Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1915, Image 10
THE BEE: OMAHA OCTOBER 19lo. WANT ADS Want d received at any time, but to Insure proper classification meet b rr C ' rte1 befor 1J o'clock noon for evenlns Dillon and 7:45 p. m. lor morning end Punrisy nililon Want ads received after urh hour will be under th beading, -Too Lai to classify." T-' CAKM RATES. . Seven cnnsecutlv time. 1 ent a word sch Insertion. Two or non consecurlrs times. 1 ent word. Oh tin. I rent a word. CHARGE SATES. vn consecutive times, ent no ach Insertion. ... Thr conwcutlvi times. It inU a ach insertion. On tun. It cent a . Count lis average worn to " Minimum chare. 10 cents. An advertisement Inserted to V" ntil discontinued must b stoppd oy written ordor. . All claims for error must b rna within fifteen fays sfter tbs lsst inser ta of tea advrthement You obji plaeo your w Tn Boo by telephone. TELEPHONE TTLHR 10CO, CARD Or THARlCS. WE wish to thank our trtenda and nlgh bora. Camp Uu, M. W. A., and Lnmn Pacific employe for tba sympathy shown a In tha sickness an, death of our bua and and father: alio for th beautiful floral offerings and services rini' MRS. A. DUNCAN AND FAMILY. Wo wish to thank our friends for their kindness and sympathy ahown ua In tha and bereavement and loa of our beloved aimer and aunt. Mrs. Urns Peterson, also tor th beautiful floral tributes. C. H. 8 PUNTER, , .. MR. AND MRS. BBN W. SMITH. ItfK dealro to express our sincere thanks to our friends who so kindly assisted us through the sickness and death, of our beloved mother, Mrs. Marjorl MeWll Bams; also tor th many beautiful floral ScOTTVwTL,MAMS AND FA MILT. LODOB NOTICES. ODD FELLOWS HESPERIAN ENCMP. All members of Odd Fellows' lodge No and Hesperian Knrampinent No. 1 are requested to attend th funeral of Brother W. W. Henderson Tuesday, Octobor 26. at 1:80 p. m. from Johnson A Swsnson . ndrtaklng parlors. Xrt Cuming street. O. W. CARMAN, Noble Grand. DU.ATHI AND rUAbHAL NOT IV to .TONES M. C. aged 7 years. Burial eervlr will be held at th First Baptist church. Twenty-ninth and Har ney aire1, Sunday afternoon at a o clock , Interment, Forest Lawn cemetery, attends Invited. O'CONNELL Lenora, aged 74 yars. Bh Is survived by three daughters, Mrs. 8. O. Walker, Mr. C, i Field of Tacoma. Wash.; Mrs. O. II. Bell of Tacoma, and on eon, E. P. O'Connell, Denver. Colo. Remains will be ahipped from residence ef Mrs. Walker, 2631 Davenport, to Bloom. logton. IlL : BTRJfES Mr. Catherine, beloved wlf of John F. Byrnes, October 34, aged (1. " Funeral from family residence, 6u3 orth Thirty-second street, Tuesday at S:20 a, m., to Ht. Cecelia's pro cathedral at a. in. Interment Holy Sepulchre cemetery. BIRTHS AND DEATH. Births James ar1 Trsa Benak, 8SI . fouth Twenty-fourth, South Bide, gtrU " Valentin and Mrle Buglowlcs, 41 South ' Twentieth. South Bid, girl; Charles and Oolden Crocker, Jfil4 D, girl; John and - Ipnlsl Davla, North Thirteenth, boyj Xrgyl and Vaccllla Fatlmaa, lb M. girl; Carl and Catherine Fisher, S2Q M Hilary '' avenue, girl: Alois and Anna, Kovanda, H1 South SlxteenUit South Side, girl; n, , 1- 1 . XT MM V X Dill ing i iw 1 1 Jim n.uvtiHi. wv bov; F. P. and Joaeohln Miller, U38 ; North Twenty-third, South Bid, boy; Paul U and Ella R. Mitchell. V North Twentieth, boy; Morris and Louis ' Strauss, 2412 Bt. Mary's avenue, boy; John and Mary Zlch: Vaclav and Mary Zahradnlcek, 307 North Eighteenth, South ...flldo, girl. . Deaths Robert Iwler, 8, BIO Jeffer- r';wn: Loretta Johnson, , wf M; Mary E. i Mwk, 56, 1514 South Twent y-elglith ; Au- -'"Ifust Oaidl. 