Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1915, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
The Doe Is The Paper
r Mk ri tt r piaa
aor taaa a ft days.
keve The Be uM to yea,
VOL. XLV NO. 117.
fNM, M Betel
aTew ne4a. M
j T
1 ft
' a
Aged Han Who Killed Mrs. France
Campbell Telli Different Story
from That of the Dead v
Had loaned Her Money and She Had
Told Him Husband Wat Dead
Waa There to Collect.
R. M. Smith, 614 gummet avenue,
East St. Louis, who shot and killed
Mrs. Frances Campbell at the resi
dence of Mrs. Ella Wldener, 220
North Nineteenth street, Sunday af
ternoon, related the Incidents lead
ing up to the shooting at police head
quarters yesterday morning.
"Mrs. . Campbell was formerly
Frances Mitchell of Cartervllle,
Marlon county, Illinois. I had known
her family before she was born, and
when she moved to St. Louis, where
I lived, I met her, and as an old
friend she came to me many times
with her troubles. I am married and
am 69 years of age. I was colonel
of the Fourth regiment of the Illi
nois National guard for fifteen years,
and during the civil war fought with
Eighty-fifth and Thirty-third regi
ments. Were Only Friend.
"Our relations were merely that of
friendship nothing wrong. Franco had
had trouble with her husband for last
five years. He did not work steadily she
said, and beat and abuaed besides pro
viding nothing for her support at times.
Frances always came to me In these
troubles and I advanced Iter money to
tide her over. I believe they separated
fully twenty times since they were mar
ried. 1 never saw him until yesterday..
On September 23 she phoned me that
her husband had died In Chicago as the
result of an accident while working on the
railroad- She told me he fell between
awo cars, bis feet were severed, and, from
the shook, he died. Further that he had
a policy with the Railroad Protective
association for $2,030, but he had bor
rowed on tt, was back with his dues, and
she was afraid that she wold be unable
to collect. I loaned her the money to pay
a lawyer and advised her to see one at
once. When that is setled and I get
the money I'll give you tf.000.'' she said.
I replied that all I wanted was the money
" X had loaned her. Which amounted Kit, all,
to about 1500. . She then lived at 1615 Lo
cust street, but after telling .me hep bus
band was dead, she moved to the Prin
cess hotel. I was to met her at
o'clock a few days ago, - when she said dally to his office in the Times building.
aha had collected the insurance and would I In 1907 Mr. Preetorius. in company with
pay me what she owed me. I kept the! the late John Sshroers. founded the Bt
appointment, but she did not show ;up. Iuls Times, an afternoon paper pub
I then went to the hotel and learned , Uhed In English.
that she had come to Omaha. Her hus-l Ha was a colonel of the staff of Oov-
band had been here about a year, I un-
derstand. ,
Feasi Throach Baaaaae Cheek
'Through her duplicate baggage checks
in St. Louis, I was able to learn in
Omaha where the trunks had been de
livered. X arrived here Sunday morning
about eleven o'clock and went to the
house, I told Mrs. 'Wldener, the land
lady, that I wished to transact some
buslnes with Mrs. Campbell, and was
" I"""", " , I em part of the state, where he operated
and wh'a three flour mills, at Ilorce. Kellsh and
told her I had come for my money she j valentine, died after several days' IU
asserted that her lawyer had the money ; ne yMterd,y of pn,umo,,ia while on a
in trust, and sl.e had left everything In hunting trlit' with M. C. Peters and a
his hands, together with some work in ; party of hunters, near Cody, Neb.
connection with an estate of S2.900 left! The body will leave Cody today and
her by her grandfather. She agreed to i will srrlve home Wednesday morning,
give me power of attorney to collect what Mr. Oilman's two married daughters,
was due me, and I was wall' satisfied, i wht live at Davenport, la., and who
We chatted a bit, and I left J wer. called to Cody by the news' of his
Maa Room.
-Jt seemed to ma that as I entered her
room a tall, thin man, but half clad, left
by another door. As I walked away
from the house, north, this same fellow,
fully dressed, came out of the place and
left in the opposite direction. I thought
(Continued on Page Seven, Column One.)
