Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1915, EDITORIAL, Image 11

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    ""he unrivalled special feat
ure pa?es of The Sunday
Dee are in a class by them
selves. Dest of them all.
The Omaha Daily
VOL. SLV NO. 115.
0 Trelsa, at Biota)
W.WS Italil, M
Freight Traffio ii Larger, Both In
and Oat, Than it Ever Waa
According to freight officials, the
railroads operating la and out of
Omaha are doing the heaviest busi
ness In their history. The heavy
movement of grain has set In and the
run of live stock to the Omaha yards
is the greatest la years. In addition ,
to the cattle brought In for market, j
thousands of feeders are coming off
the range and going into the feed lots
out in the state.
11'kllA V. . . . . .
.mv ma muvcnit'Di vi grain toward
the cast Is heavy. It Is nothing In com
parison wlttt that toward gulf ports.
Then, too, endless quantities .of lumber
and merchandise are coming In and going
out Into Omaha trade territory.
Right now the MUsourl Pacific Is
swamped with business, taking grain
south and bringing coal north. In the
Omaha yards two additional switch en
gines have been put Into the service,
working night and day.
During the last tn days the Missouri
Pacific has handled 110,016 carloads of
freight, a record over any former corre
sponding period.
Assistant General Passenger Agent
Murray of the Union Pacific la back from
St Paul and Minneapolis, lie report
business fairly good In the two northern
cities, but is not up to the record being
set by Omaha. The movement of wheat
Into Minneapolis is heavy, but the build
ing material and merchandise going to
the country Is not as great as has been
Mr. Murray found travel through the
northern gateways and toward the Pa
cific coast practically at an eud, so far
is this year is concerned.
Campaign to Raise
Funds for the Old
. People's Home Soon
The Woman's Christian association
that has charge of the affairs of the
Old People's home Is about to' start on
a campaign to raise funds for the erec
tion of a building on the new site In
the vicl.ilty of the Nebraska School for
the Deaf, near Pontenelle park.
It Is not anticipated that this fall and
winter sufficient money. will be raised to
begin building operations betore next
spring, though if the; winter should be
mild It Is possible that the foundation
for the new building may be pat in.'
The women at the head of the associa
tion assert that they will have to get out
of the old building at Twenty-fourth and
Wirt streets next year. It Is badly de
lapidated and they do not feel Juatu.ed
in' going ahead and spending money to
make repairs.
In the 'money-raising campaign the sale
tit the -two houses and ground on Wirt
street, ' between Twentieth and Twenty-'
first streets. Is contemplated. '
This property was bequeathed by the
late Anna- Wilson. One house Is of
brick, erected at a cost of some $30,000,
and the other Is of wood, costing origi
nally something like $7,000. There Is a
frontage of 150 feet on Wirt street
Harry Buford Stops
Mad Race of Runaway
Harry Buford, police officer, dashed
out of the . "postofflce" this morning
and stopped a runaway horse careening
madly up Dodge street.
The runaway horse belonged to K.
Lewis, 2318 North Twenty-fourth street,
and was stopped by Buford and Officer
Leroy Wade at Seventeenth and Dodge
streets. Lewis had left his steed stand
ing unhitched In front of the police sta
tion, when it became frightened at an
auto truck and started up Dodge street
Barely avoiding collisions with pedes
trians and vehicles it sped on, pursued
by Wade, mounted on motorcycle. At
Seventeenth street Wade had reached
the frightened animal's side and had
forced it into the curb, wnen Buford
Jumped from the curb, grabbed the reins
and brought the tiorse to a stand. In a
few moments Lewis arrived, and, after
engaging In an argument with the of
ficers, was arrested . by Buford and
brought to the station. He was fined
li and costs In police court for not
hitching his team to the curbing.
A (ooith Medicine that Helps.
Dr. King's New Discovery will, help
your cough or cold. Keep a bottle at
home for emergencies. 60a at druggists.
. While Enos Mills, the author, lecturer
and father of the new Rocky Mountain
National park, was In Omaha a short time
Thursday, a- number of persons urged
him to lecture here sometime during the
He was on his way east for a two
months' lecture tour (a Pennsylvania,
New York and New England, and prom
ised he would try to return to Omaha
guests or fresiaent u. M. Diets or the
public library board here.
Public spirited citizens are now arrang
ing to secure Mr. Mills positively for one
or more addresses, similar to the popular
ones he delivered here last winter and the
year before, on birds, wild life, mountain
adventures and other subjects appeal
ing to nature lovers and school children.
