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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1915)
TIIK HKE: OMAHA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1915. FOR RF.XT are and Hooras. Fnrrtlsriail room In prlat family: ttt4 rn: hoard If dps ii-M. U jtr 8m. No. 8M. 514 Modern rooms. roiir. 1T BOARD AND IIOOM In private horns for two. c.U Wbatr 7f. Karnlikrd hiHimi. NICEL.T furnished room; cloas In; all inwlfrn. Ml 8. Kd Pt. ' TtlK M1LI.KK HOUSE, HCS St, Marv's At., axrellmt rooms by day or week: In fin location: handy to business dis trict. Doufla 4R01 HARNEY BT., 2631, rlassv room, new, white furniture; suitable for three; $1.50 per week; private home. Harney 81!. t'L'RNISHKP room for a-entletnan, cloaa In. 8?4 f. 21at St. FOR RENT Furn. rm. with food family. Will make a reasonable rate to refined lady. TU Iiard St. Walnut MO. NICELY furnished room; closa In; all modem. Ml 8. t?d St. MASON, 2815 Two modern rooms, en suite, furnished complete. Harney 4U& MODERN, newly furnished rooma, first and second floor. 1U8 N. Zlat. South Omaha- Phone South 3725. NGWLI furnished room In Private family; modern flat. MM. Reasonable. W. LARQB nicely furnished room In private family; close to car; It) minutes to post office; will rent reasonable: board If de aired; references. Web. 7!4. JACKSON. 2717. beautifully furnished rooma. with or without board H. 7.H. ORAY8TONE HOTEL H23 Caai; every modern convenience: rates rensonaMe. FURNI8HED room In all modern home, with breakfast, welkins; distance. 702 8. 28th St Phone Tyler 2524. NEWLY family: furnished room. In private strictly modern. H. 1SHS FURNISHED H. 8312. room in private home. 117 S. 25TH fT. Light housekeeping and furnished rooms; no children. N. 21st, 604 Nicely furnished sleeping room In modern brick flat, suitable for 8 gentlemen; close In. Dousr. W13. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room suitable for private family. H. 812. MODERN room suitable for two. V. M2. 2214 DOUGLAS Newly furnished rooms. Furnace heat. Dose In. Red Vmt aratehed Rooma. FIVE rooms, upstairs. 2014 Hoctor Blvd. ALL modern; 1817 North 19th street. Ap ply upstairs. MouarUpe-pnar Rooma. W DAVENPORT TWO OR THRBB NICELY FURNISHED HKPO. ROOM 9. NEW BRICK FLAT. H oases and Cottaa. Hons. SEVEN ROOM8 2427 Charles, $18. Phona Walnut 2668. $14 6-ROOM cottage, modern except fur nace. 2519 Blnney. Call Web. 2174. $30 SEVEN rooms and bath, all modern, 2624 Manderson St. Web. 8205. ELEGANT 6-r. cottage, modern except heat. Apply 3210 Hamilton Pt. FOR RENT 6-room house, all modern conveniences, V4 block to car. 4613 N. SMh St. M. A. Past, 4518 N. 38U St Phone Colfax 1173. 26 Bristol New, mod., bunaralow, $27.60. FOR KENT Beautiful modern resi dence, T rooms and bath, pot watt heat targe garage: at 8950 Florence Blvd. Pnone Colfax 3880. . 6-room. all modern. 1P07 Lothrop. 822,50. WALKING distance. 2638 Dodge, 8-room, modern. $25; key, 2640; call Web. 4875. WALKING distance. 2638 Dodge, 8-room, modern, $26; key, 2640; call Web. 4875. Rent Reduced Nice 8-room house, modern except heat; storm windows; arranged for two fami lies if so denlred; rent $22. 2511 Corby St Tel. Web. 7882. ' eEVEN and five-room housea; modern; walking distance. Douglas 69. 8-ROOM s)use, strictly modern, hot water heat $30. 2716 Burt St. DANDY 6-room modern cottage, 33d and Decatur, $18. Turklngton. 617 Bee Bldg. 6-ROOM cottage, 4 lots, near car and school. 4244 Fort St 6 ROOMS, modern . except heat. 2611 Caldwell; $16; adults only. Web. i7.6. Soatk.. -R. cottage; mod. 1031 S. 81st H. 925. 2706 HOWARD South front house, mod ern, beautiful Interior: metal weather stripped windows, oak floors and finish. Walnut 2617. 7-KOOM house, strictly modern, with garage; splendid neighborhood, 8u32 Marcy; $30. Call Harney 27US. STRICTLY modern, J-r., Hanacom Park, cottage, oak floors, $25. Tel. Har. 4&. s-K. modern cottage, Jij. fei. Mar. IJb. T-ROOM, modern, 969 Poppleton Ave. MODERN T-room house, ltd Park Avtn $30. Phone Harney 1666. li'7 PARK AVE 9-room mod home, $J4; garage extra, tearey Cleaning Co. H. 7307. OOM cottage. 1U 8. 28th St. 815. Water paid. 8-R. house and sleeping porch. H. 3S24. Fine modern home, practically new, prettily decorated, good woodwork, easily heated, good location, near car lines. Inquire 712 Park Ave. Harnwy 1241. 