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Tuesday:
For Omaha. Council Bluffs adn vicinity
Fair.; cooler.
t Omasa
, i b a. m
LjiL J 10 a. m
fPM :E:::::
v " p. ra
S P. m
swaZsa- p. m.:.::.'::::::
ii i ' S p. m
raasparatlT l-ocal RresH. i the participants In the congress:
lni. IA. 1M3. U12. j Lady Aberdeen and the other delegates
Highest yesterday "5 5 ; were to be the guests of honor at a
lowest yesterday 4 Si . W ,un,.heon by th. Women's board of the
Mean temperatuie 1. mm
frecipltaUon 00 .V) - l exposition, at which Mrs. Phoebe A,
Temperature and precipitation depar- I Hearst, honorary president, was to pre
turea from the normal: . . side. '
HveM1 ""td'ay l ' Th 1Ut ot Pfk "l the luncheon
o-naMltfiriencV anca"March'i!!"!V.!! : Included Lady Aberdeen. Mrs. W. E.
Normal precipitation f Inch
Ieflcienry for Uie day . inch
Total rainfall alnce March 1..K. 23 Inches
Deficiency snce March 1 2 11 Inches
1 Efficiency f r cor. prl d. 1 4. t.91 inches
deficiency for cor. period, 1912. .W inches
RtHrti (resa Statloaa at T P. M.
Station and State Tentp. High- JUIn-
ot Weather. 7 p.m. t. fall.
Cheyenne, part cloudy.. 6u 70 .)
avtnirt, clear rt 7'J .M
Iwnver, clear w H .
lies Molnve, clear 71 74 , .)
licjdge City, clear . ti .04
lender, cluudv 4 M ; .0t
North I la te. patt cl udy 61 ."1
(Jmaha, cltr ii 7.1 ' .'0
Hapd City, clear & M ' .u0
J nra Fe, cl ar 3 s .0
eheiidaa, clear i U n M
i-ioiix .ly, clear U i .(o
Vaiuntine, clrar to ti , .It)
U A. WluLHH, luteal FoMaster.
New York, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. Mr? M. Roessinjr of Pittsburgh is tho
Pennsylvania State Suffrage association prcx Raymond Brown of New York
City is the president of the New York St .Jf ,.t and Mrs. Alice Stone Blackwell of
Boston is tne head of tne Massachur ,0 . -non.
Prominent St - Lonis Newspaper
Owner Killi Self Became of
Lone Continued Illness.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Nov. 1. Edward
L. Preetorius, -publisher of the St.
Louis Times, committed suicide this
morning. ,'?'.'.
Mr. Preetorius, who was president
of the German-American press asso
ciation, which published the Times
and the Westllche Post, was found
dead In the bathroom of his' home,
where he had shot himself.
la Aatamohlle Accident.- , ,
He wss O years, old and had. been la
poor health since January, M, when an
antamnWla.isi mtotol, "was? Tiding was
struck by a Street car and a deep gash
was cut in his face. . .' ' . . .. .
' Blnce that time he had -been unable to
attend' td "his' newspaper Work until a
; few weeks ago, when he again went
rnor Hadley or Missouri and was
active ciuDman. . ti - .
Stephen E. Gilman
Dies of Pneumonia
Whils Out Hunting
Stephen F. Oilman of Nellgh, Neb.,
one of the best known men in the north-
illness, left' Cody - yesterday, and Will
! arrive here today.
The body will be taken to Davenport
for burial. There are eighteen men from
Davenport In the hunting party and "they
will all accompany the body. . . .
He Is survived by a brother, who resides
in Council Bluffs, anil the two daughters
who live In Iavenport.
Mr. Oilman formerly had a wholesale
distributing house In Omaba, with Charles
E. Block as manager.
Lady Aberdeen .
Will Preside at
Women's Congress
Ut BAN FRANCISCO. Cel.. Nov. L-The
f . Marchioness of Aberdeen, who with
j Lord Aberdeen, arrived here yesterday,
us 1 was to -preside today at the opening ses
4 slons of the International Congress, of
' ' Women. Several score of . womuu from
all parts of the United States and from
71 several foreUu countries were here to
J ; take part in the deliberations - of the
' congress.
&! ; Today was set aside toy the Panama
ad ; Paclflo exposition for officially welcom-
I Callender of 8lam and Mrs. W. E. Ban-
ford of Ontario, Canada.
PITTSBURGH. Noy. -Approximately
S.OdO workmen In the hand wladow glass
factories of Pennsylvania, Ohio.' Indiana,
Kansas and Oklahoma started work to
day, after the usual mid-year shutdown
at an advance of t per cent. Orders were
said by manufacturers to be abundant,
and while export business wae developing
slowly it was expected to incraase stead
ily because of the taige number of Belgian
factories that have made no glass since
the beginning of the war.
