Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1915, Page 8, Image 8
TTTK BEE: OttATTA'. MONDAY, NOVEMBER P. ID 13. ue wees moxim? iviu Things ' You Will Want :-: If a Dead Star Hit the World Lighten Labor with Smiles 8 r I V I w . I L ii ... ... C- J jwhony.t r -V ' vspors. hi '! evl i.vtu-jiy I "VI f J-se." said to have been pre- By GAKItKTT P. RERVIS8. Drerybodjr knows by heart the ominous passages of Scripture In which "man and rumors of. wars" and other violent upheavals In human affairs are s'gnl:l eently connected wita the rinal ca tastrophe which Is to close the present "dispensation" for mankind. There Is, then, ho cause for wonder In the fart that great num bers of people are Inquiring with real. If partly concealed, uneasiness, whether the re cant unprecedented loosing of the spirit of war may not mark the opening hour of tha awful y tha famous hymn, dieted by Pavld and the Hibyl. ' j This leads at ones to tha question whnt science has to say alraut tha possibility of and "end of the world." There has wired, from seme time In the last eantury, the notion that astronomers hsd proved, with mathematical certitude, that earth and tha solar system are Immortal. In truth, however. If they have proved anything on this subjwt It Is that neither tha earth nor tha solar system, of which tha earth Is a member. Is Immune from deat ruction. Am far as physical possibility goes, oience knows no reason why the world may not reach Its consummation In such a manner that the accompanying phe nomena would bear an astonishing re semblance to tha dreadful scenes de pleted In tha Biblical prophecies. Soma of the ways In which science foresees that tha earth may cU-ce Its career as a habitable globe require an enormous lapse of time, and It may be confidently averred that the crisis In such cases .could not arrive for manymll Tlons of years. For Instsnce, trs sun Is doomed to uttlmste extinction.' In rrome 1,000.000 to 10,000.000 years' It will no longer send enough rsdlont energy to tlie earth to keep life going here, and thus the earth must slowly frees. T)ut this gradual process of extinction wss not what tha scriptural wrttrrs had First, it may be run down by a "dead star." Astronomical collisions, once re garded as mere speculative possibilities, are known to occur, and sometimes on a stupendous scale. The most reasonable explanation that has been found for the occasional appearance of new stars Is prevlounly Invisible bodies of enor mous mass have come Into violent col lision in (he depths of space and, through the transformation of their klntlc energy Into heat, have been largely. If not turned Into Incandescent gas and Idenca Is overwhelming that ce- acs remains grest numbers of rk b idles which once, prohibly. glowed !s stars, or suns, and that they, like the visible stars, such as our sun, are speed ing in vsti'tus directions with velocities 'amounting to mnny miles, and sometimes to hundrers of miles per second. If such a msss should plunge Into the solur system the disastrous consequonces !arg easy to forsee. A budy of that kind could not be seen until It hsd got near enough to reveal Itself by the sunlight reflected from Its surfsce, and after It had reac hed that degree of proximity only a few years could elnpsa before Its blow would fall. Its mere passage through the solnr system, even If It missed hitting anything, would be disastrous. Cool-headed persons might find some distraction In watching Its approach, and calulatlng In advance the moment of the ciIhIs. It might become visible with tele scopes when It Is yet U, 000,000,000 miles distant. "But If Its speed only equalled that of the sun, wnlch Is not a very fast travelling star, It would be upon us In seventy-five years, and If It traveled with the speed of the iter lfWO Groom bridge It would pounce upon us In about five years after tha astronomers had caught their first view and warned the world of tha danger. Another way In which the earth, 4 far as concerns life on Its surface, might come to a quick end Is through the con sequences of Its Internal cooling and shrinkage. The moon offers a possible warning here. Its entire surface Is a vol canic wreck. Evidently there cams a time In Its history when the Internal forces broke, up tta whole ctust or over flowed It with vast Hoods of lava. It may be that when, a planet arrives nt a cer tain critical stage In Its cooling the shrinkage of Its crust produces a tremen- befora their Imaginations, and It la not'ou, outbreak, of volcanic force and an what nervous people have In mind when j upwolllng of molten rock formed by en- they talk of the end of the world. The elements of suddenness and violence are essential parts of tha predicted, and, for many minds, dreaded, and finish. A Hera, again, science Is accomodating. Two ways may be mentioned In which tha earth may make a trade exit without