TIIH OMAHA SUNDAY 1JKK: OCTOHKU ?A, 1015. Babich Accounts for tbe Money Abraham Pehlrh, ladr f lh Emprwn thtr errheatre, whoa wife la row ajinff another woman and hrr relative for allied all-nation of Pal.t-h ' ff' Mr,M!t mnie and ne1a the or $! Uri I KNOWN BLACK HILLS tlona. ha filed an afl.!a'lt In di.trict for hla living eiene. Therefore, ha 11 rvl,u " 11 "-"wr iiiww- aertlon of Poiith Iakota. la at the Treaty terlan firlcal hoapttal, where he haa Juet undergone a acrioua t.peratlt to rrllere him from a atomach trouble that haa threatened Ma life. He haa been III for aeverat weeka and waa brought to Omaha early In the week fnr treatment. WEB BYERS TO TALK AT THE Y. M. C. A. SUNDAY A men'a meeting will be held at the Toun Men'a Christian aae-wlatlnn Sun day afternoon at 4 o'clock In the aymnaa. lum. Web Byers, et-attomey general of, Iowa and corrvf ation wunurl of lv Mointa at the present t-.ne. will he the speaker, fie la one. f the lending law yer of Ioa. lie waa a "trall-hiMei" In) the Tilly" Htinrtay campaign In Pel Jtolne... being Influence! to "hit thV trail" hy Ma aon. ho at that time wl captain cf the hlah achool f"ot hall team. court telllne; what he 1oea with hi . ha la unaMa to five Ms wife more wrrklr aalary of Hi. morey. Hahlrh alla ha rlvea lie prr ek to 1 hla wife aa aeparat maintenance moiiT, Apoi Imenla. flata. honae anil cottage, applies 10 a eok a payment on drhta ran b rented fiuickly and cheaply by contracted by her, apenrt a week for j Ilea "I'or Rent." MAN IN AN OMAHA HOSPITAL H. T. Cooper of White wood. 8. P.. one of the ploneera of the Black llilla, a banker and well known polUMnn of hie Mr. Cooper la with him. Wild's Very Best Inlaid Linoleum, worth $1.65, square yard Wild's Inlaid Linoleum, worth $1.50, square yard. No goods sold C.O. D. in this sale, and no goods sold on "will call." $1.35 $1.20 Our emiAeiniiiiia of LIiKoleiaiM KIIlM stores Sale 12-Foot Printed Linoleum Big assortment of pat terns blue and -white, wood effects, conventional attems. Full rolls, regu ar price 70c, Monday, square yard 6-Foot Printed Linoleum Beautiful patterns, tile effects. Goods that retail up to C5c. Special Mon day, square yard Genuine Inlaid Linoleum II I l yyuX I I X X f 1 A ! Tl.: J A mriAm Tn twn trrAm mrtli nn!i.U rm 1 1 1 Kn S X 0vX S "' i pi 111 I A YARD a""" '! Linoleum Remnants Most of these are over 12 feet long and many du plicate patterns, enabling you to cover room. "Worth to 65c, square yard Large Purchases of Best Known Qualities Exceptionally Strong V a1 ues Essence of Economy ' Thia is always the sale that Omaha housekeepers and howl managers take full advantage of, or wfe have always given REAL values. Our purchases were made early and were large enough to secure all that could be desired in low prices for high qualities. We have nearly two carloads of linoleums from the well known makers, Farr & Bailey, whose goods are standard the world over. It is far-sighted policy to join those who come to save money during this sale. lie sure to bring the measurements of your rooms, so you can buy quickly and exactly the amount you want. BALE BQWS TOMORROW MOKNIHU. 6-Foot Oilcloths Suitable for bath, kitch en and dining rooms, worth to 40c. Special Monday, square yard, 19 and A, YARD Z3 We made this great purchase from one of the hz$t known tilk makers in the world a maker o particular that his products must be absolutely perfect or he calls them second" It may be only a btoken thread here or a littie knot there, of no consequence whatever, but he will not sell them as perfect goods. Sixty Different Shades In This Lot. Ivory. Fleth. Pink. Black. Navy. Copenhagen. WUtrla. Prunella,, .Claret Gray. Smoka. Raseda. OUT. Coral. Ruaatan Green. Old Rom. Emerald. Lavender. Cerise. Blacult. This is the reason we secured this immense lot oftht desirable Crepe de Chine at an astonishingly Jow price. It is unnecessary for us to describe the beauty and qualitv of this stop em iterial for everyone is well posted. The im portance of tak.ng advantage of our