Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1915, WANT AD SECTION, Page 5-D, Image 35

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fkrpr mill liiiiimiln,
WANTED ood girl fur hourawrrk nd
cooking. S V4 r erne. in. lUr. iTrt.
WANTH1 Experienced colored woirmn
with references, for general housework. 4ua.
WANTBK-A young girl to assist with
houaework; good noma to right pally.
WANTK1) A girl for general housework
in ft family of 2, S507 Harney St.
GIRL for general housework; small fam
ily. Mr . Crelgh, 112 N. ??d Ave.
WASTKJ) A girl about 14 years to assist
II n housework. Mir. to.
WANTED Ulrl for general housework,
(lrmn or Hohemlan preferred. Apply
V New Hamilton.
WANTKD Experienced girt for general
housework; weies, 7.M a weak. Apply
In person, 127 N. 4IJ.
WANTKD A girl, about 16 or 1 yeare
old, to assist In the homework : Polish
or Bohemian preferred. lm(lre at $f10 N
8t.. Kouth Omaha. Tel. South 777.
WANTKU-A good ulrl to aaalat with
housework; good home nnd good wages;
house cleaning done. OH t aaa. Wallls.
WANTED Experienced airl for general
housework; no washing, good want,
6ir. a. th.
COOK White woman to cook in amall
country hotel. D. W. Cupp. Scranton. la.
WANTED WOMAN Oovernmont clerk
ahlpa. Write Immediately for details.
Franklin institute Dept- Of H. Kochester.
N. Y.
"WANTKD Y'oung women to enter
nuraea' training school at City hospi
tal, Norfolk, Neb.
YOUNG women coming to Omaha- aa
strangers art Invited to visit tne Young
Women'! Christian association building
at ft. Mary a Ave. and lith 8t., where
they will te directed to suitable boarding
places or other wis assisted. Ixiok (or
our travelers' guide at Unto.i atatlon.
8TENO., state experience. K. 181. Bee.
WRITE! motion picture plays, 50 each;
experience unnecessary. Details free
to beginners. Producers League, isi Waln
rlght, St. Ixnits,
WRITE news and stories for newspapers
and inagastnee; big pay; experience un
necessary; details free. Press Reporting
Hyndlcate, 142. fct. loiiln
MAKE money knitting hosiery for us;
best machine furnished; either plan;
season Just starting; write today. t;iea
son, Mid-City bales Corporation, SI'S Madl
son. Chicago.'
LA ROB knitting mill Invites correspon
dence with women desirous of earning
money, full time or spare hours; experi
ence unnecessary; good pay. Address
International Jill Us, Inc., Dept. 20, Noriis-
town, "s
LADIES Easy, refined, genteel work,
whole or part time, litt to IU6 weekly,
selling well advertised "Knlttop" form
fitting petticoats and "Carleton" made-to-measure
silk petticoats and waists. .Ex
perience unnecessary we show you how.
Writs today. Fpelman Co., Manufac
turers. 'Ml 8. Market, Chicago.
LARUfcl, reliable company v. Ill pay $3 to
$8 dally to employed persons for doing
little extra, work In spare time; no can
vassing, no experience, no money required
in advanos. Palmer Co., IK). W. Lake,
LADIES Make shields at home, 10 per
100; no canvassing required; send
stamped addressed envelope for particu
lars. Kureka Co., Dept. 10.-C, Kaiama
soo, Mich.
WANTED, LADY AGENT 100 per cent
profit selling our brand new sanitary
drawers; every lady will buy; first time
offered to agents; not sold in stores; ssnd
postal for particulars. The Moss Co., tl
Moss Hllg Rochester, N. T.
NAMED and addresses wanted by mall
order houses, big pay, no canvassing;
Information for stamp. O. C. Smith, Cov
ington, Tenn.
Clerical and Office.
Salesman, gasoline engines, 1100 and
Ledger clerk, C5.
Multlgraph opp. and typist, 66.
WATTH REF. CO.. HM Hrandels The.
We are receiving more calls than we
can rill, it Will pay you to see us first.
business men's rhferbnce assn.
140 W. O. W. Bldg.
Office Mgr.. Credit Man $150
Ketall Salesman tj
Assistant Buyer, etc.. furniture fl00
Bales Correspondent, carpets, rugs. ...$80
Dienograpner, rapia, accurate : 75
Shipping Clerk, exp. lumber man.... 70
Bookkeeper. Steno, Iowa 65
Shipping; Clerk, exp, young man 10
Steno., Bookkeeper, exp., brainy $ 60
7fi2 Omaha Nat. Hank Hliiir..
Originators of The Reference Buelness.
BAILSMAN Gas engines; $100 and com.
SALESMAN A-l proposition.
SALESMAN Stock and Bonds.
STENO. BKKPR. bank $40
H AIT.1 HKF. tl)., S.TI-40-4 Wapd. Th.
Accountant. Installment experience,
$150. Multograph operator, power ma
chine. $.
1016 City National.
IHK t ANH AUKNCT 00 Bee Bldg.
HlGH-uRADE commercial Dosltlone.
7P.2 Omaha Nat Rank Bldg.
6TENl. A diet, opr., $14 week; bkpr. A
typist, J&0; ledger elk., $8 week. AND
1406 W. O. W. Bldg
WATTS REF. 00., 1WMO-4I Bran. Thea
STENOGRAPHER Bright, hustling
young man for splendid position with
large corporation; must be very rapid and
acourate; only A-No. 1 man considered;
salary $75 to start. Apply.
762 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.
BKPR., steno., rapid, accurate loo
Steno., credit exp W
fteno., rapid, experienced only 60
Comptometer operator, typist 60
Ledger clerk, experienced 60
Steno., bkpr., experienced 46
Solicitor, experienced 60
7&J Oroahs Nat l Bank Bldg.
A resits, Salesmen aal Solicitors.
WANTED A bright young man aa sales
man In cigar store; give reference with
application. Address B 163, Bee.
ZINE, Ic postpaid; enlightens you
richly. Now Century Supply, Les Motnss,
Iowa. Advertising rate, tc word.
AGENTS Several of our list of 600 mall
order houses want Nebraska names:
particulars tree. Taliaferro Co., Fort'
w orin. i ex.
ACT QUICK Automobile gasoline going
up; sell Oaso-Tonlc; equals gasoline at
to a gallon; eliminates carbon; dollar an
hour profit: sales guaranteed. While Mfg.
