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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1915)
THE BKE: OMAHA, MONDAY, XOVEMBEIt 1, 1915 WANT ADS ' v ant 'In received at any time, but l- I Insure proper elaaei notion must be pre i r ted before It o'clock noon for evening I'Miri and 7:44 p. m. for morning and j Funday edlliona want ade received after . Such hours will be under ths beading. T.o Lata to Classify." I CAH RATES. . I Sevan errieeouUv time. 1 ent a word Hch Insertion. t Tea or more consecutive time. 1H eenta fa word. 1 On tint, I cent a word. CHARGE B TF.S. 1 evm roneecutiva tlmea centa a line ! ah Insertion. . j Three consecutive timet. It cent a line . eae Insertion. ' I One time. II rente a Una. j Count tlx average enrili to a H" Wlni.-num cherae. 10 cent. An advertleement ireerted In e run ! until discontinued roust be stopped i written order. . . J A.I claims for errors must b ma'U I within fifteen Cave after the laet Inaer- j fkn of the advertisement. Yon ean placs your want .da In The , Bee by telephone. TLLi.fHO.SE TTL.HH 1000. J ca nn OP THA1K. 1WE wish to tuank our frienda and nelgh ? bors. Camp Uj. M. W. A., und Union 'Pacific employes for the sympathy ehown u In the sickness nml death of our h"e iiand and father; also for the beautiful florel ufferl-pe and services rend' red. MRS. A. Ul'NCAN AND FAMILY. We wish to trtnhk our neianonrn i frienda for their klndneaa, aympalhy and . f floral offer nxa In the aad beieavenient f and loaa of iny dear wife ana mom-T. f Annuel Si hmliit. ar.. Mr. and Mra. John i t ibohn, Mr. and .Mra. Herman H' hiiii'it, Ur ai d Mra. Aimuat Kchnudt, Jr.. Mr. land Mra. Ed Iioeman, Mr. and Mra. W. jO. Schmidt. Mr. and Mia. J. 11. l'lain- bock, Mr. and Mra Ed Lilxon. f TVe wlah to thank tba many frienda for their klndneta rendered durlna the i alckneaa and d. ath of our beloved hue j Land and lather; alo for tha beautiful f floral 5elrna. .... I MRS. ACULST OAPH AND FAMILY, j MR- ANU MRS. WILLIAM ABEN ' LiROTII. t TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM S ru ' llaalitoei ' !EMPRES9, 15TH AND LOUGLAS. Ji.aist t'lig No. W. "T' AP'u hc" of I'ttie." 4-reel Knlom dr. "FUn at a Hall Game," Eaaanay com. PIUNCS3. 1 3 1 7 - J i DOUOLAd. The White King of tha Zaraa, thrilling tale of Oarkeat Africa, In I reel. Oeo. Ovey In Jerry to the Ileicue, coin. Tourlua With Tlllle, comedy. ajortk. GRAND. ICTH AND BINNET. Four Reels of Good Pictures.' LOT11KUP. 84TH AND LOTliUUP. Mary Plckford In & reeU. The Eagle'a Mate," Bomtm. APPOLO. X884 LEAVENWORTIL From Out of tba Rig Knwa. t r. Vita. Double-Croenlrg Maim di ke. Kal, com. Jeciouny'e Foola, ilioirraph. W el. MONROE, 1555 FARNAM. Frohman Amusement Corporation prenenti Jack Shorrlli and Eugene O'Brien In Oeoree Ade'e eomedy, "JU8T OUT OF COLLEGE." 500 feet, and a laugh la every foot. walk aide. asssE, 24T1I AND N. Vli Wlreleaa. S parta. featuring OaU Kame and Mooth McRae OKPHE U if. SlTil AND at. Mutual Weekly. Curing Father, comedy. Two-Hpot Jo, I-rel drama, Kthel'a Romaoa, comedy. MOVIES FEATURES TODAY -A" i BESSE. 2 4TII A N. Via Wlreleaa. I parta, featuring Kama and Booth Mvltaa. Oatl EMPRESS, 15T1I AND DOUULA9 "The Apacheg of rarla," 4-rrl Kalera dr, LOTUROP. X4TU ANDLOT1IROP. llary Plckford tn "The F-egle'a Mate," i reela. MONROE. 2666 FAKNAM. Frohman Amuaement Corporation pra- , aenia Jack Hherrell and Luneae trurlen In lleorg Ade a couirdy, Juat Out of College." AKXOrK CF.MEXTS kXERCIaEai t C C. A Huainaaa me a NOTICE Why not become a dancing teacher and earn big money? I will prepare and put you in buaineaa when competent. MACKIE 8, 1SK Harney street. Omaha. UK fuinieh firet rlaaa huuitework glrle, malda, cooka, waitrcaaea and help uf all kinda for hotels and privala famll.ea. 1 m er national fciup. Offlca, 1611 Caaa. AUTOMOBILES Whenever you are eonaiderlna- aellin or buying a uaed ear and you want full elua for your money ur you want potle wi.a are 11. log to wf for what they are truing you will bave no regret If yuu uy ur advertla through the uaed car cuiun a of Tha Hee. , Ht.oiie Ty'r tiaH). , ill LIS of nnWage in your old Una tRet-ul t). bend tueiu to DL'O TUO CO., I n (. I, It go ht NKltKAaivA In. lik her vice fcl.liun, lali Farnam ft, 1'bone Douglas 7-1 liuo REWAhD for any magneto we cant repair Cutis repd B.ivioifei. jlO N. lkth. Alio, dealing bowe-, Mill and ex change u. "-d cara ' farnam D Will pay cash for Ford car, any con dition. B- -I,-, Bee. r . . i... l - . i . . I . . i . . or by m.,1 !,-. Ave.. Pa Bluf.a, la. FRANKLIN a-iHuaenser touring car, en aioe In fnat-ciahs condition. A bargain at f. I'lu ue Harney 4.M. Inoualilal Oarage ft, ., Mi a to tiarney bla IN'K bAlE Ford roadxtrr, not new. W". A. Reynolds. 2iui Faruam. M'A.-bENOKR, e-cyl. laVhTp. touring"carT tt cuii'iuioii . extia Urea; iicl louu lakes It. IhtUKias Kill. - -HDAbsTtH AUTt-t:.t. K. M. 1. ;-horo power, ptTfect condi tion, new gears, new Urea; leaving city Tuesday; will demonstrate. Pbona Red iM. or call 1114 W. O. W. lildg m'KIXF.SS niAKCES If ycur HuIisj Cluwics will atand r ki'l ir.