Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1915, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily Bee
Call Tyler 1000
T l te Talk to Tha Dm
aw to Aayrme Oowawetad
wtUi Th Dm
.VOL. XLV NO. 123.
fa Trains, at Hotel
stews ateaos. sto., ee
Jlepresentatms of Unions in Nippon
Not Allowed Placet by Ameri
can Federation Meet in
ExecntiTe Council of Federation
! Discusses Attempts of Bellig-er-i
ents to Use Unions.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Nov. 8.
B. Suiukl and S. Yoshiniatsa, rep
resentatives of organized labor In
Japan, were refused seats as fraternal
delegates by the American Federa
tion of Labor, which began today its
thirty-fifth annual convention. This
action wh based upon a report of
the committee on credentials. The
committee recommended that the
Japanese be extended the courtesies
pf the convention.
SAN FRANCISCO, Col., Nov. 8.
Fresentation of the annual report of
the executive council featured the
cpenlng- day of the thirty-fifth an
nual convention of the American
Federation of Labor, which opened
liere today for a two weeks' session.
President Samuel Gompers pre
sented the report, which pronounced
the year past the most momentous In
the history of organized labor ond
cne of extraordinary stress for the
labor .movement, testing as it had
Its very existence.
"There la not a country, and there ti
.scarcely a relation 1ft the common life,'
pays the council's report, "that does not
'ehow some effect of the terrible war
that la being waged in Europe. From
ur present viewpoint these effects are
primarily destructive. Whatever of con
structive value shall come out of it all,
will depend upon the wisdom, the ability
and the statesmanship of the real states
men of the nations. But at present we
eee customs, institutions, and th rela
tionship that are the result of years of
struggle and persistent effort to realise
Ideals, swept away by the great tide of
destruction and lost in thl clash of arms,
the amok of the battlefield, and in the
teirora of naval warfare."
Attempt to Use Unions Fatlle.
Describing the effects of the war upon
organised labor and American customs
and institutions, the report deals at length
with attempts by Interests of belllgorent
European . nations - to .Interfere - wit h the
peaceful pursuit of American Industries.
"Borne of these movements. ' it says,
"have been genuine, others have been
created by Individuals and interests that
were really unneutral. These movements ,
nave taken various forms; some have
tried to influence the policies of the state
and governmental authorities of our
country; others have tried to work upon
public opinion and still others have sought
to use the good name of our labor move
ment to further interests of some for
eign country."
High tribute was paid the working
men of the nation through whose pa
triotism, the report says, these plans
have perished and the movement so far
lave been futile.
, .'The efforts to use the worklr.gmen of
our country have been of two kinds."
the report continues, "one to get through
them the endorsement of, , the foreign I
'policy to place an emba o upon so-1
called munitions of war, fne other has'
been to Stir up Industrial contentions j
smd disputes and thus Interfere with the
aotual process of production so that
products to be sent abroad may be stop
ped. Foreign agencies have been trying
to corruptly reach some of the organl
'atlons of tne workers, but they have
toot succeeded. There is, nothing touch- j
Ing the Industrial and commercial life
( America that Is not of interest to the
warring nations."
World' Labor Conarrese Necessary.
The holding of a World's Labor con
jgress at the same time and place that
peace delegates meet when the war Is
ended. Is recommended in the report as
"necessary In order to Infuse the spirit
of humanity and democracy into this po
litical conference." In order that the r"" -ition
of the Hasted States worklngn- -n
la this regard may be fully representative
of the Country's unanimous voice of la
(ContLnued on Page Two, Column Two.)
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair,
slightly cooler.
"feanperatare at
Omaha Yesterday.
Hours. Deg.
