THE l.KK; OMAHA. KM PAY, OCTOREU 20, 1915. THE OMAHA DAILY DEE FOITNPFD BY KDV.'i. . UOSKWATER. VICTOR BOSKWAV El , -:DITOU. Ths Bee rubllnhlnjt Compsny Proprietor. BriLPlNO. TARNAM AND EKVr.NTgF.NTH. ICntareS at Omth poatofflc a second --! matte. IKUU8 OP SUBSCRIPTION. P carrier Py mall per month. per yar. 1 fry an. Sunday "0 pslly without Sunday. ..." o J-Ventr.g and .Snnrtav "r Son Fvenlng without Sunday o 00 Sunday Pee only pond notice of chart of addia nr complaints of Irregularity In jllvTy to Omaha faee, Circulation XWpartroanL Ra-MITTANCK. Bomlt hy draft. ipr r portal order. Only two. ont itiiniK received In payment of small a counts Personal rhwH, cept on Omaha and eastern axehanra. not serepted. OFFICES. Ornaha-Th F Pwllrtins. 9 outh Omaha 3il N wfrH. Council Itluffa 14 North Mala street, ttnooln Lltrt Building. Chicago SOI Hart pul'dlnr tw York-Room im. V Fifth avsntia St TOiile- Rut New Fans: of Onmmerr. Washington 7 Fo u r I n t h Bt.. N. W. CORRESPONDENCE). aeMress pcimtnunlcatlona rnlstlns to ntwi and &U korial matter to Omaha Boa, Editorial Department. 6KrTKMUKR CIKCX LATlOa. 54,663 Stat of Nehrsska, County of Dotiglna as: rw1rht Mlllnma, circulation nuntiar of Tha Baa Publishing company, brlnic duly aworn, saye that tha average circulation for Hi month of Bapiambar, una, was MM. nwiOlrT WILLIAMS. ClrculaUcm Manager. 8ubwcriid In mr p'eacne and aworn to bfor tna. this Ut day of Octoiier. 1!1S HUBERT HUNTi-il, Notary Publla 8obcrib?rs leaving ths city temporarily should have The nailed to them. Ad dreae will ba changed aa often as requested. TZ October a Thought, for the Day 5ctsf by Clarm B. Maon Ataks n great account of eho may 6a ftr Ihtt or againtt (foe, but mind anil taU ears that God bt Uh thtt in tverything tm &otL 2oma$ A. Ktmpu. Fine weather none better anywhere. Look, like "open season" once more for After-dinner orators. It ought to be about time for the water rate to bit the downward trail again. A ministerial wage of $1.87 a day affords ample Justification for a red-hot strike. Gaill poll remains on - the allies' map, but . Constantinople is all but out of eight of Baxon and Gaul. Hallowe'en Is all right, for boys will be boys, now aa always, but still Hallowe'en should not be spread over a whole week. Protection T Never! Any other name Is sweet ness boiled down for, the administration pro - cram against the 'dumping" sol foreign goods. ' Official figures on the Inequalities of taxa tion merely underscores the fact that personal property schedules gauge Individual lle-abllltles. Omaha baa the rare felicity of being the host of a distinguished group of bishops and bankers at the same time. And peace reigns In the temples. t The Omaha market Is the "top-notcher" on receipts of sheep the biggest sheep market in the world. There's something to brag about when you are abroad. Despite the decision of the learned umpire In the case, suspending the rule of holding hands vhils dancing, "Old Dan Tucker" Imperils the sanity of the ancient sport. Four shells exploded on the western front within 200 yards of King George. The shocking discourtesy of enemy gunners to his majesty ought to be good for a boom in British volunteering. Testimony in the San Plcgo court-martial case leaves no doubt of the quick perception of aviation novices In qualifying for the extra pay. As a stimulus to speed your uncle's till is an unequalled self -starter. No event In the future is surer than that the deadening load of war taxes will cause an exo dus from Europe to the republics of the western hemisphere. Signs of the movement are already UMble In Creat Britain. "V should atop frittering . away Omaha's mvslc money," so we are told, "on transient and foreign musical attractions except those of the bight t character." V will all agree to that, but who can find two musicians who will bar rtioDite their views on the high or low character of any one's else music? Lisht Guard ball was tha air no of a aorta Na (Wan ity tha Kutli Kcbrkah lodge. Tha commlltoa In chare Included 1. htandevan, llitity Jarkaun. John Ptaborn. E. U Armetrons. J. W. Klchola, Mrs. H. Wrtaht. MUa Carrie