Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1915, Page 4, Image 4
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1915. BRINGING UP FATHER OryrlirM. mi, International News Barrio, Drawn for The Bee by George McManus OUVL PAR DOM ME. FOR PEAXlNi THI I TH)MK TOO ARE RATHER CROELTO OUR HUSBAND- A KlMD WORD AMD A LITTE AFFtCTlOH VOOLO MEAN t0 MOCH TO HIM - r- SAT MO MORE DREAMING . v Cv V, " At ll'i . . SOUTH HIGH TEAM WALKS ONJEB. CITY Packers Win Fierce Battle from Old- Time Enemies, Thirty-Four to Seven. asfssTfiisi i ii ii i. KELLOGG STARS FOB THE LOSERS NEBRASKA CTTT. Neb.. Nor. I (Kpe (Tlal' Telegram.) The fleetneas of gam Kellogg, fullback and nucleus of the Ne braska City foot ball team, was all that saved the local team from a M to 0 shutout from South High achool team of Omaha on the local field thla afternoon, standing under hla own coal poat feign ing certain defeat that worthy plucked an Ill-fated Omaha forward Pass out of the aJr and with no Interference at all raced the entire length of the field for a touchdown. He alao booted the ball over the goal poat for the extra point. The final acore waa M to 7. It waa a losing fight from the atart against Coach I'atton'a trusties. Only for a few inlnutea In the third quarter when the trusty toe of Captain Kellogg saved the locals from repeated touch downa did they ahow any velocity at hit ting the line. Hello Fin Work. During the game oHuth High re gist rod J yards and loat downa but three time. Nebraska City carried the ball for only 1U yards, being unable to penetrate the atone wail of the Omaha Una. Kellogg alone registered etghty-eeven yarda la a single run. Llnee smashes war unavail ing. Captain Bolt as an open field runner. Ehalnholta aa a ll't arnaaber and Arthur ton aa a plunging mate formed too pow erful a combination for the locals. For a time In. the spirited third quarter when Kellogg saved hla team with hla toe, tailing 206 yarda In punt alone. Smith, Nebraska City' colored half, aeemed to have mastered the pusale of the South snuuthes. But It lasted for only a moment The taat quarter made up for It all. Eight tlmea Ntxraska City held like a atone wml. on their own three and five-yard line, Darkness had aettled over the field when Dworak, halfback, who substituted for ShalnholU on the laat half, went ever for a touch down. In that laat five minute of the game Kellogg booted to safety three different tlmea from behind hla goal posts. Miia ia stellar Game. Klxon. touted aa an all atate tackle, played a atellar game for the Omahana aa did Capllte, shifty center. Line plung ing on the part of Ehalnholta was a feature while Dworak proved Invincible , In open field, running. In that , laat quarter. The lineup: OMAHA, flraham Hukio , Clm-k Capllte turtle , Nixon t'orr Nestor , Arthurton , Holt tc).. Mininhoita Mties Lesfs. IDEAL SHIRTS. lL id. 3d. Tot. y.n ik3 w VU 147 SM I'M 1 14 14 14S 133 IS lathke ....1 I oh list on ... M Uifferty He ITocopIo ...1X7 Kirk ham ,.M Handicap .. I N1CBRASKA CITY. R.K.I UH Hebard K.T. lT Millor H.UUO Neumelater ...O.lf l.mke IQ. KG Nelson .LT. H.T Morrow I.K.IRE Uilmor UK Keason 111 Anderson. K.H rimllh Kit Kelloxc ..yii ..KM. UH. buliciltutcs Omalis: Auderson for Cur tis, liworak for . KhaJnhults. Nebraska t'tty. Howvn for Oilmore, Crawford for Neumelster, JluleiK for Miller, Oilmore ror Anderson, tocoi by quarters: Oinnha .....................7.14 ft N.