Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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Best Liver and
Bowel Laxative
For Family Use
"Cascarets" regulate women,
men and children without
WHAT NEXT! The pown is made of Anber A. W. B.
Boulevard velvet with pantalettes, gracefully draping
about the ankles.
Take when bilious, headachy,
for colds, bad breath,
sour stomach.
Inetred of nat, harah pll. salta,
Mtor oil or datigeruua ca'omel, why
don't von keep Oasnreta rnr.dv In your
IiomeT Cacjrcti net fti the liver and
thirty feet of .hownls so g-ritly you don't
jreaHte you have taken a cathartic, put
1hy art thoroughly nnd ran 1e depended
upon when good llvrr nnd bowel cleana-
;lng la neeeiSArj' they move the M'e and
poieon from tha Lowrla without griping
and aweeten the etnmach. You eat ona
.or two at rlirht like randy ard ybu wake
p feeling fine, tlia headache, Mllouancas.
sd breath, coated tongue, aotir atomarh,
cor at l at Ion, or bad cold dlaappcara.
, Moth re ahould give croaa, Mck, fevcrtah
or bliloua children a whole Caeca ret any
lima they tiro harmless and aafa for tha
llttla foli a.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
L' .
A. Hospe Co.'s
Store Presents
New Novelties In filioe IHdlshcrs,
KjUfhea, Krjr Ring,
Hill Holder, Khoe Horn Cases,
Skirt Hangers, ItrldRe Hoores,
Smelling Halts, 1Mb Fasteners.
Latest in Pocket Hooks,
Cigarette Cnnee, Clgnr Cases,
Ladles' Hags, Mats, Hook Kuds,
Photoliolders, Itlll Hooks .."
Memo Hooks.
Fresh Roses, DnffodJl,
Cyclamen, Cosmos,
Chrysanthemum, Buttercups,
lYImroses, Palsies, Lilacs,
and many oilier flowers.
New Line of riano Lamps,
Floor Lamps, Heading Lamps,
Hsk l.amia In Gold,
Mahogany, Hrass aud Silver.
Fine Nmoker Seta, Umbrella
Htanils, Vanes, Humidors,
Pedestals; Fern Dishes
' In Hrass.
Statuary. Candlesticks, Hook
Ends, Ilek Sets, Jewel Hoses,
Ink Wells, Ash Trays
In Silver Applied to Hronse.
Vase Craft. Cornelia and
Nilock Pottery The Vase
Craft 1 a- new line and very
lUrthday Anniversary, Wedding
Ooitrat illation, nirth
Announcement, Tally, l'lace,
Itread Piute, 1 tread Vummers,
Salt ami IVpper, Candleatlrks,
Cake Plate, Tea Cadd es.
Vases, Napkin Itinrs, Mustard
Jars, Humidors.
Hrass, Silver, Decorated.
A. Hospe Co.
1513-1515 Douglas Street.-
cosrvHt I i. : . ; e-., , - i
r 'A
.jtn .J r ' A 'i
I ......U-, f - .f.
1 -' ' ' - - 7 -" ' -'4
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i - '
By MELLIFICIA. Tuesday, October 20, 1915.
NOW much Is Mrs. Galfs taste going to affect the fashions?
The engagement is announced barely a month, and already
A. J mere is "Honing green," in honor of Mrs. Gait's family name. We
all remember "Alice blue" and "Helen pink," and there was an
attempt made to Introduce an "Eleanor" color of some sort after the last
inauguration. Hut the Wilsons were never considered "smart" as the
Roosevelts or Tafts were smart, and the Eleanor rhade was short lived.
The advent of a southern aristocrat may bring some social changes to
tha White House, and the popularity of "Boiling green" may be a gauge
In making this forecast. The color itself Is a dull, obtrusive shade.
In keeping with the traditions of her own "cliff-dweller set" in Wash
ington, Mrs. Gait has never affected the striking or glaring. ' In her dress
ing she never wore the extremely low cut decollette gowns which are so
frequently seen among the ladles of the official set and the diplomatic
corps and, for instance, often quite a rude shock to "the lady from
Of, course, this does not mean that our future first lady of the land li
not a stickler for form. Hut It does mean that she has very fixed Ideas
of elegance and what Is the appropriate thing.
Mrs. Gait Is very far from prudish or puritanic Ideas of dress. She
comes of generations of those who have dressed for dinner and taken It
as a matter of course. But she does believe that the cut of even a dow
ager's evening bodice should be no longer than a well-bred mother chooses
for her own debutante daughter.
