Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1915, Page 10, Image 10
10 nrn pee: omaita NOVEMBER lOis. WANT ADS nun or tiuxk. TV Ish tn thank tor neighbor nj Trlends f.r their kindness, sympathy and floral offerings In the sad bereavement and loss of my par wife end mother August Schmidt, sr.. Mr. end Mr. John I rbohn. Mr. and Mm. Herman Schmidt Mr end Mrs. August Schmidt, jr., Mr. and Mr. Ed IVeman, Mr. and Mrs W. O. Schmidt. Mr. and Mn. J. H. Flam berk. Mr. and Mrs Ed Dixon, We wtsh tr. thank th many friends for their kindness rendered during the sickness and death of our beloved twie band and father; also for th beautiful floral designs. M US. At illST OAPE AND FAMILY. MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM ABbN- DROTH. nRiTin A?tn rrJiEHAi notice GETZHCH MANN Paul. November 1. at Funeral from residence, l South Tenth alreet, Wednesday. November , at I p. m. Interment at Prospect Hill. MATHIEP EX-Bertha, aged M year, res idence Plata hotel. She loaves to mourn her loss one inn, O. T. Hansen, of Omaha; two daughters. Mr. J. H. Ktl kenney of Omaha and Mra. Dora Bennl son of Cedar Fall, la.; one brother, John Olson of Henn, H. P.; one alater, tin. Moggie Hanson of Omaha. Funeral Wednesday at S p. m. from Hoffmann' funeral home- Interment, IToapect HIU cemetery. BIRTH A.VD DKATIIB. Blrtha-Pen and NelMe Miller. 2304 Par enixirt, clrl; F. A. and lilrd I'arOun, il North Twenty-first, boy; John and Jose phine Roberta. Foity-fourth aim I', Blrl; Michael and Adelaide, hospl al. mrl; Joseph ana Mary rWehla. Ws Jackson, t-outu tide, boy; Jacob ani Miry Win gender. W3 North Twenty-seventh ave nue, girl: William and Ruth Wrleth, 71 Pouth Flfiy-aciond, tKiy; T. and Anna Warren, 2211 Jefftrson boy; Hans und lAiira Iurltsen, 1TM Iike. boy: Albt-rt and Rose Lemkl. Jr.. I irutli Twenly flrst, girl; riward and l-llth Heflln, l Maple, boy; Kdwurd and Minnie l-;isassr, tll Bouth Twenty-first boy; Tom and Anna fcvea. 3l N, Koulh Bide, boy; Matlefl and Franceara Stefano. MM Wool- worth, uiil: ( hxI and Julia KatkO. KIO North Twenty-seventh, Pouth Pule, boy; Frank and Mary Moore, H- North Twenty-second, plrl. Ieatha Roscha Im TJro.k, M, 2"2 Ham- fourth: Mrs. F.llsabeth I'avlowa. Sill Cj; Hattle C. Kwlng. i, 1Mb North Twen tieth; Julius Homan, 13, Twenty-fourth and Rancroft: Otto fedlaoek. . HA South Nineteenth; tat J. Hemphill, ftf, 87 North Twenty-fourth; Alfred w, Johnson, . lr7 t'helps; James Hill. M. hospttal; Palvator Cllco. 4, hospital; Mildred Wil liams. 84, 206 North Eleventh. MARHIAtiH HCKltiK. The following pcrmlta to wed hara been Usued : Name and Residence. Age. Frederick 8. Doll, Ienver M Oolda Roberta, Denver 22 K.lmer Bamier. Omaha 21 Uertrude Vanderalote. Omaha. 21 Otto Johnson, Omaha Jlulda iturg, Omaha Frank J. Kruger, Omaha Josephine Zavrel. Omaha Krneat Tracy, Lincoln Nettle Olson, Mitchell. & D Harrison F.drnundson. Papllllon.. N'elea Riddle, Omaha Martin (J. Johnson, Omaha KUzabeth A. l'eteraen. Omaha.... Oeorg V. Shipley, Lincoln thel P. Rchmila, Lincoln Ray n. Ruthraiiff, Ienver l'.nima Jasman, Denver ... 25 ... 21 ... a ... 17 ... M ... SH ... n ... m ... jo ... 17 ... 29 ... 23 ... 2.1 ... Ill IllILDIKG PEHMITI. Bcott Hill company. 29M Martha, frame cottage, $2,500; H'olt & Hill com pany, f Martha, frame cottage, $2.(Wt; Theon Mitchell, 4410 Case street, frame dwelling, tinoo; John Pwker, 3i2 North Twenty-alxth, brick dwelling, 2.MK; Otto Dlckman. 27N5 Pouth Ninth, repalra. .); Aj Koppenhaver, 4704 North ortlelh, frame dwelling. 2.5uO. TODAY S iij . MOVIE PROGRAMS Uwaiwa, EMPRESS, 16TII AND DOUGLAS. Hearst Sell No. M. Tfca Apachea of Iarla," 4-ret Kalsra dr. "Fua at a Ball Qama," Easaoay com. PRINCESS, 1817-19 DOUQLA3. Latest chapter of "The Broken Coin," 'Tba Fluherwoinan," 1-act drama; "One t.j the Minute." beauty coined y Latest war views and current events. A apa- ctallv selected Kfystone comedy. Mortlu lGth and Binney. GRAND, FLORENCE LA RADIE IN A 5-REEL IIASTERPIECE, "Tin: PRICE OF IIER SIL ENCE." LOTURUP, 4TH AND LOTHROP. Francis X. Rushman In "Pear Old Girl," old, hutgiod ' APPOLO. I8I"leAVENW0RTIL A Mattsr of Seconds Kalem. The Red Vlrfc-ln -r.-el Lubln. 1-aKS and the Olrl, Vitagrai'h. OHPHEUM. HTH AND M. "Bred In the Bone," 4 reels. West. MONROE. SBSt FARNAM. William Fog presents Mario Corelll's greatest t lay anil novel. Wormwood featuring Ethtl Kauffman and alt-aiax caau 71 MOVIES FEATURES .TODAY APPOLO, 2814 LEAVENWORTIL Bred In the Bone, 4 reela. LMPUKSS, 16TH AND DOUGLAS 'The Apaches of Paris.' 4-reel Kalem dr. GRAND, 16T1I AND BINNEY. Florence La Badle In (-reel masterpiece, The I'n.-e ijf Her S lente." LOTUKOP, 14TH AND 1X1TUU0P. Franda X. Bushman In "Dear Old Girt. MONROE, 2666 FA UN AM William Fox presents Marie Corelll's lgretrt play and novel.. ' Wormwood featuring Ethel Keuffiuan att 4 all alar cast. PiaNChSS, lal7-l DOUvJLAS. LaUt chapter of "Th Broken Coin." AN.VOrCr:MEXTS fc. y Kt lnisia. C.jk. iiusinees luea WE fust claes huueoik girl a" ii ld. cooks, ntldtwt and help of ail Vir ii. f.r liot-l aud private families. iuv.ri,aUui(Si Lui. Ullli iwi Case. - A XXOFNCKM EXTS Bargains IN Pt.IOHTLY USED AND ID-HAND PlANo-S. l'LAYEH-PIANOs, OKOAN. Was. No. t Cornish Pn.. plain rhony. .::.5 ll.Vi 1 liospe, oak cabinet grand 3"5 H6 1 Cnlur-Nclson. iimh., initio caao 4"0 'f 1 Cnt'e-.clH..n. mah., iarx case 4JS 118 1 Cable-Nelson, mah.. large ctM 42b 225 1 Kunnail, Kiemu wamui cuae. 4uo i 1 Meger, large case, man., nrany new i Rowdnlr c-note) player 3.5 1 Klmbail mah. player 6isl 1 Melville ( lark Apollo, mah.. 1 Melville (lark Apollo, oak.... 8M Vt Jjl 4r,0 ftty' 1 Waterloo, high top organ $,, H,..,e. high top organ with mirror.. I 1 r-thinoll-r Mueller organ 26 1 A. H. ( has rhael organ 1 J. O. F.arhuff chanel organ.. t ("lough Warren chapel organ. 