Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Om&ha'i Melting Pot Grieyei for
Lonesome Twin Sister of Little
Julian. Ho can.
THE TWINS, JULIAN AND JULIA, on their thirteenth
birthday, when they were confirmed in the Church of the
Immaculate Conception.
Bheelcytown V Omaha's melting
pot la, all ot Greater Oniaha'i area
there Is no other nelg'aborhood which
boasts so many folk of diversified
origin and characteristics. Especially
this true of the children. In no
other part ot the city can so many
hetrcgeneous youngsters bo found to
the squaro blrtck. It Is a little set
tlement of rough-and-ready laboring
people who brook no race tulclde, and
town among the railroad tracks and
might cars, the young ones grow up
la an enrlronment that Is anything
but conducive to lethargy
rtaea I'mmIIt Jorfol.
From morn till eve, and about
Bine-tenths of the time after the sun
sinks Into Hanscom park, Shceley
town resounds wth the shrill laugh
ter, calls, screams and other noises
which register the Joy or anguish of
tho hundreds of kids who are always
doing something, mischievous or
ttherwlse, but something, neverthe
less. ' '
But' SheHer hsfl 'an unusually quiet
Down In a IIHIa horns at STtO South
Twaaty-ftClh Utti Julian HOman lay
dead, killed beneath the wheels of a
speeding auto as.. It hurtled alons"
Twenty-fourth street, nir Bancroft,
Saturday nl'ht II was In his oof fin,
IreaMd In . the same clothM he wort
when he received &ls . first holy com
munion a yeaf ago at Immaculate Con
ception. His little twin slater, Julia,
from ,whom In Ufa ha was Inseparable,
knelt '- benide tee cold little body and
wept all daylong. -
Little Jallaa Ooae.
All the other kids In the district which
has for Its boundary Twenty-fourth and
Twenty-ninth streets, south, seemed un
able to stay away from the. houaa. For
them Sunday is usually one free of irk
some school duties and a day of nolaa
almost as Important as Fourth of July.
But sine little Julian Couldn't be with
thetn. why, they Just sort of 'buna
round the houae all day and kept quiet.
"We aotter stick 'round, 'cause they're
golnc to take blm away and bury him,
an' we won't see'm any more," confided
a freckled, snub-nosed youth with only
one let. lis tost the other "flipping" ears
some time ago.
There have been traglo deaths of chil
dren before this. In Pheeley too fre
quently, In fact but no otner nas hushed
the UUle nelf hborhoodi as has the death
Sf tittle Julian Hotnan.
' Tarta.'slafc' Loaeaou'e. - .
Everybody seems to want quiet for the
ake of his UUle twin sister. , As .the
rlppltd'kUl who ''"Jus had to stick
'round" said; "Lfee two arara, Uks pair
i W I H
f- U W'i;! ....
lead to NUh and Bala
Trustees Vote to
Stand By Dr. Hillis
NEW TORK. Vot. 1-Tha board
trustees of Plymouth church la Brook
lyn have voted to stand br the Rev. Dr.
Newell Dwlsbt IIUIIs. pastor of that
church, In his controversy with Frank
I Ferguson, formerly his attorney and
business manar, according to an an
nouncement today by Colonel W. C.
firccher, chairman of the board.
"Dr. Hlllla will not reslfrn." said Colonel
Bcei her. We have decided not to let Dr.
IIIIIIs be trampled upon. I cannot say
what effect this will have upon Dr.
fUllla' agreement with Mr. Ferguson to
keep their differences out of court by
arbitrating It."
LONDON. Nov. l.-Cttr Arthur William
Rocker, aged S7. known widely as a
scientist, author and educator, died to
day. He was connected with Tork col
ters and the Royal Collage of Science,
had served as principal of the University
of London and was a former president
of the British
knighted in 1M.
association. He was
Hoffman's Verdict
Against Cubs Good
CHICAGO. Nov. t A verdict of M
obtained by Arthur Hoffman against the
Chleaajo National league club was con
firmed today In the appellate court.