-t!,:u., mu is )ust wnat It la 1 eriined. or If you are louking to start .In bosinea lor ureif you Hill tte t-r- (''1. SSI It fled U f' II UM tile HUSIUL'SS t I mice coij.'iiii of i ne Lu. IVhn, b.iv. l..g t. jm I tt,r a buxti, I'hone 'I v ,er lo.u rKLI tit 1't.y a tici.ri.rt'S cad ft u A htwt i-.a. V. Si. A nusixnss chaxcks Want a Grocery? Read what 1 ran offer you: My booka ahow a net profit of )2oO per month. Turn my stork twice a month. Abaul'.ite.jr no cnmiwtlituDj for six biix k. any direction. Hava up-to-date, Ireah stock of every thing. Vt per cent of trade la rah, remainder aa good aa fold. In thickly populated neighborhood, on atreet ear line; have frond school trade. la a, going business; trade ahowtng In crcape ecry month. la splendid oppc rtunlty for man and wife or one-men due, nee. Mr enle re.iaon for 11 ! n ar la that we are comiwlled to leave the city. Thla Htork and trade I a bargain at Jl(p.. hut I will aell for t c.ish. I wi:l be sled to prove every atatement In thl ed. Addreee I. 2. Hee tj it', i in ti tui oi ii'jniiirei. . 1 1 on i OANOrT4 0. 4!2 lice hlda I inut, 14, 1 THKA-TKltS liuy. lease or MI your the ater, mn'hlne and supplies throueri Thenter Fxr-h. Co., IW Ferriam 1. 1K97. KjL ITY in proriertv renting for 2i per month, for lund. lota, acreaca or Interest In bunlriee Hot 7i. Omaha. EK omeba Theater Bupply Co. for bar aalna In eetelill'ed xhone f 7n. FOR SALE- Kulnon dolne; good bualueai In bert of bualnesa dlntrb-t of Omaha; t otorv bill dlTift wl h t Mvlna tonma; own ir muat er at once; hna good reneon for B"ll 1 1 1 a: lii'1 H vfith st Tel, Imua. V' Xl I I.I.i Kit Y and lmlica remly-to-wenr atore. In lieat town In weetern Ne braaka. populatlin J.f'Ot), only millinery atore In town, all new etook. Ict of ree na rnr aeillna. lnet venr a nuaineea 14 50O Mra. Catherine lierbolaheltner, , rn. sh ri'SINK.-'H tplitcra, land, city property handled, all atalea. Jim wray, tloux Ctv, la I'ouble bowling alley, fully equipped, for aale or trade. John Specht, Btrang, N'eb. GOOD pny'DR established business, located between ICth and 20th, on Farnam St. Price $4,500 foe oullr rt ee.b he I a neo nn ! """" ! time. Address D 292, care Omaha Dee. WANT a good grocery In exchange for my 2-apartmcnt bilck flat, new, all moifcrn and up-to-date, located In the beet part of Omaha, worth flu.ftK). AIo a f I no, -room houae In beet part of Coun cil llliiff; will trade one or both for a Ki.od grocery bualncaa; give full draorlp- , tlon In flrat lutter. Addrcaa 2ail Cumtna 1 rit., Omnha. FOR HLE My lumber, hnrdware and coal buaineaa In Dakota City, Neb; only yard; county ct town. Fred Lynch, In.kota t Ii y. Neb. VACUUM cleitncra. nil ainndaid mitkoi Inweat prlcea; mai hlnea rented. J. I. I rURCUPlLJi. Iouglua 2360. luut Far- nam SL F.DICATIOXAL The VAN 8 A NT SUJ1U0L BTENOOKAPIIY-UOOKKKfciPINa Pay Bchool for Toung Woman. Evening kM-huol fur louua Alea and uuien. Saturday mjmlng ciaaa in typewriting, lone O. Luffy, Owner and Manager. tot Po isth Bt Omaha. li h.ilf lady aleuugrapliar will lake puplia; ahurlhand, touch typewriting, pelilng and (unuiuution taught. Indi vidual lnatructluu. Uougiaa tiL 'i'ai. Walnut lfiU7. BUBlNKUb COLLEUU STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES For aale. with good reajona for eelllne. e variety of couraea In a reliable BuaU neaa Hchool. one or the leading bualncaa collegea o4T Omaha. Will be aold vary ' reaaonauiw -away oeiow regular price. If you are conalderlng taking a couraa luveetigate thla at once, ainc Fall tana begtiik annn. ' all of'P'e. Omaha Hee. DAY SCHOOL BOY L EH COLLFUS N1UHT BC IDOL Every day la enrollment day. Book keeping. Miorthand, Mcnotypy, Typewrll Ing, Telegraphy, Civil Hervloe all Com mercial and English brauuhea. Calalugua free. BOTLES COLLEOE, ' lath and Harney St a. Tel. Dougiaa l.VU. Poylea ludg. lei. D. 1.4u, Omaha, Nab. roH sale, the following achoiarsuipa in a flrat rlaaa Omaha buaineaa ,ollxge' One unlimited coinbiiiatiuii buaineaa and rhortband couraei. One unlimited aienographlo course. One three-monuia' bualnrsa or ateno- (Tai'hlo touree. win pe aoia at a aiscouni at uie ornoe Of Tna Onwht , IX)R 8ALB FOR SALE) Here la a elaaatncatlon that i of tba ulmoat Uuportaoce to every reaJcr. as this column ulfera soma excep tional opportunities every day and a anuill want ad will aell your article at Its full alue. Phone Tyler PMO Ksrsllsre, Itaaaeknld Uooda, Kte. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HARD WAR K. lKt N. HTH. WEB.1W, AUCTION BALK. Furnlahlnga of an K-Room Home. Tuesday, Nov Id ,at 1 P. M. At Ui Harney Btreet. We will aell at auction, one piece at a time, the furniture, ruga, linens and com plete furnlahlnga of this hums. Don't full to attend tills aale. DOWP AUCTION CO., Auctioned i a. For auction dates and tertna, call Red f . Foil HALE riolar Hound Oak. IMnoh, hergnln. John I vck. P.IS Vinton St 1 IubI-l. bought and aold. J. C. Red, iseetKft VM r-n,.m t. Douglas aii ONE blrlM'ye maple and one oak dresser. t Verms-Martin beds, all nearly new. Will eacrliic to save whipping. D. dux FtUt KAI'l'i Furniture from a e-roum houae. li"l lavenwurth. CARPETS', stoves and bugules. D. 4-0. Fl'ltNlfUBE for aale. Wardrobe, suit able f ir oift e or clothing house. Call at 11! N. Slh Ht., or phone Walnut 7i. V ACL'UM cleajiera, all makes and prlcea. PJ. 11. Wiiliame. w 8. mth bt Iteraee mm4 Vefclelea. FARM wagon. I; harness, both new. JoliiuHin-Uanforth Co.. 16th and Clark f-t. FoR 8AL1M1 cd combination horee; welnht 1,I.J; city broke. I hone liiiU&E. bukgv and harness, tO. Wcu ster If Ml. Call alter a. in. MATCHED pair of mare, J.ToO Ibd.; alao delivery lure, i.xai lbs. LADY OWNER. 