1 Mason Hamlin chapel organ 10 All or these Instruments have been thoroughly overhauled In our factory, so thst ther IMiK LI KB NKW and will be sold on terms to s'llt the most modest pnrkethook. Money refunded If not sat isfactory. Sole Representatives of tha Celebrated MASON A HAMLIN PIANOS. A. Hospe & Co., lflJ-ir.lS Douglas St., Omaha, Neb. AUTOMOIHLES Whenever you are considering selling or buying a used car and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing to par for what they are getting you will have no regret If you buy or advertise thmugh the used car oolurr.n of The Hee. I'Utns Tlr MOO. ion MILKS of mileage in your MtTTs (Rebuilt). Pend tnera to DUO TiltlC CO., It11 Chicago Ht NKhRAPKA Hub k Service Station, mi Farnam Pt. J'hone Douglas 721. lino REWARD for any magneto wa can t repair Onlla repil Hsvsdorfer. Jlfl N. lsth. ALTO, dealing house Huy. sell and ex change u:-d cars ? Farnam D. ilit Will pay cash for Ford car, any con dition, n a..!. Flee. Overton's for leaky radiator, b"r., dealers, or by mall vt-A Ave.. Co. Hluffa, la. Industrial Oarage Co.. toth A Harney Bis. niKI.VE.H3 C1IANCE8 If your Huaines Chanoa wn stand rigid InvestlgatioB ana is Just what It la advertised, or if you are looking to start In business for yourself you will ba per footlv satisfied If you use the Ruslnesa Chance column of The He. When buy. lug or selling a bualrtese I'lione Tyler lOflo. A LIMITED amount of 7Vfc per ceat pre ferred stock, cumulative and non assessable, in Nebraska, Omaha corpora tion at par, 1100 per share. If you have surplus funds and are looking for a good, safe Investment that will net 7M pe' cent, address Hog h-'A. Omaha, Neb., or tele phone Douglas S9"0. e Tr SELL or buy a bfsinesa, call on Busch Horshnfr. Preiser Hlk. 1. Uls. to UKT In or out oi business call on OANOKWTAD. 422 Ree Hldg loug. 4, THKATKHS Huy. lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies throush Theater Kxeh. Co.. 140 Farnam. D, WOT. $2,000 EgL'ITT in property rei per month, for land. Iota, renting for 12 acreage or Interest tn business. Hog 7. Omaha, SEE Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains In established shows. P. fnt). ia hi land mi, v property handled, all states. Jim Wray Moux city. la. Iiniihle bowling alley, fully equipped, for sale or trade. John Specht, Strang, Neb, FOK pvl.E My lumber, hardware and c i.l business in Dakota City, Neb; only tnrd: county at town. Fred Lynuh, Dakota City, Neb. . - - .. i I. EDUCATIONAL Tlie VAN SANT SCHOOL TENOQItAPH T-BOOK KEEPINQ, Pay school for Tourtg Women. Evening Muhool for Young Men xA Women. Saturday morning class in typewriting. Ion C, Puffy, Owner and Manager. 90 Ro. lth St Omaha. BXi'EKT lady stenographer will take pupils; shorthand, touch typewriting, spelling and punctuation taught. Indi vidual instruction, ttut Douglas St, Tel. Walnut VOX. BUS1NKSU COLLEGE, STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For sale, with good reasons for selling. variety of courses In a reliable Uusl. ness school, one or the leading business colleges of Omaha. Will be sold vary reesonable--away below regular prlca If you are considering taking a course tnveetlgste this at once, since Fall tarn bftliib soon. Call office. Omaha Be. DAY SCHOOL BOY LEH COLLfXJO NlUiiT SC.iOOL ' Kvery day In enrollment day. B Book- keeping, bhorlhand, Stenotypy, Typewrit ing, Telegraphy, Civil Service aU Com mercial and English branches. Catalogue FOTLES COLLKQB, Uth and Harney Sta. Tel. Douglas lMt Boylea Hldg. Tel. D. ltrte, Omaha, Nab. UR sale, the following schoUraiilps in a first class Omaha Uustneea coiUgei One unlimited coinbtnalion business and shorthand course, . On unllinltea stenographlo eoura. On three-inontlia' buaiueaa or sleno (raphlo tours. Will be sold at a discount at th offlc Of The Omaha , von SALE FOR SAKRV-Her la a olasamoatlon that la of the utmost Unpuriano to every reader, aa this column offer aom excep tional opportunities tery day and a small waut ad will sell your aruole al lis full value. I'hone Tyler ! Fvraltare, lloaaekold Uooda, Kte. AUCTION SALE Thursday, November 4. llllg at t p. in. At 7U4 s. 17th Ave. Seven rooms of high grade furniture, all in the very best of ah ape, to h sold piece by piece to the big heat bidder. 4 oak dressers, t watdiobva, e ruga, 1 mahogany davenport, 1 center table, par lor chairs and nx-kera. 4 beda. am lima and ntattresa. 1 buffet and dining room table. j seia or unung room cnaus. sewing ma chine, icebox, kitchen table,' aofa. coal range, gas range, lac curtains and drai ery. 1 tons of suit coal and a load of kindling, dishes and cooking utensils of all kinds. In fact, everything to make uii a cumulate sevon-rooni home. Here la a good chance to pick up some good fur niture at lour 01. n itrtooe Don't forget the date, next Thursday aueruuoa ai i o cioca soar p. BEN W. SMITH, ADMINISTRATOR. HAKOA1N8 IN f'UHNirUhE AND HAHDWARE. 