8peaklng of what this Interesting personage wears, It is not Inapropos
to tell the number and last of her boot, 3 A. "If I have one vanity In
the world," says our president's fiancee, "it Is my foot."
eecutlve committee; and Mm. W. .
I "re. Mra. Mallerk Sow, Mn. J. i
Cmnnirn, Mra. Oeors-a T. Ollmore, Mra.
Oeorsa Bernard Prlns and Mra. 0ore
Voaa, chairmen of the various commltteea.
I" TToner of Dr. and Mrs. Scott.
Rv. Tr. Pcott and Mrs. Hrott ef
rfrookllne. Mm., wt 1 arrlva on Wednea
day, to ha the silent a of Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. CYnnrll until next Tueaday. Pr. Bcott
la well remembered aa the former paator
of tha t. Mary's Avenue Ooncres-atlonal
church and haa many frlenda In Omaha.
While beta he will deliver an addreaa
before tha Pankera' aaaoelntlon and a
talk on flaturday afternoon at a luncheon
at the l"n varalty club.
A dinner will I slven In the parlors of
ft. Mnry'a Avenue church In honor of
Pr. and Vtra. Hoott, and alao to welcome
the boma-comlns of Tier. Mr. IIultert and
Mra. Ilulbert from their summer vaca
Mr. and Mra. (Joorse Payne, at Falr-
screa, will entertain naturday at dinner,
and on Monday Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Grif
fith will Klve a dinner In honor of Dr.
snd Mra. Bcott.
Mra. Conn 11 will slv a small luncheon
on Friday for Mrs. Heott.
p-Tie TTATrn'- Bnfluet.
The Hualne Women's club will bold
Ita annual banquet at the Toun o
men'e Christian aaaoclation thla evnln.
Each place will bo marked y the new'y
laaued program hooka for the year.
Thla club la planning an Interoatlns;
year a work. Mjalc, art and literature
will he atudled. Talka will be given by
Mra. 1). (. Craighead, Mlsa Amy Wood
roush and Mr. Thomaa J. Kelly at open
meetlnsa of the club.
Pr. Nora. Fairrhlld la preaident, Mlaa
Hattle PKkard -vice preaident. Miaa Ini
Undeman aeereUry and Mlaa Mable
Kend.a Uo&aurer of the organisation.
For Mrs. Lobingier.
Mra. I Taper Fmlth entertained at lunch
eon today at tha University club for Mra.
Charlea Ixhlnslr of Shanghai. China,
and her aiater, Miaa Emma Hunker of
HllladaJe, Mich. Pink anapdraffons ware
uaed In decoration. Theae present were:
F. J. hlraa.
N. II. Nelaon,
Arthur P. Smith,
Charlea Johannes.
Mlaa Hunker.
j den. Mr. ard Mra. W. A. Yoneon. Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Coad, Mr. E. E. Pruce.
Box Partie at the Brandeii.
Bos holders for this evening a perform
anea at the Prandrla theater are Mara.
Ilarley O. Moorehead. Harry Wellcr.
Edward Lynch, F. C. Vehrung; of Lin
coln, and Mra. Glenn Wharton.
Bible Clan Meets.
The Pllila claas which waa orRanizcd
Carpenter, met this afternoon with Mlaa
Loula Howell. Mra. A. F. Jonas la the
leader of the claas.
Personal Mention.
Mr. and Mra. Raymond O. Tounf have
returned from Chicago.
Mr. E. F. Morearty. wtlo haa been III
for tha laat three weeka, la atlll confined
to his room.
Mr. Robert Patrick la attending a few
weeka at the John Patrick ranch near
Bherldan, Wyo.
Mrs. Clarke of Chicago wi 1 be the gueat
of her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Hoi
comb, for a couple of weeka.
Charlea Koblngler.
C. ". Pelden,
C. n. BeMen,
Frank U. Haller,
Prapar Nmith,
ii Til 4.
in I 1 s ;IeljJr,
Penonal Mention. (
Judgs snd Mrs. J. J. Bulllvan returned
home Bunday evening from Pluttamouth,
where they were gueata at a house party
given by Mrs. Oerlng nd the Mlases
Mrs. J. Weinberg of Cleveland, O., who
has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Julius Prelfusa, leaves Friday for her
home. ,
Miss Jean Hamilton will leave for Lin
coln, today to be an 'attendant at the
wedding of Mlaa Grace Durritt to Mr.