-t,4a Otv 7 O Tou kiiowns: bolt, Uraham. oCrr, Pwo rnk, Keilcsn joal gkks: KellotiK. Nixon. Yr1 Kaiiuwl: Omalia, Nebraska 'My, 14b. ' i"unts: Ntraska City. ; tMiutna, ti. t'orward .passes, yarda Hinedi Onmhx, 73. Nebraka City. s. lvnaitka: crmahs, 15 aiM; Nebraska itv, none, lleli-ree: Juhnsun. I'molre: ilc tines. rOu. Head ltnnsman and fluid iudyv: . Di'tli, Nvbrnaka City. Time: aj'd !! t'llnuli'a.eo-- Totala.... 7J l2t IDKAL. MAOK1NAW8. 1st. Id. ad. Tot. Parker H 11 147 3 Knee 10 12 123 0 Cornell ....141 110 ltd JM Klorkee ...AM 143 1M 4 Weeterg'd .1J 171 1M b Totala....7J 9Tt K W ID UAL, OVEBAM. 1st Id. M. Tot. Paul 146 1M 1W 4.0 pavers ....1"7 1A4 3 3 14ielDa 1M 140 UK) Iee 143 m ! 4.M Ueek 1M 137 130 tt Totals... .711 71 1064 , WIN A TAYIXJR8. 1st. Id. 8d. Tot. rieraon ....126 lat 1U m Harrlnrt'n .112 11 1)2 343 ltarhlerl 12 ft t!i Orahara ....11 171 3 Maallko ....162 162 170 474 Totals... M) 638 7 IMS CLwUIO 0)AT8. 1st 2d. Sl. Tot McDougal Masney .. Kiirford .. Swanson . Hushnell . Handicap .14 :!3 .127 .1:4 18 14 ra Iflrt 1M It 111 1M ll 19) 163 18 40 4M 873 4S3 473 64 Totals. ...7X1 ira m mi DREADNAUdHT JUMP'tt 1st. 2d. Id. Tot. Courtney ..lis Ml no sil v an Morn., w 143 81 S3 tUnradtno . l US 11 S7 Larson V V4 im 6flQ Glasgow ...166 133 131 431 Totala....(3 64 u ls Ltthocra-iliara' Leaajae. HANCOCK EPSTEN. lat A 1-1 T.i A. Paetow.lM Vt W 4 Mlratsky ..13 lift 135 378 H. paetow.lHS lm txi mi Oshorns ,..IM 1M) l) 4M Thatcher .AM 164 146 438 Totala 734 737 87 SI.V) RKB8 PRINOINO CO. 1st fd. Sd. Tot. Kurt liM l.6 146 n C. F.lsaaser.l 171 :i .16 Plombeok ..lfiS 149 tt l0 W. Kl'ser..lK3 143 113 Ak Ohnesorg ..137 m 2o7 tnf? Totala DO 811 868 S4SS OMAHA rRINTINU CO. 1st Jd. 8l. Tot. I-aupe i:8 M 1. 1 4-it Knhr 161 1(4 161 47t Nlsdom 1)3 1M 1U uji Crulck 147 17 17 ivi Hofmann ..176 16 174 KJ . 20 SO 20 m ..R04 818 840 34(4 LKAItr CO. 1st 2d. sd. Tot. ..17V 18 Mt 4KJ ..141 177 1W 4..S tan u-t ..1-4 S08 o ti, ..144 lt 104 4J7 KLOPP-BARTDnTT CO. 1st 21. Sd. Tot. K rand a l.M 141 4 litttchings .1IW 24 H 4h Kohler 1H 11 fx 3 I'anuska ... HO W l Shu Aitderson ..146 164 141 M Totals fl3 699 6f3 197. HUBKR IN KM. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tot. Hallev M IM 146 23 Kosenblat .1M 161 1 3K8 Crossman .1) J Oalleys ....162 1M 1H0 473 bhort 146 133 144 422 Totala 721 64 (2 2011 Isloa Paelfle Leaajae, MOTIVK POWER. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tot. S. Norieard 1H7 1M) 21S Kl Handera . 1H2 147 1M M6 Bennett ... 178 126 1M 41,1 Venirura .. 167 Ki 117 -67 U Norgard 166 Ida 138 4H0 Totala.... 868 77 804 S33S NKBltAKA DIVISION. 1st Id. 3d. Tot. Peterson .. 116 164 178 446 RefrlKier . 171 14 160 470 Hwanson .. 128 148 lf.2 428 Hryant ... W 17 l'.6 670 Kreba U1 126 171 447 Totala. 764 7SI 844 23(10 kNQINERKS. Handicap Totala... N, C. Mallov ... ieary .... Hies Hentfrow Hansen . Totala.... .77 897 838 SuOS Pickett .. Kedfinld . Htraw .... Heckler .. Kalman . Handicap Totala... CAR Hetnrlck . Shrader .. Do met .... If after SUne . 1st. 2 L 148 139 116 114 lf.5 ... 1W 173 124 1M ... 143 28 28 Sd. Tot. 130 417 118 lf.8 17 1M 28 760 767 768 RKCOKDS. 1st 2d. Sd 162 136 116 I'M 1H7 181 847 3( r.24 4I.S 74 Se 174 115 ... 127 Tot. 168 466 111 "0 178 4(. 1X0 642 IDS 600 I'aatoa ft Kallaaher. PAXTON. 1st. Id. Sd. Tot. KrsrKlll ... 124 I'M ISO S-O Mubanks .. 