Co., Dept 10, Cincinnati, O
AGENTS wanted; 100 per Cent profit Bell
ing useful specialty; used In homes
hotels, stores and by auto owners; good
repeater; sample free. Auburn Specialties
Co., Dept. Hi, Auburn, N. Y.
ll.Ou) PER man per county; atrauige ln
ventlon; startles world; events smssad;
10 Inexperienced men dirble $40,0"0; Kor
sted, a farmer, did $2,o In 14 days;
Schleicher, a minister. $irt first Li hours;
li.SU cold cash made, paid, banked by
Btoneraan In 30 days; $15,0x1) to date; a
hot or cold running water bath equipment
for any horns at only $4.50. Self heating;
no plumbing or water works required.
Investigate; exclusive sale; credit given;
send no money; writs letter or postal to
day. Allen Mfg. Co.. 4206 Allen Bldg.. To
ledo, O.
SALESMAN Vacancy Nov. 15.; experi
enced, any line, to sell general trade in
Centra! W-st; unexcelled sieclulty prop
osition; commission contract; , weekly
expenses. Continental Jewelry Co.,
Continental Bldg., Cleveland, O.
SALESMAN Splendid opening for pro
ducer; high class staple line; sll mer
chants sre prospects; old. established
house; high commissions; $16 weekly ad
xance. Sales Manager, bulls SI, kwv Wood
ward. Detroit Mich
ORAIK Jt'lCE chewing gum; sell to all
storekeepers, etc .; looks and tastes Ilka
rapes; profitable business built up
Quickly with this novelty. Writs today,
""'met Oum Co., Cincinnati. O
i-OMFKTKNT salesmen or merchants
preferred by well rated Cleveland con
cern, to sell more harts greatest aieclalty
of the day; $.. to $M0 per month; com
missions paid weekly; state experience.
K. E. Howell, Station O, Cleveland. Q
Several high-grade bond salesmen of
good character and proven ability can
obtain good contracts sailing our eeourl
ties, whK'h are meeting with a quick re
sionse from the public American Part
and Coal Company. 411 American Rank
Hulldlny, Kansas City. Mo.
bEI.I, our wtnea and liquors to the con
sumer direct from the vineyard and dis
tillery; the consumer will appreciate the
high class wines from our vineyard and
the pure whlskevs Trom our distillery at
very moderate prices. Address Eleworth,
log Hchlller Wldg., Chicago.
ble genuine; earns rainbow flra, stand
tests; sell at sight; livs agents wanted;
profits $d weekly and up; writs quick
for sample case offer free. Mexican Dia
mond Importing Co., Bos, A, Lata crucos,
N. M.
AUK.NT8 Amaxlng Invention; W dally;
160 rer cent profit; new bualness; no
competition: world's beat home masaage
machine: works by water power; delights
both sexss; write for particulars and free
book on beauty and health. Address
KlHikstons Co., 130 Meredith Bldg., To
ledo, u.
AOENT9 wanted; own your Own busi
ness; sell Fritch' vegetable soap;
write for free sample. J, A- FrItCh. bt.
Louis. Mn,
AUKNTft maklnr big money selling rain
coats direct from manufacturers; get
sample raincoat. Norman Garment Co.,
82 Union Square. N. Y.
SALESMAN Capable specialty man for
Nebraska; staple 11ns on now snd ex
ceptional terms; vacanoy now; attracUvs
comnilfslon oontract for lw.Tanoe of ysar
and 1916; 1.15 weekly for expenses. Miles
F. Rlxler c:o m, 46 Oarlln Bldg.. Cleve
land, t)hlo.
aALl-JHMKN 4A to fcfc) weekly selling
auto owners, threnbermen and fannsrs,
high grade line of advertised oil, greases,
etc.; big demand; liberal commission.
Balso CM 1 Co., Dept. I, Toledo, Ohio.
SALF.SMRN wanted for fines line out
door and Indoor advertising, mads of
metal, cardboard, paper, muslin, wood,
oilcloth and brass, ever offered public;
also most complete up-to-date 11ns card
board, cloth, wood metal and leather ad
vertising specialties, business calendars
and beautiful ds luxe calendars; commis
sion basis; good contract for right num.
Write today with references and experi
ence. The Bcloto Sign Co., Dept, B.
Kenton, Ohio
HOLK'ITINO salesman, experienced roan,
convincing: talker, Mason or Odd Fellow
in good stajidlng; insurance or bond
salesman preferred; territory protected;
reference required. Fraternity Pub. Co.,
38 Bromfleld St., Boston, Mass.
WANTED Side line salesmen to market
our medium priced Una of show miu.
wall cases, mirrors, garment racks, cloth
ing n angers ana general store equipment;
straight commission basis only, averajr
ing 20 per cent; state territory desired;
applications confidential. American Fix
ture and Showcase Mfg. Co., BC Louis,
SALESMEN to eall on jrrooers. confec
tioners, general stores, fD0 monthly and
expenses; yearly oontraeu Manager, ll
GOOD opening for experlenoed. Industrial
iiiKiuum salesman ; no lapse debit:
apply at once. 616 Brandels Bldg.
COAL agents wanted In every town: get
a trial car. I. M. Cox. No. Platte. Vlb.
AGENTS wanted, at once; big profits;
MP'it,0i?1!;r,: wrU MlM Lovlna Warren,
m Reed St.. Kalamasooy Mich.
WANTED Salaried agency supervisor by
a well-established and progressive old
line legal Reserve Life Insurance com
pany. Experience In agency work neces
sary, but chief requisite Is ability aa an
organiser. Position permanent and offers
big future. In writing; state experience
In f Address P. O. Box IMS, Bait Lake
W'ONDERFUL opportunity! start as our
mciima manufacturer; every
day necessities; fastest repeat sellers;
marvelous profits; proposition worth at
Lobl Co., 632 Warren St, Boston. Mass. o
AGENTS Large manufacturer wants re
us oie men, women, to sell guaranteed
hosiery, underwear, shirts, dlreot to
bomee. Write for free samples. Madison
Mills. 6g Broadway. New York.
EARN $89 weekly selling collection eab
inets to merchant. Write for free sam
ples. Bayers Co., Ml Laclede Bide., St
Louis. Mo a.
WE WANT ambitious branch managers
and local agents, for our world-wide
General Agency Business; experience
unnecessary; no stock or merchandise to
buy; operate from your own home In
spare time; you should make fron $50
to $100 per week; write today for free In
formation. B. F. Looi Oo., 44 W. Wal
nut St, Dee Moines, la. o
SELL advertising: pipes; sample and par
tlculars free. Japauiese Novelty Co.,
Clinton. Ia.
4064 Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Oartslde's Iron Rust Soap (traule mark,
print and copyright registered In the U.
