Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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German Under SecreUry Issues
Statement Declaring Act Was
Within Military Law.
BERLIN. Oct. 25. (Via The
Hague and London.) Dr. Alfrod F.
M. Zlmmermann, Gorman under sec
retary for foreign affairs has Issued
an official explanation of the re-!
cent execution In Belgium of Miss
Edith Carell. the British nurse. He!
prefaced his remarks by the dcclara1
tion that he had examined every Jot:
and tittle of the evidence with the'
greatest care and found the verdict, j
though regrettable, to be Just. His j
statement follows: j
I sec - till" British an th Amcriran j
vMaa that tliA ilirtntinir fif All FnultSh I
wfininn and th convlrtlon cf wveral I
other women In Hrust-I for treason l:ave
creale-1 a great ItiU'rcsslirn and that we
or brlna severely rrltldxed.
"It Is tn'lecd hard that a woman must
r executed, hut remember to what shnll
state como that la at war. If It allows
to pas unnoticed a crime aealnst the
safety f Its army becaure committed by
women. No law book in the wo'ld. least
of all thofe d. alius with war regulations,
makes audi a dlfferenttutlim, and the
feminine sex has but one preference, according-
to legal iiHaiscs. namely that
women In n. delicate condition may not
bo executed. Otherwise man und woman
are ei'.nl to-fore tlic law- and only the
desrte of Riiiit makes a difference !n the.
Bent) nee for the crime and lt conse
quence s.
"In tho I'avell care I have reviewed the
decision of the court and examined the
evidence down to the smallest details.
The result In so rnnvlncnn and all the
circumstances are so clear and convincing-
that no court-martial In the world
would have reached any other decision.
Tor 11 concerns not the act of one slnalo
person, rather It concerns a well thouxht
cut. world-wide conspiracy which suc
ceeded for nine months to render the
enemy aislstance to injure our army.
"Countless Krlllsh, Hclgliin and French
Soldiers now again are flshtlnir In the
allied ranks who owe their success In
escaping from Belgium to the activity of
the br.rd now sentenced, at the head of
which stood Miss t'avell.
"With ruch a ultUHtfon under the very
ryee f the iiiithorltlCK. only the utmost
severity can bring relief, and the govern
ment violates the moat ule.Mental duty
toward the army and Its safety that doea
pot ri'otA the strictest measures. These
Clutlci; ,n war are Kreater than any
"Ail th fe convicted were fully cosjnl
Scnt of ih? significance of their actions.
The court went Into juat this point with
' rartlcuir enre and acmltted several
c.Mlci'endanta only because It believed
n-ub. txlsted rennrd ntc the rognlsance
of the punlHhableness of their actions.
"Hiosi vmv:clrd knew what they were
rfoliij,. Counthsa public proclamations
had declared tha support of enemy
arinlci 'ji'!J be troated with the se-
erest r'n:il;icn. cvci that the lives of
trailers would bo sacrificed.
"I certainly that the motive of
those convicted was not unnohle and that
they acted out of love fur the fatherland.
But In war time one must be ready to
seal one's love for the fatherland with
one's blood, whether one opposes the en
emy In battle or whether on commits
acts In Its Interest which Justly carry
with them the death penalty. Among our
Iiusslan prisoners are several girls who
fought against us In soldiers' uniforms
should one such have (alien no one
would accuse us of treating women
cruelly. Bo why now that another woman
has met the death which she risked
quite os thlnklngly as her battle com
"There are moments In the lives of peo-
lea when consideration for the Individual
Is crime against the whole, moments that
rtiako severity, yet. hardness, a duty for
those entrusted with the safety of their
own countrymen. Once and for always,
the activity of our enemies had to be
stopped and sentence has been carried
out to frighten those who might presume
on their sex to partake In enterprises
punishable with death. Should one rec
ognlxo theae presumptions It would mean
to open the door for the evil aetivltl
of women who are often handler and
more clever In these things than the
craftiest num.