purchase wtU be unmistakable to all. , Some of the Sixty Different Shades Chamois Mode, Burnt Orange, Hague Blue. Labrador. Sky. New Hello. Mali. 40-lnch All-Silk Black Chiffon Velvet, aoft, drapy finish., Good weight. Regular t nc $4.00 value, pecial,yard...V...?.:.:,;v52.y5 40-inch Silk Bedford Suiting, in navy, wisteria, brown, tan and gray. Regular $1.75 qual- rQ ity,'spVoiairyrd.r. . ,7. .t;. . . .... ;. VOC ' 86-inch Messaline, soft finish, good weight; street and evening shad ei. Regular 98o quality, A On ipeclal yard .... '. '. . V. '. r. . .1 . '. T" VC 33 and 36-inch Stripe Taffeta and Measalinea in a splendid range of street shades. Regular $1.25 value, special, yard There are 60 diferent shades in. this lot, some . of them being given here. This Crepe de Chine is stamped with the maker's name, which, will be sufficient recommendation to you when you Bee it. This material never sold for less than $2.50 a yard, and we will offer it Monday at (1.00. 60-inch line Quality Chiffon Broadcloth, sponged and shrunk. Rich, permanent luster, in all the wanted rfa -q shadea, including black. Monday, yard. ............ 4 60 to 54-inch Splendid All-Wool Fabrics, ln'plaids, stripes, French serges, fancy weave serges, poplins, etc.. in all the new wanted colors. , Worth to $l.ib, at one special q i price Monday, yard aPIalV Blondlne. Silver. Smoke Mlgnon. New Blue. Peacock. Copenhagen Lotus. Brown. Garnet. Nell Rose, Etc., Etc 69c 42 ' to 50-inch All-Wool French and Costume Serges, Crepes, Granites and fancy weaves, in all the new pop- -n ular shades for fall. Special Monday, yard, 69c and..."C 50-inch Fine Quality "All-Wool Satin Suitings and Poplins, just the right weight for dresses, suits and skirts, in all the new fashionable colorings. Special Monday, , yard .aPlaOV Such Stunning Suits, Coats and Dresses Have Never Before Been Seen New A new ahowing of the smartest of women's tailor-mades, copies cf foreign makers, every good style feature; every wanted color in every smart fabric. Sisea for misses and women. High Grade Tailor-Mades, $35 The season's select and exclusive features are embodied in thla wonderful line of fur-trimmed broadcloth suits. The smart flared Russian effects with the pretty full fur edging and collars. Navy blue, brown, green, plum and black. Misses' and women aizea. ' New Afternoon Frocks, $25 A showing Monday of good looking, practical and dressy froeks for afternoon affairs made of combina tions of eharmeuse and Georgette crepe, new blue, African, Belgian blue, subterranean green, wisteria and blackberry. New Dancing & Party Gowns $35.00, $39.00 and $49.00 We will ahow several dainty, sweet frocks for veiling occasional in pretty, dainty colors of char mease, crepe meteor and crepe de chine, also nets and lacea. ' , ' New Silk Plush and Pile Fabric Coats Monday's offerings in coata will be several new smart models in the most popular fabric of the aeaaon Plush ; also the new wool velours, duvetyne, kitten's ear, wool plusheti, corduroys, eta. Large fur collars, torn with wide bands of fur around bottoms of beautiful flared wide belted Russian models. The soft ahadea of brown, green, blackberry and navy. $25.00, $35.00, $49.00 and $59.00 Suits, $25.00 : V iff . A Special Offering of Coats, $15.00 Several wonderful models are shown in this lot, in the new heavy Vfrlours, corduroys, mixtures, plaids, tibeiines, etc., many fur collars and fur edg ing. All good wanted colors. Sale of Fine Skirts at $6.98 We have assembled abont 65 beautiful, high grade tailored skirts, in all the very latest and' amartest modela, made in the newest of fabrics broadcloths, gabardines, poplins, satins, plaids, etc Many sample skirts in the lot worth to $12.50. Klosflt Petticoats at $3.69 Every good color in the silk Jerseys, Jersey tops and taf feta flounces, all taffeta, ete. Every good color for the new fall suit or dress. Remember, these are made with the elastic bands and fit the form smooth. Notion Specials Cotton, white R. M. C. Croeh.t and eolora. ball 11-yd. bolta of Bias Tape, each.M t-jrd. bolta of Twilled Tape, ea.le Ban-Silk, apeolal Monday. pool .....Stte 100-yard Spool of Good Sawlng 611k. each I4 Oood Shall Hair Fine, lie trade. boa Larr place eatra food, atrong Klaatto SH Black Jap Mall fioaaa. lo a;rada. aoh Uureon'a Beat Stocking Fe.t. lIHo value, pair., , tOO-yard tipuola of Machine Thread. Clark, etc Special. apool ...Sa i. U P. Coata' Beat Darning Cot ton, 4 apoole So Inald Skirt Belting, worth to lto. yard B Large alaaa Hair Nata. each .... 