Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1915, Page 2, Image 2
Till: BKK: 0MA1IA, MONDAY, IN U I, l'J15. MICHIGAN HEN GIVE W1Q0 FOND Nebraska Alumni Pledge This Sam Toward Great Union Club House. DR. JOHN EnTSGLR IS GUEST A total of $4,000 has already been raised In Nebraska to add to ap proximately $500,000 raised else where throughout the country for the erection of the great Michigan Union club house for students on the Ann Arbor campus. Reports to that effect were re ceived at a banquet of Michigan alumni Saturday at the University club. The campaign of raising money for the Union building will be continued until the last of Novem ber, when the total Is expected to reach $1,000,000. It. John R. ErfTna r. W, fan of tha literary college of tha unlvenlty. came all the way from Ann Arhor to be the j guest of honor at the banquet of loraj alumni last night. He made an Interest Ing and stirring speech on "The Uni versity and tha Union." Lyalo I. Abbott. 'SI. waa toaatmaatar. Other peakera Included Dr. Charles F. Crowley. 'S9, retiring president; Duncan M. Vlnaonhaler. '91, and R. C. Peters. '84. These new offlcera were choaen for the Unlveralty of Michigan Alumni associa tion of the Missouri valley: President Lysle I. Abbott; first vice president. J. C. Ryan, Grand Island; second vice pres ident. Dr. Claude T. Uren; third vlca prealdent. A. A. McLaughlin; secretary, C E. Paulson; treasurer, Raymond Cross man. The $4,X) raised In Nebraska for tha Union building Is only part of tha total to be raised In the state. It was said, as many of the alumni have not yet been reached because of Insufficient time ao far. - Omaha district gave 13,000 and tha other $1,000 waa raised In tha Lincoln dis trict. CHURCHES FILL PEWS AFTER THE SUNDAYREVIVAL (Continued from rage One.) last week, and at last evenlng'a service a number of the men of thla number wer baptised. Others will be' baptised next Sunday and other Sundays. Grace Kaptlst church expects to begin bsptlsma next Sunday, but has taken In no new members yet. Thirty-seven were received Into mem bership at tha McCabs Methodist church yesterday momlnf, four of them being Iirueeela carpet trall-liHera At St. Mark's Lutheran church a dosen wer present and remained after tha service to talk with tha pastor and maet members. They will ba Inatructed In church fundamentals before being re ceived. In the evening the pastor. Rev. Oroh, was In the church to meet ethers' of those who had designated this church as their preference. The number of "Brussels earpet trail hitters" indicates that some of those who hit the "sawdust trail" are doing per sonal work bringing In others. "It Is a harder thing to walk up to tha fronj: In a church, where every eye Is on you, than It was at the tabernacle." said one pastor. "When they do It In the church it Is a mighty good sign." Seventy-Two at North fa area. At the North Presbyterian church tha auditorium waa crowded to capacity at the morning servlcea. overflowing Into the gallery. The preaching was out short and the time given over to tha receiving Into membership seventy-two men, women and young people converted as a result of the Sunday meetlnga. Cards have been algnrd by nearly as many more, and It U expected that they will unite with the church next Sunday, the data for holding communion. . Wednesday evening of this wee, at the North church, there will ba held what haa been designated as a "fellowship meet ing." Upon this occasion It Is expected that .all old and new members will be present for the purpose of getting ac quainted. Trall-hlttera at the Sunday tabernacle will tell of their experience, and In addition there will be a song serv ice. MINDEN BOY ACCIDENTALLY ELECTROCUTED IN PERU MINDEN, Neb., Oct. Sl.