Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1915, Page 6, Image 6
TIIE I .EE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1915. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BT KDVA.- ROSKWATKR. VICTOR ROSKWATEI . CDITOIt. Th Bee rubllphlng rompin Proprietor. HEU BUILD! NO, FAR'AM AND SEVENTEENTH. Entered at Omaha postofflee a acoond-e'ai matter. lElttiS OF BCB9CH1PTION. fcy carrier By mull per month. pr year. end Sundav kso is ft I'slly without flunday....' c en!ng and Runrtav .r. i Kventne: without Sunday ...tho 4.00 Sunday Pe only r i ti Bend notice of of address or comnlelnta of Irre gularlty ia delivery to Omaha B. Circulation Department RKMIT1AWB. Ttemiit by draft expren or postal order. Only two rnt stamp received In payment of small s count. I'emnnal checks, except on Omaha and eastern exchange, not accepted, ornm Omaha Tha Pw railrttng South Omaha N srret. Council Bluffs 14 North Mala street V.lnooln M I.Htte Building. C'hlfago 01 Harat Huldlng New Tork-Room II. " f ifth sverm Ht. Iuta- MB New Hank of Commerce.. Wsenlngton ?3r Fourteenth St., N. W. CORRKSPONDKNCB. ftMre communications rlat!n to news end odU l.-riel matter to Omaha bee, Editorial Department, octobkh CIRCULATION 54,744 Slut of Nebraska, County of Dntiglss. as: Iiwght WlUi-ime, clrcriaf Ion man'r of The Bee company, loin duly sworn, aay that the avcrsge circulation for the month ot October, IW, was 64.744. . . DWIOHT WILIJAM3, Circulation Msnarter Mihnrrilwd In mv preaenc and aworn to befor mi-, this 2U day or November, li'lii. HOB HUT HUNTER, Notary ruUlc. Kunscrttrcrs leaving Uie city temporarily Kliould have The Bee mailed to them. Atl Aero will ho clianiretl as off m reqtiestetl. )Tovinbr 3 Thought for the Day a-aaavawamM a aa s s Tou moy not U able to Jsat'i your eMftlrif a great intarifanc., Cut day by da fou may b waving eoaf Jvr thtm wMc they will twr ihr all tUrnUv. T. L. Cuyltr. "Safety first' tbe schools. everywhere; but first ot all In This must be the season for bargain sales of gubernatorial hats specially made to be thrown in the ring. Doubling up work Is bad for school teach ers, but doubling up salaries not so objection able from their point of view. ( As an example of American thrift with po litical trimmings, selling admissions to a hang ing at $2 per Is about the rawest that has come out of Illinois. A museum of imported atrocities has bee. opened at the Ranslaa capital. Delicate respect for native traditions forbad stocking up with utrocities "made in Russia," . "When Mr. Bryan declared that defeat or vic tory, at the. polls measure ot success, was he tnrowlng an anchor to the windward on his ,v.ork for prohibition In Ohio? The suffrage campaign in Massachusetts is tald to represent an outlay of 1160,000 on each side. Beside that, Nebraska's suffrago campaign of last year looks like a "piker." A high British court has held that soldiers a the war arena are Immune from process for divorce. Still, It Is a question whether such a ruling will prove an. encouragement or a de terrent to enlistments, .' ..! '. . -! : b The last Anglo-French loan was sold to Bet the investor &W per cent. Italy offers 6 per cent for American money and Russia 9 per cent. The great American dollar is the chestlest coin n the pike. The outreach of modern methods piles more dust cn the ancients. A dotcn cities claimed Homer, dead. Five live communities claim an unknown outlaw, alive or dead, and offer cold canh on delivery. The new Chinese ambassador to the United States answers to the name VI Kyuln Wellington Koo, a graduate ot Columbia, Call him Dr. Koo for short. It is more befitting the govern ment atmosphere. "As I walk along the streets I must, guard Liy eyes because of the dress of women," de clares one of our ministerial moralists. Well! Veil! Why not save all that trouble by keep ing off the streets? Anti-Alien Law Void. The derision of the United States supreme court declaring unconstitutional the Aritona rnti-alien law, is one of the most Important re cently handed down by that court. It Is lm- t ortnnt In Itself as defining the rights of sllens ;n this country, but even more so In its defini tion of the rights and powers of the federal Kovernmont and the states, respectively. While following along old lines, in this rate