Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1915, SOCIETY AMUSEMENTS, Page 3-C, Image 23

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Women Are
Doing in the World
CTXJB W. O. SEARS win talk
on "The Possibilities of
Greater Omaha" before the
political and social eclenoe
department of the Omaha
Woimn'i club Monday after
Boo at J JO at tho Toung Women'
Christian association. Mrs. F. J. Blrse
U leader of tha program, alls Madge
site Bourne will give musical numbers.
Introductory to the program, there will
be a brief discussion of topics of national
Inter st ty members of the department.
Mrs. r. A. Foils n. bee heads this section
of the club.
"The Bible as Literature" will furnish
the subject for study by the Dundee
Women's club, this winter. At the meet
ing Wednesday, to be held at the borne
of Mra. H. C. Balrd. "Tha Versification
of the Bible" will be the special topic,
Mrs.- Raymond M. Croesman will lead the
program, assisted by Mrs. George C.
Bdgerly, the president, and Mrs. J. F.
Fergaaon. Mrs. Charles Ladle will con
duct tha review of enrrmt events.
Mrs. Charles R. Thiem Is In charge of
the) musical program which, will be given
for tha Scottish Rite Woman's club Fri
day afternoon, at the Scottish Rita cathe
dral. A splendid program on "Bird Conser
atlon has been arranged by Major
Isaae ftedler chapter. Daughters of tho
American Revolution, for Its meeting
Friday at 4 o'clock, at the home of the
regent, Mra. William Archibald Smith.
Mllea Oreenleaf will talk on "Nebraska
Birds' Conservation" and Mies Adah
Klun will sing bird songs. There will
also be a bird guessing- contest' The pro
gram te In charge of Mrs. Earl Btan
fteldt who will be assisted by Mrs. Harry
Kelly and Miss Caroline Barkalow.
Mrs. C. H. Aull, state regent, and Mrs.
T. R Straight, regent of Omaha chapter,
will be special guests of honor.
"Beowolf" and nature stories will be
told by members of the Wyche Story
Tellers' league, Thursday afternoon at
the public library. Miss Jessie BUtt, leader
of the program, will be assisted by Miss
Elisabeth Hayes. Mrs. J.W. Raynolds and
Miss Jeanette Watson.
Miss Mary Irene Wallace, leader of the
drama section of the Association of Col
legiate Alumnae, will talk on -Bynge,
the Irleh playwright, at the sectional
meeting to be held Thursday at 4 o'clock,
at the home of Mrs. Ralph Van Orsdel.
A cast including Mesdaroes Stephen
Devles. Doane Powell, W. H. Abbott
and Miss Beulah Adams, will give "The
Shadow of the Glen" by this writer.
Mrs. F. L. Adams will entertain chapter
K of the P. E. O. sisterhood at luncheon
at her home, Thursday. She will be as
sisted by Mrs. W. A. Shropshire. Mrs. W.
P. Campbell will relate her experiences ,
on a trip to the Panama exposition. !
desrlblng tha fair, and Mrs. Andrew Tray
nor will read letters from absent mem
bers. Musical numbers will be given by
Mrs. T. M. Olltner.
Vv ejasaaajsa
Rabbi Frederick Cohn will give a lec
ture on Browning's "Paracelsus" before
Mus Sigma club members, Wednesday
morning. The meeting- will be held at
the horn of Mra. George Platner and
each member is privileged to bring a
Tested tabor and Urns savin r appliances
will be discussed by tho home economics
department of tha South Omaha
Woman' dob when It meets Tuesday at
tha home of tha ex-presldent, Mrs. N. M.
Graham. There will be a demonstration
f the new glass baking dishes. The
hostess will be .assisted by Mrs. Bruce
McOulloeh. Mrs. Charles Gowe and Mra.
