10 THK lihhJ: UMAiiy, j -ii i j rati ja i, isuvftMbftit 4, lyio. BRINGING UP FATHER Cnpyrlfht, lflS, lDtrrntlonJ Drawn for The Bee by George McManus MR. JkV YflLL rou TELL HE. HOW TO . SPELL m vtii i MEAN TO STAhO THERE AMD ASK tTHAT.? TO TIN THAT U ACE. CAKT A TEMPLE, who like Pi HAT- I'M AtHAMEO OF TOU-THATi VHAT I AM ! r f II . I I A. vlWim n I I I .ii I S no- vr.1- j r r r . & tivjpi i j i urn r l lift v I DIDN'T do nottwJ: DON'T PEA.K TO MP KNOW HOY IT SPELLED' ET COLLT I WONDER HOW YOU DO SPELL IT? HE MENU CAUCtHT ME! I K 'yffaWirrS Ffrp fjIl Ban f ,3 HDSKERS HO YET PLAY THESOOHERS Jumbo Stiehm Cooking Up Hard Guns in Proposal to Meet Oklahoma Team. BOUTHEItH MEN. AGREEABLE (7Ytm a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nor. -(Speclal "Jumbo" Stlehra'a Husker and th proteges of Bonny Owen of tho University of Okla homa ara Ukly to moot In a post-season Kama at Kanaaa City Arrangemente for a battle between thee, two leaden of western and aouthern foot ball are pro gressing and are conditioned, of course, upon aach team finishing the season with a clear record, aa It aeema certain they are to da "Jumbo" 8tlam turned down an offer from tho Xanaaa.Clty Veterinary college eleven for a poet-season fame. Inasmuch aa It la doubtful If the Missouri valloy conference would grant permission for one of Its members to meet such aa or ganisation The eonferenoe would have to grant permission for the meeting of the schools. The Veterinary game would at tract little attention In a financial way for the Huakera, either. geekl.- Admittance. With tho Rooners, however, the oondl- tlona are entirely different Oklahomaahaa been an applicant for admission to the Missouri valley conference and only dis tance has prevented Ita application from being favorably received- Coach fltlehin la confident that the conference would consent ta a meeting between the two schools to determine the championship, provwing caon rounds out the season wlUt a ctear record. Oklahoma' victory ever the Jayhawker last Saturday, with previous euoceas ever th Texaa eleven. marks It as a school to be feared by any team in the country. With a batUa at Kanaaa City, Stiehm la confident that a great crowd of foot ball enthusiasts would attend and th gam would be a marked financial success. Benny Owen 1 not averse to a meeting between th two schools, as a telegram received today Indicates: "Tour Kea meets with our heartiest ap provaJL BEN O. OWEN." Tha 'led" referred to In the telegram la a post-season gam between th lluskers and Sooner at Xansaa City, Mla-M Be riaea Call. ThtT I in Idea Oravalent at IJnenln that Jumbo Stiehm would have to put nis best foot forward in a gam with th Sooner. Oklahoma's light, fast team la without a rival In th country In th pen gam and Husker rooters atm m. call tha batU three years ago, which ended In a 11-to- score for the Huakara. Stiehm la spending th entire week In preparing for th Kansas gam a week from neat Saturday. lie has had tha varsity busy running signals most of th wee, out wm put in men through a aerie of atlff acrimmag drills th last or tn week. Laaar Rest far Honiara. Most ef th regular will be given a long rest to prevent them from going staj and thea work will be resumed th first of next week. Th bulk of th battle against Weslevan next Saturday will b born by substitutes. Manager Keed has sent word to Man ager Hamilton at Xansaa to reserve a section of at least 1,000 seats for the Ne braska rooters. Two excursions will be ran from ILsiooln. on Including business men and tha other students. Two hun dred Lincoln business men