( TIIE BEF.t OMAHA, SATUKDAY, OCTOBEU .10. 1915. 19 ron kent k part ... aad riaih CNK 4-room and one - room apt, Tb Hmlle Pnuglae IT4. fon fcHN't-N $-room apartment; dis appearing be1e; pneunistie elevator) shower befhl: lni-HiN m every partiou- lr. Flora Apti. M JnM ST. THK HKLI'.N, I'M Hnwf St. Very choice 4 and 6-mnnt apMh,rfi's in Ho- 1" f'f"'.f building, '.all Item W T" Coiiiforteule. lara 8-r. spartm-nt, part mod , Work to car end stores, food no'thbornood 191T Kim St. P. sot. (T t l.AIWi, IMih snd H.nney one 4-r. ept Harney 47. ', mm I and Mnard aft kMKu. rrnlt'i limmi that efier every ma- rn onventeiio and comfort In pflvetd famUlc. Of boarding bouses of ths high est class will to found tn tit Furnished nivtmi fdluftui of Th He. Patina Tyler inon VkST HOTkL. K B. 8th St. Jleganily furnished steam bested reon-iO, by day or week, with or without board. B, wnd loo l"r I prfeon, . Sl?l?-J. furnished1 nrHtif urnlshedooms. H " piod.rn f 'n TTipliort Worn. prlviuT-mfiy. Nnir ref tine . 41"! N. IM Bt, NiTT7 MuKia ae iws . , ., . .. trli i.l..ri mat I ITMMkla if (p-n i, n" , i i r ir.i ............ - - - A.Birr-l.-Vrpne re'iulre-d H TV". VAN I M -on or two un n-ien ,or front room and board, Pougla HTdTH."t4 snd 8. l r?C"i4ry's AT. lLK.NifeHh.D room and board, eirictly modern house. 16 a week; thre) Oaf linen. 8111 8, 84th fit. Poug, M7u. U e Lvtl At. I a W WAT 1T.M kar . n'lMk a A LiM dill ITSJ"T fOTKL SANFURP, IWh and lTarnam. OTi;ij Ml Hlif.1. win rim rtnnim two front rtni mod., on re n., with ed.. private family. t line. I vol arK Av, H. MAHOUA.NY luruUhed d. i toum, ateain heal, private ba n. nooq pouro JACKSON, rTli-Beautlfullr furnlahed . rooma. with of without 4oarn. . mhPd rooma tn a prlvata famuy! notnd frlvllogiMi to the rltht partli i 1U nmUkt HoMoa. l-n all modern furnlahed houoa. Wt, tltt l-K. furntKhe, hougt-; t!6, H. 4f. WEST FA UN AM. Simlohed or unfurnished, horns of 7 room, 40 and lift., u. or voiia Karnlake t4aaeoa WE8T FARNAM. Furnlahed or unfumlhed homo Of 7 oom. $40 and $45. DoWflM DOU r Col- fn lti'6. . f FOR KENT Furn. dwelling, 7rroomi Til mod.; mum p n-pgniuii - VEST FARNAM, nef chooU, J-r., portly furntehed. tr. C)l Harney 1134. L'..n.k,l kiulul JJICB, large furOlehad foo: all Bioderni ' fine looatlon. WabaUr St. Phon tlamey M. ' . ROOM3 for two gtudenta. 2136 Pougla4. FURNISHED rooms for rent; atrlctly modern. M isth Pt. 4hE idlLLER HOCfHfl. SIM St. Mary'a Ave., alicellent roama by dny or week; fn fino location: handy to bualneaa ola- trlct. Dauglna FOR RENTNewly furhlehed roomo, (3 to ;). EM t'OUgiaa. nno MODERN, nwly furnished Wom"-.fJ,r? and eecond floor. 1018 N. Jlat. South Omaha, Phone Bouth 3725. . . . tY PKK WEEK S furnished rooms for llKht housekeeping; 1 block from P. O. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY, gth anrt DytiKlwe. r 1 rnoNT rm.i oa newt: i tit. i-m, ri. ini NICELY furmalied room; cloae In; alt modern: fjl H. 22d U NICELY furnihed room; cloeo tai ail . modern, fciii m bu SOUTH Two alngle rooma for gentlemen; private bath. 10M Park Ave. CAPITOL. AVE!., 1S12 Steam heated rooma nu , .. a , ni nj, aiittablM for two. Wll.ll . - . Fur. room and bath. Wffl lavenwarth. NICE, large room In private family, block from North 24th car; nurae or clerk ir- ferred. Web. 4217. MA.HON. 2915 Two modern rooma, an aulte, furnlahed complete. Hartley 4144, SUITE OF NICE" ROOMS. In private. - congenial family; not far from car. Hi K. lHth. Web. 848. LARGE, modern room, newly furnUhad. nil NArth mm bi. nmrnrr oisw. NEWLY "furnlahed rm, near town. p7tffio. H.EASANT, modern furnlahed room, close in; quiet home. Poug. 78l. Faraiahed HaiaT a-"a. FA UN AM J822TWO nloo . oouaeaeeping rooma; elaotrioity. ataanL Hnwkrrpla aXaaaaa Ml PA VKNPORT TWO OR TKRKB NICELY FURN1HH1CD HKa. HOOMd. NEW BRICK FLAT. ' 2Vi MASON One room for two gentle men; use of oen. n. '" PAVENPORT,"3iW-Largo, modem aulta bouaekaepiag rooma; aiao aleejituS rooma, with private bath. H. K1S. Hoaaea ai OattaaT. Mrm. IX.OO rooma, atrtotly modem, nloa cor ner lot, paved etreoL two oar IMWi nearby. 