Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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Mill UK NT
N1CK1.Y furn..lio.1 room; ilos In;
moilfrn. .'.l s .".M St.
CAPITOL AVE., 1813 Steam heated room
with lvatcri. suttsoie r.r two.
Kur. room and tath. lMvenwnnh.
JIASOX, S;j-To iiiiWrti rooms, en
unite, furnished rntnr1'1!'. llimry 414.
SC1TK OF nTT'To K hiMS, iti private,
congenial faml'v; not far from car. 112
N. 1'ith. Wrb. S4.V
LAHOF., modern room, newly furnished.
118 North 2Mh ft. Mirnry 8 1ST..
NEWLY furnished rm. near town. 1. i.1).
PLKASANT, modern furalahed room,
close In; quiet homo. Doug. 7M9.
ON !3 room for 3 or 4. and one for i
persona, lariie and niry. With or with
out bonrrl. Private family Iouclns 110.
ROOM in private family, good location.
2.VT0 Pnppleton .We. Tvicr U.H.
MOI'KKN, newlv furnished rooms, first
and aoc'nd floor. li N. 21st, South
Omaha. I'hone South SiUft.
1214 IK)lTiLA9-Newly furnished rooms.
Furnace heat Close In. Red (51.
WASTED Two roomers In private fam
ily; walking distance. Tyler 22S2-K.
GIIAY6TONF. HOTF.L. 2423 Cass: every
modern convenience: rules reasonable.
H leeping rm. In priv ate family. 82. H. 272.1.
Fl'KNISHK.U room In all modern home,
with breakfast, walking distance. 7o2 S.
2fith Ht. I'hone Tyler 2v'4.
I'ornliihf A llovme.
Furnished or Unfurnished.
141) AND fin.
Seven rooms nil inni1irtL rtiano filaver.
etc. Paved street, half block to car.
Douglas f013.
completely furnished, for
rent for Blx monms or longer.
ent for sh
Mrs. W.
H. Mnnger, 1524 8. S.'d Ave.
Ilounckrrp-aa Riraitii.
I or S nice niw., housektrtng. 112 8. 11th.
Zul.i MASON On room for two gentle
men; use oT den. H. 7G"2.
Uobhi and Colta;.
FFA'EN rooms and bath, all modern. 2624
Manderson Bt. Phone W. 326.
FOR RBNT-2SU S. .13d St., new and
modern; 6 rooms and bath; hardwood
finish, parlor, dining room, kitchen, sun
parlor first floor; 3 bedrooms, sleeping
porch, bath on 2d floor; one block from
car line; cheap rent to good tenant. Will
be shown on application to
City National Hank Bldg, o
8-R.OOM, strictly modern, practically new
home; reasonable to right parties If
taken at once. Call Colfax 492.
FOR RENT Beautiful modern retl
dence, 7 rooms and bath, pot water
heat. Large garage; at 3120 Florence
Blvd. Pnono Colfax 8S0.
8-room. all modern. 1 -7 Lothrop. f 22 fro.
WALKING distance. W38 Dodqe, 8-room.
modern, $25; key, 2040; call Web. 4S75.
-R. MODERN house. J!.n. Weh. 2.V17.
2715 Ohio St., 7 rooms, 817. Doug. 4478.
Rent Reduced
NIca 8-room house, modern except heat:
storm windows; arranged for two fami
lies If so desired; rent $22. 1:511 Corby St.
Tel. Web. 78X2.
FOR RENT $10; 3005-3007 Franklin street,
6 rooms each; modern except heat; both
In perfect order. Can be shown at any
time. See these cozy homes.
City National Hank Hid. o
-R. cottage: mol. UH 8. 31st H. 2S.
-ROOM house and sleeping porch; Field
ci uo oistrict. wti s. 3&th Ave. H. SSi'i.
CLOdE-IN, desirable five-room cottage,
modern except furnace. 62S 8. lth Ave.
j-mugms w. a, ntxenoaugn.
STRICTLY modern, 7-r., Hanscom Park,
cottage, oak floors, $25. Tel. Har. 4223.
8-R. modem cottage, Ui. Tel. Har. 18.
T-ROOM. modern, S3S Poppleton Av.
MODERN 7-room house, 1618 Park Av
$36, Phone Harney 1566.
627 PARK AVE. It-room mod home, $38;
garage extra. Carey Cleaning Co. H. 7307.
I-ROOM cottage. Ill S. 2Stu St, $15. Water
Fine modern home, practically new,
prettily decorated, good woodwork,
easily heated, good location, near car
lines. Inquire 712 Park Ave. Harney 1241.
6-r. house, mod. ex. heat. iuO 8. 21st.
T rooms, 2 blocks Farnam line; close to
cathedral and Saunders' school. Owner
leaving city. Cull Doug. 2715; evening
anq punuay. iiarney ti.H.
438 North 38th Ave.
4 rooms down, In mahogany and oak;
8 rnninl An1 hath R ..Inuula r " n A
tlonr; line big lot, fruit, hedse, $5o; will
build garage, finish room 3d floor or
make sleeping porch for extra rent; lease
1 or 2 years Iave citv Saturday.
Dow, Harney 6134.
Zii HOWARD Six rooms; modern; easily
heated; beautiful Interior. Walnut alf.
FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern except
heat. 3210 Hamilton St.
1-r. mod. house. .il Ixvenorih. W. '!0
IiUNDFJK J-room house near car.
D. 423 or Walnut 3317.
FREE RENT 1 Mo. on this new B-r.,
very choice cottage, 3718 N. 20 St., Sil;
-r., 2319 8. IS St., $12; 6-r., mod., 2110 N.
27 Ave., $13 50; select new flat. 6-r., 220
N. 22 St., $32.50; 3321 Davenport. 8-r., mod.,
$26; 12 others, $fi to $25. McKltrlck R. tl
Co. D. 14S2. Ty. 2140 J.
Globe Van&Storage
' Stores, moves, packs, ships; 3-liorse van
nd 2 men, $1.25 per nr.; storage 2 per
tno. Uhia.:uin auar. D. 4XJ) Ty. 23U.
7-ROOM modern house. Seward.
Prone Douglas fNJ for complete Hat ot
vacant bouses and apartmeiru: also for
storage, moving. 1'tti tnil Jackson it's.
5-P.OOM cottane for rent, oiie-haif blocK
from ewe Webster 2151.
Gordon Van CcSS
uv r. inn Bi.
Tfl I I'M or Har. HOT.
jiui'i.i..' i -1 . w 1 1 . i.Wuo, .11 1 1 n .id
eation; $25. 34S l'Tatiklin Walnut 3043
(EE the Cen'xsl Furnituro stor' FHEB
fan and titorag
r e-
lng. pacMij;. snipping.
1713 Webster St.
SEVEN and five-room houses; modern;
walking distance. Douglas 69.
H. .iicnu CreUh Sons Co , Be Bldg
OUbt S ln part, 0f Ui city.
