I'.- The unrivalled special feat ure patfes of Th- Sunday Bee re in a clam by them selves. Dest of them all. Omaha Daily THE WEATHER. v Fair vol. xlv NO. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 23, 1915-TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Bee w"n ij ii i OFFICE SEEKER GETS RAP FROM BANKERS' HEAD t President McNish Hakes Attaok oa Professional Politician in Ad dress Before Omaha Convention. ENDORSES THE RESERVE ACT Orer'Eijht Handled at First Ses sion, Which is Largest Attend ance in History. MEMORIAL FOR HENRY YATES Professional politicians and agi tators received several lusty raps yesterday afternoon in the address ' of President Jesse C. McNIsh of the Nebraska Bankers' association at the opening of the two days' session at Hotel Fontenelle. "We must assist," he said, "in keeping the demagogue and the pro fessional politician out of office. Their attacks upon successful men and organized business have worked Immeasurable damage. Professional agitators are a national liability, rather than an asset. However, pub lic opinion is showing tardy disap proval of unnecessary political an tagonism to legitimate business, and, hence the country may get more bills of lading and fewer bills of legisla tion." President MoNish reviewed the business and Industrial conditions whiuh he re garded as favorable, and told of the good work of the Banker association in pro moting the farm development movement. "The bankers have been active and lib eral, but their best work has been done In the exertion of personal influence upon their patrons in advising them to co operate with other men In the com munity In plans for Improving and in creasing the products of the farm. This has engendered a spirit of co-operation as between farmers and townspeople, which la highly beneficial. State It a rat Credit. "We should have a rural credit system applicable to American needs. One plan contemplates the extending of our build ing and loan association law' to admit of making of long-time loans on good farm lands under the amortization plan. The states, and not congress, should de vise a rural credit system. The danger and folly of taxing the property of citl sens In the town, state and nation by sale of bond to raise funds to lend Torn, Dick anj Harry should be apparent The field of rural credits should be properly occu-. pled by private corporations operating under state laws, for the important rea son that a federal statute must of neces sity bo too broad to meet the localized conditions of the several states." The speaker referred to the report of the state tax commission, regarding It as highly Important. His remarks on blue sky promoters were well received. "Men in less favored etatea find Nebraska a field for profitable exploitation. The Los Angeles Investment company was a colos sal swindle. Several hundred Nebraskans are among the victims. Some of them paid as high as fl.45 per share for Its stock, which last July was quoted at 32 cents. The three principal officers are under penitentiary sentences, but that does not mean that money taken prin cipally from widows and those inexperi enced In business on false pretense, will be returned. Their gamo was to offer cheap dwelling houses to Investor They paid 28 per cent annual dividends, which were never earned, but were paid out of money recehed on new stock sales to their dupes. Some Investigation and pub licity by our association would result in much protection to our bank patrons." Endorses Reserve Act. President McNIsh unqualifiedly en dorsed the Federal Reserve act, saying, "Practical operation will dictate changes and its admlnstratlon will be attended with diminishing friction." In the year 1914 there were more business failures than during any previous year, which certainly gave the new banking system a fair test, as did the troubles following the outbreak of war In Europe. He pointed out the important fact that "un der the new law, redlscountable paper (Continued on Page Two, Column Two.) The Weather ' Forecast till 7 p. m. Thursday: Fuir Council Bluffs and Vicinity Teniperatare at Oniaba Yesterday. Hours. Deg. J m si m 61 I a. m so J m 62 a. m & 10 a. m 62 11 a. m u 12 m -,j l d. m T.i WMBL IVV J P- m 7 , t P. in 77 4 P. m 7? E p. m 7ti ' 6 P. m 72 ; T p. m 71 8 p. m 63 I Local Hrrurd, W15. 114. 191J. 1912. 78 60 7H 60 27 'A 61 M 84 31 64 I Comparative Highest yesterady.. lxiwefct yesterday.. Mean teniiwrature . Precipitation Oj OU .") .00 i uemeiature and precipitation depar ture from the normal: Normal temperature 4S Excess for the day 10 Total deficiency elnoe J arch 1 3M (Normal precipitation U,:inch ljftclency for the day 07 inch Total rainfall since March 1..2j.2! inches Deficiency vince March 1 1.77 Inch Deficiency, cor. period. 