK. Vrw l-rTTVi rwm
CANTIT.E PAPER 64 pr ent.
HTfiRUNO rnrnr ivnr
bills 94 61; demand. $4.6476; eabtaa, Msiftl
juuTjun-oar, svho; staxtcan dollars,
BONDfl Oovamnwwit i.iIti Mn - m
teadv. '
avf snd si months. 1 per eent.
cent: loweat, 1 per ont; ruling rate, 1
Closing quotations on bond, today wer
aa follows:
V . rat. 9. rtg.... ts Ma pee av. la tt
a 1 m n. t r .a ..:::ii
- w. T. ntr 4Hs inox
to eoaiMs ii s m
a . T. ssa..iti$Ffn rtfle t rH
" Smelters eV.,.in 4 ts
, . - " .. i"4 a. 1. nr. s n
Armonr A fa. 4m.. rtttfoe. Tel. A Tal. Is.. S
Atetilan. 1 ra. 4a.... saoirmia. eo. 4Ha nil
JJal. A Ohle 4a. tn On sea. 4Hs r4
rKwsj ft6ias so. 4s.:.::t5
otiio ma. ti a u a n r. r. 4. to
S t.1" 4t...10. 6s rf. 4S
. Ri ' Pv r' S"M" "atla 111
!f- . rf 4Ui. Ill Untoa Paoin 4s.... 97
r R. o. raf. 6a..11tM an rr. te mu
iurie rsn. nl taau FT m - - a aawaaat
Oo. BgsrtHe I T4tkff' eXael la. . . !lIS
t. no lit 4U 141 WahaeH let . lixu.
wast, union 4H.... .14
K. c. go. rf. 8a... 9 Wnt Nin.
b ."k"1'. : tHAalo-rraa,H Is .... rm
m i. . n tb. 1 . y
r-nffee- Market.
maraex jor coriee ruture opened nn
cnanren in z nninta ntsnar tnrtav nn 1
renewal of last week's buying movement
and bullish sentiment was n"o" rared
bv the continued flrmneaa nf nr. all
The demand seemed to b taperlnt off
ener in recen' ronaideraMe advance,
however, ond nricea soon turned il
under some scattered selling ant ralls-
ing witn warcn selling flown to and
May lo t.Wfc during the afternoon. Th
cioae was to 13 points net lower.
Sales, 84,25ft bag. Cloo ng Hds: Nove-n-
rer,; necemner, B.sne; .Tanuarv s o
February, 6.90c; March, l i e: Ap-lU 6 92r
May. 6.96c; June. 7.00o; July. f.06e: Au
gust. 7.10c; September, 7.16c; October,
Spot enffee. ateady: Rio Ko. T. T4c
Santos 4a Vc.
Cost and freight condlt'ons wer r-
portea snout uncnsnied with cnm'r
tlvelv few fresh offers In from Hratll.
Santos 4 snd 6a wer offered at 'U5c
London credits, and It waa reported that
well described 4a were offered at 8.'
American credits.
The official cab' reporud a drolln
or l-i re a in tne market at Rio, while
cantos was uncnangea.
compared favorably with the weak cloae
last Friday. Moat of tho trading wa don
on a good firm basis, several strings of
lh heat atiiff mnvlni at 86 hovftt AO with
WABHINOTON. NOV. a Cotton S-lnned'th. fair In :mid klnda aelllna- lnwn.
prior to November I amounted to 7.34.871 ! ward from tt.60. Oood ewes in
running bales, including 6 304 round bal th feed in if claaa made $510, which was
and 66,3f balea of Sea Island cotton, th 1 the nrobahl limit Friday, while chnlc
census bureau announcwd today. 'breeders went at $440, with other at $4.00.
Cotton Market.
quiet; middling uplands, 11.40c, Sal, 100
The cotton market closed steady at a
net ins. or 1 to 1 points tor tn day.
Futures opened barely steady; Decem
ber, 11.4fc; January. 11.61c; March. 11.86c;
May, It. 97c; July, 12.02c.