Jackson. Uiaa Emma Von Colt. Mla Aililla Uluiuore. Mn. fc. K ArmatrotiB- Th city la ati over the k.lllnf of a highwayman. In tha act of robbing a atreet nnT caah boa at Him corner of Eighteenth and I-akr hy tha drtvar of thu car. H. U, Moodi-xJaa. Tha body of tha deaptrad exhlbltc-d and by hunilrrda of pvoolv. A beautiful rUn of tha propose city hall aa aiiiftiea by twralary Mryera of lvtrolt. la on x hi LiLU,n at Orchard's at tti corner of rtftawuth and amain. Mr. and Mr I. W. Ulnar are back from an tended vUlt to New York. Mrs. A. U. Ianlrla aod lira. M. M. La-on of . ruaaant ara vtaaumj at tha raaidenr of Mr. anq Mr a. jc. n. Aiun. Tha Gun club's banuuet mas dul held at th Mil lard, and tha Hay all It. snip. Suck. . pralilo maima aua iuiiu er washed dun was a cauuun. fYlcnda ot lr. and Mrs. K. N. Allan, UU Mm. tecntll street. tkm a urprle party on th ci uir r. urn Iroin an extended Uxir of U aouth. fbllip Andrea anU It known that be is an Inds- canoioais lot JuaUc of the Straddle that it Almost a Stretch. our npmocranc nrrinren are at mis juncium facing a dilemma more annoying than ever be fore encountered by Inst party. Having miser ably failed to carry out promises made In their campaign, such as to reduce the high cost of living, save money on governmental expense, and the like, they are now under compulsion of taking some action to protect American Industry against European after-the-war competition. Their antipathy to a protective tariff Is leading them through many devious ways in search of a remedy, with little avail. Even the president Is now understood as being on the point of aban doning his "ethical" plan for holding the foreign ers out of the American market, although be is still looking for a substitute or the tariff. The policy ot protection, as developed by successive republican administrations, will not be lightly set aside. Under It American Indus tries were fostered and built up, while under the democratic policy of free trade the manufactur ing enterprises of the country are seriously menaced. Coining new phrases, such as the ' dumping" that Is now filling so much of the official utterances from Washington, will not niter the situation. The straddle of the admin- Intration and Its supporters on the tariff ques tion Is becoming a genuine stretch. Squirrel Lovers, Up and at Them! Omaha may soon be the scene of a lively ruction between two schools of nature lovers. The Audubon society Is about to declare war on the red squirrel, alleging that he chatters and frisks through the forests of the village In such unseemly manner that the favored feathered choristers shun our shady avenues and bosky larks. Mebbe so, but It basn't been proven. The squirrel Is a busy little scamp, and he frisks his bushy tall across the paved streets and along overhead wires in utmost nonchalance. Neither noisy auto nor fearsome trolley car holds aught of terror for blm, and from a safe spot on a tree trunk or a telephone pole, he will scoff at the most active dog that ever Jumped In futile rage. He will make his way to the uppermost balcony of the tallest apartment bouse, and there ac cept bis ration of ready cracked nuts from the hands of his fair hostess, and will even enter and search her home In quest of more. What song bird has shown this quality of social adaptabil ity T We want songsters, but surely the woods are big enough for them and the squirrels both. John James Audubon found It so, and it Isn't on record that be ever advocated killing off one kind of God's creatures that another might live. Lets make very sure the little red squirrel really deserres extermination before we declare war on him. Protest Sent to Great Britain. The long-delayed note of protest to Great Britain has finally been dispatched from Wash ington, a special messenger being now on his tay to London with the document. Its contents are but measerlv disclosed in tha nntch from the capital, 6ut are said to follow the lines of the original memorandum on the topic ot the order-ln-councll of last February, under which the British government set up a war sone rracucally Including the seas of the