Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Image 12

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Large Increase in Output of Motor
Trucks. Due to Uie of Print
er's Ink.
' O. H. Browning, motor truck sale men
alter for the International Harvester com
pany, wu asked lest meat to account for
the lanre WIS Increases In International
motor trurk sstes. The Hsrvester com
rany hat double! Iti motor truck business
In 1915. and the Increased production at
the company work, at Akron. O.. re
cently made poaalble a new chedule of
price heretofore unheard of In the motor
trurk Industry.
! think the newspaper ar partly re
sponsible," said Mr. Prownlr.s. "for our
big Increase In business. We have always
beea persistent advertisers, and during
the current year we have made a more
. thorough -tee, thaw ever before of news
paper advertising. The results have been
satUfaetory; In fact, everything has com-
blnd to double our business over last
year. Our new prltea are the result. Tho
imore trucks pepple will buy, tha cheaper
Hhey can get them.
f "Tou see. advertising enables you to
lnvada every city with your motor trucks.
If you have a aales organisation to take
care of the proivects. Our head office
la located In Chicago and the factory
its at Akron. O., yet we are the greatest
distributors of motor trucks all over the
s country.
' "It Is true that International motor
f trucks lead In Chicago, with J4J trucks.
the nearest competitor having 17S. But
, we lead also In St. Louis, according to
the Olobe-Pemocrat. with seventy-one,
the nearest competitor making trucks
' exclusively having twenty-seven, and our
leadership extends to practically every
larfe city In the country. Advertising
enables us to go anywhere, aa far from
the manufacturing base aa our selling
8 organisations will permit If you have
i a motor truck of unusual quality you
s can Introduce It Into any city by sdver
i tllng, supported by salesmen.
S "The most remarkable victory which
advertising ever helped tha International
. motor truck win was In the state of
Michigan, which la, a everybody knows,
the great motor truck manufacturing
center. It la said that ther are more
'motor truck makers In Michigan than In
.any other state In tha Union, or In al
i most any two or three states. Michigan
' Is as famous for' Its motor vehicles as
Kentucky la for It race horses, and It
la fair to assume that It la In tha state
iof Michigan where motor truck sales
I organisations are tha strongest and com
1 petition the keenest,
i "Although our main office and tha
t factory are clear outside of the state,
$ we 'didn't do a thing to Michigan with
J advertising as an ally. Michigan regtstre
f tlons of motor trucks for the first half
of IBIS show that w are far In the lead.
I have a Hat of the registration ar
( ranged alphabetically by makea which
, shows the registrations as they fluctuate
from month to month.
"The figures tell their own story and
show International registrations for the
first half of tha year to amount to Just
JC4 trucks, while the nearest competitor
totals R3. This manufacturer la not a
competitor of ours, strictly speaking, be
cause Its trucks are built In stses from
too pounds to at tons hauling capacity.
International trucka, as you probably
know, ar In the LOW to tort-pound
"The closest competitor selling trucks
of the same capacity has a total of 117. It
Studebaker Makes
' Hard Trip Through
Mud and Water
That tha 191 Studebaker possesses
abundant power to meet the contingencies
of long distance touring wss satisfactor
ily demonstrated In the drive made by
C. T. Johnson, from the Detroit factories
to his home at Moscow. Idaho. Mr. John
son encountered ml res. rocky and gul
lied roada, long crooked hills and five
sharply graded mountain ranges, but the
Btudehaker motor at no time required
outside assistance. Ills wife and daughter
Joined him en route and they carried a
camping outfit, getting all the healthful
enjoyment to be had from an automobile
tour through the wilds, over plains and
through the western Rockies. The Little
Missouri river was crossed over the rail
way bridge because of a washout While
crossing the continental divide, Johnson
met motoring parties who were using
horses to make the steep climb and still
others who were forced to tarry while
In speaking of a recent trip to the
Goodrich factory at Akron, Henry Ny-
guard of the Omaha Tire Repair com
pany, outlined many reasons for an Im
proved condition In the tire business.
