THE HKE; OMAHA. FIJI DAY, OCTOlUUi 1915. 11 V ( i ( 4. ll-J t FOR RENT I- ant. shell llnnm, WEST FA n NAM Furnished or unfurnished; aome of 7 VVToom" i 11 j and 4.i. Doug-Ins or Col- 7 -room; all f.X Harris. FOR RENT Furn. dwelling, mod.: must bo responsible. WEST FAUN AM. Furnished or unfurnished; home of 7 room. $4") and $45. Douglas 5t'U or Col fax 14.". VEST FARNAM, near ohwl, 7-r., partly furnished, $,V Cull Harney 5134 Knrnihnl himml. NTCFX larse furnished room: all modern: fine locution. 2208 Webster St. 1'hona ttnrifv 43. FURNISHED rooms for rent; modern. S7 S. ISth St. strictly TIIH .MILLER HOI SE 2ir2 St. Mary's Ave., excellent rooms by day or week; In line location; handy to business dis trict. lOUKIAS 4'IJ. LARGE, airy room, beautif ully f mlthedV for two ladles ntlcman or man ana wife: excellent board. Har.ey 3731 FOR RENT Newlv furnished rooms, $3 to t'. 2?H Pong i as. Red 6551. FrONT rm. ed heat i rlv. f 'm. H. NICELY furnished room; close In; all J Nil modern. Ml S. gd St. NICELY forn. shed room; close In; all modern. Ml S. 22d bt. SOUTH Two slnnle rooms for gentlemen; private bath. 1026 Park Ave. CAPITOL AVE., 1812 Steam heated rooms with lavatories, suitable for two. Fur. room and bath. 9031 U-nvenworth. NICE, large room In private family, block Vn-ih 9 At K m :r.o ir flnrlt 1 1 re "7erred. Web. 4217. ROOM In private apt.; no other roomers: kitchen privileges; $.1.50 per week; half hlk. south of 22d & Leavenworth. P. S447. LARGE, modern room, newly furnished, lis North 26th St. Harney SHK. N EWLY furnished rm. near town. D. 8220. PLEASANT, modern furnished room, close In; quiet home. Doug. 7M9. t nfnrnlshcd Honms. DEWEY AVE.. 2609 Large unfurnished front room: strictly modern. Red 6790. ('nrnlKlinl Aimrtmrnu. ST. CLARE, 24th and Harney, one I and one 4-r. apt. Harney 647. Farnlshed Housekeeping- Rooms. FARNAM 2822 Two nice housekeeping rooms; electricity, steam. Iloux k't-i'nK Rooms. Ml DAVENPORT-TWO OR THREB NICELY FURNISHED HKfO. RUUMS. NEW KRICK FLAT. 1 or I nice rms., housekeeping. 1112 8. 11th. St. Mary's Ave. 2M3. 2 rms. front rooms CAUKOHMA, inin mod., nkp. rooms. Houses Mutt Cultaac, North. 3512 GRAND AVE. 6 rooms and bath; strictly modern: oak finish thoroughout; tile bath; rent 822.50 per month. G. W. OAKLOCH, 232 State Rank Bids. Phones Sunday, Walnut 15X3; weekdays, Doug, 1818. CHICAGO, 2X32 Neat four-room cottage, part modern. 6 ROOMS 115 . Fine 6-room St. Louis flats. In walking , -Distance; modern; Shelby court, Z2d St. " tr block south of Ieavenworth St., $15. PETERS TRU8T COMPANY, 161.2 Farnam St. Doug. 8'W. o FOR RENT 6-room cottage, modern ex cept heat. 25ai Parker st SBVEN rooms and bath, all modern. 2624 Manderson St. Phone V. 3206. FOR COLORED PEOPLE. 5 and 5-rcom cottages, partly modern. 1840-1842 No. 22d St. Call D. 6790. SEVEN rooms. Walnut 265. 2127 Charles, $19. Phone FOR RENT Beautiful modern resi dence, 7 rooms and bath, rot wattr heat. Larue enrage; at 3920 Florence Blvd. Phone Colfax 3880. WALKING distance, 26ai Dodge, 8-room, modern, $2.'.; key, 2640; call Web. 4S75. 3110 CORBY 6-room house; not new, but cleun paper and paint; good neighbor hood; paved street; storm windows; elec tric light; hath; gas; water paid; $13.50. Webster i:!r'. BY NOV. 1, to reliable party. 5-room, all modern bouse; hot water heat. 21st and Ames. Call Colfax 586. 6-R. MODERN' house, 822.50. Web. 2567. 2715 Ohio St.. 7 rooms, $17. Doug. 4479. touts, 6 ROOMS-4515. Fine 6-room St. Louis flats. In walking distance; modern; Shelby court, 22d St. t block south of Leavenworth St., $16. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. 1622 Farnam St. Doug. 898. o 3-R. cot Use; mod. bttl 8. 31st H. i.925. Hanscom Park Dist., nice 6-r. cottage, mod, ex. heat. 1748 8. 2)th St. Doug. 916. 8-ROOM house and sleeping porch; Field club district. 906 8. 85th Ave. H. 3824. STRICTLY modern, 7-r., Hanscom Park, cuimgp. pan uoors, ,. iei. Mar. t a. J-K. rnoueii cottage. J. Te.. Har. 126. I-ROOM, modern, 2969 Poppleton Ave. MODERN 7-room house, 1619 Park Ave., 135. Phone Harney 1566. 627 PARK AVE. 9-room mod home, $35; garage extra. Carey Cleaning Co. H. 7307. 6ROOM cottage. Ill S. 28th St, $16. Water paid. LARGE 6-room house, beat vendition. modern except heat $20 mo. &J3 8. 21st St. Harney 2705. to est. WEST FARNAM. $55.00. 8 rooms. 2 blocks to car, close to ea thedral and Saunders school; immediate posMcsslon. Call owner, Douglas iili; event t:gs, Harney 61 34. FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern heat. 3210 Hamilton St. except 7-r. mud, houce, .ol4 l.eveiior.h. VV. ,.. STRICTLY modern 6-room house, with garage. .14 Ca.ia. phone Har. D231, after ( p. m. $".18 JONES mod., $.U 11. 12S5. 8-R. modern house, strictly modern; one blk. west Creinhton col. $&. Tel. H. Mia. IjUNDEK i-i ouiu liousi- near cur. lei. D. 423 or Walnut .S317. btorea mui Offices. MODERN vtore near poutuilice; low rent. G. P. btebolns, 16,0 Ciiicago St. MiMC-ellu ueoua. 114 8. 2STH 7-r., all modern house, newly papered and painted; close in; t-5. 2501 N. 69th Ave. -r.. all modern house, fine lot, auto garage, $20. RASP P.R09. DOUGLAS 165S. lobe Van&S torage Stores, nuvei., packs, ships; -Uurs van and 2 men. 11.25 per hr. ; storage per mo. Sall.Mta. i i.n suar. I). 4ils At Ty. 230. 1202 SEWARD. 5-r., oottago, water, gas, toilet, corner lot. 615 N. 3"th. FINE 7-room, modern house and garage, $40. 2117 Lothrop St. Call Web 72'6. bKNSON 6113 McKimty St., 6-r., electric light, gas. city water, cistern, garden, barn, $15. Tel. Walnut 2611. MODERN 7-room house; barn; cood lo cation; J2fi. 4148 Franklin. Walnut S"43. F("lR colored teople. 