world, and totally putting to one side the declaration of London. The position of the United States was plainly made known at the time, and since then rothlng has occurred to even suggest a recession Irom this attitude. Certain events Have aggra vated the case, while others have served to delay the more formal process of diplomatic pro cedure, now under way. The language of the tote may be later given to the public, but It la taken for granted that the president has upheld tne case or the United States against England vlth the same firmness as he did in the contro versy with Germany. Bankers and Farm Credits. In bis annual address to the Nebraska Rank. ers association, President McNish approaches tne topic of farm credits from a friendly stand- lolnt, and offers some suggestions that are worthy of careful consideration. His principal p oposal is that the matter be left to ataA lather than to national, legislation for the forma tion and direction of the agencies through which the end sought is to be attained. Tha neeri r tetter means for the flnsnclng of farm opera tions Is apparent, but the method of supplying wis wsnt is not so readily determined. Th bankers have a great interest In the subject, and are not inclined to hamper any fpaaihU nUn Their views are surely entitled to consideration, because of coming from men who are experienced in aeaung wun matters of credit. The plan for state rather than national control has attractive points, but it may be that national supplemented bf state laws will yet bring the solution. A decision of wide import comes from the Wisconsin supreme court, which allows an em ploye who contracted typhoid fever from water supplied at the workshop the benefits of the workmen's compensation act. A similar case for death damages growing out of the alleged Im purity of wator supplied la Omaha Is pending It the local courts. The lasues involved are or vest Importance and open no an hitherto i,n. touched field of personal Injury claims. When It was first proposed to inaugurate a train exchange in Omaha a lot of people said It could not be done, and some of the very same people are now saying H Is impossible to make Omaha a primary butter, market. But Omaha Is already tnarketlbg more butter than any other tlty la the country, and is bound to make even more of a stir In the butter world than it has biade in grain circles. The funnybone of Uncle Sam thrills to the erge of a scream at the cleverness of the real estate men who put over a raw one at Seattle. pusiouic site covered with iht r water at high tide, and for which the cus tomary rancy price was paid goes to show that th mtlnni fiwn ... . ..Uupa, wim an nis 'acuities and accomplishments, is as easy as some ot his iciiaren. the be the It turns out that the futur. mt.t ,. White House Is not a suffragist, which may an extenuating circumstance offsetting prt-Biaeni s espousal of "the causa" In N.w J sy Just on the eve of Its defeat In that t.t. I ut thea the president is a practical politician. "anoee nas Heretofore refrained from aTouueaj activities. Learn to Fly-QhLSo Easy! ST. A. ScmarTlll la Aortal Are. Peoi1Mn Stud ant Coara at Itaaea. t l FT OM yotir duatrr and w ahall what we JT can do." Thle la In all pronaMHtf tha manner In which you will recHY your Invitation to mount an aroplana and start for th first tlm your esploratlon of that element which for eo many cen turtoa remained a scaled bonk to man. Tour brother atudenta are lounging about and the words of the Inetructor salvanlse them Into action. Tha machine la turned around preparatory for a fllaht. One stu dent mounts th machine and amlna th level of th gasoline In th tank, and. If ncaarir, replen lahea 1L Another take tip hla position at th pro peller, ready to crank the motor, whil a third sub mits th pontoon to an eiamlnation In order that no mall eracks or fracturea may s unrvJd. By thla tlm another student perhap has helped you to but ton your "dueter." It mlht b explained that dueter" In the vernacular of the flying camp meana a short quilted jacket Intended to fulfill th function of a life preserver la eaae you and your In structor