2301 N. Sid St. 125. (- rooma, entirely mod., nice nome like plaoe. fine yard. KM FranklU SU. SCOT T & HILL OO. Dougiaai lolZ ' GRAND AvL- rooma and bath; atrlctly modern; oak finish thoroughoutt tile bath; rent $iiW per month. G.- W. QAlUXXJH. 232 Btate Bank Bldg. Phonea Sunday, Walnut U3; weekdaya. Poug. 1. . Fine 5-room St. Louia flaU, ta walking distance; modern; Shelby court, 22d BL Vi block south of Ieavenworth Bt, $16. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, . ' 16i2 Kamam St. Poug. m, . o FOR RENT -room cottage, modern er cept heat. $626 Parker HL - 6UVEN rooma and bath, all modem. K24 Manderaon at. Phone W. SA. FOR COLORED PEOPLE. I and 6-room cottages, partly modern. 1S40-1M2 Nu. 22d St. Call P. rrw. SEVEN rooms, sufi Cbarlea, Pkeaa Walnut 2ti6ii FOR RENT Heautirul moderM ' rl deoca, I rooms and bath, cot water heat, Large garagei at loreuoe Blvd. Phone Collak two, WALKINOdlatanc, Ha Poaga, room,1 modern, $i6; key. t0 oall Web. 4f. SliO CoRB V -room house; not saw, but cleun paper and paint; good neighbor hood; paved street) aiorm windows; elec tric light: baibi gas; water paid; $13.60. WeBsier 1345. BY NOV. L to reliable party. 6-room, all modern house; hot water beat list and A men. call Colfas to. 4-R. MOLiKKN house. Ig.KI, Web. 26?. 271 Ohio St.. 7 rooma. $17. Poug. 447. koeth. I ROOMS fit. ' Fine 6-room be Louts ita. In walking dlstaULe; modern; Blie.uy court, tld Mutt block south of Leavenworth Sl, $16, . PETERa TRUST COaLPAN X. IniC Famam tic Poug, we. f-K. cottaae; moi. l wl S. list H. iMia. Hanscom Pk. Plat., nice 6-r. eottaga. mad. ex. ht. 1744 8. 2ib bt. Low rent. p. sis. k-IiOOM house and sleeping porch; Fluid iiuq aiainct. koi . man Ave. H. M.4. ...1 rr iuljli nuxieia, 7-r., llsiiacom cetUge. oak flooie, $26. Tel. Har. .r. 6-H. 1-ltOOM mouteti cuiu.t, ie.. Har. 1JM. modern, 46 Popiileton Ave. aiODElvN 7-roem bouse. W Para Ava, $16. Pn.ne Harney lid. iSl PARK AVE-a-room mod home, $, etra. Carey cleaning Co. H. T8u7. 6-Rook oetuma, 1U & feu. St., (is. Water paid. . LARGE 4-room be use. beat condition. mourra except heat. M aao. IkJ B. M Ma, rooms. I blocks to car. oioaa to ca-ther-i and Saundera aoftool; iiumodiata poaMssleu. Call owner, Pougiaa 2.L, - - - s n rvr T Dint. tTH AV'ii, AND CASA-ST" 7 rooms, I blocks Faraaia line; close to caiuearM and fcauajers' School. Call Poug. 171s; ereainge and Sunday, Haxney 14. SnVU-KoO. aollage, tuoUera aaeat beat. 4214 Hawillou SU riEAL KflTATK TtKAL EsTATU faiih Rtjtt'H Ltim ron. t alcfaum a ranth lands for saLm Mleellaaina. MloeellaaeAaa, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY LAND DEPARTMENT Then e&n be no inter 6r more profitable Investment than th ptirchase of land at its valad. The lands listed bolow are desirably located and the prices aro attractive and right. IN NEBRASKA: Fanning and pasture lands at from $uU0 to $40.00 per aere. Some very choice tracts adjoining County Beat Town, at $30.00 to $70.00 per acre. IN KANSAS AND COLORADO: Fide wheat lands at from $7.00 to $25.00 per aore. IN WYOMING: Allied farming and pasture lands at $3.00 to $11.00 pcf acre. Large and small tracts of (crazing lands in the great Sheep and Wool territory at $2.00 to $2.60 per acre. TERMS OF SALE: One-tenth down and balance In ten years at 6 interest. Fox maps and full information, address or call upon J. A. GRIFFITH, Land Commissioner, U. P. R. R. Co., . 109 Union Pacifio Building, Omaha, Nebraska. o RKAI, rsTATB .SOIUII SIDE MIAL KSTAT1C -NOnTH ilt) R.RAL KHTATR KOWTH SIP BJtAL KSTATR .JfOnTII AD MINNE LUSA FOR RENT Hwaaea lottasjea, WmI. t-t, mAd. hnwea, y.14 1 xvsnorh, W. STRICTLY modern 4-room house, with garage. 3214 Cass. Phono Har. 6231, after $ p, in. M'NUEK J-rooin house hear car. 