"He who bears the responsibility, how
ever, may not, cannot do that. I'nmlnd
ful of the world's verdict, he must travel
the hard rosd of duty. That despite thee
facts, leniency towards others who were
convicted, and according to revised laws
have forfeited thelr lives, I being con
sidered. Is proof of how earnestly we are
trying to reconcile the feelings of hu
nianlly with the commands of rigid duty
"If othera are shown mercy It will be
at the cost of our army, for It Is to be
feared that new attempts will be made
to Injure us If It is believed possible to
escape without punishment or w th th
risk of only a lixht sentence. Only pity
for the guilty rsn lead to an ams l r
tlon, not admission that the executed sen
tence was too aovere, for this was, hard
as It may sount, armolutrly J ist. and
could nt appear other wle to an I de
pendent Judge.
i i.o 01 the enemy a erga
ment Is pnved by the fact that they d
not attempt to combat the Juathe of th1
sentence, but try to Infl n e p bit
opinion against us by false reports i f thj
execution. It Is claimed that the soldiers
' assigned to the exe.ution first refuaed '.
shoot, and finally f.rel so fJ t ly that
the officers hsd to kill the accused with
a revolver. No word of this ! t ue. I
have the of.'lilal report of the execution,
in which Jt is established that It took
place entirely In accordance with the es
tablished regulations snd the death oc
curred Imvdiately after the firat salvo,
as the physician present attests."
"Billy" Has Blessing for All of Us
The last prayer offered by Mr. Sunday In his Omaha campaign
came at the close of the service last evening. He said:
"Well. Jesus, I'm almost through. Every board in the old
tabernacle has become sacred, and the carpet here, and the path from
here to the lyal hotel and back up to the Brandels theater, Lord.
And we remember the stock yards, too, where we have so many good
"We've been up to The Bee office and pot acquainted with 'Vic
and all the fellows. And then down to the World-Herald, where we
saw Senator Hitchcock and Friend. Sandy. And then over to the
News, where we saw what's that editor s name. Body?" ("Body
didn't remember the name, and "Billy" hurried on with his prayer.)
"They were good to us and took so many pictures and gave us that
pretty book. Good bye, Jim; we thoupht you would hit the trail, but
you didn't. Good bye, council. Oood bye, court house folks and
men at tho shops. And then there are the people at the packing
houses. Armours, and Swift's, and Cudahy'a. and what's that other
Jew firm's name, Body? ("Body" didn't remember). "Oood bye,
policemen and street car company; they were so kind, and didn't
allow the cars to ring their bells an they passed the tabernacle.
Thank you, boys. Oood bye, cops."
Railroad Estimate ii Now for Great
est Corn Crop Ever Grown in
the State.
Violence is Feared
as Evidence Piles
Up Against Sweet
I, AUK IN. Kan.. Oct. r3.-Archll.nld Car
los Sweet, a farmhand, who surrendered
to the county authorities last Saturday
nlKht, saying that ho feared mob violence
because of rumors that ho was suspected
nf knowing something of the murder of
Ml-a Nellie flyers, was taken from the
lociil Jnll to a secret place late today,
when It became known that bloodhounds
had followed the trail of the young school
teacher's ns.'iilinnt to Sweet s bedroom.
1'eace officers said It wns deemed unsafe
to hold Hweet hero bcenuso of the en
raged spirit of the community.
man's Auxiliary of the Episcopal Church.
Mls Mary i. Hmlth of Minneapolis, edu
cational secretary for Minnesota, will be
on hand to assist In programs for study
The following program has been an
nounced for tho aecond annual meeting
of the woman's auxiliary of the province
of the northwest to be held this week In
connection with the Kplatopallan synod
of the northwest:
Hervlr... Trlnltv cathedral. 7:l a. m.
Breakfast, the deanery. SMS a. m. Husl-
tesa meeting Jacoiia hull, a. m.
KillPAY CM 'TOHKll T..