J.CReed Bv
nam l. fit.
FINK 7-room, modern house and gurtge,
$4H. 2117 Lothrup St. Call Web. 72)6.
FOH colored people, 5 and ti-iuum cot
tages, partly modern. 1610 IM N. 22d
St. Call Doug. 7M0.
UH C'UMINU ST. 6-rooiu, modern except
heat; good repair, IH per month. Tel.
Douglas S7. Owner.
tore mmd Ufflee.
Full plate glass front, tile floor, steam
heat, good location on auto row; very
convenient access to front and rear. This
is one of tlie best of the smaller auto
salesrooms. Call for particulars.
15 Omaha Nat. Hank Kl.lg.
BASEMENT room in modern office
building, Harney Bt.; good display win
dow. Apply
Tvler lf.Stv State Hank Rldg.
MODERN, convenient offices. Continental
block. Rates reasonable.
WANTED TO HI" Y Four second hand
heels such as are used on go-carts or
foabv bugelea; wheels must be In good
condition and from eight to ten Inches In
diameter and all of the tame size. Kui
further intormaiion Phon Harney ioM.
WAXTFl) TO 111 Y
Scrap Iron
Wanted l.ono tons scrap iron In erlo4
lota. For prompt shipments out of north
and southwestern territory of Grand
Great Western Iron
& Metal Co.
Grand Island, Neb
OFFICE furniture bought and sold, .
C, Reed, 117 Farnam. Doug. 4.
Ptrlctly high grade piano Web. 3i"M
Yal bus everything Id han.l Veb. 4904
HloliKSTricirfor"oidclothiug. pTiili
HOl'SE for family of 5; no small chil
dren; place suitable for some chickens
preferred. Address A 13, Hee.
NICELY furnifched silting and bedroom,
by young couple. In private family, ref
ereneea exchanged. M 272. Hee.
For. Information about cheap land In
southwest Arkansas write W. L. Perkins,
Ashdown, Ark.
FOR SALE 155-acre farm. I mites from
Council Uluft's, on the Lincoln highway.
Address J. llannil al. H. . Box 74.
Krvr lork.
16 cows, toain, tools, crops and hen go
with this lf'O-acre farm; house, basement
burn, new silo, orchard and woods. Price,
46 acres, house, barn, orchard, stream,
cost team, tools. Price, $2,tiiU.
80-acro farm, house, barn, orchard,
woods, stream, 6 cows, village one mile;
city, 8; school, 20 rods. Price, $t,400; $500
cash, $100 yearly. Write for photos. Rail
road fare one way to purchaser. 14 MUN
SON, 242S S. Salina St., Syracuse, N. Y.
9t0 ACRES of the best wheat land In
Western Nebraska; 480 acres school
land, 640 acre privately owned; cut near
30 stacks of choice upland hay on tuiy
part of the section this year: balance of
grass stands knee-high. This land is
unimproved, except 1 miles of fence. You
can't find lelter land anywhere. Price,
$1,200 for school land In cash; $19.2u0 tr
section. $4,800 cash, balsnce to be paid
$1.0m per vear with Interest at S per
cent per annum. More cash, better terms.
Will not separate. Write Y 124 Bee.
UNIMPROVED 210-acre stock farm in
Douglas county for $.,0 an acre. Address
Y 120. Heo.
UPPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and
general crop state in the union; settler
wanted; lands for sale at low price on
easy tarms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wiscon
sin Central Land Qrant. Excellent land
for stock raining. If interested in fruit
lands ask for booklet on apple orchard.
Address Land and Industrial Depart., Hot
Line Railway. Minneapolis VI Inn
Write a good description of your land
and send It to the Sioux City, la-. Journal,
"lowt't Most Powerful Want Ad Ms
dlum." Twenty-five word every Friday
evenmg, Saturday morning and every
Saturday evening and Sunday morning
tor one month, giving sixteen ads oa
twelve different day tor $2; or CO words,
$4, or 75 words, $6.
Largest circulation of any Iowa new,
paper, 25U.0U0 reader dally In four great
FARMS and city loan at lowest rat.
$100 TO $1,000 made promptly. r. 1.
Wead, Wead'Pidg.. 1Mb. Farnam St.
CITY and farm loans, $, Ha, per cant
J. H. ZJumont ft Co.. 41 State Bank.
A "For Sale" ad will turn aecoud-uand
furniture into cash-
To people wishing to build
homes or business buildings.
For complete information con
cerning terms, etc, call on or
Ground Floor Bee Bldg.
Telephone Douglas 2UJb. c
WANTED Uwod farm and city loan at
lowest rate.
PETERS TRUST CO.. 1612 Farnam.
CITY" property. Large loan a specialty.
W. H. Thomas 22K State Bank Bldg.
OMAHA home. East Nebrasaa farms.
101 Omaha National. Phon Douglas Hli.
MONEY on hand for city and farm loans.
H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg.
(iC CITY LOANS. C. G. Carlbcrg. (10
v 12 Brandeia Thaater Bldg.
FOR Sale or Trade 240 acres of land
In Logan county, $6.60 per acre. 1H0
acres 11 mile from North Platte. Will
take auto on this; $10 per acre. 4 acres,
well Improved, In Dawson county. Will
take Omaha payment a part payment;
$30 per acre. 160 acres ln Dawson county,
Improved. $25 per acre. 640 acres In
Logan county, $6 per acre. Residence,
Hanscom park district, h-room, all mod
ern. Will take small property and give
time on balance. Address 1517 S. th
St. Phone Red 5447. o.
(-room cottage. Council Bluffs. 80 acre
irrigated Colorado land; for lot or cot
tages ln Omaha. Colfax 3S0.
FOR SAI.E or exchange, two lots In Van
couver, British Columbia. Address P
2B1. Bee
In Richland Acres
if you want some of the best level and
gently rolling rich land, close to a paved
road and a tiood location, you should
not overlook acres in this new addition.
It la all ln alfalfa and original prairie,
onlv a short distance from Benson and
adjoining Keystone Park on the north
weal. Some pieces have running water.
An elegant place for an Investment or
a future home. This tract is only
blocks from the Jitney line. These acres
will be sold on our usual easy terms,
(rice $:150 to $450 per acre.
Hastings & Heyden
1114 HARNEY 8T.
8 Acres Improved
Located close to Benson, on Main street,
paved road. House has 7 rooms, com-
lnation hot air and hot water heat, water
system in house, lavatory, bath; good
large barn for hay, cows, horse and
chickens; also implement, buggy and auto
storage room; good hoghouse and large
chicken house; nearly all high and sightly
ground, south and east slope; about
acre In alfalfa, some young fruit. Be
sure to see this, as It 1 a very choice
piece of suburban property. The build
ings are nearly new. Price Is only a
trifle more than the land alone la worth.
Hastings & Heyden
OWNER will sacrifice $-r., strictly mod
ern house, with large s eeping room, oak
floors., woodwork nicely decoiated. Terms
l'hung Webster
All Cereals Advance with Wheat
Going Up from One to Two and
One-Half Cents.
