Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Begin on Salts
at First Sign
of Kidney Pain
We eat too much meat, which
clogs Kidneys, then the
back hurts.
Says glass of Salts flushes Kid.
neys and ends Bladder
AT SUNDAY'S WORK- S at Bethany
' MXCOI.N, Neb.. Oct. 25.-rclI.V-
Pastor of St. Paul", Methodist Church Th, tito convention of the christian
churches of Nebraska will be held at
Keeley Institute at Blair Sends in
Check for $217 to Secretary
of State.
at Lincoln Says Excitement
Doesn't Last Long.
Vrlc acid In meat excite the kldneya.
thejr. become overworked; get sluggish,
che, and feet like lumps of lead. The
urine becomes cloudy; the bladder Is Ir
ritated, and you may be obliged to aeec
relief two or thr?c times during the night.
When the kldnoys clog you must help
them flush off the body's urinous wsste
or you'll be a iVal s'.ek person shortly. At
first vou feel ft dull misery In the kidney
region, you suffer from backache, sick
headache. Ulnlness, stomach gets sour,
tongue coated and you feel rheumatic
twinges when the weather Is bad.
Km less meat, drink lots of water; also
get from any pharmacist four ounces of i tl of lasting i
Jad Baits; take a tablespoonful In a glans The question
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Orl. 25. -(Special. 1-At !es
on prominent Methodist preacher is mt
wholly In sympathy with lht work of
"Billy" Ft nda In Omaha and other cities.
tr. T. W. Jeffrey, ixutnr o: Pt. Paul's
Methodist chun-h in Lincoln boldly cornea
out in his Fuivlav weekly rale dir dis
tributed to members of his church
day nnd replies to defenders of th Sun
day methods. In an article devottd to the
subject of evangelism, Dr. Jeffrey says
that the results of a revival conducted
under excitement hits never been proditc-
results. Ho says further:
Bethany. Neb., November 1 to 6. A large
attendance is expected from all parts of
the. state. An exceptionally strong pro-
grsm has been arran
of church cffl-lency
inciuaea among mo prncr . , w, --. , ,.., .1 r.i, i h.
national prominence In the christian , KeIey ',naUtut6 ,t pialr which wns In
. : church, among whom are 9. J. I orey and , .,,,,.. . .
Presbyterian Synod
and C. W. Jones, the other victims, are
I ahle to be out.
A I'HOKA, Sept. Si (Special -f peak-j
lug on the subject of "A ltllle Ksnilne,"
lr. Nathaniel Modlffen of Ftemnnt. the :
ne ly elected moderator of the Nebraska I
Stats synod of the rnstytirlan church,
was yesterday inducted into office at
(From a Staff Correspondent , tn. n-esbvterian church here. He pleaded
LINCOLN, Oct. K.-(?peclal.)-Whether , wlth th memi.ers of the svnod and the
Ends Its Session; north bend woman's
Lionau) iin.. u bellsvw that tht adoption of a prohl-jurgs number of peorle present for a
j . i, J . I ,,1Uon amendment In Nebraska, ahonld , greater appreciation and use of the
and Flblc teacmnr , fc Mng h,pp,n at ,hp fxt , Dtbe
the aclJs In urine, bj it no longer Is a I happiness. The Ideas of most
source of Irritation, thus ending bladder lXt wnthf VweV'ot U
K. V. Burnham of Cincinnati.
Warren of Indianapolis. J. H. Booth of
Kansas City, and Robert Hopkins, gen
eral secretary of the National Bible
School association. These, with returned j
missionaries and speakers from within'
the state, promise a convention of In-1
splratlon and great interest to the mem-,
hers Of the Christian church In Nebraska.
An address by Chancellor C. A. Fulmerj
of Nebraska Wesleyan university, and,
one by Prof. Arthur Braden of the lnl- j
versny or ivansas, win iniensuy m m-
the program. The Bethany
Christian church Is making extenslvs
preparations for the entertainment of the
l"r. MrOlffen spoke of the automobile
XOI1TH HK.NK. Neb., Oct. 25 (Spe
cial. )-An effort is being made hers to
enforce the slate law on the sale and use
of tobacco by minors. The Woman's
club has written the initiative In the
work, under the department of civic Im
provement. A committee from ths club
Is co-operating with the mayor of ths
city and the superintendent of the public
schools. The county attorney haa been
and of Its Influence on the churclt life nsulte.1 the mode of proceedure
of ths country. He declared that church
attendance falls off remarkably on days
that are pleasant and the roads are In
good shape.