5 and 6-rooni cot tages, paitle lno.Iern. 1540 112 N. 22d St. Call i'oug. F790 FIUKLITY HHTAL ri'RKK Phonti Dovfrlas 288 for complete list of racant " hoimes and apartmetris: also for atoraste. innuim. 1'tn ar.d Jackson S's, Gordon Van Co. Moving. Packing, HiorsSH t!9 N 11th SI Tel D 394 or Har. INT. GOOD auto sales room on Vsry lessoiiabte rEt. e' Karnam 8t Doug. 40K9. MODERN 7-room houne; barn; good lo catlon; $25. 434S Franklin Wa 1 nut 3u43 FEE t'.e inirnl Kurniturs Stores KKEE Maggard's gg-gs Storage es- mov- ing. ratKxi.x. shipping l'.et;ias U'. 1711 Webster St EVKN and five-room houses: modern' watsing distance. Koimlas 45V. OUS4'9 t reik'n bons tc Co., ttoo U,Jg. - M 1 parts of the city. 'rj.C.Reed inuv Ing. orag. Apartments, flats, house and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a bfc "For Ren HEAL ESTATE WEST SIDE West Farnam and Cathedral District CLOSE-IN LOT SALE Going on today and continues until all lots are sold. There never was a better Estate than tllP DreSOriL I Greater Omaha offers opportunities today that were. fcurceiy u reamed ot a lew decades past. Careful buyers are taking advantage of this sale. The lota we are offering are within two miles of the center of Omaha, they adjoin the best residence section, and are reached by the three AVest Farnam Car lines. , Farnam and Dundee Car on the South. Farnam and 40th Car on the East. Farnam and Cuming on the North. Property located two and three miles further from the cen- i ter of the city and without street improvements has sold for more than our prices on these desirable lots. They are Priced to Sell $395 to $695 $5.00 DOWN. $3.00 PEJl MONTH. LIBERAL DISCOUNT FO 11 CAS1I. Don't forget, that they aro ready for building modern homes. No waiting. They are near the Saunders' School, ono of the best schools in Omaha, They are best for the home. They are best for an investment. Never will lots be offered at such prices again in this dis trict after this sale closes. These are the last of about 250 lots developed by us in this district during the past twelve months. Come to our Addition Office today. 42d and California, or phone Douglas 4233 and we will call for you. SHULER & CARY Addition Office, 42d and California, WANTED TO RKXT MAN and wife will care for flat for people leaving city- best of refer ences. Address S 60, Bee. ROOM and board wanted by man and wife with private family west of Park avenue. Address P 249. Bee. WANTED TO BtTY Scrap Iron Wanted 1,000 tons scrap Iron In carload lots. For prompt shipments out of north and southwestern territory of Grand Island. Great Western Iron & Metal Co. Grand Island, Neb. VTK pay Chicago prices tor aluminum eerap castings. Paxton-Mltchsll Co. -a WANTED Old second-hand automatic meat sllcer. Peerless preferred: not par tlcular about Ha condition. A. E. Gault, Hustis. Men. PAY highest prices for Iron, brass work ing machinery; buy complete shops, factories, etc. MolUor, 216 8. Clinton. Chicago. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. C Reed, im Farnam. Doug. 614u. Strictly high grade piano Web. 3720. Yale buys everything 2d hand Web. 4So4. HIGHEST prices for old clothing. D. 4!i4. REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN. To people wishing to build homes or business buildings For complete Information con cerning terms, etc., call on or address. BANKERS REALTY INVESTMENT CO. Ground Floor Bee Bid. Telephone Douglas 2926. o $100 TO ll.uuu made promptly. V. I). Wead, Wead Bdg.. 1Mb v Farnam fits. CITY and larni loan. 6, sVs, per oent J. H. Ituniont A Co.. 416 htate Bank. "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture into cash. Wi ANTED uod farm and city loans at lowest rates. PKTICH8 TRUST CO.. 1622 Farnam. C1TV property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas 22 Sts'e Bank Bldg. OMAHA tioines. kjisl NebrasKa farms, O'KEEFE REAL E STATU CO. 01 Omana National. Phone Douglas 271V. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City National Hank bldg. i;c' CITY LOANS. C. U. CarlDer. XU u U Brandeis Theater Bid. ICEAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE IMPROVED 80-acre Irrigated farm in South Central Idaho for sale or trade. Address Y 119, Ree. FOR EXCHANGE lo acres near Central City, cheap land preferred. Box 94, Lynch, Neb. 6-rooin cottage, Council Bluffs. 80 acres Irrigated Colorado land; for lots or cut tagea In Omalia. Colfax $B0. 11. S. 42D ST. 6-r ; all inotin. tor mod. 6-room cottage. Will sell.' Tel. II. 2704. HEAL ESTATE FARM A ItA.MII l.AU FOR g ALE. Csvltf orsila. Live Oak Coionn,., none better. W. T. winitn 'o.. t. 14 i iiv hi. D. 281s. lSSM, FOR SALE OR LEASii-Any part of 4,000 acres near tUaeiowu, Saskatchewan. I raised iM.iXtj tiushels of oats and Vu.000 bushels of I lax uu lajid il.m v....- p,u. cheap and terms very easy. Frank Craw- ipfu. uium, ieo.. or Kosetown. bask. fturu Unburn, $500 CASH down and the balance on easy terms buys lw acres of choice farm land in Uiand Folks county; 14) acres under crop each year, and the bal ance in hay ineaduw, small dwelling house on it. Wr.te 1'tter McGovern Lanu Co., Florence, Wis. Iowa. FOR SALE 155-acrc larm. 3 miles from Council Bluffs, on the Lincoln highway. Address J. Haniiihul. R. 6, Box 74. Miaarsola. IF INTERESTED in farm land, don't fall to call or send for my descriptive list of real bsrgaln in laige or small farms the city; can show them in few hours' time; they are bargains no one can duplicate, laim, location and price considered. Fled M' I.I. 5U Cap.tai Buuk bulliiii K. M. Paul. Minn. .NebrakM. 