OMAHA. November 3. 191".
There was a general sjdvance tn all
grains today. The wheal market was
eseciiUy strong and ranged troni Hi2'-c
higher. Although the demand for wheat
was pretty active, the sales were not
very heavy, due to the fact that the
sellers figure on higher prices.
Corn receipts were pretty light and the
demand for this cereal was fair. The
corn market sold from unchanged to lo
The run of onts was also light and
there was a moderate demand for this
cereal. Oats ruled SWc higher.
The heavy run of rye still continue,
there being a totai of thirteen cars re
ceived today. Although the receipts of
this cereal have Iwen exceptionally large
during the past few days the demand
seems to be pretty fair and the market
advanced He today.
Parlev wss quoted nominally unchanged
to lc higher.
Liverpool close: Wheat Htfld higher;
corn. Hi 2d higher.
Primary wheat receipts were S.tOl.ooO
btishela and shipments 1,752,000 bushels,
tllolhlny last year.)
l'rlmnry corn receipts, were &OB.0P0 bush
els and shipment 1 S3. 000 bushels. (Holl-
day last year.)
Primary oats
els and shipment 1.15S.P00 bushels. iHoli
day last year.)
carlot nrurEirTa.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 2,M Jn9 M
Minneapolis f"4 ... ...
Duluth 4
Omaha M Z1 IS
Kansas City 2"J 17 IS
St. Louis 14 18 M
Wlnnip'g 1,9 ... ...
Theao sales were reported today:
Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 car, $1.0).
No. 3 hard winter: 1 car, ie: 4 cars,
9!o; I cars, DTVie; I cars, Tc. No. 4 hard
winter: 1 car. D7c: 4 cars, 96c; $ cars, 9nVc
10 cars. ftc; 1 car, 9Hic: X cars, Wo; 2
cars, &34c; 1 car, 3c; 1 car. 92c. 8ample:
1 car, 90c: 1 cars. KV; 1 car. 85c; 1 car,
"So; 8-R car, 70-. No. 4 spring: 1 car,
9fc. No. 8 mixed: 1 cars, 97c; 1 car,
97c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 96c: H car,
94c; S-T car. 90c. No, I durum: 1 car,
97c: I cars, 9fic. No. 4 durum: 1 car, Wo.
No. J velvet chaff: H car, 97e. Rye
No. 2: 1 car, 94o. No. S: 2 car. 4c;
4 cars. 3Hc. No. 4: 1 car. KV. Sample:
2 cars, 90c. Corn No. 2 white: S cars.
fxo. No. S white: 1 car. Bo.. No. 6
white: 1 car. 6K4c. No. 2 yellow: 1 car.
114 S. 29TII.
Seven-room house, not new, but In good
repair; fully modern; lot alone worth
$2,000; will make a fine close-in home for
some one. WANT AN OFFKR, Can
make easy terms, or will consider lot or
rnortgage paper or smaller house a part
payment, or will rent.
Rasp Bros.
106 McCague Hldg. Ioug!as lfioS.
Brand new, 4 rooms and bath, furnace,
all modern, cement basement, stairway
to floored attic; east front lot, located
2348 8. 36th Ave. Liberal terms to good
312 Brandeia Theater Bldg.
West Farnam Goes
This Week
43$ N. 38th Ave., near cathedral and
Saunders school, 4 rooms diwn, In ma
hogany and oak, all fine oak floors; S
rooms, bath and sleeping porch above;
maid's room third floor. $l,0iO cash, bal
ance monthly If desired. Price cut to
$7,000. Make offer before I LKAVB
OMAHA SATURDAY ; or will lease to you
for one or two years at $50.
O'Kcefe Real Estate Co.,
Call todny, Hnrney 51T.4.
West Farnam Lots
East fronts on 36th St., Just north of
Dodge St., ln that newly developed dis
trict, for $2,0U0. Restricted to good
homes making an especially safe place
to build. We have built several houses.
It Isn't too late to start one for you and
have It ready early in spring. Only two
east front lots left in (he block look at
them today.
Harrison & Morton
Bit) BARGAIN House for sale; must be
removed; some pleasant location at 2,773
Harney; look It over and give us an
offer. John Lol. Web. 3M2.
Dundee's Best Buy
7 rooms, practically new, thoroughly
modern, consisting of extra large living
room, fire place, dining room, den and
kitchen on first floor, all finished in oak
and oak floors; 1 large bedrooms and en
closed sleeping porch, second floor; well
located on south front lot, convenient to
car. $1,000 less than the property can be
duplicated for. If Interested this should
le investigated at once, a the property
will be sold this week.
Glover & Spain
Houglas Sy2, 919 Clty National.
This dandy corner lot, lOOxlM, fronting
on three streets, is a fine buy at the
price asked. This lot has water, side
walk and paved streets on the three sides.
Address, north side liard Ht. and onth
Ave. to 60th Ht. If you want a barguin,
see this today.
Creigh, Sons & Co.
50 Kee Bldg. Douglas 200.
ft-room modern house; east front; I
blocks to car line
WALNUT wwnt,
A DUNDEE lot, on paved atreet, for
tl.lSO; $0 cash. Phone D. 42SJ.
Benson's Biggest Bargains
2501 No. 59th Ave., -r., trictly modern;
2-r. finished ln oak. only I year old. all
newly decorated, choice corner lot, fioxli;
only 1 block from center of town and
ca.- line; ha good gara. Price $2 7W
$2u0 cash and $JD per month, or will rent
or consider an exchange.
Rasp Bros.,
10$ McCague Bldg. Dou. 1E3.
TWO large clear lots ln Cloverdsle addl-
l '.',, v - - 1 . . wsv m l a sac-
offer rejected. L 2 9. Bee.
LA1U5K east front lot. near car line: $1
down; $1 per week. Prloe, $-. Call us
ana we win tan
ke you to
this lot.
Shuler & Cary
Mlnrapolls (iratn Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 2.-W II EAT De-, i('c, iluy, $1 o'.; No. i hard,
No. 1 noi lUeru. S?,ci$1.U1S.
o' j;0, i yellow: $ cara, "c. No.
ellow: 1 car, lc; 1 car. e. No. I
mixed: 1 rar. NVe; cars, fc-e. No. $
mixed: 1 car (near yellow , f'tr; I ears,
tvVc. No. 8 m xed; 1 car. No.
mixed: 1 car. fWc. Sample: S-J car, STc;
!-& car (had. WV. Oats Standard ; 4 cars,
.VV. No. white: a cars, 34c; 1 csrs,
4Sc. No. 4 while- S cars. $4c. Sample:
I car. 3T4o; 1 car, S.'c, 1 car (barley
mlxedV S"c Bartev: Reiected: 1 car 4!V.
Omaha Cash Price Whent : N- t tor
key. $1.0Hfl.2; No, t turkev, tt 0it1 (t :
No. I hard. fcWr lt 00; No. 3 hard. SMi-me-No.