Prownell Hall Her Ice, a. m. Appor-
lonment, 9 :15 a. m.. Hlshop Hi ewer.
loelal service. IMG a. in., Mr. I'roucn.
'nlted offering, l' a. m.. Mrs. Thomas;
10:15 a." m , Mrs. Foster; 10::) a. m , Mrs.
Huinslde. Religious education. !: a. m..
Mr. tlardner. Hymn. "Missions Within the
Province. 11 a. in., Mrs. i.ongiey. mrs.
Watiek, ftev. !. J. Delorla, Mrs. Holmes,
llshop Fabcr. tllrla friendly nocieiy.
1 45 a. m , Miss Klspeth Katlle. Noonday
raver, 12 m. Miirarv hour, iz:i.i p. m.
Cxblblt, literature for sale and free tlls
rlbutlon. Luncheon, I p. m. Hervlce, 2 p.
m. "Missions imiain me rrni mr-. i in
S. m., Deaconess wooowin, insi Mimnrn
unlors. 2:4r p. in., Mim WIIIIk. M Union
study, S:1S p. m.. Miss Hmlth. Auto rldo.
D m. r ive O Cioca ic. ine urnnvrj.
Cathedral Chapel -riervlce, It a. in. flus-
nea meeting. ' 16 a. m. Church confer
ences. Miss lllinarn. ir. itoim. junior
rtxmd table conference. 10 a. m.
There are several speaKcrs of note on
the above, among them nishop Brewer,
who originated "the apportionment plan," i
w hlch finances the missionary wora of
the Episcopal church. Hlshop Urewer la
cousin of Mrs. A. J. Foppleton and wilt I
be her guest at the Pontenelle.
Mrs. J. W, Watsek, the well known
missionary worker In Iowa, and Mlu :
Edith Willis, a sUter of Mrs. Tyler Belt,
are scheduled to speak on Friday at
Urownell Hall. Rev. I'hlllp J. Delorla,
sometimes railed "the 1'hllllps Brooks of
th Indians." will tell of the missionary ,
work amongst his race. Doaconesa Oood-
win, one of the secretaries from the New j
York headquarters, will represent Miss i
Emory, the general secretary of ths Wo-
Plenty of Gloom Over
Big Eastern Camps
NBW HAVEN, Cnnn., Oct. 26. To sdd
to the gloom which has been In evidence
In th Yale foot ball camp for some time,
It was learned tonight that "Mai" Sco
VII. the backflel.l star, had suffered a
broken nose In the Washington and Jef
ferson gnme. He probnbly will be unable
to play any more this season.
BecvU'a Injury came early In the game,
but he said nothing of It. and later made
Tale's only touchdown. Ills loss Is a se
vere How, especially as he had taken
Igor's place following the lattor's dis
The Yale coaches no longer attempt to
conceal the seriousness of the foot ball
situation. More coaches are expected
soon for a conference to consider future
CAMHRIDOR. Mass., Oct. . Har
vard's font ball team came out of Its
unsucceasful contest with Cornell yester
day with Oilman, a tackle, crippled so
that he cannot play for two weeks, and
Wallace, the center, alao hurt. It Is ex
pected that Wallace wilt be able to play
next Saturday.
Captain H. C. Flower and two other
members of the freshman eleven were so
seriously Injured In a gsme with Worces
ter academy yesterday that physicians
say they cannot play again this season.
With the Nebraska corn crop j
made, the Darlington's Nebraska I
crop report for the week ending last.
Saturday will probably be the last !
one of the season. From data Rath-1
ered by agents from the Nebraska j
territory tributary to their stations, j
the estimate Is that the crop, taking i
the state as a whole, will be a bumper
and that the figures given out by the
government Agricultural department
a few days ago, 212.000,000 may be
exceeded. The previous bumper
crop wan 203,000,000 bushels and the
average for the five years prior to
1913, according to government re
ports, 183,201,200 bushels.