Hoffman was with the Cuba under a con
tract dated February ts. 1311, which pro
vided for a salary of. 18.00 a year. On
May S, 1911, he was notified by telegram
that he had been t re Deferred to Pitts
burgh and that the Pittsburgh elob would
be responsible for the salary. The evi
dence showed that during the remainder
of the season Hoffman received only SWT
from the Pittsburgh club, and that he did
not enter Into any contract with it, rely
ing upon the telegram from the Chicago
M or van Galnlns; Strensrth.
NEW TORK. Oct. SI. 3. P. Morgan's
condition was eonnldered so eatls'actory
today that no btille'lns vrere Issued by
attending phyal lana. Members of his
family said that tha ft aider's rally
from the operation for appenil-lt's per
formed last Friday was a. ajurastng.
Ji:.i" IT.V :VTtt:!'HL Ir.iltTlA HI 1 iV I'M tZ-?' -T3r? --ZTHf
--- - t-t"--
- - . :- . - "- " "
whence roads
"In the upper Morava Talley, after a
hard fight, wa took the town of Grdell
)aca, which la the Junction point en tha
road between Vryanla and Leskovats.
through the Vlaasln valley. In the
region of Katchanlk tha Serbians at
tacked a column which had advanced, but
were repulsed.
, "In the course of tho pursuit of tha
enemy ws eaptuded two mountain guns,
with large supplies of munitions. Thus
far ws have found In Uskup II. (WO rifles
of various patterns, WO casks of powder,
U.OOs cssks of cartridges and large quan
tities of other war materials.
Union Pacific Motor
Strikes Automobile
of Traveling Man
. KEARNEY, Neb., Nov. (Special Tel
egram.) John J. Spies, a traveling man
Hvlng here, while making his - roots
through the county, was struck by ths
Kearney-Callaway motor near Amherst
this -' morning j Ths -car In which Spies
f fingers on on hand " and whllo they was driving wse totally wrecked and the
all sieved, otlcourse. for UUle Julian' passenger thrown about 1W feet. He Was
Homan. their grief was Intensified at ths P' up and ruahed to Kearney for
sixht of the llrtto twin sister, to whom medical treatment It was found that he
Julian was mors than the sunshine or
flowers., and whoa grief mad strong
men seek their' handkerchiefs and turn
away. -..-.
(Continued rrom Fag One.)
sustained numerous ' injuries, none of
which will prove fatal unless complica
tions set In.
Husband and Wife
Fight With Razors
MASON CITY, la., Nov, l.-(Speclal.)-John
Jordan Is at the Park hospital,
while his wife is at ths Story hospital,
both suffering from severs wounds In
flicted upon each other In a fight with
rasors as weapons. Mrs. Jordan la
slashed on either side of ths throat clear
to the Jugular vein, has several slashes
across the faos, and her arms, which
wsrs bars to the el-bow, are covered With
slashes from an Inch to five Inches long.
Ths husband has neck wounds very much
resembling those of his wife. When i
found he was in a stupor, leaning over
the kitchen rang stove and bleeding pro
fusely. Both are in aerlou condition.
They war married August L Jordan
boarded at a restaurant operated by the
woman who beoame his wife. While h
was boarding with har aha had him ar
rested at two different times, both times
for assault. She claimed that he slapped
her. John Jordan, this afternoon, think
log that he was about to die. mads
statement that htsfwif did all tha cut
tine. ' . ... ,
"For Kale" ad will turn seoond-hand
furniture Into cash.
the Danube valley. The much discussed
Russian expedition which la reported to j
be on the way to the Bulgarian coast,
now estimated at tOO.000 men, haa not
been beard from again. There are recur
rent reports, however, of further bom
bardment of Bulgarian ports. This may
mean that in a manner paralleling con
ditions of a land attack, further artillery
preparation ts necessary befor the Rus
sians attempt to gala a foothold on ths
At ths Dardanelles ths British are
showing renewed activity. They are ham
mering the Turks with artillery, sup
ported by such ships of th allied fleet as
are net engaged acalnst Bulgaria.