Cotton futures closed ateady: Decem
ber, ji.4:'c; January, n.otc; March. 11.75c;
May. 1189c; July, 1196c.
easier; good middling, 7.17d; middling, tow middling, 0.
I.35d; sales, 10,000
Omsk Hay Market.
PRAIRIE HAY Choice upland. $10,003
u'.ou; iso. 1, : wrrin.w; njo. 3, M 009 60;
No. 1, $6 no 00. Choice midland: $10 00;
No. 1, tt.60rre.60; No. I, $7.60660; No. 2.
$ .007.60. Choice lowland: fc.OO; No. L
$7 00rfiS.OO; No. 2. $6.007.00; No. 2, $400
01 110 w wneai: Qouojata oats or
Kye: ytwisio.
ALFALFA -Choice. $l?.OnOri$.0(; No. 1,
$11.5012.00; No. 2. ttOOtSlOOO.
Metal Market.
offered. $6.00. Spelter, $16.3016 60. Cop
per, steady; electrolytic, $18 1318 26. Iron,
steady: No. 1 northern. $16. 76417 26: No. I.
Il t.,f 16.76: No. southern. I1I.754M7 ;
No. 1. $14 6Ord.17.00. Tin. steady; pot,
$36 0036.50; No. 1. $36 873M 87.
At I .ond on: Spot copper, 73 6s: future.
73 15: electrolytic 490. Spot tin, 163;
futures. 161 16s. Antimony, 126. Ld.
34 1!s td. Spelter. 71 10.
Enont4 anlea 4I Dried! Frwtta.
ra'ed applts ateady; fancy, 971940; chotoa.
5tt4c: prime 7c.
DRIED FRIMTS-Prunea. firm; Cali
fornia.. 3S.'I14". Oremns. tc. Apri
cots steady; rholc, 94oie; extra choice,
MIUi(fl04c: fancy. 1111 4c Paach.
steady; chnlc. 6c: extra cholc. 64c;
fancy, 6. a TtaJelna. firm; cholo to
fancy sedtd, fl4e; edl, 9311a.
St. I.Anl Grain Market.
ST. LOTHS. Mo.. Nov. 8 WHEAT
No. I red. $1 141 16; No. f hard, nominal;
December. $1.02V1 084: May. $104.
CORN No 1. 404c; No. 1 whit, old.
tie; new, 604c; Dcmbr, 6trff&64e;
Mav. Ic.
OATS No. t 8Be; No. 2 white, nominal
Bank ClearlnaT.
OMAHA. Nov. I. Bank clearing for
Omaha today wer $3,820.65.40, and for
th corresponding day laat year $1 380,-807.16.
a.M m.
to in
ll.ono uru
l.Mwp W
Alaska Onig
Aatarloan Boot flegar...
Aewnoaa Out
Anorlnaa Lsoanadv ..
Aaisrloaa a A R
Aai. A A X set
Aw. nuasr Rannlag....
ABMrloaa Tl. Tal...
AaMiioaa Tnbass ...
Aaaonao, Castwr
SaMwlB LaioamaiiT
c.iiinin a tails
Sothlalwai sm
Bronte lys fuuXt T
Ollfnrnle, PMrotssa ..
Oanadlaa Pamru
Octroi l-auwr ..J" 'J 'J
STo t..::r.r. S5 ri
Chlaa Onpiwr pno m. J
Colorato rwt A Ire.... )M i2
ijiiHiiiarr lamirltlas .... I iA iu.
. eo, wit
Ooooral glaotrto a so
Oraat Korthoni pt $.sno
ria wro Mh 4 - m u 4,-
S?.".hoV!;ow7,::: 5 3 ,
fniMi .. ii -k 1: 1 :: : : '
41 H
tnsetnattan fWM
lataraallaaai iureaetar.
Jtaaaaa t:tty Soathsra..
Ishlsh Vallsy
Lnkrrllla MasnTllle.
Moileas rNMmlevni ....
Vlaaat Oapnor
Mlaanan, K. A T. SM..