J. E. CurtL
Tha Angetaa Social chib, one of the
newer literary organisations, 1111 present
four-act comedy, "Unole Rube," a
dawn east Yankee play by Charles Town
and at tha Orelghton auditorium, Wed
nesday evening, November IT. An "all
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Cooking and Domestic Science Again Has Call with
the Leaders of the Younger Society Set
::-:"Hi mUiyy
A-V V pr i(ijiaiw1iL JvV I.
Top Linen of the Best Danoing
Circlet Look Swell in Their
Kitchen Aprons and Caps.
Kitchen Maids in Their Households
Will Have to Know Their Busi
ness to Make Good.
Last year It was "one, two, three,
dip!" that was floating hazily through
the minds of our fair aoalety maidens.
Now, it la cups of flour, teaspoonsful of
baldng powder, a dash of pepper, a pinch
of salt, spatulas, egg-beaters and carving
knives which occupy their attontlon.
A-weary of the dance, tired of bridge,
bored with luncheons and teas, twelve
of Omaha's loveliest young women have
formed a special class where they will
learn the first-principles of cookery.
You might Imagine it was fudge, di
vinity, chocolate eclairs and such like
they wanted to learn to make. No, in
deed! It was the regular bona fide art,
like mother used to cook before father
made a million, that they wanted to learn.
"Praotlcal cookery!" they choroueed to
the domestlo science instructor. So prac
tical cookery she arranged to give
them. Recelpes for meats and vegeta
bles were accordingly adopted.
Salads? Oh, no! They were surfeited
with salads.
Candies? No, indeed! That was bad
for the complexion.
But one delectable concoction they could
not withstand. They were tempted and
Omaha" chorus of twanty-two persons
will take part In the entertainment.
An open meeting of the Dundee Circle
of the Child Conservation league will be
held Monday at t:30 p. m. In the audi
torium of the Dundee school. Dr. B. T.
Manning will give an illustrated talk on
"Adenoids und Tonsils sad their Kffects
Toon Physical and Mental Efficiency."
Tho program will be opened with musical
numbers, prenented by Lena Ellsworth
Dale and Glrulys Huliu Chambers, In
cluding the L'armena Walts by Wilson,
"Nightingale's Bong" by Nevln and Cad-
inana l'Tom tne ijliiu oi uie oif"w
IWater." Members of the club win give
Items of current Interest.
At the business meeting of the Dundea
Cathollo Circle held Monday at the home
of Mrs. Arnold Jaeger, Mrs. Orover C.
Rriford waa elected nresldent. and Mrs.
W. B. Hills, secretary and treasurer. The
next meeting will be Monday at tne
home of Mrs. Edward Callahan. 62M
Webster street.
The concert benefit of the Memory Pay
association Wednesday evening waa
a great success. Miss Adelyn Wood,
Mrs. Beulah Dale Turner, Mrs. Jessie
Florence Conaway, Mr. Harry Dlsbrow,
Mr. and Mrs. Chsrles Thiem and Miss
Gertrude Thiem, Mrs. Harry Dlsbrow,
and Mrs. Harvey Mllliken took part In
the program.
A permanent organization of the South
east Parent-Teachers' club will be ef
fected at a meeting to be held Friday
afternoon at the new Bancroft school.
Mrs. W. A. Vlckery. sr., Mrs. N. C.
Christiansen and Mra El miner aro among
the women interested In the new organi
sation. The Baptist Missionary circle of Ben
son will meet at the home of Mrs. D. C.
Williams ThursJuy afternoon, wbea tha
V V T T Ya. T - ST Bv .' . v . 0 . aT gV m. i v. .
they fell. Their Waterloo waa angel
cake. This cake, they Insisted, they
must learn to bake.
Now, every Thursday morning at 1ft
o'clock, our fair young- belles went their
way to tha cookery class. Dainty fin
gers which formerly wielded tennis rac
quet or golf stick, are mixing, moulding,
measuring, and rinsing pots and kettles
down at tha cookery class.
