Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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Kara shed Hooms.
ROOM In private family, good looatioa.
l. Poloi,Ul Ae liT
PARK AVK. 1Ij Ptlvste lainliy; nss at
tractively furnished room; best iroom
modatlons; hom privileges; two-minute
cur service. H S"M
fc'14 IKH:GLA8-New,jr furnished rooms.
Kurnni-y hct Clour In, Kid K.M.
WANTKD Two roomers In private fam
ily; walking Hlnnncf. Tyler 2:M-,
ONE tiliw front room, all modern walk
Inn distsnoe. Win 8. ?."t h Avu. Doug 41 3.
Ilnuwki'cp-ki Rooms.
or t nice mm., houtfkwrlin. 111 a. nth.
Hl MA)N on room for two gentle
men; use of den. H. Ttiei
l)AVKNPOHT, S0.'6-Large, modern suite
housekeeping niomi; also sleeping
rooma. with private both H. Ml.
Haasee sail toll .
-ROOM house on 5 lots near Krug Park.
Ideal place to raise chickens. Special
Inducement to desirable tenant. T. Hatch-
ford. Red 7"3P.
If.ia ORAND AVE. S rooms and bath;
strictly modern; oak finish thcroughout;
til bath; rent 122.60 per month.
tSt Ptate Rank Bldg. Phones Sunday.
Walnut f; weekdays. Doug. 1SH.
f EVEN rooms and bath, all modern. 2624
Manderson St. Phone V. 320S.
KEVKN rooms, Zifi Charles, wi Phon
FOR RENT Beautiful
mod-srn r "sl
dene. T rooma and bath, iot irittr
ot wattf
neat, iarge garaKe; at
Large as rate: at 3J-'0
Klvd. Pnone Colfax
WALKING distance. 2C: Dodge, S-roora.
modern, 2i; key. 2640; call Web. 4S75.
t-R. MOIiKRN house. I'.IW Web. LyiT.
271ft Ohio St., 7 rooms. 17. Doug. 4479.
ELEGANT 6-room cottage modern ex
cept heat. Apply S210 Hamilton St.
8-ROOM house, with 3 acres of fruit; 2
block from car line; furnished and
unfurnished. Call Walnut .
Rent Reduced
Nice S-room house, modern except heat;
storm windows' arraiiKed for two fami
ne If so desired; rent $J2. ioll Corby St.
Tel. Web. 7X81
t-R. cottage; mod. ll S. 81st H. 93.
Hiincora Pk. Dlst., nice 5-r. cottage, mod.
ex. ht. 1748 3. 23th St. Low rent. 1). S16.
1-ftOUM house and sleeping porch; Fl-ld
club district. W) S. Ave. H. 38J4.
CLOSE-IN, desirable five-room cottage.
modern except furnace. Gi!8 . 19th Ave.
Tel. Douglas 4236. W. A. Hlxenbaunh.
STRICTLY mouetn. 7-r., Han-com Purk,
cottage, oak floors, 825. Tel. Har. 422.
t-H. model i i-oltHM-, I'e.. Har. 1206.
T-ROOM. modern. SKS Foppleton Ave.
NICELY furnished, atrictiy mod. 7-r.
house, $; 2106 Vinton St. Red 3XA
MODKKN 7-room houie, Para Ave.,
836. Harney lag.
627 PARK AV K. s-roorn mod home, .to;
garage extra. Carey ( leaning Co. H. 7307,
tROOM cottage. Ill S. 28th St., 815. Water
6-ROOM cottage, part modern, big yard,
818. 2335 S. 11th.
FOUR-ROOM house, partly modern, 242
So. l"th St. Phone Douglas 48'.
Fine modern home, practically new,
prettily decorated, Kood woodwork,
easily heated, good location, near car
lines. Inquire 712 Park Ave. Harney 1241.
fi-r. hou-e.
nod. x. heat. 860 S. 21st.
6-ROOM house, modern except heat, 718
Hickory St.
6TRICTLT modern 5-room bungalow,
bullt-ln bookcases, buffet and flre-
t'ace; one-half black from West Farnam
'undee line. 114 S. 44ih St. Tel. Wal. 3361.
7 rooms. 2 blocks Farnam line; close to
cathedral and Saunders" school. Owner
leaving city. Call Doug. 2715; evenings
and Sunday. Harney 6134.
FIVE-ROOM cottage, rnodern except
heat. 3210 Hamilton St.
-r mi d. house. :14 I e e:ior h. W. ft.
STRICTLY modern 6-room house, with
garage. 3214 Cass. Phone Har. 6231, after
I p. m.
DI'NDEE 7-room house near car Tel.
D. 421 or Walnut 3117.
modern except heat. 820 month. 831 S.
21st St. Harney 276.
1 NORTH 32d Ave.
Kii;ht-room modern house, West Far
nam District. Hardwood floors, choice
location- too.
345 Omaha Nat. Rank Hlilg.
M laerllnuroui.
Stores, moves, pack, ships; 1-b.orse vaa
nd 2 men, fl.Zii per hr. ; storage $2 per
mo. Katieta. 'ion cnar. D. 431K ,t Ty 23a
7-ROOM modern house. 3317 Seward.