11 Booth J4th. il'WO biah-giade Jersey cows, fresh, 1L 4 li. Nli li-en Kl 8. 4!th Ave 1''. "JV". Penltry, Kaas aad gaillea. MXD grain, lou lbs. 11. Tl. Wagner, 801 N II. STEKKOTVrK matns make tn beet Sud rheepert lining for poultry bousea Thry are iucha. strouger and nwri 4 irable than tarred felt and practically Ote Pi. of. "W a eo.ndred at 'I be Hm uliut I 1 VWOL'TII sprn g pullets and 1-year- old I. slug bei.s. Call Walnut i'n Mo-k. French p odle dog, aale or trade. D. H4. White Anaora kitten for aaie. Wen &p3! liloliOl'i.HHHKll Irish Water Bpan"lii pui a. Or, atest hunters and watch dog. WeUirr fceii or '14 No. lih bt. Typewriter. FOR BALE New and second hand rarnnt and pocket bl.llrd tables and howltmt al's and accessories; bar fixtures of ail k nits: tv laoieiils The Hnomwltk I elkr-rvilen.b r '.. id-4-e e. j.h Ht. 111 Kli I.I I 1 lij aclil K'lllrd, rTlr.,t Ciuual '1 p. t iler Ec. li Faiuaiu. IOK HAI.K Typewrit era. Ot.TVFR tynewrl'er. l?o. 7"a Pee tlM. HKLIANi'K Ribbon and Carbon t.'o., car bon puper and Inked rlbbona. I). KM. Mlecel'aneone. nit.T. HVPAT TABKHSACLR Fheetlns, ahlplap. doora. 1 carload, t tl r ii. oki, i ' a r i '. ?i, ,t nf lumber, 1 15 to 3 llrnenllona ?x. Jxt, ix", 2x10; tolleta. fj to 1I each; trick, 11, SxJ etoiir, upright fire eacapea !) eah. Tel. H.d S217 Chrla. Jenaen 4o4 No. 14th atreet. Mlwr!tiarn. FOR 8 A La; CHRAf Rualneea ( ollcae Courve. F"ull and con:pleta rcholarahlp tn one of the Hat Omaa butn' achocla Moori reaeon ror aeinniti frrectiy raila- r.'-.h i P.r1''.-. T'.'i. ...r"!! t once. be-'aue fall term vVxIna afion. Tl ere are a variety of couraea for aaie For partlculari. Inqulia at the offlco of " w" - Th ' mi. ha Hea l.Vi FT. of four-foot board fence, four Inch onk poM. In od condition, at your prb'e. ( all Cnlfnx 1131 O'J OnUo1'''" NVeet tVhlaky. 4 full XllijuartB bolt ed In bond, pre V" v ,aid. rackley Hrnt,.. Omaha CAHPKNTKH toola, ahovota, aledaea. picka. Jeckjcrewa, 111 penn match vend In a machlma, too each H re. harneaa, wagon, it'-Xi. On ele' tr'.o piano. i. V. iSIL I0t S. rth Pt Hamey X ( "nnl baakela de'lvercd. 8. Ron n VUH1 thnl, pill Lcavenwoith I. 6KII. Ml ST aell immi.illale.y, litteet coaan r bike, aprlnn tandem carrier attachment, rbenp Wr te V.. f). non. Cook. Nehu FOR BALK Metal Oarage. M. 1J. Cam eron. Tel. H. t electric motora. Room 5. lleti Ride; Uf 1H1IIVI1 trinrVilriea ell niekea and " prlcea. K. D. W II llama, SUA 8. lSth St-; 1R SALIC, or trade for aewlng machlno. Int.ka' Kod wlnur cout, fur culfa and Ii 2iA, Hoc. HELP WANTKI) ITIMALH I . rle- ' llce. COMPTOMETER operator, H). WATTS KEF CO., KW-.M2 Urandela The. STENOUUAI'llr.R IMCTAI'iiONK OI'K.IIATOU . IHCT. oril tt MTKNO CO All 'TO .M KTKil Ol'lt 1' M V LTIO KA I'M Ol'EHATOR lIMIIIKkkKI'l.ll Hi W A T Ti4 HF.F. I'O.. 3v-4-4? Prandela The. VfMNtJ bidy for caehier In woo eaale ea tabllahmetit: mnai have aomo experi ence In keeping caU book and etenog rahv; pnalllon permanent; uppllcrtlnna to be mado In longhand, giving age, J perlcnca and reference. Audreaa U 2W, lec. Agent aad flnleawomea. :OHBMTI!iRKS Our propoaltlon will ur prwe yuu; tianUlu lital line, make more money: auieuunt opeinnHa lor nun wo.ncn; ciitnlogue free; ""'';. r'rJ bncea. Wado Coraet Co., L htatlon, New Voik. Q1RL to leern lie.inlrevlng. pienhalm. llMWacVer pera nnmeaflea. TUB hiervant tllri Problem Holved. The Ilea will run a bervant Oirl Wnnted Ad fltc.L' until you get tha dwelred reaulta. hla appiiea to reeTdcnta of Omaha, Bouth Omaha and Council Hluffa. bring ad to The I ee uffbe or tulepiiiuie Tyler lOuO. VSANTliO Good girl fur general houae- work. I'hone Harney tuLi. ANTKH A liluld (ur houewurH; J In ftuniiy. Phone Mr. J. C. Curt. Denaon 17a. S ANTED Ulrl to aaalal wrth hounawork . DON T quit your Job yet. look beyond It. and cara for emal child; one attending Employ spare time eaiablmhlng a dr at hool half day preferred. Phone lUmy cular mailing bureau iimny aucreaaca. "iy not ycuT Our copyright mui.l ig m- VANTED 3lrl for general houaework; , atructlona make everything plain r"oal- two In fami.y. Call Douglaa before 10 a. ni. and after 7 p. m. WANTED Competent girl for general houaework. &-2 Farnam 8t. Tel. liar. ikJ WANTED An experienced girl for gen erul houaework; no waehtng, good referenrea required. Mra. M. B. Newman, ILM Moeard I'hone Harney 3316. WANTED Olrl for general houaework. Oood home to right party. Mo cooking. ltXNo. M bt. WANTEI-Uirl for general housework. I A. H. 5'') Ht. liar. X. WANTED Capable at lit fur houaewurk; dualrahle position; good room; refer emus reiulred. 1301 H. :ilh Bt. lUr, :',. WANTED Competent girl for general houaework; good pay. IUH V St.. bouth Blue. WANTED Two experienced general housework girls with good references. 4W N. SMh Ht. WA.MMi-A coiiipelenl couk. H. Davla, g'.-S H. i'Oth Bt. Mrs. F. WANTED Ciirl for general houaework In small family. Call Douglaa irji before 10 a. m. and after 7 p. in. WANTED A y.Tl for general housework, small family; no washing. L N. Isth Bt Hnr. 4if4 UHMi Wioow woman w.lh child, would Ilka to care for children trom mo. to 1 yrs. old, and will make babies' dresses. 10c to ific each. 114H N. lath. WANTED lioid girl for general houae work; t in family. Mra. Oeorge Barker. Jr., . Lafayette Ave. Wal. it. WANTED Hr. for houscwoik. ni. lliti. COOKS, walirrsaca, maids and houao- work gins, international Employment Office, let Cns ht. WANTED A girl for general houaework and cooking: small fai-Jly, gjod wages; referencea. 