144 12o 1M 40 Van Dahl.. 128 142 151 M Totala IM M 401 1193 1st 2d. 3d. Tot. Smith 124 126 130 Sxl Callahan .. 1 161 14 444 Urannlon . 167 141 134 442 Totals.... 420 418 428 1268 YEDLOW storks. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tot. Jenkins ... 110 146 149 4n6 Wlnkleman 147 11 If 4-3 Hathaway. 168 1S 142 47 Totals.... 416 493 444 1365 PAOOMK& 1st 2d. Sd. Tot. Young .... 143 112 ir.2 407 Abranhon.. 167 X 124 409 Solomon .. 163 110 15 4U Totals.... 442 I3 435 1238 Byrar-llatamer l.esxse. VICTOR HOBIERT. 1st 2d. 3d. Tot. Brdla ll 161 fllaeK W H" I8 3"8 Olynn 1 1 1 Totala.... SS5 4m S! HW OAK BRAND OVEKAUf 1st. Id. 3d. Tot 1M 127 146 4JI 116 111 10K 11S 133 149 fc CDPRACETO RESTA; RECORDLOWERED Arerag-et One Hundred and Fire Miles an Hour, Setting New American Mark. DISTANCE ONE HUNDRED MILES Berka ... Burke ... Mullck .. Totals.. U. 4 Fellowa . Roach ... Wolff ... ,. 884 372 402 1108 H. SHIRTS. 1st 2d. Sd. Tot. .. 181 10B 123 6S .. 177 4 174 S; .. 136 130 114 I7 Totala.... 763 784 Sl 2W PABSENQRRa lat 2d. Sd. Tot. "awatakl . 143 114 128 84 Conklln ... 138 16 131 428 Kanka .... 1 1M 86 t-M Varwold .. 132 117 li2 861 Kleny 131 152 167 448 Handicap . It 15 16 46 Totals.... 667 707 818 k OMAHA SHOPrt. lat 3d. 8d 1282 Johnson . Htorra .... Koch H rod beck Lech'ster 132 116 141 1( 169 146 128 136 14 146 Tot. 164 444 148 l 131 , 447 163 417 162 467 Totals.... 719 CI 74! 2120 OKNfciHAL, FKEIUHT. 1st Id. 3-1. Tot Stafford .. 147 13 160 430 Vapor 136 143 110 3ss Drummy .. 146 108 114 l;g lana 165 1.17 ltx 4:i Werrtck ..141 164 1.70 446 Totala... MISC. Wella .... Phaddy .. Farls .... Begley ... Ocanvfwr , Handicap Totala... . 736 1 (43 SUV) ACCOUNTS. 1st. Id. d. Tot. IKS 146 m tin 171 137 108 14 1M 1S4 12 23 148 146 162 US 161 22 41 SS6 4H0 rx 487 68 801 C63 141 2204 Totals.... 446 83S 861 113 PAT1UCIAN CLOAKS. 1st Sd. Sd. Tot Bertch .... 146 124 114 Sl Pherman .. 116 1H 107 8 Casey W 161 180 ' Totals.... 860 S7 161 1089 Hebber Leasrae. FIRESTONEfl. . 1st. 2d. d. im. 147 . 81 140 1L8 O. Johnson.JJJ Nelson Sohn Kins; Shubert .. 146 80 78 164 134 144 86 111 134 438 244 446 64 Totals.. ..719 881 701 Sill FUNNS Y L.V AN1 AA 1st. Sd. Sd. Tot. Keller 17S Hi 149 477 Roesjens'n . 79 75 139 &3 F.tterme r ..1W 149 147 438 Olson 181 122 K4 4i7 Noland ....164 167 164 U6 2128 Sd. Tot 1N1 443 143 Sal l.J 448 134 SlfT 120 833 Totala... 717 868 713 FISK. 1st. 2d. Connor ....166 17 Prior m 137 Wails 144 l.M Stewart .... H7 116 Kaufman .. W 117 Totals. ...Bfti 38 721 1693 OOODRICH. 1st. 2d. 8d. Tot Comerfd ,.125 133 147 ti4 Matthews ..130 137 )i6 frrt I'ent ........141 111 118 rt Pennlng'n .131 170 148 447 Meacham ..loO T.S 181 470 Totala.... 677 E 6B7 64 BEN HARRIS GIYES DP GAME FOR GOOD Former. Western League Pitcher ftuiU Kay See Feds and Sayi He It Tnroug-h with Base Ball. WILL MAKE ' HIS HOME HERE OnlyTwenty-Two Minors Now Exist CHICAGO, Nov. 1 -Twenty-two tnlnor leagues; as compared with forty-seven Iaut year, are 'how In existence, aecordlng to offlot-re of the minora making plana today for. the trip of magnatea to San Francisco, where next week the annual .meeting of the National Association of Professional Base Ball leagues will be held. Each of the leatruee will be repre sented. It is expected. Rome discussion of retrenchment may take place at the meeting, but ,most of the leagues which weathered the storm of last summer al ready enforce their salary limit rules very Strictly, it