1K3 N UTH. WEB iJ7. LEAVING CITY For Bale Radiant Horn stove. No. S. In best condition; dandy heater; coat i new. out wii sen rjr u Tel. Web. M4, or can ai .nn ri. Drski. bought and sold. i. C. Reed. i-n rarnain ru xougiaa CAHHKTS. stoves and tiuggiea. D. H:0. H KMTL'HK for sale. Wardrobe, suit able for offline or clothing house. Call si His n. Jf I n tt., or pnone Walnut T6. 4 V sfc lelra. FARM wagon. tK harness. t: koth new. Johuaon-LaofuiUt Co.. itiih aud Llarg !. PAIR of work horrra. weight I. loo I ha ; I alr, 2 mm lbs.; n alngi dnv, r. an N. 24th. Webster 2k1. (ioltdK, bunsy and hame, tatle aier tWI. nil afler a. m. MATCHED pair of oiares. l.iUO lbs.; Uo delivery horse, l.tusi lbs. LADY OWNER. 124 South 24th. i n Kil horee and wagon. Col. 410. bj'l N at. TWO lilish-rade Jersey rows, frah7li7 11 Nielsen. H) S. 01 h Ave. ii'4 l.SVII farm wbkou: good IX), Colfax K.:. jfpiaiMg condltlos von h.u.k I'nnltry, Kin surf kippllra. MXD (train. in lbs. 11.7s. Wagner. H N 1. TF. KEuTTp ryniatrp-ea make tn beat and heapet lining for poultry house They are )iJJ Inches, stronger and mora 4 irable than tarred felt and prarttcally fireproof. Tec a hundred at TB He offlr. Pel atoek. French poodle doe;, sale or trade. P. White Antor.i kitten for sale. Weh SI ho. T HorT n; ) hHKlT'lrlah-w'ater Spaniel puis. Onatest hunters and watch dona. Webster W7 or 'll No. Ilh Pt. Typewriters. FOR sjAt.K New ard second-hand ramm and po'ket bl'llar.l tables and lxwilnK allev. and accessories; bar futures of all IZS'fwZJZTn-JfZ .'oThTt I'alke-f ollender t p.. "7-4o a. 0th Pt. OLIVF.K typewriter. fi. 2JS Hee Kldg. TYl'KvN ItlTKIW sold, runted, repaired. Central Tviewrlter Kc. 1 Frnm. M tseelisjsieons. "BILL." RI'KDAT TArtFRNArT.B! Fheetlng, ahlplap, door 1 carload, I I Ply rulib' -rolil. ivw a s'i iare, m it 'f J lumber, tin to T. dlmenlslons 2x, 2"4. tf 2x10: toilets. i In tlOeaili; brick. U. I .lx story, upright fire escapes n0 each. Tel. Ked (217-C'hria. Jensen 404 No. 14th atreet. FOR BALK C'MI'.Af Ruslness College Course. Tu Und complete vchoiarshlp tn one of the best Omaha bushiest schools. Uood reason for selling: perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will he sol very reasonably. If Interested investigate t once, because fall term begins soon. There are a variety of courses for sale. For particulars Inquire at the office of The Omaha Bee). (TQ On0o,,,'n w"l Whlskv. 4 full Trit'S A I quarts bolt ed In bond, pre-yKJ.i-jj l Kll f-mr.k)ry Broa.. Omsha Coal i baskets delivered, $1. K. Hos n thal. 1111 Iavenworth D. 6131. MIST sell Immediately, latest coaster bike, spring tandem carrier attachment, rheap. Wr te F.. O. Nelson. Cook. Neb. SMALL hotel; good location; near stock yards, Pouth Omaha; must sell on ac count of sickness; reasonable price. If sold at once. M 20t. Ree. FOR SALE Metal Oarage. M. D. Cam' eron. Tel. H. 2M. COLr.MMIA Dictaphone, H price. 583 nranfieis. 1 electrlo motors. Room 5. Ren Hldg. New Ptocond-hand mutors. dynamos, magnetos, etc.. mechanical reualrs. 1 Itron Electrlo Work a tl-o S. Uih 81 HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical Office. COWPT. Orieratnr. 140. WATTS RKF. CO, S.W-40-42 Brand. The. Asrenta ! Islrieonirsi COR8ETI ERES Our proposition will sur prkte you; handle best line, make more money; splendid openings for smart women; catalogue free; experience, refer ences. Wade Corset Co., L Station, New York. Faetory astel traalea. Q1RL to learn halrdreealng. Oppenhelm. Ilunarkeervr Mnl Dummies. THE Servant Ulrl Problem Solved. Tb Hee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad Fftk-E! until you get the desired results. This appllos to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Hluffa. Hrlng ad to The Hee office or telephone Tyler lOuO. MIDDLE-AUKD lady to help with light housework and to be companion for an elderly lady; Just one In the family; no wages expected. Web. 2131 27t4 Urand. COMPETENT white girl for general housework; S In family; good home fur right girl. II. .;.. It S. 41. WANTED Girl to assist with housework and care for small child; one attending school half day preferred. Phone Harney 766, WANTED Olrl for general housework; two In family. Call Douglas V2y before 10 a. m. and after 7 p. m. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Iat4 Farnam St. Tel. liar. 362 WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; no wanning, good references required. Mrs. M. H. Newman, IbM Howard. Hhnne Harney &115. WANTE1 Olrl for general housework In small family. Call Douglas to'St before in a. in. ana arter T p. m. WANTE1 A g rl for general housework, small family; no washing. IJQ H, tolh St lUr. i-''J. WANTED Experienced girl to do gen eral housework, where second girl and laundress are kept. 137 S. 36th St. Tol. oar lie y $J. COMPETENT girl for general house- wora; no washing or ironing; good wages. 8315 Hurt Ht. WANTED Girl for general housework; smau lamuy. iui t. ua hi. iar. VoLNli widow woman with child, would like to care for children from a mo. to t yrs. old, and will muks habltis' dresses. mo to Ho each. 114d N. liJth. WANTED Oood girl for general house work: I In family. Mrs. George Barker. Jr., Lafayrlte Ave. Wal. iMM. WANTED tilri for housework. Wal. 1176. COOKS, waitresses, maids and house work girl. International Employment Office. H.13 Cass St. WANTED Experienced whit girl for general housework. Family of 4. No Washing of Ironing. Uood wages. Call liar. ul. 127 No. 441 St. WANTED-Cmpetent whit girl for housework in small family, whirs sec ond girl Is kept. Wages li liar, 4042. liiU bo. 4th St. WANTED A girl for general housework! On who van go horn nights. Colfag 41(l. WANTED A girl for general housework and cooking; small (ariiiy, good wages; references. 