12 Tim bee.- omatta NOVEMBER I 1915. WANT ADS Want aria received t ay tlm, but to traure proper classification mmt be pre sorted befot 13 o'clock iwon for evening littn nd T:45 p. m. fr morning and Sunday tttinns. Want ds received afte,' och bourn will be under th needing, "I oo Lai to ClnMlfr.' CASH RAT1GS. Perm ronsecullv tun. 1 cent a word sen Inwrtlnn. Two or mora eonsecutlv Uma, 14 eU word. On Unit, I cent word. ' nURdE RATES. yn consecutive times. cent a lln ach Insertion. . ,. Three rona-ciitlv time. 10 cents a lln ach Insertion. On time. 12 w.nt lift. Count tlx t.vt-riw worda to lln. Minimum r.re, W cent. An adve-t, niirnt tnaerted to run ntll t)i.-i i t t,ued mutt b stopped written i.rlnr. . . All clr'ni for error must b mad within fifteen Cay after th last Inser tion of tli advertisement Too can rtaca your want ad In Th B by telephone. TELEPHONE TTLKtl 1000. CARD OP THANKS. W wish to than our neighbor and e-t a - .. l n.a vmnntnY ano floral offerings in th sad bereavement nd Iota of niy dear wife and noy1'r: August Schmidt, sr.. Mr. and Mr. John I tbohn. Mr. and Mrs. Herman d; cum"-- and Mra. Ed Doeman, Mr. and "". w. O. Schmidt Mr. and Mra. J. II. 1 lam- beck. Mr. and Mra. Ed uixon. DKITIIS AND FUNERAL NOTICES BISHOP La. Rut 8., aged 78 year. Funeral from resident of daughter, vi,. 1. v. (vunt 2.11B M.ainl atreet. , Thursday, at l.M p. m. interment private. niRTIIM AND DEATHS. Births Gust and Olga Carlson. 8107 ?;orth wineieenin, noy; .....--"ealey. Wa North Twenty-aeconjl. M Sid, boy; Gene and l.ily UUon, North Twenty-elxth. Houth .-IJe. boy; i-nl ami Maud Holloway. MxXh end xirace, lrl. Oulaeppe and Oraxla Munitto, I I Iwuth i 111! Mtlilil. pill. - - .-.- er. 2b Ohio, boy: John and V'111 O. afld T. U HPhul. mi North orty eecornt. boy; William and rn Welih, fc? Harney, boy; Karl and Bertha Young, Fourteenth and Capitol avenue, fin. . l.. iiMit.m a KmiU. 4.H. hoautal: Cora A. Wilson. 49. I'oppleton; Oeome A. Bandera, i, hoapltnl: llertha Wll; n ..i o,.n. irinnlh: Amelia Washburn. 2T.17 Corby; John Adama. R JiTI North Korty-iourtn; j; -"'"" tnann, tX 160 South Sixteenth. MAItnlAtiU LlCK.HSES. Th following permits to wed hava ten Issued: . 1 . .. f fkmuha ....... 29 . . . 1 1 m llmiht M M I J v... . . -. I ..In. Omaha Over 21 .iiin . i . ... Mary lianak, Omaha ovr Is Joaenh A. Henake. Omaha ....over ti v.ihrno (I McClunahan. Omaha. over 18 tfft.i.i.n vtloom Vlorenre 4 Anna lie. I McUary. Florence M shrank C. Ahlnulst, Florence. 80 Alan IT, ityman. nuiuiii, o- Our Gamer. I'es Moines, la 27 tclll. l ln'.. TiDcntiir I'llV. la i tieb over 21 Italia I. Plmmons, Reynolds, Neb. over IH Carl H. Wolfe. Columbus, Neb 23 F.mma Herchonhan, Coluinbua, Neb... 21 Morris K. Bonnll, Omaha over it Josephine M. l"eter. Omaha over 18 BVlLDINa PERMIT!. hp -m.i.nu tine VJnWh Pnrt w-fonrth venue, repairs, l&OOi Roy O. In man. 4111 l P m. dwHlllh 12 .) ' piny in 1 1 T .'"ii. " 7" T tJrak Realty oompany. 4232 May berry avenue, tram oweuing, TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM Dwaterau EMPRESS, 15TII AND DOU0LX8. Hearst Sellf No. M. Tb Apache of Paris," 4-reel Kalem dr. "Fun at a Ball Game." Eaaanay com. North. GRAND. 1CTH AND BINNET. Th Card Player," t reels, featuring William Roaelle. "Sn America First" (Nw Tork, Up town. , "Keeping Up With th Jonaea." One eelectwi Keytaone comedy. LOTHKOP, 4TH AND LOTHROP. Sellg preaenU "Th MilUonalr Baby." in six reels. Wt. MONROE, IESB FARNAM F-ssanay Co. presents Francis X. Bush mnn In Stars Their t'ouraea Chantie, wnn neveny fayne, ry special reijueat eaath aide. I GRAND. 1TH AND BINNET. Four Reels of Good Picture. ORPHEUM. 2 4 Til AND M. diamond From th Pky, No. So. llood of Our Brothers, I reels. MOVIES FEATURES TODAY LMPRES3, 16TH AND DOUGLAS Th Apache of Paris. 4-rel Kalem dr. LOTHKOP, 24TH ANu LOT11HOP. Selig present 'Th MilUonalr Baby," In six reels. ANNOUNCEMENTS Bargains , PUQIITLY CSKii AND ID-HAND PlAUd, A-LAVepU-l'lANOS, OlUiAN. i, . . . Was. Now. f urnlsb A Co.. plain ebony. .1J, lij lloic, oak cablnvt grand y.4 176 1 Ctti'ie-.NriAon, iah., i.io caae n) 2uu 1 t ui..e-.i-u,uii. mail., lare caae ii 2i6 I LaUtt-NuMtou, UiaU., Uuia cim 4J& 2iJ 1 Kiu.lwll. iriciicu aaiuul Ciuk, j0 Uai 1 ru til, Utrg case, nuih., n.i.y new t- t 1 liowdo.r sfc nolrl players l.i 1 Kinitail uiah. (ilayiT b.) 4w 1 Mrlvnui t lark AmIIo, mah.. all M 1 i.elvllle Clark Apollo, oak.,.. a a) 1 WaleiUto. lilpjh t'u organ fi lloie. huh ton orKan with mirror., 1 bilinioller & Murller organ 25 1 A. H. ( ; chapvl organ 2j 1 J. O. l.arliuff chapel vrmil 1 Clouah Warren chapel organ tu 1 lluun 4k Hamlin chapel oraan IV All t-f these Imtiuinonts have been tfiorou.My ovrrhautcd In our factory, so that they IXKjK LI KID NKW and will be sold till terms to suit the most inortckl lxK-keibouk. Money refunded If tot sat isfactory. fcvie iu presentatlves of the Celebrated MAeoN at HAMUN FIANOfi. A. Hospe & Co., J.,'y ! Tongl ft.. Ornnha. Neb. i.v.t.uc'la.s, at ? Ai. C A. itusiuee nteaT AXXOINCT.MF.NTS WE ftnnlkh first claaa housework girls, malda. cooka waltreaaes and help of all kirn's for hotels and prlvst fsmllic. international t,mp. urric. jsu cas. AUTOMOBILES IThMmaf vnii ar .nn.'