violating any "law" rcognlaed by science ( ormoiis local pressures. ( ' Changes of this kind, due to gradually Increasing strain, are apt to be sudden half-expected j,nd catastrophal. If such a disaster should happen to tne eann us innaDi tanta would perish with their eyea fixed upon a scene of chaos as wild and aw ful as any depiction of tha prophets of calamity. Stealers of Husbands . ' ;:- V. ' .5 By DORcrrinr dx. "It there la one thing that gets my whole herd of Angoras," said tne Dock keeper, disgustedly, It Is to hear people talking about aoma woman Mealing a man awsy from his wife. " Hear! Hear! " cried tha Stenog rapher, pounding on her desk with tha end of a ioad pencil. "And tha newspa pers fall fcr tha as tne sort of guff," continued tha Book keeper; "evety tlmo you read about soma old rounder with a yellow streak In hint as wide as a street deserting a fat wife and seven children for soma little Fluff r Ruf fles tha papers al ways tell how Fluffy Ruffles took tha old bounder away from his wife. "You'd think, to hear about them, that In all such cases the man was an Inno cent, blue-eyed tr.fsnt with long golden curls, who had been kidnaped by some designing female as ba was playing un auilUously on his own doorstep and boina off against hl will to a No. S establishment. "It has always seemed to me,'1 agreed tha Stenographer, "that the man who was stolen from his hsppy home must have oeen guilty at least of contributory negligence. Anyhow, that precious should not leave himself lsvlnj iround looae where he'd ba a temptation to prcditory ladies!" "TT very Idea cf a woman taking a rustand away from hi wife Is Idiotic, snorted tha Bookkeeper, "the man isn't taken He goes, hot foot, himself. ' You never har of a man being stolen from his wlfa by a woman who Is older than ' tha wife la, or homelier than the wife. "No indeed," assented the stenographer, "tha female heart burglar Is Invariably about from ten to fiteen years younger than wife, and weighs about ' half as much. If I had a husband and a home I'd keep a pair of scales In ths front hall, and I wouldn't let any femals lady per son in who didn't register up to ISO pounds, and whose hair and teeth didn't rill me with suspicion that they were only hers by right of purchase." "If I were a woman," said tha book keeper, "I wouldn't waste any time watching other women. I'd keep my lamps glued on to my husband. I shoudn't ba afraid of any woman stealing hlin away from me. What I should be suspic ious of would be that he would beat It away himself. "Am long as a man la In love with his wife, no other woman can Jimmy her way Into his heart. His affections are protected by a sentiment that has got no re resistance than chilled steel armor plate, and while that sentiment lasts no love thief cr.n break through nor steal. "Ah," sighed the stenographer, "but the trouble with you men Is that there Is alaays a tint lock on .the safe In which w women put your loe to keep , ai,d when our hour strikes, the doors unlock and there's nothing to keep away the urglars." "You might marry a man who wasn'tJ so terribly attractive that you d live In continual anxiety about his getting lost, strayed or stolen," Insinuated tha book keeper. "Wouldn't hava him." retorted tha sten ographer, "half tha fun of being married Is having to aways ba sister Annla on tha housetop, looking out for marauders and r trespassers on your own bailiwick and frustrating them." "Well anyway," said tha bookkeeper, "It certainly does get me going to hear of some big, husky guy, (6 or 60 years old, who has known how to take car of himself well enough to make a wad be ing taken away from his wife by aoma little girl young enough to ba his grand daughter." . "Klght-O," re ponded tha stenographer. Advico to Lovelorn ' Vf j - Callot orlflnaUd this evening; gown. In It faille, silk mallnes, liver lace and roses are delightfully combined. Id rose, gold and tur quoise, f 68. Here la a most stunning creation In a fash ionable suit. . Copied In cedar green or brown duvetyn, with muffler collar of eeai; 179.60. .The Chemical Basis of War gy xxArmxoa Kna Tata Dssgtresi Affair. Dear Miss Fairfax: I hava lived In this city eight months and not having any frtnnds I ask your advice. 