'i'ai. JL1-1 or Walnut 3317. dterea and Otflere. 5TM AVE. AMERICA'S GREATEST RETAIL STREET Tg and tlwayg has been A driving street, that took merchants there and made It famous. UNDER MODERN CONDITIONS driv ing streets increase In value all the time. N. 1JTH ST. GREATEST PRlVlNtl STREET in Omaha. Look It oven tOtr WANT HUSINESS WORTH WlUpn. Not a mere exlstenoc, one that will repay labor, money, bralnwork In vested, sis up to a man' job and make )rour mark on this. Ion ihth I Kave bRST spot for CORN BR PBUO STORE n worth while. Also Handsome DOUBLE STORE for OROCKRIEST MEA1S, ETC. That can be made more. Come and see me gei facts. T. J. HOOK, 1101 N, Uth St koDERN store near postoiflce; low rent. O. P. Steboini, 16i0 Chicago St. at Isce I laarssa $0 Mason St., 8 rma., all mod., $40, lou Paclfio St., rma., mod. ex. heat, 222t Poppleton Ave., rms., all mod.. 1K Yates St., 7 rma., all mod., fcU. $617 Spenfr St., 6 rms., mod. et. ht.. 119. " X h" av a sua. a l'-va. oa. Sly.. al 1411 "o. 17th St.. I rma., city water, gift. lfd So. Hd St.. 6 rma. all mod.. 221. IW2 No. atth St., I rma., mod. ex. ht., $18. 1W8 Ohio St., rms., part mod., $15. 4221 Fowler Ave., 6 rms., part mod., $15. Met Chicago St.. It rma., mod. ex. ht., $20. BIRKETT db COMPANY, 4?$ bos Bldg. Poug. 633. H Wo-. PBEB 6-r 2819 $. 18th St., $U; new 6-r., mod., very ohotce, 8718 N. 20th St., $26; 6-r , mod.. 2110 N. Tth Ave., $14; 11 others, $6 to $26; hew J-r. flat, select, IM N, IM, $M; a.f., 1517 a 8th St., $7. McKlirtck R. Co., f. 14K8 or Ty. 2140J. CaJiierala. Lira nat Colon l, une better. W. t. emlth '.. ! 14 1'Hv et H. t aVia taaaaa. FOR PALR OR LEASE Any part of itPf srs near Hi'setown, Basaatchewan. I rained ljo.000 bushels of oats and ?'.' bushels of risk un land this year, rrios cheap and terms very easy. Frank Craw lorn, iimns, men., of Knaeniwn, wasa. Aorta ilakeu. $rW CASH down and th bglance on easy terms buri lis) acraa of choice farm land tn Urand Forks County; 1j0 acres under crop each year, and the bal ance In hay meadow; small dwelling house pn It. Write peter McUovem Lana t o... r orenreLyt is lewa. FOft SALR-JWI-aCr farm, I Miles from Vounvll Rluffs, on the Ltnroln highway. Ajilresn J, Hannlhsl, H. , Box 74. Mebraataa. Farm Renters, Attention! .Here la ehaneo to ei a, farm In Fasterh Nebraska on payments whlob you ran meet out ef your omp lnoome, 100 acres, 70 acres cultivated, Including 40 sores seeded to fall wheat balance la bast ure; no buildings. Price $70 per are. Terma, $2,010 cash, the balance on long time or In small annual payments to suit the purchaser, owner might advance money to pay pari rest of buildings. This ami is located $ miles from Palmyra, 26 miles aoutbeaat of Lincoln and on 4 fine automobile road aver which, a scrub team oan haul 4.0O0 pounda to market About .W aarea In the center of this farm is used for pasture and a ravine straight through the eenter of It. The cultivated land Is In two fields, ene On each aids at the pasture and oan be Plowed from end to end without a break. Mors land can be broken out If desired. This land Will raise sood alfalfa a. w.ii OS all kinds of grain. Farms tn ths Sams 114 8. 2TH 7-r., all modern houaa. newly papered and nalnted: close In- 825 . 2601 N. 69th Ave. ft-r., all modem house. line tot, auto garage, ijv. RASP BROS.- DOUGLAS 1653. GlobeVan&Storage township which are fairly level and well improved bring $126 to $171 per acre. Any food thrifty farmer can pay for this land vub vt uiih iiiwiii, uq larpreiy in I creese the value of It In a few year. I STOI PAYINO RENT I GET A PKRMA. rfENT HOMS 0 TOUft OVVNi Answer promptly and tell us In your first latter whea you can go with us to Inspect this . land, J. Ha Dumont & Co, 4l-18 Stato Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas aao. Stores, moves, packs, ships; t-aorse vaa 4 I men, $1,81 par sr.; storage $2 per tUsisAition euar. P. 441 A Ty. 834 mo, Sat CLOSE IN. desirable o-room cottage, modem except furnaos. C28 S. ISth Ave. Tel. Poug las 423$. W. A. UUenbaugn, owner. FINE f-room, modern house and garage, so, ii 1 1 ixtnrop ri. tu weo. BENaOhJ 6113 McKlnley St., 6-r., electric ugou gas, city water, ciaiern. garaen. barn. Tel. Walnut 8611. FOR colored people, I and 8-room oot tagea, partly modern. 