.rln Minn oe buying a used car and you want full value for your money or you want peopl Who ar willing; to pay for what they are getting you will hav no regret If you buy or advertise through the used car col u mn of Th He, f'l.on Tr'er loop. 1 MILKS of mileage In your 'ld tlrea (Rebuilt). Send tnm to PlIO T1HB CO., 1711 Chicago fct NF.hHASKA Unlok Service Station, 114 rarnam ft. I'hooe pouejaa n. Foil SAl.K, KKANRIJN ShiKIKS , litlo. run Ipsa than b mile; Hoii'K wire wheels, raelnit and tube: Hats at 12.220. I'hone l"-4, or writ Ho 7, Co. ftluffs, la. lino REWARD for any maaneto we ran t repair Colls repd Raya.lorfei. 210 N. lth. AUTO. cliarlnpT houao Huy, aelt and ex- cnanitM utd cars. T-'iv Mrnnm u. 33 1 Will pay raah for Ford car, any con dition. H-262.Be. Overton's for leaky radiator. 6c, dealers, or Dy mall i'p- Ave., Co. Ulurrs, la. Industrial Oarage Co.. 20th ilarney fits. nrsixEss chances If your Mucinest Chanc will stand lirid Investlsatlon ana is lust what It Is advertlaed, or If you ar looking to start In bualneaa for yourself you will be per fectly aatlafled If you ue th Business Chahc column of The Bee. When buy ing or selling a Duaine t none Tyler Hx. A DMITGD amount of 74 per cent pre ferred stock, cumulative and non aaaessable, in Nebraska, Omaha corpora tion at par. lim per share, ir yuu lave surplus funds and ar looking for a g mil, safe Investment that will net 7V pT cent, addreas Box KH, Omaha, Neb., or tele- phone Duiiglaa SiWO. Foil BAIliCJood restaurant; a bamaln If taken soon. Ira Harris, Merna, Neb, ID BKlA. or buy a niaineta, call on Buacli Horchnff. Kranter Klk. I. UlA Ti (I KT In or out oi bualneaa call on OANQFSTAH, 422 Bee Kldg. Ooug. 347. THKATKHS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and suppllea throuxh Theater K'xch. Co., 14fl Karnam I). Ml. 12.000 EUUITT in property renting for ii per montn. tor lana, iots, acreage or Interest In bualneaa. Box 7M, Omaha, UKK Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains In eatahllahed ahows. I). WJ. UUSINKHS places, land, city property handled, all states. Jim Yvrav. fcloux City, la. louble bowling alley, fully equipped, for aale or trade. John Specht, Strang, NeD. HmimUK lloaaes tor Sale. N1CF.I.Y furnished rooms; modern) 2408 St. Marys Av. Tel. lied WM. EDUCATIONAL Hie VAN SANT SCHOOL BTENOQRAPHT BOOKKEKPINQ, Day H'hool for Toung Women. lLvenlna Mchool for Young Ma and Women. Saturday morning claaa in typewriting. Ion C. Duffy, Ovttr and Manager. K Bo ISth St Omaha EJXi-EIlT lady stenographer will tales pupils; shorthand, touch typewriting, spelling and punctuation taukht. Indi vidual instruction. U Douglas St TeL Walnut BUSINK8B COLLEGE 8TUDS.NT9 SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. t -it aula, with ood reasons for selllna. variety of course In a reliable Busi ness school, on or inn leading Business colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away below regular prlc. If you ar considering taking a eoure Investigate this at one, sine Fall terra begin soon. Call office. Omaha Bee. . OAf SCHOOL. BOTLKM CODlMJB NIGHT SCHOOL Every day la enrollment day. Book keeping, Shorthand, Stenotypy, Typewrit ing, Telegraphy, Civil Service all Com mercial and Kngllah branches. Catalogue boti.es eoDJEaa. 18th and Ilarney Hta, Tel. Oouglaa IMA, Boyle Bldg. Tl. O. 1M, Omaha, Neb. FUK sals, th following scholarship In first class Omaha Bualneaa College: On unlimited combination business and ehorthand course. On unllmltaa sienographla ooura. On throe-month' business or stsno- gratihla courae. win (i oia at a qisoouni at in oino Vf Th Omaha I.'. FOR SALE FOR SALR-Her la a claastrioation that la of th utmoat Importanc to every reader, as this column offers some excep tional opportunities every day and a email want ad will sell your artlcl at Its full valu. Prion Tyler luOO. Faraltvre, Itoaekl Geoda, Kte. Auction! Auction! at 19th and Cali fornia St. Friday, November 5, 1915. Sal starts at 10 a. m. sharp. Includ ing fin parlor suits, bedroom sets, din ing room furniture, several extra fin hlKh Brad ruga, both large and small, also Uime fin ranges, bedding, dishes, cooking utensils and hundred of article too numerous to mention. Don't fall to be at this great sal Fri day, November t, at W a. in. sharp. . Dowd Sale & Auction Co. For Terms and Sal Date Call Red CSS. BARGAINS KUHNiTUKK IKK HAKDWARKS, lfci N. WTH. WKB1WI, IaBAVINO ClTiT For Bale Itadlant Horn stov. No. . In best condition : dnndy heater; ooat (46 new, but will sell f ir .U Tel. Web. t44. or call at V4 N. th St. la'ught and sold. J. C. Read, msl'' 17 Farnaro St. Douglas 14& CAHr-KTS. atoves and buKMie. D. 4:0. FI HNITL'HB for aale. Wardrol. suit )la for olflce or clothing house. Call at lis N. wtn St., or phone Walnut V. FCRN1TCRK for sale, hou for rent, reaaonabl to reliable party, D. 774 AUCTION SALE Thursday, November 4. UlS at I P. ta. At 704 S. 17th Ave. Seven rooms of hlKh grade furniture, sll In th very best of shape, to t sold piece by piece to the hluueat bidder 4 oak dreasers, I wardrobes, rugs, 1 mahogany davenport. 1 center table, par lor chairs and rockers. 4 beds, am lima maltrcssi. 