Plans are being made for the extension
service tests, etc., and uniform Instruc
tions are being sent to all dealers re
garding the selling arrangement guaran
tees, etc.
"One big i.ilp to Ooodrlch owners which
X have Installed hould Increase our sales
In the locality man.r times. Until recently
It has been neceeairy to send Ooodrlch
Cord tires to Chicago for repaJra owing
to tha lack of fssJlltles In this territory,
"I have recently mau arrangements
for supplies of this especially prepared
material. In order that we may give the
Cord tire owners better service from this
end. Wa can now repair all Goodrich
Cord tires which have been cut or torn,
right In Omaha."
It might be added to the credit of
Omaha, tnat Omaha la the only city In
this territory where this work ran be
done. This bespeaks credit to Omaha or
ganisation, Inasmuch as Omaha la first
their motor cooled off. The Rtudebaker
fare him no trouble and It was necessary
to go into low gear for a short distance
on but few occasions In taking steep
mountain grades. Nor was a carbureter
adjustment required for making these as-ennts.
Jeff ery Announces
New Four Sedan Car
The Thomas B. Jeffery company, not
satisfied with astonishing the motor car
world with the Jeffery four at $1,000, has
gone one step further by Invading the
enclosed car field with a coach possess
ing all the traditional luxury, of this type
of car without the traditional excess In
Tha new car announced this week Is
the Jeffery four sedan. 01 1 has all the
richness of finish, the grace of Una and
luxury which has heretofore character
ised the finest custom-made enclosed
cars yet the price Is only 11.183 and the
sedan top Is easily removed, converting
the car Into an open machine at tha
first approach of warm weather.
Girl Wins Maxwell
Efficiency Tour
To the amasement of the veteran road
drivers who took part In the recent Max
well efficiency run from Buffalo to thUA
homes In New England and tha other
North Atlantlo states the first place win
ner turned out to be the only woman
pilot in the tour.
. Mlsa Eva Cunningham, daughter of F.
J. Cunningham, Maxwell dealer at Haver
hill, Mass., drove from Buffalo to Haver
hill, 667 miles, on exactly seventeen gal
lons of gasoline, and average of 33.37
miles to the gallon. Her car was a new
Maxwell roadster.
Kissel Dealers
Strong for Service
"The thing that has Impressed me most
on this trip Is the Kissel spirit of good
fellowship which I have met with at
tha hands of Kissel deslera In every
town where we have stopped," writes W.
B. Knapp of Downer's Orove, III., who
Is rroselng the continent with his family
In a new Klssel-Kar.
"They don't even seem to want to
charge for gas," continues Mr. Knapp,
"and when It comes to loyalty and en
thusiasm, they have It over any buncIV
of dealers I aver saw."
Mr. Knapp says that his car is perform
ing "beautifully" despite the fact that
he has encountered a great deal of rain
and bad roads.
Allen Company Will
Continue to Build
Its Own Motor Parts
'The motor Is a good JO per cent of the
car from the buyers' standpoint," said
W. O. Allen In a letter to the Standard
Motor Car company, local dealers, the
other dav.
Carl Changstrom, manager of the
Standard Motor Car company, went on
to' say: "If an axle manufacturer were
to build a car It would be soma ear aa
far as axles are concerned, or If a top
manufacturer turned motor car builder
It would have some top. But the heart
of an automobile la the engine. Wa take
lots of pride in the Allen engine, and
not only build It ourselves, but have on
of tha engine authorities of the country
right here In our organisation. Mr. Bom
mer at the factory designed our motor
and wa call It the Allen-Sommer. Wa
would not ask for a better designed or
better built engine. This powerful, aoo
nomlcal engine is responsible for a large
part of the Allen popularity."
Oeorge Stone, former Rourke and major
leaguer and now a banker at Coleridge,
Neb., Is said to have subscribed for $2,000
worth of stock In the Lincoln base ball
club on the petition now being circulated
by Ducky Holmes. Holmes la trying to
organise a stock company to take over
Hugh Jones' Capital city holdings.
may be mentioned that many of tha
truoka ar Michigan products.