3U0 ACHES. $76 AN ACRE. Improved Mock farm in Clay county. HV acres in corn, So acre In alfulfa, 20 acres in wheat. Good buildings. Uuiiulus water. Sacrifice prl' e. PAYNE I N KSTM ENT CO., Omaha Nat. Pk. IM. Omaha. KEAL ESTATE WEST SIDE time to invest in Omaha Real Main Office 204 State Bank Bldg. West Farnam Home For $1,200 Cash Balance to Suit 88th Ave. and Cass, east front lot, 60xlflO to alley; close to cathedral and Saunders school. Four rooms down; 8 bedrooms and bath upstairs, with plenty of closets; oak and mahogany finish; full basement, with sink and drain. Owner leaving city and muBt sell at once. Phone Owner, Douglas 2716; after 8 p. m., call Harney 5134. REAL ESTATE FARM RANCH L.NU FOR SALE Nebraska, FOR SALE At a sacrifice, f00-acre ranch In Boyd county, Nub.; nearly all fenced; two sots of buildings; 200 sores under cul tivation; 60 acres of alfalta; plenty of good water; excellent grass; no sand; some timber. Address John Stenronsky, Wagner, 8. D. WlMoasls. I'PPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and general crop state In the union; settler wanted; lands for sal at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wiscon sin Central Lnd Grant Excellent? land for slock raising. If Interested In fruit lands ask for booklet on apple orchard Address Land and Industrial Depart, gv Line Hallway. Minneapolis Minn Wiseoasla. FOR SALE 80-acre Improved farm, good frame buildings, all stock, horses, hogs, machinery and crops; fine location. 2S4 miles from Grand Rapids, county seat; 40 rods to school; all for only $6,500, halt cash. L. Gross, Grand Rapids, Wis., Route 1. Wyoming;. SNAP SO acres Wyoming, Irrigated, part cultivated; terms. Jim Wray. Sioux City. MIWlill'r. HAVE) TOD" A FARM FOR 8ALBT VUrlte a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux Cltr. ! Journal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five words every Friday evenmg, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Suaday morning far one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days for $2; or 60 words. $4. or 75 words, $4. Largest circulation of any Iowa inswa ps per, 2iiO.0UV readers dally In four great tats. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE LOOK AT THESE BUNGALOWS. No. 3018 and 3024 Lafayette Ave., I and 6 rooms, with beamed celings, paneled walls, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, china closet, lighting fixtures, plumbing, heat ing; yard sodded, south front; oak and white enamel finish; close in; Just east of Bemls Park, in Montclair. Call owner and builder for prices and terms. A. H. OLM STEAD, Phone Web. 3620. 8jd and Fort. lot. $200. Walnut 80M. 2-ROOM house, price $4j; terms, ) cash, balance $5 per month; act quickly. Phone" DoukIhs 2596. CHOICE COTTAGE, $2,150. Near S7th and Ames, 6 rooms, all mod ern. Must be sold. For terms aee W. T. GRAHAM, BKK BLDO. OWNER will sacrifice l-r., strictly mod ern house, with lark'e s eeplng room, ouk floors, woodwork nicely decorated. Terms. Phone Webster 1127. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE I want to sell my five-room modern cottage, strictly modern in every detail, built for me by day labor un der my personal supervision. The parlor and d.nlng room la finished In oak, with oak floors. It Is a lovely ' rome, dui i must eui, even at a sacriflo. It Is I cated just a trifle southwest of Hanscom Park, where there are no ten ants, but where all my neighbor own their own homes. My price is $3,(X; 1 though I must sell and will not consider i renting, 1 do not rare for all cash. If ' you tave a good crfdlt standing and steady employment, I will give .most ex traordinary term. Addreas B 3'i0, Omaha Bee. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET All Grains Sell at Lower Prices, with Wheat Tallin? Off from One to Two Cents. CORN, OATS AND RYE WEAKEN OMAHA, October V'l.V All cereals on the list sell at lower prices today. v heat takes the Hftccst drop. No 2 r.nil No. S hard wheat sold l'o.c lower sod the. lower KTOdce st unclianaed pi loes. Corn was next, selllni; ulc lower. 'I be receipts of corn continue ll;ht mil there was only a fair demand lor this raln Oats were quoted unchanged to So lower. Rye was lc lower. t'learanci of wheat and flour were riiual t 55.i.onii;s; coin, 6.CUO bu!i ela; oats, 47I.O-0 bushels. Liverpool rhfe: Wheat unchanged; corn, tinchaiiRid to VI up. ! I'llmary wheat receipts were S 1'!7 0X i bushels and shipments 1 :W!,in busheltx against receipts of 1.7'4.ii bushels ami shipments of 1 o.O-O bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 4.iiH) bush els and shipments IvT.nii bushels, nuauist receipts of ,ts7 ti bushels and shipments of I ;. bushels Inst year. Primary ca s rece.i ta wer 1.J49.0JO boa i- els and shipments no;1.i"0 nushe s, mainK receipts of 9'-'i.0iX bushels aid shipments of SOl.tMX) bushels last venr. CARLOT R1XE1PTS. Chlcaso K' 101 1"0 Minneapolis S5 I'uluth 677 Omaha 94 M 4ii I Kansas City 21 St. I,oui t-vs 42 41 W innipeg l.Rf9 Sales reported today: Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, IMVse. No. 3 hard winter: 1 car. 9c; 1 cht, 93c: S cars 9.c; 1 car. 91Ho; 6 curs. Sic; 4 cars, ee; 1 car. S9e; i cars, SV. No. sptlug: 1 cur, 8Sc. No. 4 mixed: 1 cnr. 92lac No. 2 du rum: I car, 92c. No. 3 durum: 1 car, 91Vc; 1 csr. Pic. No. 4 durum: ar. Sic. No. 3 velvet chaff: l car, 94 c Corn No. 2 white: cats. 5'ic. No. 3 white: 1 car, 59c. No. 5 white: 1 car, HV. No. 1 yellow: 1 car. 61e. No. 2 rellow: 7 cars. oOWc; H car. wV- No. yellow: 3 cars. 6Hi,c. No. R yellow: 1 car. 60c. No. 1 mixed: 1 cnr. SWo; 2 enrs, 5'"c: car, 590. No. 3 mixed: 2 cars, 69vc; 1 car, 6e. No. ( mixed: 1 car, (.NSC, Oats No. 3 white: 19 cars. 3t,c. No. 1 while: 1 car, 33c; 3 care 3 o. Sample: 2 cars, 32e; 1 car, 31c. Rye No. 8: 1 csr, 4H-; 1 car, Wc; 1 car. ia. No. 4: t cars, 91V- t)maha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 tur key, $1.00Vin.01; No. 8 turkey, WcMl.oO; No. 2 hard. 95!iV91o: No. 3 hard. 2.i 94Hc; No. 4 hard. S9liPfc; No. 2 spring, 92m-tMSo; No. 3 spring. 