Phone Dovglas 2SS for complete list of
vacant houses and apartments also for
etorsee. n'ovlnK Vtn nr-t .1-i'ksf,n H
GOOD horse and w;ig"ii. Col. 410. i.3"2 N.34.
B-UOOM cottaue for rent, one-half block
from car. Webster 2151.
Gordon Van Ovi
tl N. 11th St
Tel P W4 or Har 1MT.
GOOD auto sales room on Karnnm 8L
Verv r,.esonMhie r: 7f' hnug 489.
MODERN 7-room bouse; barn: good lo
cation; f2k434SFranklln Walnut 3048
FEE the CtTiTrtl FMiniture "tore FREB
Maggard's S
Vn and Storage
lng. packir.K, shipping
Do'iB'HS 14!.
I'. 13 Webster St
fEVKN and five-room houses: modern
walking distance Donirtaa 4F.
H .Ml cot CreU'h Son Co, Bee Blug.
,UM In all parts of the city.
J""" n . J rip. . moving.
I KPPQ pecking storage.
$411 33 0 Lavenport, i rooms, mod., new.
8-10 5S? S. 2X( h, 6 large rooma, modern.
$;5 !i:i N. lth. 8 room, bath.
$18 2.V.4 8t. Mary's Ave., a rooms bath.
$1516 Steward. 5 rooms, toilet barn.
114 l&oii N. 20th, 4 rooms, toilet.
810 Clark, 3 rooma.
K1NOWAI.T, I'rwnd. ls Theat. r Hldg.
FINK 7-room. modern house and giruge,
$W. ?1K Li'livoi. Si. CuM W. b 7!ifi.
BENSON-tfli: AlcKIuley St., 6-r., cleeirlc
light. Kns. cny
barn. $ir. lei W
light, tins, city vrnter. cistern, garden.
walnut L'ill.
FOR coior. d io;'le i and :-room cot
tages, partlv modern. I- 0 1S4? N. 2.'d
ft Cull lin'll! ''"",
tores and Offices.
MODERN convenient offices. Continental
block. Rales reasonable.
u' avtfh to nrv
WANTED TO BUY Four second hand
wheel such a are used on go-curl or
tahv bUKKlcs; wheels m ist be in good
condition and from eixht to ten inches in
i! In meter and ull of the same size. For
further information Phone Harney 4"H3.
Scrap Iron
Wanted 1,000 ton wrap iron In carload
lots. For prompt shipments out of north
and southwestern territory of Grand
Great Western Iron
& Metal Co.
Grand Island, Neb.
OFFICE furniture bought and sold.
C Heed Vn Fsrnsin. Doug 14
Uriel I y hixh iivi Web. 3, J.
Yale bus everything Id hand Web. 44.
HKiHE&T prices for oidcloihilirD77li
NH'El-Y f urn. find m; u,- a.ut bedroom,
by young couple, in,; fam.iy, ref
erences exchanged. M 1'.-. lite.
V ANTi:i Kurnithed 4 or S-room epart
ment for winter month by couple; no
rhllrtren. In respectable neighborhood,
walking dlstanre and not ovr $14 per
month. If going away and want to lrae
your furnishing In rare of people that
lll trent them with respect, answer this
advertisement. Address F la, Hee,
WANTEI S or connecting room, with
bath furnished, for housekeeping;
round floor preferred. State price, g, H.
H., General Lellvery. Omaha,
FOR ALK OR LEASE-Any part of .0M
acres Htr Kcaetown, Saskatchewan. I
raised ISO.IW bushels of oats and .WI
bushels of flax on land this year. Trios
cheap and terms very easy. Frank Craw
ford. Omal a. Neb., or Poeetown. Sask.
I OWN ( acre, all under Irrigation, lo
cated at Fort Morgan. Colo.; no Im
provement; price, rs per acre. What
have you for M..W equity? Address 24.
Hurt St., Omaha,
FOR SALK-l.'5-acre farm, S miles from
Council Muffs, on the. Lincoln highway.
Address J. HhiiiiIosI. n. 8. Box 74.
I'PPK R WISCONSlN-rieet dairy and
general crop state In the union; settler
wanted: land for sals at low price on
terms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wlseon
In Central land Grant. Excellent land
for stock raising. If Interested In fruit
lands aak for booklet on apple orchard
Address I -and and Industrial Deptrt.. 8o
Line Hillwav, Minneapolis VI Inn
ew York.
IS cows, team, tools, crops and hens go
with this lo-acre farm; house, basement
bnrn, new silo, orchard and woods. Price,
8ti. '.
4fi acres, house, barn, orchard, stream,
coma team, tools. Price. I-').
80-acre farm, house, barn, orchard,
woods, stream, cows, village one mile;
city, 8: school, 10 rods. Price. 11,400; 8.'X
cash, II'IO yearly. Write for photo. Rail
road fnre one way to purchaser. II MUN
SON. 2426 S. Salina St., Syracuse, N. Y.
900 ACRES of the best wheat land In
Western Nebmska; 40 acres school
land, 640 acres privately owned; cut near
30 stacks of choice upland hay on enly
purt of the section this year: balance of
glass stand knee-high. This land 1
unimproved, except 2 tulle of fence. You
can't find tetter land anywhere. Price,
1.2i) for school land In cash; $19,200 9r
section, 84,(iO cash, balence to be paid
21.0KJ per vear with Interest at per
cent per annum. More cash, better terms.