the prin ciples Involved are clearly enunciated and re defined, with a broad and unequivocal declara tion that this country, having both by treaty end practice permitted these aliens to become rtoidents of the United States, is bound to ac cord them equal protection of our laws with thoxo of native birth. Important as is this feature of tbe case, it lias no more far-reaching significance than the I ule laid down concerning tbe powers of the state and federal government. In the opinion the court, formulated by Justice Hughes, tbe undisputed right to admit or refuse to admit aliens is the sole province of the federal govern ment and the denial of the right of the alien, once admitted, to work and earn his living, Is tn effect the denial ot the right to enter. In ether words, the states may not do by Indirection v.hat It is admitted they have no right to do directly. This rule, csrried to Us legitimate conclusion, gives the general government, through Its check upon state legislation, the ppwer to follow federal enactments to the legiti mate fruition of their purpose, and provides a method of preventing numerous controversies arising with foreign countries over the treat ment of aliens within our boundaries. Its bearing upon the anti-Japanese land holding laws of California, however. Is not so apparent, as the federal government itself has thrown restrictions around Japanese and other Asiatic Immigration and the rights of these peo ple when admitted. Wanted A Friend of the Court. The test .case just instituted to secure a Judicial ruling on the constitutionality of the law creating a municipal court for Omaha, and of tbe appointments made by the governor uuder color ot that law, suggests that here Is a proper place for some one to intervene as "a friend of the court." With due respect to the young men who are engaged as tbe attorneys ot record representing the plaintiff and the de fendant, respectively in the, appeal which is being perfected to try out the question of con f titutlonallty, there are other interests Involved quite separate and apart from the laudable am bition of the newly appointed Judges to make their jobs stick. Tbe municipal court law Is In tended to work a long-needed reform In the ad ministration of "poor man's Justice," by doing away with the Justice court fee-mills. The gen eral public is interested In this side of it, espe cially in view of previous failures of smllar at tempts; and tbe basis for the proposed munici pal court my be sound, even though the gover ror's assumption of appointive powers may be legally unwarranted. The Bee calls upon the author of this law, Representative Jess V. Palmer, to get Into this case for the people as "a friend of the court" and make sure that the trial , of the test suit brings out all phases of the issues. Condition of Bniinen. Tbe dominant not of trad reviews for soma time has been one of business Improvement, but the last report of the federal reserve board is the, most encouraging of any. It notes not only continued activity in sections dominated by war orders, but also a visible Improvement In por tions of the country that have been lethargic, particularly the south, so hard hit by the low price ot its great staple, cotton. The Pacific coast, too, Is said to exhibit a more hopeful out look. So far as the country is concerned, these conditions re more important than the feverish activity of the stock exchanges, reflecting only the gambling mania, for tbe operations In ordi nary business channels are built on a more cer tain and permanent foundation. The great central west, with assured crops, has been the spot from which this improved business condition has radiated. Our western farm products always command a market and the consequent buying power of the fanners must be, as In other years under similar conditions, to sustaining fore which sooner or later starts the revival and spreads it over the entire coun try. Inventors are flocking to th war and navy offices with defensive contrivances warranted to I low invaders off the sea or land. The glowing prospect of preparedness stimulates the reach ot pnius for fame and a divvy. W'-w rv. , " ' The election waa characterised aa "quiet" and :ha rvpubttf-ane carried tnoat of their ticket by a mre majority, in soew