fall Into th lake. - Hy this tlm yon hav conquered any fear which may hav arisen In you, and you take your sat beald th Instructor. About thla tlm on of your com rades may slip up braid you and tie a string around your knees. When you aak what th meaning of thla procedure la. you ara Informed that It Is to keep your knees from knocking together, and then thera la general laughter. The Instructor takes a last look at th motor and Informs you that your first duty will b to retard th motor aa he will shortly be buay with the throttle. Tha student whose duty It la to crank the propeller shouts "Haf," th Instructor replies, "faa," and then the propeller ts given a few preliminary spina and everything Is now In readiness to make tha start. Th man at th propeller shouts. "Put her on. and with a sharp, swift, downward pull on the propeller the motor la started. It must be re membered that aviation motors ara relatively Mrher powered than automobile motors and ara unmuffled. The din that an eighty-horsepower motor can make altuated Immediately behind your head can better b Imagined than deacrlbed. Thla does not In any de gree contribute to your composure. When your In etructor la satisfied that tha motor la turning over strongly he waves hla hand and th machine Im mediately commences to allp down the quay toward the water. When It reaches th water th "motor Is throttled down until th lake proper la reached through a somewhat narrow channel Notch by notch the motor la lot out. and by thla time you find yourself racing over the surface of th watet at express train peed. Umall patches of weds are seen In th distance and no sooner. It see ma, ar they sighted than you shoot acroaa them. By this time the first shock has dlaappeared and you begin to observe th movements of your instructor. FVat, by meana of the foot bar you will se him tak up a straight cours and then ha will correct th attitude of th machine trans versely, this being accomplished by means of th ailerons of th auxiliary movable fine on th ex treme enda of the main planes. When thla hmm hmn Hone tli. m.av.m. .111 tak place. When you se hint begin to move his ele vator you will know that you ar about to leave th surfar of tha water and gild Into th air. If th machine Is flying strongly he will "baby" her Into the air. The dream of your life Is about to be- rm a reaniy. iiy mis tlm th exhilaration Inci dental to VOUP mnrt tniaK ava Ik. . w - m.w .HI. WW V. lilt water haa Invaded vnur whnU iv.tom wmi. - . -, St-". w.vw flows fast. Perhap you will turn your yee upward. anu wnen you asain gianc downward you will se in water lying many rest below you. Tou hav com mitted yourself to tha tend ment, Tou ara struck with amassment Ther ar no lumping about, no wild buffeting by th air cur. rents, about which you hare read ao much. The machine mounta with the steadiness ot an ocean liner coming Into Its pier. The' next time you look down. ... w.ior nwni a long way orr. it, however, inspires no fear. Tha hllla which laini. h. i.b. pea red so high hav shrunk Into nothingness; you m dov an mings terreatrlal. cavorting with tha Twice Told Tales Vala of Deliberation. On mornln In e i --- ... vipbuu awrci svi 1119 villagers were having an amiable dlacuaalon on th iiminmonuu arrarra or a coupl who, though quit re cently wed, had already begun to find th yoke of iutim wriifTiiiina or a ouraen. " "Ha all along o" them haaty marriage a." remarked a cauatlo old gentleman who had taken a prominent POaltton In tha rflacuaalon. 4"Th. t - ....j - ---- - . . niiuviiuina each other. They'd nobbut knowed each other for a r di eevwn year. "Well, that seems long enough," said a visiting' traveling man. "Long eno'T" said the old gentleman. "Te'r wrong. When a body' courtln he canna be too careful. Why my courtship wf Janie lasted a matter o' nineteen year." "You wer certainly careful," aald the vialtor. "And did you find your plan successful when you married r "f Jump to conclualona too hastily," he replied. "I understood her then, ao I dldna marry her!"