-(8pectal ) pi. m nt tha rieath of Oenriza Hart- - i sough in I'eru, noma jimrn, wiinj the mother of Mr. Hsrtsough today. Oeorg Hartaough waa th son of Oeorga HaHaough, for twenty years and up to the time of his death agent for th Bur lington rai'road at Minden. Hartaough, Jr., graduated from th State university In tha electrical engin eering department and for a while waa employed in th capacity of electrical erifineer on th Panama canal and when it was finished took up work for a cor poration In Peru, South America. It was her that be was working when In some way he was accidentally electrocuted while in line of his work. He was married a year ago to Mlas Mona Clearman of this city, who was with him at th time t-f th accident. Mrs. IJartsough la th daughter of on of th prominent mer chants in Minden. both she and her de ceased husband having been reared here. Mr. Hartaough leaves hla mother and one el-ter. Mrs. Koacoe J. Slater, of Ber trand. Neb. GOES TO A PICTURE SHOW AND H'S AUTO IS STOLEN NORFOLK. Neb.. Oct. tl.-OpecUl Tel Taru.)A sU-cyllnder Hudson automo bile belonging to P. II. Davis of Norfolk was stolen last evening while Mr. Davl and tils family wer at a picture show P.eiiorts Indicate " that th car took gasoline at Stanton and that It went through Pllgtr at a rat of fifty mllea an hour. DEATH RECORD.- . M. Ma the. M'COOIC. Neb.. Oct !. (S poets 1.)- Thla community was shocked yesterday by the death of M. Mathe. a veteran of the civil war and for years a resident of this city. Mr. Mat1 s had . been a sufferer with a severe heart trouble, and cam to hts death by his own hand, while doubtless temporarily suffering an attack tf m-ual alteration. Hla. wlft .r.d a daughter aurvlve him here. Denies Order to i Beopcn Saloons CTTICAOO, Oct. SI. A sreond prwnl for an Injunction to retrain tlnyor Thompson from Interfering with saloons OH Bunds? was denied by Judsre Wlnde In circuit court yesterday. The Injunction nought was to prevent Interference with the sale of tobaoco. cigars and soft drtnka. Ths court held that to allow the saloons to remain open to ar-ll thltiss "t pro hibited by law. would p n the donrs to all aorta of vlolatlona. "The city and state b th have powers to reuulita siloons In tha Interest of crime prevention, peace ,anl morality." Judge Wtndes declared NEWTON ON BAY STATE YOTE : I Lincoln Man Fijrurei Out that Massachusetts Will Certainly Go for Suffrage. SOCIALISTIC VOTE WILL COUNT (From a Stft Correspondent.) I tVPOLM rw-t 11 rMnarlal t Tha question of 'who la tha greatest prophet In Lincoln. John Q. Maher or Fell New- ton, wU ba settled next Tuesday when the ststa of Massachusetts votes on tha proposition of woman suffrage. Iet week ; Colonel Maher Issued a statement do-1 in au.ira.a u urir.. ... that state. Today Judge Newton a Biaiemeni oecianng mat me imy state win oeciare lor aunrime. im J".nrtimcnt and called police headquartoia. glvea aome Interesting figures as fol lows: Women beside the cradle, over the cook stove, at the club, whist parties and the churrhea, and men on tha lienehea In t!ie front of tha city hall and in the 'lsr atorea are earnestly nl usainff woman surfrsge. Hut suffraglnta aril antia eagerly the lesuit of the next Tuesday election In the eastern states. Home claim that Pennsylvania, Massa chusetts and New York will vote agnluat suffrage hecauae New Jersey did. Others say mat INew York la a liberal state and will surely do Its own thinking. Hit '. thai a are many philosophical theurl.a 1 who sre always concerning themselves scout ruture airy protuems. Personally I am thoroughly In avm palhy with the great French writer, Anatole Franca, who In his personal ad dress to women riles: "if i were you, I should hate those emaiicliiatitra who wUh to make you the equal of men. Tney are degrading you. A fine vocation for f'ou, to be euual of a lawyer or a chem st! Take heed; already they have de prived you of soma of your mystery and your charm. Hut all la not yet lost; men atlll fight for you. commit sulci. In for you, ruin thrmselvca for you, al though they have ceased to give up their seats to you In omnlhusaea." We see here the fine perception of Anatole I b ranee In accord d with the Intuition of ex-uovernor Huchtel of Colorado when the latter gave his famous tosst shortly sfter the victory of tha suffragists In Colorado: "To the ladles! Formerly our superioral Now our equals!" nut aome statistics of these state's population may be Interesting to your i iv .. .7 lo .,. ,n proof M'"""1- ThrjrJa'of'N'ew fcWvT. 