1 buffet and dining room table. i aris ui uuuiig iuuiu viimhs, sewing ma chine. Icebox, kitchen table, aofa. coal range, gas range, lace curtain and drap ery, 1 tons of solt coal and a lotd of kindling, duties and cooking utenail of all kinds. In fact, everything to make up a complete aevon-rooin home. Here Is a good chance to pick up some good fur niture at your own Prices. Don't forget th date, next Thursday afternoon at t o'clock sharp. BEX W. SMITII, . ADMINISTRATOR. Harare aaat Vehicle. FA KM wskon. ti; harnesa, $Sf: both new. Jobuaon-Lanforlh Co.. IMh arid Clerk fits. lloK.SK, bUhav. gnd liarneas, $u. W eu aier ttfpl Call (ter a. in. TWO lilah-grad Jer-y cows, fraah, U. IL Nielsen. slO 8. Uttt Av. if)it sAi.r. Iloraea anal Vesicles, OOOtl horae and we mm. Col. 410. r N.4. MATCH Kl pair of marea, J.'OO Iba.; alao . delivery horse, i.ouo lbs. Ldy owner. K4 So. 24th. I.APT'H saddle. I'hone liotitflas 7ST4. Maalenl Inat ramea ta. BnrHone anxnphone for awl. f. tW. I'naltry, Km and aanpllea, MXD grain. Iflo lha. II. 7S. Wagner, l N 1. BTKREOTKFK matrices make th beet nd rheapeat lining for poultry houses They are 17x11 Inches, atrongnr and mora durabl than tarred felt and practically fireproof. Tse a hunrtrml at The Me efflc. el ck. FF.TIRKTS for anle, 1 pair. 4M Kmmet St I'lione Walnut 2726. J. I.. Wilson. White Aneor kitten for aale. Web. 5' French p'lnrlln flog, aale or trade. D. o4. Typeterltera, FOR P-AI.E New and necond-liand earon and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all hinds; eiiay payment The Brunswick-Halke-Collcnder Co.. 4O7-4f0 . inth St HF.I.1ANCK Rlblmn and Carbon Co.. car bon paper and Inked ribbons D. 8-' 43. Ot.lVKR typewriter. n. . .1 Hce Bldg. TVl'KW 1UTU1U4 sold, lenti-d, repaired. Central Typewriter Kxc. i; Farnam. MUreliaaenni, "BIT.T,i" PtTNDAT TABERNACLH Sheeting, shlplap, doors. 1 carload, I ply rubln iAd, tW a anuare, uki.ioi ft. of iMn,v,n. tie a am . ii UH, zxlO; toilets. $J to 10 each; brick, 13; ox4 aiorv, unriKnt Tire eacapea 9i earn. Tel. lied 8217-Chrls. Jensen tot No. 14th Street. FOR SALK CHIiAP Business College Course. Fun and complete scholarship In on of the - test Omaha bualneaa school Uood reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will he ol1 very reasonably, if Interested investigate gt once, bex'auae fall term heirlna noon, T)ir ar a variety of course for sal. For particular inquli at th offlc of The Omaha Be. C?Q Ofi001'11" Whlakr. 4 full tDal.jl ll,JarUi bottled In br-nd. pre jZ7'l'M. Cackley Bros.. Omaha fVinl baaketa delivered, $1. S. Roaen VVUl fhnli ml invenworth I). 6131. M I ST sell immediately, latent coaaler bike, spring tandem carrier attachment, cheap. Write K. O. Nelson. Cook. Neh. KMAI.I. hotel; good location; near stock yards, South Omaha; must sell on ac count of sickness; reasonable price, if sold at once. M , Bee. FOR SAI.F.-Motnl Oarage. M. D. Cam eron. Tel. H. 294. LARUE! rook stove; will trade for pota toes. , Walnut 1742. COI.UMIUA Dictaphone, Vi price. 683 Brandela. I electrlo motor. Room K Beo Bldg. UK LP WANTED FEMALES 4'lerlcnl f Office. 8THNO. and billing clerk W Steno. and bookkeeper o Bookkeeper and typist ...W Stenographer, beginner ....t-W BUSlNKtoS MEN H HhUi'hlRKNCB A8SN, 14UH W, O. W. Bldg. STKNO AND D1CT. OPU fi ST ION I Kill A I'll KR W CUMI'T. Ol'H w STKNO.. who can read and write Danish .......IT WATTS KKK M., H;w-40-4a Brand. Th.a- COMHT. Operator, 140. WATTS RICK. CO., K.-4fl-42 Brand. The. STKNO. who can operate Oliver miichine; also do othr work around the office; must be bright, cnergetlo and willing worker; splendid opportunity for right f'arty; give age, references, etc B Hut, lee, Factory a4 1 rages. OIRL to learn hairdresaing. Oppenhelm. tlunseker pera put rtomeattc. THB Servant Utrt Problem Solved. Th Be will run a Servant Oirl Wanted Ad FhtLE until you get th desired result. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to Th Bee office or telephone Tyler 10U0. UIDDLK-AQKD lady to help with light housework and to b companion for an elderly lady; just on In th family; no wageg expected. Web. 3136. 274 Uraml COMPKTKNT whit Birl for general housework: I In family: aood horn for right girl. II. 4to. H4) S. 42d. WANTED Olri to assist with housawork ind car for small child: one atiendin school half day preferred. Phone Harney WANTKD-GIrl for general housework; two In family. Call Douglas ltt befor 10 a. m. and after 7 p. m. WANTED Competent girl for general noueork. a-4 rarnam St. Tel. liar. Hoi WANTKD Kxporlenoed girl to do gen eral kouaawork. whure ppcotid vlrl ami laundress ar kept. 137 S. i6th Bu Tel. narnvy ouis. COMPKTKNT girl for general house work; no washing or Ironing; good wages. m& Burt St. WANTKD Ulrl for general housework; .man ramuy. iujo t. xji at, liar, WANTKD Uood girl tor general house work; 1 In family. Mrs. Oeurae Barker. Jr., ljatayeite Ave. Wal. Mbl. tt A N'l'fclJ-Olri for houaewoik. Wal. 1176. WANTKD Experienced whit girl for general housework. Family of 4. No washing of Iroulng. Good wages. Call liar, iwuii. 17 No. 4Zd St, WANTED Cinpetent whit girl for housework In small family, wne'r sec ond girl la kept. Wage ii. liar. 40t4. l&M bo. 4inst. . WANTED A girl for general housework. On who cau go huiu mah la. Colfax 41sU WANTKli A girl for general housework and couklug; small faiiUy. good wages: refeiences. 