B. patent office) removes iron rust. Ink
and all un washable stains .from clothing,
marble, etc. Good seller, big margins,
agent wanted. The original, Wo a tube,
beware of Infringments and the penalty
for making, selling and using an In
fringed al-Uole. o.
m K hi 13 to 16 a day selllnc Perfect
Noodle Cutter; James Nugent sold 81
dosen In small Ohio town Is still sell
ing: also handled as side linei write lor
exclusive territory. Anohor Mfg. Co.,
46 Anchor Biag., layion!u
AGENTS We have a new household1
proposition; rapid seller; write today
for booklet. Great Western Supply House,
Desk 1. Ft. Collins, Colo. o
WANTED Salesmen to eall on grocers,
general store and confectioners In small
country towns; 26 par oent commUsioni
$35 weekly drawing acoount Sales Man
sger, If S. 1st Bt, St. Louis, Mo. 0
WE PAY $38 a week snd expensea to men
with riffs to Introduce poultry torn-
aund. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg.
Dept. 78. Parsons, Kan. o
GET RICH PROFITS Own a business.
Big Kansas company offers fast selling
mall order line: factory prices. Unluue
selling methods pull qulok, big paying
business, mo canvassing. Hpare time.
We furnish every thing. Copyrighted pros
pectus free, -ityestons, 41 W. Tth, Pit ta
bu rg. Kan.
AGENTS-$50 weekly. Every woman
needs our Four-ln-One Handbaar for
Christmas shopping. Dept. 17, Joa. M.
Alkman Co., iu& H. La Bane t, Chi
cago. AGENT New Ittventlon, scrub and
take up water. No cloths, no wring
ing of any kind, water pours out. Sells
everywhere. Big profits. Klxcluslve terri
tory. Plrrung Mfg. Co.. Dept. D., Chi
catro. 111.
AGENTS WANTED Men and women
earn $10 dally: new proposition. Just out
Write for particular. The John tlando
Company, Finleyvllle, Pa., Dept. 1.
?:et In on our new magaslne proposition
itch sella like hot cake. It is a world
beater and quick money getter. Special
Inducement to crew organisers experi
enced In magaslne work. Postal Subscrip
tion Company, Mlnneapolle. Minn
MAKE liquor without still or alcohol.
New prooaes. Buy Ingredients sny
where Easy mads. Don t be deceived.
$1. Sealed circular free. Bennett Mfg.
Co., Lamar, Ark
DRUNK, alck or crasy not ua but our
plan lets you collect the money and
kep It all. We get ours later. U. S.
Mfg. Co., Dept. 76, Columbus, O. o
AGENTS Oet newest, quickest sellers
direct from makers. Full list free. Nat'l
Agents' Assn, 122 Michigan Ave., Chi
cago. o
LOOK HERE, MR. AOENT-Mu per cent
profits, unlimited field, repeat orders,
new article. Write today, free cartlcu-
lsrs. Delans Agency Co.. lis 8ih St.. So.
i Innespolls, Minn
REPRESENT well rated factory manu
facturing exclusive patented staple ar
ticles. No canvassing; experience un-
nwlMrv. R, ItMnlln All tw ,u
you should make big munsy. Pease Manu-
mcoiniijf v o.f wit sv, es 3roaaway, iiul
falo. N. Y.
Areata, gnlramen and Solicitors
auto tiro repair outfit yields $ on It
Package. Bell s erases, dealer, ewnera.
Particular. Pa ire-Lester Co., K44 In
diana, ChlcasTo. Ill
HIO Textile Mills will employ everywhere
reliable people to take orders for dress
fabrlea, hosiery, underwear, sweaters,
waists and skirt, from samples. Factory
r rices. Kpare or all time. No experience,
'ernianent. Many making over I'M
weekly. Steadfast 14111a, Dept. R.
Cohoee, N Y.
Xo F. NTS lse our capital. Jump Into big,
permanent business; new automatic fuel
server; fits any stove or furnace; saves fS
per cent fuel; exc'uslve territory. States
Mjrg Ct.. M Consolidated P-ldg., Chl.'aao.,
AQkNTa Young or old make M money
ensy, selling our hew Christmas spe
cialties. Clear to 110 dally. Write for
free catnlortie. Cruver Co., Jackson fcnd
Campbell, Chicago.
AGRNTR Oet particulars of nns of tho
best paying propositions over put on
te market, fomethlng no one ela sells.
Mako ftono yearly. Addreea K. M. Fell
man. Pales Mgr., M Third Ht., Cincin
nati. o.
AGKNTS nwlia big profits handling our
''FaM Pclllnjr Holl.lay Poet Citrde."
"Novelty Signs." 'Holiday Decorations "
"Pennants." etc. H.Oiio varieties. Demand,
unlimited. Write todav for free catalogue.
nuiitvan Co.. 1234 Van Buren Bt., Chl-
CAN-you sell men's pants and overalls
to the retail trade? we have three ter
ritories open, Minnesota, North Dakota
or Mouth Dakota Our Una is the pre.
fered work clothing line In the United
Ptatoe. Write the Btar Clotti ng Mfg.
Co., St. Louis. Mo
SALF.SMKN carry our side line, white
goods, dress goods, novelties. We sell
the arcneral stores dlreot. Liberal com
mission. The Ijakwood Company, Hog
i, pniiaaeipniapn
8 A LKSM F,N Wanted calling on retail
arug trade to carry a complete una or
druggists' pill and powder boxes as a
side I'ne. Liberal commission allowed.
Heferenoe required. Houthwark Paper
RoxCo.. I4JI t, L6th St., Philadelphia, Ph.
WANTKD specialty salesmen to sell ad
vertising slides to merchants on a
commission basis. tplenuld side line for
llp wire salesmen. New York Advertls
fS Plldo Co., Tribune Hid;.. New York.-o
WANTKD specialty traveling salesman
to sell our newspaper advertising serv
ice to merchants and hanks In small
towna. We olfer exclusive territory on
strictly commission basts. Big money to
right man. National Bngravlng Com
pany, lftt Nassau St., New York. o
SALESMAN, capable meeting large buy
ers. Gray matter and successful work
will secure nuick financial advance and
greater opportunities. Mfrs., 107O1 Quebeo
Ave., Cleveland, O
broideries, side line; LSi per cent Com
mission; sampiea light; only men with
trade now traveling need apply. Merk
Co.. 41. Broadway, New York.
SALESMEN wanted to Sell food pro
ducts for old established New York
and Chicago house. Only those with
grooery and hotel trade, having clean rec
ords, and who can produce results, will
be negotiated with. Communications
treated In strict confidence. Foods, 10$
sciiiner Bldg-. Chicago.
Electric Window Sign reduced to $U.
Outselling everything. Amaslng profits.
Exclusive territory. Free samples. Flash
trie Sign, Chicago.
SALESMEN and dealers with Ford oar
to demonstrate a Heal Ford Starter.