6-r. house, mod. ex. heat. 890 8. 21st FOR RENT 7-room house all modern except heat. 1721 8. th St. STRICTLY modern cottage, large yard, fenoed In, $18. 2419 So. 24th. Call 2411. FOR RENT 7-room modern bungalow, mahogany and white enamel finish, tiled bath, oak floors, 3 blocks cross town car. 1619 So. i6th Ave. Phone Red 8621. Vteas DUNDER 7-room house near car TeL D. 423 or Walnut 3317. $20 t-room modern house, Vi block from car, 9bi Jones St. Call Harney law. A VERY choice flat. 6 rooms and bath, modern, ground floor, close to crosa- town and Leavenworth car lines, bee owner. 646 . 27th St. allscellaneoaa. 8-ROOM cottage, rent cheap to small family; modern except heat; newly painted and papered; storm windows. Call Webster 1346 or 8120 Corby St. Sous N. 2hth Ave., fc-room house, $10. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships: 8-borse vas and t men, II 16 per nr.; storage $: per mo. Batutaotion guar. D. 4:jk .1- Ty. :'itt FIVE-ROOM cottage. S346 61at St. ENTIRE downstairs, 5 rooms, nice house, private entrance, good neighborhood. $14 Webster frfi-iO $18.802220 Clark, 4 rooms. $14.002222 N. Hth, 6 rooms, toilet. 814.001606 N. 20th. 4 rooms, toilet. $16.00216 Seward. 5 rooms, barn. $26.00218 N. !th. 8 rooms, bath. $36.00 tfot St. Mary's Ave.. 12-r., mod. $46.00-3310 Davenport, 6-r.. mod., new RTNOWALT. BRANDEI8 THEA. $16 6-r. cottai-e. bath, 2107 Ohio. 6-r. cottae. 3302 Frur.klin. lg.r. cottage. 1S13 N. 33d St. $18 6-r. cottage, bath and gen, SiKi 8. 29th $2o Nice 6-r. cottuge on full lot. 1412 Evans $- 8-r. modern. lfl Wirt. IrUO 8-r. modern. 830 S. 2th (Geo. Ave.) W. H. GATES. 847 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Phones D. 194. Web. 2i8. Gordon Van Co.50sS C$ N Utb St Tel. D 384 or Har. 1HT. SEE the Centra! Furniture Store's FREB RENTAL t.TST Maggard's g ran and Storaae Co. Call ua for ea rns tes for mov- lng. nac ckiag. shipping. 171$ Webster ot. Douglas 14IA 8-ROOM modera bouse, 1686 Georgia Ave., rent $. tXI Evans, 7 rooms, rent $. 4118 N. 2ih St., 6 rooms and sleeping; porch, rent $30. W. 8. FRANK, phone Doug. SHOO. joi Neville Blk. Ilnniaa Crelgh Sons Co., Bee Bldg. nouses Jn .J, p.rt, of rtty. FIDELITY RFTsTAL h'KPti . r.. ... ni . ii. a I It U m mom -vr mMmtmmm w sacaAtt houaes and apj-tmerta ; a lo tot FOR KENT Haaaea aad Cottaa. Mlaeellaaeoaa. 8-ROOM mod cottage. 811 B. Wh. R. SVI. J.CReed Evp. Co., pecking MM Farnam moving, storage. IX 14. fonnrll Hlarta. FOR RENT PeelraMe 8-mom cottage, modern excent furnace and bath, on car line, 10 minutes' ride of Omaha Rent reasonable. Ave A, Counrll Fluffs. tores 4 Of flee. FOR RENT Corner room. J?1flO. In county seat town; best location In city and rent reasonable. Addres Temple Craft Association, Aurora. Neb. A ROOM for location for first-class bar ber shop loth and Harney. City Hotel. MODERN STORE, near postofflce; rent. O. P. StebMna, 1810 Chicago. lov WANTED TO BUY OFFICK furniture bought and sold. C. Reed. 1207 Famarn. Doug. 814a. Strictly high grade piano Web. 87ML Yale buvs everything Id hand. Web. 4004. HIGH EST prices for old clothing. D. 4714. WANTED TO RENT NICELY furnished, well heated room. close In. preferably with private fam ily. F. 2S7. Bee. RRAX ESTATE FARM A RANT!! LANDS FOR IALB alianeaola. 40. go or 160 acres good, heavy soil, well settled part of Todd county, Minn.; good roads, schools and churches. Price, 1S to 10 per aire. Terms, $1 per acre cash; balance i er acre a year; 6,i0 acres to select from. Schwab Eros., 1128 Plymouth Bid;.. Minneapolis, Minn. Mlsaoarl. $5 DOWN. 85 monthly, buys 40 acres good land; some timber; near town; price $2M. Other bargains. Box 4a-V, Carth age, Mo. Nebraska, 160 ACRES of Silas Learning's estate for sale. For further Information, Jacob Penn. Walthlll, Neb. MY HOME farm. 80 acres, Sarpy Co.: lays fine; 86.UU0 improvements; half mile to town and accredited 12-grade school; 18 to Omaha. Price $16,000. $7,000 cash. 80 acres, Douglas Co.; lays fine: 8MW Improvements; three miles to Elk horn; 14 miles to Omaha, 2 miles to paved road and Lincoln highway. Price $14,800; $10,000 can run nine years, 5 per cent. Smith Hlnea, Springfield. Neb. FOR SALE Eighty-acre farm. In culti vation, at Decatur, Burt Co., Nebraska; owned by widow lady who Is compelled to change climate. Will carry $2,600 on the land at t per cent Interest. Address