Mast t rhiaaf
A tailor's work U. sedentary. That is
why most tailors suffer from constipa
tion. O. W. Roberson, Wichita Falls,
Tex., ssys: "I find Foley Cathartic Tab
leu the most delightful, cleansing cathar
tic I have ever taken. They are just the
thing." . They keep the stomach sVeet
and the liver active, drive away head,
ache, dullness, tired feeling, biliousness,
bloat an J other results of clogged bowels.
Prompt and effective, without gripe or
pain. Btout people praise them for the
light free feeling they give, Bold
everywhere. Advertisement
Friday, October 29, 1915.-
Yloo Xeeerds tot Kovember.
How Beady. Fourth Floor.
. Tn Omaha It Is Only here.
Ton Can Boy the Ohlekerlng.
-Phone Douglas 137.
BLOUSES A Newly Shown Collec
tion at $3.95, $5.95, $7.50 and Up
C A,pTlVATINO modes that have Just arrived. Illustrating la gratl
fylnsrproruslon our notable preparedness for the smart woman's
fall needs.
Georgette Crepes Chiffon and Shadow Laces
Soire Silk Plaid and Roman Stripei
Crept de Chinet Taffetas and Pussy Willows
Blouses for suit wear, for afternoon and the more formal occa-
In Every Fashionable Material In Every Prevailing Color. Ne W AlT.Vclls
wanssa-jiKin w.sfoona no Ore
"Wirthmor Waists' $1.03, Always worth More
A NEW assortment of "Wirthnior" waists will qo on sale Saturday
A limited quantity all new styles and materials. As always
worth more As always $1.00.
Bargese-Hash Co. Main rioor.
These Pure Thread SILK HOSE for
Women at 49c Are $1,00 Values
A ND "Present the biggest silk hosiery values of the entire season
Pure thread silk, full fashioned, full regular made, high spliced
heel, double sole, double garter tops, black and colors. Every pair
strictly rerfect and a regular J 1.00 value, at 49c a pair.
Bnrgess-Bash Ce Main Floor.
Women's Knit SWEATERS at $1.98
The Usual $3.00 to $3.50 VALUES
Y HERE are three pretty styles, and
A every one Is a rare offering.
Sweater Coat as Described
in No. a
1 Knit sweater, coat style. In green
trimmed with narrow white stripe on,
coljar and cuffs; can be worn high neck
or open.
2 Angora finished coat sweaters,
with roll collar, in several combinations
of colors.
3 Angora finished coat sweaters,
trimmed with knit bands of same shade,
knit cuffs and collar, high button neck.
Every one a big $3.00 to $3.50 value,
at f 1.08.
Angora Scarfs, at 75c to $2.25.
A splendid selection of the very latest
Anora Scarfs in nil the newest shades,
including white, orange, Copenhagen,
lavender, royal rose, etc., with contrast
ing borders and fringe. Prices range
75c to $2.25.
Burgess-Bash Oo. Second rioor.
Plaid Silks1
Plaid Serges
' Jumper Effects
TOP COATS for Misses arid Girls
$5.95, $10.00, $15.00, $25.00 and Up
OFFERING in splendid variety Novelty mixture coats, cheviots,
whipcords and velvets, fetchingly designed.
Dresses for Misses and Girls
$3.95, $5, $5.95, $10.00 and Up
Serges Novelty Checks
Figured Challies Velvets
School and Afternoon Dresses
In every variety.
Bnrress.irash Oo SJeoond Floor.
Burgess-Nash Special $3.50
Shoes for Women-2d Floor
WE CLAIM for our special $3.50 shoes for
women the most correct models, perfect
fit and finish and the greatest wear-resisting
quality ever offered in this city at the price.
Twenty distinct models in the latest lasts.
Really $5.00 worth of style, comfort
and durability for $3.50.
Special for Boys
- Patent colt button dull calf top, solid
leather soles and heels, a good $3.60 value,
sizes 2 Vs to 6. Saturday f 2.03 the pair.
Boys' $2.75 Shoes, $2.35
A lot of little boys calfskin, lace and
button style, solid oak tan leather soles from
our regular $2.75 lines. Sizes 9 to 12, Satur
day $2.85 the pair.
Bargees-Bash Co. oona Floor.
Children's $1.00 Sample Union Suits
Offered to You SATURDAY at 69c
ANOTHER remarkable value from the underwear section that
should and will appeal to mothers with' youngsters to provide
for. Sample union suits, in cotton and part wool; $1.00 quality, OOc
Zurfess-Kash Co. Mala rioor.