Charles Fluyter of Haatlnga. Mlas Bur
nt t Is a popular society girl and Mr.
Fluyter a well known fret man.
Stork Special.
Word comes from Chicago of the ar
rival of a baby boy in the household of
Mr. and Mra. Veater Klracbbraun. Tha
young man la a grandaon of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Hlller and Mr. and Mrs.
Louie Klrachbraun.
A son wss born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Darker Id, Monday.
For the Mhiet Qroue.
Mrs. J. E. George and her guests, tha
Mlaaes Oroaae of Paaadena, will motor
! today to to be tha gueats
lof Mra. George's father. Mr. W. A. Mc-
Henry. Mra. George and her party will
: motor back in time tomorrow to be en-
trrtalned at dinner in Council Uluffi by
air. ucorge vrngni.
0" the Calendar.
Mra. E. I Potter will be hoateaa for
tha meeting of Mj Sigma club Wednea- '
day morning at :) o clock. Mra. Potter
realdea at M2g Hawthorne avenue.
McKlnlry Lad lea auxiliary of B nal
Brith will meet Thuraduy evening In the
.iuu ruonia, mneieenm ana rarnaiu
Past Fettivitiei.
The Prairie Park club held their weeklv
dancing party Saturday evening with the
following preaent:
Mesara. and llrsdamea
John K. lieitingvr, H. G. King.
. Hiinin a k. K . 11,-Klnrd.
Largfclliier, Wl.liain 8 Uifo.
aakad to meet the new board, which in
cludes Mrs. Ctisrles T. Kountia, preai
dent; Mra. Ward M. Durgeas, vice preai
dent; Mlaa Edith Tobltt. aecond vice
preaident; Mrs. Oscar D. Wllltama, secre
tary; Mrs. August F. Jonas, treasurer;
Mra. Edgar M. Moraman, Mrs. Arthur
Bowman and Mrs. Q. W. Blcknell,
Distinction Shown Mill Davii.
Mlxa Alice Virginia Pavla of this city
attended a tea given in her honor in New
ork City laat Wedneaday with Mlaa
Kitty Cheatham aa hoateaa. Among the
prominent people who ware aaked to meet
Mlaa Pavla were Percy Grainger, the
Auatrallan planlat, and his mother; Mr.
I'eyaer. critic on the Mualcal America.
Harold Bralnard. the composer; Mr.
Noble, the famoua English organist at
ft., Thomaa" church in New York, and
Mlaa Comatock, a very close friend of
Paderewaki. .
Debutante Bridge.
The Pebutante Bridge club meets today
eiea Mlaa Blanche Peuel. The place of
Mtaa Thummel was taken by Mlas Calla
han. A Hallowe'en scheme was carried
out In the decorations. The members are:
Mlaaee Mleees
Francea Hochstetlor, Eugenia Patterson.
tUrT,,J'uith' Stella Thummel.
Lucille Bacon. Anne Glf ford.
Marlon Kuhn, Blanche Ieual.
fil'i'ulo,M.u;a7 Janet Hall,
Helen Clarke.
luncheon for Mrs. Clarke.
Mlaa Agnes Ruaaell entertained eight
rueats at Juncheon at the Unlveralty club
In honor of Mrs. Clarke of Chicago,
formerly Mlas Martha H ilcomb of Omaha.
The table was decorated In rose.
Prairie Park Dance.
Mlaa Nellie Oreen, Instructor In danc
ing at Prairie Park club, will give a Hal
lows en party at the club house tonight.
Clder wnd doughnuts and other Hallo
we'en delicacies will be served.
La Salle Club Dance.
The La Balle club have changed the
date of its Hallowe'en dancing party
from Monday, November 1 to Tuesday,
November 2.
Ornnhflns at Excelsior Snrines.
Recent arrivals from Omaha at the
Elms in Excelalor Springe have been:
Mlaa May Bulllvan, Mr. J. A. Oleason.
Mrs. Wllaon M. Low, Mrs. K. k. Llnln
ger, Mrs. Felix Deapecher. Mr. T. E.
Bloteky, Mr. J. Hayden, Mlaa 8. L. Hay-
I'Oiila Nelkun.
W. Is. Blarkeit,
(t. J. Ht.-M.-r.
J. W. fekoslund.
Ruth Key.