4.3 Douglaa. Wal. t443. W A N T E I Young girl to help with housework; no washing or cookiug. Wal nut Ktl. ' WANTED lie. table while lilrl for gen- eral housework. I In far nmny. Wal. 465. WAN'l ED Experienced while girl for general housework; no laundry work, lit Ho. iMth bt. I'hone Har. d. WANTED A girl to asnlat with house work, llu H. 34th bt. H. a9S. WANTED Oood girl for general houae work; I people In family. Web. 2130 after T. p. m. Call at Seward. vWKUoTaW. girl for general houaework; Oct man or Bohemian pr ferred. Ilarnev "41 l;K4 S. 3blh Bt. W ANTE1 Experienced girl for general houaework; n washing, two In family. Harney lmi 13 8. SMh St WANTLD Olrl for general housework, Smail family. 140 N . 4lat Bt. WAN'l ED Girl for general houaework. 1J8 S. Ht. Phone Harney o4SU. WANTED Oood reliable pal'y for gen eral houaewoik: cooking nUI'i: good home; permanent. I . 1DM. ii7 Farnam. v ANTED Bohemian glii or woman f"r general housework. -l N. Hth SL I lione DnuKlaa St?5. WANTKI An experienced girl for gen eral houaework, where) second girl Is kept; mut be able to cwk. Mrs. J. Klein, Hamev 3913, WANTKI ilrl for general houaewoik, t7 per week. I.aundrcsa kept. 3jH t'asa WANTED Competent g.rl for house work; no washing; very dealrable Sood wagea; pleamt room. Apply 1301 'li St. Har. Sif77. WANTED Girl for general houaework, small family. 140 llaruey St. Har. M. W ANTEl lrl for general housewora, small family. Mrs. Crelgh, HI N. Ud Ave. MUeellaaeaas. TOT7NO women coming to Omaha aa alrangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at bt Mary's Ave. and Llh St.. wbarw they will te directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look fur ir travelers' guide at t'nbm station. BTENO atats experience. K tna. He. OFFICE CLEUK Blight capable young lady, wrl ing a very good hand, for po ttilon where aldll y will be writ r w rd d; anal' fal'ry to start but sic llent fu uie, WEST. RFFKRFNCK BOND ASSN. 7f Om. ha Nat. t'ank Hl.lg WASTED WOMAN Government clerk ships. Writs Immediately for details. Franklin institute Dept. tug H, hoc heater. N. T. WANTKI Young weiuen to enter nurses' training 'school at City hospi tal, Norfolk. Neb. HKI.l WANTKI! MALE t Irrlv.l ..ii uliim. IIIHftiriAP'O eoirroercial jMisltlona WtsT hrffltKME i BIND AaN, 7U Oiualia NaL li.dg- I IK LP V. XTKH FK.M. LK t rlcnl nnA office. PTENOURAPMFR Hrla"ht, hu at lint younc men for aplcrulld port ion wl n larae r orpur tlon : muat t very 'apl'l and accurate; only A-No. 1 man considered, eelary ;5 to alert. Apply. WKST. RKFF.P.ENCK BOND A33-N, 7-:2 nn aha Nat, lienk I'ldg. VANTFI Omaha maneaer, who can produce rceulta for lrg old line In auranc company In monthly accident and health department. Allowance for alx montha arid hlcbeHt cnmiiilaaiuit con tmct. Hurety bond required. Write, alvlnf reference, aire, telephone and atreet addrcea to Ttox C Rl, flee office. N'J flLIAii KKK. Pcet commercial poeltlnna. HfMRS HF.F ('.').. M) Haxton RiQ-V. ,sAI.KSMV. arocery exp. $1 mid ,,. VVATTB REP CO.. a.'A-tJl2 rirandcla The. Aareete, aeieaifiew airn yjolleltora, WANTFIi Two younr men, not afraid of work, wllllna to eim and receive from JZ.1 it I t, per week; a mun'a ability reete with hie enmlna c-Miy. . t'a" V'urrcri l'Sf.f. 2'? Peld J'llf KX I'Kltl f.N EU crockery and aa.-aare aa esnian. and expenaes. Apply 1406 W. O. w. JIOvRTMAKKItf CflDEll'i'iK MAGA ZINE, 2" piatiald: eoll htena von rl -hly. New Cei tury B ip ly, .ea Molnea, lown. AdvcrtlnPiK late. ! word. AO E NTS Several of our lint of 0 mnll ordr houeca wnpt Nebraaka namea; partlculnra free. Taliaferro Co., Fort Worth, Tex. COAL wai.ted m evci a trlnl car. I M Cot. 'o. y Imu; H'jt Patte. Neb. rbpiTI5s wnr-h up to.( m-'n'hly oticn to mlmntera. tia"hcr: chriitlnn ealca man; no booka. (ilve nhon. . 1 2.1, Hce. Factorlra wall T rates. WR neetl men; lad te turn down two jona pot week lately; get In; l"arn by our method: pet one of tlnee Joba. Cala logue 1. n. free. Nebraska Automobile School. 240s Ievenworth 8t. MOLEK DAnniCK COLLEGE LKAHN ttie rarber tride by our aya tern of exper' lni ru' tlona ard free clinic. I'oaltlona waiting. Call or write for logue.Omaha. Neb., A. B. Moler, prea. LEA RN TlTfcT HARHEH TRMMCi Trl-Cliy Harder co; low rate tuition. Including fet of tool; wnffe paid; elec tric mar.enga. hydraulic chalra; catalogua free li:M I'oiiRle, rit.. Oiuaha. I'rua i tor.- So m J. . Knat. H. Bldg WANTED CO laborer for city. 614 1.1th fit. a. an. WANTED- RnilWHy mail clerka; ri.t month. Omnha examlnntluna coming. Bnmple oueatlnna free. W rite Imnier.l alely. Franklin Inatitute. Lent 221 II. Roeheater. N. Y GOOD MEN WANTED at once to learn auto work to fill poe'ilona which we hava open right now and are waiting fur com petent men. Learn by our ayatem of actual work on autoa. tract ore, eleo. atarting aya. Free catalog at once. AMEIUCAN AUTO COLLROB. SMFnrnam Bt Omaha, Neb. V ANThl) Men to try exammatbina for government Joba; t0 month; common educailun aufflulent. Apply Immediately. V M Bee. HELP WANTED M 4 ,f AND t i:vl t t,E. WANTED Man or woman to put out tcuther venillators. Write for aample and partic ulars by mall, luc L. S. iiitr cien. Hotel Neville, (mo ha paid