Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1915, WANT AD SECTION, Page 8-C, Image 32

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( M TUllKI!
After Looking All Over the Wet He
Inrefti Hit Money in Thii
New Assembling Plant of Ford Motor Company
Tee, 'stop Off t Omaha' has been
worth while," ld Mr. Carer f th real
lata firm of Shuler Carey. ' Henry
GrM Of Ontario, wealthy and traveling
U ever the t nlted Mate for pleasure
thl summer, bought two lota of ua dur
Ing hla atop In Omaha "
And ao ha did. Thin man Grill la of th
form of Ortll Brothera of Ontario. Can
ada, government and municipal contrac
tor. Ha traveled all through the aouth,
then to th went coaat, where he visited
th i posit Ions and various coail cltlea.
Then he atarted back through the heart
f the Vnltad Ftatea. He wa taking a
pleasure trip, hut he had hla cherk noon
With him. At Bait I-ake he got Interested
In some real estate and bought a few lota.
In Omaha he waa driving around Just
Sightseeing when he happened to drive
through the new Foppleton Park addi
tion. It looked good to hltn ao ho drove
to the office of the firm handling the
propertr and bought two of the highest
priced lota in the addition. He paid for
them and got hla deeds before he left
the city. He declared that the property
In Omaha looked aa good an Investment
to Mm aa any he had aeen anywhere.
J "V "in, aiaiaiinrt I 'V'"" TT,m i..ini. wis a-
Dodge Has Auction
Sale of Some Lots
Henry Ford haa selected Omaha aa the
aasemhllng point for hla weetern auto
mobile business and to handle that busi
ness haa bought a block and la now erect
ing the above building at Blitoenth and
Cuming streets. Here parte of an toe are
sent from the Korii factory In Detroit
and put together In the finished product.
The establishment la entirely separate
from the Mg aalea house at Twentieth
and Harney etreeta, presided over by C.
U Oould. It will give employment to
many men and add to the great payroll
of Omaha.
Nebraska to Get
Big Money from
Sugar Beet Crop
Pack from a visit of everal daya at
the town of McOrew In Scott' Bluff
county, C. T. McOrew reporta a very
flourishing condition of affaire In the
North 1'latte valley, "Sugar beets, one of
the principal trope, will mean the paying
out of over 2,UW.UM .during the next
ninety daya to the people of Hcott'a Fluff
county alone." he declares, "in addition
to the Immense amount received from al
falfa, potatoea and other products. After
the sugar Iwet have been harvested the
top left upon the ground aell for 94 per
acre and are used for feeding cattle and
On of the first actual auction of rlty
lota held In Omaha within the memory
of many of th real estate men wa held
early last week by N. P. Dodge, when
he old el piece of property lying Just
south of Decatur afreet en Twenty-fourth 'sheep, thousand of head being fed every
street. Interest wa exceptionally keen In year. Land I bringing a cash rental of
thl auction, and quite a crowd gathered ! fit to US per acre. When the product of
by th time th auctioneer wa ready to j from approximately 32,000 acre of land
wield th hammer. Term were one-j will produce th large sum mentioned. It
fonrth down and the balance In payment. : appears to be almost Incredible. The
Th lneld vacant property went at jur factory In 8ctf Bluff county will
bout OT.W m front foot Corner went I Bot nearly able to tak car of thl
at 157 a front foot, Th aouthwest corner ' c tralnload of beet are
of Twenty-fourth and Decatur street "olnsT out vry day to oe mad Into
old for HITS. It m-.a fort feet i ur thr point. Land ha been
A lot Uxia feet, with a building contain
ing three tore, cold at I7.G0&
Realty Men Will
ElectThis Week
Th Omaha Real Estate exchange I to
loot officer Wedneaday of thla week.
Th nominating committee reported the
following nomination at th laat meet
ing: C. F. Harrison, for president: Kd
W. Slater, vie president: A. I. Crelgh.
ocretary; Harry A. Wolf, treasurer.
bought for another factory to be in oper
ation there before th close of another
year. There ui a acarclty of labor and
advertisement are posted In every bank
and poatoffle calling for men and team
at good wage."