9nWnOtc ; No. 2 durum, lVv"il2o: No. durum, 911i01"c Corn: No. 2 white. 6!"tW'c; No. 3 white, 6Skii69c; No. 4 white, 6Ki4n)ip; No. 6 white. miXKc: No. white, 57Wrfl14c: No. 2 yellow, fiiKJimiViP; No. 3 yellow, tMtf 0Hc; No. 4 yellow, W'ni-Wo; No. 6 yel low, 69V,fiVV; No. vellow, 5riW4c; No. 2 mixed. SO-riCOSe- No. 3 mixed. 6S'ii 6!4e; No. 4 mixed, 6S'(ii'.'K: No. 5 mixed. 6Kii68c; No. 6 mixed. 67,rw4e. Oats: No. 2 white, S4'ii'30c; atnndard, 34'tf 844e; No. 3 white, M( No. 4 white. aKU83ie. Barley: Malting. 60ir54c; No. 1 feed, 4W4SC Uye: No. 2, 94'(il 96V4y: No. , SolMc. Chicago closing prices, furnished Thn Ree by Logan Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 815 South Sixteenth street: Artlclel Open. I Hlgh.l Iow. I Close Yes'y. 1 V Wtijt OoHH 90'x 1 02S 101 1 02'4A 1 01 Vi 68 67'67"i 5v, 69H 69 69-4A 69H 8!4 38 4KHV4A 38W4 3&id S9 39HA 3S" 14 124 13 60 14 12V- 13 6ft 16 66 16 96 16 46 16 074 8 72H 8 70 tlW, 8 66 10 8 90 1 06 8 97H 80 9ft SO 26 06 7 3 87H 02H 8 96 Wheatl Dec..'99UffU Mav.ll 01U.-V Corn. Deo.. fvVT674 Miv. Oats. I ec.. Mav. ,tu Pork. Dec.. Jan.. 19 6R W07H' Lard. Oct.. Jan.. Ribs. Oct.. Jan.. 8 10 7(B196 30 8 96 A Asked. CIIICAGO GRAI1 AND PROVISIONS Fes tares of the Tradlngr and Closing Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Oct. 28 Something of a re vival of export business In domestic win ter grades carried the wheat market up ward today after an early decline. The close was firm, kifirO to net higher, with December at HWjlc and May at lH4e. Corn finished VifU-tno off to 0 up, oats unchanged to Mo higher and provisions with gain varying from 75 5c. Buying of winter wheat today on for eign account had a decided bullish ef fect, as the Buropean demand of late has been exclusively for the spring crop and almost altogether confined to shipment from Canada. It was specifically ad mitted that 100.000 bushels of No. 2 hard REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Investment Near 27th & Howard We have two strictly modem, well built houses located In the above men tioned district, on a big lot. The houses are In good condition and are rented and bring In good revenues. Thev are located In a direct line with the growth of the city and about seven mlnuten' walk from 16th and Farnam. This will make you an elegant Investment as the owner wants to close them out st once. For more detailed description, call Hiatt-Fairfield Co., 230 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Douglas 498. REAL ESTATE SURCRBAN Dundee, Biggest Bargain in Dundee Dandy I-riom modern house, practically new and In excellent condition. Central stairway arrangement, with large living room, brick fireplace, dining room, kitchen and den, all on the first floor; 3 nice bedroom and enclosed sleeping porch on the second floor, oak flours and hardwood finish throughout, house decorated throughout last spring. The construction, arrangement, finish and lo cation are all good, and the price is low at $4,760. Must sell at once at this low figure, and we suggest you Investigate rlKht now. Glover & Spain Dougla 3962. 9'9 City National. ONE of the fineat Iota In Dundee. DougT las 2T96. DUNDEE HOMES H. II. HARPER & CO.. 1015 City Nat.' Bank Bldg. Doug. touucll liluria" FINE NEW AND MODERN COUNTRY HOME. Only 4 blocks from street car In Coun cil illuffa, new, up-to-date (-room houae and an acre of grapes. Only U.JjO. Will take Omaha house. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 6th Floor Omaha Nst. Bank Bldg. Douglas 1731. KEAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS T7TB ART OF SELLING FOR CASH Ttiia little brochure expluins fully how ws (an sell your real estate or business for cash, no matter where located We mean It. Writs today describing what you have to sell, buy or exchange, and leoehe this txxjklct fre. P. F IOOs) Co., 43 W. Wal.iut St., lie Mulnes. Is, it was tskrn at Omsh today for ocean transfer by way of the Gulf of Mexico. The fact liml n sharp upturn in demand stetling was announced st about the same time gave further encouragement to the bulls. During the first half of the ses Sion. however, the wheat market her was for the most part under berlh con trol. t ban ses In the French cabinet formed the chief cause of the early weakness In wheal. The displacement of Premier ! lanl svemcd to Impress many tiaders ns having some connection with possinle tllicusston of pence terms Talk of re moval of the Canadian export duty con tinued alxo to act temioiarlly as a weUht on l.e market, and so. too. did the fa vorable wratber In the northwest and too attendant big receipts. Ideal neat her Knve nn advantage to the tear In corn. Assertions though, that n little export business was being done tended afterward to rally the mntkri somewhat. Outs held within a naT-"" range. The effect of the easy tone l corn wns offset by reports of a good de mand for oals nl the seaboard. Buying ascribed mainly to packers brought about n sharp upturn in ro- li-lons. Nome specilatcr Invest' d sr h" rhnnce thnt European devclopim was fnvotnble to a linger trade lU'T'l Kit Higher; crenmery. 