Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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Kottd Editor Talks On "Commerce
and World Peace'' at Commer
cial Club Yeiterday.
A world court, made powerful by
ts combined Influence of all the
commerce of all nations, and with a
commercial boycott by all other na
tions aa tbe penalty for any country
tbat doea not abide by the world
court's decision, Is '.he business
man'a solution of the war problem,
and the surest way to permanent
vorld peace, according to Herbert S.
He spoke along those lines at a
public affalra luncheon at the Com
mercial club yefterday. taklna; "Com
v rce and World Peace" as bis sub
ject Mr, Houston Is chairman of the
Information committee of the League
to Enforce Peace, waa a delegate to
the International peace conference at
Paris, and Is now on his way home
to resume his business as a publisher
and member of the firm of Double-day-Page
6 Co.
Mr. Houeton la president of the Awv
eJated Ad Clubs of the World and wu
the gwt of the Omaha Ad club at a
banquet at the I'ntverslty club x laat
tvonlns. Vie President Lafe Young, jr.,
f Dea Moines also spoke.
All 1Iih Affected. .
"American business, as well aa that of
every other nation, has been profoundly
affected by the war," Mr. Houston aald.
y war of beginning hie bualneas man'a
tneesage on the war. "Therefore, Amer
ican bualneas men are anxious to substi
tute law (or war."
He outlined a referendum plan aoon to
be submitted to the MO, 000 Commercial
eiub man of the United States, providing
fnr a survey of the price question. Con
tinuing, he said:
Arbltrailea Maadatorr
"The sanest and most practical men,'
who have studied the queatlon agree that
if arbitration of International disputes Is
to get anywhere It must be mandatory
Instead of optional with the nations con
cerned. Bo the Idea has been evolved of
enforcing peace by commercial power,
with military power as only the laat
resort, not for making war, but to bring
'The way the bankers of Venice de
layed Philip It's armadn, and the fact
that today 40 per cent of the world'a
securities are ow.ud Internationally, shows
what tremendjua power commerce has to
ward off war and ptlnlah recalcitrant
Warld Needs toart II .
"Education, mualo, literature and re
ligion are International forces, Jut In
aplte of them nations engage In war.
Iaw la the stronger force for peace with
in a? nation, and It can be between na
tions also. The world needs a court
house. Just like statea. and the court
world court, when backed by the com
bined commercial power of the world,
will be the greatest possible guarantee
of permanent world peaoe.
"Any nation that breaks Its treaties,
oversteps International law or refuses to
arbitrate Its difficulties with another ha
lloa, would be commercially boycotted by
all other nations . through the world
' ( Vree Referendum Vote.
The speaker urged Omaha bualneas
men to vote on the referendum for the
I'nlted Ftatea to join the world court,
.with the world commercial backing, ha
outlined. As to the possibility of war,
he said that whatever the price may be.
It will be much cheaper than war.
ltalph Sunderland presided, and among
those at the speaker's table were equa
tor O. M. Hltchoock and Victor Rose-water.
Mr. Houston aald It was a pleasure for
. Mm to be In Omaha again. He aald the
city shows rapid, definite growth. Many
yeara ago he was correspondent for an
Omaha newspaper.
Snff s to Get tho
Election Kcturns
at Dinner Tuesday
Omaha euffrsglnts will meet at dinner
at Uie Tonng Women's Christian HMO
elation thin even ng at G; o'clock,
complimentary to Mrs. McClure- of Kan
sas City, Mo., a prominent euffrsglut In
her state. Mrs. McC'lure Is active In
women's club affair.
The women will receive returns from
the three LI states In the eaat which
vote on suffrage today. Mis Joy
Hlirslns will give a monologue. Mrs. H.
C. Humney will receive reservations for
the dinner until 10 o'clock thin morning.
During October building operation In
Omaha were tV.Z3, as sgalnat $iri7,S75
for the corresponding month of lent year.
The totat for this yesr to date I f 1.05,104;
for first ten months of last year, $4,2,J.
Over Two Million Lest Bntheli
Stored in Local Eleraton Than
at This Time Year Ago.
While Omaha grain receipts are
fairly heavy and quite up to this time
a year ago, stocks In storage continue
to decrease. The decrease Is at
tributed to two causes. One Is that
wheat received la sent out about aa
fast aa It comes in, and the other
cause Is tbat new oats have not com
menced to appear on the market in
targe quantities.