1 am 1 and pretty. I am receiving at tentions from my employer, who Is mar ried, tie taaes me in nis automoDiie ana to dinners, lie tells me not to hurry to the office. ' My conscience tells me that am dome both myself and his wife an Injustice, so i appeal to you to netp me. K. A. w. My dear girl, you hava stated tha dan gers of your own case so well that thera is hardly anything for me to add. 8urely you are finding no pleasure In a course the dangers of which you clearly recog nise. What you are doing must leave you la a atata of feverish unrest and nervousness that Is bound to make your life miserable even while you are pre tending 11 la gay and festive. If you are strong enough to go to y ur employer and tell him with quiet dignity that you are heartily ashamed of yourself an. insist upon having nothing but business relationa with him In tha future, it might ba safe tor you to keep your po sition. It might be, 1 aay, but tha one wise course for you to pursue la to go at once to some reputable bureas of em ployment, register there and take your self out of the way of a man who, under eeemlng kindness and attention, masks tha most dangerous enmity a girl can know. Don't throw away your young Ufa in tha pursuit of pleaaure. You are only n. and worth-while friendships are sura to coma to you. iKn't "persist'' In a course you know to be wrong and dan gerous. You have analysed your situa tion oow and It. lalradaea Tneaa. Fear Vlss Fairfax: Kindly Inform ma whether it Is proper and essential for a mother to pieot her dsushler'a men friends the llrst time they call. My brother and I have argued this point sev eral times, and now 1 write to you. My brother claims It Is neceeiary and proper (or mother to meet any caller the first time. I claim not the firet time, but tha third or fourth tune. Which la correct? 1 sm of the orlnloo that it is not Imperative for mother to meet a young uian who might tM just paying me a vtcit and who perhapa may not call again. MILDKED. This Is hardly a question of propriety. It Is well to hava your mother know yeur friends, and when they coma Into the house that Is hers she Is really tha hostess and so tt la only a tittle courtesy to her to hava her meet tour friends. Try to do this Just as soon as may be, but you don't hava to base it on any numerical requirement. Tha first or second timet, or even tha third, will do cicely Just whatever la convenient and natural. By Wood llatchlnaon, A. M., M. 1. War la a great teacher, though a cruel and costly one. We fight bard to earn a living or make a fortune, but wa still hava a link back to let out when we are put to It to save our Uvea from battle, murder '.and sudden death. " Doubtless tha Inventor of navigation was a breathless and. bleeding fugitive from a lost battle in the Stone age, who put desperately our to sea on a log, wi'.'i his spear for a paddle, with 'the ylpi of bis pursusrs and perhapa a ahowrr of flint arrows and stone axes behind him to keep his courage up to tha stick lng point. Our first 'knowledge of tha working of Iron and the tempering of steel waa porn of slaughter and baptised In blood. Our early architecture and until tha last fssr hundred years was overwhelmingly mili tary. Forta, castles, palaces, w.illi J towns and evtn farm houses were built for defense. Any old hole In the wall or corner in their anglea would do to live In.- Invention ran strongly toward cata pults and cannon, blunderbuases and bombs, gunpowder and dynamite; be cause the kaisers and kings, barons and bishops, v.-ho controlled all the rainey, would pay far higher prices for engines to kill their enemies and suppress ribela atfd heretics than for anything else. It .was a horribly wasteful and expen sive school of Invention. For tha very first thing which Its discoveries Were ussd for waa to dsstroy that Increase and density of population and accumulation ef wealth and resources which are tbu basis of further Invention and progress. Indeed, the world haa made more prog ress In science and the conquest of natui o In the Past hundred years of compara tive peace than In all tha half m'.llion years preceding of almost Incessant battle and slaughter. But It Is Idle to deny that It has teen a powerful stimulsnt to Inventiveness and resources, and la so stllL An inter esting, most modern instance was fur nished just the other day in the an nouncementfirst from Columbia, then from New York university, then from a number-of other colleges that the rush of - students anxious to study Industrial chemistry had simply swamped their accommodations. In aoma caaes tha classes were nearly double the slse that could possibly be accommodated In tha laboratorlea. As a matter of fact, humiliating as the confession is to our national pride. we here In America are a full quarter of a century behind the times in tha matter of the full utilisation In commeroo and industry and public Ufa of chemistry In particular and modfern science in gen eral. If it Is any consolation to us. Eng land and her coloniea are almoat as back ward as compared; with Germany and Sweden and France and Austria, But here is the situation; Twenty years ago the. average successful manufac turer who waa approached by a graduate chemist , from one of our scientlflo schools and asked for a Job, to equip a labontsJry and put him in charge of It at a good salary, would have slmtly stared In astonishment. What under heaven could a pure chemist find to Jo la my business? And there are a a-oad many otherwise Intelligent men of af faire who would react after that fashion today. For more than twenty years Be fore that time no manufacturing estab lishments In Germany would ' have dreamed of .starting in business without from one to three laboratoiles with a chemist and a coupla of asststau a in each, and would no mora have thought of trying to run without a chemist than without an engineer or a bookkeeper. At that time, where America had qna chain. 