2nrIR-. FOGS-Steady ; r-celpts, 2.(MX cases; fli-sts. 26' - 27c ; ordinary firsts, 26Vli26c; at mark, cases included. 2o'u'lx I'OTATOl S Lower; receipts, 60 cars; Wisconsin wh'tes. 4ti4c; Minnesota ann Dakntn whites. 4i'i-.'-c; Minnesota and Dakota Ohio. 4f-1i4sc, POl'l.TRY Alive, higher; fowls, 12 12V: sprtnus, l.t'ic $1.02 .it. 4; No. S hard 9 If c. COKN-No, 2 yellow. -4 1 c'llft"1: No. 4 Cash prices: WHKT -No. 2 red. $1.0H KM 1": No 3 red. $l.04(ii.07t; No. 2 hard. $11.X)''MS iv yellow. 64Ue. OATS No. 3 white, 3iVtP36c; standards, 11VF-Nn, J $1 0lvfl1.03. MA RLKY .ViMl2c. SKKD-Tbrothv. $6.oO(fr7.76. Clover. I'KOVISIONS Pork. $14.00. Lard, $ 76. Ribs, $9.1".' 10.26. KW YORK 6K-IICH4I, MARKET quotations of the Day ea Varloas ( nmmndlllrs. NJ-7W YORK. tvt. 2. FLOUR Barely stendv: Patents. $6.!trii6.66: winter patents, $0.3t in5 ; winter straights, $5.10 tn.;i VHHLT-Spot market firm; No. 1 durum, $1 12V. f. o. h. New York; No. 1 northern. Duhith. II WW and No. 1 north ern, Manitoba, $1.04, c. I. f. Buffalo. Fu tures martiet steady; iecmrer, si.uiw. CORN Spot market easy; Mo. i ye I To 75Vc. nromnt. OATi Spot market steady; No. I white, 41i4mc. r.A I pivuri til ill, i'iiiiiv, ,w v. $1.2U'l 80; No. 2, I1.15&1.20; No. 3, $LU 1.1": shipping, HOPS Steady; state, common to choirs, 1915, 22tc; 1914, KuUc; Pacific coast, 1915. I.ii0l5c, 1914. llijfno. HIDES Steady ; Bogota, 3fJeie ; Central America, 29c. LEATHER Firm; Hemlock firsts, 32J SSc; seconds, 31(if02c. ! PROVISIONS Pork, steady: mess. $17.00 Uil7 60; family, $21.5otK;i.ol; spot market , clears, $l8.60ni20.50.. Reef, quiet; mess, I $16.50W17.00; family, $18.00tni9.60. Lard, Iweuk; middle wost. $S.H.H.tW. BUTTKlt Barely steady; receipt. 9,629 tubs; creamery extras. mi830o; first, 27Vn2SSc; seconds, 24W270. i'GGS Firm; receipts, i.s.O rases; fresh gathered, extra fine, 87fi3Sc; extra firsts, Kr'fic'. tlrsm, SO'(i;i4c; second. 27"ir29o. CHEESE Firm; receipts, 2.27 boxes; state whole milk, flats, livid specials, K- fiibic; average fancy, 15Hc; fresh specials, lo4c: average tanry, 164o. l'OULTRY Alive, weak; western chick ens, Uc; fowls. I.ttfl4'tc; turkeys, 1S4P 20c; dressed, dun; western rresn onieaens, bbls., 14fi'2.'.c; fresh fowls. Iced, lSiifno; froxen turkeys, lf(f22Vio. OMAHA GBMEHAL MARKET. mtti .ny tr.M. afthifw.. KnrB 16V817o; spring, ioo; roosters. 80; tur keys, 18c; ducks, 10c; geese, full feather ed, sc: squabs, i.CpOHj3.uu per aosen. FISH Halibut, lie: salmon red, 12He; salmon pink, 9c; catfish, loo; bull heads, 14c; lake trout. 16c; pike, 15c; whltsflsh, 16c: cronDles. 18c: DlckaraL 10c. BEEF CUTS No. 1 ribs. MPo; No. 2 ribs, lHo; No. 8 ribs, 12 o; No. 1 loins, 21Hc- No. I loins, lo; No. I loin, 14u; No. 1 chuck. 10c: No. t chuck. Vo: No. 8 chuck, 9c; No, 1 round, 14Ho; No. I rounds, 14c: no. 3 rounds, 130: mo. 1 pistes, 10'mo: No. 2 nlatea. 4c: No. I plates. 8H0. CHEESK Imported Swiss, 42c; Amer ican Swiss, SHc: block Swiss, 22c; twins, 17We; daisies, 17Hc; triplet. ITfic; Young 'America, 190: blue laoei Dries., iso, llmhuraer. 2-lb.. 20o: New York white. i 18l4c; Imported French Roquefort, 46o. Fruit and vegetable price furnished by UlllnsKl l-TUlt CO.. FRUITS Oranges, California Valencia. 2ASs and S24s. $660 box; 126s and 150s, 36.00 box; K6s. 20US, 216s. 260 and 860s. $6.00 box. lemons, extra fancy Golden Bowl, 8U0a, $5.00 box; 'i"s, $4 60 box: extra fancy Bun klst 300 and 860s, $4 60 box: Red Ball. $4.00 box. Grapefruit, 86, 46s, 64s and 80s, $6.60 box. Peaches, Colorado El bertas, 65a crate; California Salway. 860 rrate. Pears. Michigan Kelfera, $1.16 box; Winter Nellls, $2.26 box: Buerre Clargues, $2.60 box. Grspes, Tokays, $1.36 orate; Michigan and New York grapes, 23o bas ket. Apples, Idaho fancy Jonathans, $1.60 box; extra fancy, $1.76 box; Washington Jonathans, fancy, $1.76 box; Jonathans, bhl., $3.60; Pewaukees. Willow Twigs, Huntsman. $3.00 bbl.; Illinois Ben Davis. $2.76 bbl. Bananas, medium fruit, $2.00 to $2.26 bunch; Changulnola and Port Lima, Jumbo, 4c lb. VEGETABLES Cabbage. IVtc lb.; head lettuce, do., $1.00; leaf lettuce, 40c; celery. Jumbo, 75c; wester, 76c; Michigan, 35c; onions, Washington red. 2o lb.; yellow, lo lb.; tomatoes. California, 31.60 box; peppers, basket, 6fc; parsley, do., $5o; rutabagas, lb., lV4o; cauliflower, lb., 10c; wax and green bean, basket, $1.00; Span ish onions, $1.50 crate, l'otatoes, Colorado white stock, bu., 60c: Ohlos, 65c. Bweet potatoea, damper, $1 HO; Jersey, bbl., $4 50; Virginias, bbl., $260. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1, lb., 16c; Braalla, 12--4C; filbert, 16c; pecan, 12Vc; almonds. Nonpareils, lb., 19c; Drakes. 14c; lXL's, 17c; Ne Phis Ultras, 16c; 1 juiguidocs, lc. Peanuts, No. 1 raw, lb., c; roasted. &; sailed, can, $1.16; Jumbo, raw, 7o; roasted, 9c. FIGS Box. 800. MIWELLANKOT'S Crackerjack, case, $3.60; half case, $1.76. Dates, dromedary, box, $2.76; sugsr walnut dates, $1.60. Honey, case. $3.75. Oocoanuts, bag, $4 60. CorniMips, case, $3.26; half case. $1.66; popcorn, 40 1-lb. pk., case, $2.50. Airline, case, $1.80. Kansas City Grata aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Oct, It-WIIEAT-No. 2 hard. $1.0X0-1 07: No 7 red. $1.1431.1. December, 9.V,iiift9Cc; May, 98c. CORN No. 2 mixed. 81'nMc; No. 2 white, flo'VCile; December, 63Sc; May, 66S'w U.Ve. OATS-No. 2 white. tfi'iVlc; No. I ! mixed. St'35c. BUTTER Creamery, Wc; firsts, 2BCJ seconds, :5c; packing, 19Wc EGGS Firsts. 27c; seconds, tin. POULTRY Hen. HVic; rooster. 8c; broiler. 15c. Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 28.