These young women have already
learned some of thi most Important baalo
principles of the culinary art If any
skeptic were to Inquire of any of thsm,
"How is water heated?" he would be
silenced by the unhesitating reply, "By
placing it over a fire."
If unconvinced, he should put this
poser: "How do you fry eggs?" the
answer would come with the calm dignity
of , thorough knowledge. "Remove tho
shells and place in a frying pan." (Cer
tainly, silly reader, the eggs, not tha
shells ere to be placed in the frying pan.)
One could bet the crown Jewels that
nothing like the incident of the man
who boiled his watch while he held an
epg in his hand will ever happen ttj
these young women.
There is a story coins the rounds to
the effect that a young married man at
tacked a piece of pia that his bride had
baked. Observing, his glances, the tear
ful bride exclaimed: "Dearie, 1 don't
know what Is the matter with that pie.
I must have left something out when
I baked it."
"It couldn't be anything you left out.
It Is something you put In, that makes
it taste so abominable,'' replied hubby.
It Is said that the repetition of stories
of this Ilk caused the organisation of
this particular cookery class. Certainly
it Is not the old saw, "The way to a
man's heart Is through his stomach," for
each of these popular damsels have swsln
first chapter of "The Dark Continent of
Africa" will bo discussed.
Tho Benson Women's Christian Tem
perance union he'.i a mothers' meeting
Friday at the home of Mrs. W. W.
Ward. A program of muslo and readings,
with an address by Mrs. Frank Butts,
was given. Mrs. F. B. Oliver pavo a
paper on "Mothering the Girls" and Mrs.
F. 8. King on "o'lhl Center Work."
Tha Woman's club of Benson met on
Thursday at tho home of Mrs. J. V.
Starrett. It was voted to have a civic
committee to work with the city council
in all Improvements of the city. Tho
president will appoint a committee of
three members. After the regular pro
gram on "Immigration" the open discus
sion on the subject waa most exciting.
all tha women talking at once.
.Mrs. Claudia V. Oallaway, Instructor of
tha philosophy and ethics department of
tha Woman's club, will talk on "The Evo
lution of tha Individual" at the meeting
Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock In the as
sembly room at the Toung Women's
Christian association. The department Is
studying theosophy. Mrs. 8. A. Collins is
tha leader.
A. W. Miller, probation officer, win
talk on "Your Boy and Girl" before a
meeting of the Central Park Mothers'
club, which will be held Friday In the
Central Park school auditorium at I
o'clock. Election of officers will take
place and plans for tha winter's work will
be discussed. Mrs. J. W. Miller la presi
dent. Prof. N. I. Reed of tha Omaha Con
servatory of Muslo and Arts will address
tho Omaha branch of tha Drama Learuei
of America Monday at f o'clock at the
publlo library. His subject will be,
"The Character Ride of Literature."
Mrs. E. It. Fairfield, chairman of the
city cattUai uXfraca committee, an
Mildred Butler
galore at their feet, would they but
deign to cast a smile upon them,
Tha other morning one of our gay
young Lotharios called to return a pair
of gloves milady had forgotten to claim
when returning from the theater the
night before. He found her In the kitchen
fetchlngly attired In apron and cap,
cmudge of flour on her nose and the
dainty fingertips he feign would kU.
moist with egg snd sticky with molasses.
Another related that when ho tele
phoned to extend an Invitation for a
motoring party, the enthusiastic young
housekeeper replied hurriedly, "I can't
talk to you now. "I'm buey, baking a
cake," and hung up the receiver.
to now all the young bachelors are
eagerly awaiting their next dinner invi
tation at the homes of any of the mem
bers of the cookery cluss. each one an
ticipating with ploasuro milady serving
him with some particularly appetising
dlnh she has hen-elf prepared.