ZJc. Direct talea Co.. Wuincy. III. SITUATIONS WANTED PO8IT10N wanted by young lady aie nographer; one year a exparieuta. ei.Blef 193. VSANTED PuaiUun as housekeeper by coloreu lady, goud reierenuea. Tel. Doug laa 24ti. REbPECTAbLK Oerman woman, experi enced In city and country housekeeping wishes position as housekeeper or plain cook, or day work; cliy preferred. C. Natimann, lull' 8 11th Bt. WAN'lEO fueit.uu as sieam lucni.til, hotel clerk or ail around house and yard man. Call Jt W. Carter, I'liune Douglas icli7. MIDDLEt-AOED lady, competent, trust worthy and neat, dealrea poa.tion as housekeeper In residence apartment or rooming houae; beat of refereucea. Laura Johnson, mi Chicago St. I'hone D. 1T722. EXPERIENCED yardman wUhes po.i tlon with private family bv November isi. uoou reiercnces. v eu. l7o. i DAY work wanted, Bwed.ah laundress Ma uay.ea everunga. EXPERIENCED ateuographer and book keeper wants position at fair salary. Colfax 6K3. FIRST claaa Swedish cook wishes poal-' tlon In private family, where second I all la are employed. Oood wages. Ellen 1 UJnliSS.'tn 'm I,,on' yOUNO woman wanta position aa house keeper In country. Oood reference. Cull Webater 3i:i5. 274 Orant St. WANTED A Job of corn husking by man with good team and wagon, nhcre board la furnished tor both man and team. Phone 3J. Hi Benton St., Coun cil Hluffa. la. WANTED Poaitlon by mechan cal draughtsman. J. U Feiguson, tU Ben ton bt.. Council Bluffs, la. Phone llii. WANTED A position as draughtsman; experienced In both mechan. cal and civil engineering work. James Ferguson, Ut Benton St.. Council Bluffs. Ia. I'hone 3Z2J. KXPERIENi'ED man wishes position aa Janitor, machinist or bol er fireman. Ad dress Kil Cuming Bt. SITUATION -wanted by an experienced stenographer and bookkeeper: employed at present, but desires to get position In 'Ii":.,4b'-t Sf ' I "QO'n I M. t... A references. AUdreas, care PO81T10N In buffet, club or cafe as bartender, checker, cashier or handy man: reliable, honeat and aobar: long experience; beat of referencea; city or nut: will consider anv offer. Johnaon. 211S Chicago .St. Phone Doug. S72J. MAN and wife, aa caretakers of resi dence or work of any kind In hotel. club or apartment house; excellent refer ences; will consider any offer, city or out. Johnson, Hill Chicago, phone Doug iaa sirj. STRONG woman, 35, wishes work; no In cumbrance; will do washing and Ironing also a Kood cook f week go home nights. References. Call Douglas 8447 tnornimt or evening. EKPEUIENCED girl wants to do gen eral house ork or as nuiso girl. Phone Walnut . EXPERIENCED man wants position as Janitor. Phono Walnut M. MIDDLE-AGED lady, competent and reliable, desires pus, tlon aa child's nurse or to take cars of an Invalid; references exchanged, call Web. tLtd, In mornl.iga, between and 14. STENOGRAPHER, with yeara' experi ence, desires position; can furnish good local references; will work for jd a month. GeorKta Swan, Phuna Douglaa UL'6. Boom lot. Hotel Hurley. Vol NO coloied man, thoroughly ex perienced, wishes uusition as house keeper: can take full charge, best ref erences. K 26. Bee. IXST AND FO VXD Lost or Found ads In Omana'f Loot and Found mediums rueana the Immediate re turn of that article If advertised la The Bee. tie Loaa and Pmnd paper LOST One bunch of white aiarettea. be tween Lafayette apartment and Bran dos store. Douglas ulM. Reward. LEFT on S. Omaha car, 6x7 Chautauqua folding cameia: reward, t olfax ail. EMALL Shnnera' pu; reward. Mia. Man ger. Hotel Harley. CMA11A OLNi lL Hl.Us-Frt bTHEET RAILWAY COM PANT. Persons having loat suute article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Couucll Bluffs b treat Railway coiniiy to ascertain whether tbay Wt It lu tha atieet or. Many artn-a each day era turned la land the company la anxious to restore then) t the -ia'itful owner. 'al Doug. 4S CHILD'S black plosh cot. Florence aud I Wil.rr I'aik. !Uaid- Well. iK IOST AXI txrM THE lady who found ring Inaerllied R. M. R," near lJU Lothrop, pleaae call W elter 7"i.S. Lo.sT l-Mther handling on Farnam car or on 1 41 Ii 8t. between Farnam and I'oug. Party ran keep money. Wal. 1"1. PF.r.SONAL .' M. B.-L 'RIl'TiO.NS EARNS .J.ono For the Invallda' I'enalon aaaociatlon. Tha Lad Ira Home Journal, f 1 W; Salur la Evening P iet. $l.iO; Country Gentle man, 9 needed In Oi'tober. Your order or renewal eonlrlbutee W rent. I'baee phone lH iKla 713 or addrea, nriftTiON, The Mugaxlne Man. Prnah. TOrNO women coming to maha aa etrangera are ln Ited to vlelt ha Young 1 Women'a Chriatlin nsaociation building i at 17th Ht. mid 8'. Mary'e Ave, wrier they will be directed to eultble boarding- I pla-ea or otherwise aoalnt-d Iook for eur trav.lera' mH at the T'nl-vt ata'l- n THE falvelbm Armr Tndueiiil home ao H' lta your ld clotl Ing, furniture, maaa rnea. We collect. Wa d.atrlbute Phone, lioi.t.lnn 41 and our wagon will call. Call and !napct our new ho int. I'.lO-lll'i-;i4 Tinrtpe St. VOI'K furii!ice cleaned. II; work gur anteed fentrel Tin Shop. 1oug. 4-"A4. Bu'ta, gowna and remodel ing at reneonable prlcea. ANNA 9ISTEK, 2" 1 City Natlona Bank Bide BWAPPCIIS tLrM?l Wanted to Swap. Why not adyertlae aotnethlng that yuu no longei hava any uae tor and get eomethlng you really Deed? It coata you nothing to Join tha Kwappera' club and you wfil find It lota of fun awapplng tlilnga. Write Room It. Pee Ulitg., or phone '1 yler IP1). . AOdoLateel range and other furniture to tmde for a davenport or food rug. S. C. Pee. ALL furniture In lf room hotel; reaa n- ablo rent on building; 8011th Fide; will! exchanKe for real cauite; valua II, x. Ad-: dreew H. C. f03. Bp ) ANSUORA CAT (white); will exchanse 1 for well-bred fox terrier. F. 8., 11 Wllha Ave. Tel. Webster 744. A(.'XO.lot4i IJCd-t or olner automouile bargaina ce tha "Autumoblla ' claaaifl cal ion. A I'TOMOHILK, aeven-p.vescnger Mitchell Imperial. In excellent Bimpc, lull electric eiulpinent, a powerful car. fc'wap for dlnnionda. real estate contractu, clear Iota in Omaha, or mortgage. 