Orap growing I a good paylny crop
In Dougla county. Oscar Bolaen sold
10.81 baskets of grape thl season
through th Dougla County Fruit Orow.
era exchana from IwaIvi anrwa ner
Benaon, which brought 11.744 net return
after th commission for aelllng had
been deducted. Th average prtc waa a
little over It cent a basket. Th vine
7-year-old. Mr. Bolaen ay thl I a good
average crop. Borne vine on th horn
place are It-year-old and bear a heavy
or even more a they grow older. Thirty
two car load of grape were shipped
from DaBolt Ptaoa station alone thla
eaaon t different part of South Da
kota, Colorado and Nebraska.
Frank II. Meyer of th firm of Benson
A Meyer I to talk before th Omaha
Ileal Estate exchange next week on th
working out of th system of regional
reaerv banks, Mr. Meyer waa Invited
at th last meeting of th xchang to faet th,t N,bnulU h.vtng
Last Session of
Episcopal Synod
for This Evening
The second annual meeting of th
Kp.scopal synod of th province of th
northwest will close with a missionary
mass meeting . In Trinity cathedral thla
evening at I o'clock.
Th Key. Dr. H. U Burleson of New
Tork, general secretary of th board
of missions, will apeak on "On th 1 ir
Ing Urn,"
"In Rural Communities" will be th
ubjeet of Blabop Suffragan of Iowa
Longley. "In Foreign Land", will be
presented by Bishop Partridge of wvt
ern Jdlasourl, who waa blahop of Japan
for ten year.
Th venerable Blahop Brewer ef Mon
tana will deliver "The Final Message. "
Great Crop Year
for South Dakota
W. W, Johnson, assistant general freight
agent of tit Burlington, 1 horn from a
tour of South Dakota that took In th
country around I'lerre and the Jim river
valley from Mitchell a far north a
Aberdeen. Said Mr. Johnson:
"South Dakota ha never been aa pro
peroua a thla year. Bumper crop have
been raised and farmers have an abund
ance of every thing. Th small grain wa
harvested In perfect condition, due t
Rev. Willard Scott
Describes Preacher
of the Present Day
"Th Protestant minister of today Is
an anomaly In our social life. W have
not yet placed him; be deserves our
sympathy; he la afraid of his position;
he trie to talk of current affair in the
language of Judea; he part hla convic
tion In th middle so as to placate thla
faction or that faction." aaaerted Itev.
Wliard Scott, former Omaha minister,
at the University club at noon.
Th apeaker made thla reference to the
minister of hi boyhood days: "Thl man
of Ood waa Invisible during the week
and Incomprehenalble on Sunday. He
stood behind a majestlo pulpit which re
vealed only the bust of th preacher.
who wore a collar and dicky for decency'
sake. He received SCiOO a year; he bore
no relationship to th social life of th
"Change have taken place In th Pro
testant pulpit, but th minister haa not
yet been allowed th privilege of having
hla own head. Th reduced also of th
present-day pulpit require creased
trousers and blackened shoes."
Rev. Mr. Scott mad a plea that th
minister be allowed to organise his Job
a th business man la wont to do. He
told of his own experience of freeing him
self of th fetter of which he apok and
of being able to go out aa a free lance. He
said he baa experienced eelf-reveletlon.
"I now have mental and moral au
tonomy," he aald In oonoiualon.
patriotism by Increased acreage resulted
In unusually extensive wheat sowing and
It la now estimated that the common
wealth' wheat yield this season will
approximate or exceed lio.uoo.fiuo bushel.
(Correspondence of th Associated Press.) 1
AUCKLAND, New Zealand, Sept SO. j
South Kea Islander are soon to be
among the troop being trained to fight '
for Great Britain. A transport will '
leave thl port thla week for Raratonga, j
In the Cook group and Nlue Island, ;
which lie between th Cook archi
pelago and Tonga, to tak on board rui
tlve contingent front Raratonga and
Nlue Island. Th Islander will be
brought to New Zealand and will even
tually be merged with a fore of Maori
(native of New Zealand) when th lat
ter are aent to th front.
Home month ago Nlue Island attracted
general attention because upon th new
that Great Britain was at war reaching
there the tribe gathered, raised a sum
of money for th British cause, ad
dressed a letter to King George In which
they referred to their island aa "th
smallest child of th great mother
land." and offered to provide WO fight
ing men.