6 a. m il
t a. m 4t
T a. m 42
8 a. m 42
a. m 43
10 a. m 4
11 a. m 47
1! m 49
1 p. m FiU
I p. m 6;
3 p. m il
4 p. m il
5 p. m h i
t p. in 4
7 p. m i
t p. m 4
Comparative Loral Hrrurd.
llHV 1014. 1!1S. 191J.
highest yesterday f2 4 43 69
IO west yesterday 41 St) 41
tMean temperature ; i f
Precipitation U ,00 .4)0 .00
Temperature and preclptation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature 41
Exceea for the day S
Total deficiency since March 1 234
Normal prec pitation 05 lnh
le"clency for tne day 01 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1. .21.27 Inches
Ijeflclerey since March 1 ii Incht-s
IeflL'lency for cor. period. 1!14. S.?x Inches
Xenciency for cor. period, 1W3. T.Sinche
Reports fruss Stations at T P. II.
Station and State
7 p. m.
..... 4
Htgh- Rnln-
or weather.
ICheyenne. clear.,
ct. fall.
4 .00
M ,i1
ii .no
61 .01
&; .
4 ,n
44 .f1
u .0
it .CO
I a ven port, clear
Uenver. clear
0s Moines, clear....
North Platte, clear..
kmaha. clear
Rapid City, clear...
hheridsn. pt. cloudy
Houi It), clear
Valentine. cl-ar
U A. WfcLSH.
.... i
.... 14
.... 44
.... 41
ture shows the wreck of a German gun in the Champagne
after a vigorous artillery assault by the French. It is a
silent testimonial to the remarkable marksmanship of the
French gunners.
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Kitchin, Party Leader in Lower
Chamber, Will Oppose Wilson's
Defense Policy.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 8. Repre
sentative Claude Kitchin, democratic
leader of the house, told President
Wilson today, after a long conference
with him, that he could not support
the administration's program for na
t'onal defense and that he would op
pose the program In a personal ca
pacity only, and not as majority
Mr. Kitchin was with the president
more than an ho6r,' during whlch Mt.
Wilson outlined to him the army
and navy plans for the next session
of congress and for the next five
years and sought to influence the
majority leader to be in harmony
with them.
"All I can say," said Representative
Kitchin, as he left the White House, "is
that I very much regret that I cannot
support the president's national defense
program. The plans do not meet with my
convictions, particularly with reference to
the navy. I shall make a clear exposition
of my views as soon as congress con
venes, in a speech in the house," he re
plied. "Of course, I shall not attempt to
oppose the program as the majority
leader, but merely In my personal ca
pacity." Mr. Kitchin said ho thought It very
probable that the majority would favor
the defense program.
Representative Kltchln's definite an
nouncement of his position will moke it
Impossible for him to lead the flulit fnr
j the administration's program in the
house. The burden of the leadership will
devolve probably upon Chairman Hay of
the military committee, Chairman Pad
gett of the naval committee, Chairman
Bherley of the fortifications committee
and Chairman Fitzgerald of the appro
priations committee.
Fire is Discovered
in Hold of French
Liner Rochambeau
NEW YORK, Nov. .-The French line
steamship Rochambeau has a fire In the
reserve coal bunker, according to a mes
sage received at the French line today.
The message from the captain stated
that the Rochambeau Is not In danger,
but has turned toward Halifax and that
the fire is being fought with all facilities.
The message received at the French
line here read:
"Fire In reserve coal bunker amidships.
Fighting fire and have turned toward
Halifax. Hope to put It out. Am In no
danger at all."
Paul Faguet, general agent of the line
here, said if It were found necessary to
take the ship Into Halifax, It should reach
there late tonight or tomorrow.
The Rochambeau sailed from this port
for Bordeaux last Saturday with 171 pas
sengers in the cabins and 200 in the steer
age. It carried a full cargo of general
merchandise. Its first cabin passenger
list contains French names almost ex
clusively. The Rochambeau was built at St, Na
saire, France, In 1911. It Is 638 feet long,
sixty-four feet beam and thirty-nine feet
deep. Its register is 12,678 tons gross.
There are about sixty Americans aboard
the Rochambeau, according to Informa
tion at the French line here.
Included in the steamer's cargo were
1,641 cases of cartridges, one case of cart
ridge cases, twenty cases of guns, 100
bales of cotton waste, thirty-six bales of
cotton Haters, four boxes Of automobiles,
2S4 flasks of quick silver and a number
of cases of aeroplane equipment. A con
siderable portion of the cargo consisted
of iron and steel, brass rods and copper
and steel wire.