: 1
; - i . J
Formal Announcement Says Cere
mony Will Be Near Last of the
Month at Mrs. Gait's Home.
WASHINGTON,; Nov. 1. It was
formally announced today at ., the
White House that the marriage of
President Wilson and Mrs. Norman
Gait will take place "near the close
of December' and that It will be pri
vate at Mrs. Gait's home here."
This statement was Issued by Secretary
Tumulty: . '
"lh order to quiet speculation. Presi
dent Wilson and Mrs. Norman Gait to
day authortEo the announcement that tholr
marrtag svlljr' -take, place nar th closed
of December. Their plans are for, a vury
slrrple ceremony. It will be quietly per
formed at Mrs. OaTt's' residence.' No tnvU
i tations , will be 1st fed and it la expected
' that the only guests will b the members
, of the two families."
i President Wilson has abandoned the
visit to 'Shadow Lawn, the new summer
White House near Long Branch, N. J.,
he pla'nned to make next Friday "with
Mrs. Norman Gait, his fiancee, as he
has engagements In Washington.
Tomorrow . the president will co to
Princeton, N. -J., to , vote at; the state
elections, returning to Washington after
casting bis ballot.
Hear Admiral Little
Pleads Not Guilty
to Neglect Charge
BOSTON, Nov. 1 eRar Admiral William
N. Little, retired, pleaded not guilty be
fore a naval court-martial today .to
charges of neglect and carelessness while
on duty as an Inspection officer during
the construction of the submarine, K-2, at
the Fore River Shipbuilding company's
yard at Qulncy two years ago.
Rear Admiral Bradley A. Flske was
president of the court-martial end Lieu
tenant Commander Alfred W. Johnson as
judge advocate, opened, the proceedings
by reading the list of charges. James L.
Latimer represented Rear Admiral Little.
Lieutenant Radford Moses, . the first
witness, stated that he was one of the.
inspection officers at Fore River during
the building. of the K-2 and subsequently
was its commanding officer.' He said he
called the attention of Lieutenant Child.
another inspection off iced at the yard, to
certain defects in the battery cells. ' He
testified that he did not report the de
fects to Rear Admiral Little, but talked
the matter over with him. The contrac
tors. Lieutenant Moses stated, objected
to making any .change In the battery
Commander Ia.Umer, counsel for Rear
Admiral Little, raised the point that theJ
condition of the cells did not constitute a
defect in workmanship on the submarine,
but waa due to construction by their
makers, a New York firm, which, he
said, had been required by specifications
to furnish them. .The court went into
executive session ti dlsousa the point.
Army Aeroplanes
to Try Long Eight
HILLSnORO. Tex., Nov. J. A squad
ron of six army aeroplanes will make a
fllgi.t from Port Sill, Okl , to Fort Bain
Houston, Tex... sometime between No
vember 2 and December L This became
known here today when the mayor of
HUlsboro granted permission for the aero
planes to lend near the city limits for
a slay of one night. The flight will
be the first of its kind undertaken by the
United State army.
ROME. Nov. l.-(Via, Paris.) The
fighting between Berblan and Bulgarians
In th Tlmok valley has been desperate.
A Bucharest dispatch to the t'orrlere
Delia Sera of Milan says the Third
Bulgarian regiment of Infantry was al
most destroyed, only fifty men survlv.
tng. Public buildings and barracks at
Wtdln, Bulgaria, are filled with wounded
mea. March, 12 16 rents, representing a drop of
Thle newspaper also states that 20.000 i7 to 31 points under the close ot Hatur
Berblans have taken refuge in Roumaola. J day. -
Mikado Informed Flan of Changing
Form of Government Will Not
- Be Postponed.
PEKING. Nov. 1. Tho Chlnost
government today rejected tho pro
posals of Japan, Or eat Prltaln and
Russia for postponemenr of the de
cision whether a monarcblal form ot
government Is to be re-established.
Tsao Tulln, vice minister of foreign af
fairs, called at the British, Russian and
Japanese legations nnd Informed the min
isters the Chinese government had been
advised by provincial officials that they
would t able to maintain tranquillity
during the ra-estab.iahment ot the mon
archy; ;
STaae Yulin thanked the powers for then
friendly Interest In the welfare of China.
He said the decision concerning a change
In the form ot government was wholly
In the hands tt the people and that, there
fore. It would be impossible to adopt the
suggestion for a postponement.