7. 72S Ohio; Helen C, Ra tnussen. 46. Jft' North Eighteenth,; Mary Vorlcek, M, 11 South Fourteenth; Clyd Baker, I, Thirty-fourth and Meredith; Hasel Frelr. 17. hospital; Maxjorl lo Wtlllama, Ml, n Chicago M 4RRIAUD LICENSES. Th following couples war t anted, tlcens to wed todayt ' Nam and Residence. Age. Alva, E. Jones. Kste Park. Colo 87 . June Pinna. San Dlogo, Cal i- Samuel Webster, Omaha tt Iura Morris. Omaha,. SS Leslie Ira Ostrander, Brooklyn II Isabel! Crosier. New York S ' Delmer E. Carroll. Bt. Louis 14 Kathrlns A. Caff ray, Columbus, Neb... 14 ' Raymond N. Weavr, Boon. Is V) Ida Fay Blinker, Colorado Springs.... 17 Wsrrcn E. Jennings, Lincoln M luclle C. Reed, Lincoln 19 yviward O. Neafus, Omaha II Grae Reese, tmaha 13 HI iLDING PERMITS. First Trust company, I72J St, Maryg venue, repairs, 2,Fi: Elsasser Brothers, floan South Twentieth, machine, 1,600; 3. W. Bobbins, brick stores, Km0. pJ TODAY'S MOVIE a PROGRAM Uw alKwst. EMPRESS. 15th & DOUGIAS Hesrat-Sellg No. 74. 1-ililan's Husband, S-rl VitSsraph. Tti Vultur. Btograph. U. Billy, fiheasman, Easanay. Mrth. PRINCESS. 1117-11 DOUOLAS. 'Rlck Lady Friend," 4-part fare drama, adapted from the Saturday Evening Post story, by Charles E. Van loan. Th Conscience of Juror No. lu, 2- act drama, and a special selected Keystone comedy. GRAND. 16T11 AND B1NNBY. Mutual Weekly, No. 41. Th Terror of . Twin Mountains, l-rel drama. George Orey. In Aided by th Movies. 1-rceL finalise or luck, i uo oomeay. OTUUOP, :4TH AND LOTUROP Bv stxclal request, w ar repeating Mary Pickford's mastrplc, "Tess of . tii ptnrm country.- it you missea . Hits Uifor. you now have another chance. On day only. t'. APPOLO. 2814 LEAVENWORTH. Ambushed, t reels, featuring Francis X. Bushman. Bark to th Priinttiv. Vita. Th Old n1 th isew, Illopraph. wt. MONROE. tSSS FARNAM William Fo presents Theda Kara, In "The Devil's Daughter," a modern so ciety drama. ata sid. HK.SSIT, 24TH AND N . GOLD ROOSTER NIGHT ' Tie Spender. In 6 reels Cefrg Prober. James Mi.-Csue. Ssm Ryan, Alma Mar tin, Paul Panaer. TL.dy iri r J. Itufus Walllngford P-'ture. in addition to regular pro frfiili. OiU'HLlM. 4TK AND M. The Tl'a llrt. drama. Dicky's Im-ijVm; Dachshund, drain. S Amer ica K111L Alias Jainss, C&auffeur, cjiiitdy. MOVIES A FEATURES T7 TODAY rA BESSB, J4THANDN. First of J. Rufua Walllngford picture. LOTH HOP, 14TH AND LOTHROP. Mary plckforrl's masterpiece, ' Teas th Storm Country." of MONROE. 266b FAHNAM. William Fox presents Theda Bars. In "Th Devil's Daughter," a modern so ciety drama. ANXOUNCEMKNT9 EXERCISE at ? M. C. A. Busln mea Government Auction Sale Unclaimed third and fourth class mall parcels. " To b sold, on parcel at a time, to th highest bidder. Auction starts at promptly 10 o'clock In the forenoon, Wednesday, Oct 27th, and will continue till all la sold, which will take about t days. Pal takes place In th Poetoffle Cor rldor. Th parcels will be on display Monday and Tuesday for your Inspection. JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. JOHN C. WHARTON, Postmaster. AUTOMOBILE! Whenever you r considering selling or buying a used car and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing to par lor what they are getting you will have no regret If you buy or advents through thn used car oolumn of The Be. Pl.on Ty'r lflOO. l MILKS of mileage In your old Urea (Rebuilt). Send tom to DUO TIRE CO., Wl Chicago Ht NKHRAHKA Buti-k Service Station. Farnam St. Phone Douglas 721. mt 1100 REWARD for any magneto we can't repair. Colls repd Baysdorfei. 