natur.illv comes to every
of water before breakfast for a few days believer as to the best method to lu terest In
and your kidneys will the:( net fine. Thl.i ' adowcu to rm. others to ids Christ, lie
. ... , . , , . ' knows thst nothing will i-ninl lor o
famous salts Is mnle fr.nn the n Id o. trurn B (n example of Christian ln:e;rl y
grapes and lemon Juice, c mlinol wlln ani hnliiifxs. It.- a strong determined
llthla, and has been uvrd for generations ! attitude of soul In the midst of w-
. . . . j ... ,,, , proaches nnd afflictions he may convince
to clean clogged kldnc) i nnd stimulate , th((I1(, hm ,hat rhl.,M,.,n J.Mw.rPnce
them to normal activity, aiss to noutralixj i la a realltv anl a amice of the hUhest
The Ideas of most men on the
as they have
the nrnfessp't
weakness. christians with whom tliev huve been
Jad Falts Is Inexpensive, cannot Injure; acquainted. Thae episties thev hive pur-
. jiiw..i " . i sued with nnf IncslriL' interest. If tnes)
. .... jii, .... .,., ij ' ra" mrn nmni ;uo.ia una jbisc, iney imvj The Beneaict sunset social waa nna
water drink which everyone should take . Wn corlnvmei thereby In worldlln-s.; Mpthodl.t KPl.copal church Friday,
now an l then to keep the kldnev,, e'enn hut if thev have been tru then th Ir 'ne 'hodlst KPiscopai mu
,m! native here av thov aell ' nderstnniln(ts liav-e been convinced, and I October H. and all f years and oxer were
lots cf Jad Salts to folks who believe In
Sunset Social is
Held at Benedict
BENEDICT, Neb.. Oct. (Special.!
overcoming kidney trouble while It Is only J calml radiance of the stirs Is more con
trouble. Advertisement. ! vincing than nil the words wo cm speak
and all the profession we can make.
Itnii nt Snnilny Theolotry.
"Hut If men arc to be apprised of the
aiiiB of savt.ig failli In Christ, we who
bei'eve liiust he nisHcngera to them. Wo
muM have opixrtunlty to derlnre what
I r.iit has come to us. We cannot be satis
fies to remain Inactive. There Is a duty
In prr.fesElnu Christ that wc enpnot.
Ignore. How are wo to express ourselves
their hearts have lieen moved. The nols ! ellaihle to enrollment. The day was all
less but luminal life shining with the that could he desired and every one
seemed to be Intent on enjoying himself.
m, w is mm
A''Eoeryt1ung baked with
n Calumqt is so tempting . C CT
fl wholesome delicious ir ifV
i I want 'em all. For DSr n
n things herd to bake right Q L
y it can't be equalled. Calu- r Sr
U net it the world' best 65
fl Baking Powder it's mod- rSK'i
n crate in pi ice pure in the XlvK
n con snd puis In th Inttnf Sfi jrV
M wonderful i learenin( ud rmlr C fjf
N to boy tod to MS."
M Recsirad Hichsst Awards tV j
U Nrm C-i B-t Frtt f0 J
3 I- Hit r4 Csm IjQF
Everyone shook hands with every on
else and all were at home directly. Din
ner was served In ths basement of ths
church by the younger people.
Mr. J. K Howard spoke for a few
minutes on the things that Impressed him
most while on his iceent trip to the
Panama exposition.
The following is a list of those over W
years old who were In attendance: Mr.
whloh is upon us? What methous arc we
to employ and war.t occasions, nre we to
lire? Must wo wait for the epcclalttit, who
comes with methods and language which,
phonic our senne of propriety and keep
us busy apologizing for woidH ana ways
which wc k'.ow to be unchristian? Must
we submit to the preaching of a theology
which cannot stand the test of reason
and which the. scholarship and the com
: mon sense of the centuries have repudl
! atod It Is time we understood that when
pec pie sacrifice to build and maintain re
j ligloos edifices of beauty and capaclous
i ness they are meant for 'places of wor
' ship, where men and women are to find
Christ in the pardon of their sins. If
such edifices do not attract the people
and minister to their spiritual want. If
the difnlfied services held in these do not
eppeal to them, It Is utter folly to build
old eheds or crude barns and imagine
I these to bet he only meeting places of
Qod with men.
Work Based on Fear.