On the various divisions of the Burling
ton, covering practically all the eornbelt
ef the state, the condition, according to
the ben information that ran be secured,
la as follows, the basing being upon a
ten yiur avenge:
Plvlalon. Per Cent. Division. Per Cent
Omaha 11 Lincoln 1O0
Wymore IhO McCook Ml
Speaking on what the weather of the
last week has done for the corn, the
report asserts:
"Weather during the week was exceed
ingly favorable and many fields of corn
that were not entirely ripe continued to
mature. The corn that waa fully matured
dried In the almost constant sunshine
with modcrutcly hlKh temperature. Con
ditions were favorable for gathering and
taking care of that part of the crop that
had been damaged by frost."
Dealing with wheat the - Burlington's
crop report assorts that due to the favor
able veather conditions and the moisture
of the soil, tho seeding has been carried
on and Is now practically finished, with
an acreage that will be probably greater
than was sown one year ago. In most
fields the grain has sprouted and gives
promise of going Into the winter In the
best of condition.
"Billy" Has Thanks for All Hands
"Rilly" Sunday's final speech of thanks was made Just before
bis evening sermon, lie said:
"You've made a record to be proud of. You don't realize what
It means to you. People judge a community by Its attitude toward
God. I thank the ministers for the way they've stood by us. I've
said somo things that they didn't like, but they were men enough to
keep Btill. I never labored with a finer crowd of men. They have
won my heart. If they had had a yellow streak I would hare found It.
"And the ushers. I have never been at a place where 1 had to
say less to the ushers than here. Vou have handled the crowds mag
niricently. And the entertainment committee. We have been splen
didly taken care of here. And the transportation committee that has
seen to getting us around to the various meetings In automobiles.
"And I particularly want to thank the newspapers, The Bee.
World-Herald and News. This is the first place where the whisky
gang hasn't tried to gag and throttle the papers, and hasn't offered
money to keep them from printing accounts of the meetings and ray
sermons. One place they went and offered an editor $2,600, and he
told them to go to the place that I've been preaching about. And I
want to thank the fine men that have been reporting these meetings.
And I want to thank the choir for their faithful work, and the city
offic'als and the workers In the nursery and hospital. Thank Omaha.
You S ve done fine."
Rub Rheumatic.
Aching Joints
and Stop Pain
Instant relief with a small
trial bottle of old "St.
Jacobs Oil."
flheumatism Is "pain" only.
Not one case In fifty requires Internal
treatment. Stop drugging! Rub sooth-
I Ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs OH" right
Into your sore, stiff, aching Joints, and
I relief comes Instantly. "St. Jacobs OH"
Is a harmless rheumatism liniment which
never disappoints and cannot burn the
i skin.
) Limber up! Quit complaining! Oct a
small trial bottle of old. honest "ft.
Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, and In Just
a moment you'll be free from rheumatic
pain, soreness and stiffness. Don't suf-
ferl Relief awaits you. "St. Jacobs OH"
I Is Just as good for sciatica, neuralgia,
lumbago, backache, sprains. Advertisement
PARIS, Oct. 2T. The eighth Oerman
attack In five days on the strong French
positions In the wood of Olvenchy, north
of Arras, waa repulsed yesterday with
sanguinary losses, according to the of
ficial statement Issued today.
Bulgarian City
Heavily Damaged
By Bombardment
LONDON, Oct. 26. The bombardment
of Dedeaghatch caused the death of ten
civilians and over 1,000 soldiers and there
were also a large number of soldiers
wounded, says a dispatch to the Ex
change Telegraph company from Athens.
A large proportion of the military
casualties, the correspondent adds, were
In the barracks which housed the For
tieth Bulgarian regiment. The barracks'
was crowded with soldiers, who were
preparing for their meal when the bom
bardment waa opened at 1 o'clock with
accurately aimed shells, which demol
ished the barracks, burying the occu
pants In the ruins.
Troops engaged In ' digging trenches
around the town also sustained very
heavy losses.