310 N. lith. WrTfurnlsh first claaa housework girls, maids, cooks waitresses and help of all kinds for hotels snd private families. International Emp. Office, ldlj Cass. MOLINR DRKADNAtJQHT In first class condition; new tires. For sale cheap. Smith A Deafner Oarage, 8U S. 24th Ht. Phone Douglns 4700. ' AUTO, cloarliig house. Huy, sell and em change ue'd cara. JJf9 Farnam. D. Hi. FOR BALE Cadillac, 40 H. P.; In splen did condition. Phon Tyler 1111 Classy roadster. 2M. Tel, Col fan gs. Overton's for leaky' radiator, 60c. dealers, or by mall lwft-4 Ave.. Co. Bluffs, la. Roadster for sale, 0. Phone Web. K4t. Industrial Uarag Co.. ItOtb A Haruoy Bis. BUSINESS CmANCEB If your Business Cbanc wtll stand rigid Investigation anu is )uat what it Is advertised, or It you are looking to start in business for yourself you will hs per fectly satisfied 1 you us th Business Chance column of The Be. When buy ing or selling a business Plion Tyler lQOui TO BELL or buy a Ball on U. Kit Busch A Borghoff, Frenser Blk. FOR only blacksmith shop in town: machinery Is all run by power. Ditto Bros., Brsdy, Neb. BARGAIN, best paying modern commer cial hotel In northeast Neb.; !1 rooms; furniture; long lease JIM WRAY, SIOUX CITY. SECRETS of the grain business; fit you for pooltlon of manager at a salary of ftao to $1,800 per year. Particulars free. Writ quick. Western Uraln Syndicate, Stanhope. la. TO GET in or out ot business oall on OANOE9TAD. 422 Bee Bldg. Doug. S477. A 10-ROoM, nicely furnished rooming house, full all the time, for sale at a bargain at sc'l Howard St.; owner leav ing city. a2l Howard nt. RESTAURANT equipment, complete, for sal at a bargain. See these at lsug Cue St. THEATERS Buy. leas or sell your th. atar, machine and supplies through Thester Exrh. Co.. 140 Farnam. !, 1KT. II, (KX) EQUITY in property renting for 111 per month, for land, lots, acreage or Interest In busineas. Box 7W, Omaha. I HAVE a position open In my busi ness for a young man who can glv me his services and mk an In vestment of fxoo. I will pay a good salary and interest on bis invest ment. Bog K M. Re. 6EK Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains in estanusneq snows, u. wm. WANTED Toung man as partner In my store: win guarants over lioo a month; Investment of tudO required, secured. Bos L M0, Bm. 1F YOU have sales ability and a Ford car, you will profit by calling or ad dressing 114 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. MILLINERY and ladles' ready-to-wear store. In best town In western Ne braska, population 2.000, only millinery ator In town, all new stuck, best of reasons for selling, last year s Business KS"0. Mrs. Catherln tlerbolshelmer, cianron, jseo. it-KouM hotei, clearing over SJ60 a month; I2.4O0. CIANOESTAD. Room 4". Be Bldg. P. 47T. CIOAR and confectionery etore: excellent location: a snap; Another dandy place for two. UANUEBTAa Room 412 Be Bids. O. 1477. GOOD restaurant for sale cheap; down town district Apply to Dave, 1611 Leaven worth, grocery. $2,000 FOR BUSINESS Competent young man wants a work. ng Interest In good honorable business; oest rererences. Aaares k z, rie. HMMlug Hums fur Sal. MUBT sail this week, cheap, with terms, a It-room boarding house. Phon