Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1915, Page 7, Image 9

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    TilK O.M.MiA, T.IL'IMJAV, Cl'il.
ilk J', !....
xMaflsaist, Tailo 0 ruton Els.
xMfBUas; niturs BurKtss-Clrandsn,
Budif cIuhi, Hotel Rome. Web. 6314.
Bert Koit Prist It Now Bftron Press
"Today's Kovls Program" classified
action todajr. It appears In The Be
EXCIX81VKLT. Find rut what ths va
rious moving- picture theaters offer.
To Address Fraysr Martlnf M. O.
Cunningham will address a business
Kfn'i prayer meeting at the Toung
Men's Christian association Thursday at
U:20 p. m.
Sanoe for XhlfBts Omaha council.
Knights of Columbus, No. Sol, will hold
an Informal dance at Metropolitan hall
Friday evening, complimentary to vts:tln
knights and ladles.
The State Bank of Omaha pays 4 per
cent on time deposit and I per cent on
avlnls accounts. All deposits In this
bank are protected by the depositors'
guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska.
Capital Stock Increased Capital stock
ef the Nebraska Seed company has been
Increased from IM.000 to $150,000, accord
ing to amendments to the articles of In
corporation filed with tho county clerk.
Henry Q. von Wlndhelm Is president.
Order of Stags Charter fee, IS;
monthly dues, 75c; weekly benefits, 17;
funeral benefits, $125; free physician, free
legal advice, free employment bureau;
700 members In Omaha. Join now. Of
fice MB Brandels theater. Douglas 34.
Ttrdlct for Car Company A verdict
In favor of the street railway company
has been returned In district court by the
Jury which tried the suit of Stanly Sumar
gainst the company. Sumar alleged he
was Injured In an accident and asked
Criminal Suit Against Burlington
Criminal suit was filed by the United
States against the Chicago, Burlington A
Qulncy railroad that the corporation car
ried one dead hog In carload of live
hogs shipped from Winnebago. Neb., to
Sioux City, la., on July 21, contrary to
the law which prohibits this as a practice
likely to carry and disseminate animal
ITstr Firm la Omaha The Western
Freight Rate Service company, a new
organisation, has taken rooms on the
third floor of the Union Pacific building
and launched Its business. The new com
pany proposes to Issue freight tariff
sheets of all railroads In the country, put
them into book forms and sell them to
jobbers and shippers. The business will
cover the entire United States.
Greateit Membership in Its History
Siity-Three Sonth Siderg
Join the Club.
Chief Dunn Wants
Motorcyclists to
Help Save Gates
Chief Dunn is determined, to suppress
the many acts of vandalism which are
being nightly perpetrated all over the
city by crowds of young men, who seem
to think -that they can celeorate Hal
lowe'en all this week. In fact, the chief
is quite wrathy. He has asked The Bee
to issue a eall for a number of young
men with motorcycles lo help him out.
He says that If these young men will
report at the police station this evening
he will have them sworn in and put
them to work to stop some of the de
struction of property which has been
going on for the last few nights. -
Omaha is Host to
Many Delegations ,
This Week and Next
In the neighborhood of 1.100 strangers
are In the city this week as delegates to
the various conventions in progress.
These are the State Bankers' association,
the Episcopalian synod and the Women's
Relief corps.
At least 4,000 strangers are expected
next week when the Nebraska State
Teachers' association gets into full swing.
Since the Bureau of Publicity was or
ganized four years ago and has been
active in seeking conventions for Omaha,
the convention attendence In Omaha has
been increased 500 per cent.
Agnes McArdle has started suit In dis
trict court against the street railway
company and Richard L. Barker. She
asks for $15,000, alleging that she was
permanently disabled through spinal and
nerve injuries received when Barker's
auto ran Into a street car on which the
woman was a passenger.
She bases her case against the two de
fendants on the allegation that both were
careless and negligent in operating the
street car and auto at fast and reckless
speeds at Twenty-fourth and Harney
streets, where the accident occurred last
Piscofjttnutng the running of Its Iowa
local, leaving Omaha at 10 a. m. and ar
riving at 4:40 p. m. dally, the Rock Island
Sunday will put its train service hark on
the regular winter schedule.
In adopting the new schedule the sec
ond Iowa local will leave Omaha at 7
Instead of at 4:80 a. m. The Chicago ex
press will leave at 3:55 Instead of at 4:10
p. m.; the Rocky Mountain limited will
leave at t instead of at 1:08 a. m.. and
the Texas express will leave at 1:45 In
stead of at 4 :50 In the afternoon as now.
Constipation t an Be Cured.
Start a two weeks' treatment of Dr.
King's New Life Pills today. Good for
stomach and liver. 2'c. All druggists.