"You ask ma how we Invaded Michigan
With all those manufacturer on the
ground. Unquestionably, our advertising
helped us much. Ws have qualities In
our truck, which we can tell tha peo
ple about In advertisement and get their
Interest Every business man nowadays
may not own a truck, but he at least
Is Interested in one.
"Wa feel mora Ilk trusting the fat
ct our motor truck business to a Judic
ious cultivation of the horn market
through advertising than to chasing tha
phantom of war ordera. This year, while
many manufacturer have been watching
tha bubble of big war business, wa have
been plugging ' the homo market and
doubling our business. This old United
Htatea I one good plao to sell motor
truck If you have the right truck and
are not afraid to advertise."
A "Tor Sal" ad will turn second-hand
furniture Into
Oft T-c.ifV- "w-
1 S
1 I
OifrlV 7trai rlip
rb'ni u 4- (si
, ll5)il(o
The Jeffery Four. Standard Seven-Passenger. $1,035; Without Auxiliary Seats; $1,000
America's Standard Five-Passenger Automobile at a $1,000 Price
The Most Important
Motor Car Amomcemeiit
Made In Omaha This Year
TIIE JONES-OPPER COMPANY wishes to announce to its friends that it has made arrangements to handle Jeffery
Motor Cars in Omaha and surrounding territory. This, we believe, is the most portant motor oar announcement
made in Omaha this year the most important because it represents a combination of two of the strongest organiza
tions of their kind in the middle west
W hava selected the Jeffery after carefully scrutlniilnr every car and every' automobile manufacturer tn the country. We found that
the Jeffery Four at f 1.000 1 the most spectacular, ruotor car opportunity on the market -tula year. We found tht the Jeffery Six at $1,860 poe
eeseg the same style, comfort and efficiency features that have given the highest-priced motors cars of Europe their reputations. Wb found that
the Thomas D. Jeffery Company Is one of the five strongest motor manufacturing concerns in this country. The Jeffery Company has been In busi
ness more thin forty years, during which time It has never failed to make good every promise it has ever made to tbe public. We found that Jeffery
cars have won an enviable reputation In practically every part of the world by the sheer quality of their performance.
From these facts It is sjelf-evident that the motor car dealer who made a connection with the Jeffery Company would be in an enviable
position. We believed that our long and successful experience In the Om aha field had fitted us to handle Just mi eh a proposition as the Jeffery
Company has offered us. Ww knew that with the Jeffery we would bo able to give the public a better car and better service than other dealers. We
knew that thousands of buyers in this territory had been waiting for Just such a car as the Jeffery Four a big, powerful, easy-riding, seven passen
ger automobile, yet economical in the extreme. Hence we decided to take on the Jeffery, and from now on Jeffery Motor Car sales will be pushed
aggreattlvely in Omaha and in the surrounding territory.
We Invite you to inspect the Jeffery at our display rooms at 2043-6" Farnam St. We want you to ride In the Jeffery Four and in the Jeffery
Six. We know that a ride in these cars will give you a new conception o f motor comfort, style and efficiency. We know that you will be amaied
at the remarkable quality which the Jeffery Company has built into these cars, which sell at such moderate cost.
Specifications of the Jeffery Four
Rtandard Be ve-Passenger, tU.Ott.V
Five raengr Hoadster. f l,t00.
T. O. . Xeaoaha, Wlaeoaaia.
MOTOR Four-cyllsder cast en bloc, high-speed, high efficiency,
Ihead type. Unit power plant. Forty horsepower.
TIRES Six inches.
Specifications of the Jeffery Six
r. O. B. Xeaoaha, Wisconsin.
MOTOR High-speed, high-efficiency, bloc type,
"L" head, S-lnch bore, C-lncn stroke.
TIRES 34x4 Inches.
WHEEL BASB 122 inches.
42- II. P.,
Jones-Opper Company,
Omaha, Nth.
Distributors Eastern and Northern Nebraska
and Western Iowa. .
A. H. Jones.
Hastings, Neb.
Distributor Southern and Western Nebraska