'.ttwiHI" If an Dead.
MASON CITY, la.. Nov. 8. 8pec!al
Telegram.) W. B. French, for twenty
five years a prominently known news
paper man of lows, is dead at bis home
In Nora Springs.
Typographical Union Objects to
Statement Union Leaders Work
for Self-Gain.
SYYRACUSE, N. Y., Nov. 8.
(Special Telegram.) Organized la
bor la the first body of men to chal
lenge the word of "Billy" Sunday in
Syracuse. At a meeting of Syracuse
branch' of the typographical union,
held yesterday, exception was taken
to statements made In a sermon In
which Sunday characterized leaders
of labor unions as men working for
self-gain, rather than for the good
of .tbeclas ,they xepxeseni.. - -
An appeal was made to the Central
Trades and Labor assembly requesting
that a communication be addresed to
"ltllly" Sunday asking him either to re
tract the statement as made or explain
his reason for making it, it became known
today. ,
"The position taken by the prltners is
absolutely right," was the comment of
Secretary Charles Tates of the labor as
sembly. V
"Wo think Sunday's atatement, without
proof, to be unfair. Should a minister er
any other man be found guilty of some
crime, would it be necessary to condemn
the entire profession?" asked President
T. M. Gafney of the Typographical union.
Whitlock Says
Departure is Not
Due to Cavell Case
THE HAGUE (Via Indon), Nov. 8.
Brand Whitlock, American minister to
Belgium, who arrived at The Hague yes
terday on his way to the United States,
on lesve of absence, will go to Rotterdam
tomorrow, whence he will sail for New
York on the rteamer Ryndam. Mr. Whit
lock said his departure from Belgium was
In no way connected with his efforts to
delay the exeoutlon of Miss Edith Cavell,
or with any political question.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 8.-8ecretary
Lansing announced today that the Ger
man military authorities in Belgium' had
expressed to American Minister Brand
Whitloc k their regrets that published re
ports should have made it appear that
he was leaving Belgium as a result of
objections from tho German government.
Minister Whitlock was ai-sured that tho
German authorities regretted his depart
ure. Secretary Lansing added that no official
communications of any aort had passed
bet ween the Berlin and Washington gov
ernments respecting Mr. Whltlock's
status. Mr. Whitlock will sail from Am
sterdam on Wednesday of this week for
a vacation due to ill health.
German Officer
Analyzes Premier
Asquith's Surprise
BERLIN, Nov. . (By Wireless to Bay
ville.) The statement of Premier Asqutth
in his recent speech In the House of Com
mons that the war had brought surprises
to all. elicited today the following com
ment from Major Moraht, the military
"The 'surprises' were the German ad
vance in Russia, the failure of the
Franco-British attack against the Ger.
man west front, the great and swift suc
cesses of the Austrlans, Hungarian. Ger
mans and Bulgarians in the Balkans,
and the Insufficiency and lack of system
of the allies' action in Serbia, which was
carried out as though it were a reconnoit
erlng movement in the colonies Instead
of a serious military operation."
TOKIO, Nov. 8. The Japanese steamer
Yasakunl Maru was on Its way to Salo
nikl when It was sunk by a German
submarine near Gibraltar Wednesday. It
had been chartered by the British government.
Berlin Government Asserts No
Fraudulent Passports Given to
Agents as Reported Testi
fied by Spies.
Note to Washington Says Confes
sions, if Uttered, Forced by
WASHINGTON, Nov. 8. Germany
in a note, which reached the State
department today, denies flatly testi
mony alleged to have been given In
English courts that German officers
prepared false passports and "handed
them to agents" arid epresses doubts
that such testimony ever actually was
ever actually was given.
The note Is In reply to a letter pre
sented by Ambassador Gerard on
July 31, directing the attention of the
Imperial government to sattements
said to have been made by Robert
Rosenthal and George T. Breckow
when they were on trial In England
as spies. It Is suggested that a false
passport found on Breckow probably
was issued by one of ."certain Indi
viduals In occupied territory and also
In neutral countries," who have en
deavored to make a trade of selling
such paptrs at a good'prlco.