Mr. and Mr. 3. B. Htddlestra. git East
Plsrce street. Council Bluffs, celebrated
their golden wedding anniversary Friday
evening, surrounded by three of their
boys and their families: C. I. Hlddleaton
of Council Bluff, J. O. of Omaha, and
Cliff, also of thla city. Numerou friend
also dropped In to congratulate th old
folk en their long Journey together.
They were married ..t Oailyal. O.. after
th elo of th civil war. In whloh Mr.
Hlddleaton aerved with honor In Com
pany D. Ninety-second Ohio Infantry.
They moved to Harrison county, Iowa,
Oaal far Bleat Headache.
Constipation cause sick headache, and
Dr. Kins New Llf Pill will cur It.
Tak a do tonight. Ke, All drugglsas.
Advertisement. s . . ,
make such a talk, aa It waa stated In
th xchng meeting that he I a well
posted on th subject aa any man out
aid th banking business and a wall aa
many who are in th banking bualnesa.
Contract bay already been algned for
th bulMIng of a large grata elevator and
bay tore shad along th North
western railroad, at the new town of
West Benson a soon a side track can
b put In. Other are now figuring on
site for lumber, building material and
ooal yards, while other are figuring on
milk and cream atatJon; also a produce
and poultry trading point. The first
doubt business building on Mala atreet
will soon be completed, which will be
tor a general merchandise store and pos
sibly a bank.
too much rain during August and Sep
tember, weather conditions In South Da
kota were aerfect."
Whitmore Hearing
Next Wednesday
Frank T. Scott, arrested en a charge
of Impersonating a government officer,
appeared before United Btate Commis
sioner whitmor for preliminary hearing
and hla case wa continued till next
Scott assert there la a mlstak and
that he did not represent himself to be
a government officer. Th Paxton hotel
authorities assert that he did and went
away without paying hi bill. Soott
wrote to the hotel, asking to have hi
mall forwarded and thl I potnted to a
evidence that he had no Intent to defraud.
Ckaaar la Pajixr gchedale
Effective Sunday, October II. local
train now leaving Omaha tM a. m., will
teav at 7:00 a. m. Train leaving 16:00
a. m-, will be discontinued between Omaha
and Da Molne. "Rocky Mountain
limited" for Chtoago will leave at t:00
a. m.. Instead of 1:01 a. m. "Chicago Ex
press," train No. , will leave at IM
p. m.. Instead of 4:10 p. m. Oklahoma
and Texas Express, No. 17, will leave
Omaha at l:M p. ro-. Instead of 4:M p. m.
French Waal Bay V Boat.
(Correspondene ef the Associated Press.)
TOKIO, Oct. U. According to Toklo
newspaper Franc ha approached Japan
wltn a proposition to take over two sub
marine which th Japanese government
ordered at French shipyards before the
outbreak of the war. Only the queatloa
f prioe remains to be settled.
Ilagre Australian Wheal Crea.
(Correspondene of th Associated Press.)
MELBOURNE, Australia, Sept. M.
The Australian wheat crop will be far
beyond any yield whloh th common
wealth has ever known. Appeala to
farmer last spring to demonstrate their
Preferred Bharea pay 7 on
present value of $1.16, or
8.13 on par value of $1.00.
Share bare advanced $18.00
on the hundred to original in
ventors, who receive 7 Inter
est on the growing value, pay
able each alx months.
Share advance as the Sur
plus grows. January 1st la the
next dividend date.
Shares gotten now will par
ticipate In the Surplus profits
of this six months.
Shares, now $1.16 each, ma
be ordered by mail.
Our booklet, "The New "Way"
explains fully the plan ot
Home Binders
American Security Company,
cal Agent. Omaha. Net
Wot 91 MO ef Boaaed Xdet4.
Heavy Hoisting
UUFcnuraSt. Tel. D. 353
C. F. Harrison will address th F-co-homlo
league next Tuesday evening at
th pioneer room in th court house.
Mr. llaniaon recently visited San Fran
ctcco and made some observations of the
municipal atreet railway of that city and
will give the member of th league the
benefit of hi vbsorvatlon.
la two weeks from Wednesday of thla
week th Omaha Real Estate exchange Is
to hold a memorial hour at Ita regular
meeting In Commercial club rooms. The
memorial talka and resolution will be fur
the recently deceased members of the
exchange. O. O. Wallace mal the
motion for a memorial service.