Red. ana. EDVCATIOIiAli The VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPINGS Day School for Touec Women. Evening Mchovl for Young atea and women. Saturday morning class to typewriting. Ion C. Duffy, Owner and Manager, 204 Be. llth Bt. Omaha. BUSINESS COLL-OK STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For sal, with good reason for railing. variety Of course in a reliable Nu.I. tie School, on of the leading business college of Omaha. Will b sold vers raonabl"away balow rnlar h,i. If you ar considering taking a course Investigate this at one, since Fall Una pesinu soon, yaw ornos. Omaha B. DAY SCHOOL BOYLE8 COLLEG NIGHT SCHOOL Every day 1 enrollment day. Book keeping, fchorthead, btenoiypy. Typewrit ing. Telegraphy, Civil Service all Com mercial and Eiigllah branchea. Catalogue fr. BOTLES COLLEGE. Uth and Harney Sts. Tel. Douglas 1'& Boyle Bldg. 11. D. Ij. Omaha. ,Nal. FOR sale, th following schoiarliips in a first class Omaha Lusineas t,olloe- On unlimited coinblnalion busineas nd rhorthand cours. On unlimtteo stenographic course. On thres-tuouUis' buauieas or steno grsi'hlc course. Will b oid at a discount at th ot:io Of Tb Ontaba . EDfCATIOXAL FRT lady atenosrapher will take purlia; shorthand, touch typewriting, spelling and punctuation tanght. Indi vidual instruction. :' Douglas Bt Tel. Walnut iXn. FOR 8 ALU FOR 8AI.B Here la a ciaasm cation that Is of th utmost Importance to every reader, as this column offer some excep tional opportunities every day and Small want ad will sell your article at Its full value. Phone Tyler I'KVl Farnlt are, lleaaekold f...ola, Kf, BARHMNK IN FCRNITURE AND HARDWARE, 1 N. TH. WEB 107. tiAS HANtIB, nearly new. Wh. f37 1)oc1-c bought and sold. J. C. Red. Lt'SUb )yij Fsrnsm St. Douglas 614A. BANQUET steel range. -hole, 14. 1014 N. Mth St., Benson. FOR SALE) 1 base burner, used I winters. In gol ronnuHn. alnut liPih. 1IAPF". burner for sale, rheap, Wal. if. Maree Vehicle, FARM wagon, ; harness, !: both new. Johnson-Ltnforth Co.. 19th and Clark' Sta. HEAVY team and harness, wagon and coal bos. Harney J41. OLD Poaltry, Kmmm Ml ftapptlea. MXD grain. 10u lbs. 11.71. Wagner, SOI N il Pnaltrr, Kstge and gappllra, TEREOTYPr: matrices raeks th best and chsspest lining for poultry houses. They are 17xM Inches, stronger and raori durable than tarred felt and practically (reproof. fM a nu no rea at i n i oitira. Typewriters, UNDERWOOD, bargain. Phon D. t!4T. MONARCH, No. 2, visible, Ilk new; bar gain. 1. I4. I r 1 1 lXMise St., room K TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Ec. 1W, Farnam. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bsr fixture of all kinds; easy payment Th Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 407-409 B. 10th St. RELIANCE Ribbon and Carbon Co., car bon paper snd Inked ribbons. D. 3242. Miscellaneous. Oriental Rugs FOR SALE On account of going south for the winter, I will sell my choice collection of Oriental rugs. Apply. Mrs. W. C. Sunderland, 1S4 S. 15th Bt ' TL Harney net. FOR BALE CHEAP Business College Course. Furl snd complete scholarship In on of th best Omnha business schools. Good reason for sailing; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will bo oll very reasonably. If Interested investigate at once, becaus fall term begins soon. Thar ar variety ef courses for sal. For particulars Inqulr at th offic of Th Omaha Be. "BILL" SUNDAY TABERNACLB Sheeting, shlplap, doors. 