tora iavia u. jiiu was re-elected governor. Glloiore's . band cava a concert to a houaa that filled the Boyd from the orcheitra circle to the rear tier of h reJlery. Mma. Loulaa Pyka was the vooaj aulolet. At the People's theater Mies Mabel Courtney held torth aa "Topey- in "t'nele Tom's Cabin" with eles- M n returns read from the stase as an additional at- .i action. Jchn N. Weatburg has returned from aa caster t.ip, bringing with Mm a bride. (Jovtrnor Dawc has appointed H. 8. Smith ef Omaha, publiaher of the Nebraska Cultivator and Houb'kf eix-r, a dnlotnite to the butter, otioaaa and tiit: convention to be held la Chlcaao nest week. Rev. t. A. Kroderick, lata of the Iowa conference now baa charge of tba Mm hod let church at the stock ard. C. E. Thornbers, welt known Omaha trevetlnf man. waa married to MUa Dora TarevB at Platta tnouut. TToae woo aiundea from tills city were MUa Mary Itoee, Wlaa tJie Harvester, Mr a, Ruaa W 'orrulck, lleiutrs. 1'at Smith. John Petard and J A. Uoo:h. Mtmorlul service were held at tha Klret Con grcgaUun&l church fur another of Nebraeka's pioneers, Humurl tSttuaennan. He had been in the mercantile bueirirea here einre 1 and lately a imitner In the Jirm of hlini y, liuari uvan at CV., wholesale grocera. Favon Soon Forgotten. Uncle Sam is learning, what many ot bis people have had brought home to them many times, that favors extended r soon forgotten, and that promises to repay such aid are subject tc a liberal discount. It must be apparent that few ot th thousands of Americans abroaa when tbe European war broke out and who would have been stranded but for the loans and as sistance girea them by the government, are of tbe poverty stricken class who cannot pay. The oiks who tour Europe for pleasure are people c means, but for all that tbsre are several thousand of tbe in who pay no attention to the government' "Please remit" notices. Perhaps some of these people who so soon forget bene fits received will remember Uncle Sam with a rich legacy in their wills, having then no longer any us for tbe money and perhaps they wili not When the Zeppelins Bombarded London The automobile is making a persistent drive at on of th last trenches of horse stage power. hitherto safeguarded by the national govern ment. Permission was granted for automobiles tr enter Yellowstone national park for th tim time last summer. Large numbers traversed th wonderland without developing tbe dangers feared, and motor-driven stages are more than likely to supplant th horse stage next season. Th old-time stage, like the cowboy, is about all in. t .. .... J" Statistics supplied by a member of the High way commission shows that Iowa counties spent IU.S68.0v0 for roads and bridges during th year 1914. In his opinion th money was largely wasted. Properly expended is executing definite plans of road building Iowa would bar stretches of good roads worthy of th nam, Actually th returns are as cheerless as an In vestment In blue sky stock. Mount Lassen one more proves Its loyalty to the Parifto coast by pulllns- off an eruption just as westbound tourUt travel showed symp toms of weariness. Lassen belches mud as copi ously as a mopser campaign and Is a more en gaging thriller than an earthquake. rivet Latter of Bdlth K, Brows. v rviT'ttftia w.... rniiBf hav, ---.i r.r fh I, 7. i . n - f J pelln raid on London soma k ngo. It w 'TriVMjr ilUinui II4 awin- ...... nlsht By ths war. on dlt that anything can he proved from ths BiWe, and I couldn't h-lp thlnk'.ns laat Hunday morning In ehnreh, when In. the apedal paalms for the day wa cams to the veree about "the terror that flleth by night. " It would be enny to nay th Zeppelins had been prophesied as far back tha days of King David! Months ate peopl began making prfpnrathms for ths promised ralda, and wo kept them tip for some time, half aa a joke, though, for the Zeppe they are spoken of quite familiarly and offhnnd In eplte of all were so long In corning that people sot tired of fill ing tha bath at ntshts, and packing the "Z-px-lln bag with special treasures.'' dipping renpiratnra In soda water, and the clothes Una had long ego repoaed In its kitchen drawer, I used to go to be.1 with It at tached to one of tha posts ss a forlorn hope of escape through th window. However, on September 7 