waa said. I LINCOLN BOWLERS COMING TO THE MIDWEST IN FORCE LINCOLN. Neb, Nov. t (Bpec!al Colonel Phil Acksrman, state hotel com nilai!lort(r, who t part owner of the big 'Crescent Bowling alleys in this city, la carrying a chip on hla shoulder today because he exiiocts to take down to the u:idet bowling tournament In Omaha a team wnlch wlil Make the beat of tbein wa: up. TI.e Lincoln bowlera will make a bid Ben Harrla. for five years a hurler In the Western league and a late member of the chucking staff of the Kanaaa City Federals, blew Into Omaha yesterday and gave forth the new to hla Omaha friend that he la through with base ball for good and la now devoting hla energiea aa Nebraska representative of Campbell's aoupe. llama wm have all of Nebraska and western Iowa for hla territory In the new field. He wUI make Omaha his headquarter. - Harrla waa In the Western league in lj.-uy.u-'U-U. playing on the Topeka and Leaver clubs. - He lumped Denver during the winter following the 1913 Bea con and caal hla lot with the Fedora la Harris threw bis arm out while with the Kansas City outlaws and decided to give up baa ball and get started In a new field rather than attempt to stage a oome-back a la Jack Coo mo. "Maybe coomb can do It and so, per haps, can a few others," said Harrla, "but H e a 100-to-l shot and the odda are too big." Harrla declare the Federal league I a great league for playera to work In. "No club In the world ever treated Its players better than the Kay See Fade do," aald Harrla. "the only trouble with the outlaw loop la the fact that It has no farm for Ita playera who are not faat enough to stick. The Feda can get all the ball playera they want but they can't keep them all. and the only thing left la to release them and put them out of a Job, due to the blacklist In organised ball. The Feda are also weak In Baltimore and Kansas City. They haven't the money In these two towns, but In the other six the magnatee are millionaire, who don't give a tinker's hoop If the club makes money or not This will would he fhe best thing the force of organised ball oould do." NEW YORK, Nov. 2. Darlo Rest won the 100-mlle automobile race for the Harkness gold challenge cup and $5,000 cash at the Sheepuhead Bay ' speedway track today. Hla time for the distance, 66:66:71, es tablishes a new American record, and an average of 105.39 miles an hour. The BrooKUnd, England, world's record for 100 miles Is 66:29:93, which Is 25:78 seconds faster than that made by Resta today. Resta (beat the Chicago record of 68:64, which he made himself. Bob Burman finished second, In 68:33:96, and Edward Rlckenbacker was third. In 81:00:69. Six cars started, but John Aitkin was forced out of the race after leading for the first ten miles, by a broken con necting rod. Ralph De r alma's car met with a similar mishap after going forty miles. Ralph Mulford, the other driver, might have been second If not the actual win ner, had h not been compelled to go to the pit five times during the race) be cause of flat tire. MAKES NEW AMERICAN RECORD FOR 100 MILES Larmon Brothers Win Tennis Honor Of Dartmouth. Uni Russell Larmon, city tennis champ of Omaha, and hla brother, Park, won the tennis doubles championship of Dart mouth college In the final round of the recent tournament The two Omaha boys completely baffled their opponents and walked through .the tourney with