Forced to Make Statements.
"If Rosenthal and Breckow really made
the statements accusing German offi
cials," the not says, "It must be assumed
that they were induced to do ao by
threats, promises or other pressure."
The text of the note signed by Herr
Zlmmtrman, under secretary of state for
foreign affairs, and transmitted through
Ambassador Gerard follows:
"The undersigned has the honor to
state the following to his excellency, the
Honorable James W. Gerard, In reply to
the letter of July SI, last, concerning the
alleged Issuing of false American pass
ports by German authorities:
"The assertions made by Robert Rosen
than, who was shot in Kngland as a
spy. thst a false passport had been of
fered to him In the office of the German
admiralty staff, that Corvetlonkaptaln
Frleger held a stock of falsified Amer
ican passport blanks in the admiralty
staff offices, and that the latter had
shown him the water marks in them aa
well as rubber stamps for the legalisa
tion of false passports, one and all are
not rue. ' ' ,
' ' " Belgians Biassed.
"With reference to the fact that one
George T. Brekow, who was arrested in
Kngland as a spy, had been supplied, with
a' false' passport, the Invest lgatlbns
started have bono no result It Is an
established fact, however, that during
the present situation of the war, certain
individuals In the occupied enemy terri
tory anil also in neutral countries en
deavored to make a trade of Issuing
false papers of legitimation and of sell
ing them' for a god price. In this way
there a passport falsifier's den was raided
In Antwerp which was already in ex
lute nee when Antwerp Was. occupied by
German troops. It may be weil assumed
that the passport found on Breckow or
iginated from such a plant.
"As for the alleged testimony given
by Rosenthal and Breckow before the
English law courts, la concerned, ac
cording to which German officers pre
pared false passports and handed them
to agents If such testimony ahould ac
tually have been given it must be as
sumed that the accused were induced
by threats, promises of other means of
pressure during the examination to In
vent these statements in the belief that
they might .be of interest for the enemy
Doabted Testimony tilvea.
"They may have hoped o obtain miti
gation of the Impending severe punish
ment by placing the responsibility for the
false passports on the authorities and
not on themselves. Strong doubts ex
ist here, however, as to whether the al
leged testimony was actually given. In
anyn case, the assumption that German
govenment officials with the knowledge
and consent of German government au
thorities had prepared false American
passports and handod them to agents
must be energetically refuted.
"The undersigned avails himself of the
opportunity to renew to the ambassador
the assurance of his highest esteem."
Mongolia Of ficers
Placed Under Bond
BAN FRANCISCO, Cel., Nov. 8. Cap
tain Emery Rice of the steamship Mon
golia, bis chief engineer, Walter 8. Paul,
and the assistant engineer, W. B. Scott,
were placed under bonds today by gov
ernment 'authorities to return here any
time they are called and answer In con
nection with a recent attempt to land
elghty-slx contraband Chinese coolies
from the Mongolia.
"I expect to believe these men here as
defendants before the case Is finished,"
said United States Attorney John W.
Preston to. the court when he asked that
the captain and engineers of the Mon
golia be placed under bonds.
British Ship Tara
. Sunk by Subseas
LONDON, Nov. 8. The British ermer
merchantman Tara was attacked and
sunk in the eastern Mediterranean by two
German submarines on Friday last, ac
cording to an official announcement
made thii afternoon by the official press
The text of the statement follows:
"On the fifth Instant his majesty's
armed boarding steamer Tara, Captain
Rupert Gwatkln Williams, was attacked
by two enemy submarines In the eastern
Medltteranean and sunk. Thirty-four of
the crew are reported missing."
President Quotes
His Policy
WASHINGTON'. Nov. 8 -Presldent Wil
son flnde support In the Scriptures for
his policy of national defense snj In a
letter to Beth Iaw, who wrote the pres
ident commending his Manhattan cluh
speech, quotes verses from the thirty
third chapter of Kseklcl. In the letter
made publicly today at the White House
the president said:
"I am particularly gratified that you
should so fully concur In the position I
took In my speech to the Manhattan club.
