Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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ON not Thursday afternoon the much discussed Cordon, the feminine
counterpart of the Cliff Iweller. will hold its first meeting In the
Fine Arts building In Chicago. The name of the club, "cordon,"
meaning many strands woven together, best describes this assem
blage of social leaders, writers, actresses, musicians, business women and
reformers. More than half the members "do something," and women of
such International social prominence as Mrs. Hobart Chatfield-Taylor and
Mrs. Tiffany Blake are respectively listed as "bookbinder" and "expert
landscape gardener." The membership Is limited to 400 and the club Is
starting its career with a long waiting list. The purpose of the Cordon Is
purely social, aiming to provide a pleasant gathering place to meet for
luncheon, dinner or afternoon tea.
In this brilliant coterie, two women well known to Nebraskans stand
prominently out, Airs. Kobert Hums l'eattle and Miss Kdlth Abbott. While
Miss Abbott claims Orand Island instead of Omaha as her Nebraska resi
dence, she Is a graduate of Brownell Hall and has many Omaha friends.
.1 mean to keep an eye on the Cordon this coming winter the thing
Is unique, and it will be worth while to know what Is talked about and
planned when women picked for their effectiveness In all walks of life get
together In an exclusively social way.
At the Orpheum Theater.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. ileum sre givlnt;
a bo party at the Orpheum thrstcr to
night, complimentary to their house
Hirsts, the Missra Irene and Florenc-c
(i route of Pasadena, Cat. Aftor the
theater, the party will attend the (upper
tlansant at the FontcneUe. The party
Mlaaea Mlsiwa
Florence Orosse. Ir-ne Orosse,
Mesar. Mrsars.
Oeorse Wrla'ht of Lawrence Drinker,
Council Muffs.
Mr. and Mrt. J. K. George.
Mr. F. A. Kit terra I1 mil entertain a
line party of eight, and Mr. Oeorge Camp
bell, twelve.
Mr. Norrla Ilrown will entertain five
gueata this evening, and M. Wasaermnn
will have the' an me numlier of gueata.
Among thoae who are entertaining four
gueata are L,. M. Cohn, C. U Farnaworth.
Carl Furth, Leater Heyn. K. L. Huntley,
A. V. Ktnaler. Fred Meyers, O. C. Red
Kk, Fred Rogera, Judge Hen 8. llaker,
W. J. Connell, C. Klrsthbraun, W. V.
McHugh and J. F. Ludlow.
Rervatlona for two have been made
by Dr. E. C. AblKHt, J. M. HalUrlge, J.
A. Cavers, W. F. Qurley, Vr. B. C.
Henry. Colonel Jewell, Halph Kitchen,
Mrs., Km ma Manchester, F. A. Shot well,
II. A. Tukcy and Earl Gannett.
Eeunioa of Old Friends.
Over forty former achoolinutes met
Mr. and Mrs. Uurdette Lew la last Bat
urday evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Dumont. This has been the
first opportunity that' many of Mr.
Lew la' high school and university frienda
have had to oongratulate him upon his
making good in New York. Mr. Lwla
la assistant eommlastnnera of corrections
there. A college boy spirit pervaded the
tsaemblnge, old songs were aung and
memoriea revived;
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis left Sunday even
ing for New York to Join their two young
Affairs for Mrt. Lobinner.
Mrs. Charles Lobmgler. accompanied by
here aUter, Mlas Kmma Hunker, of ti Ills
dale, Mich., arrives In Omaha tomorrow
morning to visit Mr. C. C. Biden. Mrs.
Loblngter la gnroute to Shanghai. China,
where her husband. C. S. Loblngler, Is
judge of the t'nited Statca court.
Mrs. Lobtngler's stay in Omaha is lim
ited to barely four days, a the larger
part of one day will be paint d in Lin
coln. On Tuesday Mrs. Draper Smith and
Mm. C, C. Belden will give a luncheon
at the University club for Mrs. Lobln
gler. Two affairs transpire on Wednes
day, a little luncheon at 1 o'clock, given
by Mr. IJfcarle B. Johannes, and at 4
o'clock Mr. C. C. Belden la hostes at
an informal tea in honor of her gueata.
On Thursday Mr. C. C. Bolder, and Mrs.
C. R. Belden give a luncheon at the
Commercial club.
Lei Amies Whist Club.
Th I Amle Whist club wa enter-I
talned Saturday afternoon at the home
of Mra. H. M. Barr. Prices were won by
Mr. J. M. Gerhard and the hostesa. Mr.
George Keebler will entertain the club In
two week.
Personal Mention.