423 Douglas. Wal. 2443. WANTED Young girl to help with housework; no washing or cooking. Wal nut int. WANTED Reliable white girl for gen. eral housework, t in family. Wal. 4tiA. WANTE1 A girl to assist with house work. 110 S. Huh St. H. 2X. WANTED Ulrl for general housework. (Milan laioiiy. jw n. sisi ci. WANTED Good reliable party for gen eral houaewoig: cooking tiUI'i; good home; permanent. D. 2"sl. 2.'7 Karnnm. WANTED Ulrl for general housework In family of three; second maid kept; references required. Phone Harney 7022. Mrs. W. F. Megeath. 1742 8. S2d Ave. WANTED A maid for general houae woig. walnut 4.2. WANTE1 A girl for general housework, ado Harney St. M tarellaaeoae. YOTTNO woman coming to Omaha aa strangers ar invited to visit tn Young Women's Christian a socle t Ion building at St Mary s Ave. and 17th St., wher they will t directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Ixiok fur our travelers' guide at llnloit station. BTENO.. state experience. K U6. Be. OFFICE CLERK Bright, capable young lady, writing a very rood hand, for po sition wher ability will be well rvwsrd d; small salary to start, but excellent future. WEST. REFERENCE A BOND ASSN, 7fl Omaha Nat. Hank Hldg. WANTED WOMAN Government clerk ship. Writ Immediately Cor details. Franklin institute Dept. tbi II, Rochester. N. Y. WANTEIv Young women to enter nurses' training school at City hospt tal, Norfolk, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical Ofti. WANTED Young man. It to It years of age. high school graduate. In offloa, wholesale house. 8. 2t2, Hee. STENOGRAPHER, tSS. Watts Hef. Co., (08-40-42 Rrandels Thea. 8AIJ-:MAN, groceries, lliio. HUSlNESd MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. 14 W. O. W. JUNIOR offloe clerk, exceptionally bright young man for Junior offUe position; only young man with pep and ability who Is capable of rapid advancement wanted: small salary to start; give age, expei teiice. references, eta Addrvs A 1, care Bee. H l? It-ORA DW commercial positions. WEST REFERENCE BOND ASSN. 7ft Omaha Nat Pauk B!dg. feTENoORAPHHt-Hriglit, hustling young man for aplendld position wi n Uig corptiratlon; must be very tapld and aceurate; only A-No. 1 man couaidcred, salary ?l to start. Apply. WEST. REFERENCE BOND ASS'N. Kl On. aha Nat UmMk Lldg. HELP WANTED MAMS lerleet and office. ORIGINATORS. NO FILINO FEB. Heat commercial positions. RO J KM HKF. CO.. M1 Kagton ' Rloek. SA I.KH.M A N. grocei y rip , IM end ep. WATTS HKF ('., KW- 4M2 Rrandels The. Aaeats, Hsleiai.s ss4 Bolleftwra. EX I'KRIKNCKO crockery and glassware salesman, iluu and expenses. Apply 14U STOCK SALESMAN FXPRRIRNCEP, REFER F.NCK8 KrXJt.'IRF.I A HIOH OHAliE Fl VAN CIA I, r-OHfOHATlON I'AN ('F'rER YOU AN UNfRl'Ali OPIMuTrNITV. THBOF HCKRH AND PIRKCTORS f)F TillS CORf-ORATlON A RE HANKERS AND HIOH GRAUK ML'PINKHS MFN. ADDREfS Y 1-. HEE. o V ANTEI Live, hustling salesmen, both sexra. for atari aeiieia r:n,wt prcpositl n. Call after S at 1 OR Hf h Ave. MONEYMAKERS- GUIDEBOOK MAGA ZINE. 2e,M- nlluk-n- n richly. New Century Supply, Dea Moines, wovenising rate, zc wora. AGENTS Several of our Hat of mall order houses want Nebraska names; particulars fre. Taliaferro Co., Fort Worth, Tex. COAL agents wanted In every town; get a trial car. I. M. Cox. No Platte, Neb. POSITION worth up to U0 monthly open to ministers, teachers; Christian sales man; no books. Olve phone. ! 27J, Hee. Yt ANTED Salaried agency supervisor by a well-established and progressive old line legal Reserve Life Insurance com pany, r.xperionce In agency work neces sary, but chief requisite is ahllitv aa an organiser. 1'osltlon permanent and. offers big future. In writing state experience In full Address P. O. Box li53, Halt Lake City, lTth. Kactorlee nag Traele. Jobs por week lately: get In; learn by , r irinoo, get one or ines jnna. csta- iHtu. D. J: fp,e- Nebraska Automobile School. 2406 Ieavenworth St. MOLEK . BARBER COLLEGE LEARN the barber trRde by "our sys tem of expert Instructions and free cllrila Positions waiting. Call or write for cata logue. Omaha. Neb.. A. B. Moler. Pres. LEA HN THE BARBER TRADE. Trl-Clty Barber college; low rate tuition, Including set of tools; wages paid; elec trlo mar-aagn, hydraullo chairs; catalog-u free. 1124 Douglas St.. Omaha. Drug More Snaps, Jobs, Kneist. Bee Bldg. M IscellaaeoBS. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted; 178 month; Omaha examinations coming; sample questions free. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dep't 221 J, Roches ter, N. T. . M-,xAR.MEn-r, TO" WANT GOOD CORN HUSKEH3T WE HAVE'TUEM FRE ELAND BROS. AGENCY Hl FARl WjAtNTED-60 laborers for city. 614 8. GOOD MEN WANTED at one to learn auto work to fill positions which we have open right now and ar waiting for com petent men. Learn by our system of actual work on autos. traotora, eleo. starting ays. Fre catalog at once. AMEHICAN AUTO COLLEGE. f063 Farnam fit Omaha. Neb. . tvaim i r.u men to try examinations for government Jobs; 170 month; common v m tlon uff'clent Apply immediately. HELP WANTED MAI.K ANI I'liMtlR. WANTED Man or woman to put out feather ventilators. Writ for sample and particulars by mall. 10c. L. S. Har den, Hotel Neville, Omaha DON'T quit your Job yet. look beyond It; Employ spar time establishing a cir cular mailing bureaiv-many aucresaes. why not ycuf Our copyright main, uj in struction make everything plain Post paid 25c. Direct Salea Co., Quinuy. 