"There Is not the least question about
the permanency of that evangelism which
has Its growth In the every day services
of the church.' Thorother Is not In Ques
tion, for experience' has answered .it many
times. Thfs pastor has had ample oppor
tunity to study the difference between
the effort made by the local church and
that made under the stress of great ex
citement by the community under the
guidance of an Imported evangelist. We
do not seek to underrate the work of
the latter or to Impugn the methods
used, but we do say that experience has!
taught us that they are not effective and
pasa like fabled spectres before the com
ing of the dawn, A thousand witnesses
could not convince us against our own
experience, A work based largely on fear
and a grotesque teology cannot be abid
ing. Fear is but a root virtue.
What Counts.
"If we would meet our obligations as a
church wo must find our opportunity
right here and right now. If we continue
throughout the year as we have begun,
with conversions and accessslons at every
service, we shall have far more to show
at the end, tn genuine conversions In
consecrated lives and In service to the
community, than If we had been drawn
into a whirlwind campaign which had for
Its aim the building of a pedestal for the
exaltation of an Individual. The evengol-
Ism which counts is the everyday service
for the Master. It leaves nothing to be
regretted or apologized for when the
smoke has cleared away. Those who
assist In such a service do not feel that
they have been used as pawns against
their will because they love the church.
Nothing can prevent us from succeeding
If each does his best In his own way."
stltuted many years ago to cure drunken
ncss, Is not known, but the fact that
Prcretary of State Pool has been able to
get that Institution to pay up Its cor
poration tsx. delinquent slnco li, Indl- The pulpits of Aurora's churches were
cates that the Institution Is anxious to ; occupied Sunday by visiting Presbyterian
get back In good standing. j ministers. Itev. M. K. Lumbar of Lun-
The Institution Is owned bv rat tles In ; br Preached In the Methodist church,
1 ..... . xi, ii ! KeV. J
check for (CI7.15 to pay all delinquencies,
over $' of the amount being penalties.
tlaard Company nt 'isrdan.
Adjutant General Hall will go to Gordon
this week, probably Wednesday or Thnrs-
Indlcated. Dealers have been warned
that they will be prosecuted for violation
of the law and copies of ths law are to
be posted tn public places.
Your Sick Child
Is Constipated!
Look at Tongue
Hurry, Mother! Remove pois
ons from little stomach,
liver, bowels.
Give "California Syrup of
Figs" if cross, bilious
or feverish.
or from York.
YOltK, Neb.. Oct. (Special. John
lUttlnger, who was seriously Injured at
U. Itussell of Blue Hill In (ho Krramon, re., ny a oi ""r"''
Cnlled Brethren church. Itev. T. C. Os- , lect from a railroad trestle and receiei
borne of Scott's Bluff In the Christian i ft broken hand and two fractured ribs,
church. Itev. M. I. Berg of Beaver City : hss returned home and is much Improved
In the Mcnnonlto church, Itev. 8. J, lc ' at this time. Mr. IMttinger was on his
Oaw of Fatrbury In the Congregational way to New York with a carload of
chcrch. ' chickens and attempted to hoard his car
day to organise a company of National Sunday afternoon a memorial service when toe train was moving.
Guard at that nlace. (lordoti has for was held In memory of seven Prehy- Walter lludlcy, who was arrested here
manv rears tried to secure a comnanv. i terlan ministers of Ncbtaska who died on the charge of wife desertion
but owing to Its distance from mohalt-1 during the last year. Rev
sation points it haa not been thought
advisable to extend the military depnrt-
i What can we do to meettho obligation j Walter Covey, the oldest man in ths
gathering; Mrs. Charles Hhoades, James
Bauer. P. L. Will and wife. Henry and
Mrs. Grobe, J. F. and Mrs. Tllden. H. P
Walker and wife. W. V. Powell and wife,
Mrs. A. JJarbert. Mrs. A. James. Mrs. F.
L. ,M. Carstcn, Mrs. A. O.
Bogart. Mrs. A. Houston. Mr. and Mrs.
Leek, O W. Cook and wife. Mrs. H. B.
Bottum. C. M, Csrpenter, H. orpennlng
and wife, Mrs. A. F. Harrington. O. W.
lark and wife, O. J. Keith and wife, L.
W. and Mrs. Trouthman. Mrs. O. H.
Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Wood. H. W.
Hoffmaster, Mrs. Marica, Mrs. Harris,
Mrs. Mary A. Wirthler. Mrs. F. M. Brab
ham. Mr. A. Renqulst and Wife. Mrs. Mc
Clure, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Conklo, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Dovenbarger, A. J. Ohler
and wife, Mrs. 6. D. Keeler and wife. J.