Talk about your nectur and ambrosia
of the gods. It's dollars to douKhnuts
tho bachelors would accept a dinner In
vitation from one of these young women
quicker than they would to an Olympian
Enrolled In the class are the Misses
Elisabeth and Helen Bruce, Mary Hurk
lcy, Mildred Hutler, Elisabeth Iavi, an
Ak-Sar-Ken quern; Meule Davis, Ijouise
X!nnlng, Hilda Hammer and Daphne and
Gladys Peters. Mrs. Ben Wood Is the
only young matron who has enrolled In
the class.
nounces tha annual election of officers
will take place Saturday at 4 o'clock, tho
place to be designated Liter. Most pro
irobubly, the meotlrur will be held at the
Toung Women's Christian association.
Mrs. Fairfield Is not a candidate for re
election, so that the choice of a lie v
leader for all Omaha sulfruglsts Is the
business of importance.
Mrs. Austin Dodds will be honUs f -r
tho J. F. W. club Thursday. Tha mimical
program will be In churge of Mrs. Jaaon
The Prairie Tarlc Needlecraft club will :
obberve Its guest-day meeting at the ;
club house Tuesday afternoon.
Mra. T. Golden was elected president i
of the North Elde Progressiva club at 1
tha last meeting. Mrs. A, Header is
vice president; Mrs. A. Att wood, secre
tary, and Mrs. J. Qlrler, treasurer. The
club will give a series of entertainments
at Druid hall, the first to be a card
party, November 19.
Miss Mildred Ortheman, Miss Irene Cope
and Miss Margaret McDougal, members
of the Loyal Tenipwrance legion of the
North Bide Women's Christian Temper
ance union, were awarded prises for dis
tributing the greatest number of bouquets
to hospitals in tho city. Miss Ortheman
had distributed over 30o bouquets. The
prises were temperance pins.
Mlaa Jeajuiette Miriam Goldberg, field
secretary of the Jewish Chautauqua, will
speak at Temple Israel Friday evening,
November 19. Tha object of Mlas Gold
berg's visit Is to set forth the work of
tha Jewish Chautauqua In America, par
ticularly In relation to tba religious
Every alternate meeting of tha Temple
Israel Sisterhood will give a literary and
musical program. A paper of Interest will
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he read by some prominent person of
j the community and there will be excellent
I musical numbers. The first program aft
1 ernoon will be held Monday, Decemter
J, promptly at 3 o'clock.
I Frances Wltlard Woman's Christian
1 Temperance union will Rlk-e a reception
'. to ltn new members In tho parlors of
I the Kirst Methodist' church, Wednesday
I afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. M. M. Claf
! Iln of 1'iilversily Place, tho state prel-
The Silk Shop
211 City National Bank Bid..
Monday and all week
exceptional reduction on
every yard of silk and vel
vet in the shop.
Georgette crepes, fancy
brocade linings, pompa
dour silks, dress chiffon
taffeta and gros do lqn
dre, worth to $2.25, all at
dent, wilt be the special guext of honor
and will give a talk. Musical numbers
are being arranged a1o.
Rev. V. A. Ilish will explain the plan
of the distribution of temperance refer
endum petitions to members of the
I Omaha Woman's Christian Temperance
union Wednesday at 8:80 o'clock at the
loung Men s Chrlstlun sssoclntlon.
The Omaha brunch of the Needle ork
Oulld of America will hold Its annual
rooting for die'rllnitlun of garments to
the different charltl.s of the city In the
parlors of the Pt. Mary's Ax-enue Con-
BreRntlPiinl church, Tuenday and Wed
nesday. The buslneoa, meeting will he
st 11 a. m. Tuesday and the reception
and display of earments, Wednesday
from I to R p. m to which all friends
of the charity are Invited.
The Knelnesa Women's council will hold
ft noon prayer meeting and luncheon nt
the VoliinU-era hall, Hi North Fifteenth
strtet, from 11 :3A a. in. to 2 p. m. M'.as
Fnt her Johnson of the Juvenile court Is
to he the lender.