when the preliminary raid took place, I slept the Bleep ot the Jmt, but Mrs. Bank and our maid heard the (run. She thought it was some wretched late home-comers banging doors; ah anathematised them and turned over and went to sleep again. But first thing in the morning when the paper came, aha realized that the bangs'' she had heard were our entl-alrrraft at work. Tha Zepps had passed pretty close, and a penny bus ride away, had simply demolished bouses, a whole family having been wiped out Thousand of people went to see tha ruins. One house had gone flat Just Ilka a house built of cards. Every one In It had been killed. In Orenwlcb park twenty rulnuteK walk from ue five incendiary bombs had fallen, but fortunately had done no damage, falling in the grass, hut not vpry far from tha obaorvntory- They have one In th guard room of a barrack near as a sort of trophy. Welt, we all felt very Queer on the Sth and wondered If It would he our turn net, and the thought uppermost In my mind was, whether It would bo better to have an Incendiary bomb or an explosive. It was difficult to decide, and anyway would not have helped at alt, for of course the Germans do not wait to con sult you before dropping them. The chancre of escspo seem ta he about equal In either cane If it ta in cendiary the (Irs Is terrific and goes on burning; it seems very hard to put It out, and we came to the conclusion thst as wa would not want to delay our eitlt, It was a pity to wast any more water by filling tba bath! The only satisfactory thing about explosive bombs Is, that you would In all probability bo deaded in stantly, whereas with the other kind you might be pinned down under wreckage, and see death stalking you in the flamea. W went to bed on that vednes. day In a rather uneasy state of mind, and we bad not been long there, not really got to sleep, when terrific banks" began. Mrs. Banka knocked on the wall be- twen our rooms aaklng me If I "heard that?" I certainly did, but I could not answer at first, for I waa already scrambling out of bed, searching for slippers in the dark, with a horrible choking sensation It was fear. We put thick coats on over our nightdresses, called Maggie, and all felt our way down to the cellar. There Is a gas Jet down there, and an area door. We lighted the gas and opened the door, and sometimes were in, and sometimes out In the garden. When we were In wa expected a bomb through ths roof at any moment, when we were out, shrapnel from our own guns. ' Talk about the boms of a dilemma! Everyone was up. and lots of people out In th road gazing skywards. litke a good many ethers, we thought at first. In fact until th next day, that th bangs we heard were bombs exploding, and aa th sound came nearer and nearer until It seemed right overhead, you can imagine our suspens waiting to see what would happen, and though everybody w saw was very calm, we were all terribly nervous, and I frankly admit I waa so upset that I shivered from head to foot and felt quite sick. We sat crouched up en boxes In the cellar for a long time, close to the main wall of the house, which an architect friend had told us waa the safest (?) plaee. Every now and then, even when tbe guns near us had stopped firing, the sky waa lighted up an though by lightning; it was th flashes from distant guns, to distant for us to hear the report. We knew the raider had passed us on their way to Lon don, but atlil the Idea of going to bed was Impossible they might come back. I wanted to go upstairs to get some things you will b Interested to hear that at the critical moment whan w made for the cellar, we did not forgot our "Zeppelin bags!" but I dared not; suddenly the house had become a sinister place, a Strang place, only waiting for me to enter it to fall. Nerves, I know, but very real things, too. At last we had to go to bed, and shuddered to think what wa should bear next day. Of course the authorities suppressed all names of localities, but I can assure you that In spite of what German reports say to ths contrary, that absolutely no damage of any military Importance waa done, and nior than that, th peojrie hav not blenched. There Is n talk of "atop the war. w cannot stand this any longer," no, on the contrary they say go on; a friend of mln said he would say It