The vice minister's communication was
verbal, as were the representations of ttas
three powers.
. Monarchy Seems Prohable.
WAXHINGTO?, Nov. 1. Information
received here from official sources in
China makes It appear that the triumph
of the monarchical Idea In the elections
now In progress In China Is almost cer
tain, and It is Impossible that the change
In the form of government will ba an
nounced before the end of the year.
Slate department advices are to the ef
fect that elections are now In progress in
no less than 1,800 counties, where the
electors are now choosing delegates to
provincial conventions which will meet
at the local capitals. These conventions
will select delegates to meet as a na
tional convention In Peking.
The object ot the uatlonal convention
primarily was to pass upon the work ot
the council of state, which has been re
vising the Chinese constitution- As an
after thought the central government de
cided to submit to the national cltlxens'
convention the question of the re -establishment
of the monarchy. It Is expected
that the work of the local conventions
will be finished by November 0, and the
national cltlxens' convention will meet at
Peking Immediately after that date to de
termine tho fate of the republic.
The Washington
government has de -
elded to refrain from any action at this
stage and has so informed the diplomatic
representatives 'of Great
it- I
Slid Rusula. who feared another revolu-
tlon in China as the result of the over -
throw of the republic.
Aged Gibbon Woman
Goes to New York to
Get Aid on Mortgage
NHW YORK, Nov. 1. (Special Tole
gram.) Mrs. Frances E. Htudevant. 81
years old, of Gibbon, Neb., called on Po
lice Commissioner Woods today to report
that an l'l'-a she had gained from reading
that there are scores of wealthy women
in this city eager to assist the unfortu
nate had been about dissipated.
"There Is a mortgage of 3,0u0 on my
home," the aged woman told the com
missioner. "I read about all the wealthy
women here who could help a poor Wo
man, so I saved up my pension money
and came to this great city. It waa a
long trip for an oW woman like me more
than 1,(40 miles.
"I had a list of the names of all these
women. I have called at their homes, but
none of them will see me."
Police Commissioner Woods has no
funds with which to send the old woman
home. Hhe la being cared for at
Barnabas' home.
Cotton Prices Take
Another Big Drop
NEW YORK, Nov. t-Heavy and gen
eral selling by the south carried prices
In th local cotton market off fully 91.60
a bale today and made new low records
for the present decline. During the first
hour January sold as low as 11 W and
Taylor Receives a Ballet in the Back
As Machine Gnns Pepper the
United States Custom
Villa's Attacking Forces Exchange
Shots with Carrania Men in
DOUGLAS, Arts., Nov. 1. The
general attack of General Villa on
Agua Prlela began at 6:30 p. m.
The firing was very heavy.
DOfGLAS, Arli., Nov. 1.- U. V.
Taylor an American, was shot
through the baik by a Mexican ma
chine gun bullet, at the United
States custom houe nt the time,
Taylor was taken to the American
trenches facing the custom house,
DOfaLAH, Aria.. Nov. l.-At 1: p. m.
the battle of Agvit Prteta began.
-The guns of the garrison of ' Agua
Prleta opened up at that hour on the
rapidly advancing Villa forces near the
slaughter ranch house. The Villa forces
halted and began lo entrench. .
"We expect to take Agua Prleta
within two hours," said First Captain
Jose Herrera at l:a p. in.
Captain Herrera. at the head of the
skirmish line, had stopped at the 81 ligh
ter ranch house for a moment to fill
his canteen with water. Captain Her
rera stated General Villa was himself
at the head ot the cavalry on his left.
Scores of swarthy soldiers begged fur
water, saying they had had nothing to
drink since last night.
The Villa skirmishers continued to ad
vance steadily and at 1:S5 p. m. were
within rifle shot of the Agua Prleta de
fenses. Refugees Immediately began pouring
over the American line. (General Callos
moved a three-Inch gun mounted on a
flat car to a point on the west aide of
town within a few feet of the United
States customs house. It was after this
that the Villa shell struck that vicinity.
About a mile back of thorn a dosen field
gui had been posted and preparations
made to commence the bombardment
when foot soldiers and cavalry got within
striking distance.
One Villa shell burst la Agua Prleta
within sixty yards of ) the United States
custom house at :ls P. m.
The Villa shells began to burst to Agua
Prleta shortly before 1 o'clock. A doseh
houses on the west side of the town went
to dust and a number were killed and,
Callea hospitals In trench dugouts In
the west side of town appeared busy.