-.W1IEAT Jiecemlier, 96V: May. Vr; No. 1 hard, $l.iV No. 1 northern. 97VaWo. FMtUP Unchanged. PARLEY 51 ii07c. RYE lsifW. BKAN-$l9.o9. CORN No. 2 yellow. sTifMWe. OATS-No. 3 while. M ft 34 Wo, FLAX-$1.84- I.K7. St. T.i.uls ;raln Market. ST T11'1. Oct. '28 WH FAT No. I red. 1.12.-'M.IJ: No. 2 hard. $1.04; lr.cein ber I! y : Hay. $1.02'.i. CORN No. 2 new. 6i'ic; No. 2 wh'te. new. 2c; December. 66iic; May, 67'' J 67V.C. OATS-No. 2, 3HtJ37c; No. I white, nominal. I Ivrnioo Grnln Market, LIVFRI'OOL. Oct. 28. WIIKAT-Hpot No. 2 Manitoba, lis 4Ud; No. 3. Us 8'itd No. 2 hard winter, old. 12 S'-1; No. i, Chiciico new. lis 2d. CoKN-Snot La Plata, 7 6'4d. f of fee Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 28 COFFER Fu tun s market was more active today than tit any nine previously since me heiln I' In k of the war and there was a furl her advance In piles nn a broadening coir'.inlsalon hooee demand. The market ! opened at an advance of 4 to 7 points and gained strength during the dav. March contracts sold up to 64c. with May touching 6 9.; In the late trading. Hales,; . nn.iiii iiikh. ui'T'nirr . niv , TNOVernner, I 6sic; December. 8.81c; January. 3lc; Feb-! I ruary, 81c; March 8 82c. April, 8.97c; I Mav, 6V2c; Juiiu. 6.97c; July, 702c; Au-I I s ist, T.tste; Pepieniber, 7 11c. Spot market firm; Rio 7s. IV; Santos 4a. ',c. iilo ; exchange on London was l-32d lower and! ; the Rio market was unchanu-ed, but Ban-' ton was l" rels hlghur. Victoria cleared 13uuo bags for New York and Santos 42.0J I.uks for New Orleans and 4.OU0 bags fori New York. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Efceipt$ Liberal and Prices Oenerallj Stead Sheep Steady to Easier. H00S FIFTEEN TO TWENTY OFF OMAHA. Oectober . 11V Receipts were: Cattle. Hog. Sheep O'flc'al Minday Is s4 2.-I. ..lll Official Tues lny lfl . '4 4 4 Official Wednesday. ... 4 l." lH,.tl Estimate Thursday.... 4.700 $.100 17.M0 Four days' totals n Same day last week. .;e;.2vS Same 2 weeks ago 50 ;"8 bams 3 weeks eg, S..2I t-nnie 4 weeks ego ,t i) Same days last year...i.0.i6 The followlns table slows .90 16..s) i5.n i n.i'i i'.4.7 13.571 f",21 10 .b.d '4.1..' U4 l 121,4.8 84.4U th- ceipt Of CSttle. hntl n,t ati..Mr. m t ih flffllhll live stock msikec for tie year to date, a ,u,"ru wnn last year: 1918. r,"ule 9 3 5.0 )' J.J-s.-'rs Bnvp 2,782.043 1914. 77 .V94 1.87.049 2.Mt,644 Inc. 84... 1W t3.6 The following table snow the average I rices of hos Bt the omana live stock market for the last few days, with com ps rise ns : Dal iii:. 1914 1913. j 1SH.I lull 1910. I S OU IWil ail 23: 7 7 Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. l let. Oct. O . Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oit. Oct. Oct. 2IS 5 I 8k, 3 241 $ 411 1 70 k 36i 7 34. 8 10 27 $ ' 7 51 3 341 7 351 8 01 8 V 1 37 8 j; 7 40 I 7 48 l My 7 24 7 tol 3 49 s 3 T I6 T 92 8 77 " i i e; I m i .4 $ 301 A 31, 8 3 K I 7 Wj I U 81 8 W J 37 N I 7 el' 8 ,1 871 r.p 7 8 7 811-4. 94 7 75 I $ 80 8 37 i 7 41 7 29 I 8 M T 2 8 83' $ 81 J 61 7 24 H 941 7 6 8 4 I 8 44, t 51 I 29Si I 0J 7 U 8 38 85, IU i k si I U h 4it I w I oo ' 7 X 7 S7j 46 3 84. 3 47 7 M 7 5.1'i 7 01 I 8 34' 191 8 i 7 5 7 II".: 8 Wl 7 6O1 I $ 19i 9 96i 7 64 Oct. yci. w. 1 hs j ai; t y 1 iw a u i 1 tti .-uiiuay. Receipt and disposition of live aiork at the I nion clock yards, Omaha, for twenty-four hour at 3 o Cock yesterday ; RECEIPTS-CARS. ses. C, M. 8U P 3 .. U Missouri Paclflo .... 1 Luton Paclilo 87 14 9 4 C. & N. W east... 3 3 .. 2 C. 4i N. W., west... 18 16 13 1 C, fit P., M. O . 3 1 .. 2 C, B. A y., east... $ 2 1 C, B. 4k U . west... 34 t 1 C, 1C 1. si P.. east. 6 $ I Illinois Central t 1 .. .. Chicago U. W 33 Total receipts ...180 46 a 10 DI8POS1T10N-H BA D. Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Morris A Co 450 4vl 819 Swift St Co 4 617 8H6 Cud shy Packing Co.... KS." LIM 1.2,-1 Armour Co 441 $ti 1,468 J. W. Murphy 276 Lincoln Packing Co.... So. Omaha Packing Co. 31 Sheridan Meal Co 276 Benton. Vansant at L.. 196 F. B. 1-ewls 94 Huston Co 13 J. B. Root Co 124 J. 11. Bulla 23 K F. Hub 90 Rosenatock Mro 44 S. G. Kellogg 19 Werthelmer & Degen... 348 H. F. Hamilton 83 Sullivan Bro 16 Holhschlld t Krebs.... 46 Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.... 154 Christie K4 Hlggln 1 Huffman 20 Meyer 9 Baker, Jonea & Smith.. 48 Tanner Bros 18 John Harvey .. 157 Klina r Dennis A Francis 117 Olher buyer ,, 844 7.M '-. U,838 CAT'lLl-Recelpte were fair for a Thursday and the total for the four days foots up 89,200 head, about 8,0iy head larger than last week and 19,0.10 head larger than a year ago. The market as a whole was In a good healthy condition from start to finish. Beef steer were In demand and the big end of the receipt sold early In the morning at price that were fully stesdy with yesterday. Thar wsre several bunohes of oornfed good enough to bring $9.60, Good feeder commanded about steady prices, but there waa a lot of medium to common kind that were alow and hard to move, buyer not aeemlng to want that kind. Speculator had a good many cattle on hand and they were holding baok a little, so that outsid of some of th moat desirable kind th trad had a alow and weak tone. Quotations on cattle! Prim cornfed beeve. $9.754il0.00: good to choice fed yearling $9.ii(fjn-.76; fair to good fed year ling, $x,5oi,uo; common to fair fed year lings. $6.00-0-9 60; good to choir heavy beeve,; fair to good cornfed beeve, $8.8-ye.0O; common to fair corn fed beeve, $4,764(8.30; prim grsss beeves, fLOiM-fl 80; good to choloe grass beeves, $7.60.00; fair to good grass beeves, $6.75 tn 60; commcn to fair grass beeves. 