Mayma Itta.
Iuls Armatrong,
A. W. bUllmau.
A. A. WecWmevMr
Chaiiea i". Ilaynea,
B J. 8oatin.ll,
Ciiariva Neff,
KeHl-. I,n.
Nellie Green.
K. C. Conley.
Fred Wadeiueyar,
Fine Arts Reception.
The Omaha Boclety of Fine Arts' busl
aeas meeting and reception was held at
the home of Mrs. J. K. Bummers, chair
man of tha eourtealea committee. Mrs.
Bummers was aaalated by Mrs. Joseph
Barker. Mra. E. W. Plxon. Mra. F. 8.
CowglU. Mra. Charlea Offutt, Mrs. A. U
Reed. Mlas Lydla Wilaon and Mlaa Jessie
The 409 members et the society were
Offered by the
mi msFBG
(1) sunset Route Through Houston or San
Antonio or El Paso, Tex.
Side trip over Apache Trail
by automobile to Roosevelt
Dam and Cliff Dwelling.
(2) Ogden Route Through Ogdqn and Salt
Lake City, Utah, across Great
Salt Lake "Going to Sea by
Rail" Along American River
Canyon, through the old Gold
Fields. Short side trips to
Lake Tahoe.
(3) Shasta Route-Through Portland, Ore., and
famous Willammette and
Rogue River Valleys; past Mt.
Shasta and Mt. Las ten (the
active volcano.)
Go one of the routes, return another and see the Great West.
Tickets can be purchased from agent of any railroad.
E'n route between the Expositions stop off to see the Big Trees
at Santa Cruc and the Old Missions at Santa Barbara.
The Southern Pacific is the safest line records show It.
Let me furnish you descriptive literature and help you plan
yonr trip.
General Agent,
101 Uryant Uldg., Kansas City, Mo.
B. B. Howard ef the Burlington land
department wlrea from Cheyenne. Wyo..
that up to Monday night Sne of Ws tracts
of Jand In the Goahen Hole country, re
cently opened to settlement sn.l subject
to entry had been ti ed upon. The fU'nia
have all been made upon ISO-acre tiic-a.
of the remaining tractg - i. na 'el
that nearly all are too rough f r cr
cultural purpose and are good only .' r
Enoa Mills, father of the newly created
Rocky Mountain National park In Colo
rado, will be In Omaia for a short time
Thuraday. on hla way eaat over the
t'nlon Pacific and Northweatern rail
roads. He will aeck to have congreaa en
large the new national playgrounds snd
provide for Ita development.
Says Simple Laxative
Better Than Castor Oil
fee The Bee'a ''Bwapier" column.
Caie of Chrome Constipation
Yields to Mild Laxative
Writing from The House of the Good
Bhepherd. at Bunnyalde Ave., and SO h
Bt., Beattle. where she is the gueat of
her life-long friend the Reverend
Mother, Mrs. Mary Austin, widow of a
wralthy Ban Franclacan, who loat every
thing In the fire of 190. says she ex
perienced speedy relief from tha use of
Pr. Caldwell's Byrup Pepsin and that
aha found thla gentle, pleaaant-tasttng
l.txatlve more effective than several
doaea of castor oil.
Tho active principles of certain laxa
tive herbs are combined In Pr. Cald
well's Byrup rppsln to art on the ellm
Inatlve organa in sn easy, natural way,
without griping or other discomfort.
Its freedom from opiste or narcotlj
drug of every description, combined with
its gentle action snd positive effect,
maka It the Ideal laxative for family
uae. Pruglsta everywhere aell U foi
fltty certs a bottle.
A bottle of Pr. CaMwell's Byrup Pep-
9fe !-:' itar : V - "
aln Khould bo In every home for u
when the occasion erlaea. A trial bottl
free of charge, can be t.Malned hy writ
ting to Pr. W. B. Caldwell, 1..4 . aslii i
ton St.. Mniitlcello. 111.
wytm )ittfijis!,!i!rl
Our Annual October Sale of
Lace Curtains! Curtain Materials
Continues Wednesday
Do you realize what a tremendous advantage this great sale of Lace Curtains is Riving jouT
The thousands who have thronged our Curtain Department the first two days of this sale may not
know of the tremendous enthusiasm back of it, but they know that they have gotten remarkable
merchandise. In the interest of true economy, come Wednesday. Here are a few of the bar
gains) X
All the Fine
M a r q u i ette
Curtains, loom
weave curtains,
values to $3.50,
TUg assort
ments in the
Fine Cluny
Duchess and
Quaker Cur
tains, special,
Dutch Cur
tains, com
plete with
valance and
side curtains.