P. O. Box No. 868, care Tribune, Heatings, Neb. 40 acres of Jacob Penn's estate 8 miles eaat of Walthlll, Neb., at $110 an acre; Jood farm land: all under cultivation, acob Penn. Walthlll, Neb. UNIMPROVED 210-acre stock farm in Douglas county for $80 an acre. Address Y 126. Beo. 40 acres of Jacob Penn s estate 8 miles east of Walthlll. Neb., at $110 an acre; ?ood farm land: all under cultivation, acob Penn. Walthlll. Neb. 200 ACRES good timbered stock farm, well Improved, easy terms; 2ty miles from county seat Write for full Infor mation to Miss Rosa Steflta, Route L Burwell, Neb. 160 ACRES raw land to break In Keith countv, 8 miles from Ogalalla. If ln tereated write A. A. Grler. Klngsley, la. . .. WUooaala. UPPER WISCONSIN Beat dairy and general crop stats in the union; settlers wanted: lands for sale at low Slices oa easy terms. Ask for booklet 84 on Wisoon- sin central tana uranu Hxoeiieni isnas for stock raising. If Interested In fruit lands ask for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial Depart. So Line Hallway. Minneapolis "Aiua. Miseellaaaoaa. . HAVB YOU A FARM FOR SALE? . Writs a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City. la.. Journal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-fivs words every Friday evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning f,i ona month, aivtnsr slxteon ads oa twelve different days tor $2; or W words, j H, or woras, so. Largest circulation of any Iowa news psper, 2UJ.0U0 readers dally la four great states. REAL ESTATE LOANS $100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead RidK.. ISth v Farnam Bts. CITY and farm loans. I. thi. per cent J. H. Dumont Co.. 418 State Bank. A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furnlturo Into cash, WANTED Good tartn and city loans at lowett rates. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1 Farnara. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas 2 Stat Bank Bldg. OMA HA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE KEAi estatu. -:. Omaha National. Phone Douglas ml 1018 Onu MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. flCL CITY LOANS, O. O. Carl berg, tig 18 Brandeis Theater Bldg- KKAL ESTATE FOK EX CHANG H VBKT nicely located income property, worth $40,000. for exchange for N. B. Colo, land; mortgage, $7,000; equity, $U, (00. Want clear land. B. 407, Bee. FOR SALE or exchange, two lots in Van couver, British Columbia. Address P 261, Bee DENVER property for exchange. Seven room, one and a half-story brick, mod em except heat, lot 60x130; price $3,000. mtg. $800. Four-room frame bungalow, modern except heat; lot 81x130: price $t600, clear. Both houaes are In good neighbor hood, and will trade fof Omaha or Lin coln of about same value. Y 128, Bee. FOR Exchange A six-room house, lot and barn: rents forf $16 per month. My equitv $1,000 to 81.200. Want a good, five or seven-passenger automobile worth an even exchange. Give full description of car and where It can be seen In answer. Address P 4C4 Bee. . 6-room cottage. Council Bluffs. 80 acres Irrigated Colorado land; for lots or oot tages in Omaha. Colfax 8M. RE AT, ESTATE WANTED WANTED to Buy A homestead relin quishment, cash. Address W. D. Elrod, 4M0 N. 14th St.. Omaha, Neb. K E A LEST AE NOIlTlT I)E Must Be Sold! 4"31 Charles St.. an 8-room completely modern house, with hot water heat. This place is worth the price asked. 261 Lafayette Ave., a 6-room com pletely modern house that Is In fair re pair. Owner has reduced the price and this place is a bargain at the present price. lf.23 Madiaon Ave., a 8-room imdern ex cept heat cottage, in fair repair. Owner wants an offer, either cash or payments. See these places then call Creigh, Sons & Co. Douglas 2"0. 608 Fee Bldg. OWNER will sacrifice 8-r.. strictly mod ern house, with large s eeping room, oak floors, woodwork nicely decorated. Terma phone Webster 1127. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE HOME, built by owner, $ rooms and bath, nice lot, handy to depots. Forest Hill park. 13U5 South 8tb St Telephone owner, Douglas 8273. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE 6-ROOM HOUSE Modern In every way, oak finish, good sleeping porch, full basement Milton Rogers furnaoe. lot 40x126. located on the boulevard, near the Prettiest Mile. This la a mood buy at $3,600. Reasonable terms. House la vacant. I will be pleased to show you through at any time. W. S. FRANK, SOI Neville Block. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN . Beasoa. BENSON lots, close In. near school; easy -- - "- owner. Benson $37 VV. HAPPENINGS IN THE MAGIC CITY Mr. A. Rainnmtn and Daughter and C. A. Mitchel Narrowly Escape in Anto Accident. LOUIS SWIFT INSPECTS PLANT Plunging down a fifteen-foot embank ment on the boulevard north of Bellevuc In a large touring car yesterday after noon about 4 o'clock (While driving to Omaha, Mrs. A. Rasmuaaen and daugh ter and C. A. Mitchel narrowly escaped serious and fatal Injuries. A barbed wire fence stretched loosely across the base of the ravine was all that saved the car from turning over upon tha occupants. Mltchsl was driving the car toward South Omaha. At a turn In the road he attempted to shift gears and accidentally levered Into reverse. Before he could re gain control of tha machine It had reached the edge of the bank and was sliding downward. The fence at the base of the embankment became entangled with the windshield and prevented what seemed an Inevitable upset. None of the party was hurt. Two Bellevue cortege students, one of them George Racely, halfback on the col lege foot ball team which played In the game with Wayne Normal last Friday, assisted In hoisting the car to the road again. But little damage was dons to the machine. It is owned by Mrs. Jacob Lewis of the South Bide. I.onla flrrlft Inspects Plant. Louis Swift, Jr., of Chicago, and of the Swift & Company Interests throughout the country, cams to the South Side yes terday on an Inspection visit, to the local Swift & Company plant a short time be fore noon.- Accompanied by Mrs. Swift he stopped off In Omaha on his way to California. t General Manager EMwards of the local plant accompanied the firm member on his trip of Inspection through the plant About every year Mr. Swift oomes to Omaha to look through hia holdings here. It is possible that some contemplated im provements will be brought before the publlo before Ion. The Chicago com pany has spent several hundred thousand dollars in improvements and additions at the local plant In the last three years. ' Pioneer Coal Man Dies. William Byrne .pioneer settler and coal dealer of the South Side, died last even ing at 10 o'clock at his home, Twenty eighth and Q streets. He was taken 111 last June of a sudden breakdown and was unable to recover. He Is survived by a widow and one son, James. The funeral announcements will be made later. Byrne's son. Joseph, was shot and killed In the Cunningham saloon at Forty sixth and Q streets, three weeks ago by win McLoughlln, aged night watchman at the coal yards. This Is thought to have hastened the death of the father. Mr. Byrne has not only been one of the oldest settlers In this section, coming here thirty years ago. but has been In the coal and feed business for the last twenty-five years. He owned a large coal business in the Maglo City and had a yard of his own at Forty-fourth and Q streets. Lire Stork Commluloa Acts. Due to a hearing given the state veteri narian and stock Inspectors at the meet ing of the Nebraska Uve Stock Sanitary board-called by President James Bulla Friday afternoon at the South Side E Changs building, five counties, Grant. Hooper, Thomas, Blaine and Cherry, were released from a quarantine established some time since because of the existence of dourine In horses. Dr. Anderson, secretary of the board and state veterinarian, made a thorough report of the progress made by the gov ernment officials In eradicating the di sease. Among those present were: Alexander Burr of Ansley, L. W. Leonard of Paw n . Dr. Anderson, state veterinarian, and Charles Saunders, well known Shorthorn breeder and member of the Iowa state board, Levy Retires. Max Levy, for many rear leading flg- " uevy furniture company, one r we south Side principal furniture nouat!. ,. ..,., , ship In the firm. The extensive holdings of the Levy family have been sold to an Omaha man, who will continue in business in the South Side. Mr. Levy, accompanied by his family, win uuce a long vacation traveling through the Pacific states and visiting at the Panama-Pacific exposition at San rrancisco. Tns trip will take up the greater part 'of a year. Returning