Reproductions of Famous Paintings
Convex Glass Roman Gold Frames
PERFECT copies of old masterpieces
These pictures are attached to a con
vex glass by a new process that insures the
retention of all the rich colorings of the
original paintings. All the frames in a
Roman and burnished old gold finish,
which is guaranteed
against tarnishing. Sizes
6x8 and 9x12 in rectangu
lar and oblong frames.
49c and 98c
Bargees-Wash Co. ThlM Floe.
We Develop Your Films Free
of charge when an order is left for print
ing. Send us your next roll of films.
Burgess-Bash Co. sfain rioor.
f Jeautlful fresh
.cut Chrysan
themums lu
white, yellow
Knd colored;
priced at 10c
Burgess-Hash Co. Mala Floor.
In Neckwear
DAINTY new conceits that will
receive their first showing
here Saturday, and as usual
styles shown at Burgess-Nash only.
Neckwear, U5c to 50c
Including flat roll collars, collar
and cuff sets, etc., in a variety of
new effects.
Women's fine linen hand-embroidered
handkerchiefs with in
itial and one corner embroidered,
plain white and colors; box of 3
for Sl.OO.
Lace Veils, fl.oo
Fancy lace pattern veils; white,
black and colors, very stylish; at
1.00 each.
Boudoir Cnp 50c
Fancy lace and crepe boudoir
caps, variety of colors. Very spe
cial. Bnrfsss-Wssh Co. Main Floor.
Usual $3 Corsets
Saturday at $ 1.59
FANCY cloth, in white only, fin
ished with tape embroidery
at bu,st line; six hose supporters.
Very special.
fl.OO Brassieres, 70c
Good quality of lace, V-shape-back
and also front closing. $1.00
kind at 7c.
Bnrgoes-Hash Co Beoaq rioor.
Drugs and Toilets
W o o d b u ry's
soap, 1 6c cake
for ...... -17c
Evening Jas
min powder,
50c site . . .39c
Abonlta brll
llantlne, 2 6c
slse 16o
Abonlta cold
cream, 60c size
for 39b
Abonlta toilet
water, 60c size
for 39c
AboliU liquid
p o w d a r, 60c
size for. . . .39c
Manicure sets,
26c values. ITc
Sylvia nail pol
ish, 26c size 17c
Bath salts, 60c
else 17c
Jap Rose soap,
cake 5o
Liquid Oreen
soap, 25c size
for 17c
Omega soap,
10c size 0c
Manicure sets,
lOo value.. 7c
Palm Oil ve
shampoo, 60o
size 32c
Amolln powder
25c size.. '..17c
Charles' face
powder, 60c
size for. . . .29c
Java rice pow
der 28o
Imported wool
powder puffs
for 16c
Sodium phos
phate, 50c size
for 29o
Nickel cleaner,
26c size . . .19c
Lee's germu
zone 29c
Hlnkle's pills,
100 for.... 16c
B urgess-Yssh Co,
Kondon's ca
tarrh jell, 25c
size lCc
Enkay's food,
76c size... ,64c
Charcoal tab
lets, 2 5c can 16c
Beef, wine and
iron, 1 pt. .42o
Denver m u d,
25c size. . ,.14o
Jad salts,- 76"
size '.49c
Sal llepattca,
50c size... .29o
Cudahy's beet
extract, . 4 oz.
for 43c
Thermos bottle,
genuine, 1 qt.
for $1.98
Hair brushes,
50c and 76c
values ....39c
Household am
monia, 1 qt 13c
Sanl Flush, 25o
size 17c
Ivory soap, 10
cakes 38o
F e 1 Naphtha
soap, 10 cakes
for 38o
P. & O. Naphtha
soap, 10 cakes
for 38o
Borax chips,
large package
for 19c
'Cedar Oil, 25c
size . . 16c
Liquid Veneer,
25c size . . . 16o
Sliver polish
cream, 25c size
for .......16o
Palmolive soap,
cake ....... ,6c
Com binatlon
syringe and hot
water bottle,
with a one year
guarantee writ
ten ; regular
$1.75 val..97c
' Mala Floor.
This Child's Rocker
$2.50 Values at$l7l9
THIS rocker, exactly as illus
trated, is the equal of any
at $2.60; shaped seat, size 14x14
inch, well constructed with bolts
and screws, mission style; not a
toy, but large enough to accommo
date a child 12 years of age. Satur
day, f 1.10.