1914... L inches Deficiency, cor. pcrlo'l. Ial3... ii.'jJ nil ht-s Heporta from Mutton at T I. M. Station and State Temp. HiKh- Italn- or v earner. 7 p. m. Cheyeiine, part clouciy... lavenpoi t. clc.ir 64 Des Moines, clear 64 Denver, part cloudy 64 I-aiuier. cloar iu North riutiM, clear 6 Omaha, C'ear 71 Puehlo, cleur !) Itapid City, clear 60 fcalt Luks City, clear.... (k) Santa t'e, cls- 54 Sheridan, cloudy M tioux City, clear 60 Valentine, part c'oudy.. bi est. fell. 70 .Oi 11 .00 7s .no 7i .00 7o .m b .oo 7t .0) DO .00 70 .W 71 .i0 - 70 64 . . 74 ' .00 't'i .U) Forecaster. PRESIDENT OF THE NEBRASKA TANKERS' ASSOCIATION. f ' 1 ! ... ,.-V ,,.: - ,i ,; .k -. . x ' .- a v, . . ! i. . "f BULGARS DRIVEN BACKJY FRENCH Dispatch from Saloniki Tells of Gams of Ground by Allies in Southeastern Serbia. SERB ARCHIVES AT KRALJEVO SALONIKI, Oct. 26. (Via Paris, Oct. 27.) The Bulgarians have been completely driven out of Serb'la on a line extending from the French sec tor to Krludalo and Lukedovan. They have been pushed back also from Veles to the outskirts of Istlp, prob ably rendering their Kumanovo Vranya line untenable, owing to the menace of a Serbian attack on both sides. '' Offensive operations against Nlsh have not . proceeded beyond Pirot. The Aus-tro-Germana are making the most violent efforts, but their progress is extremely slow. The city of Nlsh is tranquil and seems to be In no Immediate danger. The government archives and the for eign legations have been moved only as far as Kraljevo, where they are await ing developments. Crown Prince George arrived at Saloniki this afternoon. ' I.I 'talNemt'1'' Opn..; . t "LONDON, Oct. S7. Communication" Be tween the Austro-German and Bulgarian armies Is on the point of being estab lished and the dispatch Of munitions to Constantinople la expected to begin within a few days, according to Informs. tion -from Turn-Beverin, Reuman'a, sent to the Time's by its correspondent in Bucharest. This communication. Is being effected In the northwestern corner of Serbia, where the distance between the Hungar ian and Bulgarian frontiers. Is only forty miles. The dispatch describes ' the Austrian occupation of Tekla, which' was ac complished after a bombardment lasting many hours, Austrian troops crossing the Panube in eighty-six boats. The advance on Kludovo Immediately fol lowed. At 4 o'clock Tuesday morning Kladovo was in flames, the Serbians having started many fires. Refugees from Kladovo reaching the Roumanian shore of the Danube included civil authorities and several Serbian officers. Warships Which Attacked New York Theoretically Sunk NEW YORK, Oct. ST7. A fleet of "hos tile" warships which attempted to invade' New York harbor last night In a war! game had been theoretically sunk today1 off the entrance to the harbor. A de-1 fending fleet, which had been on watch! for the Invaders, however, was first de stroyed before they discovered that the enemy was upon them. Then the guns of Forts Hancock, Ham ilton and Wadsworth opened on the In vading fleet with blank shots and searchlights played upon the vessels, which were trying to enter the harbor under the cover of darkness. . Several of the enemy warships were sent to the bottom theoretically and the ' others withdrew. Hans Schmidt Asks for Another Trial ALBANY, N. Y., Oct. 27.-Brlefs urging and opposing a new trial for Hans Schmidt, convicted for the slaying of Anna Aumuller In New York In 1911, and now under sentence of death, were filed with the court of appeals today to support oral arguments by attorneys representing Schmidt and the state. In asking a new trial Alphonse Koelble, attorney for Schmidt, asaed that he be given an opportunity to present evidence that the Aumuller girl met death as a result of hemorrhage following an opera tion. He averred that the conviction whs obtained largely upon Schmidt's confes sion, since repudiated, that be cut her throat with a rasor, "in obedience to an ' Internal voice which said she should be a sacrifice of love and atonement. ! Robert C. Taylor, assistant district at torney, for the state, opposed the motion. Schmidt was tried twice, the first Jury disagreeing, in both cases his defense was . Insanity. ' Gerard Talks With Kaiser for an Hour BERLIN, Oct. 17. (Via London.)) An.tmaiittrior iler&rd declined Indav tn I dlncuss fur publication his conference