Mtaa Ida Harlow will leave Ban Fran-
cUro for Los Angeles In a few day and i
will remain th gueat of her aunts, tne
Misses Uorglum, for a week or two.
After the leaving of Mr. Outson Borg
lum for the east. Mlas Darlow was th
guest of Mrs. Will Ioane, whose daugh
ter. Miss Margaret Ruatln, is a student
of Berkeley college. This evening Mlas
i-arlow will attend the Iugntera of
the American Revolution ball In Bun
Francisco with Mr. and Mrs. Chsrics
Whllden. formerly of Omaha.
Mrs. l'aul Gallagher la expecting two
guests to arrive next Friday, MUs Wini
freds Repp and Mlas M tidied Wagner, of
Kansas City
Fast FettiYitiei.
Mr. and Mr. John I. LHjegren enter
tained twenty gueats at their home last
Sunday In honor of their silver wedding
Hatbands Entertained.
Th Comus club gives a huahands' en- !
tertalnment this evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Jennings. Ten mar-
rled couples will be present, wun miss (
Keller the gueat of honor. Hallowe'en I
emblems. Including a live witch, will
be the decorations.
Dancinr Parties of tfie Week.
The Twinkle club will g've a dancing
party Tueaday evening In the ballroom
of the Hotel Castle.
The Pagalco club Is planning a danc
ing party for Thursday evening at Metro
politan hall.
are Voa Conatlpated ?
Why uffer. Take a dose of Dr. Klng'a
New Life Pills tonight; you will feel fine i
tomorrow. Only c All aruggiats. aq
Date Set for Talk
by Herbert Houston
Herbert 8. Houston will b In Omaha 1
November I. At last th data ha been '
definitely fixed. It hti been known for
aume tlm that Mr. Houaton would go i
through Omaha some tlm this fall and :
th Commercial club ha been negotiating
to have him deliver a talk to the club
at a public, affairs luncheon. Mr. Hous
ton U vc president of th Douhleday
Fag company, which publishes World
Work; la preaklent of th Associated Ad
Club of the World, and chairmaa of th for th' Enforcement of Peace.
Monday, October 25, 1915.
The Omaha Ad club sill Ixj Invited to1
attend the meeting when Mr. Houaton
Is to address the t'onimorclal club.
Suffrage Women
in Autos Are to Be
in Omaha Thursday
En route to Washington where they will
present their rauae to congress, delegates
from the recent Women Voters" conven
tion, held In Ban Francisco, will arrive In
Omaha Thurrday afternoon, on their
crose-country auto trip.
The women are Mrs. Bnrah Bard Field
of Portland. Ore., a well-known writer,
and Miss Frances Jollffe of Ban Fran
cisco, a sister-in-law of Rudolph
fpreckels, the Callfornla millionaire. The
car la being driven by Miss Kmma kind
er of Providence, R. I., and the fair
mechanician Is a Hwedlah young woman,
Mlaa Ingeborg Kindstedt.
Miss Mabel Vernon of Delaware, one of
the energetic young women in the suf
frage ranka, la In the city, conferring
with local women and arranging for th
arrival qf the suffrage contingent.'
A party of local suffragists will go out
In their machines csrly Thursday aftor
noon, to meet the Incoming suffragists
and the whole party will drive up to the
court house steps, where, at t o'clock,
they will be welcomed by Mayor Dahl
man. The women of the party will ta.
and there will b local speakers also.
While In Omaha the suffragist will In
terview Senator Hitchcock In an attempt
to secure his endorsement of the national
p"4r amendment.
Th suffrag autolsU arrive In Omaha
from Lincoln, where they will spend
Wednesday and where Oovernor More
head will receive them and they leave
Friday for De Moines.
When Mrs. James L. Hand, president of
th Detroit branch of th Congreialonal
union, who la spending a few days at
th Fontenelle, learned of Miss Vernon's
presence In the city. h Immediately
made arrangement to remain over In
Omaha to assist In the reception of the
suffrage party.
you on a
ii . i
Associated Retailers to Launch a
Campaign Urging People to Set
tle Accounts Each Month.
educate credit-buyers to pay'
bills between the first and
of each month. Is the purpose .
of a
camnaicn thai Is helnir Inaiieur-I
ated by the Associated Iletallers of ;
Omaba by the credit rating depart-1
ment of that association.
At the Inst meeting of the association
It was decided that something should bo
done nlong this line, for the purpose of
Hitting money Into the treasury of the
retailer when it is due lilm. A commit
tee Is to lo nppolnted to Attend to llii
matter and outline a p!nn to ho follow
In getting this Idea before the people,
Ncwstapor advertising was siiKKiitcl as
a minus to get thl.i properly before lh
Arronnta Allowed to Drnir.