There Is a quotation from Kseklel which
I have had very" much In mind recently
in connection with these important mat
ters. It Is the second, third, fourth, fifth
and sixth verses of chapter S3.
" '. Bon of man, speak to the children
of thy people, and say unto them, when
I bring the aword upon a land, if the
Manchester Guardian Says People
Should Try to Get United States'
Viewpoint of Sea Law.
MANCHESTER, England, Nov. 8.
The American note to Great
Britain Is polite, but hard In sub
stance, In the opinion of the Guar
dian, which says:
"We must not let preoccupation
prevent us from trying to under
stand the United States' viewpoint.
Although we shall he able to con
rede Its contentions, much will de
pend upon the spirit In which It Is
ceal with officially, privately and
publicly. Let nont forget that the
cordial friendship of the United
Slates will not be a luxury, but a
necessity of British policy when the
war is over."
Pointing out that the ruls for bfeck
adea were made before rn' -als were
built and that lawyers and u..;omata al
ways have forgotten the ra'.lroads when
revising the rules, the Guardian contends
railroads have made Holland. Denmark
and Norway a part of Germany, and that
if there were no Interference with the
transit of goods through these neutral
countries, then Germany could not be
"In effect," the Guardian continues,
"the American arguments, If they were
accepted as they atsnd, would abolish the
commercial blockade of any continental
power. Only Islands which have no neu
tral aide doors cculd be blockaded com
mercially. "Does the United States question the
right of Interference with Oertpao .trade
Imrorc through neutral portn? If the
answer i hen our s-hsaeK rhuet be
one of resistance to a view of law which
woul work out very unjustly to ua aa an
island country and which America did not
recognise when it was at war. The only
conceaalon we could make on principle
would be to agree to dlscusa the whole
question with the United Btatea at the
end of the war when" the time came to
rewrite the entire law of naval capture.
"If, on the other hand, the United
Ftatee does not assert thla principle, then
the matter, between us Is one rather of
detail than of principle. It seems aa vital
now as In March that we would right our
selves In legal form by declaring a
blockade of Germany and announcing our
intention to interpret that blockade on
the principle of the ultimate destination
of a cargo for which there la good au
thority In International practice."
Surprise Is Doalasat Note.
LONDON, Nov. 8. Notwithstanding the
forecasts of the American note to Great
Britain, which had been sent from Wash
ington by correspondents of the British
press, surprise is the predominant tone
of the majority of the British newspapers
in their comment on the document. The
country has been too deeply wrapped up
in the consideration of pressing European
problems during the last few weeks to
give much attention, to American opinion,
and apparently it was not aware that
the treatment of American shipping might
furnish ground for a serious controversy
between the two governments.
"The American note upon our Inter
ference with neutral trade," ssya the
Mall Gasette, "will be read with some
surprise In thla country. While the duty
of every power to keep vigilant guard
over the Interests of Its own commerce
will be freely recognised, it must be felt
that the United States scarcely grapples
with the realities of the situation created
In the first place by the fact of war, and
in the second by the criminality of Ger
man practices. In soma passages, the
note seems to Invoke the authority of
international law, as if Its problems
oould be finally settled for one belligerent
without reference, to the dotngs of the
other. Inat la a view utterly inapplicable
(Continued on Page Two, Column Three.)
The Day's War New
their advaaee lata Belararla aerta.
east Irasaltaa, a Mrltlah . cea.
tlasjeat aldlas; taean, a aloalkl
dispatch states, bat the aiffleel
rallies ef the terrala snake the
porearrese slew. UkwU, Parts
advices declare the Freach forces
aorth of Prlllp, where a Jaactloa
with the Berhtaaa ea the Bakaas
r(t le aald te he laaaslaeat.
Balkaa freat the Maaleaegrrtas
clalae te be holdlaa- the Aaatrlaas
ear urakarr, laillctlaa; severe
lasses apea theaa la desperate bat
tles. 1BJTBSI TIOBf OF ROVMtNU to re
state aealral, at least for the
preseat, Is easphaslsed la dis
patches (rose Baeherest.
the Tarka claim that their artil
lery eaeeeasfally attacked aaethcr
allied traaspart a ad a terpede
heat, eetllaa; the trees port aa fire.