Nstlmoal Blsralt
Natloal La
Neraxla rtramr ;
Now Tnrk Oatial..,,,.
-r., j. it. a m
NorfnllT A Westara
Worlhwa Paetno
Kaein Tal A Tot
PSillmaa Palaoa rkr. ...
Bay Oa, On.par
RaeuMla tnm A Stoat..
Sotaihara Paoirk
gnathora tullway
StuSobaker nnatnaay ...
twi (nr ,
Toios OMnnmay
t'nloa rsuiina
6'nlna olflo nft
I'niioa nuiss stool ....
V. S. sm ttt
t'toh Comer ,
WoMera I'aloa
WoMlaghowa naetrls ,,
Moo Una psr
tWoera.1 Motor
Wabash B pet...
Cr.. Il.aos IT14
so 110
110 S
1. 100 S3
"i.ii 'ni
l.lao ttit
ton n
9. TOO tV,
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t.tot iat4
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.10. Too tort
. 1.19 lit.
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H tl 5
t7H m
ti 64H
WW M14
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lrtu, lxTu.
31 Ml
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1IT 117
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494 410
14. 1
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71 71 5 V
30 "v
41 4JH "
4?u, 4tv, ;
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44 4 ,' '
71H Tft I"
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Mr-u, imta t
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74 7".
34 94 A
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It .1
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104 17
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l s
t3 u
mi in i
4 M i(
l4 Itt ,
' 74 n (a
111 114 :
71 Tt
l4 t7 11
40S4 o
tl H r.
Total sales for th tar. I on sna
Snsrar Market.
rteady; centrifugal. 4 18c: molasses 8 lc:
refined, steady: cut loaf a 40-. -..i,.
4.80c; mould A. 6.19c; cube. 1.75c: XXXX
P"i"i, i powdered. anc; fine
granlatad. $.60r: diamond A, 6.60c; con
fectioner.' A. 6.40c: Nn 1 t r a....
future, opened firmer on covering by
short, and buying by trad Interest.
rnces at noon wsr 7j , points highr.
OH anal Roala.
SAVANNAH, dm n ti'd oiti.t
TINE Market strong; 6466c; sale. r6d
?rJ': r-celpt.. 270 barrel.; ahlpments.
1.196 barrels; stocks. 11.400 barrels.
BOSIN-Market firm; sale.. 991 bar
r..: orivtm. 1.195 barrel.; shipments.
1,721 barrels; .tock. 63.143 barrels. Quote:
A. B. C. D. E, F. G. $8 OS; O. $5 074- H
I. $5 166.174: K.' $6 36? MKC5
t76 90; N and WO. $4.36; WW. $6.76.
Mvrraool Grain Market.
No. Manitoba. 11 d; No. 3. 11a d:
No. 2 hard winter, old. 11 34d; No. J
Chicago, new, 11. 2d.
t i nrs opor. i.a Plata. 8s Id.
FT.OUR-Wlnter patents. 41s Id.
HOPS In London: Pacific Coast. 43.
A "For Sale" ad vn nrs second-rain )
furniture Into cash.
What Fill Happen to
War StocbWbenttie Kaiser
and the Kiss Shake Huds?
fl Aa article that appeared
in th September number
of MeClure'i Mayasine will
give yea an Idea at to what
a lot of the so-called war
tupply plants will do to
utilise their tarplu facili
ties when peace afain
reign In Europe,
fj We thought the article so
practical that we secured
McOure's permission to
publish It la pamphlet
form. In order that people
Interested la War Stocks
could lis p the situation
for themselves.
1 It will be sent without
charge upon request Atk
for 2-O.B Including booklet
"Tin Twenty Pirmant Plan"
(Sststatasg lews)
44 fjdatjig Mac New Tsrk
anlot la tho Oatsaor tetit too of THS ODD
LCrr RSVISW uoiloo W Jok at air at
Caaamiiy, siombaio a4 lao How Vara siov.
Bioaams. Bampia soar aa sssssot U a s
yoar. at BraaOwar. No lark U