4 hard. W'i.i7c: No 1 spring. k-1f
II 02; No. 3 wring, SX'.ffM (: No. i
durum. STiif.Kc; No. 3 durum. '."t,?7r; nnm
Ple, Tour-. Corn No. white: KtSW nr ;
Vr 1 hi,. U I. V . . . tui'
I " ""it, i,u.,, , iii, Vllllf, tv-.'n
Ift'ViV: No. R white, ftv(uVWc: No. 1 yellow,
J "VuHiC; No 3 yellow, oosKOUjc; No. 4
yenow, N"iU"Vc; no. i yellow,
6yihie; No. vellow, f.iviccv,c;
No. $ mixed. vin9r; No. 3 mixed. WV'f
Mc: No. 4 mlxd, fvXTG.'.Vr; No. &
mixed. KviirvVc; No. ft mixed, .'.S'ifSc.
Oats' No. 1 white- 3.'. V'fSo : standard,
3fMiS5Sc. No- white. SlV,m4c; No. 4
white, .VVr34c Parley: Malting, M-ffVic;
No. 1 feed. 4f-fiWie. Rye: No 2. ".(tj.V;
No. . 93-J94C.
Chicago closing prices, furnished Ths
Pee bv logsn Brysn, stock and grai l
brokers. IIS South Sixteenth street:
Artlclel Open. ( High .
Uw. I Close Ves'y.
Wheat I
rvcit os-if i wsf i rrs'i
1 05XV4
May. 1 WSS 1 1 vi 1 uuSA
Corn. Ill
l'ep..!S9'aW(,'B9S',fl N"! K14A'
May.:ti(j'Si l IflO-Sum 001B
Oats. I I I I
I 1W
lec..l l I 3911 A
May.l S9Sl $T,I WS'SeSVU
Pork. I
IVc.l 14 4fi I 14 SO 114 45 14 W.
Jan.. I 19 47H 16 67Vj 16 471 1 6
Lard, till
.1.. ..
14 6
18 47H
Jan..! 9 02S 07m 00 I 9 07H
May. 9 rM 9 r, IN I I 21
nibs, i I i I
Jan..l 0H 07H 9 00 I 07
Mav.l Si"il $ml 27H1 9 Kw
9 2-W
9 2i
A-Asked. B-Hld.
Featarea of the Tradlnar and Closlas;
Prices on Hoard of Trade.
CHICAGO, Nov. I Repcrts of luerened
tension between Ureeoe and the Anglo
French allies did a good deal today
toward bringing ahout higher price for
wheat. The market closed strong. 1VC to
I'tC'V tin, with Ie-emler at $1.04, and
lay at $1.0f.V Other leading staples, too,
scored net gains corn c to Vi''V- oats
o and provisions a shade to lTc.
Upturns ln the wheat market began
right at the start and received at no time
any Important check. Bolls gve chief
attention to the foreign situation, and
especially advices from IJverpool telling
of Inadequate supplies and saying that
the purchase of S.OOO.OilO bushels of wheat
by Oreece from Bulgaria had led to a
fresh political tangle. Persistent strength
also of quotations at Wlnnleg was taken
to mean further buying there for Kurope.
An additional encouragement for bulls
lay ln the fact that snlpmenta of wheat
and flour out of Minneapolis were said
to he the largest ever known.
Penplte free prorit taking by holders,
trading in wheat at the finish was within
"c of the top prices of the session. Some
falling off In receipts northwest as com
pared with a week ago was partly re
sponsible. There were also estimates cur
rent that winter crop acreage would show
a decrease of 15 per cent.
ln the corn pit assertions that the qual
ity of this season' crop averaged only
7H.9 per cent as against 86 per cent for a
series of years gave an advantage to
the bulls. Besdles, there waa talk of Im
proved export demand at the seaboard.
Oats were also helped upward by ad
vices of a good distributing business in
the east. Cash transactions here, how
ever, were not enlarged to any perceptible
Strength In the nrovlslnns market mi
lled confidently from a radical cutting
down of western stock of meuts. Pack
ers sold on the bulge.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 1 red
$1.12HW1.12; No. I red. $1.0vil.llU; No!
1 hard, nominal; No. 1 hard, ll.00tfl.02t,.
Corn: No. 2 yellow. 66Kic; No. white.
4ViiiBc. Oats: No. $ white, 864(& ;
standard, K9g40c. Rye: No. S, $i.ouful.01.
Barley, titiic. Seed: Timothy, $0.0(KuN.2B;
Clover. H0.0iWr.J0. 00. Provisions: Pork,
$M. so; larn, ix7; libs, $9.7&ii 10.05.
BUTTER Steady ; creamery, 23iS28c.
KGG8 Higher; receipts, 3, 11 esses;
firsts, 27Hfc2.Ho.; ordinary firsts, 2fx27c; at
mark, canes Included, iMilMo.
POTATOES Lower; Wisconsin whites,
4Wf47c; Minnesota whites, 424tt7c; Minne
sota Ohios, 4.10470.
POULTUY-Allve, higher; fowls, ltVtc;
springs, 18c.
LIVB POULTRY Broilers: 1H to m
runds, In separate comp., 17c; over IS to
pounds. 16c. Springs, any site, 1H4,
Pucks, 11c. Hens, over 4 pounds, per
pound, 11c. Toung Oulaea hen, each loc.
Roosters. 8tic. Turkeys, 16c; old Torn.
16c; under 8 pounds, 8c. pucks, mixed.
10c. Geese, full feathered and fat. 8c.
Guineas, each. 26c; young. 1 to 1 pounds,
36c. Homer Squabs, 14 ot. and over. $3
10 to 12 o., $2. Squabs: No. 1, must weigh
8 os. , $1.50; under 8 o., 60c. Pigeons, any
kind, per do., 80c
FI8H Halibut, 11c; salmon red, 12Uc;
salmon pink, c; catfish, 16o; bull heads,
14o; lake trout. 15c; pike, 16c; whlteflsh.
16c; cronples. 18c; pickeraL loo.
O YbTE tUJ-C heaapeake :
Bulk Small lArg
. Gala. Cans. Cans.
Standard f 1.86 2oc 80o
Selects $1.60 23o &e
Standards $160 Uo 86c
Select $1.90 2rtc 40o
Counts $2.00 2Mo 4bo
BEEP" CUTS Ribs: No. L 19S4o; No. J,
16V; No. 8, 12Hc Loins: No. 1, 21Vo: No.
1. ISc; No. 8, 14c. Chucks: No. I, loo; No.
2, c; No. S. 9c. Rounds: No. L l44c; No.
1, 14c; No. I. 13c. Plate: No. L loc: No.
2. ISc; No. 8. 8Vc.
CHEESES Imported Swiss. 42c; Amer
ican Swiss, 28c: block Swiss, tic; twins,
17Vc; daisies, 17Hc; triplet. ir-c; Young
America. 19c- blue label brick, Uo;
llmburger, 1-fb., 20c; New York white,
lfc'4c; imported French Roquefort. 46c.