Cook is Pleased
WithPaige Car
"It never rains, but that it poura."
Compliment and praises on th Paige
cars have been potting In. One of the
latest Paige enthusiast la C. A. Cook
f Ealero. Neb., to whom waa delivered a
I'aif light ill last week. Here what
Mr. Cook ays:
"The Palg light six touring car I
ought from, you and drove out ot Omaha
I giving the very best of satisfaction. I
mad th drive to Salem, a distance of
fclney-ewvea miles, on five s.nd three
,uaxter gallon of gasoline, wblub I con
a.ter very good for a new car, and I am
highly pleased at our choice."
Now a Drunkard,
He Asks Damages
Alleging that he waa mad a habitual
drunkard by reasoa of aalea of liquor
ta him la tbe saloon at 1101 South Ninth
etreet and that a a result be waa onoa
thrown out of th place nd Injured,
Kdward V. Walea, M year of age, haa
brought ult against three men who ran
the saloon t various times.
Walea asks tlt.J0 damages, lis names
Emll Toldbot. Jen Jeneea and Lout
Petersen and their bondsmen a defendants.
Louis Bahnlk of 1011 South Thirteenth
street met a stranger at th I'nlon depot
Friday evening. The stranger suggested
a stroll In the gloaming and Mr. Bahnlk
agreed to show the stranger the points of
Interest along the way. Their step took
them to Tenth and Howard streets, where
a second stranger appeared and promptly
accused Mr. Bahnlk of having found his
purse. The Omaha man protected his In
nucenee, but th second stranger wa
Bahnlk showed hi purse containing
39 to convlnc th accuser. After th
laps of a few minute th South Thir
teenth street resident looked in'o hla
purs and discovered that hla wealth had
been reduced to l. Both Stranger were
gone. Tbe 9oltc aeuev it waa a conn
tier c game.
Apartment, flat, house and cottage
can be rented quickly aad cheaply by
We -For Rent."
H VOU, Mr. Painter or Property
g 7 Owner, can insure years of
S service and satisfaction by using
fO ra run or fbotxst avromxomrrras.
n) - A FraatleeU BBatraUoa X Ooaolaalv Freef.
Coda la aad fce V Saw Tea.
I f "rVest far I
V VWaaal . I
11 raraaaa . rhea Zew-la TOlk.
with separata locked rooms,
heated piano rooms, sliver
vaults and other up-to-dste fea
tures offers at very reasonable rates, safe storage for your furniture,
pianos, rus and other household goods.
Let Us Move, Pack. Ctoro or Ship
Your Household Goods or Pianos
Our rates are moderate, our service of high quality. Our spa
rial representative will be glad to call and give full Information with
out charge.
Omaha Ifan & Storaco Co.
C0C-01O Couth Sixteenth atreet
rboa Douglas 4183.
Uiirow up
Wittli Omalba!
(HT Away back in the early, days of our
country young men were advised to go
west and grow up with the country, and
many did. "Go west, young man " it was
logical advice and was quite popular, so
popular in fact that the old quotation re
mains with us still, though there is little
need of it now. Young men have been go
ing' west for so many years and in such
great numbers that the west is really over
crowded. There are opportunities, of course,
but there are more men than opportunities,
today. The truth of this can easily be ver
ified by a talk with anyone who has visited
the far west.
(OT At the present time the greatest
opportunities are to be found right
here in the great, central section of our
country right here in Omaha. Needn't
"go West", or North, or South, or Eat,
' nor anywhere. Opportunity awaits
you right here at hand. Because Oma
ha is the city of opportunity, it has
passed the "boom" stage and has set
tled down to steady, -conservative, but
progressive advancement.
nr The surest way to get your share of
" the general prosperity which is com
ing to Omaha is to invest in local real es
tate. Omaha is growing, is bigger and bet
ter now than a few short years ago, and
will be greater still a few years hence.
Property which was worth very little a
short time ago is now worth much. And
that which can be bought very reasonably
now will be more valuable later on.
(OT Profit by this natural increase in
if land values. Buy and build in
Omaha. Consult the real estate col
umns of THE BEE, use it as your real
estate guide, and get in touch with the
many live opportunities offered in real
estate and building service.
.1 line