Fires caused by the exploding shells de
stroyed the railway station and sur
rounding buildings, doing enormous dam
age. It Is ' stated that the entire loss
from the bombardment, which lasted
four hours, will be several million pounds.
The correspondent says the bombard
ment was directed by aeroplanes, which
flew over the town throughout the aft
ernoon. Twenty warships participated.
The Bulgarians are now engaged In pre
paring defense works on the surrounding
Porto Lagos , was fiercely bombarded
by eight warships Thursday
on Frldsy.
ind again
Use The Bee's "Swapper" column.
Mrs. C'stlerlne Byrnes, a resident of
Omaha for thirty years, died after a
lingering Illness at her home, 5"2 North
Thirty-second street, Sunday morning.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday
morning at the borne at 8:20 o'clock and
at St. Cecilia's church at 9. interment
will be In Holy Sepulchre cemetery.
Mrs. Byrnes Is survived by her hus
band, John F. Byrnes, city Jailer, two
Sons, James D. and John F. of Omaha
and three daughters. Mrs. William M.
Richelieu, Casper, Wyo.l Mrs. Ouy Lock
wood. Alliance, and Mrs. Gertrude Mich,
aelson, Omaha.
Bad Complexions Are
Now Easily Discarded
Every woman has It In her own hands
to possess a bca;tiful and youthful com
plexion. No matter how soiled, faded or
coarse the cuticle, ordinary meixolized
wax will actually remove it. and Naturo
will substitute a skin as soft, clear and
lovely as a child's. The action of the
wax is not drast.c, but gentle and agree
able. Minute particles of scarf skin come
off day by day, yet no evidence of tho
treatment is dUeernlble, other than tho
gradual complexlonal improvement. On
ounce of mercollzed wax, procurable at
any drug store, suffices for most cass.
It Is put on at bedtime like cold cream -and
taken off in the morning with warm
water, it is a certain method of discard
ing freckles, liver anots, moth patches,.
blHckheads and pimples.
Wrlnklea can be treated with benefit
by bathing the face In a lotion prepared
by dissolving 1 ounce powdered saxolite
In H pint witch hazel. Instantaneous re
sults are secured. Advertisement.
A Healthy Baby.
Eyeryone wants baby to be healthy.
It Is baby's right. To Insure a strong,
vigorous baby, the hopeful mother must
be tree from worry, care and strain.
The complete Joy of expectation should
not be marred by unpleasant feelings.
Mother's Friend Is recommended by
thousands of women because this ex
ternal remedy relieves the pressure re
acting on the nerves and the unnatural
strain upon the cords and ligaments
said to cause nausea, morning sickness
and many local distresses. It Is abso
lutely safe and dependable and has
been in use for generations, first class
drag stores can supply 1C
Want a
A nice, quiet fellow who
tends to his own business and
is always prompt pay? If you
v do Just phone a "Room for
Rent" ad to THE BEE.
Tyler 1000
1 IL.
BEATOtl S LASER CO. Hail Orders Filled Promptly the Same Hour Received
1 For Articles Not Advertised, Let Us Make You Quotations
415-417 South Suteinth .treat
Omaha, Neb.
41 5-41 7 South Sixteenth Street
Omaha, Neb.
Developed Into Pimples. Skin
Inflamed. Scalp Itched and
Burned. Hair Falling Out.
' "I had scalp trouble, and a akin trouble
which besaa by a breaking- out on my face
and hands. It resembled blisters and after
two or threa days It devel
oped Into small pimples.
My skin was Inflamed, and
1 couldn't keep from arratch
lui ths bumps. They Itched
and burned all the-tlma, I
f. couldn't put my hands hi
V water. My scalp Itched
ana Diirnea ana my ruur
was fallliia out aful bad.
"Th trouble lasted two weeks before
I noticed Cutlcura Soap and Ointment
advertised. 1 used them nhjnt and niornlns
until I used two boxes of Ointment and
two cake of Koap. and now I aua entirely
well." (Sla-iuxl) Mlaa Ivory 1. Hatnuld.