Fruit and vegetable price f urnlahsd by
Olllnskl Fruit Co..
FRUITS Orange, California Val.,
120s, and 160. $r00 box: 824s. $6.28 box;
2fi0s and 28Ha, $6.60 box; 176s, 200s and 216s,
$6.00 per box. Lemons, extra fancy, Gol
den Bowl, 800. $6.00 box; ft), 84.60 box;
extra fancy Silver Cord. 800s. 84 60 box:
S'iOs, 84.00 box. Grapefruit. 36a, 46s, Ms,
64a 80s, $5.60 box. Peaches. Colorado El-
nertas, too Dox; calirornla Balways, 70c
box. Pesrs, Michigan Kelfers, $1.16 box;
Winter Nelll. $2.26 box: Idaho Kelfers.
12.25 box; Buerre Clarglues, $2.60 box.
Grapes, Tokays, $1.50 crate; New York,
tiasKets, ao basket, uananaa, !7a4 00
VEGETABLES Cabbage. lHc lb.; to-
vmirm Clllnv.!. tl M Kaw V. - .1 I .
tuce, $1.00 dozen: pepper. 60c basket; leaf
lettuce, 60c dozen; parsley, 86c dozen;
celery. Jumbo, 75c dosen; western, 75c
dozen: Michigan, 76c dozen: rutabagoea,
l'4c lb; cauliflower, 10c lb; wax. green
beans, 81.00 basket; onions, Washington
red. 2c lb.; yellow, lHc lb.; Spanish, ll 50
crate; pumpkin, lvtc id.; squash, lc lb.
Potatoes, t olorsdo white stock. 6fn per
bushel. Ohios. 65c per bushel. Sweet Po
tato-. Virginias, $2.60 per bushel.
NUTS No. 1 walnuts, 16o Hi.; filberts,
15a lb.; Brazils, WAn lb.; pecans 12V lb.;
almonds, Nonpareils, 19c lb.; I XI., 17c
lb.: Ne Plus I ltras. lc lb Prakes. 14o
lb.: La Aguldoca. Uo lb. FIks. UlD ox..
8oo box.
MISCELLANEOUS Crackerlack. $J50
rase, S case, $1.76; cornpops. $3 26;
v case, II. ;o: uromenary dates. 12.75 box:
susar walnut dates. 81.50 box: salted pea
nuts, $1.15 can; popcorn, 40-lhs. $2 50 case.
Peanuts, Mo. 1 raw. Be It) : No. 1 roasted,
80 lb.: Jumbo, raw. 7c lb.: Jumbo.
roasted. 9c lb. Honey. $3 76 case. Airline
$1.80 case. Cocoanuts. $4.75 bag; dosen, 75c.
Kaasa City Grata aad Prorlslon.
2 hard. $1.0Krl.10; No. 2 red. SI lfxtpl.I7;
pecember. iwi!vc;; May. 1 Ol'i.
(HillN-No, 2 mixed. 0:o No. t whlta.
60nftic: Iiacember, 6Tc; May, 67fi6714fl.
tWTit-M. 8 wnne, WH'tO.Hc; No. I
mled Mtiilte.
BUTTER Creamery, 28c; first. J6c;
seconds. 2r; parking, l&Hc.
FfKlf Firsts, 28c; seconds, Be.
POULTRY Hens, llc; rooster. 8c;
broilers, 16o.
Mt. I.oals Urala Market. '
(5T 1)I'18 Nov. 1 WHRATV t
red. $1. 14ft 120; No. t hard nominal; P
cember, $104; May, 81.06 1.t4.
CORN No. X. 62c; No. 8 white, new, 82c;
December. 66Hc; May, 69e.
oats No. z, v; No. $ whlta, nom
Liverpool Orals) Market.
No. 1 hard, old, no stock; No. 1 Chicago,
new. lis 2d.
Wlf KAT-Spot: No. t Manitoba, lis 5d;
No. S, Ha 4d.
r'ottna Market.
easU-r; good middling. 7 JKl; middling
'Jrl; low middling, 8.47d; sales, 10,04
Killing Cattle Higher and Feeders
Slow to Lower Sheep Dull
and Lower.
CM AH A, November 1. 1!1R.
Tteclpts were: Cattle, llogii. Fheep.
Official Monday MS S.CI1 14 IK)
Estimate Tuesday 7,iO S,A) 21,i0
Two rlavs this week.rJT.lS 6,911 SM
Same days Inst week. J7..".' J 4 U M.i''V.
fame dn s 3 weeks ago 22 Ttw $ S M."S4
8-in-e days $ weens axo i 71 .9 1
8amo days 4 weeks ago !2.7iV. 6.119 7J.M5
Same days Ut vesr. ...II. 4a 7.n 3.H
The following tatile the receipts
cf cattle, hogs and al-ep at th Omaha
llv stock market for trie year to dat. a
compared with last year:
.i9. 11 ,i.w.
Cattle 9tni7si 7H.siS K.9fa
logs J 24.' 9 H l.v S;.:".'!
Sheep I.RlO.SrtO 1.742.HT1 7S.9
'1 ho following table snows th average
prices of hops at the Omaha live stock
markft for the last few day, with com
parisons: Pate 1915. 1914 19lS. ll!. 1911 1910.
(Vi. 17.
Oct U.
Oct. 1
Oct. .
Oct. II.
0t. 12.
Oct a.
Oct. H.
Oct. 26.
Oct. M.
Oct :n
t I7
7 821 7 901
N 741 87
8 ii $ $1
8 7l 6 Til
I 8 80
8 ' $
8 481 I
h ri
8 K
8 ll
8 37 1
8 111
8 50,
8 471
7 ft
t 89
7 41
1 61
7 r
7 u
T 68
7 69
7 54
7 62
7 05
T 70
7 72
7 6i
7 M
7 28
8 Ml T 76'
$ M 7 82
6 94! T 5.i
7 84 1
7 03
7 57
8 88
7 E
1 82',
8 94
7 M
H 43 2.-1
8 161 8 241
8 S4 $ 191
I li
8 08' 8 1.1
7 791
7 H 6 18
7 i 6 12
7 71 6 041
7 7ii 10i
7 67
7 01
8 2ti
8 l
8 l
8 IS,
I 11
7 0?
I 99
$ 9X
T 09
I tct. SS.
7 67
7 74
t)ct. 9.
Oct. 30.
Oct. SI.
Nov. 1
Nov. 2.
7 06
7 12
7 76
8 01
7 8,
7 91
7 U
7 10
7 71
7 68
Receipts and disposition of live stock
at the Union stock yards, Omaha, for
twenty-four bout ending at $ o'clock
yesterday :
all l Hons Shoo IV H'ses.
. M. & St. P 6
Wabash I
Missouri Pacific... 1
Union Pacific fc."