2 "'.'re ! miles and of Massachusetts 8,:M square ! miles, or practically tho sumo. New Jcr- j Z .IL."'! V'f.""" th.', ln,,-lorl,r, of i JewEtlm I and its foreign population la Hi) 7mH, of whom 2l Sm) are Uemiaiia: 11b.4t ltei- tans; Sl.iin Irish and ou.uiO English, and M.t per cent of the population is Homan t'athollo in fslih. The Italians and the itunalana of New Jersey are mostly an archlala who do not believe In voting, though thoy were In aympHthjr with tha suffiagis.s, yet tlicy refused to vote, turthermore. New Jersey haa only ona university, I. a. Princeton, and two col legea with a total of atudenls. Waa- tHohusetts' estimated population ,W.(i;3 and its furelgn population la n,,rr, Ki.u., ,nn... annnunea va l,.l.uo, of whom 222u. are Irish; ui bjn wrln pUBr company announced yea are (.'snadlsn-l'rench; 117, 2A0 Kus.l in.n;! terday they would build at Oaring, work ,M k"'t.lfl!li J''t Hallana; Uer- ! commencing at once, and completion In ., an,. ocuica, t,o 4 oriugutse, and U pir cent of the population U Koman Catholic In faith. 1 tt-aides, thern are within the state seventeen iolhK and unlvvrsltiea of which fourteen are non-s.ctarli.ri and three ara sectarian (two Calholin and one Methodist). Of these seventeen Institutions five are ex clusively for women with a total of G.u atudenta, and deducting the H.oOO wtwi aiuuuiiia from the total number. 1 1.11 mo'.7 oV'whoT'w?!. 'vote ? booTr suffrage. There are also ten normal schools, with a lotal enrollment of 2, . products and wlU a"..'? 1', woman suffrage. i .iAn.lher ,"lt "'l11 nrt b forgotten , that Masanchnsetts la very socialis t.- The' foreign population of Massachusetts Is' the most socialistic and dnoH rot fall to ni.Th.,,iU".hn"'!.,,''" fch and : r ngll.'h are th l at rs of soinllsin and naturally are strong support, re fori noman eurirwge. The atudenta of lUr-'"" vara university ara of rich parents nd will support suffraae with money and with voles. Th Oerman population I very small In comparison with the other nationalities. For th above reasons I cannot help but believe that woman surt'rage will carry in Massachusetts. Erwin Brothers Open Revival at Auburn AUBURN. Neb., Oct. 31. (Special. ) . . iiie r.rwm uroiners or Texas, evan- gellats, will start a series of revival I meetings fter today, under th auspices of th M.nistrlal association of thai Protestant churches of this city. ' A large tabernacle la almost completed! for tha us of th meetings. It Is thought that th building will aeat about S.W0, people. Th work was performed largely ' by members of th various churches and ci'lxens. Prayer meetings have been In progress In varloua parts of the elty nightly. The proposed revival Is looked forward to with much enthus'asm by the workers and thos who have it In charge. NEW DISTRICT SCHOOL LAW WILL BE TESTED AUBURN, Neb., Oct. ffl. Special ) Th November term of th dlatriet eourt In and for this county will conrena on November I with a Jury. Th term will not probably last mors than two weeks. Th jury has been selected and has been notified to appear on the Wh. Yesterday at Tecumseh Judg Rsper sustained a demure to th petition or school district No. 11 of Nemaha county against school district of the village of Brock. Th suit waa tor an Injunction restraining th county clerk from run ning th vy on land recently taken from th plaintiff. Under th act of th last legislature, school districts maintaining ten regular grades, and which eoi talned Isj than six sections of land, raa apply to the county upciintendmt, county clerk and county board to tak from aurround'ng districts such territory aa may b found Just and equitable. l'ndr this law said board took about a section of land from school dlatriet No. JL and th object of the suit waa to test th legality of the law. The eourt held that ecaal ekttrtct No. U could not maintain th suit. NaTeaaber te Muala fur Colda. Harden your ay.tera with Bell's Pin- Tar-Honey it kills th cold germ. Cureslthe eViuihrn I'aelfio iialltx-ad cemoany the cough. VOiy aw. All oruggiata. Ad - vertUeraent. BOY MEETS DEATH UNDER MOTOR CAR Julian Homan Instantly Killed by Car Driven by W. A. Davenport. CROWD BEC0ME3 THREATENING I Julian Homan, aged 13 ypars, wan Instantly killed last night when an auto driven bjr V. A. Davenport, ! 