It wns pointed out thnt when goods rr
bought on credit, with no definite agree
ment other than that they are to bo
charged, it la always understood thnt
ihey arc to be paid for between the first
and the tenth of tho month following.
Very often this ohligntlon is neglected, I
and accounts are allowed to drag for
Fach retailer is under obligation ns a
member of the Associated Retailers to re-
port the credit standing of each customer
at the end of the month, so that the
credit rating department of the ansocln- j
tlon may make a record na to whether j
"John Jones" is thirty-day pny, sixty-
day, ninety-day, slow pay, or absolutely'
poor pay. In many cases, the retailer
point out, a customer msy carelessly nl- I
low a bill to run ninety days or lormer, J
when he has the money to pay ull the
time. He la reported to the association as
ninety-day pay, according to when he
pay hi bills. This mllitat.ea against him
in seeking credit In tho future.
To Mark O ver-lla Inn.
The campaign of education Is also ex
pected to educate people not to overbuy.
It la found that there Is often a tendency
o buy above one's means when credit l.i
easy to get. "It Is easy to get credit, but
not eaay to maintain It," said J. W. Met
calfe, secretary of the association, "If one
does not guard' his buying after his
credit Is established as well as ho guarded
It when he was paying cash for every
thing The individual does not realize
the Importance of keeping his credit
first class as much as the Industrial house
realizes It. A business house knows that
it must meet Its bills promptly In order
to maintain a good credit rating. The In
dividual ordinarily does not realise thnt
he 1 making a rating for himself, good
or bsd, according to whether he 1 paying
hi bills promptly."
Ptartlng tonight twenty officers will
tart patrollng Omaha on motorcycles,
with an ey toward Jhe prevention of
undue celebration of Hallowe'en. Small
boy a with a propensity toward hanging
other people's gates on telephone poles
and puncturing automobile tires by the
tack system are warned to beware of the
enlarged flying squadron.
Demand Full 14 Ozs. of
Spaghetti for Ten Cents
You're entitled to it. You can get it by asking, your
grocer for Faust Spaghetti a full 14 ozs. net weight
for a dimethe weight printed on every package.
You get over 16 more Spaghetti when you ask for
the Faust brand you can easily prove this by com
paring the weight of Faust with any other Spaghetti
in this city.
Of course, Faust Spaghetti makes its first claim upon
quality basis its
you must have quantity and quality to insure value
tor your money. .
Faust Spaghetti is packed in fine, dust-proof, moisture-proof
packages. Made in one of the brightest
pure-food kitchens in the United States.
Faust Spaghetti
Full 14 Ozs.
for 10 Cents
Four- Ycar Old John Doc, 104, Is
Now Finley Jay Shcpard, Junior
Utile Flniey Jsy Shepard. Jr., the
adopted son of Mr. snd Mrs. Finley J.
Khrpard (the former Helen Oould), Is a
sturdy 4-year-ld. blue-eyd and falr
hnlred. I'ntil his adoption laat week he
known at the foundling home as
John Doe 104, alias Austin McCleary-
ti. f.,i... .iinMirr waa lust
., .., ,,, hv . rmiice-
lU'lllll, I if n m iiibi if...a a
m(ln. fining on the steps of Pt. Patrick's
cathrdinl on Fifth svenue. New York,
"nd after all effort to
establish his
Identity had failed, he was sent to 8t.
rh.i.inniiKr'i hnm n t t ntba Ferry. In
fhl, ,nMtllton he Waa discovered by
"Hcli-n's Babies." Margaret and Korothy,
daughters of Frank J. Oould. who are
Mrs, ."hepard's p't nieces and the light
of lior home at Irvlngton. N. Y.
Our little nlocce were frequent visitors
to Ht. Christopher's home." said Mr.
Kh. pard. In telling about the discovery.
"On one of their trips they saw Finley
Playing with 200 comrades. All wore blue
rompers. My wife and I thought It
utrnnxe that the rhlldren should have
pli ked thia one tot out when they praised
htm to us that night. We were forced to
llHten to no end of praise. We looked him
up and found him to be all that Mar
garet and Dorothy had said.
"We bad already engaged detectives to
search for the McCleary boy. Mrs. Sher
ord wns very excited when she learned
that the little boy to whom her nieces
j wore so attached was tne very iaa we
iwere trying to locate.
"We borrowed him on two different oc
rRHlniiH from the home and when we re-
turnout lilm mv nieces wpm hearthroken.