-New York Time. The Irony of It. Walter J. Travla, the golfer, act up hla ball anl then mad a half dosen s wishes at th ahort grasa with th driver. "I am not In good form," h aald. "I am playing Ilk a broker we had here laat week. Thla broker played once around. mki II sT am W-siaiH f ut avV.IV.lti a s IUUM lull VI hlmaalt Of thla. though, h was not aware. It was u,"" prriiy wen tor mm. Tha man's caddta was an unusually quiet, atolld lad. a boy with a freckled fac quiet devoid of expression. And sine th caddie never onco laughed or aneered at hla bad play, th broker took a fancy to him. And h aald at tha end of th round. In the hop of getting a compliment: 'I hav been traveling tor th. .1. am quite out of pracUoa. That la why I am In auch asssu 1 'I uj IU11R y , "The caddlo replied, calmly: 'Then ye've played grah bV6 "-MtMburh .hroiiic.le-T.le- Th Needed Tool. Andrea, C.n..l. . ... . . v..,..n u .re a reporter w hile h waa playing clock golf on th Newport eat at which giafe Ka at mniiul a W - waaBB4 S VS a I ASF UJIimfr, w V" bV"r " thu M' Carniri began, than I uaed ta b. I remember th tlm when I was so had at holding tha ball that trmu . ... - - - f w v. lift viUUlf one aald to ma: " "Shan't I get yon a shoehorn, elr?" People and Events dene Peba Is tll abroad In the land, preaching red-hot etuff to eager crowd. In Itilladelphla laat Sunday ha talked to a crowd that packed Broad atreet theater and I.SJS people wer turned away, unable to get maid th door a. rtlmpltfled spelling gets a boost from th Illinois Pally Newspaper association, and twelve worda, chopped to th limit, hav been adopted, aa follow. Tho, altho. thru, thruout. thorn, thoroly, thorofara! program, prolog, catalog, decalog and pedagog. Raetdenta of yVrgus Falla. Minn., hold a grouch against th new postmaster because he was not th favorite for th Job. and ar knocking hla Incom by buying postage atamp rleewher and mailing their letter on trains. A letter carrier la the Manchester (N. H poat offlce has solved th problem of sorting out mall when on dark streets, lie has a amall electric lamp, with a reflector attached to hta coat, and by turning on th switch ha can hold th mall In front af him and read tha addreaaas aaUy. Waahlngton Is not cracked up aa a health resort, though many g there for their health. Occasionally a resident beats tha expectancy table. Mr. Samuel Baoon haa Juat died thera at th ag of Ss. h aaw John Qulncy Adams tak th oath of onto aa preai. dent of th Vnlted State and every president sine that tlm. A get-rtch-qulck expert of ltilladelphla, Frank C. Marrta. toaaed hla laat dollar Into a child ren'a charity box Juat a moment before th door of tha Peanayl vanla penitentiary closed on him. During a swindling career of tan years Marrin under varloua allaae gath ered In nulllona ot dollars, apent four yeare In JaU sad won th preaant tana for swindling; an old woman ut of lUsOK Hot Shot from Shotwrll. OMAHA, Oct. 2v To the Editor of Th Bee: If there la any merit In the Initia tive and referendum as to at at legisla tion. It la tha fact thst the queatlons of woman auffrage, prohHHtlon and moral matters can be submitted to the people without party dlvlalon or party recom mendatlona. In other worda, these ques tions may be removed from party rancor and party dlvlalon. They have no proper place In party platforms and are not Is sue, for party determination. Men may honestly differ on these que.tlon. snd be members of th sam political party. Thee ara queatlona of amotion and sen timent, rather than queatlons of govern ment. During the last fnw years a great many political fortune hunters and bralnlesa reformers hav become at tached to the payroll of our state by reason of the fact that they hav been carried Into office through the agitation ot one of these questions. Thea men could not hav been elected by their own party organisation on account of their well known unfitness for the offices which they sought. They knew nothing of th science of government and war unabt to comprehend and underatand the duties which they were elected to perform. By reason of the election and elevation of the political nondescript to offlc. our atat. has lost prestige at horn and abroad. Th leader of these