will make th trip and 400 students. )3ES Pitt MONEY BUT STILt HAS HIGH HOPES. t " Kn. ?v OTTO KHAB Manager of the Baltimore Federal team, a hoe club finished th season about l&O. 000 short, it is said, announces that tha learn will continue playing next year and that he will have the best outfield ha has ever had. Knabe haa been manager for two year. did not tak an actW part In th cam paign, PRAIRIE PARK WHIST SHARKS WIN OVER BLUFFS viral Council Bluffs whist "sharks" Invaded th lralrl Park club houa Monday evening with th vldent In tention of administering a fall houa cleaning to th Tralrt f ark player, but th result showed that tney were in clean-eea" rather than the ciean-era. Loula Nelson and Chief Dunn, playing East and West, hd Dreyfus and Scan null, clavlna North and South, are wear ing the high score badges for. th week. On Friday evening th fralrl rarK Whist club will stage a larg mixed pair contest. Monday evening's score follows: VIST AMD WV..OT PT.AYttRfl Kelson and Dunn plua 13 l- Manning and Xruce ......plus 4 l- Koss and Blrklrr plus I l- lltii'k and Hhawcross.... plus t l- Abbott and Cowdry plu 1-t uenjamin ana ntnuu, ui cll Hluffs minus 1 l- Unprl. nil W .nam.v.r tnlnna 11.1 Hawaon and tlnllup minus .( Lcucse ana itrmejr .....minua iv e-e NOnTII AND SOUTH PLAYEHS. Dreyfus and Hcannell plus I 1-1 Barton and Ueynolda plus 4 i-S tails and Martin plua I Iti'njainln and Water, Council Bluff plua 1 l- Lanafellner and Jeffera minus 1 1-t Btebulns and Chambers minus 1 l- Mil hen and Blmpeon, Council Bluffs minus I l- Iewls snd Con ley minus 4 14 Cook and McCann mlnua T 1-1 OMAHA STUDENT PLAYS RIGHT TACKLE AT TOME rORT DEPOSIT, Md.. Nov. I.- Special.) Douglas Cavera of Omaha played right tackle for th Tom school eleven, which defeated Hill school last Saturday at Potstown, Pa. Although this I his first year on the team he Is playing a faat and fearless game, breaking up the oppo nents' play and getting his man every time. It was Cavera who made It pos sible for Tom to score Its first touch down againat Hill. Ha blocked a punt, which wss recovered by Wooster, th giant tackle and carried over th lln for th flret score of the gam. HEBRON PROVES SPEEDY FOR FAIRBURY ELEVEN FAJRBTJRT. Neb., Nov. sWSpeclal Telegram.) Hebron annexed the second victory of tha season from th Falrbury High school this afternoon, when it took a fast gam by a score to to 1 End run with god Interference wea respon slbl for th victory. Will Thomas regis tered th only touchdown of th gam for Falrbury, and th locals failed to kirk goal. Th acor stood a tl at the nd of th first half. Tb llneupi t HEBRON. I Whitney IE Mconnel L.T. Hlcharde ..L....LO.I Thomas C. fniM R O. Hathaway R.T like HE. Tlbbett B.B Talbot LH. ftalley Q R bhearer P.B. FA1RBUBT. LE Ward LT KH'aan I-O Hare O Neuxel BO Munn H.T Munn H K Knohle Illl Thomas UM Belk WUklnaon ... Venter f.b!'.!!! SHERIFF ADVERTISES K.C. BASEBALL STOCK KANSAS CITT. Mo.. Nov. t-fltock In the Kanaaa City American Association Baa Ball club today was advertised by th sheriff for sale on the court house steps at t oclock Saturday afternoon to satisfy a I3U Judgment obtained by Rob art O. Singleton against George Tabeau, ewoer of the bas ball club, alleging falsa arrest ta mo. DanWrl Lewt la Pal I ties. NEW YORK. Nov. a Complete count of the vote In the Fifty-ninth altiermanlc lo(rn't la Brooklyn today showed that Joim (Jake) lauert. captain and flietoaarntao of the brooklyu National leaaue Base Ball club, had ben defeated Vy A. I tKi'itr.e. hie republlian oppourni, l votes. Daubert. who was the LieuavuaU-iudeputlnt ieegu