1M0-UHS N. C2d Bt Cell Poug. rut. FIDELITY K3$& FREE Pben Douglas ttt far oonplets list of Vaoaat houses ahd apartmemsi also tor storage, moving, ltth and Jackaoa Ota Gordon Van Co. 5 118 M. Utb Bt Tel. D bm or Har. Iter. OOP auta aaiea room on Farnara Bt Very reasonable rent. .e. Doui. 40e MODERN 7-room nouae; barn: good Jo cation; $8$. 4348 Franklin Walnut 804$ SEE the Central Furniture Store's FREll RKNTAL f.IST. van and Stores Co. Call ua for es time tea for mov ing, pacing, snjpving. i,u Webster Bt. pouglaa Maggiard's I4W. SEVEN and five-room houses; madera; alklng distance. Douglas 45. J . Ve J.VIVA Karnarn. sneving. t erase. D. WAXTED to rent WANTED Furnlehed 4 or 6-room apart ment for winter months by couple; no children; In respectable neighborhood, walking distance and not over $ per month. If going away and want to leave your furnishings In care ef people that will treat them with respect, answer this advertisement. Address F fc6, Bee. WANTEX I or 4 connecting rooma, with bath furnished, for housekeeping; round floor preferred. State price. 8. H. L, Oaneral Delivery, Omaha. WAXTKD TO HXTT Scrap Iron Wanted 1,000 tone serap Iron In carload lota. For prompt shipments out of nortn and .southwestern terrltorv of Orand Island. Great Western Iron & Metal Co. Grand Island, Neb. highest prtoaa for Iron, brass worsv Ing mashlnary; buy complete ahopa, favtoriea, ate. ate lit or, 816 a. Clnton. cninago. OKFlCkttemhare kougtit and so Mi. C Reed IsvT re ma as. poug. 814 btri tly hlh grade plane Web. HA Tale bn avarything Id hand Web. WA UIGHtiT prioM for aid alatklng. pTii REAL EMTATH' teOAKT laada wead, tvesu ! . I 0 TO $l.ww laada preniptly, T, Mh at Famaia 81 t.ltir aad farm leans, i, bit, per en$ J. Vt pumant A 1:0.. 41$ Ksi. Hank "Far iiaia" ad WUi tara iisma lual furuilwre tula caah. I'PPSR WISCONSIN-Bast dairy and geaeral crop atate In the union 1 settlers Wanted 1 lands tar sale at low prloe easy terms, Ask for booklet 84 on Wlsooa sin Central Land Grant. Exeelleatfland for stock ralalag. If Interested In fruit lands ask tor booklet en apple orchards, Address Land and Industrial PeparU. Sua lJne Hallway, Mlnneaooila Vllna Wlsoaaslsv. PQlt BALIO-so-acre Improved farm, good frame bulldlnga, all stock, horees, hoaa. machlnery and orcpsi tin looatien, 1st nutw ir-ni ursns cyiuf w.ini we.v . 40 rods to school; all for only 86.640, half caan. ia ureas, uraaa xtapiaa, wisw Rout 1. Wyaaalagr. LP 80 acres Wyoming. Irrigated, part itlvatedi terms. Jim Wray, Sloua City. 6NAP-80 u MIMtlissm, DU a FANat FOR 8U.I.SI4 Writ a good deaciipUoa at your land and aeod It to the Sioux City, la., Journal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five words ovary Friday evening. Saturday morning aad every Saturday evening and Suaday morn tag for on month, giving etxteen ada oa twelve different oayg for $i; r 6 words, $4, or 76 word. $. Largest circulation of any Iowa new. aapar, tAI.OUO raadarg dally la four great REAL ESTATE LOANs W ANIfcu-uisud taria aad city loaag at lowest rata. PETKHH TRUrl CO.. 1628 Farnsm. CIT jproperty. Large loans a specialty. W. H. 