Grain In storage at tbe beginning
of Ibis week and on tbe correspond
ing date ot last year, In bushels:
Now. Lest Year.
Wheat fiW) 1.
Corn . 4.0n
(inte V2. lltSOe
live Ml
Hurley 4,m0
Total 77...1.HO.OM l.44S,tos
Tho decrease Is J,Mfi,000 bushels.
Wheat receipts for the day ere 1W
carloads, most of which was Sold
before the close of the seaelnn and with
out breaking the market The price held
up reasonably firm and were about -the
same ss last Saturday, M to M cents per
bushel. J
Corn receipts were cars and prices j
were I cents down, the bulk of the sales
being msde at D to 60 cents, with off
graroe dropping a cent or so below these (
Oats were In good demand and of a
cent higher, sel.lng at 13', to K cents.
Receipts were seventy-three carloads.
Prompt Art low Will Sin Yoar t'aanfc
Dr. King's New Discovery will stop
your cough. The first dose, helps. Oood
for children. All druggists. 60c. Adver-t'aement.
Dobbin Poisoned
and Family Loses
Its Only Income
Mrs. II. W. Ttgh. ru Hasel street,
with tears streaming down her face,
came to police headquarters .this morn
ing and exhibited a package ot biscuits
- watch had been literally saturated with
strychnine and several fed to her horse.
"Ha was eur living, and now he s
dead." she sobbed. Dr. D. C. Beott. who
I examined the biscuits and attempted to
save the borse, said that enough strych
nine had been employed to kill a dosen
R. W. TWh, the woman's huaband. la a
cripple, having fallen from a scaffold
Ing while employed aa a plaaterer and
sustaining fractures ot both anklog and
a broken rUht wrist. Her l-year-oid
eon. Watson, received a broken collar
bone recently while playing foot ball.
Meanwhile the little woman with the
horae and wagon has Strugs led to keep
the household going by hauling wood
and coal. With the horse dead and her
family uuable to work. Mra. Tlgh says
she can't see how they will get through
the winter.
Jailed for Bigamy,
George Harris Huns
Into More Trouble
George Harris, who was bound ever
te the district court several days ago oa
a charge of bigamy after being brought
back from Tulsa, Ok!., oa complaint ot al
leged wife No. 3, made defendant In
a complaint fried by County tAtorney
klagney chargli.g him with passing
check for US on the Ralston Ptate bank
who he had no funds te meet It. The
check was drawn on the Omaha National
t ar4 Her ml rve.
Nothing frighten a mother more the
the loud, hoarse c)Uh of croup. The
labored breathing, strangling, choking
and gasping fur breath call for Instant
action. Mra. T. Neureuer, Eeu,
Wis., aaya: "r""l-v's Henry and Tar
cured my boy of a serious attack of
croup after other remedies had failed.
I reooninrfndrd It to every one, as 'we
auew from our own experience that It
la a wonderful remedy for cough., oolda,
croup and ahotplng cough" t clears
tr paSMgee. .uothas and heels. bo.-.r)-rlirt.
AJvertis tnf nt. '
(Suva iilko (SEaSMiTsna
Ylza Goody Tliat'o Good For Tlsosn
s The best way in this world to spend a nickel
for wholesome, beneficial refreshment is to get
1 ' 0
It's made dean and kept clean: wrapped in
waxed paper and sealed Its two delicious flavors
are always fresh and full strength.
It is tho longest -lasting, most helpful and
pleasant goody possible to buy. It aids appetite
and digestion, quenches thirst, sweetens mouth
and breath.
Write for free copy of g4l7rla!aya ttotlier Goose," a
handsomely illustrated booklet in colors that will amuse
young end old .and remind . you of this Perfect Gum.
In it tho IVrfelay Sptarmen have acted
all the old familiar Mother Goose scenes to the
"tune" of new jingles. Address Wm, Wrigley
Jr. Co., 1226 Kcsner Building, Chicago.
p 44 GIiovJ it after ovcry tnonl
Dmmi 5tores riUe?