with hla last breath if ha were bombed. But it was grievous to visit tho places in the heart of London and see the shattered warehouses, and hear of th deaths. Our only con solation Is that It might all have been worse, and I am so glad that none of our old buildings were hurt, and that t. Paul's "caped. It Is too horrible to think of it being destroyed, and Imagine if Westminster Abbey were hit! The German raiding commander, who was supposed to have been Interviewed by an Ameri can Journalist, said he had been told to be careful not to aim at these buildings, nor tha Palace. Well, I only hop It Is true. We aan only Judge by their be havior lit Franc and Belgium, It fairly broke my heart whan I heard of Rhetms. I visited It Just four summers Sgo. However. London had been consider ably (hook up this time, but there waa no panic. We beard atl sorts of stories about the fires and bombs. People Just coming from th theater the raid began about 10:90 p. m. hurried to se the fires, which were quickly put out A bus was hit by an explosive bomh. Ight passengers snd the poor driver were killed; the latter bad his legs blown off, and died. In a few hours la a hospital. One man, seeing bombs dropping round him, fell dead, and a policeman had to put on plain clothes and go and break' th news to his ooor wife There were splendid deeds of bravery, and wonderful escapes. Tha Zeppelins had been seen quite plainly two passed over our house; they looked Ilka small gray clouds they were very high up. One bomb fell exactly in the middle of a square, round which are built hospitals, but only windows were shattered. The next night, Thursday the 0th, wa were tol.l they the Zepps had been sighted on the roast, so there waa no going to bed. Fpeclal constables were going up and down ordering lights to be lowered. Tou would hardly belleva how dark every place Is already, and what lamps are st'll lighted in the streets nre daubed over with whitening or something, to dull th flams. Of coure Scotland yard haa a plan, and varies the plan I believe, aa it should be confusing, but then there are plenty of spies about. But on thla particular nl.ii.t the darkness was made darker, and wa were in snd out on ths road, and sitting In our porch, waiting, waiting. And it waa such a lovely night, too; th stars shone ta a rttrk-blue eky: you could hardly believe such fiendish things were hap pening, and that such horrors could coma from the fair heavens. Well, they did not come, and at last we went to bed, tired out with our two nighta of ex citement and no sleep worth speaking of. Thu next flay we heard that our aeroplanes had driven back th Oermena, who had got Into Kent that Is our county and we also heard all sorts of cheering things that forty French aeroplanes had come, that forty French airmen had come, that the Thames waa lined with special ships with special guns, all for our de fense, and that our anti-aircraft now could fire twelve miles Instead of seven. 8o we have taken heart of grace whatever that is and we go to bed aa usual one more, though I must say with straining aara. aud an intense "wish fur tlie day." M Kit I n Molars la tw Aaalaat. OMAHA. Nov. !.-To the realtor of The lee; Will you please give smh' to the foilow. ng resolutions, adopie.1 by the humocr of commerce, as printed in tne lies Moines llegikier and Ueauer, which tntl their own atory of what Lea Moines is up aitalnet as a resmt of the adoption of prohibition and the invitation it offers to p.'iiesins and "U has come to the knowituge of the direeiury Ooru of tue t riinuvr of Com merce mat aooui tiiiiety-wve suns havs Ow n (lieu asuiisi aa many Dusiuos men, aim an uguai number of prutme in i hca Aiolnes, seeaiiig to cstauiinu injunc tions Mxaiimt me ueierv,lius and adiiuit the pioirnrs ior a period ot live yer.. "'ih injunctions re sought on itio rlRiiu thai rt-vetone and cermn other so iiiku temperance or lire uoine wkiiiii tne uetirimon of intoxicating liquors un der me law; and the sld una will be suHtaiiietl or TllaiiiiaM-u uyon trie question of wnetner or not tnese are lutoxn utiutf liquors. 