ease. The feature of the final round was the reverse twist Russell uses on his service. The easterners couldn't solve It and many point went to the Omaha lada on Russell's service, Russell la but a freshman at Dartmouth, and Omaha ten nis fans expect to see him become the intercollegiate champ of the United States before he graduatea. BELLEVUF INDIANS ARE THIRSTING FOR GORE Iowa Varsity Team Lines Ud for Purdue IOWA CITT, la.. Not. 8. SpecIal. Coach Hawlcy consumed most of the practloe session this afternoon by per fecting the Iowa varsity In a new offense which they will spring against Purdue next Saturday. Ia scrimmage against the scrubs the new formation showed re markable possibilities and the Ilawkeye backs tor through for substantial gains. Gross and Kerwick got away for several good gains, while Scott hit the line with telling effect The Hawkeye line worked together In perfect harmony and Is now 76 per cent stronger than It waa a week ago. Captain Barron at center and Jacob- for the lUift tournament for the Nebraska capital city and ptct to receive strong make It mighty hard for organised ball support as tney nave one or the largest' to make the Feds quit. In fact. I don't eud most up-to-date alleys In the west aee how It can be done. A Compromise Bellevue Indiana are grownlg blood thirsty. The scalp-lock of Midland college has begun to shrivel at their belt and the sight has set the lusty braves craving en l Mt tackle, the forward wall looms for another bleeding victim. The footiu' formidable part of the Iowa of- ball team from Wayne State Normal, I which will be In Bellevue Frldav at 1 an : to the first scalp In sight Each Indian la donning war paint and feathers In preparation for the alaughter. Manager Oilmore ha had a bunch of st rest car and store window posters printed for us In Omaha, and the ad commute Is keeping the Bellevue bulle tin hoards slsxltng with enthusiasm. 1 Thursday, when all college classes will bo dismissed to allow the Interested to attend teachers' Institute In Omaha, very student will spend at least ten minutes drumming up spectators for the game Friday. Thursday evening the faculty members attending the Bellevue alumni dinner at th University club will start every alttmnus en the run to Bellevue for the f rand maasaeer. The crowd of Wayne alumni who will be In the metropolis for the pedagogue's meeting are expected to show enough Interest In their alma mater to swell the Friday afternoon crowd materially. Even the foot ball team la showing an astonishing lot of pep, Coach Ben jamin Is giving them a strenuous work out each afternoon and the result Is be ginning to look promising. Each man on the squad Is training harder than he has this season, for the little event Fri day to the beaconing of the big grind Wayne. Doane, Trinity and Tarklo. Sullivan to Manage St. Joe Next Year ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Nov. t Announce ment waa made today that Jack Holland owner of the St Joseph Western league base ball club, haa closed a contract with Denny Sullivan, whereby Sullivan will manage th local team next season. Sul livan formerly played with the Boston Americana and later with the Kansas City and Indianapolis American associa tion teams. For the laat two seasons he haa been managing minor league clubs. - jV wt.i --... w Grand Island Will Play Central High Here Thanksgiving Grand