86.60 H6.76; good to choice grass heifers, $6. OoM 7.00; good to oholce grass cows. $5.7f6.2); fair to good cows, l50oiur6.76; common to fair cows, MTMPiOu; prima feed ing steers, $s.ij60; good to choice feeder. 37.4trys.0O; fair to good feeders. 16 Xa7.4o: common to fair feed. era. t6.76g6 SO; good to choice stockers, $7.6Of-.00; fslr to good stockers, $6.754JfI.60; common to fair stockers, M60a6. 75; stock heifer, $6. 7542.76; stoik cow. $4.76fi6 00; stock calvea .60fl 00; veal calves, $7.0u- 19.00; bulls, stags. to.. $4 S5fJ6.26. STEERS AND HEIFBKS. Na Av. PT. M 13 9 M WTOMINO. 01 feeders.. Trig 8 76 4 calve... 488 60 26 feeder.. 697 7 36 42 feeder.. 709 7 76 SOUTH DAKOTA. 10 cow 770 6 36 I heifer.. . 860 26 4 cow 977 6 40 NEBRASKA. 37 feeder. .1230 7 26 16 teer....U40 7 30 4 steers.... 8W 7 76 HOGS Receipts were larger than on any previous dsy of th week, but at that were very moderate, about forty seven cars, or 3,100 head making up the day' arrivals Supplies for tn four days foot up 9.630 hesd. being 7.000 smaller than last week, 6,0u0 lighter than two weeks ago. and a falling off of nearly 4,ouO as compared with the earn day last year. Shippers were more active thl morning, and while they did not buy many on first rounds, their later purchases were fairly heavy. Tops reached $7.10, but most of their hugs cost $7 and leas. Shipper trade waa close to a quarter lower. Packer' opening bid were largely 26o lower than Wednesday's average trade, and they succeeded In tuylng some hogs this way, but most sellers refused to out loose and asked nearly steady prioe. Cjulte a few sales were mads early at fH7ry4 90. but moat of the later pur chases landed at $6 90-37.00. Bulk of all the hogs was quotable at $6(slT.00. Cur rent values are around SMNOc lower than at the close of laat week, when 37 sstf 7. 86 bought the bulk of the hogs offered. wun tne top at 37.40. Today is the first tlms since September 23, over a month ago, that the average cost has been un der $7. Ne. II.. At. h. Tr. 11 t 71 j e in 21 M 4 BO ltd 140 sr. .IM 10 4 is ' ... 4 sr. lot I K) 3'i ... T 1 Ns. II... 41... 41 ., II... tO... I ., II.., Av. gh. Pr. ....IW 140 4 0 ... im ... 4 ar me h ...,vt im in ...ill so Tog ...i 11 1 06 ....xwi io t 10 2.1 . 67. . 14.. ID. . I.I . I . 14.. PIGS. 34 148 ... 8 SB 13 Ill ... I s SHEEP There waa a fsJrlv vnl sht-ep and lamb run on hand tills morn- i Ing. receipts being slightly luiger than' on the lust two Thursday's. A total of' sixty-seven oars, or 17, 5. w head, showed! up, more than were reported at the. five other western points combined. The total 1 for the week to date Is 96.421 head, being 17.000 short of Isst week, and -dUOo smaller than two weeks ago, 4.ut about 1.0ii heavier than lust year. Supplies the last four days have been the smallest received here In over two months. Fat ahep and lambs made up a Very small proportion of the total supply, but despite the deficiency In supplies pack ers started a bear move, and early bids were around 15c lower than Wednesday, or Just about stesdy with Tuesday. Nothing was done until well along to wards noon, but In the end the scanty lamb offerings were cleaned up at pi Ices that, while tiiey showed a weaker tone, were really not much different from Wednesday. Heavy lambs, the sort that sold around $8.90 yesterday, brought $9.75. A rut of one of Tuasday'a bunches was Included In today's $H.75 sales. Old mut tons, while in extiemcly light supply, f1nxl!y a M at about the Mm sort of prices thnt f irlt. rs rffeved for them tiriy. l est hem fnllid to bent $.".50. In the feeder trn te u was a fully stesdv deal rUht from the stsrt. al though movement was not ns active si might have hern expected. For the thlrt time In three days top .11 feeding Iambi Stood at $X..ri. Bulk o' the good to chole feeders Is movlns at 3i 40 it ."., with fall to poorer stuff on down. YearllnR of a pretty good class went to a feeder buyer at $7.10. and lops nre still .niotahle as high st $7.15, which price was paid earlier In the week. A few 'eedln ewes sold around $6 Pupvlv r f bre. d'ng ewes ha moderated a good bit, but so has the de mand, and wl lie the f-w that Vinw tip are finding an outlet, the Is off the trade. One bunch of fairly (rood mouthed stuff Sold today st $'.6 and $f..75 stopped good ones yesterday. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, $ "F.ff'.HS; lamhs, fair to good. $8iUVdH75; lamha, feeders $7.7 $ff; yearling, fair to choice, $llrvs.76; yearlliiRs, fee.'ers, J6on-.f6 75; yearlinxs, feeders, $.0(r7.15; wethers, fair to choice, $5, ewes, good to choice $5.I"9 6.50; ewrs. fair to good, $4 75T6.25; ewe, feeders, $4. 5005 60 R pi vat utativ sales: No. Av. rr. 741 Wyoming ewep 110 ( 68 261 Wyoming feeder ewe 103 8 16 16 feeder lambs 68 T 60 91 Wyoming feeder lamb.... 61 8 26 TTvl Idaho lamb 77 $ 90 1. i fed lamb 79 8 76 701 Wyoming lamb 86 8 80 If Idaho breeding ewes 110 $ 75 84 Idaho fef der lambs 6.1 8 Oft 13 Idaho ewes 137 8 6ft 5 fed lamhs 90 8 75 IW yomlng ewes 108 6 86 .ITS Wyoming feeder lambs.... 66 8 60 173". V yomlng Inmh 69 I 90 Wvorr-.tng fertVr ewes 96 6 26 ' 1 Wyoming cull ewes 80 4 80 1 2ix'i Wyoming fed ewe 84 8 26 ! 7- Wyoming fed ewes 84 $20 177 Wynmlnjt ewes 96 8 86 r7l Montana feeder lamb el 8 60 , IIS Montana feeder Inmh 62 8 60 , 6t Montana feeder lamb S3 M ?10 Wyoming ferdr lambs 66 $66 21 Wyoming feeder lamb M 9 66 2M Wyoming feeder lambs..., 63 8 80 540 Wyvmtng feeder lambs.... 