'il nas been established that In thu paot the Injunction has been used by parties who have instituted suits as a meaiia of collecting tees latnur than for the purpose of law enlorcornent, and that this has been done oy stlulsUnK that If derrsea were permitted to run us to the occupant, the suits against the property owner and other doK-ndanls would be dismissed. "Ave are aaiis.icd there Is no disposi tion on the part of most property owners to permit unlawful occupancy of their premlHcs and that all of tne Issues in volved In the ntnty-flve suits should hsve been determined In two or three test canes. "It nas been Indicated that part!. rv stxinsllil.; for the bringing of the present suits have offered to some of thJ do fervdHnts the dismissal of cases as to property and property owner, provided said property owmrs would consent t.i a decree as to other parties Involved and thus establish the claim of tho com pli, inants to costs and statutory fce. "We ere satisfied that if this pra:Me is permitted It will result in farcies I law enforcement, encourage a multiplicity of suits with a view to extorting tees, fit ter a system of blackmail and involve the county In heavy court expenses. "The Chamber of Commerce In order to encourage honest and impartial law en. forcement and for the purpose of com munity betterment urges upon the ) roper authorities that all liquor prosvulljns In Tolk county be brought on their merits; that no filing ot compromises effected out of court be permitted; h:vt cases founded upon technical violations where no willful intent to violate the law la shown, ba not entertained; and that in every way possible efforts to em ploy the statutes for private gain be at all times discouraged." The resolutions were passed by unani mous vote, the members of ths board present being B. F. Williams, Alshton demons, W. B. Southwell, E. T. Mere dith, W, L. Hinds, George Mercer, W. J. Massey, John H. Cownle, Louis David son, R. R. Rollins, John A. Elliott and Alex Fitzhugh. , U Aa o Mr. Wooster. OMAHA, Neb., Nov. J.-To the Editor of The Pee: It seems impossible for the defamers of Mr. Wooster 01 Silver Creek to grasp and appreciate the fact that a mnn may be entirely sincere in his disbelief in the usefulness of Billy" Sunday's theology, and also have no con nection with the liquor Interests or vice. That he may be strongly convinced that "Billy" Sunday's theology is harmful to mankind as thoy are that it is useful. Kvery right thinking man admires Mr. Wooster for his Independence of thought and his frank and fearless expression thereof. He also deserves honor and respect for not stooping to the level ot his would-be defamers In heaping th same silly per sonal abus on them as they did on him.. Mr. ' ttooster also signs nl nam to his letters, but his defamers ar mostly too cowardly to sign their. R. B. BENDA. Ton Many Convicts Pardoned. OMAHA. Nov. l-To th Editor of The Bee: 1 have been a reader of your pajper for seven years and would like to have you writ these few Una about criticis ing the police. Thar are men arrested very day and sent to ths penitentiary, but It seems like they are' pardoned even for murder, Th pollc have arrested lots of good burglars and thieves, murderers and every thing else that you could think of, and they ara pardoned In a few years. Then th public wonders why th police don't stop crime. If the, critics would criticise th pardon board for letting these men out when they are caught, there would not be ao much robbing go ing on. I hud my horn burglarized and the po lice arrested the man wltu my Jewelry on his person, and in nine months he was caught again holding up people. Now, how on earth are they going to atop crime thla way. If the publlo would stop reading that yellow sheet It would go out of existence. Th Judge will not do anything with th buma that come to O'tr city, so what can you expect but crime. The murderer of Smith la out on parole. That is the kind of men that should never be paroled. Here Is a good example. I ara a resident of Omaha, for tewtny years and a taxpayer. MRS. JULIA SMITH. 241S North Eighteenth street. Tips on Home Topics Washington Post: Perfect preparedness In school conflagrations calls for the In vestigation first. Cleveland Plain Dealer: To paraphrase a justly famous bon mot, where the wet snd dry issue sits there is the head ot the table. 