The only device ever invented that any
lady can easily operate. Absolutely guar
anteed to start your oar In sero weather.
Spins the engine from the Seat Sample
starter on your car will sell every Ford
owner In vour district. Weight complete
14 lbs. Write the Automatic Mfg. Co., U07
Northern Bldg., Chicago.
QUICK money. Repeater. Best selling
steel changeable sign. Enameled letter
sample mailed. 12c. Convex Mgns, 163 N.
I'ewrnorn, Chicago. -
SALESMEN Pocket Side Line. New
live proposition, all merchants In towns
of lOfl.OdO and under want It Pays $6
commission on each sale. No collecting,
no risk to merchant. We take back un
sold goods. Easiest biggest paying side
11ns ever offered. Canfleld Mfg Co.,
W Plgel St.. Chicago
SALESMEN Whole time or side line;
10 minutes' tl me pays you $10. Pocket
samples; prompt commission. State ter
ritory covered. Elwood Mfg Co., lno., 1111
inirniann Ave., inicago,-
SALESMEN make big money selling our
punoh board deals. Address Behrend
Bros.. 4347 Adams St, Chicago.
neceaary. easy work, big pay. Writ
for large list of openings offering op
portunities to sarn from fioo to $600 a
month while you learn. Address nearest
office Dept 43 Nstlonal etalssmen's
Training Association, Chicago, New York,
San -Francisco.
SALESMEN for our 1916 line of Art
Calendars, metal and paraffins signs,
leather goods snd novelties. Contracts
now being made for January 1st. We
ecn you tne ousineas ana you earn
while learning. liberal compensation.
j ne winters company, Hpringrieiq, o.
TOUNG men as salesmen, to call on
dealers, no canvassing, no commission
deal. $20 and expenses weekly. Call Mr.
Adams. Neville Hotel. Omaha.
AGEN'S-Bell "Zanol" Oonoentrated Ex
tracta for msJclns- limine ,t hnm.. -
few minute does the work; saves over
60 per cent: guaranteed strictly legiti
mate; small packae; enormous de
mand; sens rast; coins you money; send
postal today: we'll show vou how to
make money qulok. Universal Import
v o., mm i mru m., Cincinnati, u.
uaiuab, a wonderful Invention; gas
Hunting and cooking made from kero
sene (coal oil), convenient a city gas;
simple to Install; 80 per oent oheaper to
operate than any other known method;
exclusive sales lights assigned responsi
ble men. Gloria Light Co., Curtis and
Washington Sts., Chicago
WS have a new nrenurtlm that vtll
absolutely beep steam and frost from
winnows, mirrors and eye-glasses; leave
no dust or dirt: wanted ty all stores, of
fices, dootors, dentists, opticians, etc; al
most every call a sale: 130 to 160 weektv
easily made. VIVACB CO., Dept S3, 877
nroauwsf, umnago.-
MOODY'S Electro Water purifier. Just
patented; every demonstration a sals;
Weight 1 pound; slse 8 Inohes round, 10
Inches long; placs It In water and watch
It separate all Impurities, Including alkali
and lime, leaving water clear and spark
ling; price K; sasnta, $2. Writ to Booth
Co., Republlo Bldg., Chicago.
MEN Manufacturers of ladles' garments
will pay you liberally to do some work
during spay time: no experience, travel
Ing or expfnse. People Garment Mfg.
Co., Philadelphia.
where oil lamps are used, needs and will
buy the wonderful Aladdin Mantle Lamp;
burns common coal oil (kerosene); gives
a light five times as bright as electric;
awarded gold medal at Ban Franolsco
exposition; one farmer cleared over $6(0
In sis weeks; hundreds with rigs earning
$100 to lK per month; no cash required;
we furnish capital to reliable men; write
quick for wholesale prloes, territory and
aample lamp for free trial. Mantle lamp
Co.. 641 Aladdin Bldg., Chicago, III
FREE samples for men and women
agents. Delbare's Naphtha Washing
Tablets; washes clothes without rubbing;
cleans floors, woodwork, polishes silver
ware; send for ssmpls and particulars.
Sold only by Naphtha Washing Tablet
Co., 711 B. Dearborn St., Chicago, III.
MAN to give away premiums to advertise
Rogers' JO-ysar silver; j month, with
commissions; all or part time. A. Cllne.
Copeland Bldg.. Philadelphia Pa
AOENT8-I60 weekly; the only knife
sharpener made on correct principles;
wonderful seller; U0 to 8u0 per oent
profit; simply demonstrate; no talking;
general agents $160 week; particulars
free; 60c sample by mall, tBc. Thlels Co.
X-fl. Austin Ave , Chicago
AOEN'TS-600 per oent profit; free sam
ples: gold sign letters for store and of
fice window; anyone can put on. Metal
lic letter Co.. m N. Clark, Chicago.
factories ssl TraSH.
Wl need men: had te turn down two
Jobs pet week lately: get In: learn by
our method: get one of thsss Jobs. Cata
losue D. B. free. Nebraska Automobile
School. ?406 Leavenworth St.
LEARN the barbor trade by oar sys
tem ef expert Instructions and free clinic.
Positions waiting. Call or write for cata
logue. Omaha. Aaw A. ,
t'actery aa4 1 radee.
, Trl-Cty Far be r college; low rats tuition.
Including set of tools; wages paid; e lee
trie maesagw, hydrautlo chalra; eatatoguo
free. II lei louglaa ft . Osaaha.
Drug 'tore Stisps. Jobs. kiel. t tkdg
CHANCK for mason and general repair
man: small (almost new), homo at bar
gain, near good suhool; without money
down payment. Have soma work to l
dona at one. Address P UH. Omaha
WANTKJ Good A-l all-around butcher:
German or Rohemlan preferred: aixvl
wares and steady employment: must bs
iimrneu man ana come wen isoom
mended; good opportunity for the right
man. Writs or call lr--eraon. O. It.
Crumley A Co.. Phelton, TTeh.
WANTED Alas fitter, reliable, country
work, experienced Installing acetylene
or blaugae preferred; state experience,
reference, mail and phone address, y
U Bee.
RAILWAY mall clerks wanted; VI
month: Omaha examinations coming;
ample questions free. Write immediately
Franklin Institute, Dep t til J, Roches
ter, in. j.
at once to learn auto work te
fill position which ws have open
risht new and are waiting for Cora
petent men. Learn by our system
of actual work aa autoa. tractors,
eleo. starting Sys. Free oatalog
at once.
MU Farnam St. Omaha. Neb.
BIG Kansas company wilt start am
bitious man or woman In fast growing
mail order bus. nees; any locality; $300
yearly; apare time; n canvassing; no ex-
MfUlIM 1 ' ..h.I , . . . k .......