C. A N. V' east.... 19
C. tit N. W., weal.... 60
C. it. P., M. A O.. 8
C, B. A Q., east....
C, B. 4k west... 65
C. It I. A P., east.. IS
Illinois Central 10
Chicago Ut. West... 8
Total receipts.... 277
12 8
i 'i "i
8 21 1
I 1
14 23 1
$ 8
6 28 8
46 86 6
cattie. iog. 8hee
Morri A Co 768
470 1.;
Swift and Company.
Cudahy Packing Co.... K79
Armour A t o 1,1;9
J. W. Murphy
Morrell 10
Lincoln Packing Co.... 87
K. C. Co
Smliey Bios
. B. Van Sant Co 213
Benton. Van S. A L. ... 213
F. B. lwls 2uJ
Huston A Co 19
J. B. Root A Co 206
J. 11. Bulla 141
I F. llusa 160
Hosrnstock Bros S3
McCreary A Kellogg... 76
Werthelmer A Uegon... 4tei
H. F. Hamilton 82
Sullivan Bros 98
Rothschild 16
M. K. Calf Co 274
IChrlstlo 171
Hlgglns 8
Hulfman V
Roth 40
Meyers 2
Baker, Jones A S 87
Tanner Bros 16
ii3 3;
John Harvey S4
llullls ...
H lues
Other buyer 1,902
Totals 10.514 2.791 ,7k4
CATTLE Receipts this morning were
very moderate, only half as many being
reported In as on Monday. The total for
the two day amount to 22.618 head, a
falling off of 6.0U0 head as compared with
the five day last week, but still about
double the receipt of a year ago.
Packers all seemed anxious for western
beeves and such cattle as suited their
purposes were active at prices around loo
higher than yesterday. Good to choice
cornfed beeves were also sought after, as
high as $9.76 being paid for yearlings.
Common to pretty decent cornfeds. that
la cattle selling up to $9, were slow and
weak sellers, packer giving th prefer
ence to the range steer.
Cow and heifers were In good demand
and a the supply was vary moderate the
trade wa active, with price fully 10c
higher than yesterday. Pretty much
everything In that Una wa disposed of
at an early hour.
Quotations on cattle: Prime cornfed
beeves, $9.76ii 10.00; good to choice fed
yearlings, $8.604.00; common to fed year
lings, $6.50'! 60; good to choice heavy
beeves, $.oomlt.76; fair to good cornfed
beeves, $H.26fl'9.00: common to fair cornfed
beeves, $6.2rdf.26; prime grass beeves,
$s.00ii.60' good to choice grass beeves,
6.76; good to choice grass heifer, fti.oou
7.00; good to choice grass cows. tuMHt
6.40; fair to good cows, $6.00(uj6.80; com
mon to fair cow $1.75(i;6. Oil; good to
choice feeders, $7.40u.00; fair to good
feeders, $6 8007.40; common to fair feed
ers, $6.7r4i.80; good to choloe stockers,
$7.608.00; fair to good atocker. $6 76
7,60; common to fair atockers, $6,504(4.76;
stock heifers, $6.7&147(l; f'.c cows, $4.7$
t6.00; stock calve, $6.60Ti8.7&; veal calves,
$6.50aS.60; bulls, tags, etc., $4.0oji.0X
64 steer. ...1106 ( e0 41 steers. ...1120 60
69 feeder.. 876 8 Mi
14 steers. ...1011 (36
8 steers.. ..1050 6 36
19 feeder.. 990 96
16 feeders.. lOSO 7 10
18 steer.... 990 36
86 feeders.. 913 7 06
22 feeder.. 90 7 26
87 steer..
988 6 46 46 steer.... 1063
20 feeder.. 870 6 96
11 feeder.. 906 6 96
9 feeder.. 811 86
82 feeder.. 1023 7 00
HOGS Continued light supplies were
the rule of the day. only about forty
nine cars, or 2.200 head, putting in an
appearance. So far thia week about 8,811
head have arrived, this being 2.000 larger
than a week ago, but almost the same
number smaller than two week ago and
more than lighter than for the cor
responding period last year.
Shipper market was a very uneven deal,
ranging from steady in a few spots to
6ti liic lower in many esses. Tops reached
$7.2.1, but as was the case yesterday very
little sold over $7.16. As a general thing
shippers showed more activity than they
did Monday.
Iackcrs started out very bearish again
today, asserting that prices here were
still too high as compared with other
markets. One buyer refused to do a
thing early, and on the whole the out
look was discouraging at the start, so
much so In fact that a good many hogs
were cashed early In the forenoon on a
61 10c lower basis. Later on. however,
packing demand took on a better tone
and as shippers were more or less lively
competitors all through the trade prices
Improved somewhat, sales towards the
close being close to 6c higher than the
early trade, or steady to 6c lower than
yesterday's average.
Bulk of today's sales landed at
7.00. the longest string landing at the
former figure. A sprlngkllng of real
good stuff sold over tlMi. and quite a
few loads of light weights were bought
at $6.96 and on down, some selling as
low na $6.75. Average trade was fully
60 lower.
Representative sate
A v. gd. Pr.
k. Pr.
M ,
t ,
.t:h m it Tt
f u
t M
. Il
VI 14 T 14
1 I'
.7I ! 7 Wl
7 11
7 85
...111 S60 7 00
...114 ... 7 ot
11 Ill ... M 71 11 ... I 79
71 144 ... 4 70
RHEEP Supplies continued moderate,
although the deficiency wa not. so
marked as it was yesterday. About
eighty-four cars, or 21,r00 head, were re-
fiorted In. the run being considerably
arcer than at any of the other western
markets. Two days' receipt amount to
86.160 head, being U.000 smaller than lat
week and only a little over half as large
as two weeks ago, but 2.600 heavier than
for the same days a year ago. Supplies
so far this we k are smaller than for
any similar period for a number of weeks.
With broader supplies at packers' dis
posal the market reacted slightly this
morning, fat lambs selling at prices that
weYe anywhere from steady to lOn lower
than yesterday. Monday's $8.76 top was
retained on two bunches of rangers, whlhi
bulk of th offering old round $8 65,
snd some protty good lamsb that ware
extremely hurry had to sell down to li.M.
A pretty decent clearance of the fat of
ferings had been made before noon.
There was a fair showing of killing
ewes on hand and packers enforced a Kc
decline ln this division, taking the bulk
of tho good ones around $0 XV This put
prices back to where they were on last
week's close.
Supplies of feeders were far from bur
densome, but demand was very quiet on
early rounds, and up to a late hour In
the forenoon very little had leen dona.