Will not sepurate. Write Y 124, Bee.
UNIMPROVED 210-acre stock farm In
Douglas county for M an acre. Address
Y 15. Heo.
FOR SALE SO-acre improved farm, good
frame buildings, all stock, horses, hogs,
mschlnerv and crop; fine location. 81
miles from Grand Rapid, county seat:
40 rods to school; all for only 85.500, half
cash. L. Gross, Grand Rapids, Wis.,
Route 1.
M laerllanrona.
Write a good description of your land
and send It to the Sioux City. la.. Journal,
'Iowa' Most Powerful Want Ad M.
dlum." Twnty-flve words every Friday
evening. Saturday morning and every
Saturday evening and Sunday morning
for one month, giving sixteen ad on
twelve different days tor 12; or words,
14, or 75 words, 86.
Largest circulation of ny Iowa news
paper, 2M),QU0 readers daily In four great
FOR Rent 4M) acres, nicely Improved,
two mile Herman. Grant Co., Minn.
Haney I-and Co.. Herman. Minn.
8100 TO 81,ouu made promptly. F. U.
Wead. Wead B'dK . Ith Dt Farnam Sta.
CITY and farm loans, t, 5H. per Cent
J. H. Dumont Co. 418 Stat Hank
A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand
furniture Into cash.
WANTED Gwod farm and city loans at
lowest ratea
PKTKHS TRUST CO., !2 Farnam.
CITY property. Largo loans a specialty
W. H. Thomas ?V. Sta'- Bank Hldg.
OMAHA Inines hn' Neluk laima
1118 Omaha Nstloial Phone Douglas 2711
MONEY on hand for city and farm loan.
H. V. Finder. City National Hank Bldg
tC' CITY LOANS C!. O. Carlberg. H0
12 Brandels Theater Bldg.
iseaij estate i-im exchange
$10,000 slock of good, saleable mer
chandise, good location, to trade
for land or income property.
For land or Income property, one
of the finest and best located resi
dence propeiile In Blair. Value,
$ f.
Fine fr-apartment Ick building,
good location. Annual rentals,
$2.tS0. Will trade for Improved
farm land or No. 1 reslden e prop
erty In Omaha. Price. $3o,iy.
80-acre tarrn In Washington
county, Nebiaska. to exchange for
On. aha Income pioperty.
205-acre, good, Iowa farm to ex
change for de;irable Omaha resi
dence property.
3tl.-4 Frundels T1 eaier Bblg.
Omnha. Neb. Tel D. 12S0.
II. C. WestcrHard. Paul l'otr"s n
FOR EXCHA KaE-TmTcranearlntral
City, cheap land preierred. Pox as,
I-ynch. Neb
t-roim cottage. Council Hluffs. SO acres
Irrigated Colorado land; for lots or c.t-1
tage in Omaha. Colfax Z09.
FOK trilo or Exchange K4) acres good !
arm lana, uraut ijo , aiinn. i-rice ro
per acre. Want resilience or small stock
merchandise as first payment. Easy
tcnim on balance. Haney Land Co., Her
man. Minn.
M'.OOM house price 4.; terms, M
cash, Im lance $.' per month; act quickly.
I'honc Uouglas i..
OWNER will sacrifice S-r.. strictly mod
ern house, with larse eeplng room, oak
loors, woodwork nicely decorated. Terms.
Phone Webster 1127.
West Farnam Lots
East fronts on ."Kth St., Just north of
Poile HI., in that newly developed dis
trict, for $2,000. Restr ctod to .good
homes making an especially safe place
to build. We havu built several houses.
It Isn t too late to start one for you and
have it ready early in spring. Only two
east front lots left in the block look at
them today.
Harrison & Morton
BIG BARGAIN House for sale; must be
removed; some pleasant location at 2.72
Harney; look it over snd give us an
offer. John Lof. Web.
Best Buy in Benson
Just the place for retired farmer
Six-room hous two bedrooms and bath
upstairs, dining room, kiichen, parior, den
or bedroom downstairs; oak .loora down
stairs; modern except heat; ground 7x
12, excellently located. I1 block south
of car line; nice lawn; fruit tree und
small fruit; ci.icken house; screens and
storm windows the Leat place in Hciiaun
for anything like the muney $2,yx.
F H. Ollser, 2C14 N. fist Benson.
Ii u ii dre.
ONE of the finest lots In Dundoe.
lu iliC.
111 HOT PTITI If Ann
muoi niw itiuiiEi
Bishop Thomas of Wyoming Telli
Synod Episcopate is Under Fire,
but Going Forward.
Bishop Thomas of Wyoming made
ja strong plea, for loss cumbersome
machinery of administration In the
j church at the Saturday session of
:the Episcopal Synod of the Province
I of the Northwest.
! "The episcopate Is under fire," he
declared, "and It Is going forward,
not because of us, but In spite of us
for the reason that there la no work
to be done by the members of the
The bishop described a meeting
of the board In New York once every
three months at which, he said, an
enormous book of questions and re
quests that have come from all over
the field Is brought before them and
over which they study for weeks and
come to unsatisfactory results be
cause, In the nature of things, they
lack the necessary knowledge of each
case to make decision. The coun
cil of advice Is similarly hampered
by a mass of details.