4.S2S Douglas. Wal. 11443. WANTKD Young girl to help with housework; no washing or cooking. Wal- rit liiti. WANTKD A girl to aaeiat with house- WANTKD Oirl for general housework; .. i ..... il'ui a uuih kit LJ ..."'1 t.vi'U w r, n . n. y. , . pi)u WAN'1K1 A capable cook and a compe tent second alrl. Mrs. N. A. Spies- burxer. U Farnam. WAMHU-A girl for general housework; good wages. Apply al once. it. H. aotn. WANTKD A young girl for general housework; no cooking, walnut &. WANTK1 tiood girl to aaaiat with gen eral nousewora; siuaii raiiiiiy; good pay. Wal. li4. WANTKD-A young girl for general hnusework: no wasliina or r,L.u.ui Walnut 117. WANTKD Housekeeper on farm, sIiikU family. Address M. K. Dailon, Miller, Neb. WANTKD Oirl for geiieial housework In family of three; second maid kept; reference required. I'hone Harney liizl. Mrs. W. F. Meseath, 174i S. HJd Ave. WANTKD A maid for general houae- wot'K. vvainut 4J. W ANTliI A girl for general houauwork. ilnlrt Harney St. WANTKD Coinyelent girl for general housework, no washing. lit N. 4li bt. Wal. 1319. WANT El A competent experienced child's nurse; good wnses. Appiy room TA lirandels Theater Bldg. Mrs. John L, Kennedy. WANTED at One Young girl for gen eral housework; small family. II. 7a. 14 S toth St. WANTE1 Good whit girl for general housework; no cooking' good Wage to permanent party. H. 61 WANTED C.lrl for general housework. small family, good salary. 1'houe 16 ;j. TS Mill St., (uncil Bluffs. WANTKD Heliable whit girl for geu eral housework; 3 In family. Wal. 465. WANTED at Once Experienced 'maid for general housework, or young girl WaU73! iUl h,,u,wor" waahlua-. Bllseellaaeoaa. YOtmO women coming to Omaha aa strangers ar Invited lo vtalt tne Youn Wonmn'a Christian association bulldinl at St Mary Av. and 17th St.. whir they will te directed to suitable boardin I' laces or othurwlprt aaalated. I JKik fu? our travelers' gtiwle at l'nl,.. station 8TKXO atale ex (lerlen'-e. K IsS. liee' WANTKD WOMAN-Oovernment e'erk ships. Write Immediately for deiails Frank lln niauiui Depl. kj 11. Kochestur' HELP WANTED FEMALE! M lacellaaeoaa. OFF1CR CfK UK Bright, capable young Indy, writing a very good hand, for po alilon ahere al lllty will be well r'-warJ'd; mall salarv to start, hut excellent fuiure. WUT, RKFF.RENCK BOND ASS N, 7'-2 OiriHha Nat. Hank Hldsr WANTKD Young women to enter nuraea' training school at City hospi tal, Norfolk, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE 4 lerleel ptnd office. 8AT-IC8 COHRFSPONDKNT Capable. wide awake man, expTlenced In car pets and riK correspondence. Only man of hlKh ability considered. Olve Bge, ref erence, salary, exierlence, etc. C Bee. SA LKSMANJroccry IIM) andKxp. Salesman A-No. 1 proposition. PtenoKraphor and dictii phone op $W StcnoKrapher and bookkeeper $40 Watts Hef. Co, f3-4ik42 Brandela Then, I'KIVATK HW'KKTAItY (Sili-NO)...!!'"' STKNOORAPHKll $75 MOll. (CRKAM STATION"), INV $75 TIIH CA NO AOKNCY. ft BK10 BI.DO. 8A I.P:8.VIAN Orocery experience $1"0 Steno. and prlval secretary $y-, Bkkpr. and typist $'" Junior clerk 5 $15 BUSlNlCas MKVS RKFFRKNCK ASSN, im w. o. w. WA NT KI Young man, 18 to 18 years of age, hlkh school graduate, in office, wholeaale tiouse. S. 2!i!, Bee. JUNIOR office clerk, exceptionally brlxht young man for Junior office position; only young man with pep and ability who Is capable of rapid advancement wanted; small salary to start; give apre, experience, references, etc. Address A 'i'll, care Bee. IMOH-uHADK commercial position. WEST. RFFKRENCE A B IND A6BM, 7P2 Omaha Nat. Pink Bldg. STENOGRAPH KR Bright, hustling young man for splendid position with large corporation; must be very rapid and accurate; only A-No. 1 man considered; salary $7B to start. Apply. WOT, RKFF.HKNCK A BOND ASS'N, 712 Omaha Nat. Bank Bld. SAI.KSMAN, grocery exp., $l."i0 iid exp. WATTS HEF CO.. KW"4-I2 Brandela The. Agents, kalesmen and Solicitors, WANTED Live, huatUnft salesmen, both sexea. for etar-1 arltcle. ;ood salary propositi n. (ll after 5 at 105 r'lf h Ave. MONEYMAKERS' GUIDEBOOK MAGA ZINE, 2e poatpald: enllthtena you richly. New Century Supply, Des Moines, lown. Advertlslnir rate. 2o word. AGENTS Several of our list of mnil order houses want Nebraska names; particulars fre. Taliaferro Co., Fort Worth, Tex. COAL agents wanted in every town; get trlnl car. I. M. Cox. No. Platte, Neb. POSITION worth up to $0(i monthly open to ministers, teachers; Christian sales man; no books. Give phone. I 273, Bee. WANTED Salaried agen'rfy supervisor by a well-established end progressive old line legal Reserve Life Insurance com pany. Experience In agency work neces sary, but chief requisite is ability as an organiser. Position permanent and offers big future. In writing state experience In full. Address p. O. Box 153, Salt Lake City, Utah. SALESMEN to cafl on professional men. Kstabllshed trade. Stoady, permanent Income. State age, experience. Also on for central Nebraska, 1. O. Box 121. Phlla., Pa. o Factories and Trades. WT2 need mn; had to turn down two Jobs per week lately; gst In; learn by our method; get one of these Jobs. Cata logue D. B. free. Nebraska Automobile School. 