Island High achool haa been scheduled for Thanksgiving by the Cen tral High school, the game to be played In Omaha. Grand Island haa a strong team this season and will make a strong bid for the state championship. With the signing up of thla game Omaha tackles five teama from the atate, Norfolk. York, North Platte, Lincoln and Grand Island. Coach Mulligan took hla squad out to Rourke park for a secret practice last night The team will hold its last prac tice before the game Thursday morning. The squad waa strengthened Tuesday by tho return of Smith, an end, to the lineup. He was Injured In practice about two weeks ago, a piece being chipped from hla Jawbone. DARIO RESTA. plan to keep the White Sox within the bordera of Texas until a few days before the opening of the base ball season and to avoid much travel. Arrangements for exhibition Karnes In Fort Worth, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio are being made. MINOR LEAGUE MAGNATES TO BE IN OMAHA FRIDAY ..Friday mom:ng at 11 o'clock the base ball magnatea of the Western and other minor league will be In Omaha enroute to San Francisco, where they Kill hold the annual meeting. The special comes Id over the Northwestern, goes to Denver Over the Rock Island, to Salt Lake City ovef the Denver A Rio Grande and from there weed over the Western Pacific. COUNCIL DIRECTS POLICE TO STOP BOXING BOUTS The city council adopted a resolution offered by Commissioner Kugel, direct ing the police department to enforce the atate law on the subject of boxing and prlxe fighting. CommlsHloner Butler was alone In op- i posing the resolution, his contention being that the superintendent of the police de partment does not need a resolution passed by the city council before he can enforce the law. The mayor asked for a legal opinion on the subject of two men getting to gether for a "little social bout" AMUSEMENTS. Bovd's Nib 4 Day Starting I VfOlkzV Sunday-Mat. Wed. THIESSEN WINS GOLF ' HONOR FROM REYNOLDS Charles Thlesmn won the golf cham pionship of the Prettiest Mile Golf club Sunday at Miller park by defeating Paul Reynolds In the final round of the cham pionship tournament 6 up and 4 to play. Thlesaen turned 1n i 73 for the eighteen holes In this deciding match. "fr-"Tien ' - i " " I.oaa City Defeats Kearney. LOUP CITT. Neb., Nov. t-(Special -I A) up City defeated Kearney at golf on the home links, t to matches, Sunday afternoon. There were eight players on a side. Polskl, Schwaner, R. M. Worlock and Mathew won for Loup City, and Brown. Tollefaon and Martlndale of Kearney wone their matche Johnson of Loup ICty and Tollefson of Kearney tied. Frlsca Tea ale Krealts. BAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1-WUllam Johnston and Oarenc Griffith of San- Francisco, national doubles tennis cham pions, lost the first set, but won the other two In their match today with Al and Mel Rosenberg, also of San Francisco. In the preliminary play of the Paclflo oCaat Tennis championships here. The score waa 10-11; -S; 6-4. Molla BJurstedt na tional woman champion, defeated Mr H. A. Nlemeyer of San Francisco, 4-4; S-: -a The Counhy Gentleman bjtfe says: First thing after I bouehtmvclacel learned the good old comfy habit of carrying some VPIPER around with me. While! knocking around out-of-doors there's something cp- ..' ... propnaic aDoui oiung on delicious chew of "PIPER H Caewfaf TeUcce