4121 North Twenty-fourth street, I chauffeur for the Blue Tsxl con-many. ' - - "ln ! Intersection of Twenty-fourth and Bancroft streets. The little fellow , was the son of Joseph Homan, 2710 South Twenty-fifth street, an em ploye of the Cudahy Packing com pany. The taxicab was proceeding at a fair rate of speed south on Twenty fourth street, when, witnesses say, the lad ran directly In Its path and was struck down and run over. The neaTT car crushed out his life almost Instantly. Lavenport atopped tha machine and plcknd up the body of the lad and started ...rhv ..or, hut anelnr , mU attention waa uaeless. he, ,a(, ,h- body Jf)Wn went t0 tn(! e,ub f'rowat Threaten. A big crowd gathered aad when they found Davenport vim the driver, one man exclaimed, "Get a gun and we'll finish thla right now." "I'm the driver, all right, boys; but this waa purely an accident. I have nothing to defend myself with but two hands, and I'll use them as long as I'm on my feet." replied Davenport. lie wss saved from certain rough han dling, If not serious violence, by tha llmelv arrival of an automobile load of police) reserve, who were forced to keep vigilant eye on the angry crowd The dead boy was one of ten children, four brothers, Joseph, I'aul, John and Leo, and five sisters, Mrs. Francis Ilahn. Mrs. Martha Wills, Mrs. Anna Ander son, Julia Homan, his twin sister, and Polly Homan. The twins were next to the youngest In the family. Km Hoi ta Wee Mather. The mother, Mrs. Julia Homan, Is con fined to Ft. Josoph's hospital, where she Is critically 111. The little fellow had Instated on going In the hnxrtltnl fn mi. hie mnthep All .VK. i if. .v.. v,,. ,,,.. w. ,". ... ,.. ' I'prmiwum ui ma enipri wni uil ine yibiu The Injuries wtilch caused his death were found by the coroner to consist of a broken neck, two fracturea of the Jaw bone and a hole an Inch In diameter In the skull. With Davenport In the auto were Fred '"ms n. proprietor of th. Her Grand bath house, and Rudolph Larsen, 1118 South Twenty-eighth street. Davenport wss taken to the station, where hie bonds were placed at IS.000. Coroner will bold an inquest. Big Sugar Factory to Bo Built at Gering GEniNG, Neb., Oct. 81.-Spcclal.) The most complete and modern sugar factory In the 'world Is what the officials of the tlme for slicing the 1916 beet crop. Thla Is an auxiliary organisation of he Great Western Sugar company, which owns numerous factories throughout the state of Colorndo and tha factory at Scott's Bluff. They have purchased their own alte and make the definite announcement Without suhnldv or nther Inrltieamant ,h' """"l f --'' . Jubilant over the prospects. One phase of the new factory will be Its method of "indUn h r cattle and sheep feed nit purposes, and has hnd to be hauled hereofore In a . . . . ... . ,om bllt n iulpment will be Installed In the liew plant at a coat of 12.i.oio to dry same so that It can be . . . . t"1"1"01 easily and transported or shipped Olslanca, FARMER IS FINED FOR SELLING HOMEMADE WINE TRCt'MSFH, Neb., Oct. Jl (Special.) Judge J. H. ' Hnper ad.lourncd the John son county district court Saturday. J. H. Brlllhart, a local farmer, pSetidcd guilty to the charge of selling home made wine, an intoxicant, ao the grand Jury said, and paid a fine of 13) and costs. The bond of Oeorg F, Dorsch chnrged w,th forgery, was fixed at 13.000, which w"1 pe "' i've. u ,HlJ th villus board at Sterling last night revoked th saloon license of "'""en Ptelnkuhler, the saloonkeeper founJ ul"y by this court of th illegal '" of Intoxicants. SCHOOL MEN'S CLUB HAS MEETING AT M'COOK M'COOK. Neb., Oct. 31.