the Levy elders will go Into the produce business. West L Saloon Raided. A saloon at 4601 South Thirty-third street. South iSide, was raided Friday evening at 8:46 o'clock by Detectives An drew Leplnskl and John Zaloudek. Frank Beasten, saloonkeeper, was arrested as proprietor, while four others were ar rested as inmates. The men were all found lined up at the bar drinking. The place was booked as a disorderly house, Tooter Debt Cleared. A balance of less than $40 remains on the books of the 'Tooter." the high school monthly paper. Financed by Prin cipal S. W. Moore and H. John son, of ths faculty, a complete printing outfit Including two printing presses and a large assortment of type was bought and Installed In a printing department at the local high school building. Money taken in on subscription and ads have thus far cleared all of the debt but the last $40. The total debt amounted to a little less than $300. Two Issues of the paper have already been published. The work of Edward Carlson, managing editor, has made the financial end of the venture a distinct success. Miss Elsie Duncan Is editor-in-chief. Prof. Johnson Is head of the printing department Under his direction students have been taught to handle the presses and set up "copy." It is the aim of the department to clear enough money to Install two electric motors and a t rim ing machine this year. Next year an ef fort will be made to buy a linotype machine. Call for gaadaylata, A request is being sent out by leaders In tho "Billy" Sunday young men's prayer class, which meets once a week, to attend the meetings. In sessions past not all of the enrolled members have at tended regularly, although-the attendance has averaged from seventy-five to loO REAL ESTATE VACANT FOR SALE By owner, lot in Evanaton, the exclusive residence district; on Harney St.. near 63d; Vxl26 feet. Price $1,150, one-third rash. G. 1. Carpenter, Phone Harney 647. RBALEBTATE MISCELLA X EOUS FOR SALE Fine two lots, 4t130 feet Kansas Ave., south side Miller park, half block west 24th St. oar line, sur rounded by beautiful new homes. Cool In summer, warm in winter. W eU 83tsX students. The class la composed entirely of high school boys, and Is taking an ao- j tlve part in the after-revival campaign in South Omaha. Regular services will onntlnue. as under the old plan, at all of the Protestant churches of the Maglo City. Converts at the Tab are still being baptised and en rolled as members of the dtferent churches. It is figured that far more than K new members have been added to tha local churches. The prayer meet ings are held at the First Presbyterian church Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. Prominent speakers of Omaha have been scheduled to address each meeting. lllah School nts. The hlRh school asks the support of the aiuninl for the IxKnn games next Satur day afternoon at Luxua park. The Wln-My-Chum has a surprise In store for the students of the high school. The exact details have not been given out yet. Principal Moore of the high school has especially commended Edward Carl son, managing editor of the Tooter, for his splendid work on that paper this fall. The Catrh-Me-ral club will have sev eral speakers adilroee the students at mass meeting In the near future. Lead ing lawyers and educators are among those to bo asked. A students' conference of high school purity leaders will be held at Lincoln Thanksgiving week, November 86 and 27. A number of local students will attend as In previous years. The new Dramatic club recently or- nnir.ed at the hluh school will meet Monday evening. Rudimentary rules of the stage will be discussed. Ralph Gold berg is the principal organiser. The freshman class went on a hike last Friday to Mandan park In the south part of the city. Prof. F. R. Vosacek and Miss Julctte Orlffen, members of the faculty, accompanied them. Prof. Pike, newly added member of the hltrh chol faculty, plana to take hia; Physics class on an inspection trip to the Swift fk Company plant to view the heat Inu and cooling systems this weak. The Gavel club meets tomorrow even ing, Monday November 8. A debate has , been scheduled by Coach William Yer tngton of the high school debating team Male visitors are allowed and Invited. Work on the new addition to the high school annex Is practically completed. Masons