Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1915, Page 3, Image 3
T11K UEK: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, XOVEMHEU ., 101.-). Nebraska TATE'S CASH HELD IN PECULIAR WAYS Number of Instances Cited by State Treasurer Where Letter of Law Not Followed. SOME LAWS UTTERLY IGNORED (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. 2. (Special.) The handling of funds of the state, on which even the present stateofflcers could not agree and has resulted In the matter be ing put up to the supremo court, appears to be still a long nays from settlement The amount turned over by the govern ment for the care of old soldiers this Nebraska Pollard Finishes Shipping Apples; Now for Politics (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. 2. (Speclal.)-K. M. rollard of Nehawka, who recently an nounced his candidacy for the republican nomination for governor, la In the city todar. Mr. Follard has been very busy this fall taking care of his big apple crop, which he says was the largest he ever raised. Before leaving home he finished load ing for shipment his seventy-third car of apples and before the shipping season Is over will have shipped more than seventy-five carloads. This has kept him pretty busy and he has had little time to devote to politics, n year amounted to 18,301.20. This was but from now on 1 e will take up the divided between the two old soldiers' matter of his candidacy and push It homes, so that Grand Island received ; along, although he was willing to admit S5.87J.76 and Mllford I2.42S.44. The warrant (that so far it had had a healthy growth for this amount was sent by the gov- without his assistance. ernment to the governor and by him turned over to the state treasurer, who turn Issued to the homes the amount oe them and this was placed in the gen eral fund, from which commandants draw when needed. Money to the Governor. Just why the money should be sent to the governor 1 not known, when the treasurer Is the custodian of funds be- Two-Cent Fare Case Up in Federal Court (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. 2. (Special.) Chair man Clarke of the State Railway com mission went to Omaha today and will be longing to the state, but that has always Present with other members of the corn been done and has been continued. Why ' mission tomorrow when the caee of the this fund should be placed In the general ! Missouri Faclfio Railway company comes fund to be drawn on In the way It ls ; P In federal court, wherein an injunction when It is a specific fund for a specif Ic i 18 Bked b" th,e company to restrain the v,.r,. i. ..v,. o, ' railway commission from continuing In purpose Is another mystery. Suppose the , ,. , , . . ,, 1 1 j i v. j kite . v i: 1 1 1. T I I r 1 1 1 IT ,i I ui " ft ' tr general fund of the state should become depleted. It would simply mean that in stead of the money being there for the purpose of relief for the old soldiers, lature covering passenger rates. The company makes the contention that because of the reduction It has not been able to come out even and shows that Its with what they had on hand, will pay all expenses. 8. M. Scarborough, who has been In the lumber business at Dunbar for many years, died Friday night and the funeral was held Sunday, the Interment being made at the cemetery here. He leaves a family. The funeral was under direc tion of the Masons. DEATH RECORD. . Peter l.oaa?. MADISON. Neb., Nov. 1 (Special ) Feter Long, residing In the vicinity of the Red school house, died suddenly yester day morning after an Illness of less than twenty-four hours. Appendicitis was the direct cause of death. Mr. Long was In town until after o'clock Saturday eve ning, apparently In his usual health. The deceased was born In Germany fnrty one years ago and came to Stanton county, about eight miles east of Madi son, with his parents many years ago. For the last elsht years he has resided on a farm near the Red school house, lie is survived by a wife and eight chil dren, four boys, George, Walter, Kmll, Julius, BerthaT Anna, Amelia and Mia, the eldest being 1(1 years old and the youngest 1 year; also' by his parents, Mr. and ..Irs. Daniel Long, of this city, and eight brothers and two sisters. The frncral services will be from the resi dence at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon to the German Lutheran church of Madl- T I HMIMW lflHl 1 marked "W-2 9. " Ho aftprwardu out-I derldrd to hold htm for further Investiga- y i i -r 1 LAUiiDRi MARK mi Brbnoor. h h ; Catarrh Leads LEADS TO ARREST C. W. Washington, Negro Waiter, is Held by Police to Explain Pres ence on Handkerchief. CLOTH USED TO 0A0 ONE VICTIM Upon a laundry marit "W-29" the police are holding C. V. Washington, Pr.xton hotel waiter, under suspicion of highway robbery and perhaps of another serious crime. When