UeraaaskS Take Hill la Chaaapasrme.
Th recapture of Tahur HUl by th Oer
. man sums up for tn present the known
result ot ths sudden spurt of ths heavy
na-httnc in th Charouun. While the
contenders on ths western front have not 1
renewed th general offensive. It Is likely
that there wlU b frequnt clashes over
considerable stretches ot th front, whll
th Balkan situation Is so acuta as each
aids desires to prevent th ether front
transferring troops to in near east. ,
Balaartaaa la Serbia.
SOFIA. Nov. L (Via Berlin and Lon
don.) Th Bulgarian advance ts Serbia la
being ' continued along the whole front.
An account ot recant operation Was is
sued today at the war office as follows:
"Couoernlng operations on October ts,
Bulgarian troops continued the pursuit of !
th enemy cn th whole front 'They ad
vanced west of "the'KorJaaevao water
shed, between Tlmok and Morava. j
'Houthweet of:KuJasevac w captured,
after violent battle, the Toslbata ridge,
If you'll pardon me, I am going to address you in the
first person, because I want to put this matter up squarely
to you and ask your co-operation.
Today, Wednesday and Thursday we offer
4 it
e! . !iv
fcV V
Express Propald)
0 Full Quarts
rrtfcts Stock y
4 Full Cjirfa
iesort lisaesrsa tO
btrfjirj O
tirped Cnas end curk- '
ecrewWiiheveryordcf '
over 230.0u0cueu.-nf
mr have provca this
irtilnkav best ever d ie-
tillcd. for smooth- I
nes and luelluwoees
i4 flavor It tiino be
igusicJ. Srud remlt
Imdus with order.
kUmey refunded If not
pcrtcMtlr Miuiactory.
. artroiit co,
14 t
' ' Now then, ever since I have been in Omaha I have
wanted to give you people a real film treat a combina
tion of high class photo-dramatics, accorded the proper
musical aocompaniment, and surrounded by the proper
. You'y bean "mighty"' good to us sine w opened tho STRAND,
and wa have been successful. The folks who said "we couldn't
pull them up the hill." or "wouldn't last two months," are now
seeklne another alibi, and Instead of having to give ten thousand
iefernces when we wanted to purchase ten cents' worth of equip
ment, only the other day one of the leading banks of the city earn
over and personally solicited our account, and our only trouble ta
to keep from buying too much.
Anyway, we know you'll like "CARMEN." Now then don't come
down expecting to see this production follow the old stereotyped
story of the opera, because you wUl be disappointed. Neither will
our orchestra play anything but selections tram Carmen you'll
hear some from II Trovatore and even "rags." But you wlU see
this a picture chuck full of
Love, Romance. Suspense. Beauty, Thrills.
Temptation. Resistance. Excitement,
Struggle, Action, Humor, Adventure. Punch,
Success, Interest and Triumph
and you'll hear an orchestra playing with, and not against, the
picture. ,
We don't expect to make any money out of these three days' en
gagementhow can we with an augmented orchestra, singers,
special scenery, to say nothing- of the high cost Of this picture, and
the entire presentation we are giving It, but that Is not the point
you have stayed with ua when we had "rotten" pictures and when
ve have had good ones, and we think It no more than right than
once and awhile we give you something out of the ordinary, and
we know you will say this after you see MIS3 BARA in her own,
original conception of Carmen, the saucy Gypsy flirt.
We await your decision on this picture, but Come Down. Come
Down we dont mind not making any money these three dsya, If
we ahow "Oniahans" how pictures should be presented, but If
you stay away we are sure going to have some "headache."
'iiiiiiMirr f b . Jiii
Mi U
ii Vj vL-i f.lihiiill lllil
MS !
During this entire week events of un
usual importance because of the price con
cessions they offer will crowd fast upon
one another. ' , -
There will be no slowing up to this an
niversary sale no lack of fine bargains.
And no misrepresented price reductions.
Whatever you see in our advertisements or
in our show windows, or on price cards in
the store, every statement will be TRUE.
That has been our policy for twenty
nine years.