.., hoolln,? We reaIly haVen't de
cided upon that as yet. We want him to
have a liberal education. We will not
force any profession upon him. He may
r'tioone his own work. No one can take
him from us now. We made a diligent
srnrcli to 'find his parents and, having
failed to do this, he is ours by right of
IckhI adoption.
"Mr. Pliepard and I have longed for a
son, and now our hopes have been re
alized." Gypsies Attempt to
' Tap Till of Saloon
Phortly' after noon a call to the police
station conveyed the information that
a daylight robbery was under way in
Jack Ira ham's saloon at Fifty-sixth and
Center streets. All of the coppers in
the station boarded tho emergency auto
mobile and hustled to the scene at break
neck speed to find a gypsy caravan in
front of the place. While one of the
gypsy women was telling the fortune of
the bartender In the saloon the remaining
members of the troupe rifled the cash
register and obtained SG. Four of the
gypsies were pinched and are now telling
fortunes for customers of the city jail.
The bear has come.
And It Is some bear.
The bear has been killed and Is now
cooling and ripening in the great cold
atorage plant of Armour & Co. at South
Side, where Hob Howe Is having It all
fixed up for the next feed of the Sports
men's club H. H. Howarth of West
Point brought the bear to Omaha for Bob
goodness and flavor
St Louis, Mo.
i i , v. A
j a yd? f
t W-m
' t ' r
MMM : l :Jwv.-:o;:; x-
ri it i
r - i M
John 0o,1O4
Tate, and when it ha been kept in cold
storage long enough It will be put on
the Irons to provide a spread at the Mer
chants hotel for the Jovial crowd of hunt
ers and fishermen who "bring back the
goods." The last banquet was on moun
tain trout and prairie c Hie ken.
John S. Grym, aged 66 years, born In
Holland and a resident of Omaha for the
last thirty-seven years and for a long
time custodian at the Omaha Theological
seminary, died at 2:30 yesterday morn
ing. He Is survived by his wife and a
married daughter, Mrs. Marion Hepaton
stale. Mr. Qrym was a member of the
Ancient Order of United Workmen and
of the Association of Douglas County
Contract Let for
Two Consumers of
Court House Smoke
Two smoke consumers are to b imme-
Hlntlv 4 n a t i 1 1 .1 .1 In Urn Kfiiirl hmiu a
! total cost of .1.2fj. The contract has been
awarded to Dan C. Whitney by the
Bonrd of County Commissioners.
A practical and ornamental system of
VaW a -JL
To dalcai
Fast trains daily from Omaha
arrive La Salle Station and
Englewood Union Station,
most convenient locations in
"Chicago-Nebraska Limited" at 6:08 p. m.
"Chicago Day Express" - at 6:30 a. m.
"Chicago-Colorado Express" at 4:10 p. m.
"Rocky Mountain Limited" at 1:09 a. m.
Automatic Block Signals
finest Modern All Steel Equipment
Superb Dining Car Service
,.,,.,, , iijir &r
? , """1
1 Old
11 BIN l"t
20w'H.rR BRAYE1U ,
You Wani
Sometliing ?
The "Swappers' Col
umn" is a co-operative
market where folks
who have something
they dont want trade
it for something they
DO need.
street electrle lighting for the Field club
district has been agreed upon by the
city, county and property owners con
cerned. At the county b mrd rcgul-n
meeting the plan was accepted.
Property owners will Install the m.d. :
ground conduits and ornamentil postf
and fixtures, the county will pay fcr ti n'
part of the project abutting Its piupert
and the city will maintain the syie .
Streets concerned in the plnn are .-Thirty-sixth,
from Pine to I'acirie s r.
and Pacific from Thirty-sixth tj Titt
elKhth streets.
Tickets, reserrationa and information at
Rock Island Travel Bureau. Phone,
write or call
J. 8. McMALLT. Dlvlalea PaMger AgenJ
1323 Farias St, Omaha, Nob,
rkaaat Desujla 428
old books old songs softened,
enriched, mellowed by kindly years
Cedar Brook
stands first in the hearts of those who
appreciate purity and ripe old age.
Made in the good old-fashioned
way largest selling brand of fine
Kentucky whiskey today.
At all leading Clubs, Bars, Restaurants
and Hotels, also at all leading Dealers.
The Whiskey of the Old-School Gentleman
mm, s r Js uij ' in. . jw .wj 'S w Wl.'mw
It costs you
nothing to join
the "Swappers'
Column." Just
telephone your
ad to the Classi
fied Department
Tyler 1000.
It In