A a attack aa the Tarklsh llae aeae
edeal Bahr was rcpalscd, It la de.
Bitflc to Support
of National Defense
people of the land take a man of their
coasts and set him for their watchman.
" "S. If, when he seeth the sword come
upon the land he blow the trumpet and
warn the people.
" '4. That whosoever heareth the sound
of the trumpet and tsketh not warning,
if the sword ceme and take him away,
his blood shall be upon hla own head.
" "8. He heard the sound of the trumpet
and took not warning; his blood shaft
be upon him; but ht that taketh warning
shall doller his soul.
-1 But if the watchman aeeth the
swoid c.ime and blow out the trumpet
and the people be not warned: if the
aword come and take ary person from
among them, he is taken away In hla
Iniquity; but his blood will I require at
the watchman's hand.' "
Washington Officials Differ in Their
Views as to What England
Will Do.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 8. Presi
dent Wilson and Secretary Lansing
today read American press comment
on the latest note sent by the United
8tates to Great Britain and awaited
the effect of the document upon Brit
ish treatment of neutral overseas
So far as American shippers are
concerned, however, the despatch of
the note marks a turning point of
vast Importance, for henceforth the
United States Is to consider the Brit
ish blockade Ineffective and Inoper
ative, and all cargoes of non-contra-baid
goods destined for Germany or
through neutral countries to the ene
mies of Great Britain will be viewed
by this government as Immune from
detention. Claims presented by
Americans for detentions or seltures
of such goods will be supported by
the diplomatic machinery of the
United States to the fullest extent.
Speculation Is Varied.
Speculation In official quarters today
aa to what Great Britain's course would
be was varied. Borne officials pointed
out that if Great Britain abandoned all
pretense of a lockade and applied tb
tawa of contraband, the forthcoming
American note on the propriety of In
cluding various articles in the contra
band list would be especially pertinent
to- the controversy. On the other hand,
If the blockade Is made legal so far as
German coasts are eoncerned, the Amer
ican government will continue to insist
that legitimate trade with neutral coun
tries must not be Interfered with.
What American officials express par
ticular concern about In connection with
the alleged practices of a rest Britain Is
the large trade they claim Great Britain,
Itself, is carrying on with neutral porta
from which American exporters are
barred. It la thla feature of the situa
tion which officials regard as most
serious and Indefensible. They say it
Great Britain held ita own shippers to
a normal trade with neutral countries,
the application of rigid measures to
American traders might Ue less of
fensive, though the aspects of law would
not be affected.
A renin- n Tech a leal Groaada.
In allied diplomatic quarter here, the
note was not commented on officially,
but uniformity of views was noticeable.
The British opinion la that the United
States Is arguing on technical ground
and failed to take into consideration the
altered circumstances of the present war
and the enlarged facilities for rapid
communication by rail between Dutch
and Danish ports, for exsmple, and Ger
man cities. French and Russian officiate
pointed nut that their governments were
in sympathy with the attitude of their
ally, Great Britain and that while the
British foj-elgn office was conducting
the negotiations this did not mean their
governments were any the less Inter
ested. Among all of the allied diplomats the
view prevailed that the controversy would
not become acute, It being pointed out
that even If a deadlock was reached In
the negotiations the Bryn peace treat
ies still were available for a year's In
vestigation of the points in dispute. These
Pacts have been ratified between the
United States and all of the allies.
Germans C ommend Note.
In German quarters the arguments In
the American note were commended as
aound and Justified by International law.
German officials, however, said they
were much more Interested In what meas
ures the United States would take to ob
tain acquiescence to Its expressed views.
In view of the length of the note an
answer from Great Britain la not expected
for at least a month.
Attempts to Poison
War Horses in U. S.
PITTSBURGH. Pa., Nov. 8. -Ten thou
sand war horses assembled here during
the last week from points In the middle
west were last night and today forwarded
to Elisabeth. N. J., where It was aald
they would be allowed to recuperate be
fore being shipped to Europe. Hostlers
who accompanied the trains declared that
reported attempts to poison horses at
stock yards In certain western cities had
prompted contractors to assemble the
horses in Pittsburgh.