Because his wife is alleged to have
called him a "liar" and a "fool." anl
other things, and be ause she Is alleged
to have an "unstovernable temper,"
Joseph T. Marshall has filed suit for di
vorce from Nellie A. Marshall. He asks
for the custody of a minor child.
Beckle Coltoff is suing Abram for dl- i
vorce, alleging cruelty, fche wants the
custody of three minor children.
Under the leadership of Attorney
Stanley M. Rosewater, chairman of
, the membership committee of the
Commercial club, sixty-three niem
berg have been obtalnod on the South
i Side among the leading business and
'professional men of hat section.
This campaign fo'lowrd close upon
I the heels of the consolidation of
j Greater Omaha, when It waa felt that
the leading business men of the
South Side should be members of the
. club.
i This raises the active membership to
jl,2R, the largest In the history of the
ciud. Adding the associate and honorary
members there la a total membership of
This year so far the committee has
brought In 158 members. The six highest
scores In the committee are as follows:
M. Rnswater...fi0 J. 1'ean Ringer. ..34
K. U Patterson. ...24 Harry Koch
N. T. Thorson 6 Hugh Walace 4
H. O. Edwards, manager of the Swift
Packing company, was of great assist
ance to the committee In Its work.
Following Is a list of new members
obtained on the South Bide In this whirl
wind campaign:
W. P. Adklns, F. O. Kellogir,
A. Uakke. H. C. Klddoo.
Frederick O. Beck, John W. koutsky,
Jamee K. Bednar, Joseph Koutsky.
Q. H. Brewer, John A. Kratky,
F. A. Uroadwell, John Kresl.
W. W. Buchanan, R, M. I,averty.
N. E. Carter, J. J McAllister.
I. B. Clark. Joe MeCleneghen.
Byron Clow, T. J. McOnlre,
J. M. Cook. Gene Melady,
Charles F. Cox, J. C. Mlchelsen,
F. A. Creseey. A. H. Murdook.
Sol U Degen, James W. Murphy.
V. F. lnny. H. J. Oswald.
T. J. Donahue. James H. Owen,
Allen H. Dudley. W. J. Perry,
K. Krwln, Henry O. Pike,
T. W. Farrls. Walter B. Roberts,
W. W. Fisher, A. E. Rogers.
John Fits Roberts. W. 8. Sharer.
T.-H. Fonda, Jr.; A. V. Smith.
William Frailer, John Smith,
E. O. Furen. F. W. Thomas,
L. C. Gibson. C. P. 8. Tobln,
W. M. Graham, Vincent Vacek.
George A. Grlbble, Sam Werthelmer,
E. H. Howland, Burton K. Wilcox,
O. Ihnen, Jr.; J. P. Winn,
J. Martin Jetter, Charles F. Winter,
W. A. C. Johnson. Will H. Wood.
Allen W. Jones.
A special meeting of the board of gov
ernors of Ak-Sar-Ben is called at the
Omaha dub for Friday evening, at which
time the governors are to meet the spe
cial committee appointed by the execu
tive committee of twenty-five to arrange
for a semi-centennial celebration of the
date of admission of Nebraska to state
hood. The meeting Is to be held at 8
o'clock. The two committees are to co
operate to make this big celebration a
How to Protect
Pedestrians During
Building Operations
Seventieth avenue and Twent v-fnir(!
street lM September II. The accident
vrsnltwl from a rave-In following. whM
the Jury hrld to be nn excessive hlni-t of
txplosive in an racavntlon.
Kr Killed ay Trolley tar.
BAI.T1VAHK, Md , Oct. 17 -John 8
Fnsor. widely known In republican poli
tics In Maryland, struck ani klhrd
I'v a trolley car tonight.
Bad Kidneys
Jeffs Story"
City Commissioners Jnrdlne and Hum
mel, Structural Fnglneer Brown of the
city building department and contractors! - - ... . j
erecting buildings at Fifteenth and Six-' if a 1" a 1 AT 1
teenth and Farnam streets yesterday ! IVleat lLating iYlClkCS
ft Breed ihmt avn-r
ways for pedestralns passing these strue- I
tares would serve the best Interests of
the public.
This matter was hrourht to the atten
tion of th city council by business men
directly south and enst of the Rose build
ing at Sixteenth and Farnam streets,
their contentions being that the closing
of the sidewalks ecrloiuly effeita their
business. They further contended that !
I the contractors aro not observing the'
building ordinances.