111. SITUATIONS WANTED POSITION wanted by young lady at, nographer; on years axperleucs. e outer 1W. ALL-AROU.nIj printer wants steady lt uation; non-union; city prelerrcd; 20 yar' experience; temperate; no bad habits. W. C. Miller. K017 West Harney St. a.m ts.l Bositiun aa housekeeper by oulureu lady, good references. Tel. Doug las 4& RESPECTABLE German woman, experi enced In city and country housekeeping wishes position as housekeeper or plain cook, or day work; city preferred, c. Neumann, 10114 g. 11th St. W .AN TED Poaitiuu as steam fireman, hotel clerk or all around house and yard man. Call F. W. Carter, Phon Douglas MIDDLE-AGED lady, competent, trust worthy and neat, desires position as iiuuaeavrper in rwaiaenu apartment or rooming house: best of references. Laura Johnson. 2118 Chicago St. I'lione D. r?u man and wire, aa caxetakera of resi dence or work of any kind In hotel, club or apartment house; excellent refer enoea; will consider any offer, city or out. Johnson, Z1W Chicago. Phon Doug las 8722. WANTED Good place to work for room tending furnace or anawerlna- t.lvnhnn. Tel. D. 714. ask for J J. STRONG woman. 16. wishes work; no in cumbrance; will do washing and Ironing also a good cook V week go home nights. References. Call Douglas 447 morning or evening. KKPETRIENCED girl wants to do gen eral housework or as nurs girl. Phon Walnut ft. EXPERIENCED man want position as jauuor. r-none wamui tKy. MIDDLE-AGED lady, competent and reliable, deairea position aa child's nurse or to take care of an invaUl; references exchanged, t all Web. ttttt. In mornings, between and 10, . " STENOGRAPHER, with years' experl ence, desires position; can furnish good local references; will work for lit) a month. Georgia Swan, Phona Douglas U'a. Room lot. Hotel llarley. YOUNG colored man. thoroughly ex perienced, wlahea position as house keeper; can take filll charge, beat ref erences. K XA. Be. LOST AND FOUND Lost or Found ads In Omana'a Lost and Found mediums means the tin mediate re turn of that article If advertised tn Th Be, th Lost and Found paper SMALL Shrlneis' pin; rewaru. lira. Hun ger. Hotel llarley. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFF STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost some art Me would do well to call up th office of th Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain wbethor tbey aWt It lu th at vest ore. Many artlcloa each day ar turned In and th company is aualoua to restore them to th -Ightful owner. Call Doug. 4a LOST Cameo pin Sunday morning In or near U. E. church iblh and E. South Omaha. Return to Mrs. John L. Hill tlvi bo. 11 n eu ioug. t.J. A BROWN mare strayed or stolon from m ana xnii noias. v ai. Ai. LoST Cameo 1H11. engraved Corinne Searle. Reward. Haruey lbX. b. a 8earle. LOST Bunch of keye. large brass key on chain. Reward, phone South Sal. LOST Black and white bull female, lost Oct. 22 ; reward. U4 N. 17th. Iioug. 2j.7. LOST Ford 1B15 touring car. between lSth and l'ith on lvriiiort St.; motor No. pM! uceria rx i; front fender on I ld U"nt' ,T ,ronl. SlT! on W(t hcl was non-skid Reward. Tel. So. !.. IST Saturday afternoon, lady's black leather xcketbook on cross-town car b. t. Farnam and Stith and J. Call So. Reward. iaost and rm'xn Xa 1ST Pair of glasses in black case, be tween 2oth and Farnam and 2th and California; return to Schlltx hotel and receive reward. 1 iST Hunch of keys, Saturday night. Phone Webster 27. PERSONAL LADIES' Jackets remodeled In the latest style; reasonable prti e. D13 Douglas street. I'hone Douglas VM. 6.(r36 SUBSCRIPTIONS EARNS H.nrK) For the invalids' Pension association. The Ladles Home Journal, 1160; Satur day Evening Post. 11. M; Country Gentle man, 11.00. 54o needed In November. Your order or renewal contribute M cents. plense phone Douglas 7163, or address, GORDON, The Magaxlne Man, Omaha. tOL'NI women coming to Omaha as strangers ar Invited to visit the Young Women's association building st 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave, where they will he dire- ted to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the ITnlox station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your jld clothing, furniture, maga tinea. We collect. W d.strlhute Phona Doniflas 4136 and our wagon will call Call and Inspect our new home, JU0-1112-1114 Dodge St. YOI'K furnace cleaned. II; work guar anteed. Central Tin Shop. Doug. 4W4. Suits, gowns and remodel ing at reasonable prices. ANNA PISTE1C, ?1 City Natlona. Bank Bide SWAPPERS t.TJLCM.f Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something you really need? It coats you nothing to loin the Swappers' club and you will find It lots of fun swapping things. Writs Room lot. Be Bldg.. or phone Tyler" 1000. A GOOD steel range and other furniture to trade for a davenport or good rug, fl. C. 366, Ree. ALL furniture In 45-room hotel; reason able rent on building; South Ride; will exchange for real estate; value ll.iiOO. Ad drees 8. C. 603. Be. AUTOMOBILES Fcr other automobile bargains see the "Automobile' classifi cation. AUTOMOBILE, aeven-paasenger Mitchell Special, in excellent shape, full electrlo equipment, a powerful car. l-wap lor diamonds, real estate contracts, clear lots In Omaha, or mortgage. 