yesterday with Emperor William. The conference, which took place at Pots dam, lasted lor an hour. TWO CONVICTED RECRUITING MEN FOR WAR IN U S. Blair and Addis IV Conspiracy b of Ut In- struct'-" -V. "Fran 0 ourt ourt MONEY FURNISHED BY BRITISH Stipulation of Facts Admits that Ross, Consul for Great Britain, Provides Cash. DEFENDANTS TO TAKE APPEAL SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Oct. 27. Ralph K. Blair r.ni Thomas Addis were found guilty today of conspir ing to hire and retain men In the United States for British military service. The verdict was returned under instructions from Judge Mau rice T. Dooling, in the United States district court. C. E. Lawrence was found not guilty. The- cases against Lieutenant Kenneth Croft of the British army and Harry O. Lane were not considered, one way or the other. The state wanted them for witnesses. The Blalr-Murdock company also was found not guilty. Stipulations were filed by prosecution and de fense that an instructed verdict should be given. A jury was Impan elled as a matter of legal procedure. Counsel for the defense stated an ap peal would be taken. . It was reported that the British con sulate, which was represented In court during the trial, urged such a course. Judge Dooling's finding conformed with the action of John W. Preston, who did not press the cases against Croft and Lane, whom, he said, he considered merely as "tools." Mr. Preston stated In court that he considered Dr. Addis and Blair "th ringleaders." . The penalty for the offense Is Imprison ment for not more than two years or a fine of hot more than 110,000, or both. Rerrnlta Arrate4 In Chloearo. "The neutrality cases came Into promi nence when nineteen men boHind for Eng land were stopped in Chicago and New York and brought back here. The de fendants admitted that they had provided these men with- money, which, the gov ernment attorney assorted in court came from British" official sources, but maintained, they merely used it to send inert to England without any agreement as to flghUnajin i 1 The stipulation .filed with Judge Dool ing,. admitted funds for., recruiting men were furnished by A. Carnegie Ross,. Brit ish consul here; that 156 tneh were re cruited; that headquarters ' were main tained where the men were housed and fed; that transportation and 19.10 each for sustenance ou their Journey were furnished the men; and that the men were to be transported to England. Star Abolish Law. WASHINGTON, Oct. J7.-Convlctlons under the old statute making it a crime of. conspiracy to employ men on Ameri can soli for military service abroad is regarded by State department officials as likely to bring to an Issue the question ow whether the United States shall, per mit to remain in effect a law based upon a policy which might operate to Its own serious disadvantage In time of war. The statute under which BlaU and Addis were convicted at San Fran cisco does not affect the activities of representatives of a foreign power, who arrange for the return of reservists, but imposes heavy penalties upon the agents of a nation undertaking to send back home for ' service citlsens or subjects who not on military rolls. Embassy officials have conferred with the Department of Justice on the subject and it la understood that at the em bassy instances the cases will be op- pealed and that if the result is then I n changed, the matter will be taken up diplomatically between Great Britain and the United States. Estabrook Talks at Uni Club This Noon Henry D. Estabrook of New York City will speak this noon at the University club on "National Self -Defense." He will , also address the state bankers this after- noon. Friday evening he will be the prln cipal speaker at the McKinley club din- ner at the Rome hotel. NORWEGIAN STEAMER SUNK; NINETEEN OF CREW DROWNED LONDON, Oct. XI. Lloyd's announces ...... . I ( ... f 1 - mat iui 4vi wca aicaiircr, ovinia, ox j HOT tons net, has been sunk. Two mem- bers of the crew were picked up. Nine teen others are believed te .have been drowned. "5T0PJL " SV - . HVfATr.CITV-OMH-WS Nebraska Bankers in Omaha for their annual state meeting know the impregnable - position o f Omaha's banks and finan cial institutions due in large part, of course, to the splen did condition of the banks in their tributary territory. Omaha is proud of our banks and of the bankers who do business with our banks. mm MiTsiAsiXsMsni 1 I HENRY D. ESTABROOK, widely-famed orator and former Nebraskan, who is prominently mentioned as a presidential candidate and who is here to