These passageway will be placed Just !
outside of the curb lines. Engineer j
Prown and the contractors convinced the I
city commissioners tliat as a safety-first
proposition it would be tinwlsn to place
the walks inside the c.irh line, because'
of the posslblo dangers of falling ma
w1 of doors and for doga, but for the aver- (
"Our building Inws give the city build-; are person, such a diet la apt to Ion 1
Ing department discretlonnry powers In'tlm Mcml, with uric sel l and to Injur j
a mo tier of this kind. It Is obvious that the kidneys. Pad backs, lame aching
when a heavy piece of material fails It Imrk. blue, nervous spells, dullness, I
Is more likely to fall Insldo than outsl-Je lirBrt 'luttcrlrgr. rheumatic pains, anl
of the sidewalk line," asserted Mr. Madder troubles Indicate weak kidneys,
Brow n. j amr foretell danrer of dropsy, gravel
Expressing himself further on the situs-; and Hrlglit's disease. Hon"! nexlect thla
tlon. he said: "I would not ha a party I condition. fse loivn Kidney Pills,
to allowing these covered walks Inside oflThoy have given relief to thousands,
the sidewalk line. Human life Is of more j " l I I
value than the convenience of a few I Ultlaha rTOOI
businoss Interests that may suffer! Henry George Paker, barber, 1004 8.
slightly because of building improve- Tenth St., says: "I never took an)
. lltftil
Heavy mest nienla are all right for
athletes, for people who work hard out
Store Hours, 8:30 A. M. to 6 p. m. Saturday till 9 P. M.
ments. It la a matter which require
consideration of the possible dangers. Ac
cidents will happen In spite of the most
careful building methods. Again, It must
be considered that It Is almost Impossi
ble to erect a covered walk strong enough
to withstand the Impact of, for Instance,
a pelce of material weighing 800 pounds,
falling 100 feet.
Rnbtrsr Accident !Vot n Crime.
NEW YORK. Oct. 27. A coroner s Jury
tonight failed to hold any one criminally
responsible for the suhway accident In
which eight persons lost their lives at
nicdiclre until an attack of backache
st in. It paln-wl nw ao much that 1
rolled and tossed all night, unable to
sleep on account ft the torture. IVan's
Kl.lnev Pills lessened the pain at once
and finally reinovd It. 1 believe they
are the best kldny medicine to be had.''
50 at all Drug Store
Foater-Mllburn Co. Pes. BufTalaN.Y
-T . eaBaaa
Frank McLaughlin, , charged with slay
ing Joseph Bryrne during an altercation
In a South Side saloon, waived examina
tion in county court and wss bound over
to the district criminal court on the ,
charge of manslaughter. He Is- still n j
jail In default of 82.600 bail.
Use The Bee's "Swapper" column. 1
Ford Visits Pealtentlarr.
SAN RAFAEL.. Cal.. Oct. 27. Henry
Ford of Detroit, philanthropist, visited
San Quentln penitentiary today, where j
are 1.600 convicts. "He good fellows while
you are In here and be better onoa after
ward." was his speech to the men as
they sat at the noon meal.
For Indigestion,
Gases, Sourness,
Acid Stomachs
The moment ' Tape's Diapep
sin" reaches the stomach
all distress goes.
Don't suffer! Eat without fear j
of an upset stomach or
Do some foods you eat hit back
Ihfct rood, but work badly; ferment
into stubborn lumps and cauae a sick,
sour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or Mr..
Dyspeptic. Jot this down: Pape's Dla
pepsln digests everything, leaving noth
ing to sour and upset you. There never
wus anything an safely quick, so cer
tainly effective. No difference ho
badlv your stomach Is disordered yoj
will get happy rcllif in five minute,
but what pleases you meat Is that It
strengthens and regulstea your stom
ach ao you can eat your favorite fooda
without fear.
Most remedies give you relief some
times they aro e'.ow, but not sure.
"Pape's Dlapepaln" Is quick, potittv
and puts the stomach In a healthy con
dition so the misery won't eome back.
You feel different as sotn as "Paps'
Dlapepsln" comes in contact with tlie
stomach- -distress Just van'shts your
stomach peta sweet, no gases, no be'eh
Intf, no eructatloni or undlgosted food,
your hlad clears and you feel fine
Go now. make the best Investment you
ever made, by getting a largo flfty-cen:
caso of Pape's Pinpepsln from sny d'uj
store. You realise in five minutes h w
needless It is to suffer from indigestion,
dyspepsia or any stomach dlaordeV.
For f.lcn, Women and Children
Ee 1- tv.
mmf jaJ mmmmm En
Space forbids detailed ck-wcrlption, but Bed
(loo's Drty-rs nemana suways
better quality, better style
and lower prices.
These ' suits are beauti
fully trimmed, some with
fur. Stile, are g CA
the newest.
They are
priced from.
$1.00 a WEEK
A Sale of
Beginning Thursday Morning
At $19.50 and $25.00
OVER two hundred suits nro included in this special offering.' Thero are Poplins,
Gabardines, Urondcloths and Serges fro m which to select; all effectively trimmed
with braid or fur collars and bands of fur. The wanted colors. Extra special, at,
$19.50 and $25.00.