Demos' Majority
v in Kentucky 338
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov. 1 Announce
ment was made today that a recount
of ballots In the first eleven wards of
the city of Louisville cast In Tuesday's
gubernatorial election had trimmed the
unofficial majority of former Congress
men A. O. Stanley, democratic candi
date for 'governor, from tfe5 to 838.
Fall of Nish Oiyei Central Empires
and Their Allies Control of
More Than Half of the
Serbian Kingdom.
Bulgarians Reported Defeated by
Combined Serb, French and
British Armies.
BERLIN. Nov. 8.The Serbian
town of Kruievae, on the railroad
about fifty miles northwest of Nlsh,
has been occupied by German troops,
recording to today's official atate
ment given out by the army head
Quarters staff.
LONDON, Nov. 8. The fall of
Nlsh has united solidly the main Bul
garian forces and the Austro-Oer-n-an.
armies advancing from the
north. Hitherto their communica
tions consisted merely of tentative
reaching out of advance guards.
The Bulgarians and their allies
now hold considerably more than
half of Serbia, and command the
Nlsh railway, which has been one of
the chief objectives of their cam
paign. From Nlsh the Bulgarian line now run
north In a alight curve, encircling the
Morava river, to Krivlvlr. where it Joins
the main Austro-German forces. From
that point the Invaders' line turns at a
right angle and runs due west across
the broadest part of Berbla.
The rough aeml-clrcle made by thla
line Is still contracting and as It doea ao,
according to Germant reports. Is taking a
heavy toil of Serbian prisoners.
In southern Serbia the fortunes of
war are less auaplcloua for the Invaders.
There the Bulgarlana apparently have re
ceived a severe check from the Serbians,
assisted by French and British troops.
PARIS, Nov. a French troops have oc
cupied Koajak and Babuna heights,
which command Pletvar pass, through
whloh runs the Perlepe-Kavadar road,
and are expected to effect a Junction
soon with the BerMana occupying' the
t northwestern slope of the Babuna range.
saya a Monaatir dispatch to the Matin.
No official confirmation baa been re
ceived, however, of a decisive defeat of
the Bulgarians, who are attempting to
advance Into Macedonia through, Jtabuna
pass. South of Stromltsa the French are
fighting on Bulgarian soil.
(Jmk Crisis Met Temporarily.
The crisis occasioned by the resignation
of the Greek cabinet haa toeen met tem
porarily, and if the Chamber of deputiea
accepts the new Skouloudis ministry the
present status may be continued Indefi
nitely, with no change In the announced
policy of Greece, now reiterated, of be
nevolent neutrality.
On the eastern front severe but Inde
cisive fighting continues before Riga and
(Continued on Page Two. Column Three.)
Steamship Lines
Put Ban On Britons
of Military Age
LONDON, Nov. 8, Following tlie ex-
i ample of the Cunard Eteamshlp company,
: the White Btar line announced today that
'no further bookings oa Its ateamahlpa
of emigrants of military age would be
permitted. .
I At Liverpool today a mass meeting was
held to protest against continuance of '
"scandalous attempts to escape enlist-
The meeting adopted a resolution eaJl
. Ing upon the government to Issue orders,
under the defense of the realm set that -no
British subjects of military age would
be permitted to leave the United King-'
I dom during the present crisis without '
the special permission of the home office.
aa Meats
atava yea ever tried a Want A4
To eover tae bnelnsss UaUf
Toall really bare a big surprise)
At the pro flte the taey yield,
A Waat Aa Is a wsU-ksawa aaeaaa
Te bask tbe bar tUae e-rewlere.
a tbey im bast
Te etui tae etmstanl bowlers,
Tbe Waat A4's work la pave areaH
' Tbeyre werklaa; both aarht aaa as
Try aa Aa la tomorrow Itlk
Toall (lad It will aarely pay.
If It le not convenient for you te
' bring your WANT AD to The Be
office, telephone It to usi It will re,
eeive the best care possible.
Telephoae Tyler ISOt new and