8. C. tKH, care Bee. AUTO Light weighty 1915 model, perfect shape, fully equipped, new tires, to swap for four or five-passenger car. Addrccs II. C. 832, Bee. tf BUGGY, revolver or musical Instrument with 100 easy lessons to swap for saddle, S?x3't tire, or what hav you now. Ad dress 8. C. 07. Be. BILLIARD TABLE Brunswick, home elze, 3.ix7; complete. What hav you? Make me an ofler. Address S. C. 618, lie. BRUSH runabout In perfect condition; coat new 1475; worth 1100; to exchange for good furniture of equal value. Ad dress S. C. MK. Bee. CONCORD top buggy to swap for large slxed incubator, or what hav you 7 Address S. C. 61. Bee. CLEAR lot, 60x150, In Cloverdale addition near ft. rug park, to exchange for lata Ford roadster; lot will stand actuul cash vaiue or h.'-t CAMERA One Minute Post Card Cam era, swap for second-hand lumber. Ad dress 8. C. l. Bee. - DETROIT OAS STOVE. 6 burners, oven and broiler, to swap for library table. Address S. C. 04. Bee. GARDEN TOOLS Spade, t shovels, I rakes, hoe and grass knife, to trad for 4- mlnute Edison records, or anything. Ad- areas a. o. 234, Hee. tr CAMERA Combination positive or nega tive, to trad for something I can use. S. C. S50. Bee. 4x6 camera, exchange for larger camera. S. C. 849. Bee. DISHES, garden tools, gas lamp, mahogany rocker and settee, brass umbrella stand. Will trade for trunk or suitcases. Address 8. C. 61, Bee. ELECTRIC AUTO HORN Motor driven, vibrator type; cost llO.oo. Will swap for assortment of late Edison (Amberol) records. Address S. C. 333, Bee. tf ELEGANT seven-passenh'er Mitchell spe cial, excellent shape, full electric equip ment; a powerful car and good looking car; will swap for Omaha lota, home ana lot, two smaller cars, or diamonds. 8. C. 793, Bee. E1R.ST-CLASS dentistry for houso paint ing. Address B 376. Bee. GASOLINE range, good oven to gwap for kitchen table or tireless cooker. Ad dress, 8. C. 6U3, Bee. GOOD single delivery wagon and good single harness for furniture of any kind. What have youT Address 8 C JWT. Bee. HA VH good five-year-old mare, weight 1.200. W ill swap for automobile or any. thing I can use. Address S. C. 612. Bee. MOTORCYCLES-1912 Twin Indian mo torcycle; clutch machine. To swap for auto or anythng 1 can us. Address 8. C 337. He. ONE delivery wagon top, one nickel plated E-flat cornet (famoua Bowker short model, perfect condition; six Wen dell Vacuum washers, new; one heavy Iron cigar mold press, on small cigar box press. Will trade Separately or to gether. What hav you 7 Address 8. C. 152. Bee. PJ A NO Brand new; never been used. Will exchange for anything worth I&0. What have you 7 Address S. C. 351, Bee. SCHUBERT piano to trad for diamond. 8. C. KM. Bee. 191 4. TWIN Cylinder Indian motor cycle, nearly new. Eqiilpped with electrlo light and horn; good side car. To trade for what 7 Auto preferred. 8. C. 867, Bee. SET of dlshea, garden tools, two gas lamps and sanitary couch; will trad for valises or trunks, steamer trunk pre ferred. S. C. 601. Bee. STOVE To swap, large sis hard coal stove, good aa new. almost new carbon Iron, for applea, potatoes or what hav you 7 Address 8. C. eXU, Bee. f STEVENS Special" .22 target rifle; both open ana peep sights; excellent condi tion. Want good banjo. Address 8. C. 613, Bee. STEVENS hammerjess pumpgun, new; Winchester, ltwj model, new; one rain proof suit coat, pants and hat, sise id; 80-foot seine, 2 inch mesh, t feet deep; 6-inch fish spear; .22 break-open revolver; hunting coat and vest, also 3t; pair of lineman's spurs; Strad. violin; one pair brass auto aide lamps, 10 small: lo-year fuarantee watch; one aluminum rear moot-cycle lamp; pump and attachment What have you 7 S. C. SoS. Bee. SET I. C. S. handuooka, containing com plete course in general illustrating; want camera or typewriter (portable pro- rerrco), or wnat nave you 7 Address B. c M4, Bee SIDEBOARI Oak. best condition, to swap for what hav youT S. C. SuJ, Bee, TO SELL or trade your shotgun or rifle. See FRIEDMAN, ml iougiaa. 1914 VEL1E, electrlo light and tarter'. In good shape; &-passenger; to trade for rood, light roadster. Address S. C. 6u4, care lie. WANTED to trad full, five iron beds, mattresses and springs, good as new, for sanitary couch, pad and cover. S. C. &u6, bee. WANTED To trade a good five-passenger Veile car. In good shape, new tires, for small car or team of horses. & C. Hid. Be. WILL exchange Piano Player, which which wilt fit any piano, muslo cabinet with W rolls of music, for good cook stove or chickens. Also new electric Iron, for winger, or reasonable offer. S. C. '. Hee. WHAT hav you for a second-hand or gan. In good shape 7 Address 8. C. 17, Bee. WILL trade carload of wood for horse or cow. Address S. C. (1&, Bee. WHAT hav you to offer for U6 new vacuum washers? Bdat glad iiui u- factured; aells to users at 1-6 each. Ad- dress H. C. 6. Hee. WANTED To trade a good stork remedy territory, with best firm In Omaha, tor anything 1 can use, o. 1.. sii. u, von REXT 'tssilsusD a Mil Flala. ELEGANT -roon. with t baths. I i pusures; also 4 room ana bain, few Hamilton Doug. X.4 (CONTINLElJ ON COLUMN 8KVEN, THIS PAGO Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert scrvico thai will please the most critical. ABSTRACTS Or" TITLE. RTTF.n ABSTRACT CO, eldest abstract office In Nebraska. Brand-Is Thea. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern ahstract office. 6 8. 17th St Phone D. .V7. AffOl STASTS. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 4S3-4J7 Rnmra Bldg. Phone Doug. T4"t. A DTEItTMIS O NOVELTIES. M. P. Shafer A Col2th. Farnam. P. 7474. AH AT El' It FIXISIIISti. FTXMR developed free If rtirrhaeed from Photo Craft Shop, 411 Bee Bid. Dept. D. ARCHITECTS. " Everett . TtooNlg. Ell Paton B'k. n. Vft. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson. 611 Paxton BIk. D. 1S04. Wrl! ,N' JOHNSON, B W. Cor. 14th and Douglas. Douglna 405. AICTIOJ1ERRJ. Dowd Aootton Co.. 111J-H W O W. R. mtS AUTO IIHACK. ASXOM-PnrTR MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.. Douglafl 2SI9. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. jnyi Far. D. W. B ATlTsT BATK 214 Balrd Blk.j 17th and Douglas. MiT',?JCATEn vapor and modern Turkish ... "1" foI l"",p snd gentlemen; lady foVa?nV.ant for '"dleg; Swedish mussage. litis ramam at. Donelns St37 IK. Z. Tt REEDER 15njr. ISth. Web. T$1. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. rTton-MltchellCo.. 27thjuid Martha Bis. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORsT STEVENSON. 23 B. 22d. Douglag iaaard A Bon, lltna Cap. Ave. T. Itftt. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MH Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. (Mfil. CHIROPODIST, Carrie J. Buford. 20 Pax. Blk. Red M7, COFFEE BY HAIL. Coffee Save money. Use better coffee 16 lbs high grade . ... n. i-imim at 1,0., omaha, N Veb. tOHSKis, NuBonw coraets. Wb-Sun. bk. Red 4393. UANCIKO ACADEMIES, FALL term open at Mackle'a. Doug. (440 OENEYIEVB HAUFLAIRB. Rome hotel. DE LUXE ACADEMT. Ill B. 18th St TURPIN'S SCHOOL OK DANCINO. zsth and Farnam. Classes and private Just completed, forly-four-page book of new dances for 1915 and 1916. Clearly do acrlbed. Compiled by Albert Turpln. Ev ery teacher should have a copy. Mall orders filled. Price. $1. DRESS HA KINO. Terry Dressmak'g college, 20th A Farnam MISS BTURDT, 2116 Binney, Webster 4989. DRESSHAKINQ COLLEGE. Kelster'a Dressmaking Col.. 1C2S City Na. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 120 N. 12th. D. 8071. DETECTIVES. "" JAMES ALLAN, S12 Neville Block. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler U24 DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain, 9i3 W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckles, 724 City Nat Rank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1M7 Douglas. D. 2184. DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 110 orders; catalogues free. Sherman Mo- Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender. 624 Bee Bldg. Red . EVERY THIN G FOR 'WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bog PlOeaVVinK i Ucirtl WfliV""! a. . style; hemstltlchlng. point edging. Em broidery, beading, braiding. cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co.. 2W Douglaa Block. Douglas io. FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HABERSTROH, 4026 Hamilton. Wal. 1971. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists. 1804 Farnam 8t D. SpOO. T. HENDERSON, 1814 Douglaa. D. 1258. u-k. irioriata Telegraph DL Asa n. V&VU.VVB . HEB3 aV 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam St A. DONAQHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. FURK1ER. BAM KNEETER. 19-c Farnam. Red 6S34. HISTORICAL COSTUMES. THH largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. T.' ijghU Hon. K.14 Howard. D 411,. INSTRUCTION. English. French Instruction. ng Lyric Bid. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H II CLAIBORNE, 512 Paxton Blk. Red 740L Notary public, deposition steno. C- W. BRITT. X'l Baker Block. LANGUAGES. languages taught; private or claases. Webster s, TTlGThTTTNU FIXTURES, WIRING. DUKKIN ncA. gu- " LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BWQ8jrOJEchang Bldg. " MOTORCYCLES. HARLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCTCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor Roos, The Motorcycle Man." 27t4 Leavenworth. MOVING PICTURE MACHIN ES. OMAHA Film E.. 14th and Doug. Mo tion Dlcturmachlne and film bargalua OCULISTS. Eves am!ned. guases fitted, pay aa you can, "ra. McCarty. 1111 W. O. v. Bldg. OSTEOPATH Y PHYSICIANS. JQ8EFHINB ARMSTRONG. HI Be Bldg. i" PA TENTS. D. O. Barnsll, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red Till. II. A. Bturgea, CS Brandela Theater Bldg. ' PI LLO wiIxd beddi n o. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. Mattresses msde to order or remade. 1907 Cuming. D. 24i. FLUMES CLEANED CURLED, dyed. P. Eiaele. 11M City Nat PIANOS EOH RENT. J W per month A Hospe. IMS Poualas. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. n A TT"r Opened, repaired, comb. M n I 7 changed. F. E. Daven- ""wport, ltu Dode. D. lail. rRITIWO WATKRS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., qnaltty Printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. 