-(Speclal.)-The School Men's Club of Southwest Ne braska met la McCoook In on of their regular sessions. The club discussed the question. "What la the beat method or supervising school workf At this gain ing the nxecutlv committee of the Southwest Nbra.ka Teachers' associ ation alao held a meeting, and some tentative plana wer made for th next meeting of th big association In Mc Cook, March , 30 and 31. Mr, llimsfr lain il, TORK. Nb., Oct 81. (Special Tele gram.) Mrs. N. A, Downey of Merna. who la visiting her mother. Mra. N. A. 8 trickier, fell from th top of a stair way this morning fracturing hr wrist and tearing th ligaments from th knee end dislocating her elbow. Meta Tram Beat Fee m ant. FRF MO NT. Neb.. Oct. Jl.-HpiaJ V Tha crack Meta team of Omaha defeated Heln'a bowling team of Fremont Friday evenlns on the new allvya Inatallod at the Ilein parlors, taking thre atralaht anva The Mets five scored naulnat J.St for h n niont. 'id" Hunt ington Of the Vletx team scored W H H thre games. It was th first match th Fremont team haa lost sine the oiientng of the alleys last ailing. Fr. mont plays Hellwlg'a Prla Winner of Lincoln at th opening of th new alleys at Wahoo Tuesday vnlng. Frrlaat Kkaraa Lifted. pn rRsvt-soo. rw- r. th -- barr n on California freUrht i tialveaton to New York haa beuii lifted by th Santa Fe railroad, it waa announced t'l while the freight derartinent of 1 save omi in iiuormation mat fre ght I 0.''""n or n' V'S water iroin uti.toiva waa lull uein rriui:(. New Freight Rates On Panama Held Up WASHINGTON. Oct. 31 -frcretry Oarrlaon temporarily suspended today damnified frelaht rate on the ranama railroad which steamshlpe claimed would force thrm to abandon service bctwien Ilia Atlantic and the Pacific con-la until the canal la reopened. The "t rate of n a ton fixed by the rail- road on the rasis of the actual expense of handling the freleht and designed to ( Jn connection with the tragic end meet the emergency and congestion . , ,, . . ,. .... , , ... , . Ing o" Mamie a. Miller, 50 years ol caused by the closing of the canal by ' earth slides, will continue in ef.'ect until residing at 3123 Sherman ave- Hecretary Garrison hai had an oppor- nue, the police have been asked to tunity to thoroughly investigate the sub- investigate the theft of diamonds and Ject. The classified rates were to have gone Into effect November 1. 1 a - - 4 A 1 I NINE SPIES PUT TO ' DEATH jNBELGIUM Ten Others, Including Three Women, Sentenced to Penal Serv itude by German Court. NUMEROUS PERSONS ARRESTED LONDON, Oct. 81. Nine per sona who were convicted on Oc tober 26 of espionage In Belgium, were executed yesterday, according to the Amsterdam correspondent of Reuter's Telegram company, who says this Information was received In an official telegram from Berlin. Ten other persona, including three women, were sentenced to penal servitude, it is stated. The corre spondent's dispatch follows: "An official telegram from Berlin atates that in the last few days two additional important espionage cases have been detected In Belgium and north ern France. In Belgium twenty-one per sons have been arrested. "It is alleged that after having con fined their energies for some months to obtaining news by espionage and sending it to France by way of Holland, they became bolder In September, planning to dynamite railwaya and buildings, besides assisting persons of military age fo es cape from Belgium to Franca. Among those arrested are four women, the prin cipal charge against them being that they were endangering the safety of the German army. a espionage system reported to have been discovered In France is alleged to have been managed by the wife of a raeeiv. h,. riirt .h French military authorities." Nine persons, the message adda, were tried for espionage In Belgium October M. All were found guilty and were aen tenced to death. The eentence was exe cuted today. Ten others, including three women, were