man In Nebraska, Mr. Bryan, became tha secretary of state for the nation and when tha hour of peril cam to his country he deserted his chief and slunk away Ilk a thief In th night to begin anew bis preachments of political fakery. These men hav represented us In th congress of the United States and the result haa been that Nebraska has received no recognition of any Impor tance. These men hav been elected gov ernors of th stat and th result has been that our stat government has had no leadership worthy of remembering. Th Incubator of this class of politicians has been th legislature of th state, where laws have been passed in profusion and confusion without regard to the wel fare and the upbuilding of the state. Th result is that today In Nebraska ther Is not a single promotion or undertaking of sny great consequence under construc tion. Even in th laat legislature the leader of this bunoh of political dema gogues slmost succeeded In destroying tha stat militia, and had It not been for Influence brought to bear from Wash ington this long-haired statesman would have succeeded In his desire. It strikes me that th tlm has ar rived In Nebraska, when we should cease to elect members of the legislature, gov ernors, congressmen and United States senators upon' issues that ar Immaterial and which do not determine th fitness of th man who seeks th office. Long hair does not denot brains. Neither does self-laudation prove virtue. We should elect men. who stand for a policy of government and who represent a politi cal party so that the political party In power will be held responsible for Its policy of government. I personally be lieve that th. big problem confronting the government of our atat and of tha United States Is th obtaining of men to construct and guide who ara big enough and broad enough to grasp the big In ternal economic questions and to cope with the serious international problems. Th days for political fakers and bigots ar. over. They have had their feast. They hav left their path of destruction and they must now b replaced with men who possess courage, brains and patriotism. Therefore, let th lssu in Nebraska be: Party principle with fltnes. and ability for th office sought, th test, rather than a long face, long hair, religious bigotry and a hypocritical sneer. FRANKLIN A. BHOTWELL. Tips on Home Topics Philadelphia Ledger: Mr. Bryan still haa some influence with the administra tion. Hla man has been appointed post master at Lincoln, Neb. Philadelphia Ledger: ' Peace among na tions, as among Individuals, rests upon friendship and good will, not upon forco or fear," observes Mr. Bryan. A potent argument for the abolition of th police. Boston Transcript: Becauae on. can remember th time when th girt who wore her skirt an eighth of an Inch above her sol leather was considered downright daring It doesn't necessarily stamp him as one of the oldest Inhabitants. Baltimore American: In a case before th suprem court of the United States on. of th. lawyers quoted poetry. The court ot last resort in th. country should glv. th. final decision against this prac tice once and for all. The courts hav. trouble, enough as It la without poetry being added to their burdens. Springfield nepubllcan: American women of German deacent have become Inoorporated in New York for the promo tion of sentiments of esteem, lov and reapuct between America and Oemuuiy. Even closer to th important point la tha newly Incorporated Tadensy Kosclussko Polish and Lithuanian political union to ITomot patriotism and to teach loyalty to tha United States. Baltimore American: The Safety First Federation of America, which Is meeting In Detroit, haa one recommendation for preventive legislation that all careless persons who cause rtrea shall be made to tear th cost of calling out th fir. de partment and also of th property loss of ths fir. If this drastic regulation ia taken up no careleaa peraon will be threatened thereby, for ther will b "no alch persona." New York World: There never waa, never could there possibly hav. been, a year when the farm yield of a single country meant so much to humanity. The