Along toward noon lamb started mov
ing In a sluggish manner, soma of the
best being cashed at prices that were a
flat l.'ic loaer. Stuff of the sort that
brought IvOO Monday failed to beat $V4.,
snd one band that was considered about
the same as the kind that went at $.h.50
yesterday sold at $x 86. Nothing like a
clearance had been made at noon. There
la almost uo call for feeding ewes, and
shout the only ones that had sold to
feeder buyers berore noon were fleshy
enoi h to stirart a packer b d. They
brotiKht $6.46. Anything a little off in
quality waa paaae.i up without a second
glance, and at midday most of the day's
aiTlxala. ss well as a few bunches that
failed to move yesterday, were atlll in
first hands.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lamb,
good to choice. $!t.60n8.i'6; lambs, fair to
good. $8.60ti8 80; lambs, feeders, $7.7.ViJi.4i,
yearlings, fair to choice, $6.0ttip.iO; year
lings, feeders, t6.0ou7.16; wethers, fnlr to
holce, t5.hMft.76; ewes, good to choice.
$." 2fUV..60; ewes, fnl- to good. $t.7.-j.-6.
ces, feeders. $4.50426 26.
Uepresentallve sales:
No. At Pr.
16: Wyoming buck 142 3 10
;.t.' Wyoming bred ewes 97 t 50
H4 Idaho ewes 100 5 :15
9W Oregon feeder lambs 67 8 )
K'l Idnho lambs 67 8 60
117 Idaho feeder lambs 62 8 ml
1L'2 Idaho feeder lambs 60 8 60
171 Wyoming feeder ewes 98 6 10
8X Wyoming yearlings :l 7 CO
00 Wyoming feeder Ismha 54 8 JS
71 Wyoming feeder lambs 61 8 t)
4 Wyoming feeder lamb 61 8 &
610 Wyoming lambs to 8 7a
&4 Wyoming ewes 104 4 00
llctnand for Caul Steady Hows
at ronsr heep I settled,
CHICAGO. Nov. I CATTLE Receipts,
6,0m head: market, steady. Native beef
cnttle, $t'..10il H.50. western steers, $t'v60(i
8.76; cows and helfcra, $2.Kj.30, calves,
$i.2f-1fl1 IW.
IIOUS Receipts, 21,000 head; market,
strong, unchanged to 5c higher; bulk of
sales, t6.70i;.So; light, $'.. 7. 60; mixed,
f6.iKir7.70; heavy. $6.4tjr7.65; rough, $U.4iKu?
6.60; pigs, $4 01.10.
8HEHP ANH LAMB.-Recelpts, 10,000
head; market, unsettled; wethers, tV&Vu'
6.46; ewes, $3.7!xu.70; lambs, $6.60&.U.
t. UaU Lire gtork Market.
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Not. 1. CATTLE Re
ceipt, 6,200 head; market, steady; na
tlva beef steers, $7.6Oi10.86; vearllng
steers, $8.50(010.60; cows and heifer, $6 0
8.00; atocker and feeder. $60U87.76;
nuthern eiteera, $.S.26.UK.60; cow and
heifer. t4.ormnS.fcO; native calve, $6.0iHii
HOGS Receipt. 16.000 head: market,
lower; pigs and lights, $6.2.rwu7.30; mixed
butchers, V.Xttf.0; good heavy, $7.iVo'
head; market, steady; yearlings, $6.50ifi
7.26; lamb, $8.00jv.00; sheep and ewes,
Kansas City Live Stork Market.
Receipt. 18,000 head: market, steady:
prime fed ateers, $!.6tVf! 10.25; dressed beef
steer, tH.0(Kti.6O; western steers, $6.60f)
8 60; stoi-kers and feeders, $5.76iii8.2u; bulls,
$4.6o'(il.00; ralvea, $6.0041 10.00.
HOGS Receipts, 14,000 head; market,
lower: bulk of sales, $7.00ui7.20; heavy.
$6 .904i7.2f; packers and butchers, $7.tXKm
7.30; llghta, $6.!iSr7.25: pigs, $6.0(Kff1.7j.
SHEEP ANU LAMBS Receipts, 16.000
head; market, strong; lamb, $8.26i.76;
yearlings, $V3fi 7.25; wether, $6,7546.60;
e u' tr. ';.. nr.
. I
loam City Llv gtoek Market.
Receipts, 3.000 head; market, steady to
lower; native steers, $6.(iOTr7.78; butchers,
$4.5oli1.50; cows and heifers $4.3f44l 16;
atnekcr and feeder, $6.7641.60; calves,
t0.0iViiV.O0; bulls, stags, etc; $4.7t4T6.36.
1KH1S Itecelpts. 1.800 head; market.
60 lower; heavy, $6,9047.00; mixed. $6.KA3i
6 90; light, IO.80jji6.sS; bulk Of sales. $6. it
head; market, steady; ewe. fc.OJa5.50;
lamb, $6.60ru.60. '
St. Joseph Lira Stock Market. '
celpts, 8.100 head; market alow; steers,
$6.0W10.00; cows and heifer. $4.004j3.00;
calves, $6.00n9 60.
HOGS Receipts, 7.600 head; market
steady; top. $7.25; packer. 64fl0e lower;
bulk of sales, t6.8rvJ7.0fv
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1,000
head; market steady; lamb. $8.0tK.76.
Stock I. SUht.
Receipt of Irve tock at the five prin
cipal western markets yesterday;
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 7000 a,aoo tl.ouo
Sioux City 8,0)10 1.MI0 3.2O0
Kansas City 18,000 lt.ooO 16,000
Ht Iitlla S 'tart 1.1 mi hi
."hlcago ,u 21.000 10.01)0
Tola let
40.200 66,800 62,600
QunUtflnns fiirnlihod br Hums. Blinker A Co.,
44V Omaha National bank building:
, Btoeks: UI4. Alk4.
Aary Companr. pfd s,
llankara Mortsaga Loaa H 14
llaaro A Co., pfd tftiitj aaV
Fairmont Oraamary, (d lot 104
ford Motor Company, Canada Mo 400
Omaha O. B. St. Hr., pM ',0 72
OmaJia C. B. Hr. 4V fl.. ptd. 0 a
a Co tun ii
t'nlon Hlock Yards Btock ... r, Hit
Vpdlka Urals, com M1 101
Amtln, Tax., 8. Ir9 101. 44 101
Anglo-Francs I par oant not, lftaO. . 7 l
Kl Paao. Tax., Hoooot ta, vt lot M
Oarmaa dor. f par oant notas. 1984.. I t
Italian Oorarnmant 4a, llll N ion
Lincoln Tal. Tal. 4a, IMS 94 Hit
Naw Hlata Talaphona 4s 7 lij
Omaha Watar 4a, 1941 100 lojhi
Omaha Oas la, 1417 M st
Omaha A 0. B. Ht. Ry. la. I9M M a
Had Cloud, Nab., 4 Hi, 1K4 Ss 7
MarrhanU K. I U k IH t M
l'acirio alT. Tal. la, IN! IT 47H
t'nlon gtork Varda, Omaha, la, 1M1., t4 l'W
Wlohlta Union Mock Varda 4a. 1N4.. PO'I
wl Co , M II
Hloui City Black tarda la. 19M 90 H
Omaha' liar Market.