"It Is as though a professor In a col
lege taught every branch instead of
specializing In one thing," said the
Leaner of the Past.
"In our dioceses everything goes to
the bishop or the rector. And for this
very reason many Important things are
pigeonholed. It Is a legacy to us from
the past when the clergyman waa the
most Intelligent man In the community.
But today the clergyman can look Into
the faces of many laymen who took
higher rank than himself at college.
"We need a method of administration
that will establish a point of contact
with the laity who have ever been the
salvation of the church."
Rev. Dr. II. L. Burleson of New York
general secretary of the Board of Mis
sions and one of the family of five broth
ers, all clergymen, roused great applause
when he announced that the emergency
fund of 8400,000 had not only been raised
by the church, but exoeeded by 828,000.
Raise More Than inspected.
"And yet," he said, "when we members
of the board determined to try to raise
this great sum we thought In our hearts
that if we attained to the half of It we
would do well."
He also announced that, for the first
time In seven years, the board Is out of
debt and on September 1 it had 89,960.64
In the treasury.
Rev. H B. Woodruff of St Paul, Minn.,
spoke on "Ways and Means In the Par
ish" and Rev, C. W. McWllllams of
Olendlve, Mont., on "The Clergy Pension
The afternoon sessions were held In
the crypt of Trinity cathedral because'
Of noise from a bulldlnff nnrMnn
Joining Gardner Memorial halL
Committees Named.
The following committees were ap
pointed for the year:
Social Sorvlce Bishop Reecher, chair
man; Very Rev J. A. Tancock, Rev. H.
U. Uatley, Rev. F. C. Smith. A. U. Al
bert, lr. George Mogrldge and J, 11.
V alton.
Religious Education BIshoD McEIwaln.
chairman' Rev. F. L. Palmer. Rev. Q. U.
Bennett, Rev. J. K. Burleson, R. Clever.
J. I). Giifrilh ui:d John llayward.
Board of Missions Bishop Longley,
chairman: Rev. J. C. Sage. L Haumr.
( eorgo D. Whitney Rev II. F. Parsliall,
itev. ii. ii. u juauey ana J. a. Home.
In the evening a mass meeting waa held
at which Rov. W. K. Gardner of New
York, secretary of the Joint Commission
on Religious Education, spoke on "Re
ligious Education."
Judge Q. F. Henry of Des Moines spoks
on the topic "From a Layman Point of
View." and Rev. Dr. J. Ii. Freeman of
Mlnneapo is on "The World-wide Preach
lng Mlsuion."
Strenathrn Bore Back.
Help, Welf Kidneys.
Take 6 drops of Sloan's Liniment four
times a day and apply to small of back.
It kills the pain. All druggists. Adver
tisement. Court House Lit Up
Like a TraiLHitter
The court house was In gnla attire last
t1-'ht, the new electroliers on the front
r.pproueh being lighted for public In
spection all rvonlnp. With them In posi
tion and In working order, the handsome
new ouildlng gathered new beauty and
was admired by hundreds of Saturday
night shoppers and theatergoers.
Frank Lrfitonser, son of Architect John
Latenser. Is swarded ths credit for con
ceiving the Idea and working out tho
design and details
'ow l.nnkont,
When a cold hangs on as often hap
pens, or when you have hardly gotten
over one cold before you contract another,
lookout for you are liable to contract
some very serious disease. This suc
cession of colds weakens the system and
lowers the vitality so that your are much
more liable to contract chronic catarrh,
pneumonia or consumption. Cure your
cold while you can. Chamberlain's Cough
nrmcujr nu a great reputation. At is
relied upon by thousands of people and
never disappoints them. Try It It only
costs a quarter. Obtainable everywhere.
Dan uee.
This house was built (or a
home, but owing to ehna
in plana It must be o44.
I will be at the house Sun
day to show you through or
call Harney i'4 tor appoint
Still, Small Voice Forces Him
to Send Uncle Sam a $5 Note
That atlll small voire which chides and
torments men and women by day and by
night when thev do wrong has been at
wotk on some Omahan.
"Why did you take It?" the voice kept
Oh, the government never missed that
small sum." the man answered.
"That doesn't matter: you knew it was
wrong; you knew you shouldn't take It."
persisted the still small voice.
"Oh, shut up! I'm all right. It lin't
worth bothering atwuL Forget II," said
the man.
"Can't forgetcan't forget-can't forget.
Pinful sinful sinful. It s a blot-a blot
a blot."
Thus did conscience nn r, nng, nng, dny
and nK-ht, night snd day.
Friday afternoon the man (or woman,
maybe) capitulated, bau'ed down the
black flag, opened the gates of bis soul
snd conaclence marched triumphantly In,
driving out the assembled armies of
"gloom," "remorse" and "despair."
The letter was pofted In Omaha at 5
P. m. Friday and addressed to "C. 8.
Knights of Pythias Plan to Hold
Monthly Entertainments for
Members of the Order.
Nebraska lodge No. 1, Knights of
Pythias, held an open meeting last Mon
day evening to entertain their ladles and
friends. The first part of the evening
waa given over to music and speaking.
The Misses Coulter and W. J. Culley en
tertained the crowd with vocal solos. W.