Roman empire drew for It. political cen ter grain from all th. world then known, a marvel of business organisation for a day of oar-drlvea galleys and timid little sailboats hugging ths Italian shore. To- 1 day a population fifty time as great looas to in American crop as a bulwark against hunger. Pittsburgh Dispatch: Th world owe no man a living. Ths debt la Juat th other way. Man -ow th world all that la in him. mentally, morally, physically. That's what ha waa put her for. When he realla thla In Its fullest and largest sens, and acta thereby, hi return from th world in th am sense that h. gtvea will b great accordingly. And no on need wait for such result until a time wha this sentiment shall b popularly acospubl and aoosptad. If It vr should b. It Is available now to ens- man. Get wusyt , GEMS, - Mahett aaw that a Judge somewhere ma in a womin In court tell her age. R'Klnald Then when women vote Where that iurtae la. thev'll all favor hia recall. Kaltltnore American. Willie Paw. I It proper to Bay that a man waa given In marriage? Paw No. mr aon. A girl 1s given In marriage Th man alwavs gets sold. Mawwyvillle, you go out In th back yrl and atay there Milwaukee Sen tinel. "Tou mustn't neglect your studies for sthletlca." "That's what father says." replied the young man. "Hut father never gets tip and cheers when he heara me quoting I-atln the way he does when he sees me playing foot ball. Waahlngton Star. VJ ltMRAt?PT f tI II taw I ARE pconr WHO OCT MARRIED online 13m UNUCKY? YS, vJUSTAS KIWI AS oh wormiM Qtl Little Lemuel What Is fame, paw? Paw Fame. son. is a high ladder, with grease on each rung. Indianapolis Star. "Has tha man you sent m for this responslbl offlc any recommendations?" "Well, he was honor man In a model prison league. What mora do you want." Chicago Post. Th. Merry One Cheer up, old man! VV hv don't you drown your sorrow T The Sad One Bhe'a atronger than I am. and, beside, It would b. murder. Life. "I see thst a man has Juat been fined fM for Impersonating an officer," ssld Harkaway. "Ooodr said tittle Blnks. "All this Im personation stuff onrht to be rna1ld. If every man who maJtee an as of him self tn pulillc were fined 1M We'd have a lower tax rat. rew York Times. Father, aald a small boy. "wnai is a demag"ne?" "A demagogue, my son, Is a man wh can rock the boat himself and persuade avervpodv trt there a a terrible storm at es. Woman's Journal. it "Stop look, listen." A reflectlv man was reading this rail road sign. "Those three words Illustrate the whole scheme of life." said lie. "Aa to how?" "Tou see a pretty girl. You stop. You look. After you marry her you listen.' Louisville Courier-Journal. THE OLD SONGS. John D. Long. The songs we sang wer few and plain: W sang them o'er and o'er again. Twaa long ago, yet now and then We meet and sing them o'er again. And when the last sweet chord had died, W. sit In silence aide by side. Our hearts are full to running o'er With raindrops from th. skies of yore; And none dsrea speak, but, silent all. We almost hear the shadows fall. Then, while th. twilight deepens fast. As dim and somber ss th. past. Like souls revisiting the spheres Come back to us the buried years. And In their light, but not ss then. We live their seasons o'er again. Till closing round our downcast eri We feel the blinding tear-mists rise. The olden songs, ths simple lays. Full of the breath of other days. With dear associations rife, Hav. com to be a part of llf. And though they touch th. heart with pain. We sing them o'er and o'er again. AbsoIutelyPure Contains No Alum TOILET & BATH I .-: - U AT HERS X INSTANTLY SALLOW SKIN is one of the greatest foe3 of womanly beauty. It is quickly cleared by correcting the cause sluggish liver with the aid of the gently stimulating, safe and dependable remedy BEECHAM'S PILLS Larsest Sal mt Aay Medlotae la th World. SeU evarywbsre. la bra as, 10.. 26. frrsTrnT?) K I'sje-1 'lv 1 'a1 SWISH!" 9w r- inj Make Your Home Safe by Using Safe Home Matches They are the strongest, sturdiest, safest matches in the world. They light almost anywhere. 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