Stretcher bearers were seen moving
through communicating trenches, Pesplte
warning advice ot United States military
officers the roofs of Douglas houses and
the streets opening on the border Una
were thronged.
ftaella oh Aaaerlcaa Bide.
Two shells, apparently from the Callea
forces, passed over Company I, Eight
eenth Infantry, on the American slda near
the lino east of Douglas.
These shots were apparently aimed at
the Villa reserves, statlcned half a mile
cant of the Slaughter ranch house.
The Villa guns were about 300 yards
from the American line. They comod fir
ing after a few rounds, the gunners evi
dently realising that they were drawing
the fire ot the cannon too close to tho
American line.
Oil Strikes Cause
Boom at Grcybull
GREYBUIyl Wye. Nov. 1. (Special.)
"Coal Oil Johnny" had nothing on
numerous residents of Oreybult In the
matter of suddenly acquired wealth from
oil, and Indications are that many more
1 Qreybullltes will be in the same class
I within a short time , Kvery well sunk on
the townslte to date Is an oil strlk and
Iwer virtually worthless bid fair to Join
j the millionaire Income class.
I Four new wells have been brought In
during the last week. Fifteen rigs are
working In or immediately adjacent to
the town and other strikes are believed
to be Imminent. All government land
within many miles of the town has been
blanketed with claims, and a large area
of privately owned land ha been leased
by individuals and corporations seeking
A conspicuous example of "oil pros
perity" is Ous ficholx. night foreman of
th Burlington roundhouse. Schols owns ',
the lota on which the Midwest company j
made Its strike.' Irior to this week his
Income was (100 a month, now It is more
than 11,000 a month. The . Id west com
pany is paying Bd $31 a day royalty.
The Income of Judge Mets and his as
sociates from Die well which they
brought In Is between 1100 and 10 a
j Mourners Throng
French Cemeteries
PARIS, Nov. 1. All Kaints and All
fioula Pay will be observed in Paris and
throughout France today and tomorrow
by" pilgrimage of wreath-bearing throngs
of mourners to the cemeteries. In most
of which are burled soldiers who have
fallen on the field of battle.
Home memorial services were held yes
terday. Including pllgrimmagea to the
cemeteries on th Marna battle ground,
th grave of Paul leroulede, the poet,
at Bt. Cloud and to the monument erected
at Pere I chaise cemetery to th 171
French writers who have been killed In
I the aar.
At Havre the cemfteries wer visited
by a procession comiKised vt Belgian min
isters, the Havre city council and Brit
ish sympathlxers.
Kdltor Now York Rtaata-Zeltung.
Famous Publisher Diet Suddenly at
Home in New York, Aged Sixty
Four Tears.
NEW YORK, Nor. 1. Herman
Rldder, treasurer of the democratic
national committee and publisher of
the New York Staats Zeltung, died
suddenly late today at his home In
this city.
Herman Rldder was a native of
New York City and has lived here
all his life. He waa born ot Ger
man parents on March 6, 1851, at
400 Greenwich street. At the age
oft 11 he went to work In a hat store
and soon after secured a position
with a Wall street firm, where he
remained until his thirteenth year,
when he entered the employ ot the
Tradesmen's Fire Insurance com
pany. His connection with that com
pany lasted for. fourteen years, the
last seven ot which he spent as an
la 1171 he left th insurance business
to take up newspaper work and founded
the KathoUsehe Velksblatt la 18M he
established the Cathollo News, which in
a short time waa reoognlied as the lead
ing Cathollo paper of th country.
Mr. Rldder became a stockholder In the
New Yorker Ktaata-Zeltiing In 1890, and
was elected a dtreetor and the treasurer
and manager. These offices ha filled un
til be but me the president of the corpo
ration, whleh office held at th time ot
his death.
Active la fahlle Affair.
. tit. Rldder took an actlv part In
politics as an Independent democrat, and
he had long been an ardent advocate of
tariff reform. He was a prominent par
ticipant In th Cleveland campaigns and
In the various reform movements In New
York City. He was treasurer of th
democratic national committeo during
the 1P0S campaign.