T. Penney and Grand Chancellor George
W. Meredith made speeches In which they
emphasised the strong features of
Fythtanlsm. I A. Mangold gave his
adaptation of Sitting Bull, with the piano
prelude by Miss Mangold, which was well
Guy W. Green of Lincoln, Introduced
as the Swede from Ptronwnurg, told some
anecdotes of his early tlfe and made the
hit of the evening.
Chancellor Commander A. A. Taylor
had general charge of the entertainment
of the evening and all those present
agreed that It was one of the most pleas
ant evenings ever spent by the lodge.
Mr. Taylor announced that the lodge
would attempt to give an entertainment
for the members and their friends each
month during the winter.
The latter part of the meeting was
given over to dsnclng and the serving of
refreshments. The entertainment ended
at a late hour, with everybody' talking
and looking forward to the next event.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
Beacon lodge No. 20 will have four can
didates for the Initiatory degree next
Tuesday evening.
Wasa lodge No. 1S3 will celebrate the
twenty-first anniversary of Its Institu
tion this afternoon, beginning at 4:30.
This lodge waa organised October 31, 1890.
and Its membership Is confined to men
who can speak the Swedish language.
Grand Master Sam K. Greenlcat will
make the principal address, and the pro
gram will Include an orchestra and re-'
freahments. P. A. Edqulst will tell about
the history of Wasa lodge.
Dannebrog lodge No. 216 will have
class of candidates for the Initiatory de
gree nest Friday evening.
General A. R. Stocker, commander of
the Patriarchs Militant branch of the or
der, arrived In Omaha Saturday after
noon. Cantons Elra Millard and Etter
gave him a banquet at the Pax ton hotel.
At :30 p. m. the Patriarchs Militant de
gree was conferred upon candidates at
Odd Fellows' hall, following which a .
reception was (Wen by the women of the I
Degree of Chivalry In honor of General
Order of f4tasra.
Omaha drove No. IS), Patriotic and
Protective Order of Stags, which was In
stituted In this city October 17 with 4fi7
members, hss started off with great en
thusiasm. Already there are over 800
additional candidates to be Initiated into
the mysteries of the order at the next
meeting, which will be held at the Swed
ish Auditorium November T.
Besides the drove already. Instituted
here, Southwestern drove No. 139 of South
Side, which has an Independent member
ship of over 200, will be launched today In
Kobella's hall, Forty-second and V
In addition to the above two droves,
drove No. 137, which will be located near
the postofflee In South Side, will be ready
to be Instituted November 14.
Woodmen of the World.
German-Amerlcsn camp. No. 104, will ;
meet November 1 at Bohemian hall,
Thirteenth and Porras street. Im- '
portent matters will bo considered by '
the membership and It Is hoped a lartte
number will be present. j
Kosclusxko camp, No, 3.ri2, will meet
today at 911 North Twenty-seventh
street. South Side. This camp hss shown :
activity in securing new members, nmk
lng a substantial growth for the last
quarter. ,
Schiller camp, No. S04. will entertain
Its members on November 4 at German
Home, 4404 South Thirteenth street. The
program will be an old time musical
entertainment Interspersed with d sluguc
and recitations.
South Omaha. No. 211. will hold the
regular meeting November 3 at Mc
Crann' hall. The Interesting meetings
held by this progressive camp always
Insures good stttendsnce.
Zlrkuv Dab, No. 15, will meet this after. '
noon at Turners' hall. Twenty-first and
A streets. South Hid. An Interesting
program will be rendered and a good
time promised all who attend.
Commercial cemp No. 478, have ap
pointed a committee on arrangements
for Its annual banquet which will be
held In the nar future. An official an
nouncement will be given In lodge Items
next Sunduy. giving time and place. Its
large Increase In membership during the
year Insures a large attendance at the
Druid camp. No. 24, holds Interesting
sessions which are largely attended by
Its membership. The new and up-to-date
headquarters recently built by this
camp makes its surroundings Ideal for
entertaining large crowds. The member
ship of this csmp and grove are cer
tainly taking advantage of this modern
Sob'eski camp. No. 75, wilt meet
November 7 at I o'clock at the new
Bohemian hall. Twenty-tiinth and Wal
nut. Columbus, No. t, will meet this after
noon at Prague hall. Thirteenth and
Jackson streets.
Brnih'rhnml of 4merle-u itumn,
Wednesday evening, Omaha Home.
( stead 14o4, will hold an initiation in lis
Postofflee Department, Omaha, Neb."
Inside the envelope wa a slip of paper
on which wns written the single word
"conscience'' and In the slip of pa I'e r
wss folded a IS bill.
The writing was done In purple Ink and
apparently with the left hand In an ef
fort to disguise It.
Conscience Is good, but a term In a
federal prison Is another thing agn'n.
Thus the writer seems to have reasoned.
Now arises the problem where to put
Ibe money.
"I wish the person who sent the money
would wrlle another lino and tell where
he got It." said Postmaster Wharton. "If
It was paid out to him by mistake In the
money order department or at a stamp
window the clerk had to stand the loss
and should have It refunded to him. Of
course, If he got It by some criminal act
1 can soo why he won't wsnt to let ti
know. Hut he can write anonymously
and tell us so we'll know what disposi
tion to mnke of It."