8. C. Wi, care Bee. AUTOLIght weight, 191S model, perfect ah ape, fuilv eguipped, new tlrea, to wap for four or f lve- aeeenger car. Addreaa II. C. t32. Bee. tf bl'OOY, revolver or musical lnatrument with 00 ea. y lessons to map for Baud e, 32xji tire, or what have you now. Ad diess H. C. i7. Bee. l.IU'bU runabout In perfect condition; cuat new 11", C; worth tluO: to exchange for good furniture of equal value. Ad drcaa H. C. 34. Hce. CAMERA One Minute Post Card Cam era, awap for second-hand lumber. Ad dress K. C. ,2, Bee. DEI ROIT GAS STOVE, 6 burners, oven and broiler, to swap for library table. Address 8. C. t)M, Bee. GARDEN TOOLS Spade, 2 ahovela, 1 rakea, hoe and grass knife, to trade for 1 mlnute Edison re orda, or anything. Ad dress S. C. S34, Bee. tf CAMERA Combination positive or nega tive, to trade for something I can use. S. C. 300. Bee. 4x5 camera, exchange for larger camera. H. C . 840, Bee. XilSHES, garden toola, gaa lamp, mahogany rocker and settee, braaa umbrella atand. Will trade for trunks orsuiicase.e. Address fl. C. f'l. Bee. fcLECTRl C AUTO HORN Motor driven, vibrator type; coat HO.'iO. Will awap for assortment of late Edlaon (Ainberol) records. Address 8. C. 333, Bee. tf ELEGANT aeven-paaaenger Mitchell spe cial, excellent a!iape, full electric equip ment; a powerful car and good looking car; will swap for Omaha lots, home and lot, two smaller cara, or diamonds. 8. C. '93, Bee. FlflbT-CI-ASS dentiatry for house palnt lng Address B 37. Bee. GASOLINE range, good oven tn swap for kitchen table or flrelcss cooker. Ad dress, 8. C. tson, Bee. GOO'i single deliveiy wagun in.1 xood s'ngie harness for f tin It re of anv kind. What have you? Address S C. Ml. Hee. MOTORCYCLES 1R12 Twin Indian mo torcycle; clutch machine. To swap for auto or anythng I can use. Address t). C 337, Bee. . C'N, delivery wagon top, one nlckel pmted E-flat cornet (famous Bowker short model, perfect condition; six Wen dell Vacuum washers, new; one heavy Iron cigar mold press, one small cigar box pres. Will trade separately or to gether. What have you? Address S. C. M2, lice. PATENT Exchange patent on good dlao aharpener. A muney maker, for auto mobile. Address S. C. f.US. Bee. P' ANO Brand new; never been uae.l. W1" exchange for anything worth t&W. What have you? Addiesa 8. C. &rd, Bee. SCHUBERT P'ano to trade for diamond. 1914. TWIN Cylinder Indian motor cycle, nearly new. Equipped with electno lights and horn; good side car. To trade for what 7 Auto preferred. B. C. 857. Boe. SET of dishes, garden toola, two gaa lamps and aanitary couch; will trade for valises or trunks, steamer trunks pre ferred. 8. C. 601, Bee. STOVE To swap, large six hard coal stove, good as new, almost new carbon Iron, for apples, potatoes or what have youT Address B. C. Bee. STEVENS hammerleaa pumpgun. new; Winchester, 1SU7 model, new; one raln- roof suit coat, pants and hat, atxe M; -foot seine, 2-lnch ineah, feet deep; t-lnrh flah apear; .33 break-open revolver: hunting coat and vest, alee 3a; pair of lineman's spurs; Strad. violin; one pair brass auto side lamps, 10 small; Ill-year fuaraniee watch; one aluminum rear mo orcycle lamp; pump and attachment. What have youT S. C. 36H. Bee. STBNOTYPE Practically new atenotype, uaed one month; leavt ig toy. luuai ul4 poe of li at once. What have youT Ad i reea B C. Mo. nee. blDEBOAKO Oak. best condition, to awap for what have youTS. C. 863. Bee. TO SELL or trade your ahotgun or rifle. bee itki r.i h A r. lzu oougiaa 1914 VELiK, electric light and starter. In good shape; 6-paasenger; to trade for good, light roadster. Address 8. C. 6o4, care Bee. WANTED To trade a good five-pasaen-ger Veils car, in good shape, new Urea, for email car or teain Of horses. S. C. 10. Hee, WILL exchange 1'iano Player, which which will fit any piano, music cabinet with 60 rolls of music, for good cook atove or chickens. Also new electric iron, for winger, or reasonable offer. S. C. till. Bee. WHAT hava you to offer for 136 new vacuum washers? Itjat grade mar u factured: aella to users at t-6 each. Ad dress H. C. '. Pee. WANTED To trade a good atork remedy territory, with best firm In Omaha, for anything I can use. 8, C. 1L Bee, FOB BENT ApsiluiiBli aad Flats. Tha For Rent advertisement appealing In the For Rent column of The Bee daily cann t be beat for variety that will please and till the needs of any one desiring la rent I'hone Tyler CKi The COLBERT 39th and Farnan Streets Full completed, ready for occupancy. Apartments c. of reception hall, 11 v. Ing room and dining room, finished in fumed oak; aun room, two bed rooms, t-eautlful bath; servant's room and kitchen. Very complete. D. V. Sholes Co. MS-H Cltv Nat l Pk. Bldg. Doug. 41. (CONTINUED ON COLUMN 8EVEN, THIS PAGE.) Ready Reference Directory Tlie following firrns offer quality and expert servico that will please the most critical. ABSTRACTS OP TITLB. RFTFD APSTRACT CO, eldeat abaTact office In Nebraaka. 