W. Douglass and wlfe.,Mra. J. W. Trus
sell, J. E. Hoover. Mr. and Mrs. T. B.
Kohn, Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Howard. Mr.
P. Harden, Mrs. Alice Church, Mr. and
Mrs. George Mayo, Mrs. Louisa Blender.
SYRACUSE, Neb., Oct. 2J. (Special-)
J. K. Kelthley; editor and proprietor ot
the Syracuse Journal, died Sunday morn
ing at 4 o'clock, following an illness ot
several weeks' duraUon. Mr. Kelthley
was born at Louisville. Ky., April 21.
and casie to Nebraska In 1875. In , 1878
he first located at Weeping Water and
on October 22 of that year was married
to Agnes E. Kay, daughter of a pioneer
physician of Nebraska City. In 1882 Mr.
Kelthley and hla brother atarted the
Weeping Water Republican, which he
afterward conducted alone. He came to
Syracuse and purchased he Journal a
little over ten years ago.
Mr. Kelthley was a atalwart republican
of the old school. He was widely known
among the newspaper men of this sec
tion of the state and universally re
spected. The funeral will take place on Tuesday.
October 36. from the Methodist church
and the body taken to Nebraska City for
burial In Wyuka cemtery, beside that
of his mother.
ment that far away from the capital, but
General Hall believes that there should
be at least one company In that section
ot the state and the Gordon company will
be mustered. He will also go to Gothen
burg a Uttle later to muster a company
at that place.
Smallpox nt Kxeter.
The secretary of the State Board ot
Health reports four cases of smallpox at
Exeter, but the cases are under strict
regulation and there Is no rear of Its
spreading. There are four caea of scar
let fever at Burvhsrd, but these also are
being looked after and there Is no fear
of further cases unless something un
foreseen happens.
Ratenberk Very HI.
State Game Warden Gus ltutenbeck Is
still very 111 with typhoid fever at his
residence In this city and Is not permitted
to see friends who call at the house. The
crisis hss not yet been reached, but the
physicians have hopes that he will be
able to pull through that period success
fully, although he la a very l-k man at
this time.
James O . taken back to Shenandoah, la., by offl-
Clark of Lynns presUieu over the Her- ,.rs from the city, where he Is wanted.,
vice, j lludlcy has been working on the paving
The final business meeting of the synod gang.
Is held today. The se-slon Is said to bo; Mrs. I'elnh Moulton of Tamora and
the most harmonious and valuable meet- : Clyde lihoads of York were married by
log In the history of the state synod. cOUnty Judge II. (. Hopkins.
No matter what alia your child, a
gentle, thorough laxative should always
be the first treatment given.
If your little one la out-of-sorta, half
slrk, Isn't resting, eating and noting
naturally look. Mother! see If tongue Is
coated. This Is a sure sign that Its little
stomach, liver and bowels are clogged
with waste. When cross. Irritable, fev
erish, stomach sour, breath bad, or has
stomachache, diarrhoea, sore throat, full
of cold, give teaspoonful of "California
Syrup of Figs." and In a few houra all
the constipated poison. t undigested food
and sour bile gently moves out of Its
little bowels without griping, and you
have a well, playful child again.
Mothers can rest easy after giving this
harmless "fruit laxative," because It
never falls to cleanse the little one'a liver
! . i. --. ..... .v.. .. w
they dearly love Its plessant taste. F"u!l
directions tor babies, children of all aoa
and for grown-ups printed on each bottle.
Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask
your druggist for a SO-cent bottle of
"California Syrup of Figs;" then see that
It Is made by the "California Fig Syrup
Company." Advertisement.
Apartments, flats, nouses and cottsges
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Bee "For Rent."
Nearly 2K) have been In dally attendance, I
TKCVMSEH. Neb., Oct. 2T..--(Speclal.)
11. C. Walter of Tecumseh has been at
Galesburg, III., last week, where he was
summoned by a telegram, his nephew.
Chief of Police Lynn Matthews, having
been shot and killed In a raid on a negro
gambling den In the city. Chief Matthews
was but 28 years of age, nnd was the son
ot Mrs. Mary Matthews of Galesburg.
who la a sister of the Tecumseh man.
Frank Harrison and party from Lincoln
will be In Tecumseh and vicinity on Fri
day and Saturday next to take moving
pictures of the schools, business streets
snd farm scenes. The pictures are to be
used by the state superintendent of pub
lie Instruction.