"Hilly" Sunday Is given credit for
10' i sing the sleeping conscience.
hall In Ijbor Tetnplo. The Fremont
degree team, under the supervision of
District Manager C. I Saunders, will
put on the degree work. Other local
homesteads In the city will have their
candidates Initiated st the same time and
It Is expected that a class of about
seventy-five will be Initiated. The state
manager, W. J. Tlley, and also a repre-
strntMtlVA tram tht timrtiii ntfin -ti1
be on hand to welcome the new mom.
The next dance of the winter series
will be given on November 10.
I.ariirs of the Maceahee.
The toadies of Laurel hive. No. 19. will
give a card party on Thursday after
noon, Novemlier 4, at their hall In the
Continental building, Fifteenth and Poug
I' streets.
Trlhe of Ren liar.
Mecca court No. IS, Trlhe of Ren Hur,
have a campaign for new members on.
which Is In rhsrge of re. . O. White
snd Mrs. Ada Selsle.
Independent Order of Foresters.
Nebraska High court. Independent Or
der of Foresters, met In Omaha Friday
st Twenty-f.iurth snd Vinton streets,
with T. U Combs, high chief rangor,
presiding. Much business pertaining to
the welfare of the order waa transacted,
and the reports of the various ou.ccrs
showed the order to be In a very pros
perous condition. P were formulated
for the further extension of the order
In this Jurisdiction, and all present were
fully Imbued wtlh the spirit of boosters,
and adopted the slogan of "watoh' us
grow." After the business session a
smoker wss Indulged In and enjoyed by
all. The following officers were elected
for the ensuing three years:
A. p. Koops, hleh chief ranger,
ranger Jonann'n. vice chief
i t. Y; ,Mulr. hlh counsellor.
K. I. S1nkleman. high secretary.
A. U Hunter, high treasurer.
Dr. A. J. Aberly, hlfrh physician.
high d'torT" a"d ThmM
A delegate to the supreme court ses
sion was slso elected at this meeting
John W. Muir being chosen to represent
Garfield Circle.
All members of Garfield e'rele No II
Dadles of the Grand Army of the Rel
".one. are requested to be a
maAili., rri
t circle
inumaay evening for Inapco
KjTh L"d,l,7' uIIIn' to Clan Gordon
No. frt iii L.u .. .
at tha'hom. of Mr Fulton 2 Z"Z
treet. next Wedn.,i J "'!
o'clock. ' """"""
NovB?0rt;n Na 68 Wl" """t Tuesday,
will be followed by a ,cnI. A d
Program will be given, followed by re
freshments and dancing.
Fraternal A Id I'r-lon.
Banner lodge No. 11 sv..,.,
union will give a card party and d,
Thursday evening. November 4. at
...... riiieentn and Douglas.
- NFAV YORK, Oct. Sl.-Although ths
cases of Robert Fay, the confessed Oer
man bomb plotter, and four other men
charred with conspiracy to blow up
teamer bearing aupplles to the alies
probably will bo tnke,, before the f.d rnl ;
K.o.m jury, next Wednesday. United
Slates District Attorn, y Alley Snowden
Marshall, said today the government
would n it hasten
Fny's iis.'ertlon. his purch.ise of ex
plosive, experiment with bombs, and
bis source of fit sncial aid. together Ith
his previous standing In Germany. Mr.
Mnr-h'ill fhIiI, s-c to be made the subject
of minuto Inquiry.
Vork Co! trice,
P-of ani .Mrs. O. R. D.vs vMtcd st
Lino., n oyer Si.turrtac ee l Huoifiy and n.led the N. tr- I,raHka gnnio.
'I he coll. gc Is eo- .pe.aHnu' In every way
It run w th th- evMn.-. site campaign
now being carrlcl n In V..rk. Large re
sults have ulr-ioly he. n ured
i r"f' . C. Morgan delivered an address
Ii. fore the Hundav scl. I convention of
the northeast dl trl. t of Y.ok county Inst
Sunday. The s elect d Beutard was the
leu p. ranee pro I lorn.
Prof. Mlsner and students of the de
partrornt of evprrsNlon li.-ld an open
meeting iMst M m.lav ev. nlng Interest
ing select ,,ti. were rendered Ly members
or the rlHNMe lii exprceHl'in.
Misses Ijimorit snd Peterson, members
or the I,.,wrv evangelistic party, vlitltrd
h ip. I Thurslsy morning. Mis Lninont
leil the devolli.riil ever' Is iu,d mad a
short talk, alter which -Mlas Peterson
The annual li.lnt ml
the Voing .vim's ('"rlMiHti association,
m.i im loing vv. m.n s Christian
rUtton was held M.mliv evening.
L r. Johns, the n. w college pun lor,
ui-ra.-1-u i or beoci:it loll.
.lake Olur, quarterback of the foot ball
team, who wa quite seriously inlured In
the Kearney-York game is rapidly re
covering, lndlcati lis p .lit that he will
br a Lie to take his regular place In the
Cotner game this week.
elirel.n Hrilnnn I n'reraltr.
Dr K' hreckengast Is delivering a series
of addresses at Osmond and in suround-
Ing towns.
Che nr ellor Fulmcr gave an address at
Ituvmomi Thursday evening and one at
L.ufclo frliluy evening.
Dnniel Jones, head of the piano depart
mi nt of ihe eonnervstory, gttvu a rvcllal
In the Temple theuter in IJncoln last
Monday evening.