'rhoinas Wk H(i Bank hldg. OMAHA homes. East Nt brass a raraia O'KEEFE RfeAI, EST AT S3 CO., WU Omahs National. Phone Pougta $718, MONEY on hand for city and fame l.aea. H. W. Binder, City National stank Hldg. KCtClTT LOANS, a U. Caribarg. $! u7 18 Brandals f beater Bldg. HEAL E8TATE FOR HXCHAJfGBJ WESTERGAARD & PETER BON EXCHANGES $18,000 stock of good, saleable mar Cbandlse, good location, to trad tor land or Income property. For land or Income property, on Of th finest aad best looatod real asnoe properties to Blair. Value, 8s,su0. Find d-Apartment brick building, food localloa. Annual rentals, i,M. WUI trada for Improved tana land or No. 1 residence peep erty la Omaha. Frio, t,(W0. Ko-aor farm In Washington county, Nebraska, to exchange for On.aka in 00 me property. V-acre, good, Iowa farm to ex change for dealrabl Omaha real denoe property. 82-4 Brandels Theater Bldg. Omaha, Neb. TeL P. 1sm. H. C. Weatergaard. Paul Peterson. WHAT ha v you to" exchange r thre food automobile t prefer aiear lou or cottage la Omaha, or steer plea at taria lea arnl GCOTT AND IULL CO. Douglas WfOX $T MoCagas Blda. LMPROV&U sv-aore Irrigated farm la South Central Idaho for sal or trade. Address T lit aere near Cawtral City, cheap land preferred. awA i Liynrn, neo. Ld;-liliKi;l;li;l;llllJ ! I isssje.sejee.aei... . 'I W . &f Fj -.. V. l , . , i t ltu..i.i,il , I 1 1.1 l,LU L 1. 1 Ll.1,1 I.I.Lm V f-Tl-fJJJ I I I IJJIM.lat I II 111 ! LT 1 ' .'.!.!. '.n Q.Lnn ?mYT'mil jj'Ti i i i i i rn rn nn in '-i - Uiisi...I 1 I In 1 I 1 i ILU Is LI 1.1 I mml m I C h Z Ltlal I 1,1,1,1 1,1,1.1 LLI 1 1 I, I J I , least, i.j "'f.'.is i ill 1 1 rn en nnruJ Tiririiin mi f 1 1 nrcd b rf- -r?"1, m - - - - -i 1 -CZT rj ZzZ ii - r" p.11:itHTl1,rl:b bl:rm1.pj MffliB i.i-l-lii:H'l'l:m -iv itHTTi rrrn HT it it i rn11 '? r-n 1 1 1 rn rrn in 'fTi-H - -J r 1. . .Is. ...I. .......... . M V-h . . . , , L-........ . .1 ' 4 .i 1-H rjr M r-. L! - I r - gSW I Pl;lffl:aM!Ml I n 1 IfSP'li. J'lil'FFi ITHI"H" "H'Fttj - 1 f" " ',l'trlk1,1'1, !' ''a' - '6.1.1. i.l Lalali Uf U-Ulalal.l.l I I I laLULUI.I I I III LI s c r"gr u'icLy: v z xr iinn Average price, $G50 per lot, tho BEST ITigh Clas Rosidenoo Lota ever offered ANYWHERE. Our sales prove Everyone savs it is the most wonderful development ever made. Come Out Saturday or Sunday t And ee a olty in the making. Charles W. Martin & Co. it. Phone Tyler 187. 742 Omaha National Bank Bid;. Alt NORTH I7TH St. tso.oo exsn; tis pen month. Neat 8-room oottaga, modern oxcept heat: )uat painted two ooata outside, and all decorated Inatd. Her Is a chance to stop paying rent Prloe only $1,460. 1m medlata posawaalnn, Invaetlgate at ono. KAftr BROS, , 108 MoCagiie Bldg. Douglas 13. LOOK AT THKSU BUNGALOWS. 3?4 lAravetto Ave.. I a with beamed eellngs. paneled NoT 8018 and g rooms, nd boekeases, buffet, china tngi yard sodded: south front i oak and lis. fireplace closet, lighting fixtures plumbing, heat- mil fim .'raueu. Huin iroiiii nn snq White enamel finish: close tn: lust east f Bwmts Park, In Montclalr. Call owner aad builder for price and terma. A. H. OLMSTKAD, Phone Web. 8S20. SAWirtdKwi-TBRMff m: Modem e-roont bungalow, I blocks from car; 8-r oak. Owner, Harney ttrts. 8-ROOM hous. prloe $41; terms, toO each, balanc $?Ter month! got quickly. Phone Douglas 8688. vvNvnt win sanrlflc 6-r., strictly mod em house, with lartr s'.eeplng room, oak loom, woodwerk nioely decorated. Terms. Phon Webster U$7. REAL ESTATE ACRE ACB 2 Acres 3 Acres 4 Acres , 5 Acres . In Richland Acres If you want Some of th best level and gently rolling rich land, close to a paved road and a good location, you should ?ot overtook acre In this new addition, t la all tn alfalfa and original prairie, only a Short distance from Benson and adjoining Keystone Park on the north west Bom pteoes have running water. An elegant plaoe for an Investment or a future home. This tract is only $ blocks from th Jitney line. These acres Will be said on our usual easy terms. Prloe, $80 to $460 per acre, Hastings & Heyden 114 HARNKT ST. REAL ESTATE eOUTTt SIDE I want to sell my five-room modern cottage, strictly modern in every detail, built for me by day labor un der my personal supervision. Tho parlor and dining room U finished tn oak, with oak floor, it 1 