2" Prand-I Tbea. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abetrart o., a moaern aotrncx oih't. 6 B. 17th St Phone D. WS7, ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. mvORAK, C. P. A. -3-4T7 Ramge M dg. Phone Doug. 74Qfi. ADVERTiaNOKIOVEI.TIES. M. V. Fhafer A Co.. 12ih. Farnam. P. 7474. AM ITUI R FINISHING. FTLVB ifeve'rtcd fre 1' rtirchaad from Photo Craft Shop, 4H Bee F.ld. Dept. D ARCHITECTS Kverett B. PonVla. ait Pagton R1K. r. MM. ATTORNKYS. C. T. Dlcklnaon. HI Pagfon Blk. D. laot. WTT.L N. JOH?:ON, B W. Cor. th and DouglaB nonglna 4JXVI. AtCTIONEERS. Powd Auction Co.. 1115-Kt W O W. R. r5. ALTO INSt RANtE. AtiTOMORILK MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.. Doug'rwi Ifn9. AUTO RADIATOR REF AIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. ro. yt? Far. P. ayiL HATII9 BATH tl4 Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglas. MiT1?Jr-.Trn vr,n"r and mpdim Turkish naths fo ladles and gentlemen; lady ni.',n, fnr ladles: Swedish musaage. 1H19 Farnam pr. Dnuirlns S4T7 R tKruii.v Z. II. RFTCDEn, i5n N. Wth. Web. C97. BRASS AND IRO?f " FOUNDRIEsT" Paxton-Mltchel! Co., f7th and Martha 8ta. CARPENTERS AND ruNTRACTOHsT STEVENSON. g23s7ad. Douglas 86T Iasard A Bon. 196 Cap. Ave. T. 13. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTS Pr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg D. 4m. CHIROPODIST. Csrrte J. Buford. 620 Pax. Blk. Red 587. COFFEE" B Y MAIL. rr-ffnr ""X mon,,F- Uo bettei "by parcel nnat. nrnui, better $5.50. W A. Fkalfe ft Co.. Omaha. Neb. CORSETS. NuBone poraetg. Web-Bun, bk. Red 4392. DANCIQ ACADEMIES. FALL term open at Mackle'a, Doug. 6t4fl GENEVIEVE HAUFLAIRB. Rome hotel. DE LUXE ACADEMY. Ill S. 18th St. TURPIN'S SCHOOL OF DANCING. 2Sth and Farnam Classes and private lessons, llnrncy 5143 Just compleied. lorty-four page book o' new dancex for 1915 and 191t. Clearly de scribed. Compiled by Albert Turpin. Ev ery teacher should have a copy. Mat otdcre filled. Price, 11. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college, th & Farnam MISS STURDY. 2115 Blnne. Webster 49S9. DRESSM (KING I OLLEGE. Kelster-s Dressmaking Col., 1GZ8 City Na. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 130 N. l?th. D. 607. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Block. EM dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1U DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flcklea. 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1017 Douglas. D. UM. DRUGS. DRUGS at rut prices; freight paid on tin orders; catalogues free.. Sherman A Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender. 624 Bee Bldg. Red t06 BVERVTHiNO FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sites and styles; hematltiching. point edging. Em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, cut work buttonhuUa, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 2W Douglas Block. Douglaa ivm- riiHNACES AND TIN WORK. HABER8TROH. 402il Hamilton. Wal. 1971. FLORIST. BATH'S, florists. 1S04 Farnam EL D. 3000. L. HENDERSON. 1814 Douglas. D. 1258. Member Florists Telegraph Del. Assn. HESS A 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. A. DONAOHUB. 122 Harney. Dour. 100L ' FURHIER. SAM K'NEETER. li20 Farnam. Red SM, INSTRUCTION. English, French Inatructlon. 3"6 Lyric Bid. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. If H CLAIBORNE, 511 Paxton Blk. Red 7401.' Notary public, depoatlion steno. C. W. BRITT. Wl Baker Block. LANGUAGES. Languages taught; private or claeses. wepsier iws TlCIITINU FIXTURES, WIRING. DTTOVTItf Thomaa, fouglas 2519. UlvKliN M 2419 Cuming St. "LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS CO. Exchange Bld. costiTmes AND LODGE SUPPLIES. -. i i M.all. end costumes. u.nru. oi .... - The largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes in i" 1"-"V',V' ?,v"" IJeben A Son. 1514 Howard. Doug. 41 u. MOTORCYCLES. o i ni rT.niVU)8()N MOTORCTCLES Bargain In uaed machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man." ITuJ Leavenworth, "fOVINO PICTURE" MACHINES, OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tion plctuis maenme mu im "" OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glaasea fitted, ray as yon can. Drs. McCaKy.HU W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHY PHYSHIANS. JOSEPHINE ARM9TRONO. a1 Bes Bldg. ' PATENTS. D. O. Barnall, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red Till. II. A. Eturgea. CM Brandeis Theater Bldg. P I LLO HI AND BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. Mattresses mads to order or remade lap? Cuming. D. PLUMES CLEANED. CURLED, dyed. D. Elsele. I1M City Nat PIANOS FOR KENT. 3 5 per month. A. Hospe. init Pmiglag. SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co.. tU 8, Uth. D.ail PRI5fTIfl. WATFRS-PARNIIART Ptg. CV., qnaTfty printing. Tel Doug. 210. 624 S. 13th 6k CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS I7M. DOUOT.AB Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 4. SAFE AND TIME LOCK KIPKRTt. t1 A T?T?C Opened, repaired, romh. SAH H changed. F. E. Daven-KJi- A port 14n4 podge. D. 1ML shoe: rf.pairi.