sentenced to penal servi tude. POSTMASTERS NAMED FOR Tllnrr inr-e. r-r i a -s. I nntC VVCd I Cnn d I A I ta WASHINGTON. Oct. IWSpeclal Tele gram. ) Postmasters appointed: Nebraska Aahby, Grant county, Har vey C. Hubbard, vlca Mrs. Maria U Frenlrrberg. rvsigncd; Nattlck, Thomas county, vtiiuam i.iuey, vice George W. Ixiwe, resigned- Bead, Arthur county, Lee! resigned1'' ' VlC AUert J- Iowa Dumfriea. Potta wattamla esointv Carl J. Brandt, v'ce H. H. Turner, re moved; Dundee, Delaware county. No than M. Rowley, vtce Nelaon (Mlhert, re signed; Melcher. Marlon countv. Miss Ola Onode, vice Warren T. Newklrk, re- Wyomlng-Blttcr Creek, Sweetwater county, August Schneider, vice Mrs. N. O. Bruce, resigned; Lyalte. -Fremont F. Cunningham, reslifned; Pitchfork; Park county; Charles J. Belden, vie Mrs. P. C. Newell, resigned. The following lay Inspectors have been appointee) in connection with the bureau of animal Industry and where they will I b located: W. V. O'Brien, Waterloo. Ia., at National Stock yards, Illinois; F. J. Hulmela, South Ottumwa, la., at Mason City, la.; F. I Rodeis, Cedar Rapids, la., at Cedsr Rapids; W. H. McArl, Sioux Falla. S.. D.. at Sioux Falls. C. Arthur Orr of Cedar Rapids, la., hits been appointed assistant statistician In th Department of Coi-.imerce. SOLDIERS IN NORTHERN FRANCE SUFFER TERRIBLY CHEYENNE, Wyo., Oct. 31 (Special.) Dr. Walter M. I.acey returned today from France, where he served three mor.ths In a British concentration hos pital near Boulogne, holding the rank of captain. He was a maniber of a party of Harvard surgeons and nure who volunteered for duty behind th British lines. He state that the British are doing a remarkable work in prevent Inn typhoid and lockjaw among their act- lv and wounded troop, but say. that the character of th. righting In northern S I a ll V BS S" U W(i(,a V W ' IIU' VS C Li t I II untold misery before they can be given sttentlon, th mortality for this reason being very high. A large percentage of th men with limbs blown away, or a-rl- ous abdominal wounds, succumb bc."a'iso It Is Impossible to give them attention Immediately after they ara wounded. 3ANQUET AT CHEYENNE , IN H0NnR OF BROPHY CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Oct. -.-(Special.) One hundred business men tonight sat down at a banquet In honor of O. O. Brophy, who leaves tomorrow for Omaha, wrier he will becom superintendent of tha Nebrsska division of th Vnlon Pa cific, and Samuel R. Touaey, who suc ceeds Brophy as superintendent of th Wyoming division. Brophy haa b-en highly popular during his service her. ?IXTY GAMBLING HOUSES RMDED BY NEW YORK POLICE NEW YORK, Oct. . Sixty houaea were raided laat night by ninety detectives In the first wholeaale gambling raid in thla city In many years. Armed with axes and wedges th dstectlves stormed th houses located in various parts of Manhattan and arrested sevral hundred on warants. The detectives worked un der Lieutenant Costtgaa and formed into eight squads. FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES INCREASED FOUR MILLION WAfmTNVT OV. Oct- tV Th net amount ef federal nam aota taaaa out by - aderal Kraerv banks IncraasaJ nearly H.oou.ouo during th last wk. ac cording to a ataternt of th banks' condition October 29. Issued today, by th Federal Beserv board. REPORT DIAMONDS OF RECLUSE STOLEN Mamie Miller Dies After Living in Want, Though Possessed of Property. FORMER HU3BAND AT BURIAL m..,,h. ,ha Vllliw, isnn alWpd T to have been stolen from the resi dence about the time of the woman's death, last Thursday morning. To determine whether the death resulted from other than natural causes, the police requested Coroner Crosby to hold a postmortem exam ination, which was done by Dr. S. McCleneghen, coroner's physician, who reported that death was caused ! by an affection of the liver. The funeral was held yesterday and the body Interred at Forest Lawn ceme tery. Rev. C. W. Bavidge officiated In tha preaence of a small group of ac quaintances. . Led Life of