speak to the Nebraska Bankers' association today and to the McKinley club tomorrow. I ' ,x ' ' " - I . V I Hi ; v - - A a. ;: " Y': " . - ; i I myyr i State Department i Asks Eoads to Delay Fuel Sent to Villa WASHINGTON, Oct. 27. The State de partment hi asking American railroads to cut off supplies of fuel to the enemies of the de facto government in Mexico as a supplementary proceeding to the embargo on arms am ammunition. The following' telegram was sent out today after a con ference of railroad men with State depart ment officials: ' . . , , "Department of State desires railroads to co-operate as much as possible with local authorities at El Paso, especially collector of customs there. In delaying as much as possible shipments of coke and coal Intended .for Mexican factions In revolt against the 'de, facto government of Mexico in the state of Chihuahua." . The plan Is directed against the , Villa forces and designed especially to head off their operation of the gold and stiver mines In Chihuahua, for which fuel sup piles would have to be drawn from the United States. For the operation of the mines the companies have in the past had shipments of coke and foal from Oklahoma and other points. Michigan Central Clerks Quit Work DETROIT, Mich., Oct. 27. The strike of Michigan Central railway clerks, or dered last night, was on today, with re ports differing widely as to Its effect on the road's traffic conditions. ' The strikers claim more than a thousand clerks have walked out and that the company's freight trafflo la seriously In terrupted. The company officials, how ever, declare that no more than 400 em ployes have struck and that freight w4.ll' be kept moving. ' British Treasury Bills Are Cheaper LONDON. Oct 27. A reduction In the selling price of treasury bills over the counter was announced today by ' tbe Bank of England. Three months' bills now yield i per cent; six months' bills, i per cent, and nine and twelve months' fcllls, t per cent, as compared with the previous rate of 4Vfc per cent. These higher rates Indicate that the next loans, made by the government will be on a I, per cent basis. WHEATLAND WILL HAVE BIG UGAR FACTORY WHEATLAND, Wyo., Oct f7. (Spe cial.) Wheatland is to have a sugar fac tory costing at least $X,000. This be came an established fact last night, when a committee which had been securing from farmers contracts In which they agree to raise sugar beets reported that the required area of 4,000 acres had been signed up. Denver capitalists, said to be headed by Zerner Z. Reed, recently agreed to bulla a factory here if this acreage were secured. Only about 500 acres of beets were raised In this section this year, the product going to the fac tory at Fort Collins. These beets tested very high. U per cent saccharine, dem onstrating that the soil and climatic con ditions here are peculiarly adapted to teet culture. 1 Special Session of Episcopal Bishops Seems Probable NEJW YORK, Oct. 27. A special con vention of the house of bishops of the Protestant Episcopal church of America probably will oe called In the near future In an effort to prevent the Epis copal board of missions from carrying out Its Intention of sending delegates to the Panama Interdenominational . mis sionary congress to be held In February, according to the Right. Rev. Reginald Ii. Weller, blnhop of Fond du Lac, Wis. .TBlahop Weller was one of the ""five church dignitaries who resigned from the board of missions whon the board at Its quarterly meeting yesterday . refused to rescind a former resolution .authorizing participation In the Tanama congress. The board of missions at' today's ses sion adopted a resolution concerning In structions to be given the delegates to the Panama congress, which read in part: "Resolved, That our delegates go for conference only, with no purpose, au thority or power of committing, this board to co-operation." Another Spy is ,. Executed at London LONDON, Oct. Z!. Official announce ment was made today that another spy had been put to death. The announce ment says the prisoner, charged ' with espionage, was tried recently by the gen eral court-martial, found guilty and sen tenced to death. This sentence was con firmed and was carried out this morning. Man Recovers from Attack of Anthrax BENBOW CITY. 111., Oct. W.