-vq. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. M1B.U Harlev Shoe Rep'r. Pi., tf)l Farn'm. R-K44) SEWING MACHINES. WP rent, repair sell needles and T f parta for a 'I sewing machines. "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 1.1th and Hamey. Douglaa ISO. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, lift S. 1. STORE AND OFFICK FIXTURES, DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, herr Ing etc. We buv, sell. Omnha Fixture A Supply Co., 414-lft-lg 8. 12th. Doug. Z72 STOVE AND FLRNACB REPAIRS. ALTj REPAIRS Water fronts, furnace colls etc. Quick service. Omaha Stove Repair Wks. 1206-fl Douglas 8L Tyler Kk TtLEtTRK MOTOR REPAIRING. CAIIILL ELECTRIC Co.. Bee Bid. D.tSTH. TOWEL SIPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 S. 11 th, D. St TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FUELING A STEIN LE. 1S0S Farnam St, TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter t mo. for H. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1906 Farnanv BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, SI S. UtM St All makes for sale or rent. RENT a "Remington " not Just a type writer. Low rent. Call Douglas 12&4. V At L tM 4.LEANEUS. V ACTIUM cleaners, all makes and prices. E. B. W llllams, 808 8. Wth 8U WASHING MACHINES. WASHIN'O machines, all makes and prices. Fi. B. Williams, im 8. lath Bt, WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christlanacn, 2d fl. Paxton Bk., It yr. xp. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Ou WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES, 201-3 8. 13th St. vVtnea, liquors, cigars. Plata dinner U to A KM. HENRT POLLOCK LIQUOR HOU8H, lith and Capitol Ave. Ten-oent lunch. BUT your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house. 6 N. lorn. Douglaa UtM. MEDICAIL PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal d.aeaaes without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writs fur book oq rectal diseases with testimonial DR. E, K. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. . FOB BEXT Apartina ii la sail Flats. 7-R. APT.. J baths, sleeping porch, large rooms, beautifully finished, strictly up. to-date: large porch in front, private; fot rent NOW. Clarlda Apts. H. 13M. ELEGANT 6-ruom, with 2 baths, t ex posures; also 4 rooms and bath. New Hamilton Doug. 2646. ATTRACT! VkTflat. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, with or without garage; rent, $K.bO. Phone Har. 4VH or Har. 705. tOH RENT Nice 4 or 6-rm, mod. apart ment, with heat;, very reasonable If -.nreci nr. once. 4ji?t iNicnoia ii; BT. MARY'S AVE., 8-room nioderu 1 .. , tlA -,l,- 1 - I n 1 1 i . ...... . '. ,Il,u,,c lir.l UOOI . ONE 4-room and one H-rooni apt., i'u Mamillnn 1 1.1 1 l .. . 110 Comfortable, large 3-r. apartment part mod., block to car and etorex, goo, I ne ghborhood. 1917 Elm St. D. eVi73. ST. CLARE, 24 1 h and Harney, one 3 unj one 4-r. apt. Harney 647. Board mm avvwaas. Furnish ad Rooms that offer every mod. era and comfort In l-rlvala families or boarding houaaa of tha high eat class will be found In the Furnished Rooms coluion of The Use, .Phone Tyler IHOD. PARK, 1703 Two furnished rooms witu board, nice location, private family, all modern, on car line. Harney 51MS. WEST HOTEL, 209 S. 24th Bt. Elegantly furnished steam heated rooms, by day or week, with or without board. R. and board for 1 person. Colfax 27i). Furnished or unfurnished rooms. H 3011. li&R.i a'nd ti. KR2 StT Mary's Ave"." t modern furnished rooms, private family. Near car line. 4101 N. 23d St. UPEC1AL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT GUliSTS. HOTEL i: AN FORD, lth and Farnam. HOTEL HARLEY. 2nth and Farnam. JACKSON, 2717 Beautifully furnished rooms, with or without hoard. SuEKuooD AVE., 14103 newly fur nlxhed rooms in a private family ; home privllegea to the right parties with hoard, near car ll'e. Webster 7172. Furnished Houses. t-r. all modern furnished house. H. Z122. FaraUhed iuwau, NICE, large furnished room; all modern; fine location, 3Ju Webster St. Phone Harney S.M3. ROOMS for two students. 2125 Douglas. THE MILLErTToTTse" 21&2 SL Mary'e Ave., excellent rooms by day or week; In tine location: handy to business dis trict, Douglaa 4fi2. FOR RENT New ly furnished rooiua, to U. S-'ll liouglas. Red (bol. MODERN, newlv furnished rooms, flrat and second floor. lulH N. list. South Omaha, f hone houth 37'i). NICELY furn.ahrd loom; close In; all modern. L3i 8. 2'J 8t. NICELY (urn.ahed room; close In; all mi s. i'd St. Si.'UTH Two sinfcle noma for gentlemen; private Juath. 10-C I'ark Ave. CAPITOL AVE.. 112 Steam heated rooms 1... ......,.... ulliluhlM fur t W I. WHO .''l"' " ' ' -w. Fur. room and bath. 3"31 leavenworth. NICE, large room In private family, block from North 24th car; nurae or clerk pro ferred. W eb.41'1 7 MASON, 2S15 Two nuxlerii rooms, en suite, furnished complete. Harney 414a. BLUE OF NICE ROOMS. In private, congenial family; not far from car. til N. Web. E4l. LARGE, modern room, newly furnished. 114 North th 8t. Harney 3196. NEW l.V fuinlam d rni. near town. D. 82-0. PLEASANT, modern furnished roomT c loae in: quiet home. Dung 7H. ONE room tJr I or ii and oue for i peraons. large and airy. With or with out bofird Private family. lougas 1610. (CONTINUED ON PAQB 81CVKN7" COLUMN ONB.I ,