Tuesday's News Will Give1 You Some Idea of the Hundreds of Bargain Awaiting You Here
Anniversary Sale
of Fine Linens
$1.75 72-inch Bleached
Damask $1.00 a yard
20c Fancy Turkish
Towels - - - 12Vc
40c Fine Huck Towels
at 25c
75c 24-inch Fancy Huck
Toweling - - 50c
Durkley Cambric
In good mill lengths,
suitable for gowns, cor
set covers, children's
wear, eta
Regular 15c
Quality, Anni
versary Sale Price
Basement x
Anniversary Sale of Fine Millinery
Wonderful Values
sTfs r
An L
spired by Gage, clever
models airily fashioned
into the latest shapes
$3.85 values - '- $1.95
$6.75 values - '- $3,95
Tuesday, and continu
ing throughout the week,
all our hats reduced to
Almost Half of
Their Selling Price
DRESS HATS, that are new
and up-to-date.
chic and stylish.
MISSES' HATS for dress and street wear.
. PURITAN HATS, made of Lyons' best quality all-silk black
velvet, bound with gros-grain ribbon, with a large steel buckle
$8,50 Values, Anniversary Price $3.75
" This hat sells in exclusive eastern shops for $10.00; we guar
antee satisfactory results in the wear of this hat.
Millinery Section Second Floor.
Pm Ik?
Anniversay Sale of Misses' Suits
Values to $35, Tuesday, $17.75
Sizes 14, 16, 18
Plain tailored, Norfolk, and fur-trimmed styles in broadcloth
and gabardine; colors green, brown, navy, gray and black. Reg
ular Thompson & Belden tailoring and quality m
Because of the values, we must make a nominal charge for
any alteration service.
Anniversary Sale Fine
Tailored Suits, $24.75
The greatest suit values we have ever offered in the 29
years of our business history. This is a strong statement;
we reqnest.your inspection.
mm shoes
$4.00 to $7.00 Values,
In the Anniversary Sale
$3.45 and $3.95 a Pair
When you can purchase S0R0SIS SHOES at any.
thing less than regular prices, it'n time to supply your
wants. Tuesday IS THE Day.
Taffeta Silk
Wash Suits
and Rompers
Mothers will appreciate
the savings offered Tuesday
In these Wash Salt and
Rompers, sizes 2-8 years.
50c Qualities, 39c
Third Floor.
Flannel Shirts
Boys and Men
In nary, gray and brown,
flat and military collars,
regular prices up to fj2.BO.
Tuesday, $1.19
Men's Section Main Moor.
$1.50 to $2.25
All wool dress goods, 50
Inches wide
98 a yard
DJ I Us:15, :45, 8:15. 0:45
The Screen Faortts
"GRAVSTARK" -Thursday,
Friday and Saturday
Sunday, November 7, foe Four Days
Not Movies eieaU Thursday.
. aaa.
Taa Only Xlfk Class Taadartlla Circuit,
ljif miu. i n. nrr Jn.
iimt Mia v
Mm A I - J. C Hu.
aat; Hat Corner Clr
cut; mum. PtiaJa-Air
'Orphoua Tranl Wwki).
He kMt aaau (uwpt batutaar aad Sua'
IM. Niahu. Ma, 1U. Ma aa fta.
TwolT Bo4 tar Ooawatlaa vk-
Saaw awaatalaovt Wat rhoraa JJ
ant taaa tk ahaw back haaw; aaa II.
ldlas mm la tl a w aa a
today jstra
and Until Kai. 61.
aa Aasoctat
riayars ta
"Seven Ktyt To Ealdpate"
Kats lBo, Sftcl SSa. Sfto. SOa
Hinn Coatlaaoaa from 11 a. m.
11 I F r t 11 p. m. All saata lOe.
" " Artaraooa aa vanias
Ta Wuzld-Taouoaa ComxUaaaa,
Ta Kar Oraataat Saocaaa,
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
in other respects, it, must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really succcessful.
A 'Kor Bala" ad will turn aecand-hand
fMfUtvrs late cash.