S0 Tk Anaoar
QumUty froJutUt
Jrmmr't (JUutrgrim
Jrmttr't Qrmp Jmu
IMtmjim Farm 5aaMf
aVfaSKy (VaaW eWi
c;.e tr
1A, ;-vH'.r.:v.':.V;.v::il
In the Stockinet Covering'
An lvluir4jirmour fttUur. Pal. mpplid or, j
The cleanly Stockinet is put on btfort '
A ham is tmoked. Smoked right
in this sanitary protector, all the deli
cats bouquet" and rich. Juicy flavor
are retained and intensified. Tooth
some to the last slice! Whether you
buy a sics or whoU ham, insist
on Armour's Star.
llkm Araeer'e Simr Hmmt, mwmrp ikmr
Hteieteia. tmu Areaeer Qmmitlp itmmmmtd,
W. It. VTLimOy. BCaaager
aeta aa4 Q Streeta. raoae feaatli IMS.
Tremendous Rug Bargains Tuesday
A Stock of Over
One Hundred Thousand Dollars
Worth of High Class Rugs
for Selection
All Clean, New, Perfect, Fall 1915 Pat
tern: N Seconds cr Mismatch d Goods
in the Entire Slock.
In epite of the fact that rug
prices have rapidly ad
vanced tho fact that we
bought early enables us to
offer you in this sale the
choicest of America's fall
1915 rug products at prices
Less Than Present
Wholesale Cost
$13.50 Ruis $7.08
Tapestry Brussels Rugs
9x12 Size, Beamless, beautiful
patterns. Regular An An
price 1 13.50 ; spe- J.JJB
clal sale price v,,ww
33.03 Regs $19.98
Fine Wilton Rugs
9x12 Siie, Seamless, bis line of
patterns. Regular AA if
price $30.00; ape- JSIJI Hfi
clal sale price VVVJ
$22.00 Rags $14.9$
Beautiful Azminster Rugs
9x12 Sice, floral and oriental
patterns. Regular Ail (r
price 122.00; ape- JW4 MX
clal sale price. . . . V
$23.00 Rngs $12.48
Handsome Velvet Rugs.
9x12 Size, Seamless, rood line
of patterns. Re-gu- & A in
lar price 120.00; 3l2.'lo
special sale price. ,vs. vr
$25.00 Rags $15.98
Fine Azminster Rugs
newest pat-
8-3x10-6 Size, In
terns and colora.
Regular $25.00
rugs; aale price.
$4.50 Rnis $2.65
Azminnter Small Rugs
86x72 Size, big Tariety of pat
terns. Regular
price $4.60; on r
sale, at.
$28.00 Rngs $17.98
Seamless Wilton Rugs
8-8x10-6 Size, In a splendid as
sortment of pat- &4H AfJ
terns. Regular J I
$2 8 rugs, at ,,vu
S20.00 Rags $13.98
Tapestry Brussels Rugs
Seamless, 9x12 size, big assort
ments or patterns; aj a aq
regular price $20; MfVHA
sale price v w
$48.50 Rags $34.98
Bigelow's Bagdad Wilton
None better, 9x12 size, big line
of patterns. Reg- (ft ft a AO
ular $38.50 Rugs,
60c Surface Linoleum sz 35c Sq. Vd.
" Sale on Third FloorPlenty of Salesmen to Wait on You Come Early
T . . i i igsa - Tg5SwSy?S'f'Wj
A Great Sale of Furniture Samples
From Grand Rapids
Show Rooms
All on sale Tuesday and
Wednesday at less than
wholesale cost one or
two articles of each pattern.
Beds, Buffets, China Closets, Tables, Rockers, Etc.
$25.00 Heavy Brass Beds . . $16.50
$12.50 BrassBeds $9.50
$12.00 De Luxe Bed Spring, four in stock $7.50
$25.00 Buffets, 44-inch top, six patterns, one of each $16.50
$17.00 Fireside Rockers, cane seat and back, solid mahoganyj six patterns. .... .$10.00
$3.50 Bed Spring, best link fabrio $2.00
$19.50 Fumed Oak China Closets, round bent glass doors and ends $10.00
Six odd patterns Dining Tables, 48-inch top, quarter-sawed oak, prices $19.00 to $24.00,
on sale at .$15.00
$4.00 Babies' High Chairs .. .V. $2.00
Fifteen odd patterns Babies' Beds, worth $7.50 to $10.00 each, Vernis Martin and white,
one of a pattern '. ? . $3.95
Five patterns Kitchen Cabinets; worth $25.00 to' $30.00, floor samples, all complete,
. C1 t (in
v-s. s .vr
Massive Library Tables, fumed or golden oak, one to three of a pattern, .worth $24.00,
for $16.50
$30.00 to $35.00 four-poster Mahogany Beds (three-quarter size only), solid mahogany,
in this sale .".7... . . ............ . . . ... ...... $19.50
November Grocery Opening Sale
X..T la your moath's snpplr. say f o
easb aaS save frea as M,pes .eat
oa Se oo.t ot Uvtagr.