13th St CENTRAL Printing Co. POUOLAS I7S4. DOUOT.AB rrlnting Co. Tel. nouglas M4. SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co.. 61J S. 12th. D.ffll SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair, til 8. 11 llarley Shoe Rep'r. Co., W Fsrn'm. R244S SEWING MACHINES. VV f rent, repair sell needles and) parts for all sewing machlnea. "MICKEL'S," NEBKASIvA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Douglaa 1SS. STEEL CEILINGS CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 8. 1. STORE A N D O FF I f? BF I X TtlREI, DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shele. Ing, etc. We buv, sell. Omaha Flxtur Supply Co., 414-16-18 B. 12th. Doug. 2724. STOVE AND FURNACE REPAIRS. ALT, REPAIRS Water fronts, furnae colls, etc. Quick service. Omaha Btov Repair Wks. 1?-S Douglas St Tyler M. TELECTR ItT" H OTO R RE PAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC Co.. Be Bid. D.S87I, TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. P. 6tt TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELINO A STEINLE. 11 Farnam St TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter f mo. for 65. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1905 Farnam, BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, 816 & ISta St Ail makes for sal or rent RENT a "Remington " not Just a typ writer. Low rent. Call Douglas 124. VACUUM CLEANERS. VACUUM cleaners, all makes and prices. E. R. Williams, 80S & Uth fit VACUUM cleaners, all standard makes; lowest prices; machines rented. J. L PURCUP1LE. Douglas 2300. 1905 Fax nam St. WASHING MACHINES. WASHING machines, all -makes and prices. H B. Williams, 206 S. 16th St WATCH SPECIALIST. Christiansen, Id fl. Paxton Bk., 18 yr. exp. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Oot WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETE9. 201 -S 8. 13th St Wines, liquors, cigars. Plat dinner 11 to I, 10c HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, lith and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUT your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house. 6i N. 16th. Douglaa U09. MEDICAL, PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and ther rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonial. DR. E. H. tarry, 240 Be Bldg. RUPTURE cured In few days without Pain. Call or writ Dr. Wray, Sol Be Bldg., Omaha. Established l&ML FOB RENT Apartment a and Flat. Th For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of Th Be dally cannot be beat for variety that will pleas and fill the needa of ativ on. li.alrin. rent Phone Tyler MHO. J-R. APT., i baths, sleeping porch, large , - , .. . nimiicu, airivJLiy up- to-date; largeporch in front, private; ful -.Jh ifwnunjr iiiusneu, strictly up ciifc nun, vianua apis. tl. 13m). JIO-RM. f'LAT ON UTH AND DODGE. . uiuv 1.0 pusiomce; across the street from Fontenelle hotel; rent I1& Will sell furniture. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. Douglas 6013. 17th and DomrlaV Hklnif ITf . A T in ui iun " J " AVVV.UO. - - -v, uutu viui a .no roomers; on car lino; 5-minute walk to Union AMPittiUAJi BBCURJTY COMPANY. APARTMENTS. " FOUR ROOMS. "Flo-Lea." 20th and Capitol Av, 132.50 137.60. FIVE ROOMS, "aeorgla," 1040 Georgia Ave,, 137.60. SIX ROOMS. "Myr,M JS08 Poppleton Av., 137.66-117.64 EIGHT ROOMS. "Meyer" SM Poppleton; sleeping porch. PETERS TRUST COMPANY 1M Fsrnain St. Douglas ' 69 ft WOOM!' tlK - - " . . - Y ' w. HHn. K-AStm Sit T ...1 -,- , . . . - - jvuiV ij.u, iu wai sing distance modern; Shelby court, 22d St block soutn of Leavenworth St.. 116 . , i - t i . i'. .-. ... , . , ...... ....... . 162 Farnam St Doug. 898. o ONE 4-room and one H-rooui apt.. Tha Hamilton. Douglas 2M6. 10 Comfortable, large -r. apartment part mod., block to car and stores, good neighborhood. 1U17 Elm St D. 6071 ST. CLARE, 24lh and Harney, on I and one 4-r. apt. Harney 647. Hoard .. Furnished Rooms that offer every mod. ern convenience and comfort In prlvat families or boarding houses of th high est class will be fuund In th Furnished Room column, of The Be. Phon Tyler loot). ROOM and board; choice location; lady and child: private family; near good school. Add re.' a M 20, Bee. PARK 17uJ Two furnished rooms with uoaru, nice location, private family modern, on car line. Harney 6166. .11 WEST HOTEL, 20 S. 24th St. Elegantly furnished steam heated rooms, by day or week, with or without board. R. and board for 1 person Colfax ZliA. Furnlbhed or unfurnished rooms. H Suit B. & R7$4 aVd$Tl2St7'Mary's Ave".' " i modern furnished rooms, private family. X- li... .lit, KT OI , . ntir ar line. iju cfc. SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT OUESTS. HOTEL 6ANFOKD. 19th and Farnam, HOTEL HA RLE Y. 2oth and Farnam. JACKSON, 2717 Beautifully furnished rooms, wun or wunout Tioara. SliEllvOOD AVE., 141 2 newly fur nished rooms In a private family; home privileges to the right parties with bard. near car ll-?e. Webster 7172. 1'srsl.bril hnuiua, FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms. S3 to K14 Douglas. Red liStl. ROOMS for two students. 2125 Douglas. THE MlLLER'HoIVlTa'sTrMary Ave., excellent rooms by day or week ' In Hue location; handy to business dis trict. Douglas 4&f2. FoR RENT Furn. room, with good fam ily; will make a reasonable rate to a refined lady. Call at 4011 lxard SL Wal nut i40. NICELY furnished room; close In modern. Ul S. 2d St. ' all (CONTINUED ON PAGE ELEVEN, COLUMN ONE.) X o I