8pringfleld Republican: If canal slides could be commandeered for purposes of defense at Just the moment a victorious enemy fleet was entering th Panama waterway, we should have preparedness to perfection. Cannot this little dotail be arranged? Pittsburgh Dispatch: Complaint Is made that inventors are flooding th War and Navy departments with devices for use In war. But th government has not been so ready to make use of in ventions in the past that any now should be overlooked. Houston Post: Th woman who makes a specialty of pumpkin pies baked in pans twenty Inches In diameter may not get the ballot soon, but her husband will hand over the pay envelops whenever she requests It and th children will riaa up and call her blessed. Sioux City Journal: With mora than twice the population of Dea Moines, Or-nha did not elva "Hilly" Sunday as many trail hitters aa th Iowa capital, in th matter of cash, however, Omaha was not "tight." seeing Dea Moines' 113.000 and raising It mor than tT.OOO. Washington Post: Upon every hand. In every direction, our business men are th witnesses of a transformation from trade depression to marvelous industrial, commercial and financial aelvtty. Pessi mists are dumb befor th spectacle, croaker have loat the power ef decrying nd even poor, old paralysed Wall street hts thrown away its crutches and Is capering with glea as It feels th throb ef vigorous health which the prosperity of the nation has injected into its veins. GLMAL JAJJ3. "IVies your wife lecture youT' "le?" excia.nied Mr. Meeslon. "V h Henrietta o.i.,.n t ;uiU ner time let a lime ml ot an audience li.. me,' Wasnuutton Mar. "What's your bua.iiesa. stranger? "1 m a business ooctor. 1 uucior up a business tnat nappen to lie ailing Urmis your business?'' . , ii .. . . knaifiHi flnrtor. 1 ,, iii. at jrtiu i, ... - k'uess you miaht call me a business un-. rtertikar I in the. sheriff. ' LoUISVIlie t uuiier-journal. "whn'i rahnw eiilnrlsing 'this rana and glorious republic?' " 1 don t Know w no ne is, om. wun r" bear a man talKlng iIk mat the chances are ten to one that ha thinks this grand and giorloua republic ought to support him." ilrininghm Age-Herald. He Whst do you think, mv dear? lj waa held up last mgni on my " home Hue I know you were. I saw your friends running away after they had propped you aaainat tne door Jamo, Hul ii more American. "If a man kills another man la lie al ways put in Jail, mamma?" "Not always. Sometimes he Is paid by the government to do It: and if he can oniy kill enough he will have monuments erected to him." Life. "A mn ahn brinks should never run an automobile." ' Of couim not," agreed Mr. Chuggins. "And yet when I was touring in a dry state 1 couldn t help wishing that every I drinking man owned a motor car. It would make hlra more careful about i smashing bottles In the road." Warihin.- ton Star. i The prohibitionist was weeping bitterly. "What's the matter, friend?" asked the rympainetic cancr. "It bub-breaks my heart." he rep ed. i lli lllllin Hint li v,i lam Jennings Bryan, goes around on ills .... .. . , ;n. A n , BntllH I mission oi iw.-ice at n"n .im". t Point, he will beyond oil peiadventure bo half-seas over!" Philadelphia Ledger. "I hoard Plgnor Bluffo sing Hamlet lat night." . "Ah! Did you? Now toll me do you think Hamlet was mad?" "He must have been. There wasn t H'W in tha house." Musical Courier. "Well, look at the billy goat. He's the first one I've seen for ages." ... . ' "He's hardly an Impressive looking ob ject " "He may not be Impressive looking, but he certainly has a striking forehead. Boston Tranacript- WHEREIN LIES SERVICE t Wherein Ilea service? S me d ) claim Religion stould be Man's chief aim. The means wl.eieby He earns his keep; His food, his bed M hereupon to sleep: Tbe roof that shelters Himself and those Who look to him For food rind clothes; That his work tn life nd Its compensation; That 11 these be minor o nslderations, That he should slight Such sordid cares, And serve hia God With eongs and prayers; Is this the service Th-t Ood demands. Despising the labor Of brains and hands? A grave mls'ake T Is seem t) me. Our dally tak hat e'er It be, In office, homo. On se- n'li-g blwh, At school room desk. In factory, Deman-'s tn best That tn us lies That Ood be praised In our enterprise; That Our daily work What'er it be May bear the marks. Of divinity. Wherein lies service? I d claim Bellion