Reriaae. Dr. J. Alexander Williams, who says he was first summoned to the Miller resi dence on Sundsy, October 3, statea that on his first visit the patient had a sali vated mouth and throat and wss In a serious condition. Ha says death was Imminent for soma time before she passed away. In his report of the case to the health department the debtor ascribed liver trouble as the cause of death. It Is stated by neighbors and others who hsd occasion to know of the life of thla recluse, that during the last few months of her Ufa she experienced many difficulties due to Ulneaa and depleted finances. It Is further stated that on account of her disinclination to mingle with neigh bors she waa neglected by them during the last days of her Illness, and that she even went short of food until a former husband, W. J. McEethron, took an In terest In the case. Bnrled by Former Hasbaad. Mr. McEathron, who la a civil engineer, residing In this city, but at present at work In Iowa, arranged for the funeral and engaged a nurse during the last week of the woman's illness. The Rev. Mr. Savidge, who operates the House of Hope, states that W. J. McEathron, father of J. W. McEathron. left hla in stitution on August at the request of I Miller, to atay at her house, and the I m,n",,'r saya the elder McEathron was at the Miller house from the date men tioned until yesterday. Second Husband Dead. Mrs. Miller's house was known to have been furnished with costly furniture, some of which she sold during the last few montha to provide money for necessities. After her separation rom Mr. McEath ron a few yeara ago, Mrs. Miller married Willi- Ultl.i, - l a I """" - r, -no uieu ! last spring. It is said that the death of her second husband cauaed her to grieve, and the attendant financial distress ag gravated the situation. The home at Sherman avenue and Spencer street Is a two-story brick and was owned by Mrs. Miller. It Is a sub- ! stantlal residence and the property Is j worlh about W'0oa The onl known rel- tlve Is a sister, who Is believed to live In Pennsylvania. Mr. McEathron has been trying to get In touch with the sister, Nrlg-hbora Know Little. Rev. Mr. SavldRe says he wss first ca"el " lust Monday, and he adds that a nurse was summoned arter he called Nelehbors discuss the case in whispers, ! nd on neighbor woman stated that i Mrs. Miller neither sought nor received tha attentions of thos Hving near her, for reasons. It Is aald, generally known i In the neighborhood. Mrs. years. Miller lived in Omaha twenty BLANCHE WALSH DYING; BECAME ILL TWO WEEKS AGO CLEVELAND, O.. Oct. . Miss Blanche Walsh, actress, who in private life Is Mrs. W. H. Travers. is near death at a hospital here. She had been play ing In vaudeville and two weeks ago be came ill. Doctors tonight say her death Is only a matter of hours. It's Your Liver! You're Bilious, Headachy, Sick! ,. , . j ..i Dn t &t&7 COIlStipated With j breath bad, Stomach SOUT or a cold. j j 1 . ... . EnjOy life! Liven your liver and bowels tonight and ; feel fine. Tonltht sure! Kemove the liver and bowel poison which Is keeping- your head dtzsy, your tongue coated, breath often Ive and stomach sour. Don't atay bilious, sick, headachy, oonaUpated and full of cold. Why doa't you get a boa of Cas carete from the drug store now? Eat one or two tonight and enjoy the nloast, gen tlest liver and bowvl cleansing you ever experienced. Ton will wake up feeling fit aad fine. Caacarets never gripe or bother you all Use next day Ilka calomel, salts and piUa They act gently but thor oughly. Mothers should gtva cross, sick, bilious or feverish children a whole Cas carvt any time. They are harmless and children love them. Advertisement. f coV1 i The Trademark NEMO Protects You The suriportinj!, reducing and euto-massage scnice of Nemo Corsets is due to the Nemo patented con structs the free play ol the bands end straps against the body. Imitation are made with straps snd hands of similar appearance, sewed on lo the corset, snd therefore IMMOVABLE. These, of course, have