Stella Schnoor and Clarence Anderson were held up at Thirty- second ahd Burt streets on the night of October 2 the robber tried to gag Anderson with a dirty handkerchief, Will Knlnrcf Alliance Hotel, ALLIANCE. Neb.. Nov. . (Special.) J. M. Miller returned from Denver today, where he has been for the last few days arranging for an addition to be built to the Alliance hotel. The owners plan a three-story modern building, the rooms to be equipped to compare with any of the best city hotels. Use The Bee's "Swapper" column. warrants would have to be turned down deflclt wag .v lagt yea, 0 the other or registered and cashed In at a dis-,nnnd Expert PoweU of the railway count and the fund given for the pur- commission makes the showing that the pose would be Insufficient to cover tho I company's net income last year ws purpose because it had been used for j JSO.OOO. something else. State Treasurer Hall is i The case is really a test of the const! of the opinion that the fund has not right in the general fund and should not be di verted for any other purpose that that for which It ia intended. Other Peculiarities. A fund which is paid into the Institute for the Feeble Minded at Beatrice Is also handled peculiarly. The statutes cover ing the disposition of funds to state in stitutions eay that It shall be unlawful dfor any official of a state Institution tn receive any fees or any money belonging to the atate without paying the same into the state treasury, but provides that "the head of any institution receiving from any source funds to be held in trust and expended for the benefit of any inmate thereof, shall not be required to pay such trust funds Into the state treas ury as provKed herein, but shall at the end of each month file with the state auditor a detailed and attested statement of all such moneys received and expended by him or her." The Beatrice institute receives from the different counties of the state which have inmates in the institution a certain amount of money each year for the sup ply of clothing, etc., to the Inmates. This amounts to a considerable sum, but, ac cording to the state auditor, the superin tendent of the Beatrice institution haa made no report on this fund, and nelthf-'' has the State Board of Control required the superintendent to make any report to them, according to information given out at the office of the secretary of the board. Wky la Law Dlsresrarded. Just, why the law, so plainly written, should be Ignored and the superintendent of an. institution given money to handle without reporting the amount received or ex ded, as the law requires, is not known, and while democratic etate of ficials are quarrelling over how they shall get money they think they ought to have, their attention is called to an other official who haa money to Burn and does not take the trouble to report - Dioiuirn in the case gives a clear Instruction, but if is utterly Ignored. It would appear that what is required of one institution is not of another. The Soldiers' Home people are required to put their trust fund In the general fund of the state, but the superintendent of another Institution takes his and spends It a' he pleases and makes no report. tutionallty of the t-cent per mile pas senger law. Million and Quarter In State Treasury (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. 2. (Special.) Accord ing to the monthly report of State Treas urer Hall there la a balance In the state treasury of $1,235,156.29, as against $1,377, 585.49 at the close of business September 80. The receipts for the month of Octo ber have been $300,332.78, and the expendi tures $392,762.98. TWO MEN ARE IMPLICATED IN HOLDUPS IN LINCOLN (From a Staff oCrrespondent) LINCOLN, Nov. 2.- (Special.) Three holdups kept the Lincoln police busy for a time last night and resulted In the cap ture of W, L. and R. H. Brown, the lat ter confessing the crimes and implicating the, ether-maa, who Is his brother. In holding vj one of their victims they be came too anxious, and a shot was fired, landing In the victim's log. Harry Wil liams, the wounded man, will be able to navigate after the bullet is removed. The men also admitted stealing an auto mobile In Hastings, which they had driven to Mllford and left at a garage there. Sheriff Hyers, who ran the men diwn, has gone to Mllford after the machine. PRIZES ARE AWARDED AT ALLIANCE BABY CONTEST ALLIANCE, Neb., Nov. 1 (Special.) "Market week." which closed here Sat urday night, was very successful, both from a business and entertaining stand point' Saturday the largest crowd of any during the. week, the entertainment was principally for children, although the grown folks enjoyed themselves as well. The "better babies" contest, conducted under the direction of Mrs. Jerry Rowan and Mrs. L, L. Smith, according to the rule of the Woman's