He Is trustee of th Emigrant Indus
trial Having bank, the Mutual Life In
surance company, th German hospital
and the Catholic Protectory, and a mem
ber ot th New York City Publishers'
association. He was a director of the As
sociated l'reas and the president of the
American Newspaper Publishers' asso
ciation. Mr, Rldder was a member of the Cham
ber of Commerce and of the Manhattan,
I.lcdorkranx, Arlon, Catholic, Reform,
Democratic, City, New York Press, Ger
man Press and Hardware clubs, and also
of the Ltoutschur Vereln.
Maes harHable Wark.
Much time had been devoted by Mr.
Rldder to charitable work. II was a
member of the Charity Organisation so-
j cltty, the Isabella Hetmath, the German
: socioty, the Bt. Vincent d Paul society,
the Legal Aid society and a
number of
similar organisations.
He was a member of th American Nat
ural History society and of the Metro
politan Museum ot Art and was con
nected with other societies of like char
Mr. Rldder waa presiding vice president
of th Hudson-Fulton 'Celebration com
mission and as such he took a very ao-
ttv part In that great celebration,
The Day ' War News
today a coatlataatloa of the par-
whole fret. tslderabl pro
rraa It as beea aaasl la th dtrre-
lloa ef Ms-. Repals ! a Seralaa
a-a-aler attack la th apnea Mo
re, a realoa la claimed.
Preara aavaae aoat aa th Var-
j.r aear Krlvolak, In aoathrra
Herhla. bat were obliged te retire
after aastalalas heavy lasses,
salealWI dispatch states.
aacacy aays th reesstar af
Veles, la athrra Serbia, hy the
Balaarlaaa haa bee a affletajly
aea esisa aa th ValllaoU ae
alasala have he a seat ta Bel.
Bart front I'aaataatlaoplc,
MILAN NfcWSPAPKR has reeelrea
vrora front Bachereet that twa
I Blr 4s f the gesrrsU aa the Ron
try' military pollry, declared la
aid af th eateat allies.
Anglo-Saxons Are Helping Irencl,
and Serbians in Their Attempt
to Capture the City of
Line of Communication with Hun
Vary Up Danube Value is Be
ing Widened.
BERLIN (Via Amsterdam and
London), Nov. 1. Th Serbian town
of Kraguyevats, at which is located
the great Serbian arsenal, has been
taken by the Germans.
lit l.LKTl.
BERLIN, Nov. 1. (Via Wlreleat
to Sayvllle.) Bulgarian, artillery
that has advanced from Knlaxevao
and Plrot'has begun a bombardment'
of the exterior forts of Nlsh, accord
ing to a dispatch from tfofla, given
out today by the Overseas News
LONDON, Nov. 1. The British
troops In the Balkans, whose move
ments have been kept secret since
they poured Into Salonikl, prepared
to rush through Greece to the assis
tance ot Berbla, v are now in the
trenches with their Balkan allies, at
grips with Bulgaria, just across the
frontier near Struroltsa. Though all
reports that the allies have taken this
town apparently are unfounded, it li
along- this lower stretch of the front
that the Bulgarians are likely to re
ceive the first hard blows from their
rrotn Uskup north to the lanub th
Bulgarian offensive has made such pro
gress that It seems to be out. of tha
question for the Serbians to do much
mora than fight rear guard actions for
th present With Ptrot In their bands, the
Bulgarians are menacing Nlsli more ser
iously than the Austro-Oerman foroes.
based on th Pave and Danube crossings.
IsrarUaa Are ACvaaclnv.
In northeastern Serbia, the Bulgarians,
well across th Tlmok river, ar pressing
forward vigorously In order to widen th
Una of communications with Hungary up
(Continued on Pag Two, Column Two.)
Series of Earth
Shocks Recorded
at Washington
WASHINGTON. D. C. Nov. l.-A series
f sever earth shock wer recorded by
th Georgetown university's seismograph
her early today which lasted for about
three hours.
Th first shock waa felt at 1:41 a. m.
The main phase of all th shocks waa
relt at 1:24 o clock, the tremors dying
away at 8:11. The disturbance Is roughly
estimated to hav been about 4,000 mllea
from Washington.
Th record Indicated that tha earth
quake waa an exceptionally sever one.
The Rev. Francis A. Tondorf, th sels
mologlcal observer, said the shocks must
have been disastrous. Judging from tha
Indications on th peculiar record. Ha
thought the earthquake probably was
centered In northeastern Siberia or Japan,
where shocks of varying Intensity ara
of almost dally occurrence.
LONDON, Nov. I.-Th selsmological
observatory of Scotland recorded at T
o'clock this morning a heavy earthquake
In or near Japan.
All Rights
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