" ..wx-. tMiiiiBi, snryininf. write
'.?,r ""to" selling plan. Eyestone,
, mi, siiieuurs;, ivan.-
GOVERNMENT poeltlone In postofftco,
railway mall end other branches are
good. Prepare for "exam" under former
I'nlted Hates civil service secretary ex
aminer. Booklet O M free. Write today.
Patterson Civil fervice School,,
W'ANTlCD at once; young ansa for auto
mobile business, nig pay. We make
you expert in ten Weeks by mail. Pay
us after we eeoure you poeitlon. Century
Automobile Institute, Los Angelee, Cel.
IF SALARY of $1 per month and com
missions, with liberal exponent Inter
est you. address Dept fl.4, 27 Inoluna
Ave., Cnloago,'
$W MONTHLY and expenses, to travel
distribute samples and take orders, or
appoint agents. Permanent, Jap Ameri
can Co., Chlcagw.
OOOD money made at home knitting
hosiery. Machines furnlahed on tlnv,
We buy or sell your good. Easy and
constant work. Wheeler to. tine), I37
Madlaon, Chicago.
VOUiNU MAN, who wants a aloe, clean
paying position In ciolhlug, designing
and cutting; can learn at home at small
cost and be ready to step Into a paying
place. Do not anawer unless yea want
a bstter position than yott now have.
Write T 13i. Bee.
WANTKD Married man who I
licensed embalmer and experienced
funeral director; give reference and
amount of experience In answer. Address
tj my Bee
LEARN to be a movie operater. Write
National Theater service, Omaha.
AIlLEBODlED men for firemen, brake-
,,,v" w Biswas . a Yfmieilt v UIIIIVVTI1
era i j , u 1 1 rns tot. I
LABORERS for construction work, tl f
a day. L. W. Myers dt Co.. Boelus, Neb.
fVivirtiMuinM'r' DciDtTtnK-a ' n-v,
w ...... . - v-. a i muu.viiu,
of sppotnlmsnU to be made. Free bonk-
lev leuina wners tney are. wnat tney
pay, with peoimsn examination quea
lions. Nat'l Cor. Institute, 430 Seventh
bi.i TYaniiinauiSi ij. v:.
WANT EL Men to try examinations for
government Jobs; $70 month) common
education sufficient Apply Immediately.
Y 8. Bee,
wb want l.coi man and women in the
next tnirty oayai uvs wire partner In
very town and elty to help ua handle
our fast Increasing real estate and gen
eral agenoy buslnsss. We will snare
enormous profits with those who will
Join us now. You reetlve a life member
ship. Write today for free particular, B.
F. Loos Co., Des Moines. Ia.
WANTED Man or woman to put out
feather ventilators. Writ for sample
and particulars by mall, lOo. L. S. Har
den, moisi oevnie, umana
DON'T quit your lob yet look beyond It;
Employ spare time establishing a cir
cular mailing bureau many sucrssses,
why not you Our copyright mailing la
structlnns make everything plain. ?ot
paia He Direct Bale Co.. quia, III.
POSITION wanted by young lady eiT
nographsrt one year experience.
Webster 112.
Vv AfVi'kiD Position on up-to-date dairy
ranch by single man. aged k; am ex
perienced In dairy husbandry: can oper
ate a mechanical milker, do testing and
feeding, soma agricultural college sxperl-
MIDDLE-AGED widow wishes house
keeping for small family, or take oharge
of rooming house, or as companion for
lady; references exchanged. Mr. E.
Ryerson. General Delivery, Omaha.
i WANT position! "Am young lady of
good bualness sense. Have had 7 years'
expsrlencs in clerical, stenographic and
bookkeeping work, also experience as
diotaphone operator. Have good refer
ences, but my work will demonstrate my
ability. Interview confidential. Tele-
puune nsrney s
MIDDLE-AOraD lady wants position aa
ioona iAaia in rooming nouae or apart
ment hoLo, or private home; reference
furnished. Red $1W Monday.
POSITION by competent mlrl die-aged wo
man as a housekeeper In family of two;
no laundry work. Phone morning be
tween and II. Web. .
COLORED lady wlshe position as eook
,.iL" ' "l ",m c'ly- iso niece would
ww Pi JWtll Dt,, tVJ, J.
VOL NO ooiorad man W4uiU poattlon M
lintl slrTl fa - 4sa lt Dhaaa XJ V.
No. SWU Miami fct
WANTiI-I;oiUn ai bouMkpr. Call
' - ijrBfriiwHn n nt
HEFlN'F.D woman wants position ss
housekeeper In Omaha, Mrs. Howard.
D. 66b. IlU Paolfio St
WANTED Post Uoa as housekeeper by
ColoreU lady, good refers noes. Tel. Ageus
ias w.
WANTED Position as stsara fireman,
hotsl elerk or all around house and yard
man. (all F. W, Carter. Phone Douglas
EXPERIENCED yard and houseman de
slres position with private family; good
references. Webster $170.
COLORED man and wife, no children,
delr position together for house and
yard work or Janitor and housework to
gether. Thoroughly capable to take oars
of heating plant of any kind. Best of
references. Address Ciiaa. Jones, lfesl
8. 17th t.
YOUNG man wants position as plankat
evenings; nonunion: either orchestra
work or moving picture show; reasonable
price. Writ A. V. A. Helen Apis.. No.
1 'J nlttr
CHAUFFEUR and experlenoed, oapable
auto repair man, with beat of refer
ences, now employed, wishes to make
Change! can do anything there Is to be
done around autos or garags; would ooo
slder driving, for private party or car
for cars; reasonable salary; satisfactory
service guaranteed. Address C. W 8.
Hox 4M. Y. M C. A., city.
Vf 1 1 1 1 1 1 ir a ri i. 1 1 i.h, n
- -- ."i;,L.ui, trust
worthy and neat, desires position ss
housekeeper in residence apartment or
rArtmin V . r. 1 1 ' K a, . . , ,. . - 1 .
m w . . , --. v. i v.,, rnir,. iaura
mniwtii. iis v Hies go rnone U. S7.
WANTED sitenographio poaltlou by
young man: I years' exosrlanca: sin
soine bookkeeping; good rsfereno fur-
limiiru. DO.
WOMAM wlsbss position as housskseoer.
A4 Psclftc.
MAN and wife wishes position on farm
or In country; tin ch.ldren. Address
116 N. 17th St., Omaha.
WttMAN wants work ss cook in restaur
ant, hotel or In private famllv or to
take pare of sick. C. Cook, I1TI114 So. ltth.