have entirely finished the founda tion and walla of the new building. Plumbers and furnace men will Install the furnace this week. The junior B class of the South High school gave a party at the home of Miss Bessie A Is worth, Friday evening, November 8. The rooms were beauti fully decorated with the claaa colors. Frank Orchard entertained with vocal singing. Coach William Yerlngton of the high school debating team is endeavoring to arrange a debate with some alumni de bating team yet to be organised. A de bate will probably be arranged with Tarklo, Mo., to wind up the midwinter season. The Hiking club, of which Mlas Hendria, faculty member, Is organiser and sponsor, went on a hike yesterday afternoon from the high school campus to Mynater Springs, In Iowa. Water from tho springs was brought as samples to the high school. Frank Broadwell, well known local de bater and orator. Is preparing to enter the competition for declamatory honors In the high school this year. He was the local representative of ths school last year In tha sectional high school meet at Beatrice. Miss Talbot of the Omaha library, has announced the transfer of a large num ber, of books from the South Side library to the high school building at Twenty third street. The move, comprising vol umes of government records, is being made for the convenience of ths stu dents. Merl Curtl, student., gave a party to a . number of student frienda at his home. Twenty-third and E streets, Tues day evening. Ralph Henry, another stu dent.' gave a party Thursday evening. Dancing and refreshments were on the pro pram at both parties. A number of students attended. ' Several students of the high school ac companied the South High school foot ball tend the foot ball game with University Place there. The game was scheduled on a da.v's notice and Caplllte, veteran cen ter, uot knowing of the trip, was notified too late to catch the train. The locals won. ' Ma ate City Ooaslp. The X. I. 8. club was entertained at the home of Mies Emma Wendt of the South Side. Clifford Knight, living at 1006 North Twenty-third street, is dangerously ill at Ms home. For Rent R-room house, all modern ex cept heat 446 s. 21st, between I and J. Ph'ine South 2610. The Mystic Workers of the World will meet tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock at their hall, Twenty-fourth and M streets. The women of the First Baptist church. Twenty-fifth and H streets, will hold a baxar Thursday, December 8, at the church Office space for rent In Bee office, t N street. Terms reasonable. Well known location. Tel. South 27. Prof, and Mrs. McLean of Red Oak. Is., former superintendent of schools In South Omaha, visited at the home of Miss Eve lyn Vor hursday and Friday. The ladles' auxiliary of the Ancient Order of Hibernians will be entertained Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Charles P. Ohio. 814 North Twenty-third street. Mrs. M. E. Fltsgerald will assist Twenty acres, close In; also 86; another tract 80; all lav fine. We have a fine list of suburban tracts. A. W. Jones, South Omaha. The women's auxiliary of St Martin's church will hold an ad-day meeting at the home of Mrs. Ames, 1408 North Twenty-fourth street Wednesday, No vember 10. Lester Robinson is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Robinson, of this cltv. Mr. Robinson Is taking tho electrical enrlneerlng course at the Uni versity of Nebraska. "The Outer Edge." an Essanay produc tion. proved one of the most powerful i ..... .v.. K'run.d m t the Bease. it annesred yesterday afternoon and evening. Rev. R. U Wheeler of the First Pres byterian church Is devoting considerable aiia'-e to the furtherance of the Sunday teechlngs In his weekly paper, ine rrea- byterlen. Tre King's Daughters of the First Pres byterlsn church will hold sn anniversary reception and dinner at the church at Twenty-third and E streets Friday. No vember 11. Mrs. Charles Brydson, 2628 D street South Side, will entertain the women of Grace Methodist church Thursday after noon at a kenslngton tea. Mrs. Karl Flemmlng will assist. The man with the bank habit never (rets laid off. You can start the bnnk Jinblt with $1 at the Savlnirs Department of the Live Stock National Bank, South Omaha. Four per cent Interest and ab solute safety. The' nrogreslves of Degree of Honor