1st engaged In manufacturing work, and England two, Germany had thirty. Hut what do these high-priced scion- At the Crossroads By JANK M'LKAN. Joy met tne at the crossroads, held her hand, rosy harbinger, out for my own; "This lg my way,'" she carolled, "you but stand Upon the casement eill of lands unknown." I stood and pondered should I walk awhile, Hand clasped In hand, with youthful Joy astray. Laved in the golden wonder of her smile. Warmed with the heather icents along her way! And as I stood One came, of quiet mien, Her fingers folded on a cool, white breaat. With starry eyes reflecting dreams unseen Above a"brow unfurrowed and at rest. She stlllod the tumult of my raptured heart, Tuned on Joy's heights to quickly cease; And eyelids diooped, I turned to walk apart Along the valley road with quiet Peace, I tlats, with' their expensively equipped laboratories, find to do in an ordinary paper mill or woolen mill or blast fur nace or brewery? To put It very brletiy. by getting at tha bottom facts in the process of each institution; by analysing Its raw materials carefully and find nir out Just what It is In them which w;U work up and combine successfully, and the exact nature of other elements pres ent or absent which fall to combine properly and make a bad result in the final product. Dy ELLA WHITE LEU WILCOX. Copyright, 115, by Star Company. If you think and talk continually of the weary grind of your dally life, It will continue to seem so, and will not change. How rarely do we encounter a human being who does not give utterance to a complaint of this kind! The mother of a family, with her household cares; the father at his office or shop; the teacher, the clerk, the com mercial traveler, the merchant, the newspaper man. the author, the ar tist, and the man and woman of fashion you have heard them one and all bemoan the monotony of life and Its duties. Why add your plaint to the melody? Why not sing new words to a more cheer ful air? Your work must contain gome pleasant features. If It is wholly and absolutely distasteful to you, you can never attain the best success, and you would be wiae to seek other employ ment. This. If you are determined, can be obtained. . Once positively make up your mind what you want to do, and set your whole mental forcee to bring about the desired result, and -you cannot fall to attain it. No man or woman need remain In a po sition which makes life cheerless and disagreable. An Intense, persistent de sire for something different will bring a change. If, however, your work Is not all un pleasant, then stop your constant fault finding about Ita monotony. Your mind ought to be able to give variety to what you do. The sun rises every morning and sets every night, yet no two days are exactly alike. The sky, the wind, the atmosphere vary. Let your thoughts vary your work. Be gin each day with a resolve to find some thing pleasant and interesting In life. En joy your walk or ride to your office or shop. Walk a portion of the way If possible, and amuse yourself by deep in halations of fresh air. There is great enjoyment In mere breathing, if you know how to do It. We often hear it said of a man that be doea not know enough to go in when tt rains. Such ignorance is muoh less nrehenaible than not knowing enough to breathe, and there are tens of thousands of human beings who belong In that cate gory. Ufe and work assume much more Interesting aspects when we learn how ta breathe. If all the way to and from your labor you are feeling sorry for yourself because life la monotonous, your are building the wall higher and higher which shuts you 4 from the things you desire. Ston it! Say each morning: "This Is to be an Interesting and successful day for me." If it doea not prove to be, then say it the next morning and the next, until It comes true. The moment you find yourself in an absolutely hopeless and despairing state of mind regarding your work take a vacation. If only for a day, still take it Let your brain rest by giving it new thoughts. You will return to work like one reborn. If you are an author or a musician or an artist, do not sing that old refrain about wishing you did not have to make a pot-boiler of your talents; and that you might work only when Inspired. It Is a tiresome, worn-out theme, and you are wishing against your highest good when you give utterance to It. Stop and think how few great men or women In any field of art were