Home Companion, was decided Saturday evening, when "loving cups," first, second third prises. were awarded to Lata Gordon, aged 15 months, scoring 97; Margaret Marks aged 46 months, scoring tf!, and Frank LAwrence, aged months, scoring 97. Others scoring 96V4 and over and receiv- ng diplomas were Darrel Wishman, Rob ert Munger, William Hlvely, Richard JIcOlll, Mary Brennan, Marvin Romlg, Merrill Irwin, Fabian Comis, Howard Johnson and Ralph Anderson. . MACHINIST AT COLUMBUS KILLED BY AN EXPLOSION COLUMBUS, Neb., Nov. 2. (Special.) Michael Paprochi, machinist in the Janlck garage at Humphrey, Neb., was Instantly killed this morning at 10 o'clock. Ho was soldering a hole in a large gasoline tank when the tank ex ploded, blowing out both of the ends, which struck him, causing instant death. Mr. Paprochl leaves a wife, but no children. Pianos and Player Pianos Are Going Fast During This igantic Money - Saving Sale Try Thta for NearalsHa. Neuralgia is a pain in the nerves. Sloan's Liniment penetrates and soothes the aching nerves. Oet a bottle now. All druggists. Advertisement. Notes from Nebraska City. NEBRASKA CITY. Nov. I. (Special.) While "Billy" Sunday was holding hla revival at Omaha, the Protestant Minis terial association of this city was pre paring to hold a revival here. They se cured the lumber and a large number of men donated their services and erected a tabernacle that seata 1,600 people, and Sunday night, the large building was crowded, some being unable to obtain seats. Frank Mathls of Colorado is the evangelist, and Mr. Vessay Is In charge of the singing. So far nearly 300 have "hit the trail' Last night subscriptions to the amount of $300 were taken, and Schmoller & Mueller Had the Money The Manufacturer Had the Pianos We Traded Our Cash for His Pianos. Remarkable values are offered in this stock of High Grade Pianos and Player Pianos, which we pur chased at 30 cents on the dollar. Five floors overflowing with these High Grade Pianos and Player Pianos. This Is your opportunity to save from one-third to one-half on any Instrument you buy. COME IN TOMORROW and SEE THESE BARGAINS Former Price. ' Sale Price. $225 Small Upright S SO $300 Foster Upright. ... .$135 $375 Steger & Sons, Up right 8175 $325 SchmoUer & Mueller, Upright $155 $400 Emerson, Upright. . .8277 $600 Vber, Upright $390 $375 Llndeman & Son, Up right $355 $550 Steger & Sons,- Up right ..$298 $350 Ivers & Pond, Upright at $150 $560 Stelnway, Upright. . .$425 $1,000 Chickering, Grand. $i5 $1,100 Stelnway, Grand.. . $450 rLAVEn PIANO VAIAKS Former Price. Sale Price. $450 Schubert $195 $!00 Gebhardt $250 $550 Playatone $325 $600 Player Piano $350 $65.0 Player $395 And hundreds of other new and used Instruments too numerous to mention. All Pianos are marked In plain figures. Payments to suit your convenience. PIAXOS FOR RENT, $3.50 A MONTH AND UP. Schnollcr & Mueller Piano Company 1311-13 Farnam St., Omaha. Headquarters for the STew Aeolian Vocations, Vlotrolas and Colombia Orafoaolaa. Kseornised as the Oldest sad X,arrat Piano Rons la the Middle West. Both victims declared the picture of Arthur Houser cloROly resembled the bandit, but as he was masked at the time, they could not be posi tive. Infective Rich and Psanowskl, aver since, have been searching the laundries for the mark "W-tV and several days ago, they round that Washington's laun dry came mark! that way. Thry looked Washington up and found him to be a man of unstable characteris tics, and answering the general descrip tion given by Mtxs Schnoor and Ander son, and they took him to Jail. Washington Is a negro, but one would have to look closely to become convinced of the fct, so light Is he. He denlrd everything -even being owner of laundry marked "W-W." When the detectives found other laundry marks exactly tike that on the handkerchief, on Washington's collars and shirts, they Heretof re the police have be'levrd mat the murderer of W. II .Smith Is the same man who halted Miss Schnoor nnd her rscort. OBJECTS OF PELLAGRA TEST PARDONED BY GOVERNOR JACKSON. Mich., Nov. i-overnor Brewer today pardoned eleven convicts, six of whom were serving life sentences for murder, because they had allowed themselves to be victims of pellagra ex periments by which the Tnlted States publlo health service haa demonstrated that the disease Is caused by an unbal anced diet and can be cured by a proper ration. Six of the pardoned men have pellagra In a pronounced stage and two others show symptoms. It was announced to day after diagnosis by Ir. Joseph Oot berger of the public health service. Ef forts will now be made to restore them to health. to Consumption Catarrh Is as much a blond disease as scrofula or rheumatism. It may be re lieved, but it cannot be removed by simply local treatment. It breaks down the general health, weaken the lung tis sues, and leads to consumption. Hood's arsaparllla Is so successful In the treatment of catarrh that It is known as the best remedy for this disease. It purifies the blood. Ask your druggist for it Advertisement. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. Margaret Marks, winner of the second prize, la daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Marks, formerly of Omaha, and grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Marks of an Maple street. LINCOLN NEWSPAPER MAN TAKEN TO HOSPITAL (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOI.N, Nov. 2. (Special.) John Thompson, representative of the State Journal at the state house, was taken with bleeding at the nose yesterday aft ernoon while making his run, and the flow was not checked for three hours. This morning he was taken with another severe attack an4 was taken to Esther hospital. Stomach Troubles. Persons who have stomach trouble are ipt to become discouraged. They will see ' by the following that their chances of re covery are excellent. A. K. Williams, In dependence, Va., tells o. u remarkable cure that was effected In that vlcialty. One of his customers was so badly af- fllcted with stomach trouble that he was sent to a hospital, but received ltttlo benefit and came home to die. Mr. Wil liams suggested that he try Chamber laln'fc Tablets, which he did, and today be la a well man an I weighs ITS noui.ds. Obtainable every where. Advertiaui-tent. $ How To Get Rid of a Dad Cough I ; $ A Bone-Made Remedy that Will ' ! It Quickly. Cfcea aad X Kaslljr Blade If you liave a bad cough or chest cold winch refuses to yield to ordinary reme dies, get I ruin auy druggiat idVs ounces of Eiuex (ot) cental worth), pour iuto a pint bottle and till the bottle with plain granulated suar syrup, btart taking a teaspounful every hour or two. in kU hours your cough will be conquered or very nearly so. Even whooping cough is greatly relieved in this way. 'lie above mixture makes a full pint a family supply of the finest cough syrup that money could buy at a cost of only 54 cents. Easily prepared in 6 minutes. Full directions with 1'inex. 'lliis l'inex and bugar fciyrup prepa ration takes riuH hold of a cough and gives alinottt immediate relief, ft loos ens the dry, Loarse or tight cough in a way that is really remaikabie. Also quickly Ileal i the inflamed membranes which accompany a painful cough, and stops the forniation of phlegm in the j throat and bronchial tubes, thus ending the persistent louse cough. Excellent for bronchitis, spasmodic croup and winter , CYiftCfWrt coughs. Keeps perfectly aud tastes flood ; J aJIixr -cmiuren iikc it. i ' l'inex is a special and highly eoncen-1 trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, rich in guaiaool, which is so bealing to the membranes. j To avoid disappointment, ask your' druggist for "2'4 ounces of Pinex," do not accept anything else. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction, or money prompt ly refunded goes with this preparation.1 The l'inex Co., it. Wayne, Iud. I The New Home Treatment for Ugly, Hairy Growths (Boudoir Secrets) ' . Here is a Bimple, yet very effective method for removing hair and fuss from the face, neck and arms: Cover the ob jectionable hairs with a paste made by mixing some water with a little pow dered delatone. Leave this on for 2 or t minutes, then rub off, wash the skin and the hairs have vanished. No pain or Inconvenience attends this treatment, but results will be certain If you are sure to get real delatone. Advertisement. . . r- - V.l OROTTB HROS. CO. Ucaeral Dlstrlbatarsj Omaha, ftcb. usmess us iboormn Y7 UDB if i! ' j Ss mf$ . qt t gnnn :::: Pf Thm Nattcnal Ca$h Jteguter Cpmpawwt j Jff If J Dayton, Ohio. Merchants everywhere tell our 800 salesmen that business is booming. Farmers have had two record crops, at big prices, with big demand at home and abroad. Stocks of manufactured material are short, and labor is in great demand. Exports largely exceed imports. Factories are busy, many work' ing overtime. More freight cars are needed, and steamers are taxed to capacity. People are living better, and spending their money more freely. This country has the best money in the world, and more of it than ever before. Such 'a combination of favorable circumstances never has occurred before, and probably will never occur again. Billions of dollars are 'passing over the merchants' counters. The people who spend this money want the best service. They demand it in all kinds of stores, from the smallest to thet largest. They get it in stores which use our up-to-date Cash Registers, which quicken service top mis takes, satisfy customers, and increase profits. Over a million merchants have proved our Cash Registers to be a business necessity. ISigneJ 3 t M I t ' Ii I II". ii Ml it - - T ' ii f n ? i c Hi