-Dr. J. C. Helper, who a month ago was stricken with anthrax, today was pronounced cuied by his attending physician. The only permanent HI effect left by the disease Is a three Inch scar on Dr. Help er's neck. Now Out The Dee's Billy ' Sunday Special Fine hif illustrated 32 patfe paper containing full account of the Omaha campaign and all the principal ser mons as preached at the "Tab" from day today. Just what you want for out of town folks. Price 10 Cts. Order now. INYADERS IN SERBIA JOIN THEIR FORCES Direct Connection Between Austro Gennant and Bulgarians Estab lished on Danube River. ADVANCE IS MADE Iff RUSSIA BERLIN (Via London), Oct. J7. Direct connection between the Aus-tro-Oerraan forces in Serbia and the Bulgarian army of General Boyadjeff has been established on the Danube river, to the east of Dna Palanka, according to the official announce ment riven out today by the German army headquarters staff. German troops under Field Mar shal von Hlndenburg have penetrated Russian positions over a front of more than a mile In the fighting In the Dvlnsk region, the war office announced today. The statement follows: "Dobrln. east of Vlshegrad (Bosnia) has tcen taken. "The army of Generals von Koevess and von Oallwlta have driven back the enemy wherever he has made a stand. "As regards the main forces, the gen eral line of Valyeo-Morewoa (on the I Jilt) Docola, has been reached. East of this linn the Jasenlca and Rara has been crossed on both sides of Svllajac renava. In the Pek valley Nerasnlka has been taken. "Forces advancing to the east of Or sova captured twele heavy cannon near Kladowo. "At IJublcevao, on the Danube east of Bsra Ialanka, direct connection with the army of General BoyadJIeff (the Bul garian commander) has been established by patrols. The right wing of this army la pursuing the enemy from Negntln In northeasterly and southwesterly direc tions. Fighting continues for possession of Knjaacsae." fin Ins on Rasslan Front. The report in regard to the eastern front follows: ' "South of the Ablly-Dvlnsk railway our troops enetratPd Russian positions In the region of Tymschany ever a front some two kilometres (one mile and a quarter) wldo. They captured six offi cers. 4o0 men, one machine gun and two mine throwers. The positions won were retained In spite nf repeated Russian at tacks. We evacuated only the church yard of Ssastaly, one kilometre northeast of Oerbunowka, during the night. "Army of General von Llnslngen: West of Csartorysk our attack has progressed as far as the line of Komarow and' KaS enucha Heights, and to the southeast of Mlcdwlcse." The report from the Franco-Belgian front follows. "After the explosion of French mln on the Lille-Arras road an unimportant engagement developed which went In our favor. : .'X '-, "Northwest of Masslgnee (In the Cham, pagne) the French during an attack with hand grenades penetrated one of our ad vanced trenches In one small point. They were driven out during the evening. "In an aerial combat. Lieutenant Ingel mann shot down his fifth enemy aero plane, lj was a French biplane carrying British officers, who were taken pris oners. Two other enemy aeroplanes were brought down behind the lines of the enemy. One of them was destroyed com pletely by our artillery. The other fell at a point north of Souchei." The junction of the Austro-Qerman armies with the Bulgarian troops was made In the extreme northeastern corner of Herbla. The Serbian town of Brsa I'alanka, to the east of which the In-' jvadlng armies joined hands. Is on the ' Bergo-Roumanlan frontier and about flf ! teen miles south and cast of the Austro I Hungarian border, To accomplish the junction the Bulgarians penetrated Ser bian territory In a northerly direction for twenty miles. Court-Martial Asks for Attendance of Colonel S. Reber SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. Z7.-A request for the appearance of Lieutenant Colonel Famuel Reber, chief of the aviation sec tion of the army, at the court-martial of Lieutenant Colonel Lewis E. Qoodier, judge advocate of the western depart ment, was telegraphed today to the War department The prosecution made the i request so that Colonel Reber might tes tify concerning correspondence with Cap tain Arthur B. Cowan, commandant of the army aviation school at North Island, near San Diego. Cal. Army Commanders Are Transferred WASHINGTON, Oct. 27.-Brlgadler General John 1'. Wlsser was assigned today to command of the Department of Hawaii, relieving Major General Wlf 11am II. Carter, who retires on November 1 for age. General Wlsser will be suc ceeded as commander of the first brigade In Hawaii by Brigadier General Fred erick 8. Strong, now commanding the South Atlantic artillery division, with headquarters at Charleston, 8. C, After temporary duty at Houston, Tex., Major General J. Franklin Bell will relieve Major General Arthur Murray as com- i mander of the Western department at San Francisco on December t. when the latter retires for age. CATHOLIC CLERGY GATHER FOR SCHOOL CONSECRATION DF.NVER. Colo., Oct. tl.