2408 Ieavenworth St. MOLEK BARBKB COLLEGE LEARN the barber trade by our v. tern of expert Instructions and free clinic. Positions waiting. Call or write for cata logue. Omaha. Neb., A. B. Molor, Pres. LEARN THB BARBER TRADE. Trl-Clty Barber college; low rate tuition. Including set of tools; wages paid; elec trlo matage, hydraulic chairs; catalogue free, 1124 Douglas dt.. Ouiaha. Drug Mure Smipa. Jobs, Kneist. Bee Bldg. Miscellaneous. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted; $75 month; Omaha examinations coming; sample questions free. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dep't 2-1 J. Roches ter, N. T. MJRJrARMER-r)0 TU WANT GOOD FREKLAND BROS. AGENCY. 1114 FArll mju GOOD MENT WANTED at cno to learn auto work ta fill Position which we hav open rlkht now and are waiting for com petent men. Learn by our system of actual work on autos. tractors, lea tarthig sys. Fre oalalog at one. ii1? kKICAN AUTO COLLEGE, $063 Farnam St Omaha. Neb. WANTED Men to try examinations lor government Jobs; $70 month; common a Be "u"";wu1, A-PP'y immediately. TWENTY -FIVE men wanted at Hartley. Ia.. for sewer work. $2.60 a day. Doo son Co. HELP WANTED M41K ANU IKMUE, WANTKDr-Man or woman to put out tathr ventilator. Writ for sample and partloulara by mall, 10c, U 8. Har den. Hotel Neville, Omaha. DON T quit your Job yet. look beyond It. Employ spar tlm establishing a cir cular mailing bureau many successes. Why not your Our ounvrluni rln .r tructlona make everything plain Post- euu. wirwi caies o.t Wuincy, 111. SlTCATIOys WANTED POSITION wan.ed by youug lady si. vv . . v Z..' v"" " xperino. W eOater ALL-AROUND printer wants steady jit- uii, tnjr pieierreu; m ears' experience; temperate; no bad ablts. W. C. Miller. a)17 Weal Harney Si WANTED Position as housekeeper bv colored ladv. pntAM.. i t . las 24. "' - WANTED Poaiiion as steam fireman. hotel clerk or all around liou and iaiJ man. Call V. W. Carter, Phou Douglas iwi7. M1DDL&-AGKD lady, competent, trust worthy and neat, dealics position as housekeeper In residence apartment or rooming house; best of references. Laura """"". im i nicago ftt. Phone D. $7J WANTEIv-Good place to work for room teudlng furnace or answering telephone. Tel. D. 7.1.S4. aak for J J. MIDDLE-AGED lady. ompetent and reliable, desires position as child's nurse Or to taka PPM r mn I ...... I 1 . . , T . . . "'pi reierences exchanged, call Web. :ii. In niurulugs. between e and 10. " SITUATION wanted; cook. Swedish prl vate family, where second gins are em ployed; only first clusa place; wages $i0 referencea. Mias Marguson, fcT7 S. ad St. lei Red 610X. A young man of fine apiiearance, hlkh achool education, with four years' ex perience In the commercial world, desires to lineup with some live business firm where he will have an opportunity of advancement. Beet of refviences. Ad dreas B 204. Be. LOST AND FOUND Lost or Found ads in Omaha's Lost and iTniirtrl B-Yl4i 1 1 1 n m iuh t . 4 1 . . tura of that article if ad vertid to Th fc-MALL 6briiif rs' pm; rewara. Jdr. Man- OMAHA & OiUNCIL bt.UPKS BTRKIfiT RAILWAY COMPANY. rcreons having lost some artlcl would do well to call up th offlc of th Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It lu th street car. Many article each day ar turned la and th c.impany u anxious to restore them to th -Ikntful owner. Cal Doug. 4s LOST Cameo pin Sunday niornlug la or near M. E. church Jtuh and K. South Oirah. Return to Mr. John U Hill t'.tti A BROWN niare strayed or stolon from m..tn .itiu c.i.iioihs. mi. iai. LOST Bunch of keja, lafa brass key vupuih Avcweru, riluu wtur. su IaOST AND FOUND Lt "ST Cameo pin, enxraved Corinne Searje. Reward. Ilarney lo25. 8. A. Penrle. LOST Black and white bull female; lost (Kt. 23; rewsrd. TH N, 17th. Doug. LOST Ford 1H16 touring car, between l.Hh and llh on Davenport St.; motor No. 7r.M4.l; license No. S7L'i; front fender on left aide bent. The front tire on left wheel was non-skid. Reward. Tel. So. 19VI. 11-1,1 NK bracelet with Initials; reward. Call gss office. LOST Gold rim glasaes; north Omaha, between 14th and Gust and river; re ward. Harney 2i12. LOST Bunch of keys, Saturday night. Phone Webster 2f7. PERSONAL LADIES' jackets remodeled in the latest style; reasonable price 1913 Douglas street. I'hone Douglas VTM. YOI'll furnace cleaned, !; work guar anteed. Centra! Tin Shop. Doug. 4iiM. 6.0 SUBSCRIPTIONS EARNS $3,fli0. For the Invalids' Pension association. The Ladles Home Journal. $1.50; Satur day Evening Post. $1.60; Country Gentle man, $1.00. 545 needed In November. Your order or renewal contributes 60 cents. Plea phone loucla 71fi3 or address, GORfON, The Magazine Man, Omaha. TOITNO women romlng to Omaha as stranger ar Invited to visit th Young Women's , Chrlatlnn nsaoclatlon building at 17th St and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to aultahl boarding places or otherwise assisted, txmk for our travelers' guide at the Union station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home o llclts your Jld clothing, furniture, mava tinea. We collect. W distribute Phon Douglas 4irtB and our wagon will fjcall. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodite 8t. Suits, gowns and remodel ing at reasonable prices. ANNA SISTEK, 2" 1 City National Bank Bldg 8WAPPE11S JLUM?I Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something you really need? It costs you nothing to loin the Swappers' club and you will find it lots of fun swapping things. Write Room 104, Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler 1000. ALL furniture In 4R-room hotel; reason able rent on building; South Side; will exchange for real estate; value $l,tm0. Ad dress 8. C. 603, Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile'1 classifi cation. AUTOMOBILE, seven-passenger Mitchell Special, lu excellent shape, full electric equipment, a powerful car. .Swap for diamonds, real estate contracts, clear lots In Omaha, or mortgage. S. C. CM, carp Bee. AUTO Light weight, 1915 model, perfect shape, fully equipped, new tire, to swap for four or five-passenger car. Address II. C. S32, Bee. ' tf BUGGY, revolver or musical Instrument with 100 easy lessons to swap for saddle, 82x.T tire, or what have you now. Ad dress S. C. 607, Bee. BILLIARD TABl.KBrunswick. home size, 84x7; complete. What hav you 7 Mane me en oner. Address s. c eio, Hee, CONCORD top buggy to swap for largo ripcu iiicuuaiur, ur wnaii uava your Address 8. C. 616. Bee. CLEAR lot, 60x17)0, in Cloverdale addition near ivmg park, to exchange for late Ford roadxtcr; lot will stand actual cash value of $425. CAMERA One Minute Post Card Cam era, swap for second-hand lumber. Ad dress S. C. 002. Bee. DETROIT GAS STOVE. 6 burners, oven and broiler, to swap for library table. Address S. C. 604, Bee. GARDEN TOOLS Spade, 3 shovels. 1 rskes, hoe and grass knife, to trad for 4 mlnute Edison records, or anything. Ad drees S. C. 334, Bee. tf DISHES, garden tools, gas lamp, mahogany rocker and settee, brass umbrella stand. Will trade for trunk or suitcases. Address 8. C. 801, Bee. ELECTRIC AUTO HORN Motor driven, vibrator type; cost $10.00. will swap for assortment of lat Edison (Amberol) records. Address 8. C. 883. Bee. tf GASOLINE range, good oven to swap for iwiriicii taoie or tireless cooker. Ad dress, S C. 603, Bee. HAVE good five-year-old mare, weight 1,200, Will swap for automobile or any thing I can use. Address S. C. 12. Bee. C-Nk delivery wagon top, one nickel plated E-flat cornet (famous Bowker' short model, perfect condition; six Wen dell Vacuum washers, new; one heavy Iron cigar mold press, on small cigar box press. Will trade separately or to gether. What hav you 7 Address S. C. bf2. Bee. SCHUBERT piano to trade for diamond. S. C. Sf4. Bee. 1914, TWIN Cylinder Indian motor cycle. nearly new. Equipped with electrlo lights and horn; good aide car. To trade for whatT Auto preferred. 8. C. 807, Bee. STOVE To swap, lurge site hard coal stove, good a new, almost new carbon Iron, for apples, potatoes or what have you? Address 8. C. 600, Bee. STEVENS "Special'' .22 target rille; both open and peep sights; excellent condi tion. Want good banjo. Address 8. C, 613, Bee. STEVENS hammerlesa pumpgun, new; Winchester, 18U7 model, new; one raln- Eroof suit coat, pauls and hat, slxe 'M; 1-foot seine. 3-lnch mesh. ( feet deco: 6-Inch fish spear; .32 break-open revolver; nuntmg coal and vest, e 3t; pair ot lineman's spurs; Strad. violin; one pair brass auto side lamps, 10 small: 10-year guarantee watch; one aluminum rear mo torcycle lamp; pump and atiaenment What have you? 8. C. 866. Bee. SET I. C. S. handbooks, containing com plete course In general illustrating; want camera or typewriter (portable pre ferred), or what hav youT Address 8. C. tU, Bee SIDEBOARD Oak, best condition, to swap for what have youT B. C. 353, Bee. TO swap, thirty-volume set English and American Encyclopedia of Law, In splendid condition, for high grade rug. Might consider othur household goods. Have two sets and do not need both. They're Rood thinks for any family to have whether lawyer or not. What have you. S. C 3&8. Bee. TO SELL or trade your shotgun or rid. See FRIEDMAN. 1211 Oouglaa U14 YE LIE, electrlo light and starter, In good shape; 6-passenger; to trade for good, light roadster. Address 8. C. 5u4. care Bee. WANTEDto trade full, five Iron beds, mattpeaaes and sprliiKS, good as new, for sanitary couch, pad and cover. S. C. 6ue,Ba. WANTED To trade a good five-pas.sen-ger Veil car. In good shape, new tires, for small car or team of horses. S. C. 610. Bee. WILL exchange Piano Player, which which will fit any piano, music cab.net with 60 rolls of jnualu, .for good cook stov or chickens. Also new electric Iron, for winger, or reasonable offer. B. C. u'. Bee. WHAT have you for a second-hand or gan. In good shape 7 Address S. C. 617. Pee. WILL trade carload of wood for horae or cow. Address S. C. 615. Bee. WHAT have you to offer for 126 new vacuum washers? Bdt vrude mui u factured; sells to users at $2.60 each. Ad dress S. C. i!6. Bee. WILL swap lark roll-top desk and chair ... . . 