Dardanelle, Ark., Jan. It, lttlS.
Sample Each Free by Mail
With 32 p. Skin Hook on reciueat. Ad
dress post-card "futtcitra. Dp. T, 1
t." Bold throughout tha world.
It's Now or
1 feHf Sizes
: ; S&ifeSMtf Extra
IE) HE (iullfflalLoMAHA
m Beaton & W fSg
Never If You Intend to Take Advantage of These
Absurdly Low Pink Tag Prices
1 wmm
Drug Store Eobbed
Of $5 by Burglars
. The MyersvDUlon Prug company's store,
lb Famam street, waa entered Saturday
nlct't by burglars who climbed through
a transom and sqcurcl IS from tha cash
Casrles Peterson. ST! North Thirteenth
street, reports to tha pollc that Ms
jhx kf t was picked of a watch and t-3.
Jusrph Puffy, 2217 Cass street, and H.
C. W ood of Red Oak, la., assart that
their autoa were stolen from downtown
parking districts.
Apartments, rials, bouses and cottages
caa be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Be "Kor Kent"-
Sure Way to Get
Rid of Dandruff
There is one sure way that never falls
to remove dandruff completely and that!
Ir to dissolve it. This destruy It entirely.
To do this, lust get about four ounces of
plain, ordliuiry llnuid arvon; apply It at j
night when retiring; use enough to I
moisten the scalp and rub It In gently j
with the finger up.
By morning, moat If not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or four
more applications will completely dissolve
and entirely destroy every single sign and
trace of It. no matter how much dandruff
you may have.
Tou will find. too. that all Itching and
digging of the scalp' will atop Instantly,
and your hair will be flaffy, lustrous,
glossy, silky and soft, and loak a4 feel
a hundred times better.
You can get liquid arvon at any drug
store. It la Inexpensive, and four ounces
I alt you will need. This simple reimsly
has never been known to fall. Advertlee
ii. int.
Special Icg''g5m'fl3t
:r. :i-
Large tapeatry-cofrml
win K type, similar to rot,
but have kit ruahlou
seats; sale
price, each
flxlt nriiHKel Units $0.85
7-UxW llruaael. KuiH $H.75
H-8xl0-l llriM-ls Hugs 9.3f
9xt2 liruai-ls Iluita Sll.t5
l-tt0-0 Axmlnster Hug SJS.85
flxtt Axiiilnstfr Hug SO.H.
M-ttxltMt Axmlnster Kii(rs . . . .i:t.85
Axmtnhter Ku $15.45
V Kenles Velvet Hug . -812.85
Vxl2 Ikidy llruftaels ItiHia, S2MiO,
2.Oan1 821.85
27x54 AxniUister Kug S1.41)
27x54 Velvet Hugs l)5
(Like Cut)
Two-inch continuous steel tub
ing design, with Ts-iuch fillers.
with Verata Martin or white
eiiamol. Sale r ft r
rle V7a7l
e h
s e
pi Hi
Oak Extension Tabic
With 42-Inch round top 6-
foot extension, noiwlivld
lng iXHlestal, golden or
fumed finish;
Office Desks
Are Sharply Underpriced
812 Roll Top iv.COfl CC
like rut, sale price. Va.U.VJJ
80 toll Top Peak, (JJQ rft
aale price ttilsUV
846 Roll Top Desk,
su le price,
Jut one hundred of them filled with Mg
L 1 1 1 Al Wf Q clean, sanitary feathers and covered In dur-l vlfw
I IIIVkafQ able pillow tick, while they laat, pfhllwU
Buy How DraporicG and Carpots for Your Entiro Houso This Week
Ltrte 9xl2-foot I fT Fr3 Sr3 n
nrussols l'A'r-1 ii
j go $0.95 j
mm pl
415-417 South Sixtoonth St., Omaha.
Sale Closes
at 9 P. M.
Stop and Consider tho Saving to You On Your Entiro Outfit of Furniture and Floor Coverings