CaaaHfM Fiefs . "PIPER" fits In mighty handy CTCrywhcre farm ahop omca sport. You Just get the con venient habit of haying some "PIPER" tucked away In tout hin Docket and touH get a .sensation of 100 51 toDacco eaosiacnon. va Smack your llos oyer riTAn a tuuuus tuu iuuuiw Champagne Flaror all the bouquet of the ripest, richest, mel lowest leaves of the best to- v bacco. You try PLPER." Sold hy dealers everywhere, ia Se am IPs eats sssl taiy. fail wt, te preserve the flFER" Have. THE AMCRI. CAN TOBACCO e COMPANY i Bfc m i.. r i sal rsasaw m i tif 1 VS i I RAGGED Mats I ftefENGER. Tomorrow IPricesf25clo$1.50 Wednesday Matinee-Best Seats, $1 RnVn 1:00,2:30,4:00,5:15, Dv 1 U 6:45, 8:15, 9:45, TODAY LAST TIME, t,,, .... The Screen Favorite), . . FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN . la "GRAUSTARK" Thursday, Friday and Saturday. "THE BLINDNESS OF VIRTUE" A Story With a Moral. "OKAHA'B rtnt CEsTTSaV Dally Mats 15-S5-M Snn. 16.aa-S0.76o Puiroerlr Booked for Convention Week. BILLY WATSON fsD BEEF TRUST MUSICAL BURLESQUE. Sum n ou nU Incus beauty chorus of 80 hesvls that actually caved In tb Empire) T baa tar at age, Toledo, thraa waaka ao. Tcachsrv, this Is dlffer ot than tb shows back homa; sea 1C ZiadUs' Xlm Ma Una Wak Bays. IUUAT btV:, 0:S5 ens Until U.e C4k TRI1T1II J '' nuit U III ths stock rxxrEcr QRAHDEISi and Associate s-iayers lu EDWARD LYNCH "Seven Keys To Cahfcats" atats loc agc BTiif, ose, 35a, soe (tteVVGWaU Sooa-las 4S. The Only Kirk Class TanderlUs Clroalt. Other arts this wek: Ryan A Lee; J. C. Nu gent; Rex's Comedy cir cus; Mine. DoasJd-Ayer; Mae Francis; Samayoa; Orrbeum Trarel Weekly. rnvmm: jaeainee. sal lery. 10s; beat easts (exoapt Haturday tai Sun day). He. Nlssta. 10s. lo. 60c and 7ie. HAN PIK8 CHIEN r ivLL I0?!, tob'eco i T draler'a came, and we'll send a full-sixe 10c cut of "PIPSK" and a hand torn leather pouch FREE, anywhere In U. 8. Also a folder about "PIPES." Ths tobacco, pouch and mailing will coat at 10c, which we will fladly spend because a trial will make you a steady user of "PIPIR." HI D D Continuous from 11 a. in. Irr to 11P-a AU seats lOo. Afternoon and Evening-. Z.ABT TntXfl TODAT Ta World-Vaxaoas Comadlsnas, BLANCHE RING Xa Her Greatest Buocees, "THE YANKEE GIRL." BOND & LILLARDNJ WHISKEY Oaersftews Cleeelr WatrkeS. NEW YORK, Nov. S.-Beause of th rrttlclsm of Oeorcetown's playlnc In Its tame with the Army at West Point on October SS, foot ball officials watched closely today's same, la which George town defeated Fordhatn. S3 to T. and later expressed the opinion that It waa one of the cleanest played contest ever stared her. The officials war Kirberger fo Washington and Jefferson, Bergen of IH nee ton and Donnelly of Trinity. White 80s Plana. CHICAGO. Not. 1 The Chicago Amer icans will start for the training camp at Mineral Wells. Tex., March 10, President Cuuuskey announced today. It la Lis Beer Used in Moderation Is Good for You I I IV proves yourself a stranger f SBSE3ESBES " rJ 1 10 THE BEER YOU II KIL Is a Healthful and Invigorating Beverage Sava Coupons and Get Premiums &end for Free Premium Catalog rhone LUXTJS JIERCANTLLi; CO., Douglas 1889, and have a case Bent home. The quality printer urge his customer to spend money for good engravings, becaase it is money well soent. The best printer .in the business cannot get re sults out of an inferior cut We make them to salt the ok L