1. riltutnra' .. K 1 . . . . ivi i i. . n v...,1 ..... v. v. . . v v " I anythln I can use. Andrews . i 61!. Bee WILL swap a $4 Chickerlng Bros, piano foe Kor4 roadster in aood concliLloii S. C. 62. Bee. WANTED To trade a aood stock remedy territory, with best firm In Omaha, (or anything I can use. S. C. 611. liee. FOU KENT Aipaitujiula (nil Flats. STEAM HEATED WINTER HOMES.. STANDARD FLATS Few vacancies ta the desirable 4-r. team Sealed, fin finished and deco rated, modern apartments. Fre hot water all year. Janitor service. Walking distance; on liveliest street In city. Our quality and prices not duplicated any where. T. J. HoOK..nm N. ISth Ft. (CONTXNLKi) ON COLUMN SEVEN, TII13 PAGE.) Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. RRFD ABSTRACT CO, eldest abstract oirice in jvetiraaka. V Brandela -rnea. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract f- - . i . . r , i a mouern B'irpi i unc. T) 8. 17th St. Phone D. 6'S7. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK, C. T. A. 433-4:77 Ramy Bldg. Phone Doug. ADVF.ItTIs.ISO PfOVELTlEST M. F. Phafer A Co.l2th. Farnam. D. 7474. ASIA TIC I'll FI!VISI1IG. F7LMS rlevelonerl free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 411 Bee Bid. Dept. I). A RCII ITECTST" Everett B. DooSls. Rl Taxton B1V. D. MR1. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson. 611 Paxton Blk. D. 1S04. W7LL N. JOHNSON, S W. Cor. 14th and Douglas. Doiigln 49SII. AlCTIOXEKnS. Dowrl Auction Co., 1115-1S W O W. R. STW AUTO Il HAM K. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO , Dougla 2!?19. AUTO RADIATOR lini'AIRJ, Omaha Radiator Ttep. Co. !rr?H Far. D. Mrtt. ii a fiis; BATH 814 Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglas. MiT,?JCA.TEr V8nr and modern Turkish hatha for Indies and gentlemen; lady foioen2-Rnt ,or 'Hp: Swedish mussage. 1S19 Farnam St. Domrlns S1.T7 BAKi;illl;i. Z. H. RTJKDER 150N. ISth. Web. CT7. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. f!?"A0J!-WJteIlCo., 27th and Martha Sts. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTO R sT STEVENSON. 2SsT22d. Dougla. SS. Leeward A Son, 190g Cap, Ave. T. MM. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL. ADJU'MTS Pr. J. C. Itwrence, l Balrd Bldg. P. yifil. CHIROPODIST. " " Carrl J. Buford. 620 Pax. Blk. .Red 45S7. COFFEE BY MAIL. Cri-f-faa mnJr- U better VOIiee ,ffeo B,lb hleh grade issn w a c7y ParCPl Post, prepaid, H W. W. A. Skalfe & Co.. Umaha. Neb. CORSETS, - NuBone coreets. Web-Sun, bk. Red 4392. DANCING ACADEMIES. FALL term open at Mackle'a. Doug. tUii PE LUXE ACADEMY. Ill S. ISth St. TURFIN'S SCHOOIp OF DANCING. ZSth and Fnrnam. Classes and private lessons. Harney 614.1. Just completed, forty-four-page book of new dances for 1915 and 191S. Clearly de scribed. Compiled by Albert Turpln. Ev ery teacher should hnvo a copy. Mall orders filled. Price. $1. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dresamak'g college, 20th A Farnam MIS3 STURDY, 2115 Finney, Webster 4989. DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. Kelster'a Dressmaking Col., 1628 City Na. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Pry Clng. Co.. 120 N. 13th. P. B071 DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. S12 Neville Block. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain, 913 W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckles. 724 City Nat Dank. Taft Dental Rooms. Ial7 Douglas. D. 2184. DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid en $10 orders; catalogue free., Sherman A Mo. Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender, 624 Bee Bldg. Red 8065. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN.' ACCORDION, side, knife, unburst, bo; pleating; covered buttons, all slsea and styles; hemstltlching, point edging. Em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Dougla Ulock. Uougias ia.ro. FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HABERSTROH, 4026 Hamilton. Wal. X3TL " KLOHI ST. BATH'S, florist, 1S04 Farnam St, P. 8000. L. HENPERSON. 1814 Douglas. D. 1268. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ass n. HESS fc 8WOBOPA. 1415 Farnam St A. DONAGHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. lOOt FURRIER. BAM KNEETER. 1320 Farnam. Red 6S34. HISTORICAL COSTUMES. TtIR lamest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. Lleben Son. 1M4 Howard. I. 41U INSTRUCTION. English. French InstrucUony5 Lyric Bid. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. w H CLAIBORNE. 612 Paxton Plk. Red 7401.' Notary public, deposition steno. C. W. BR ITT, SsJl Baker Block. LANGUAGES. Languages taught; private or classes. Webkter 6X1 "LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. t-vxtTJTT'T'W Thomas. Touirla8 1519. DUKlVlJN 2419 Cuming St. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS AV CO. Exchange Bldg. MOTORCYCLES. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Hargaln In used machines. Victor Iloos, The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Leavenworth. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargain OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Dr. JdcCarty. 111! W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. !S Be Bldg PATENT. P. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red Till. H. A. St urges, to Urondeia Theater Bldg. PILLOWS AND BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. Mattresses mad to order or remade. 1,'7 Cuming. D. Ittul. PLUMES CLEANED. CURLED, dyed. D. Kisele. US City Nat PIANOS FOR MENT. 83 60 per month. A. Hosne. 