caadidate. Boslma Meet Poatooaed. CLEVELAND, O., Nov. I. Matt Hln bel, president of the National Boxing association, announced today that the meeting of the aiwoclatlon a-heduled for November 4 end T In Chicago haa been postponed to November 11 and 14 at th earn place. turn Fight la Off. NEW ORLEANS, La.. Nov. l-The proposed fight between Kid Williams of Baltimore, the tltleholder, and Peter been arranged for November t in this cnj-, waa miiia en lonigni, u promot ers announced. i AlI-NathiMls Wla. CHETENNB. Wvo.. Nov. l-The A1U National defeated the All-American team. I to J. State Attacks the Municipal Court Suit filed In district court by the state of Nebraska and O. A. Magney againat Richard E. Hanter, Arthur H. Murdook and Robert W. Patrick demands that they be required to show by what right they hold the position of Judges of the municipal court, and that they be ousted from office and th law passed by the last legislature held unconstitutional. The attorneys for the state ara H. H, Bowes and John O. Kuhn. Th law creating tha municipal court waa passed last wlntsr and th three defendants appointed by th governor October IL MISS EDITH L0THR0P HERE FOR CONVENTION Miss Edith Lathrop, assistant atsla su perintendent cf tiooli. la her for th teachers" convention. She was president of the atate association for a short terra several years ago. Last summer sha con ducted a model rural school in eonneo- i tlon with th summer school at Johns j Hopkins f nd her knowledge on this sub Jest has been of considerable aid to rural j teachers of this state. x VnW Wk T T't.- v- ' f ' : ro"J ,4BBMwaaaBaaBasB Tiswa ' ' ' Ji'"SiK aieewceav" n f . W:.. ' : ? ft AJ I iTriV .twtr" jA v !.ij-ih). si V - . Jv- IfriA X. :''s. f-.-xxr-y?.-Msi 4 j . v- .isw-v yAiyfa vvarna win wr wMw... at w (y the3F&mse ofZKuppenhezmer) F. X- . a a a. V.v.v w 4 SV ik .-. ir vvvyv. v.W-Jyw-a. f X :-: ',vva A-ja: ka ariaw v v. AyyUOM t $. H mt itu i !i "it at in vm;-'' v-rVXW'sC . j WW is in "ill 'It lvPSi! 1 . I ;vee v fMTm V : i t r lira a.iw ? to : ' y - I-' t - V it 4j"eWSX"- y t i a Il ll YOU may have the habit of carrying the head and shoulders slightly for ward a great many men , have. Notice on the street, how many coats sag at the collar, or kick out at the back of the neck. The FOREWARD Model is a special Kuppenheimer feature. It takes care of this tendency. The col lar sits well up and hugs the neck. The shoulders fit perfectly. You can have the FOREWARD in almost any style of coat, or fabric or color. But, you'll have to go to a Kuppen heimer dealer. These little niceties of fit and tailor? ing are among the things that make this the most-talked-of and the fastest growing Clothing House in America. If your regular Clothier doesn't handle Kup penheimer Clothes, don't quarrel with him, about it He may be wedded to other concerns. When you find a Kupoenheimer dealer, you will find a free, progressive, wide-awake mer chant who knows what men want to-day, m As one of them says "I keep on announcing Kuppenheimer styles, standing pat on my value-giving. To the men who like good clothes I leave the job of keeping this store busy and you'd better believe they re doing it." Prices $20 to S40 Kuppenheimer Clothes axe sold by a repre sentative store in nearly every Metropolitan cen. ter of the United States. Your name on a post card will bring you our Book of Fashions. THE HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMER CHICAGO Ceaeeijae. MM. fU 8aw frpmkim,r We Show all the "Kuppenheimer m m Weaves and Fabrics in efj Qri j Suits and Overcoats Models, sVav J jSV SfH V