Prof. Ksyner addressed the students ot
the science depari merits on "The Rela
tion of H' lance to l'hllosophy" last Thurs
day evening.
The Hurllrb f'oncert company quartet
gave select in a from Kleoleul at convoca
tion Wedmslay morning. This company
of lner 1 comiosed of students in the
Conservatory of Music.
ult y are planning to aUeml the Nebraska '
Maie lea. hers tusoi i.itlon at Omaha this
. ", nowr.rr, win noi urn am- ;
m used, as only a part of the teaching
fores will be autfeut at any time.
Man Who Resents Insult to Wife
Fatally Wounded by Knife
Oscar Carlson, 25 year old and a
carpenter employed on the World-
Herald building, wgg fatally stabbed
late last night by a Greek niaahcT
who had Insulted bis wife. He la
dying .t St. Joseph's hospital, his
Intestines being severed and an
artery In his arm slashed open.
Harry Pallas, a Greek, formerly
employed aa a cook at the Calumet
restaurant, wan arrested several
hours later by Detectives Dunn and I
Kennelly. He was Identified posl-'
tlvely by Mrs. Carlson, who picked
him out of a bunch of fifty other j
Greeks of similar appearance. !
Pallas' shirt front was stained with
fresh blood, and his hat. which fell to
the ground In the fUht. was covered
with dust. I
Spies Masher at WnrU. I
Carlson and his wife had walked down '
Jackson street from Eighteenth, In order
to get a street car to their home, 31 27
South Ninth street. Mr. Carlson walked
I ovcr'1 "r" "w"y from hl" to
look Into a nenrby store window, r'nl
when he turned around, saw the man
make an unwelcome advance toward
Mr. Carlaon. She shoved him away,
and Carlson ran up. The Greek pulled
a knife, closed with the Irate husband,
and plunged It Into his body several
He then ran south, throwing the knife
away as he ran.
Police Surgeon C. B. Potts tried to stop
the flow of blood, and he had a hard
battle keeping the victim alive until he
reached the hospital. Late advice from j
the hospital says Carlson Is still alive,
but has no chance for recovery. Dr. Fhlls
regards his condition so serious that he
In remaining constantly at the bedside.
When Pallas was brought into head
quarters, he denied that he ever saw
Carlson or Mrs. Carlson before.
Mr. Carlson, however, wss positive.
The prisoner was tsken from a, Greek
lodging house on South Fourteenth street.
where he waa surrounded by a crowd of !
his countrymen,
The detectives were accompanied by
Mrs. Carlaon. No sooner were they Inside
the door than Mrs. Carlson cried out:
"That's the msn!' and pointed to Pallas.
Ths detectives seised him and Immedi
ately noticed blood on his shirt.
lie was taken to the hospital by the
detectives In the hope that Carlson would
be ablo to Identify him. I
Carlson raised up on one arm In bed,
gave one look at Pallas, and said: "That's
tho man."
Pr. J. R. Llehtenwallner, owner of the
Maryland and Virginia apartments, chair
man of the boys' and girls' department
and member of the finance and executive
committees of the Billy Sunday cam
paign here In Omaha, had the honor of
driving "Billy" to the union station last
Sunday night, when he bid all Omaha
j goodby. A dosen or more limousines and
autos were offered to take "Billy" to
the station, but ha waved them all to
one side and said, "No, thanks, I'm go
ing with Poo," and he Jumped In. Dr.
Llehtenwallner has always driven
I "mly" hom" t0 th " hotel frm the
I tb "'" meetings, and "Billy" got to
know where the car was located and he
would leap away from the rest and Jump
In. and often "Ma" would wonder where
he was, only to find him tucked away In
the doctor's car, with his handkerchief
stuck In his mouth, a habit he had to
keep out the night air, and thus came
about a warm acquaintance between
"Doc" and "Billy."
Mr. Paul Getssrhman, head of the Fest- '
ner Printing company and, vice president
of the local Ben Franklin club, was oper
ated on at St. Joseph's hospital esrly
Sunday morning, a serious Inflammation
of the bowels having developed In the
course of only a few days. He had been
working In his garden one afternoon Isst
week and It is believed strained himself
m dolts- r,l..,i.,. -.i.w .k. i.
that strsngulatlnn of an Internal organ
set In. Pr Simpson, who mas treating
the patient, called In Dr. Rlx late Satur
day night, and upon consnl'a'l -n an oper
etloi vii declared necessary and was I
performed by the latter the same night, j
T'l, 1 1 .. v. ir ci , , .... . I
i.i'.'.fm wi r uriB-c nmann s conauion Is
pronounced extremely critical It Is be
lieved his rugged constitution will secure
a full recovery.
Edasrd A. Dow ras received official
advice from Ihe State department at I
Washington announcing his appointment
to the consular servir. following a .ie !
cossful examination.
He I to report at Washington on No
vember 10 for the usual period of Instruc
tion In Ms new duties. He does not know
what post he will be ssslgned to.
Mrs. Dow and Edward A.. Jr., will ac
company Mr. Dow. Thi home here will
be sold or leased.
Everyone Likes
This Cold Cure
Tape's Cold Compound" ends
a cold or grippe in
a few hours.
Tour cold will break and all grippe mis
ery end after taking a dose of "Pnpe's
Cold Compound" every two hours until
three dusese are taken.