ie us. st rtrma SI. 00
Why ray ll.TI to for a sack ot
flour when you can buy the test Dia
mond H brand, made from the be
.elected No. 1 spring wheat nothing
rtn.r for breiMl. ales or $1.3fj
cakes, per wuh
10 bare IHamond C Beat 'Em An or
laundry Wueen Whit. Lundry Bi
for a 3.
S lb, beet White or YtUow Cornm -si
S lha best Rolled White lreakf.t
Oatmeal for Be
4 I ha fancy Japaa Rice or Pearl T-
tora for ase
Bklnner's Macaroni. Vermicelli o-
r-paahcttl. h
-lb. tana Wax, String, Green or lj a
Heons ;
1-16. can. Early Juno Tab!. Pea Sl.e
No. i can. pols'a be.t oldcn Pu
ktn. Hftmlny or Pauer Kraut, caa TVi.
No. I ran Porte and Benn. TVe
No. I faucy Kllced or Halved Calllor
nla Pach.s. packed In heavy yru',
for e
Per doeea SX.SS
The beat 8oda or Oyster Crack era,
per lb i TVe
E. C. Cora Flekes. akg. , S.
Grape Nuts, vkr 100
Herahcy. Breakfast Cocoa, lb. . .800
V.aet Foam. rkg.
ti. O. Blend, th. coffee of quality.
has no equal. S yoaada tot S1.M
itis srsrsr csvov ssvixs rmtirrs
sow yjr.
Fancy new California Mulr Peach...
lb TH.
Fancy New California 0-70 Prunes.
lb. TH
New Fancy California Cooking Figs
per lb THo
Vency New Apricots. "r lb.....lae
Fancy New Seedless Ral.lns. lb., (Ho
Fancy N.w Sllv.r Prunes. lb...lSH.
New Lemon, Orange or Citron Peel,
lb. SO.
Imported I -Crown Flss, per lb-. . .aoe
Imported Fard Date., lb ISO
Imported Hallow.' .a D.t.s, In pkc...
each IH
N.w Comb Honey, per rack... 171..
t-os. Jar Pur. Strained Honey... S&
Tk. Beet Creamery Batter, 9 Q e
eartoa or balk. U
The best strictly fresh Rggs. dos. Se
The heet No. t storage K 's. dos. 80
Imported Swiss or Roquefort Chee.o.
rer lb.
ancy Domestic Swiss, equal to Im
ported, lb. 19
is ike. sn m4 aie 1 Rc
Ohio Votawea , w
12 lbs. good Cooking Apples tv the
fieck - for l&e
mth market baskets Freeh Em'i,
Csrrots or Turnip, for SOo
4 bunches Fresh Beets, Carrot, or
Turnip, for ,...6o
4 bunches Fresh Radi.hea. .. . .. .6.
4 bunche. Freh Lttuce a.
t. large Koud Bunches So
Fancy Solid Cabbajte for kraut, 100
los. for Bo
ay a boa of faaer Taklma, Wash-
gysiy . . .. $'G $
Liquor Dept.
Old Taylor, l-yr. old. full qt...
Clarke'a Pur. Rye. -yr. old.
Qurkenhelmer, l-yr. old, full qt
Scheni.y Rye. s-yr. old, full qt
Cellar Brook, l-yr. old, full qt..
Old Crow. 10-r. old. full qt...
3nnny Brook, l-yr. old, full qt.
Spring Hill. l-yr. old. full qt.
flreen Brier, 8-yr. old, full qt..
lireen River, l-yr. old full qt..
Hall and pa.aa order. preatpUy
Try HAYDEMFipsi .in i mm, ii.ipinn ti in. ii wi. ii HitM m HVJ Mmi'ww. ujiaapnaj r.yji .-arTt'iiiMimwrei