lodge No. 193, will be entertained next Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Nosh Vance. Fifty-first and Q streets. Tr hostess will be assisted by Mrs. John Eberel. Joseoh Dwornlckl. aged 1 years, died vesterd"y afternoon at 6 o'clock at th n,me o f the oa rents Forty-second and M streets, of diphtheria. The funeral will be held at 4-o'clock this afternoon and will be private. Interment win ne made In the German Catholic cemetery. Metropolitan Police and Penalon fund. Unchurch lodge No. 2, Degree of Honor, Nebraska lodge No. 227, Ancient Order Unite Workmen, kind neighbors and frtcrts for kindness and sympathy shown us during Illness and death of our beloved wife and mother. Anthony J. Smith and Daughters. .Tunlo pupils of Kitward Dewar Chal llnor wl'l nive a Hnno recital at library bll st Twentv-thlrd and M st-eets Tuea- ricv even'iiK. 'November t The dir' tor wl'l be assisted bv Misses Helen Rahn nrtnnn: Ma-v Horn, contralto and Messrs. Tvnn Rackett, tenor, and Marcus Nielsen, baritore. Pefore a crowd of several hundred frtepds Miss Kvelvn Vore. 12-yesr-old t'ianlst, entertained st a piano recital at the Young Women's Christian association aiirlltorlum Tliu's'lay evening, iter un awstimlriar knowledse of the Piano de lighted her many friends and her In structor, Prof. Colvln, of Omaha. ( nasha sal Colds Ilaasreroaa. Don't wait, take Dr. King's New Dis covery now. It will help your cough and soot'ie ths lungs; Wc All druggists. Advertisement MIKADO ACCLAIMED BY THEJOPULACE Fropmi of Kuler from Tokio tc Nagoya Marked by Great Dis play of Loyalty. CITY IS ABLAZE WITH LIGHT KIOTO, Japan, Nov. 7. Tho prog ress of Emperor Yoshlhlto from ToXlo to Nagoya, tho first utage of his Journey to Kioto, for tho corona tion ceremonies, wag marked by a remarkable display of - national loyalty. In every city and town through which tho ruler passed tho entire population assembled at tho railway stations and In the adjacent high ways, paying homage to the emperor and bowing low In worship to the Kashlkodokoro, or divine, mirror, which represents the spirit of the grand imperial ancestress or sun goddess. Amaterasu Omlkaml, and which is a part of the imperial sanc tuary. In the rice land the peasants abandoning the mattocks, led their children along the railroad and wor shipped tho sanctuary. Everywhere the hnrlson was black with school children, grown people and troops, mounted and on foot As the emperor entered Nagoya at dusk, the ancient castle hurst Into a bewildering Illumination vtsable from afar. Kioto Is an enchanting fairyland. There is a mammoth electric monument at tha railway station and the long wide avenue leading from the station Is dassling with clectrio garlands. The nar row aide streets are a mass of yellow and red paper lanterns, while huge pil lars of light guard the city here and there like giant modern Samurai. The emperor Is expected to arrive here Sunday afternoon. Money Hid in Toe Of Shoe is Stolen Bkold Clauasen, 6308 North Twenty- ninth street, worked too hard all sum mer In the harvest fields to turn his money over to robbers, so he hid It In his shoo. He told ths police he went to sleep "somewhere," and when he awoke, both of his shoes were gone, and so was ths 1 10 he had stuffed In the toe of one of them. Foand a Bar Thins;. I. m. Wlxon, Farmers Mills, N. T., has used Chamberlain's Tablets for years for disorders of the stomach and llvsr and says, "Chamberlain's Tablets are tha best I have ever used." Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement. A "Tor Sale" ad wm varn second-hand furniture Into .cash. Arrive mt Marseilles. MARRRILT.ES. Nov. 7. Nine hundred and ninety-four special auxiliary muni tion workmen have arrived here. They will be employed in different French arsenals. i TWIN CITY LIMITED To St. Paul & Minneapolis Leaves . Omaha - 8:30 P. M. Council Bluffs 8:50 P. M. Day Train Ltavet Omaha 7:29 A. MH . . A a s m A Co unci BMto 7:50 A. A! St Paal 7;40 P. Minntapolu 8:15 r.ra. JL.OW IFSlF2S VIA. Chicago, Fililwaukoo & St. Reduced rate, round trip winter excursion tickets on sale dally Southeast. New Orleans Tampa, Fla. . ,$41.18 .$02.28 .