a lovely horn, but I must anil, sven at a aaarifloa. It la located lust trifle southwest of Hansoorn Fark, wher there ar no ten ants, but wher all thy neighbor own their own homes, sty prloe is 8t,0i though 1 must sell and will not consider renting, ! do not oar for all cash. If you "have a good credit standing and steady employment I will gir most ex traordinary term. Address O 800, Omaha Baa. 7 Acres 6-Room House, Keystone Park High, sightly location, rich soli, house has 6 rooms on first floor, I on second floor. Will sell on small cash payment. Can sail houa with inor or less land. Sew us about It at once, HASTINOw1 di HBriiRN, 1814 Harney St. 5.65 Acres Improved With 4-room House, $2,500 Located west of Benson, about H mil north of th new town or West Benson; mostly alt level, rich bottom land, fine for gardening: running water through rart of It Th house la unfinished on the Inside, but Is well arranged and would not cost fnuch to have It finished. Will make terms. HASTING HEYDEN, Ml 4 Harney St, REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 6-room eettage. Council Bluf,"k aor Irrigated Cwerede land i (or lot or ut- iS". in innifii, iwiex , 11 . s. .ill a r. 6-room cottage. .; all m,,rn. jVr mod! Will sell. Tel. H. 1704. Invest ' Your Savings and -7 Get 0 ALSO A SHARD OF THE PROFITS. Teu ar guaranteed 1 Per ont dividend earnings SO th flrat e July and January I f each year If you Invest with ua In our preflt-stiarlnsT Plan. Ala a division of ths profits at Iks snd ot each year In ad dition ta the T per rent Semi-annual divi dends, which has been not lees than 6 per cent tor ths last twelve year. Yeur money Inveeted is ampiy see , re by well , selected real estate, mortgages and con tracts er an, snares can b purchased now far S1O6. Authorised capital. $800,000. Writ r as about It Apartment, flat, houses and cottages Y Y . O TT J an b rented quickly and cheaply by S.riaStingS GC ileyQen T 1I4 UARNKT STREET. New Home Field Club District Small House Taken in Part Payment A fin horn finished In oak, with four bedrooms and bath on second floor; beam celling, flrepiare, bookoaaa, ooat close L built-in bookcases, fireplace, toilet ana laundry In basement; lot 67x188, located Walnut Ht. Every house In th addi tion built within th last I ytara. Price, 65,860, Terms, Norris & Norris 400 Be Bldg. Tel. Douglas 4270. REAL ESTATE WEST BIDE West Farnam Home For $1,200 Cash Balance to Suit ISth Ave. and Cass, east front lot. tOxta) to ailty; clus to cathedral and Sauiulerg school. , Four rooms down; I bedrooms and bath upstairs, with plenty of closets; oak and mshogany finish; full basement With sink and drsln. owner leaving elty and must sell at once. Phone Owner, Douglas ITU; after I a, m., call Harney 6184. See This Sure! Owner say sell this plac now. I In Cathedral district, has T rooms, Is modsrn complete, with hot water heat; small barn; large lot; near school, stores and car. It Is a bargain at ths pries asked and on th easy terms offered. Address 4081 Chart St For prloe call Creigh, Sons & Co. Douglas 8U0. M Be Bldg. , FOK KALE OR RENT. 114 s. tmt Seven-room1 house, not new, but In food repair) fully modern; lot alons worth $2iuui will make a fine close-in home for some one. WANT AN OFFER. Can make easy terma, or will consider lot or mortgage paper or smaller house a part payment, or will rent for $ per month. RASP BROS., 108 Mefaru Bldg. Douglas 1(68. a. rr fat" ad wtil tans aeoend-haad fumltur Into caah. NEW YORK JTOCK MARKET Oroater Strenrth, Breadth nd Aotivlty Chijactoriies Day'i Operttioni. asaaasMMal ADVAWCa BEQTjrs AX 0PIS1N0 NEW YORK, Oct t$.