Choloe upland, none here. llO.OOtfi'lO.Vl;
No. 1. r.50'a 10.00; No. t. M WW.fiO; No. 8,
$6.008.00; chob-e midland, none her.
$10.00: No. 1, $8 60r.60; No. 2. t7.5frrl.;
No. 8. $.1.007.60; choice lowland, $8.u0;
No. 1, $7.0041 8.00; No. t, I6.00tr7.00; No. 8.
STKAW Two car on th market.
Choice wheat la quotable at $6.0V(j6.60,
choice oat or ry. $6.6nyV7.00.
A LEA LEA Six cars on the mtrket.
Nothing better than a good No. 1. Choice,
$!2omil3 00; No. 1, $11. 6orf 12.00; No. 1
is.'Ku 10.00.
London Stock Market.
LONDON. Nov. 2. Despite the holiday
In New Vork, there were large transac
tions In the American section of the
stock market, where holder, tuklng ad
vantage of the advance, realized. Low
priced shsres wrr prominent In th
dealings. The market olosed steady, with
Canndlnn Paclf c J points below the best.
SILVFR Bar ?4 8-161 per ounce.
MONEY SHfM per cent.
DISCOUNT RATES short bills, 4Vf
47a per cent; three month, 494 15-16
per cent.
Fall Race Meeting
Begins at Exposition
BAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 1 Virginia
Bamett, owned and driven by W. O.
Durfee, won today the opening race of
a twelve-day harness meeting at th
Panama-Paclflo exposition track. It was
a 1:20 trot for a purse of 82,000, and tit
winner, which finished second In th
$30,000 trot at th expoaitlon meeting last
prlng, won two of th three heat
El rat rare. 8:2 trot, purs $2,000:
Virginia Harnett (Durfee) 1 1 1
Bonnie Ansel (Spencer) tit
Majors By Guv (Alvord) t I
Agnes Carter (Schwartz) , 4 4 4
Time, 2 11, 2:0V. I 12.
Second race, I C9 pao. pur $2,500:
Major Ong (Murphy) t 1 1
The Beaver (McMahon) I I t
John Malcolm (Daniels) 1 4 t
Sounds (IJggett) 4 $ 4
Time, 2:0tH, 2 uai, iHft.
Third race. 2:15 trot, pur $2,000:
Mirthful (Murphy) 1 1 1
Seneca Hoy (C. L Deryder) t i
The Proof (Spencer) I t t
Bon Courage (Hayea) ...
4 4
Time. t:lv. I.iuvt, 2.10V
Form Organization for Mutual Bet
terment of All Such Stock
Admirers of pe held an enthuslaatla
meeting last night at Hotel Rome and
started the organization of a local as
sociation of pet stock fanciers, which
will be perfected at another meeting to
be called soon.
Dogs, rata, rabbits, guinea pigs, chick
ens, pigeons and other animals and birds
are owied by tho men and women who
attended the meeting. It Is expected that
when th new association's organization
Is completed, the membership will In
clude owners of such odd and unusual
pets as alllgntors, fancy mice and
skunks, as well as the rommoner varie
ties of pets.
C. S. Olbson of Detroit, secretary of
the National Pet Stock association, stop
ped oft ln Omaha on his way to the
Pacific coast to attend the meeting. He
made an interesting talk about pet rais
ing and tb organization of pet stock
clubs for the mutual benefit of men.
women and young people, who keep ani
mal or birds as pets and companions,
or for th sake of having a hobby, or
from a practical and utility standpoint.
All such person are eligible to belong to
the club.
O. P.. Wllg. 1810 Vinton treet, waa
chosen temporary president of the new
local , association, and Ralph 8. Doud
was mad temporary secretary. Theao
two, with Mrs. Harry B. Flcharty, wera
designated a commute to arrange and
call another meeting soon, when they
will submit a proposed constitution and
by-law for a permanent organization.
This special membership commute
wa appointed to Interest th many pet
fancier ot Greater Omaha and vicinity
In th new club: Mr. T. Bmlth, Mr.
and Mr. Harry B. Fleharty. James
Richard. M. H. Fowler. V. H. Paul. A.
D. Bullock, 11. O. Vollmer. Hart O'Brien.
O. r. Wllg and Ralph & Doud.
North and South i
Side Firemen Will
Stage Ball Game
The last base ball gam of th year
will be played this afternoon at Rourka
park. It will be between th North and
South Side city firemen to ealabllnh ab
solute supremacy between the two divi
sions. Two game have previously been
played by th firemen and the North Side
squad cam out on top both times. But
th South Bid aggregation waa not at
Isfled and demanded another combat. The
North Slder agreed and the event la
carded for I o'clock at Rourke park this
afternoon. No admission will be
charged. Dirk Orott will umpire. The
lineup of th two team will be:
On diner 7atcher Coe
Oliver Pitcher McKalo
Kelly ,. first Andrews
Swnboda Second. ..John Donnhue
Wavern Short Jim Domihua
Belli TH-rd Burkett
Morrow Left..., Lindsay
Hope Center Doherty
Hornlg Right Oolden
1-ous Substitute Schulti
New HI fie Champion.
BOSTON, Nov. I. The marksmen rep
resenting the Institute of Technology In
the National Ririe association are the
new national intercollegiate outdoor
champions, according to word received
from headquarters tonight. Technology
score of 818 point created a new record
for Intercollegiate competition.
What Will Happen to
War Stocks When the Kaiser
and the King Shake Hands?
J An article that appeared
in the September number
of McClure'i Magazine will
give you an Idra as to what
a lot of the so-ralled war
uppljr plants will do to
utilise their surplus facili
ties when peace again
reigns In Europe
f We thought the artlal go
practical that we secured
MrClure's permission to
publish It In pamphlet
form. In order that people
Interested In War Stocks
could size up the situation
for themselves,
t It will be seat without
charge upon request. Ask
for i-O.B including booklet
"The Twenty Payment Plan"
W XAVlmeM-rtcurttsV' V
UalsoHiaf 10B)
H 40 Exchani PUt New Tsrk
. We are prepared to furnish you
complete detailed Information on th
following lasurs, free, on request:
and Others.
ooisricxsBioxr grrocx Bstoxzaa
Cbloago 178 W. Jackson Boulevard
Swollen Tendons, Ligaments;
Muscle or Brulaeg. btop th
lameness and P'n from a Splint,
Sld Bone or Done Spavin. No
blister, no hair gone. Hon can be
used. 2 a bottle delivered. Describe
your case for. special instructions
and Hook 2 K Free. (v
A3SQRBINE, JR., th sntueptic liniment fot
mankiud. Reduces Strained, Torn Li gra
ma nu. Enlarged Clano. Vain as Hnai Its.
Heals Cuts, iiur, UWar. AUay paia. frxa
CI. 00 a boniaat dcaknoi 4lltras. feouk "lrUaacsM traa.
I. f. (UI80, f. 0. f , 104 18118 atnjst, tofoVi KM.