0o Notion Boxae, ap.clal, aa.lOe 10-yd. bolta of Beat Imported TwIUad Gngllak Tape, ap.clal. each a All our Buator Brown and Vel vet Orip Hoee Bupport.ra. ap.clal. Monday, pair 1 Good Wire Hair Pine, doaen packag.a for Oc.aa Peart Buttona. ap.clal, rard NV.od.n Coat Haag.ra, ap.clal. for Oood Machine Oil. Monday, bot- ll Be Sefefy Plna. apeolal. 4 doe. for. a. On big lot of Barrette and Comba. ch.lo. . Oraaalng Comba, apeclaL ach..5 traamakera' Pin Cuahlona. 16a value, each ..Se Faat Colored Waah F.dglng, yd. la Nack Band for Man Shlrta. each 8H. lramakre' Plna, H-lb. box for Shoe Treea, pair ke. or t for.ase M. K. Knitting Cotton. Mon day, ball Sanitary Bait. peelal. aaoh..le Hall-Borchert Dress Forms Hall Borchert Ad justable Drees Forms can be adjusted at seek, bust, waist aud hips, also to any height Each form i on rollers. Beat form made, regular $7.98 values, each $3.98 nil Low Prices for These Blouses of Quality ' Every D ouse will pass the most critical observa tion for little originalities in style, expert workman ship, dainty finishing touches and excellent quality materials. New Radium Lace Blouses Entirely new. Colors Navy, green, C QQ brown and white. Specially priced at. . JOeVO Smart Georgette Crepe Blouser, K Trimmed with Venice bands; two- sf An in-one collar. Special at ipO.UU New Black and White Checked )qo BJousea, at $0.70 Georgette Crepe Blouses, sale price Laces More of those "Wonderful Lace c tf Blouses, at $2.95, $3.08 and O.UU Colors Flesh and "White and Black. Blouses of every description can be found here. We have never carried a more complete stock. And Crepe de Chine Chombination sn aq ...... i. ?0.yO I Victor Victrola New Style X $82.50 Together with SO selertlona of nuale. tea le-inca. double (re reoords. Viet TlrtreU X has all the lataat and beet featttrts of the htgher prloed Victor Vlctrolaa. rempeUm Keeab Easy Term. Cotton Goods, Flannels, Sheets The Best Pattem at Very Much Reduced Prices Highly Mercerired Dress Toplin, soft, silky, permanent finiah. Full bolts to aelect from, all the new shades. Values to 15c, ni yrd iUfC 32-inch Genuine Juvenile Suiting, all the new wanted shades, neat stripes and checks, dark and light grounds. Regular 12V2o value, q special Monday, yard O "TC Beat Grade Dresa Percale. Belfast Cambric manufactured by the Pacific Mills. Pure indigo dye, light and dark grounds, neat dots and fig ures. Regular price 12Vfe, sale price, r Jrd 5 C The Genuine Kngliah Shirting in all the new fall designs, neat atripea, checks and fignres, faat colore: light and medium ahadea. pa Values to 25e, special Monday, yard luC 36-inch Best Grade Bleached Underwear Cam bric and Muslin, extra soft lingerie fin- fj Uh. Values to 10c, special Monday, yard.. i1yC Outing Flannel, Amoskeag best grade, in dark and light grounds and pure white; soft, warm, Kermanent fleece; extra weight and finish. gular 10c value, special Monday, pi yard CrjC 27-in"h Fancy Outing Flannel, good grade, soft fleecy nap, in all the choice stripes and figures as well aa pure white. Worth 9c, s yd OjC 36-inch Fancy Printed Silkoline and Com forter Cretonne, beautiful colorings and print ings, light and dark grounds. Regular s t price 10c, aale price, yard 0 2 C Pure White Carded Cotton Batting, soft, fluffy cotton, sanitsry, hand rolled. if Our regular 15c grade, Monday, roll.... gJC 81x90-inch Bleached Sheets, extra heavy weight, seamless; round thread linen finish; 3 ineh hema torn and ironed. Regular s w 75c value, special Monday, each 0i5C 'm V