-Oreter strenfth, breadth and activity characterised to-dajr-g operation than at any session sine th recent reverssl In specialties. Peal ing aggregated ,wn,uO share and cum Phehended every part of th slock list ,'iJw',',. Msunilng unusual prumlnsnce. The advanc began at th Opening and was In the nature of a resumption or yesterday's let rise, For a tint apeclal tle were reactionary, while representative "ares and Onpper gathered geater strsngth, later there ram a fresh buy Ing movement In many of th high priced war share and United Mlatos Steel, while rails reacted slightly. Steel led th market, exoept during the forenoon, when Reading and Krlea Sborig tn rails and Anaconda copper nmlnated fh trading. In th afternoon buying orders lifted sisal In 8TS0, a gain or (Ho and within a slight fractfon of its recent best, steel was taken tn lots of 8,6ut to u,m shares and Its rise was sffected at som cost to th short In terests. Coppers responded to an Increase In th prio of th refined metal with gains of tw to thre points, Anaconda mak ing a new record at Mo, a Bain of lo. Fertiliser and petroleums, which re cently fell back with other specialties wsr materially hlghsr. All the war shares participated In to day's rise, except Bethlehem Steel, which was extremely inactive and closed st 610, a decline of nineteen points. A mens ih mnr extensive gains In specialties were Ktudebakee. in 111 to 172': Willi Overland, 10 to M0: Baldwin Locomotive. $ to 137 and Maxwell Motors, r, to K3. Canadian Paclf c led th rails, open Ing at a susatstitlal fain snd ateadllr rising 8U points to lttu. Cansdlan .Ml.d storks like "Poo." Dufiith, South Bhore and Atlantle and Wisconsin Central, war $ to 4 point higher. Fries were aaaln a Pisrked feature, together with New York antral and Norfolk and Weatern. Alt th atock comprising the cotton carrying roe rte were strong. Further strength was shown by for eign exchsnre. demand sterling rising well over yesterday's close, despite In creased offerings of bills. Wabash laauea were a feature of the bond market, tosether with New York Central debentures. Total sales par value es-vrerated 84.8n6.0n4. government bonds wsr Unchanged on s.'J. Number of sales and Isadlng quotations on stocks were as follows) Dele. Hleh. Taw. CIom Alsext Ooia II sr t-H It "H Alllhalm.r. t lift "t .1 4 !i AlMrlrin Hm( Sig.r. ... I ' 4 K' s Amifsa rn ss ttu Amcrteaa LMmtimtlTS I SO TIU To Aawrlwa I. Si It 4.19 84 MH M14 REAL ESTATE WEST 8 IDE A New Home West Farnam and Cathedral District Located on Wakeley St., between Dav enport and Chicago, 41st and 42d Bts., on a south front lot, paved street In a dis trict where many new homes ar being built. Ha $ rooma. reoeptlnn hall, living room, sun room, dining room and kitchen on ths first floor; 4 bedrooms, bath and atalrs to attic on second floor; oak finish on flrat floor, excepting kitchen: oak floor, on eecond story l llrst-class plumb ing and heating throughout; press. brick foundation. Possession can be given at nnoe. Hous now completed and ready to move Into. This can bs purchased on a small payment down, balance about the earn as rent. Ss us about It at ono. Hastings & Heyden Mil HARNEY STREET. REAL ESTATSV-smiUBAK UlBlt, ONE ef th finest lots In Dundee. Us 2b8. Doug- HE4.L ESTATE MTHCELLNF.O!'f TTTBS ART ir SBLLINU FOR CA6H This little brochure xyliln fully how w can sell yeur real estate ar business for cash, no matter where located. W mean It Writ today describing what you havs to sell, buy Or axchang. aad receive this booklet free. B F. LOudl CO.. tut W. Waluut St. Pa ktoinaa, la. A. I a h. fd Am. Kiisar Rslliilnf n Aimrlr.a TH. A T.I..,, LSW Amwte.il Toh.ee ,, ,,,, , AnanNA Uvwr It, 10 Al hlenn , 10 'Or) Hsiiteia LMisiaivs .... ii n balllinnr a Ohl,, IK in P-lhletieai Hteel HI rtmnkir. Rn0t4 Tresilt.. $. Clltnrnl. Peirnl.uat ') ntm fa.tfl. ,,,,,,, M Central Ijealhsr ,,,,, 110 CheMiaaa. Ohio 11,7. Chleas. ll, W ,., tUilr.an, T. g 1. p..,, i.lm Cni. N. W mo rhlrasn HI. I r, nr.. $ Chin. OUfiesr ,tot (.Iwvile yu.1 A tree.,, I.MA Crupll.l. meil J, joo P,nr A O .