1M 1 Don la a SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. SAFES Opened, repaired, comb, changed. F. E. Daven rrl last Dodsa. D. UtlL PRIXTINO. WATKRP-PA RNH ART Ptg. Co., quality" Printing. Tel Doug. 2190. 624 S. 13th SU CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS I7M, DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 44. SCALE REPAIRING. Pm. Standard Renin Co.. B13 8. 11th. D.tSlI SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. Ill & 11 Harley Shoe Rcp'r. Cl. $01 Fam'm. R.M4t SEWING MACHINES ' V e 'ent, repair sell needle and) parts for all sewing machinea "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., IRth and Harney. Dougla IfitX STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 g. 18, STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, acales. howease, shele. Ing. etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Flxturt A Supply Co.. 414-1S-18 S. 12!h. Doug. 24. STOVE AND FURNACE-REPAIRS. ALlj REPAIRS Water fronts, fumac colls, etc. Quick service. Omaha Stov Repair Wks. 1206-3 Douklas St. Tyler 30. TELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC Co., Bee Bid. P.3g7t. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. P. B TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELING ft STE1NLE. 180S Farnam St TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter S mo. for tS. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1906 Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, Sit 8. ISth St. All makes for sal or rent. RENT a "Remington " not Just a typ writer. Low rent. Call Dougla 12M. VACUUM CLEANERS. VACUUM cleaners, all make and prices. E. H. Williams, 908 S. 18th St. VACUUM cleaners, all standard makes; lowest prices; machinea rented. J. I. PUKCUP1LE. Douglas 230. 1906 Far nam St. WASHING MACHINES. WASHING machines, all makes and prices E. B. Williams, 808 S. IHth St. WATCH SPECIALIST Christiansen, Id fl. Paxton Bk., 18 yr. exp. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES. 201-3 S. 13th 8L Wine, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to I, 10c. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, loth and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquor at Klein' Liquor house. tUi N. 16th. Dougla 1809. MEDICAL I'lLiiS, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cure plies, fistula and ether rectal disease without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. It TAKRY. 240 Bee Bldg. RUPTURE. Ruplura treated successfully by all safe scientific methods. The majority are cured without a surgical operation. W have treated many hundreds of men, women and children. The coat Is deter mined after examination, and time re quired to cure two or tnree weeks. Call or write for further particulars. Frank H. Wray, Suit 806, Be lildg., Omaha. Neb. FOR RENT Apartments und Flat. Th For Rent advertisement appearing In th For Rent column of Th Be dally cannot ba beat for variety that will plea and fill th need f any on desiring to rent Phnna Tvlrt.i 29-RM. FLAT ON 18TH AND DODGE; 1 block to postoffice, across th street from Fontenelle hotel; rent $125. Will sell furniture. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY, Douglas 5013. 17th and Douglas. ROOMINO HOUSE FOR RENT. 8-room, modern (5 bedrooms), hot water heat. In brick flat, closo In. J. H. DUMONT & CO., Douglas 6!0. 218 State Rank Bldg. 4-l;rs mtd. ex. ht ; D;ug. and rk. R. 498. 3-HOOM, steam heated, all modern, base- iiicm apartment, located at 29th and Dodge, liar. 60.0 or Doug. 6412. MOVING EXPENSES PAID. 1110 N. 2.(1 St t-r flat alnl ..... ... stove, kitchen cabinet, water paid, '$17. rtot- jjoug. lt3. 9u4 N. 17TH, 6-r.. all mod..- apt, 136.60. RASP lillOS.. Douglas 16537 ONE 4-room and one 6-r 00m apt, Th Hamilton. Douglas 2.54 ELEGANT 6-room,wlth 2 baths, I ex posures; also 4 rooms and bath. New Hamilton Doug. 2i46. 4-Room Apartment Beautiful four-room apartment In th Alsatian. 116 So. 36th St. Rental: 1st floor. loC and 2d floor, 17.50 and 842.60. Peters Trust Co. 1622 Farnam St. Dougla 898 o, FOR RENT New l-room apartment; dla. appearing beds; pneumatla elevator; shower baths; first-class in every particu lar. Klot a Apta.. il Jones St. o Jlo Comfortable, larue 3-r. apartment part mod., block to car and stores, good neighborhood. 1917 Elm St. D. 6071 ST. CLARK, 24th and Harney, on and one 4-r. apt. Harney 647. Hoar kwaai. Furnlshad Room that offer every mod ern ionvpniei.c and comfort In prlvat families or boarding houses of th high est clsas will be found in th FurnUhad Hooms coluiua of Th Be. Prion Tyler iuOO. DOUGLAS ST. 2C19 One sinki room and one iHrne one: suitable two gentlemen. ROOM and board for two geutlemen or man and wife. W. 813. PARK, liOJ Two furnished rooms with w'biu, iiic lueuuuii, private lainlly icdrn. on car line. Harney 61 6. WEST HOTEL. 209 S. 24th Bt. Elegantly furnished steam heated room, by dy or week, with or without board. R. and board for 1 person. Colfax Mi Furnlahed or unfurnished rooms. H 8ult B AR. 84 aVd". t55"s-CMa7yAvV t modt rn f ui nlshed rooms, private f amllv Near car line. na N. 83d St ,- (CONTIN'D ON PAGE TUIHTEENJ COLUMN ONE.).