63 8 66 !) Wyoming feeder lambs ... M g go 2"1 Wyoming lambs 86 8 80 198 Wyoming lambs 66 8 9ft 0 Wyoming lambs 66 8 90 10 Wyoming breeder ewes.... 84 8 75 V Wyoming breeder ewes... 100 I so' 640 8 D. feeder lamb 63 8 66 CHICAGO LIVES STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle gteady Host Weak keep Vnsettled. CHICAGO, Oct. 2"t.CATTLF Re ceipts, 8,nno head; market, steady; na tive beef steers, $5.90nri0 60; western teer. $6.60 90; cows and heifer. 83.8o-di 826; calves. $7,26411.110. HOGS Receipts, 18.000 head; market, weak, liVi15o lower: 4iutk, $6,557 30; light. $.Nif7.40; mixed. $6,4047.86; rough, $6.2K).75: pigs, $3.6067.00. BHBEP AND LAM RS Receipts, 14.000 hesd: market, unsettled; wethers, $6,000 8.66; ewes, $.l7fxii.H6; lambs, $6.7"(S9.00. 1 Kanaa City i.lva Stock Market. KANSAS C1TT, Oct . -CATTLE Re ceipts. 6.OU0 head; market steady; prima ted steers, $9.6,"vtrl0 25; dressed beef steers. $S.2riiii9.50; western steers, $6.&0-".50; stockers and feeders, $..60CJ.60; bulls, $4 50tT6X; calves, $6.tXir10 00. HOGS Recelut. 6.1111O head; market stea.iy; bulk, 6.75fl7.16; heavy $6ff7.10; i 'ackers and butchers, $6.9tf7.26: light, 6.8.i'7.2r.; pigs. $6.0fni6.76. SHE FP AND YAM B5J Receipts, $.600 head; market stesdy; lamb, $ 60fr9.0O; yearlings, t8.6CV7.26; wether. $6.7;xii.u0; ewes, $5.506.10. St. I.onla Live gloek Market. PT. !XUIS. Oct. 28. CATTLB Receipts, 4,200 hesd: msrket lo.wr; native beef steers, t'.fU 10 36; yearling steer and heifer. $8.6tvu 10.36; cow. $6 0iVg8uo; stock er and feeder. $6.00U'7.76; southern steers, $5.2.Vo4t.50; cows and heifers, $l.0ii 6.60; native calea, $.()iVlt).50. HOGS Kecelpts, 4.50 Ohead; market strong; pigs and lights, $64oU'7.40; mixed and butcher. $7.0OU'7.46; good heavy, $7.40 ft7.45. SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, 600 head; maket steady; lambs, $8.00'ij'9.00; heap and we, $o.0Oli.60. 1 Ions City Live Stock Market. SIOUX C1TT, la., Oct. 28. CATTLE Receipt. 1.4i0 head: market ateady; na tive steers. 86.0tVf Ofl; butcher. $4.60ff675; rnnners, $3.Vf4.iO: calves, $C.O0(u.00; bulls, stsgs, etcu $4.Mrt.7S. HtjOS Receipts 2,500 head; market teady; heavy. $A.i-U7.00: mixed. $6.7619 8.80; light. 84.70d6.76; bulk of sale, $6.7j tlO.90. SHEHP AND IA.MBS-ncelpt. 1,200 head; market 15fi?6c higher; ewes, $4.wa 640; lambs, $.7wiiti.86. - -r St. Joseph Live Stock Market. HT. JOSEPH. Oct. 28. CATTLB Re ceipts, 1,000 head; market steady: steers, $tl.5n0,6i: cows and heifer a, 84.00.u9.00; ca ves. $H.0rii9.60. MIIKKF AND LAMHS Receipt. 1.R08 jiead; market strong; lamb, $8.0uj:8.90. gfocit in ant. Receipt of live stock at the flv prin cipal western markets: tjaiiin. .. 4,7'H) .. 1,400 .. 6,000 Hogs. 3.100 2.MI0 6. 01 10 4.600 IK. 000 Sheep. 17,5-0 L 3,500 600 14.000 Smith Omaha St. Loul. .... Kansas city St. Loul .... Chicago 4,20) 8.000 Totals 22.300 34,100 36,700 I.oadoa Stock Market. , stTr... r..t , 1m,m. baji.wIi on the stock market were quiet. Canadian . , . . T ? .. I . fi.,1., M.ul I 1 S C I I I U Hill I UIII.DM . l U , 1 the most attsntlon. The latter eased off. but th rest of th list closed quiet and stesdy. ..... SILVElV-war. tw per ounce. MONEY-3VW4 per cent. LIIDtUUl.1 ' " I -'". - m . ner cent: three month. SPi 16-16 per cent Omaha liar Market. PRAIRIE HAY Cholc upland, $100Of 10.60; No. 1. $9.50(010.00; No. 3. H.0u.6O; No. I, IIOCTsOO; choice midland, $10.00; No. lt $8.50419.60; No. 2. $7.i.60; No, 3, in 007.50; choice lowland, $9.i; No. 1, $7.Cu.00; No. 2. $4.0t87.00; No. t. $i00t 8.00. STRAW Wheat, $6.006.60; oat or ry. $6.60i7 00. ALFALFA-Cholce, r2 0fff 13.00; No. 1, $11.50a'U.W; No. ' $ OmU'lO.OO. ( Metal Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 28. METALS Lead offered alAt.76. Spelter not quoted. Cop per, steady; electrolytic, $18 00. Iron, stesdy and unchanged. Tin, firm at $34.00 (ji'S4.M). London spot copper quoted at 72 2s 6d; futures 72 12s 6d; electrolytic, H8. HK.t tin, 156 6s; futures. 168,. Antimony, 126. Lead, 24 2 d. Speller. 70 10. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 28.-COTTOrr Spot, quiet; middling uplands, ll.K6c; sales, 4.000 bales. Cotton futures closed egsy; De cember. n.TVc; Jsnuary, 11.91c; March, 12.12c: May. 12.24c: July. 12.29c. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 28. COTTON Spot steady; good middling, 7.44d; middling, l.lOd low middling. 6.62d. Sale 13.1M) bale. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 28.-DRY OOODS Caniet buyers paid htu-her prices st the auction sale todiy, following announce-, menla of advances In the opening price named for spring trade last Monday. Cot ton goods, easier; yarn, ateady; raw ilk, easier; burlap. Irregular. Oil aad Riwls, SAVANNAH. Oct. 28. TURPENTINES Firm. C2c; sales. 919 bbls.; receipts, 118 bbls.; shipments, 9 bbls.; stock, 10,928 bbls. ROSIN Firm; sales, 1.476 bbls.: receipts, '99 bbUc; stock, 19.2S5 bbis. Quote: A. B, t D. H. F, Gt H, I. $4 62H; K, $5.00; M $4.70; N. $6.00; WG, $6.2i; WW, $6.60. Wool Market. LONDON Oct. 28 WOOL A mixed as sortment of 8.400 bales was offered at the wool auctlcn sales todsy. F'ne grades w ere Hi in and Americans bought suitable parcels. Ixiwer snides were easy and they were frequently withdrawn. 1 sugar Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 28.-SUnAR-Raw, steady; centrifugal, 4.26c; 1110 lasses, 8.4o; refined, steady. Si.gar futures opened quiet todsy. At noon prices were I to I points net higher on covering. Evaporated Apple aad Dried Fralt NEW YORK. Oct. 21 EVAPORATED APPLES Firm. DRIED FRUITS Prune firm. Apri cot and peaches, aitady. Ratal na, quit. Apartment, flata, aionaea and cottages an be rented quickly n4 cheaply by a Be "For Rent"