Burgess-Bash Oo. Fourth rioor.
With an Air of Luxury, Yet Moderately Priced
1 9.50, $25.00 and $35.00
rpo KNOW and to feel that you are appareled In smart style and In good
- taste, even though the suit you wear Is not a high priced suit this
Is Indeed gratifying. And It Is easily possible when your selection is made
from the notable Burgess-Nash showing of new moderately priced suits on
the Second Floor.
liecAiise of our lnlsttire on quality and style, the material, work,
manshlp and fashions are up to the high" Burgess-Nann Standard.
There are dressy suits or plain tailored suits; sulls for the ultra
fashionable; suits for the conservative. Suits for dress, for street, for
out-of-town wear, tramping, golf, motoring, skating an uncommon show
ing at Burgeps-Nash.
Seal Brown
Bottle Oreen
Navy Bluo
Field mouse
Cheeks (broken)
New Suits at $35.00
Suede Cloths
New Suits at $25.00
Tweeds Velveteens
Serges Corduroys
Wool Velours
Skunk Opossum
Fur Box
Plain Tailored
Russian Blouse
Fashionable Plush Coa's $19.50 and $25
TOUH choice of over one hundred new coats, warm fur collared styles,
a all beautifully lined with yarn dyed satin. Extraordinary
priced Saturday.
low Oa. Beooaa Floor..
. k M 11 fill
V I I v
j n w
An Underprice Event in Novelty Jewelry, Watches
and Diamonds of More Than Ordinary. Importance
TT IS in reality a readjustment of this section of our
A that will soon begin. A sale filled with Holiday
$2.l0 Mild Filled Chains for Oftc
Gold filled bnby and locket chains, soldered links,
also gold fillcd'8oldered link Soutolr chains; regular
price $2.00. Sale price. 05c.
" "' 4..M tor f7.riO Link chains for 1.0S.
-.- Gold filled loojiet.and soldered link chains, round
and: oval Roman finished knife edge lockets, also
some stone set; values $4.50 to $7.60. Sale price,
5.8 Silver Vanity Cases, at 1.40.
German silver Vanity cases. Regular price $5.98.
Sale price, $1.40.
fl.OO Sterling Claspn, at 2:c
Sterling silver and 'gold front lingerie clasps; val
ues up to $1.00. Sale price, 23c.
$7.50 Diamond Cuff Links, f 1.05
Men's Diamond set solid gold cuff links. Regular
$7.50 values. Sale price, $4.03.
Diamond Set I Vlllleres, $3.05
Solid gold pendants, set with genuine cut diamond,
hung on a solid gold neck chain; $8.60 value. Sale
price, $3.05.
$10.00 Solid Gold rrndanU, $4.50
Set with bright, snappy, genuine diamonds and
real pearls, hung in a 15-lnch solid gold neck chain;
regular $10.00 value. Sale price, $4.50.
$1.50 Sterling Milver La Valllcres. 48o
Imported sterling silver pendants, set with finest
white stones and real stones. Regular price $1.60.
Sale price, 4 He.
fl.OO Imported La Vallleres, 23c
Oxidized silver chain and pendants, set with vari
ous colored stones. Regular price $1.00. Sale price,
Men's $2.50 Caff Links, at 03c
Men's solid gold cuff links, assorted styles and
shapes; regular price $2.60. Sale price, 05c.
Men's fl.OO Gold Filled Cuff Links, 23c
' Men's fine quality gold filled plain, fancy or stone
set cuff links; regular $1.00 values. Sale price 23c.
- Men's $2.00 Scarf Pins, at 05c
Men's 10 carat solid gold signet scarf pins. Reg
ular price $2.00. Sale price, 03c.
Diamond ItinKs at Unusually Low Prices
GKOl'l 1 14 carat rings, plain, tiffany and
fancy mountings, set with genuine full cut diamonds;
worth regularly to $10.00. Sale price, fO.OO.
GROUP II 14 carat rings, assorted style mount
ings, set with good clear full cut diamonds; worth
regularly up to $18.60. Sale price, f7.50.
GKOl'P HI 14 carat gold rings, plain and fancy
mountings, set with full cut 1-8 carat diamonds;
values up to $20.00. Sale price, f 10.00.
Borgess-Xasa Co. M.ln Floor.
store putting It in order .for the great Holiday ruuti
gift suggestions.