(..,,,, puaiiienr SMiri .... n ine fcrl. ., M.,t O.neral Blertrts I. OeMt Kimh"B rtd...... I wo OeMl Ne. tr Hfs II, d (nisnai Mtpieratl., 84, t uibi. g-nlr ,,,..,.., ki iitarhsrausk Oa. Cor,. luslrsllne iVcr li.efO nlem.llfin.i ft.rrwrt.f.,, tsnsM CM utti.m.,.. IT.loe .hlPa V.il-y t,vi rill. N.irfiviiie,,. e Vl.tiesa hetrol.ua , ,7u) etlMotlrl, K. T, ttt.,.. fl Mlrensrl Faalri Ill' Nstlnii.l Imi , j Srt .1 11 lit til u, in 1144 1144 jr. ..... m Till M nj K,w, pi ijt ix rn U . W( $41 let bi T tH IT 1 II t ti inuj' iut4 tn ss l If IHH KI l4 181. Cet.,1. cp-r ,,,,, a e Tsrk tfltrsl., ", N. T., N. H M lltV) Nrflli A Wmisi 11. rw Nnrth.ra rs.HI. ........ I t, rfelfKi M.n .....,,.,., i,kjO rolHe T.I. A Tel....,.., Pennsvlvariis 8I.I"I Sir fa, Onettef,, Ii Keadln.' ISO Re.iiMIe trim 4 gtetl,,,. t ki feHiih.rs r.mn. w ish 8uih.ra fUllw.r II I1 "Hiurirh.k.r r.mpaar II. T' T.niiMw-. r.ripw , I svi T.im Cmnenr ,,,, I r Vnlee r.i-lfi. I,,, W I'nlfts l',iri. M . tA t nli.d Hi. la glMl.,.....1M 10 ti. a. gte. sfl 1.7oi fieri (VlffUif to.,. il.OM a'et.rn t'rilnn I w.atinaSo'iM KlMtrle ... Sft.toO Montana pr,r ,,,,,, KjOTiersI MMor Ttal Im for ike dar. I.l, l4 . t in ii 471. 4I4 t 44 4ti 411 i n. ir? ift ni to MH 1IU 88 71 lodtt IS "4 -- it 111 11 in I ill M I4 Ttvtj ut 104 ll"1 fli J 15 -aSH 1" u,u !;, imii rii mis u na uu in in. in ai ti 'H" p I4U, M II Mj f l if mi hh K 4H 1-isl f.9i wl (14 SI14 JTt 1H IT ilTH is 1T Hi 13 U. Iluj 4 U4 11 tini 8tr4 ins 1 to tft-T " 71t T ..... ..... M4 So leersa' ' Wew York Money Market. NttW YORK, Oct 71 MBRCANTTLB HTHBI- lNfT fexCHAWaB-Blxty-day bills. 4 H60t demand, $4 6M8: rabies, $4.i kiLVER-Bar, 4Hd; Mexican dollars, 874.0. HONDS Government, steady; railroad, TIMR LOANS-sy sixty days and ninety days, tV per cent six months, $ p'r cent CALL VlOVBT-Steady: hlh, I per cent; low, 11 per cent; ruling rate. 14 per cent: last loan I fer cent; closing: bid. 14 per c.n: offered at $ per cent. Cloxink quoiatlons on bonds today were e f..lM.,. U. S. ref. fa. r.g ... fT4Ve pas. 8s.'...'. 4A in nupM , HN, T. C d.h IfU'i V. S. Ih r 101 K y (Mty 4U. , I. tnuftn Ii 4. V "t.t 4S4...W' V. 8 4.. rtt ii N. T.. N. H. a H. So .'.' lis r . i1r) P.n.m. . B.tipm.,1iyi i Hn. Puttie 4s n Are ' rii.lt, r. 4. ...10 i.a A. T. a T 4V.S .lot O 8 It ft. .,... Armeur d Co. 4H... rl Is- T T. la..... Uj Atn in i.n. 4a ... I' pmn. sea. 4Se......iai'4 pl. Oho 4 ft. 4H. ., rn r."ir (..... Ill"uii nn. 4a.... U1 t-he.. a 0'e 4H. - a L. g. P. r. 4a Tra C a a o . .... T S rae1 ... lm2 f M A S P t 4W . ta . in ml 4. ra f!. R.n, r. r. it tt - tuilnr 8a......lsi'Z C. . r. (' .. 12 vslne r.mn 4.... US' n ana. ri. is., m . .v. i... ......... fh. n-n 4s ... U4V. . ttnhker ......lot O.S glMrl. I..,,nur (. SHmI . I J lit No. 11 ....' Wiiha.k 1M la UnZ III. rn ref. 4. .... H'4'WaM rnlee 4Us. . M K. O. Si. ref. ...... 14 wm. trtai. .t 1) . l?'wf";'.'. ?;Aj,o-rr'oe Bl. " ' ' i 4 . Laval Stark aad Ilia da. Ouot.ilMis hrnil-kM by Ba ss nrtalwr Si Oa. 44 On.h N.tloaat seek bulldlnc "as.i- H. Ae. re.r A C., pti teu g. r.lrie'mt OrMmerf, pH tm Vitlln. CI., lirM pin 7 Mr east 17 ' l K-d St-ilw af f'Sarl. la. I'M m yj n, nr. a era....... es Orn.h. a tj B (H ky. mm.. ....... fli , "'-inj ...... , i ni'ii .iu. i.ni. euiua.. t'Mik. Or. i a, eoa. ........ rtv 4 Os i. ...... rrn u U8 hi A am in. Tea.. $.. 1M4,.. pH at Artalln. Oovsraswnt 8 Ser o.nt 1t , , Anile-mask I nt seal entaa 1IM. , rt ilsiiols T.I. 4 Tel. H, 11 1 . " mm A.eelaa Railway 1. UHO H arm.. Ooearnaienl I per Hat, 134.. H"4 Ht P.a. Tel , Metla ta 11 ll New HUH T.leehon .. ., ag remse. Ie.ltf M. ltn M Omnia W.lw 4a. 1141 nr) Omar,. Owl hm. IrlT He Omah. 4 C B. St. Ht. III! ag M.rehanl H. A U la 1l . r.alfla Tal 4 T-l U. ST I'-eirle n 4 meetrin ' i.ht ru ' wirhiia t'sisa 8uk Tar. a fts . owitt A Ce t(4 T 1st !! w 10-14 m 4 M I 88 pear G.ta Trial. an.- ar. arA-b a. - . , , . i , "5 11 "W (avawa WB m I trail iiaroia pear, or bt Albao, a plluhar af tha UBivaaslUr ac , a