Smartest Plush Coats
. $19.50 and $25.00
ANOTHER timely offering of one hundred fine Seal Plusk Coats. They are well
lined with yarn dyed witin. Thursday we place them on sale in two special groups,
at, $19.50 and $25.00.
. BUTsiB-Mash Co. - Msooa4 Hoa.
Our Thursday Special in the
Women's Shoe Section-2d Floor
FOR Thursday we have reduced the price on two of our
best staple styles of women's street bootB.
Women's $5.00 Shoes for $3.85
A fine black Russia calf, button boot
with tip, light welt soles, new spike
heels; our best grade of $5.00 boots,
Thursday, only $3.85.
A patent calf vamp, dull calf top, but
ton boot, hand sewed welt soles, Cuban
heels, from our best grade Qf $5.00
boots, Thursday, only $3.85.
Two splendid styles for dreamy after
noon and utreet wear, regular $6.00
trade. $3.8S.
srffss.iran Co.. eeoa floor.
The Goblins and
and all the other
Hallowe'en Thing
ar. ready in the
Stationery 8 t or.
Now U tho time to
ret ready.'
arf Jrastt Co. Msis rloor.
P or o o n a 1
FORESIGHT In ordering your
Personal Greeting Carda for
the holidays will iaTe you that last
minute ruth, A Christmas mes
sage loses none of its value by
an early arrival, but has no sen
timent at all if it comes too 1st.
Prepare for this. . ' Visit our Sta
tionery Engraving Department in
the North Aisle, Main Floor, and
place your order from our new
sample books.
axgesajraen Co Mala Floor.-
Burgess-Nash Co. Everybody Store lGth and Harney
I I !
Oar Jitney Ofrvv This m-A Re.
DON'T MlfiS THIS. Cut out this slip,
enclose with 5c and it to Foley
Co.. Chicago, 1111.. writing your name
and address clearly.. You will receive In
return a trial package containing- Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs,
olds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, (or
pain In sides and bck, rheumatism,
backache, kidney and bladder ailments;
and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole
soma and thoroughly cleansing cathartic,
(or constipation, Ulllousness, headache
and slug glaii bowels. Sold everywhere.
For more than K) years. Hasrlom OH,
the famous national remedy of Holla-id.
las been recoxnl'.rd si an Infallible relict
from all forma of kldnty and bladder dle
oiders. Its very see is proof that it must
hove unusual merit.
If you are troubled with pains or aohm
in the back, f.-el tired in the mornlmf,
headache, indigestion. Inhomnla, rxlnful
or too frequent passive of urln. Irrita
tion or stone in the bladder, you will al
most certainly find quirk relief In 'iOL.1)
! I.DAL Haarlem OU Capsules. This la
the k old remedy that has stood the
test for hupdrfi of years, prepared in
the proper quantltv and convenient form
to take It Is Imported direct from Hol
land laboratories, and you can net It at
an" drug store. Prices. 2.'e, tOr and 11.00.
Your money promptly refund' d If It does
not relieve you. Hut be sure to get tho
Jrenume OOlO breadAdvertisement.
Train to
ST. PAUL and
Is Great Western 8:.'J0 p. m. from Omaha,
8:50 p. ra. from Council Bluffs, because it "gets
there first;" St. Paul 7:30 n. m., Minneapolis
8:05 a.m. -
Electric lighted throughout; sleeping cars,
buffet club ear, chair ears and coaches through
without change Omaha to fct. Paul and Minne
apolis. Breakfast if desired in buffet club car.
The early arrival gives longer business day
and makes business appointments and connec
tions doubly sure.
(Jrcat Western day train for the Twin
Cities leaves Omaha 7:29 a. m., Council Bluffs
7:50 a. m., arrives St. Paul 7:40 p. m., Minne
apolis 8:15 p. m.
P. F. BONORDEN, 0. P. & T. A.,
1522 Farnam St.. Omaha.
Phone Doug. 263.
(Emphaaita tia "Great")
Don't look afar off Into the
dreamy future for your
chance to Rnt rich. Take the
SURE TH I NO right at your
hand. Open a SAVINGS
ACCOUNT here which you
may do with ONE DOLLAR,
and put into It regularly a
certain part of your Income;
to bear Interest, COM
POUNDED twice a year.
Acquire the SAVING
HABIT, and getting rich will
be only a question of time.
- . , T
vTJ ' - jt:
. ' : .
f i
Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery In the West
Family Trade supplied by WM. JETTER, Distributor,
2502 N St. Telephone Douglas 4231. South 863 or 868.
Order Blank for "Billy" Sunday Special
Bee Publishing Co., Omaha.
Sirs: Enclosed find remittance in the sum of for copies ot
The Bee's "Billy" Sunday Special at 10 cents a copy, to be mailed to the following addresses:
Name Address