E. C. Hedrlck, the worst injured of the
three surviving Randolph (Kan.) wreck
victims, who lives In Tecumseh, Is getting
along very well. Ho has concussion of
the spine and other injuries. Carl Brock
Monroe J. Lively of Fairmont and Miss
lva May Wolfe of McCool were united
in marriage by Judge Hopkins.
Marriage licenses have been Issued to
Carl N. N sl'er and Miss Anna Benkleman,
both of Waco, and Carl Roberts and Miss
Margaret Stutheltt. both of Waco, and
Conrad Schlelger of York and Miss Marie
Alt of Sutton.
Floyd Tracy nnd Miss II axel Kmerson
were married Sunday morning at 10
o'clock by Rev. J. G. Dickson.
tlr tint-test nt Table Hock.
TABLW ROCK. Noh., Oct. 25.-(8perlal.)
Apple picking haa been In progress here
for some time In the numerous orchards
of this vicinity. Thirteen carloads have
been shipped from this station, and many
In lesser quantities than carloads lots.
Besides many of the windfalls and others
not good enough to ship have been taken
to the cider mills at Humboldt and Paw
nee City. Tho yield Is the largest tn
years and the quality very much better.
Considerable damage was done by scab,
but the fact remains that this industry
brings a grest many dollars to the fruit
growers ot this vicinity.
Weak, unstrung nerves
"shaky" feeling, agitation and
excitability, resulting from mental
stress or suffering caused by lack
of phosphates in ths nerve cells.
Renew the nerve-force, and brace
the nervous system by taking
Acid Phosphate
Kssa a settle is yew Sinn
s a Lounge Long Way
to ComstaHtimopl
a ii
me t
Two lands of men and women suffer Irani
pesdacjes every diy, other thousands have
r oadatnes every week or every month, snd still
rtnirs have headaches occasionally, but not st
regular iutervsls. The best Iactor IsoituD unable
to And the isuse of many of these headaches,
nH in ...-". Alii, nmmm ....... . . . ...
does not know what will removelt. so as to glrs
penuanrov cure. Ail ne can 00 Is to prescribe
unuitl pale relievers, which give temporary
-1. but the hesdaeha returns as nsuiu. ind
reatmeot Is stain necessarv. If vmiauffpr imm
headaches, do matter what tneir Datura, take
Aotl-anmnia Tablets, and the results will be satis-
icto-y in the highest degree. Too can obtain
if.m at sll druKfcMts la soy quantity, loc wortU.
I&u w?nh or more. Ask ior A K Tablets.
Plck-besdache, the most miserable ol all sick-ee.-e
)?- its terrors when A-K Tablets are
taken Wnen tou feel sn aitsck coming on.
:e two tfcbleta, and In many cases, U attack
wiil be warded off. During an attack take one
a K Tablet every two hours. The rest and com
fort wtich iollow, can be obtained in do other
, Canaan A-K TakUti Ur (As M, mas
sraa. A mH druttUtt.
How to Wave Hair to
Appear Naturally Curly
You won't need to resort to the perch
ing, scorchina curilng iron if you will
euuji the simple plan 1 will mention
lvn t that good newa?
l night merely apply n little liquid sll
reerle with a clean tooth brush, drawing
this through the balr from root tn Up. This
w.u impart a deliKhitul wsvy appearance
and a bright lLstre suggestive of "hid
ieu sunshine.' It srlll prove besteflotI
tr the hair. Instead of making it brittle
and dead-looking ss the hot iron does. In
the morning. Instead of your tresses being
mean and contrary, you will find them
quite easy to do up in any form, and there
"III be no unpleasant odor, giraae or
stickiness about the hair. 1 would sug
gest that you ask your drucglst for the
liquid ailinerlne -four or five ounces-
which will require no mixing and you can
pour a little Into a saucer when required.
Emily Couutou In Hygiene Kevtew. Advertisement
VALENTINE. Neb.. Oct. K.-(8peclal.)
Saturday closed the annual meeting of
the Northwestern Roundup association,
which had been In session for the last
two days. This is the third gathering of
the old-time cowboys and rangers and
was the moat successful of the lot. It
was well attended by the active members
and many who wure not members came to
partake of the barbecue, which was the
special feature of the gathering.