Indepen dent of it The phrase, "necessity is the mother of Invention," applies to art as well ss mechanics. The average artist, whatever be his mode of expression. Is Inclined to be an Idler and a dreamer. If he were not spurred on by dire need, he would dream wonderful things and accomplish little. However you may feel you are prostituting your art by having to employ it as a pot-boller, re member you are keeping all your ablli- . ties and activities alive and in use. Though you may do fve pieces of work you do not csre for, you may do a sixth which Is great. That sixth you oould not have created except by being in constant practice. You mlRht have dreamed It for years' and continually prostponed the actual labor necessary to Its completion. But because you were accustomed to create as soon as an Idea came t- you, your great work was executed. Necessity la a true friend to art. It Is ungrateful and ungenerous to berate It. ji you cminoi acnieve your Desi wnn It, you would never achieve It without It. Once in a thousand times we may encounter the artist who has genius and activity and ambition enough to succeed without the aid of necessity, but It Is rare indeed. Whether you are an artist or an ar tisan or a day laborer, take a hopeful, wholesome outlook on your life and labor, and stop grumbling and whining. Do You Know :That Scarlet flowers stand drought better than any other. It haa been found that the collarbone la more frequenUy broken than any other bone In the body. A trout egg takes from thirty-five to sixty days to hatch, according to the temperature of the water. An analysis states that the starfish contains nearly 5 per cent of nitrogen ana a small quanlty of phosphorio acid. The seeds of the tobacco plant are so minute that, according to an estimate, a thimbleful will furnish enough n4ants for an acre. An angry ostrich la a great fighter. He strikes out with his feet, and his legs be ing Immensely strong he can kill a man. The butterfly. like the bat. invariably goes to sleep head downwards on the stem of the grass on which It rests. It folda ita wings to the utmost, and thus protects Its body from the cold. In-Shoots As a rule It la difficult to draw the line between brie-a-brae and Junk. One-half of the world does not know what grocer the other half hangs up. The man who throws off his coat quickly doea not alwaye Intend to fight. It is better to pay bills promptly, even If it does make the collector feel small. The real good loser Is generally the one who is staking the other fellow's cash. Job was a patltnt old guy, but he wag never called upon to alt through an ama teur show. The children of the marriageable widow always have the mean habit of looking older than they are. When reading some of the seed cata logues we can understand why the Gar den of Eden was so attractive. Some persons seem to think that If they feed a bulldog they are doing their part toward preventing race suicide. i v 4 f , w a i t A A Kindly Help for Failing Strength TOMORROW and tomorrow ... the tide of years sets in and the autumn of life has come. Energy has become enfeebled, the blood thins, resist ance is shaken and the digestive processes weaken weary days give way to sleepless nights. Then will Banatogen help I Not to replace the common Articles of diet but to make them give) maximum nutriment. Not as a substi tute lor medicinal treatment, or to give temp orary stimulation, bat to aid the nervous system in Its direct control over the digestive processes, to enrich the blood, and to promote restiul slumber. For Banatogen is the natural way. It la a chemical union of purest albumen of milk and an organic phosphorus preparation, thus supplying in most easily digestive form the beat npboildlng elements and giving the starved cells organic phosphorus, that most vital food, "In such a form," as Dr. Saleeby says, "that the nervous system can actually take hold of it." John Burroughs, venerable naturalist and author 78 yaara young has written: "1 thiak Saaatoew 4i4 ate is ill fati H aava sea etreastft, steadied my Mrvea aad snetiy iv invad Br io. It .. ta erer I t beiag a raaaeay is aid ae that I have yet straclu" And ss ever 11,000 physicians have themselves written in praise of what they have seen Sanatocen do in daily practice, you may Indeed be sure that the reputation of gaaatogea is founded oa truth and tangible results. Senates M sold by seed diemlals venrwaera, as attest free fl-OO . Onrndfrim, hdnrnHoa! Ceng ress eJMicfne, Latidtm, 1913 i a i's a ir Ce.a i-C7TU.fsr5 W ' WllW , , ft IB. 1SSI i for Elbtrt Hubbard' net freoA "Health in the Making." Written in bis attractive manner and filled with MaihiHid nhiloaoDhv. together with caoital advice on Sanatogen. health and cmMntfn.i i. i. cdc-d t this off as a reminder to address THE BAUER CHEMICAL COMPANY, J7-J Irving PUce. rW Yii'j j fimi i - ii " .... - ' ,f