TiM'NO ladv stenographer wishes" posi
tion. Benson 1
Wa NTEl ftsltl on ss sTe'am f i reman"
hotel clerk or all-around house and
ysrd man Call F. W. Carter. Phone
louglas 717.
rKKROSAI, JacKets lemodehd In the latest
style; reasonable price. 1'tlJ Douglas
stress. Phone Douglas 7C
Tot'NO women eotning t Omaha as
strangers are Invited to visit h V'.ung
Women' ChrlstlMn association building
t I7lh . nnd St. Mary' A.. where
they will be dire led to suitable boarding
places or otherwise assisted took for
our travelers- aulite at the Unlo.i statli a
THE Salvation Army Industrial home eo-
. ' r jui rioining, rvirnnurc, macs,
line. We collect. We d.strlbute phone
pm.glas tis snd our asgon aill call.
Call and Inspect our new home, i'.to-llll-IlU
Dodge Pt.
VOl'R furnace oleaned. tl; work guaran
teed. Central Tin Hhop. Douglas 4.M.
Suits, gowns and remodel
ing at reasonable prices.
ANNA 8ITKK. t 1 City
Natlona, Rank Plds .
ImiESSMAKINO by day; all work guar
anteed. Web. BnsJ.
Wabted to Swap. Why not advertise
something that you no longer hsvs any
uae lor and get something you really
need It costs yon nothing to loin the
Bwspper' club and you wlil find It lota
of fun (Mapping things. Wilt Room 104,
Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler I.
A WATCH bracelet, f yre. guarantee, or
13x14 rug. good condition, to swap for
leaihter davenport.
ALL furniture In tS-rooni hotel! reason
able rent on building; South Hide; will
exchange for real estate; value H.uM. Ad
dress R. c. H0S, Pea
AUTOMOBILE) Kor other automobile
bargains see the "Automobile ' classifi
cation. AUTO Light weight. 1915 model, perfect
shape, fully equipped, new tires, to
wap for four or five-passenger car.
Address II. C. 111. Re. tf
UII.LIARI) TA14I.K llrunswick, home
slse, 1x7; complete. What have your
Make me an ofter. Address S. C. Ill, Uee.
CONCORD topbuggy to swap for large
Bleed Incubator, or what nave you?
Address H. I.'. Bee.
CLEAR lot, 6VX150, In Cloverdalo addition
near Krug paik. to exchange for late
Ford roadster; lot will stand actual cash
value ot UM. R Mlllejv
DoU Thoroughbred Irish water sianlel
pup, to trade for poultry, Underwood
typewriter, or what have youT Addreaa
8. C. t, Dee.
DIAMONDS worth $so) to trade for lot,
equity In house, or good second hana
Ford. Address 8. c. tBA. Uee.
EDISON Phon.)gr)liai7orr"rec-(lB for
baritone, or what'Address Y lt, Use.
CIARDEN TOOLS Spade, 1 shoveiaTl
rskes, hoe and grass knife, to trade for 4
mlnute Edison records, or anything. Ad
drees B. C. l. llee. tf
EXTRA good 4x6 Camera to swap for
phonograph. Address S. C. M4. He.
vibrator type; cost HOOO. will swap
for assortment of late Edison (Aroberol)
records. Addres J;Cl;i4. Bee. tt
ENORAV1Ng"Via)CK (King Reel-Want
to trade for ' Victor record, or what
nave your o. u. Kb.
GAAOLIN13 range, good oven to swap for
kitchen table or flreleaa cooker. Ad
dress, S. C. . He.
OA HToVW. gss lamp, brass umbrella
stand, hlghchalr, kitchen tablet will
trade for trunks or suit cases, steamer
iron, preierrea. n, t.;, sui ties
GOOD steel range cheap, lib. Will take
I'l'ir, ur j'lmiiiM in iraqw, tl. t.;, &iai,
HAVE lMi carat diamond to trade for
auto car. Must be In good condltn
nd priced rlgnt, and late model. Addres
8. C. ti$7. Bee.
HAVE a brand new electrio piano, with
violin and mandolin attachiiinnta;
?lckel-ln-slot, uses liMune rtilla , mission
Inlsh; electric lighted and leaded glass
front; will trade for a late model car. Ad
dreea 8. C. tM, Bee.
HOHSE, harness and panel top laundry
, wagon, or trad for good delivery
hnras. Writ . O. Ml, Bee.
ItAVU good five-year-old mare, weight
1.3W. W ill swap for automobile or any.
thing I can uss. Addrsss 8. C.. til, bee.
IF YOu have a good used auto to swsp
answer this ad. Address B. C. wl, Bee.
IMPERIAL vapor bath "cabinet, rubber
lined and scarcely soiled, used but very
little, also coniplnle gasoline lighting
system; sir tank, hollow wire, two 1,06
csndle power lumps, etc. Just the thing
,u. kB.iii, viniv ur resiornce, JS abso
lutely safe as tank Is kent outside,
a yearling calf or fair Blind nog. Addiea
it. t.:. iiju, nee.
1 WANT a good Ford aulo In exchange
for cement work, brick work or lucoo.
Address H. C. til. Bee.
LADY'S natural pony fur coat, slse 40.
for what have you T 8. C. 620, Ree.
ONE rainproof suit and hat, slse U, SO
ft. Seine, J-tn. tnesli, I ft, deep; -ln.
fish spear, 7-shot XI revolver, II Ii. r R
break open revolver, M H. it It. safety
police hammerles revolver, 1 pr. line
men' spurs, "4, slse violin, nractloally
new; one pair brass auto side lamps, on
10-year hunting oaae watch, excellent
timekeeper; 1 rear motorcycle lamp, pump
and attachments, I good canvas gun
esses, 1 7x7 round hunting tent. Will
trade for solo cornet, reoeatlng rifle or
anything 1 can use. B. C. UM, Bee.
PHONOGRAPH What have you to
swau fur phonograph with ISO rocoritsf
In good shape. Address 8. C. M0, He.
HTkVUNB "Blieclal" .1 taiget rills; both
open and peep sights; excellent condi
tion. Want good banjo. Addres 8. C
111, Bee.
BET I. C. 8, handbooks, eontsining com
plete course In general Illustrating;
want camera or typewriter (portable u re
ferred), or what have youT Address at. C
kl4, Hee.
BTENOTYPE My Bteootype has been
used only a few days, and I will
swap It for anything that I can Use;
worm iwo-inirus tne casn value or a
new stenotype. What have you? Ad
dress el. C. Res.
BE WING MACHINE 6-drawer, drop
head sewing machine, flrelea cooker,
delivery wagon. Want typewriter, or
what have you. Address M. C. 84, Res.
sluLmuliU-iljcd oak sidsboard to sx-
cnange for good by 12-foot rue. or
whst have you 7 Addrsss H. C, til. lies.