Thcsn noon meetings are to be held
every Tuesday In en effort to conserve
the effects of the Sunday cainpalKn In
The recently or-ahlcd council will
have Its first regular meeting Thursday
ntsht at the Young Women's Christian
Gounod's "Faust" will form the basis
of the program for the West Omaha
Mothers' Culture club when It meets
Friday at tho home of Mrs. R. E. Wlnkle
msn. Members wilt respond to roll csll
with quotations from the opera; Mrs. C.
. Hutchhison will tell the story, and
Mrs. P. T. Barber will review the life of
Gounod. Selections from "Faust" will
te given on the Vlctrola.
The oratory department of the Women's
club will continue the study of Edgar
Allen Foe's "Annabel Iee," Tuesday)
morning at W o'clock at the Metropoli
tan club rooms.
Taklns: time by the forelock, the North
Side Mothers' club will have a Thanka
g.vlng and a suggestion of a Chrlstmss
program for the meeting Tuesday at 1:30
o'clock at the home of Mrs. Frank Rus
sell. Roll call response will be Items of
interest regarding Thsnksglvlng, and Mrs.
S. 8. Mliler will read a paper on "Paat
and Present Thanksgiving." There will
be a letter box containing gift bag suk- I
gestlons. A business session will tske up
part of the meeting.
Mrs. George F. Copper returned Friday
evening from Columbus, where she went
to assist In the organisation of a suffrago
league. Mrs. Copper was the giieat of
Mrs. Henry Ragats, Jr., the president of
the club.
Of eouras the horrible ware
abroad have hindered to a great
extent the Importation of tin
leathers. Yet. It la mmaridiMi
how much really excellent leather
goods e have been ahl to n
cine. Indeed, you will be sur
nrlaed when you eome to our shnp
snd see tha wonderfully comrdeln
line of fine lenther Roods we havj
in stock. Mentioning a few:
Fnllmaa Uppers aad Traveler
Aoeecsoiies Tlsltlng, Address,
SngagsmsBt and Onsst Books,
Photograph Cases for desk or
And numberless other things of
beauty and otlllty.
These we hatn In great variety
of styles, sixes and prices, offer
ins; a selection from which ybti
can siiii'lv choose something Just
to your liking.
Book and Stationery
1030 Barney. Vhoas Song. 3141.
Opposite By& Theater.
wc sricwuw w su-foopA "yMA mi ma imi MiY ftn.
d. eiq mK5 - V&H;;:'A thutu writ PAa
1508-10 Howard Street
New Stock
at Hospe's
Beautiful mezzo-tint
Figure Pictures,
plain and colored
Gravures, Carbon
Photographs, Ar
totypes and Color
Picture Frames
New designs in
hand carved
Roman tone pic
ture frames; also
natural wood
frames from $lup.
New styles in mir
rors in gold frames
and mahogany
frames i n fancy
shapes and pat
terns, Art Bric-a-Brac
in silver,
gold, brass, pot
tery and wood
re pro sen ting
Lamps, Candle
sticks, Smokers'
Sets, Trays, Desk
Sets and Cordova
Leather Designs.
Artificial Flowers of new
est creations just opened
up, at greatly reduced
prices. American Beau
ty Roses at 25c.
Pohlson Novelties are new
and fetching: in design
and very much reduced
Vases of the Niloak, Vase
Kraft and Cornelian.
Potteries 1,000 frame
patterns to select from.
1513-1515 Douglas St.
3d floor Fattersea !.,
17th aad remain. IXragtas TMg.
Omaha. Wsb,
Tells why and how Flour. Coffee.
Byruim, Tea and Flavoring Kxtracts will
he ma-la rrom the Western Alfalfa plan'
Investigations show that It Is mora
trltlous than corn, wheat or oats. Ad
dress The AmeriacB Alfalfa Product CompMy
108 Bostom Bnildtar, Denver, Colorado.