It promptly opens clogged-up nostrils
and air passages in the head, stops naaty
dlschsrge and nose running, relieves sick
headache, dullness, feverlshness, sore
throat, sneering, soreness and stlffnes.
Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing
and snuffling! Ease your throbbing head
nothing else In the world gives such
prompt relief as "Pspe's Cold Com-
P"d." which coats only 26 cents at any
drug- store. It act) without asslstanoe,
tastes nine and causes no Inoinvrnlano
. " 1 na cu no inconvenience
Aocept no substitute. Advertisement.
His Satanic Majesty Drops Regular
Duties Enough to Fay Visit
to Quiet Village.
Hnllowe'en spirits of every Ilk held
hlMi carnival In the new gymnasium at
l'llevue c.-iiIckc Frdny. Even his
Satanic Majesty suspended operations In
the lower regions long enough to graco
the occasion with his presence. A
shrouded skeleton, pale, ghosts, decrepit
witches, patrioil: dam-rls, nog o m nstrels,
ennny Scots, hnyseed farmers, sporty
young dudes, escaped convicts, court
ladles, Dutch girls, yum-yuin and yama
yama twins, gorgeous clowns, cowboys
and cowgirls, plrntes, Franciscan friar,
Roman athlete, flowers, maid of heart
a motley throng, they wandered smomr
stack of sere, brown cornstalks and
grinning Jack-'o-lnnterns.
At the hour oi nine trie masters fell
Into line by twos for the grand march,
and then, to a blnck-face minstrel'M tune,
tho evening's program begun. Two sits,
three sits, a moonlight walk, a Virginia
reel anj extras, tach with appropriate
musical uccompaniinent. was the order
of the night. A fortune-telling witch and
a red and white- clown with a "hlt-tho-baby"
concession, attrnctod tho company
dining Intel 'missions.
Finally the spirit were marched from
on end of the floor to the other by
ones, twos or threes, while all guessed
their Identity. Five remained unguessed,
of whom Hemic e Dunn, as a witch, re
ceived first prise, a box of bon-bons.
Substantial creature, capable of appre
ciating the food of earfi-people, these
beings were. To conclude the evening
revel they were served with pumpkin
pie a la mode, hot coffee, wafers, apples
and nuts a feast for the gods.
Apartments, flats, houses and cottages
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Bee "For Rent."
Schooner tlrlaas lllah Rate.
ROSTON. Oct. 30. The six-masted
schooner Kdward J. Lawrence left here
today to begin a voyage which Is ex
pected to return to her owners S52SOI),
said to be the highest rate ever paid an
American schooner or carrying coal.
The schooner has been chartered to
transport 6.OH0 tons of coal from Norfolk
to Barcelona, Spain.
A Weak, Nervous Sufferer
Restored to Health fey Ly
dia E. Pinkham't Veg
etable Compound.
Raaota, Minn. "I am glad to gay
that Lydia E. rinkham'i Vegetable
Compound nag dona
more for ma than
anything: else, and I
had the best physi
cian here. I was so
weak and nervous
that I could not do
my work and suf
fered with pains low
down in my right
side for a year ot
more. I took Lydii
E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound, and now I feel like a
different person. I believe there is
nothing like Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound for weak women and
young girls, and I would be glad If I
could influence anyone to try the medi
cine, for I know It will do all and much
more than It is claimed to do." Mrs.
Clara Franks, R. F. D. No, 1, Maple
crest Farm, Kasota, Minn
Women who suffer from those dis
tressing Ills peculiar to their sex should
be convinced of the ability of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to re
store their health by the many genuine
and truthful testimonials we are con
stantly publishing in the newspapers.
If you liavo tli slightest doubt
that Lydia J2. Pinkliani's Vegeta
ble Compound will liHp you.wrlto
to Lydia IC.lMnkltitm ,' IedicineCo.
(confidential ) Lynn, ,M hhh for al
vlce. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and liultl lu strict coulidciiciJ,
Death by low imlson I killing many t
muti, young In yeurs, who has made the
falsi mlnlaku of tailing to understand
the warnlnns of kidney trouble.
When ym r kidneys binin to lng In
throwing off natural poisons that accum
ulate in y..ur, me first warning!
come In I ttle twinges; or stlifness across
your back and hM. Urination may bo too, you niay leel - urea In
nirnlng when you should feel your b
The brjt known remedy for t)
v for r n s aa
trouble Is fl(.L.I MK1I.VI, Haarlem OH
Cupaiilc. Thi remedy has stood the
test for more than 2u years since It was
first prod iced In Ihe ancient laboratories
In Hanrlem, Holland. It act directly on
the kidney and bladder and give rellet
at once, or your money will be refunded.
i(l,I MKfiAl, H-iarelm Oil Capsule are
Imivorted ulrett from Holland, and can
be had at any dru tor Price. 2ic, 5oo
and l.O0. Accept no substitute. Adver
tisement. 'HSihsV
It I'M
TrovUe for the FUTURE of
your loved ones and yourself
ruthrr tuan generously spend
ALL, you earn now. How elcs
can you be just? We pa
savings deposits. You may
oien .an account with one dol
lar und maintain It with tho
pennies, nickels, dimes and
dolluri. you're lu the habit of
w aswng.
Try iu
1 I