TO 8EI.L or trade your shot sua or riiia"
e rmnuMAW, mi 'Hiugiaa.
TO swap, thirty-volume est English and
American Encyclopedia of Law, in
splendid condition, for high grade rug.
Might consider other household goons.
Have two sets and do nut need both.
Tiiey're good things for any family to
have whether lawyer or not. What have
yoir H. C, aft. Hee.
WHAT have you to trade for good wash
machine, vulcanlser, ls-gallon oil can
and one automiblle Jack? Address 9. C
WHAT hav you for a second-hand or
gan. In good shape? Address 8. c. 117.
lubO WORTH of clothing for light touring
car. Address 8. C. 4UI, Re.
iVILL trade carload of wood for horse
or cow. snirrsi n. i;. ojo. liee.
WILL swsp Isrgs roll-top desk and ehalr
for oak directors' or office table, or
anytnina i can use, annress b. u. sis, o.
WILL swap a IvM Chickering Bros, piano
for Ford roadster In stood condition u
C. tVS. Hee.
WILL trade lMi acres of Nebraska land
for rooming house, pool room or cUaf
store. win consider any oner. What
have you? Address Johnson, 4Ji N. lath I
rt. t'none lyur liOu.
WHAT have vou thut is worth $6. (Am that
you Will swap for a business that you
can sit at your desk ui.ii make 1W a
month without any worry? 1 am (Iolri
it and vou can, too. Will swsp at Invoice
price and must du It st ones on account
of falllna health. This Is a chance for
some one to get a business that will pay
the year around and get It worth the
money. Olve full particulars la first
letter. AdJress H. C. KJO. R,.
Ttx of the Jinx Runi Strong;
Among- the 8tara of the
Everyone of us fears something or
ether. The hen necked men fears his
wife, the spendthrift la In morUI dred I
of an empty pocketbook and th base!
ball player fear th Jinx. And the fear I
of the Jinx account for the peculiar ac i
tlona the ball player will go through In i
order to offset It, from scratching his
left ear to putting his right hind foot
In his left-hand breeches picket In order
to get a hit.
When bhe considers th peculiar kinks!
or base ball It Isn't difficult to see why
ball player shmild be prone to enter-1
Mining uperstltlon.
For Instance, a man lope out there I
on day, pulls his rsp over his left eye, I
steps up to the plat and get a hit Bsyi
that, during, that game, he keep his I
rap In th earn position and get three
hits. The next day he comes out and !
can t buy a hit. He wonder what' th
matter with him. He remember tht
on th previous day he had hi rsp
pulled over his left eye. II wonder It
that had anything to do with It. Of
course, h know It hadn't; but Just th
same, when he next advance to th
plale he pull the cap over his left eye
"for luck" as ha expresses It.
Now well say. thst this time, his
third or fourth trip to the plate he gsta
a hit. If he reason It out he know
that the hit and th cap over hi left
y were merely coincidence, but some
where in hi head th Idea take shsp
that th rap pulled over hi left ey I
lucky. And thereafter when he get up
to bat th cap la always In that posi
tion. There you have the formation of
what to an outsldsr eeem Ilk a fool
ish superstition.
All Players 114) flreak.
Alt ball player hav some supersti
tion or other. In this spasm, th last
convulsion of my exryring eerles, I ehatl
tell of Bom that cam undsr my notice.
George, Smith, formerly of Clnolnnatl
and Brooklyn, had an out-and-out super
stition. He earned a rabbit's foot some
wher In th pocket of hi uniform
and a four-leaf clover In a little sack
pinned to th top ef his stocking. If h
couldn't get a hit h'd work th rabbit'
foot for alt it we worth. .X don't know
if It ever got him anything, but he cer
tainly believe In It. It would hav been
easier to convince the public that an um
pire I a human being than to have talked
Smith out Of his mascot hobby.
Knab, the present manager of the
Baltimore Federal league team, had a
peculiar superstition, which, I aupposs,
he still shin up and uses upon oc
casions. HI dope was never to walk
In front of th umpire and opposing
catcher when on hi way to th plat.
H always mad a complete clrole around
them. He probably knew that was the
only way a player could ever get around
an umpire, so he took advantage of It.
Anyway, this circumnavigation took place
every time Knabe advanced to the plate.
John Riley, the old first baseman of
the Cincinnati club, used to get hi hits
by means of the hole In hi belt. I
don't mean to say that he lassoed the
hit with these holes, or that It was by
mean of them that h got the pitcher
Into a hole. What t do mean la, that
he believed these belt holes hid some
thing to do with hi hitting powers. Ac
cordingly, a hi batting becsm good
or bail, h shifted hi bait buckle.
uppoa he Went out today with hi
belt fastened at th first hoi and got
three hit. In that case he left It there.
If he didn't get a hit at all he'd move
the buckle up to the second hot. If
that dldn'l kill th jinx he'd move It up
to the third. There, of cours. he'd have
to stop, for there were only three hole.
In the belt. If he hit wall with th buckle
at th third hoi h'd leave it there. If
h did not he'd shift It back to No. 1
again and begin the process all over
onoe more. It was quite a sight to. see
John miss three good on, growl Ilk
a bulldog nut of th aid of his mouth,
and then hltoh hi belt up to the next
hoi. H was laughsd at, of course,
but h believed what he believed.
Batty eat Bats.
Old "Bug" Holllday'a superstition was
bat. He kept about twenty-vn of them
In hi locker, and If another player so
much as laid hi hand on them Bug
yelled murder. When I wanted to have
om fun with Holllday I'd prtnd to
pick up on If hi numerous beta on my
way to th plat. The minute I got near
Bug would be up on hie to, if I touohed
on, as I often did, h'd grab It away
from me, and say om thing not In the
book of rule. And If he failed to get a
hit with that hat during that game
wow I he'd rid me for a week.
1 was presented with a wagon tongue
bat ene time that Just lulled my genius.
It was heavy, 'of a good length and strong
enough to knock out fungoeg with can
non balls. On day thl bat disappeared,
t suspected wher It want, but 1 abided
my time. Finally, after a certain game,
when th player had left th club hous.
I brok open Holllday'a louksr. There wis
the bat, sure enough. It had been
smoothed off and sandpapered until It
WILL exchange a $660 equity In a five
room, all modern house, in good loca
tion: first-class ooiidltlnn; for a flva- pas
senger auto, of a good make, prefer a
IIH4 or lll model. Phone Walnut IU,
WANTED to trade full, five Iron beda,
mattresses and springs, good as new,
for sanitary couch, pad and oovsr. 8
C. Hii. Hee.
WHAT have you for n F.olips gas
stove. Pair of steel frame bed aorl:me
snd child s bed all In good condlt on.