GROUP IV 14 carat gold rings, assorted mount
ings for men and, women, set with clear white full
cut snappy diamonds; worth regularly up to $25.00.
Sale price, $15.00. .
GROUP, V Beautiful blue white 1-5 to 1-4 carat
diamonds, set in plain or tiffany mountings; ."worth
Hp to $80.00. Sale price, $17.50. r v
GROUP VI Blue white perfect cut grade beautiful
1-4 carat diamonds, mounted In 14 carat platinum
lined tiffany mountings. Sale price; $25.00.
$3.30 Kirkle Shaving Stand, at $1.03
Fine nlckle silver, adjustable mirror, shaving
stands; were $3.60. Sale price. $1.05.
$1.00 Baby Rings,' Special, 48c
Solid gold plain band -signet or stone set rings;
regular price $1.00.. Sale price, 48c.
, . 50c Pearl Heads, Special, 23c
Pearl beads, semi-filled, gold plated, barrel catch;
50c kind, 23c.
Filled French wax beads with 10 carat solid gold
barrel catch; $1.00 kind Sale price, 48c.
Fine white or cream French wax filled pearl beads
that have a beautiful lustre, 10 carat solid gold, bar
rel clasp; $1.60 kind. Sale price, 60c.
f.1.50 Head Necklace, Special, $1.03
Indestructible bead necklaces that have a beautiful
natural color, with solid gold barrel clasp; wen
$8.60. Sale price, $1,03.
Fine French wax"rilled small graduated pearl beads
with fine sterling silver fancy barrel clasp; were
$5.00. Sale price, 2.00. .
Fine French wax filled pearl beads with fancy
sterling silver platinum finished clasp; were $6.50.
Bale price, $3.50.
Men's and Women's Watches.
15 Jeweled Elgin in guaranteed gold filled 20-year
cases. A small lot to close out; regular $15.00 val
ues. Sale price, $3.05. , .
Burgess-Nash special knife edge gold filled watch,
7 Jewel movement, guaranteed case for 20 years; reg
ular $15.00 values. Sale price, flO.OO. :
Lady's bracelet watches, small size, gold plated
case and expansion bracelet; regular $5.00 value.
Sale price, f2.05.
Lady's bracelet watch, 7 Jewel movement, in guar
anteed gold filled case and detachable expansion
bracelet. Bale price, f4.05. ,
Lady's bracelet watch, 7 Jewel movement, In a 20
year gold filled case and detachable expansion brace
let. An unusually good watch small size; regular
price $12.50. Sale price, f 7.BO, -
Elgin and Crown, 7 Jewel bracelet watches, case
and bracelet guaranteed for 20 years; $15.00 and
$20.00 values. Sale price, fl.73.
Cold Weather Necessities for the Home-
Coal hods, Jap
anned, with rein
forced b o 1 1 om,
orrugated sides,
16 Inch size, 25c
values 16c
Asbestos furnace
renent 12c
"1892" pure spun aluminum roast
ers, seamleos, oval shape, self
basting, self browning, sanitary,
sliver finish, regular $4. CO values;
at Ik
flu - tn
Savory roasters, self basting, self
browning, sanitary and seamless,
blue glazed enamel, large size,
$1.60 value 95c
Diamond "C'lOfl.,
laundry soap.VIV3.-JI
Pearl White laundry soap, 7
cakes 24c
Kirk's bath soap, big 10c cake
for 6c
Armour's bath soap tablets, 10c
kind 6o
Borax naphtha laundry soap,
10 cakes 33o
Hot water bottles, $1.50 kind
for 69c
Rubber gloves, pair 19c
Talcum powder, 10c and 16c
cans So
Borgass-Hasa Oo. Basement.
Bnrsess-sTssb Co. Bss.m.nt.
oil heaters, four
quart, leaded
steel font, guar
anteed smokeless
and odorless,
regularly $3.60
for $2.85
Fire shovels,
heavy reinforced
black Japanned
steel 8c
Majestic electrii
room n e a t e r s
each fi.73
Light House cleanser,
caus for ,
Royal crepe tissue toilet
10c grade, 6 rolls
1 f JF
size, 8
. . .23c
Blue steel
itove pipe,
-Inch size,
10c val..6c
Elbows, corrueaic-u tuue steel, 10u
value , 7c
Free China Painting Leson
evei-y day in the China Department oft
the Fourth Floor, 9 to 11 a. m. and i
to 5 p. m.
Bargess-Basa Co. Fourta. Iloo.