no supporting, reducing or suto-msstage value, and only add to the weight end bulk of the corset. Look for the trade-mark NEMO. That is your protection sgainst Useless imitation!. The "SelMIelp" Nemo Won derlift is the new and DIFFERENT corset that uplifts and supports the vital organs with no compression and no drag on the kidneys and spine. It is an ULTRA-STYLISH corset that also prevents and banishes the ills of womankind. Perhaps not tvtry woman will find the Nemo Wonderlift the most stylish, healthful snd com fortable corset ever made; but majority will. Too msny women sacrifice beslth for style. The Nemo Wonderlift crestes and preserves BOTH. It it unlike soy other corset e NEW IDEA, perfectly worked out. .Models for every figure: 554 -lor short fall flgare ) mm 655-lor taller full figure. . 646 for slender to medium ) V "I'll ietfi this corirt n itnd th tld tnl home!" So ssy thoussads of women when correctly fitted ia Nemo Wonderlift Corset. There esn be no stronger evidence ol its superior style sad oomfort. Study the "Self-Help" Nemo Wonderlift! Nemo Self-Red Nemo 3S& ' SEE THIS "WORLD WONDER Manufacturer, Middleman, Merchant or Piofessional man you should see the San Francisco Ezpositon. Through WESTERN UNION you are always within a few minutes of home and business. Tele ams, Day Letters, Night Letters, Cablegrams, Money Transferred by wire. THE WESTERN1 UNIOH TELEGRAPH CO. AMI SKMENTS. Devotad to Brilliant Mnsloal Burlesque TWICE DAILY wAiff Mat. Today rtuiui ciiiihiMB rcPT take w n Aim iiuikvuiv if ROTICEl . EIII'I BILLY 17ATS0H AMD HIS yiHOTI BEEF TRUST With tb Same M onutalnona Chorus of Heavies that Actually Caved In The Stage: at the Umpire Theater, Toledo, Ohio. Three Weaka Ago. fast Don't let it Hsd ea Hare, That's All I Xf Oar Btar Heads BVhoraing Up, TsU Us Quick! Beauty Chorus oi 39 Corn-Feds L'KAK KKAhEU: In conjunction with Tvchra Co Tetloa avra )! in g our oa Itttl oitl Avoirdupois ( ofivaiuion twl a day. Ta trainer may ov r-hai.. ..m our cbnma with hralna. but doo't lat'a tttlk arfioul U th Hut ifciland A tun aoaaloa hr. L JOHNSON Mrr flayetv. STnlar aiilw - Wol -ay Mat. 15c, 85-x &Oe ftad TSo. yrykATS.15en. 25e Chrw sua) It yt Ilka, bat ns arouklnf tar its' tOe AT w-:: Tir-rva sww DAT KAr,v BstiT Carriage Oarars la the Z.obby Pboae Donglaa 4S4. The Only Kigk Class TaadaTllle cironli. lauly MUt vl ia KT INlsni. i. moar ana iDia wm: Rvaa m: j. C. Nu gaat; Kai's Cuai-dv ft -cus: Mua. HmaJa-ayar: HAH FIX2 CKIEM Mm Kraoola: Mrniiyua; I Orvhauai Traval w avkiy. Prluasr Mallawa. aM Urr. to.; bvar aaata ( 8atnroar awi toua Miskla, Ma. tic 5c SiU I (. D Ever Nccn is asj est vale simply as s corset, f or lite hygienic feature, which are pricae, you pay nothing extra v?7nrt h "WONDERLIFT" J N ucing Corset No. 322 is worn by millions ot women wnoretuse to wear anyother. Of the dosen or more distinct Nemo Self Reducing models, No. 322 seems to suit more iodividusls than sny other one model. It is designed for women of full figure end medium height, who require a moderate degree of abdominal support and a high degree of figure reduction. For such figures it produces the graceful lines of present fashion with a deoided improvement in the figure snd the utmost comfort. ZT for median, fall flgares l $0.00 326-for taller full figures... f d The Nemo I.asticurv e-Back makes the corset skirt pliable and essy. Three distinot models of Nemo Self-Reduoing Corsets with Relief Bands, for three distinet types of the f1 figure, bring grace and oomfort to women of heavier build. These are- Nos. 402, 403 and 40& f 4.00 AMI SKMEMI. BOYD TODAY TOMOItUOW WKDXKSDAY The Most Ponular Screen Actor FICAXCIS X. BISHiLW In "GRArsTARK" Thursdny, Krlilay and Saturday "THE 1UJNDNKSS OK VIKTl'E" Sunday, November 7, for Four Days WALKKIt WHITESIDE in "THE RAOfiEII MESSEXGER" Beats Thursday. GROTTB BROS. CO. Geaaral Dlatrtbatera Oamaba. Nak. As well be out of the world aa out of style. 1 he advertising columns of The Bee constitute a continuous style show. 1 rat ll.a- t at