Address 8. C. eUi. liee.
Dr. E. R. Tarry cure piles, fistula and
ether reotsl diseases without surglcsl
eperation. Cure guaranteed and no money
paid until eured, Wrne for book en
rcotal diseases with testimonial DH,
U. U, TARRY, 4 Bee Bldg.
RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re
sults gusrant'd Dr. liowser. I; Uee Bldg.
cm rm t :j - -
Complin and turnUhtd br ksrr Tula Ousrsstos
ar4 Abstract sooipsur. KI4 etoirtu ssrsousBtti
Eilaa B. NloSsia to Hhapaa A C., let s.
bl.Jrk 141. Heulh OiusJik.
Security !.tia as lmirsa,nt Csk te ia
si W Hur sen ef 1st t. Mask L
a. m. stsnurs rW e4 te Vs,iie
Cftrls sUlawr la UmiIs KraeseT. rt
tt lu lot ll. ssctlsa S-I4-1I
looked like new, but It was my old bat
Just the earn.
I had missed (hat bat, and I determined
to make Bug pay for It. I got a saw,
therefore, and made firewood of Ms
twenty-odd bsts. When Holllday saw
what a deed bed been done, he wept over
his desecrated holloe; then he roared like
a bull of Hashsn; then he raved 'and
threatened my llfh; then he went out snd
bought some new bats. I never tried to
touch the hew ones, for I believed If I
had he would have batted me ovef the
head and then over the fence.
The next base ball superstition I shall
talk shout Is something that probably
you have seen yourself. This supersltlon.
however. Is not peculiar to baa ball I
believe it to be one shared in by all
people of all times.
Ton remember when Ponnle Mack'
Athletics last played the Giants? You
probably saw then the little hunchback
that traveled with Mack s team. Well,
last year, at the world's series gnmes,
Mnck hd this little fellow slnng with
him. I can remember him caperlm
around In front nf the Athletics' bench,
and, to tell the truth, it was a thing I
didn't like to see, When the games were
going against the Marwatters, each of
them, on his way to the plate, would rub
the bulge on the midget's back for luck?
At one time th whole team arose and
rubbed the little fellow' back, and this
maneuver resulted In a regular swatfest.
Rut, nevertheless, the Boston team camo
from behind and forged ahead. Ton
should have heard the riot! The Boston
team began to yell, "Ruh hlr back! Rub
his bsckl" end tbe Athletics did so. but
no use. All th good luck In the midget
had been used up. Th gam ws lost.
And now, lad!a and gentlemen, I have
done. I didn't think I could get away
with It, but I have. And this misgiving
about one'g abilities reminds me of ene
more ynrn.
Years ago a Mg fellow named Tom
Eetabrook played first for the Metropoli
tan, and later for the New York Qianta.
Tom was a good fellow, but very pecu
liar. When h had played a hard gam
and was all covered with dust and swsat
he'd streak for the club house, and, with
out washing or even taking off hi uni
form, he would put on his street do thea
and go home.
"Honest John" Kelly wag his managwr
at that time, and for some reason Kelly
was sore en Kstabrook. He grabbed at
him all day; h rod him to death. Thl
mad Tom mor peculiar than vr.
After a peculiarly hard crabbing Tom
would retire to the dressing room, stand
In front of the mirror and then make
passes at himself. H probably thought
h was beating up Kelty. Ha used to
work himself Into a fury and belt the air
with all his might All the time he kept
scowling at his own Image In the mirror
and talking to himself.
"Tom Kstabrook," he would say, "why
stand you all thl abuse? You'r a good
man, Thorn Eatabrook. Why do youj
do It? Ar you afraid of this. Kelly per
son? Not You'v got a good kick, why
don't you plug him?"
Finally h kidded himself Into believing
that he could lick Kelly, and one day he
hit him. How do you do? Buppt
They picked Kelty up when Tom had
finished with him and took him home In
a pillow case. Tom was all there, but h
had never been quite sure of It.
So there you ar. The season Is over,
my friend. Ml put my stick In the bat
bag. lock vp my uniform and crawl Into
a tree for the winter. Bprlng practice
will be held at Marlln next year. New
York World.
British Government :
To Maintain Rate ofi
Exchange with U. SI
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
LONDON, Nov. I. Th council of th
Association of Chamber of Commerce
hee passed the following resolution on
the subject of the American rat of ex
change, and submitted It to the chancel
lor of the exchequer;
"That In order to b prepared with a
remedy, should th American exchange
revert to an unfavorable level after the
flotation of the Issue In the United State
of a loan to Great Britain, th council
suggests that th Lord Commissioner
of th treaaury should take tep well In
advance, and without detay, for con
sidering man by which difficulty may
be met.
"The council 1 of the opinion that
among the methods available for the pur
pose of meeting the difficulty are; .;
"The reduction of the Importation ef
article of luxury by mean of Import
d litis at least during the period of the
"The stimulation on the part ef the
British government of ths export goods
produced within British territory uch
stimulation to take the form of aaslstlng
commercial effort.
"Inasmuch ss debt du to flreat Britain
abroad in th form of American railroad
bond have been purchased In this coun
try for expert snd sale In America aa
mean ef adjusting th trad balaftc
against Oreat Britain, Step should be
tsken to supplement or substitute the
export of oapltal In the form of our
Itles by th export of merchandise.
"Thl council, whll recognising th
enormous difficulties of the exchange
situation, wish to place on record their
opinion that If th American exchange
fall below $4.70 at any time during th
present war, th government, In the in
terest of th British trading community,
ought not to remain passive."
Norwegians Are :
Speculating in :
Shin Firm Stocks
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
CHRI8TIAN1A, Nov. 1. Norway's mer
cantile fleet has developed surprisingly
since ths beginning of the war. Every
available shlD. Includlnsr old sslllnaT ves
sels rlisrsrrloft vflinvji eirn. baa bn re
fitted and mobilised for traffic, especially
In the North Hea. High freight rates
have made this this trad so profitable
that one or two successful trips pay for
the entire cost of the ship, and ship own
ers have become vastly wealthy. Even
the most conservative persons have
yielded to the lure of speculation In ship
toeks and have invested all thslr spare
Stock companies are formed dally and
even before the ship ha bean delivered
Into the possession of the new company
shares have been sold and resold many
tunes at Increasing rate.
Th neespapera are warning Inveatora
gainst over-speculation, explaining that,
a soon as the wsr 1 over scores of ships'
pow tied up will again b available for
traffic; that th high freight rates wilt
drop and the overcapitalised ships will be
unable to pay their present high rate of
A part man ts, flats, houses and cottage
Can be rented quickly and cheaply by
Bee "For RenL"