$11.18 Ililoxl, Miss, Jacksonville, Fla., via direct routes . $30.68 Jacksonville, Kla., via New Orleans In one direction ; $iil.iM Jacksonville, Kla., vl: Vhintojt In one direction : ' $61.00 Liberal stopovers allowed. Other attractive diverse route tickets on sale, also delightful tours to the West Indies, Panama Canal and South America. Four dally trains provide service of the well known high standard of 'the "Milwaukee" Road and afford good connections at Chicago for all points South and East. Let us help you plan your winter trip. W. E. DOCK. C. P. A., C, M. & St. P. Ry., 1317 Farnam St., Omaha Neb. Arents tor All Steamship Zdaas. to Vorwaerts Protests Food Distribution BERLIN (Via london). Nov. 7. Tha Vorwaerts, organ of the German social democratic party, publishes a two-column pronounclamento from the executive committee of the social democratic party, declaring that ths government measures thus far for the regulation of the food supply and prices are only half meas ures. It demands tha fixing of maximum prices for all Important foodstuffs, "prices so adjusted that every war profit for the producer, in wholesale as well as retail trades. Is mads Impossible and even the poorest are placed In a position to obtain the necessaries of Ufa required for their nourishment" ST. LOUIS WATER OFFICE EMPLOYES ARE INDICTED ST. IW1S, Mo.. Nov. T. Three em ployes of the city water office and two deputy sheriffs hava been Indicted as a result of investigations Into petty graft by the grand Jury. Bench warrants ware Issued for the five men today. Those Indicted were Robert H. Mahon, water Inspector, recently discharged, who last Saturday confessed to the mayor that he had collected water taxes and kept the money; Robert H. Bensell, water department deputy collector, and Frank White, water department deputy col lector. Culls from the Wire The acceptance trials of ths battleship Nevada, which were Interrupted on ao count of the gale and rough seas off Cape Cop. were resumed when the dread nought started on a run of twenty-four hours at ten knots speed as a part of Its fuel economy trial. Judge Carpenter In the UniUd Statee district court at Chicago, set for Jan uary 8. the trial of Miss FJisabth Cope of Los Angela, charred with attempt ling to bribe looal officials of the De partment of Juatloe to assist her In ob talnlng 8f0.0TO from Colonel Charles Alex ander, a millionaire of Providence, R. I. Mlaa Cope Is complaining witness against Colonel Alexander on a Man act charge. A young man whs complained blttterly that there was no real freedom In the United States and who was bound over In 1all at Chlnago, on several charges of operating confidence games was Iden tified as Jorge Vlllanuvva, son of Benito Vlllamteva, vice president of tho Ar gentine republic Tie was arrested as B, ra Clayet and according- to the police he has used a number of other names throughout the country. nderbiit Hotel THIRTY FOURTH STREET AT PARK AVENUE mNEW)(6RK The most conveniently situated hotel in New York Attf ThMjiJhlri Stnet Suhwag WALTON a MARSHALL Menassr ef It rf J Cat Arrives St. Paul - 7s30 A. M. Minneapolis 8:05 A. M. Ticket Office: 1522 Farnam 8t Omaha ' Tbon Douglaa 260. ana Arrtvti Augusta, Oa. $40.78 ' Palm Heach $60.18 Mobile, Ala $11.18 saasiasssBMaassa iauiaiiaiiaiasMaMBaasassaaaaBHMMif isiaii naiam Grandpa Didn't Need Cascarets for the Bowels Two hours a day sawing wood ' will keep liver and bowels right. You who take exercise in an easy chair must take "Cascarets." Knjoy life feel bully! Don't stay sick, bilious, headachy, constipated. , Remove tha liver and bowel poison which Is keep ing your head dlxsy, your tongue coated, your breath offensive, stomach sour and your body full of cold. Why don't you get a 10 or 85-cent box of Cascarets at tha drug store and enjoy the nicest gen tlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced. Oaaeareta work while you sleep, Tou will wake up feeling fit and fine. Children need this candy oarthartlu. too. Advertisement T A checkintr account is a great convenience and a means of economy for the housewife. We have many such accounts on our books, and we know in every case it is of great ad vantage .to the house hold; maintaining it. mm The fure way 'to satisfy yotir wants is through ne of the want ad pages of The Dee. Try a Dee want ad. Gets There First g O TL1 11 STL Paul Railway to many points In the South and Havana, Cuba $87.18 CharlefcUtn, 8. C. . . .$50.H . . .$11.18 Unlfport, Mlas " Btr - -J : t ' r