annnld b Man's c-lef aim. But i ell -ton that hallows Our dail" t-sk Ia the kind that Ood Of ech ul shall ask. Therefore be not Dece'ved pv Mmds, Let not the means Ot-scure the ends; For th faith that lives In the work you do Ia the Mh that shall bless. And hallow you. Omaha BAYOL NE TRELH. Everyone Should Drink Hot Water in the Morning Wssh away all th stomach, llvr, nd bowel poison befor brcakfsst. To feel your best day in and day out, to feel clean inside; no sour blls to cost your tongue and sicken your bresth or dull your head: no constipation, bilious attacks, sick headache, colds, rheuma tism or gassy, arid stomach, you must bath on the Inside Ilk you bath out side. This is vastly more Important, be cause the skin pores do not absorb Im purities into the blood, while th bowel pores do, says' a well known physician. To keep these poison snd toxins well flushed from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, drink before breakfast each day, a glass of hot water with a tna spoonful of limestone phosphate tn It. This will cleanse, purify and freshen the entire alimentary tract, befor putting more food into the stomach. Oct a quarter pound of limestone phos phate from your pharmacist. It is Inex pensive and almost tasteless, except a sourish twlnga which is not unpleasant. Xrlnk phosphatcd hot water every morn ing to rid your system of these vile poisons and toxins; also to prevent thetr formation. To feel like young folks feel; Ilk you felt before your blond, nerves and mus cles became saturated with an accumu lation of body poisons, begin thla treat ment and above all, keep It up! As soap and hot water act on the skin, cleansing, sweetening and purifying, so limestone phosphate and hot water befor break fast, act on the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels Advertisement. Girls! Moisten a Cloth and Draw It Through Hair It becomes beautifully soft, wavy, abundant and glossy at once. Save your hair! All dandruff goes and hair stops coming out. Surely try a "Dander in Hair Cleanse" If you wish to immediately double th beauty of your hair. Just moisten cloth with Danderin snd draw It care fully through your hair, taking on small strsnd at a time; this will cleans th hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil In a few minutes you will be am axed. Tour hair will be wavy, fluffy and abun dant and possess an Incomparable soft ness, lustre and luxuriance. Besides beautifying th hair, on ap plication of Danderlne dissolves every particle of dandruff; Invigorates th I scalp, stopping Itching and falling hair. Danderlne Is to th hair what fresh showers ot rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes rurht to the roots, Invigorates and strengthens them. Its exhilarating, stimulating and life-producing properties cause th hair tn grow long, strong and beautiful. Yeu can surely have pretty, soft, lustrous hair, and lots of it, if you will Just get a io-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderlne from any drug store or toilet counter and try It as dircctod. Sav your hair! Keep it looking charming and beautiful Tou will say this was the best 25 cents you evar spent. Advertisement. tREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A Vew Boms Our That Anyone Caa TJs witaoni sisoorniorl or Xfoss ef Tim. W have a New Method the earns Asthma, anil tl .111 tm IA tmm I mi W- . ur whstrir your ease Is at lost steading r re- uni navsioprarai, wBtnr It is atot ss es 01 on or ehronle Aithma- vou kH,w.m m.i n- a rre trial of our nutlioS. Ne BMUer la whst ellmtts yea lira, as matter what year ar nr occupation, if yoa ara troubles with asthma, our method will relltrs yoa promptly. w especially wast to Hnd It to those appar ently heMlaaa fifLSaa. whr all Sai i.h.i. ira, douches, opium preparations, runes, "pttsat wunjmvw, wvc., un isiiea. we wsat to snnw Toryons at our own expense, that this new method la deelftied to end sll difficult bNethlni. all wheeilni, and sll those terriMs paroxysms at ortos ts.i for all time. IriRle dey. Write now artd then hurts the method at once. Send no money. Simply mUl coupon below. Do It Today. FREE ASTirUA OOUPOJT FnoNTIBIt ASTHMA CO.. Boom at. Nlasert end Hudson Sts., Buffalo. N. T. 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