Friday was devoted to business sessions,
, with a banquet for the members at the
I auditorium in the evening. This was
I splendidly attended, the courses, served
by tho Woman's Improvement club, were
relished by nil and the musical numbers
snd toasts were enjoyed. Saturday, the
barbecue of the ooef and mutton pre
pared as only John Tlnnln ot Texas can
prepare It, was served to about 630 people
at the Mlanechaduxa park. Motion pic
tures of the scene were taken by Doctor
Condi a of Lincoln. He also took group
pictures of those that had followed the
Texas trail and of all the members.
The same officers were re-elected for
tne ensuing year. They are: John H.
Nelas of Valentine, president; Moss
Howard of Omaha, secretary, and L. J.
F. laeger, better known as "Billy the
Bear," of Chadron, assistant secretary.
Among those tn attendance were Mayor
Pahlman of Omaha, who made a bit
with the crowd by siaglna- the "Hiver
Sfaannen;'' John C. Drexel of Omasa. T.
A. Ceftee of Herrtman, . M. Faddls ef
Omaha, g. W. KuaeaU ef Kant CSty,
"Hank" Simmons of floe JUdge Agency,
gists. Adves-tlnemasit. .
Kriti Notes of Fnlrbnry.
FAIRBCRY. Ne., Oct 25. (Specisl.)-
A mass union meeting of engineers, lire-
men, conductors, trainmen and awltcn
men was held in Union hall here Sunday
afternoon and hundreds ot . union men
were In attendance. In addition to the
local chairmen of these orders, the fol
lowing general chairmen were In attend
ance: Peter KUduff, "engineers, Chicago;
Joseph McQuald, firemen, Chicago; J. W.
Hawkins, trainmen. Chicago; John Dee,
conductors, Chicago; George Lytle,
switchmen, Belleville, Kan.
V. W. Cameron, trainmaster for the
Rock Island, has returned from a trip
to Topeka, aKn., where he assisted In
preparing a new time card.
A lara-e number of Jefferson county
farmers are commencing to husk their
early corn. It Is believed the corn will
yield, on an average, forty to fifty bush
els per sere.
J. A. Blauvelt, county surveyor of Jef
ferson county, has been transferred to
Hamilln, Kan., and this county la now
without a aurvcyor.
H. L. Brown, the Rock Island conductor
who was Injured at Lincoln by striking
his head on a water crane, has recovered
sufficiently to resume his dutlse .
The Fairbury High school foot ball
eleven has scheduled a game with the
Wymore eleven, to be staged on the grid
iron at the latter point next Friday.-
"Jail tn rhtna
A tailor's work Is sedentary. That Is
why most tailors suffer from constipa
tion. O. W. Roberson. Wichita Falls.
Tex., says: "I find Foley Cathartic Tab
lets the most delightful, cleansing cathar
tic I havs ever taken. They are Just the
thing." They keep the stomach sweet
and the liver active, drive away head
ache, dullness, tired fueling, biliousness,
bloat and other results of clogged bowels.
Prompt and effective, without gripe or
pain. Stout people praise them for the
light. free . feeling tbey give Sold
everywhere. Advertisement.
Check Yens- Fall Cnaaa.
Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey will stop
your cough and strengthen your lungs.
Get a bottle now. Only Sc. Ail drug-
In the path of the Crusaders, but bearing aid not defiance to the Crescent,
some four hundred thousand descendants of the followers of Barbarossa cross
the Danube under the leadership of Field-Marshal von Mackensen, and the great
war takes on a new lease of life. . '
Is this new thrust of Germany a "forlorn hope," or is it "the beginning of
the final triumph of German armies over tho world?"
In THE LITERARY DIGEST for October 23d the leading feature covers
in great detail this latest development in tho war. This article is illustrated with
a fine new map showing the scenes of the new Balkan campaign, and also cartoons.
Among additional articles which will make this number of the "Digest" of
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The Preacher and the Dollar
Should a Preacher Divide His Activities So As To Make Money Outside of His Church Work?
The End of Watchful Waiting
Colorado's "Republic of Labor"
English Press Shows How Great
Britain is Doing Her Part
The Women Enter Japanese Politics
A Baby's Brain
Wood That is Only About Half as
Heavy as Cork
The Romance of "Movie" Making
German Views of French War Liter
ature Chicago Brings a Dead Law to Life
The Panama Canal Blockade
The "Zeppelin" as ,a Moral Force
Why French-Canadians Do Not Enlist
in Greater Numbers
How to Regain Mental Balance
What Salt Means to a Fish
The Flies' Winter Quarters
The War as a Peril to Literature
A British "Drive" at German Music
Prof. Eucken's Reconciliation of
Christianity and War
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