Worth $2.00,
All the
B u n g a 1 ow
and Novelty
Nets, nice as
sortments, in
our October
sale, yard
60 pieces
of 36 inch
Voile, regu
lar price 25c,
sale price,
&. bout 100
pieces of Eta
mine and Scrim,
36 and 40
inches wide.
Ivory or ecru.
Special, yard,
10c. 25c and
The Open Season for Sporting Goods
fl Sporting Goods Sttrt evtr tpfroacked its first ifitnttas with its success so tositivtlv as
inrcdespuri. You know tht satisfaction 0 being blt to choost from complete lines. We have them.
Yom do business with men who know the game who are prominent men in their particular line of sports.
Service and comp.etmeis uneqtxahd in tho west art at your dhvoBzl.
We have every kind of a load for a gun GOLFERS Improve your putting on our
that is made. We carry the celebrated Peters' indoor green The putting disc offers the sort
line, "Steel where steel belongs;" also the U.
M. C and Winchester lines, complete.
of difficulties one needs practice on with excel
lent opportunity of studying approach.
Special Information From the Art Needlework Store
Mercerized Cordonnet Crochet
Cotton, in whiter ecru and colors.
10c and ISc values, .
Hand-made Models of Tie Racks,
Collar Dags, Boudoir Caps, Hand
Bags, Corset Bags and Pin Cfr
Cushions, values to $1.60, at. dJ
Stamped Night Gown a on fine
nainsook, neat and dainty 9 f
designs. 60c values., LOt
Free leesons In all branches of
day from 1:30 to 6:30.
Stamped Pillow Cases, on extra
Quality tubing; scalloped edge and
day style. 60c quality, HZr
special, pair ; OOL
Sll-Cro Mercerized- Cotton, In
white and colors. 6c spools, r
2 for DC
Mercerized mbroidery Floss, In
white and colors, including
stranded cotton. 4 r
skeins DC
Art Needlework, Crocheting, Tatting
Stamped Lunch Cloths, sizes 45
and 64 Inches, on all linen, in neat
designs for French or eyelet em
broidery. 11.76 and $2.25
Pillow Tops, Centers and Scarfs,
on art ticking and linen, In floral
and conventional designs. Val
ues to 75c, specially tfj
priced IUC
and Lamp Shades. Classes every
Rich Oriental Rugs Reduced; in Price
One 8x8-9 Melaa Rug, worth J J2Q QQ
One 8-6x9-5
worth $100.00,
One 8-6x9-5 Cashmere Bug, C Af
), at OUtJeUU
One 8-6x12-3 Sarouk
worth $300.00, at
These are a few1 of our splendid qualities and values in orientals.
stock down in proportion, and they should be inspected now,
One 9-6x11 Melaa Rug, worth AA
$275.00, at ....spZZOeUU
One 4x6-9 Sarouk Rug, worth (ip ft
1116.00, at ePODeUU
One Kashan Rug, siie 4-7x7, JAP" AA
irorth $125.00, at IhVO.UU
We have marked our entire
Rare Values In
Gray Hair Goods
'.Am. r
If you need a Gray Trans
formation or Switch, in fact
vthing in white or gray, that
ill add beauty to your coif-
ure, you win te deligntea
vwvt -S Wltn ine Perfect results our day
light matching rooms afford in
jsUlL. selecting the exact shade.
20-inch Natural Wavy Gray QQ
Switches, $6.00 values, special. .....P WiO
22-in. Triple Head Natural Wavy CQ flft
Gray Switches, $12.00 valuea, at....PUeUU
Shampooing, Manicuring
and Hair Dressing
New Decorations and
Favors for Hallowe'en
Stationery Department
Everything for decorating the
table and home. Lunch Sets,
Table Covers, Paper Caps, Dinner
Favors and Cards, Tally and
Greeting Cards, Napkins, Stream
ers and Masks of all kinds.
Wednesday Caramel Day
Fresh Full Cream Caramels, nut, C
plain and cream roll. Special, pound. LJ
DM.urratl.a ef
For cake icing, and substitute for whipped
cream; a snow-white fluff that keeps Jmr,
indefinitely. Specially priced, quart. 3C