-X distin guished company of Catholic clergy and laymen gathered here today to participate in the ceremonies Incident to the conse cration of Father A. J. Si'huler of Den ver as bishop of the Roman Catholle dlo. ces of El I'aso, Tx. Archbishop J. V. I'ltaval of Santa Fe, N. M., will officiate, assisted by bishops and other church dig nitaries front, Omaha, Cheyenne, Salt Lake City, Denver and other cities of the west A banquet and reception tomorrow night will aloes tbe festivities; SERBS' PLIGHT HOURLY GROWS MORE DESPERATE Only Something; in the Nature of a Miracle Can Avert Disaster to the Little Slavonic Kingdom. INVADERS DRAWING CLOSER Anstro-German and Bulgarian Armies Sov Only Twenty Miles from Each Other. FRENCH HOLD PART OF ROAD Bt'lJ.F.TIW. DEHLIN, Oct. J7. (Via London.) Direct connection between the Austro-German forces in Serbia and the Bulgarian army of General Doyadjlerf has been established on the Danube river, to the east of Dria Palanka, according to the official an nouncement given out today by tho German army headquarters staff. LONDON. Oct. 27. The despr.ato plight of the Serbians, which has been described ever since the begin ning of the Austro-German and Bul garian invasions as "an affair of na tional life and death," is no longer a rhetorical phrase, but the literal truth. London's optimism regarding the outcome of the Balkan conflict, which had been colored by reports of the determined Serbian resistance and the difficulties which the invad ers are meeting, has now yielded to the conviction that It will take some thing In the nature of a miracle to avert a disaster for Serbia. Lord Lanadowne's exposition of the Macedonian campaign In the House ot Lordp yesterday la regarded as an Indi cation that the assistance the allies have been able to offer Perhla la not sufficient . . . , . io mri us neeuB. i ne appeal ok ma Serbian premier to England "to do every thing you can to insure your troops reaching us as soon as possible" Inti mates the resistance of the Serbians is hearing the last stage. Only Twenty Miles Apart. Austro-Qerman and Bulgarian forces are now within twenty miles of eaoh other. Southwest and southeast of Bel grade Invading armies are advancing along a hundred-mile front. twenty-flv to forty miles south xtt ' the Danube. Analysis of the situation In regard to the Delgrade-NIh-8alnnlkl railroad shows 'that the Oermans command the first fifty miles from Belgrade, the Serbians ' the next ISO, the Bulgarians the nest 100, and the French the last fifty miles to the Greek frontier, ' No details hsvs been received here con cerning the reported recapture by the Serbians of Veles. Whether free communication between Hungary and Bulgaria by way of the Danube has yet been established la doubtful, fcut the proximity of the forces of the two countries makes such com munication at least Imminent Serbian Resistance Stubborn. All dispatches continue to describe the Intensely stubborn resistance of the Ser bians. According to accounts which hav8 reached here concerning the capture of t'skup, the Serbians defended every foot of ground furiously and no quarter was given on either sido. Although the Bul garian forces are said to have out num bered the Serbians ten to one, they mads only too prisoners. All the others fought to the death. Field Marshal von Illndenburg'g tre mendous offensive against Dvlnsk con tinues, but thus far has not advanced sufficiently to shake the Russian de fenses. South of the Vrlpet the Aus trlans are struggling to regain the Ini tiative. The situation on other fronts shows no material change. French Official Report. PARIS, Oct. 27. Another attack was made last night by the Germans in the (Continued on 1'age Two, Column Two.) THE WANT-AD-WAY All Itlskts ItSM-raC Tare yo ere trl4 a Want Ad Te eevsr the baalaesa fieiat Tea 11 really have a big surprise At the profits that they yield, A Waat A Is a weU-knewm sassaa Te hash the hart time grew), tor they keep busts the hojut Te sUU ta eeaataat kwia. Tie Waat Ad's work te arr throagh Thsy'r wrktar both nlrht aug dajl Try aa Ad in tomorrow's tSX-. Vea'U find It wlU sorely payi If It I no oonvenUnt for you to bring your WANT AD to Th Be of fie, telvphon It to urn It will re calv th best care posslbl. TeUphoa Tyiar loo bow and rVI IT N TUB OMAHA KEB I fwTnvnirtl ! i f