1 carload, I ply roberog, fot. a square, 200,00, ft. ot lumber, lib to tV, dimensions 2xA. 2x, 2x, 10; toilets. 5 to III) each; brick, IT, 8x3 story, upright fir escapes 160 each. Tel. Red (217-Cliria. Jensen 404 No. 14th street. $3.20S Oolden West Whisky, full arts bottled In bond, Pr- pald. Caekley Broa.. Omaha. CARPENTER tools, shovola, sledge s, picks. Jackscrews, 10 penny match vend ing machines, too each. Horse, harness, wagon, $100. On eletrlo piano. J. C. IHH. 10" . th Bt Harney M. I electrlo motors. Room a, Be Bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical n ' Of tie. WANTED An experienced girl for So ral housework; no washing, good references required. Mrs. M. B. Newman, it0 Howard. Phon Harnay M. STENOGRAPHER DICTAPHONE OPERATOR D1CT. OPR. A 8TENO COMPTOMETER OPR. MCLTIORAPH OPERATOR WWKKIEKPItR WATTS REF. CO., -40-41 Brandels Th. YOUNO lady for cashier In wholssal a tabllshmont: must hav some experi ence in keeping cash book and stenog rarhy; position permanent; applications to be mad In longhand, giving age. ex perience and raferenc. Address B 40, Bee. A areata ad ! wmem. WANTED Competent lady, to solicit and collect In South Omaha; small bond required. Apply 133 Brandels Th. Bldg. Paetory sg TrmAr. WANTEI Housekeepers, maids, house work girls, to to 17 wees ; cooks and chambermaids tor hotels and private f am ies, international fcmp. virtce, iuj caas. OIRI. to learn halrdressln. Oppenhelra. HnwkHMX a Oassesttes. THE Servant Girt Problem golved. Tb Be will run a servant Girl Wan tea Ad Fit KB until you set th dslrd results. This applies to residents ot Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to Th Be office or telephone Tyler lOuO. WANTED A competent girl for general nouaeworK. jno wasmng. vui Dewsy v. tel. Mar. isza. WANT Ell La dv to help with hous work. Call Douglas t. WANTED Girl tor general housework; small famtiy; no wsehing; good wages Reference required. 717 Park Av. WANTED Girl to aaslst with housswork and car for small child; on attending scnooi ni oay preisrrea. rnon uaroey (DOS. WANTED Girl for housework: no wash ing or cooking. Tel. Walnut 117. VaNTED Olrl for nral housework: two In family. Call Douglas sis befor 10 a. m. and after 7 p. m. HELP WANTED Competent girl tor general housework, family of two, nice room with private bath, pay $7, Must b competent Phon Harney, 46U. 100$ So. St. WANTED Competent girl for gnral housswork. S-'4 Farnam Bt Tel. Har. 862 W ANTED A girl for general housework. J. Alderson. 8f4 Bt. Mary's A vs. Ty. ll. YOUNG coupl with baby want girl or woman for general housework. No fam- fly washing, swig Sward St. Wal. W A N TED Girl fur general houaeworkT $7 per wsvk, laundras kept Ht Caaa St. VANTkI A girl or elderly woman to help with light housework for room and board: contpanloa for an alderly Isdy, on In family; do wages expected. 274 Grant. Webster 2186. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, two In family. Harney luuA 1? B. th St. WANTED A good girt for general housework. Call Har. 304! or Har. IJ.. WANTED Competent maid for general housework; good wag; small family. 11 S. Sl'd Av. Har. $-. WANTED-Kxperleni-ed cook; I In family; references iviyiro. m m. tn Mt. II suio. WANTKD Girl for general housework; essy piac. Harney e74. WANTED-Glrl for general housework Good home for right party. No cook ing. 1.6 No, Hh St. WANTED A girl for general housework liar. :i4. Bo. Silh Ave. si Isrrllaaewa. WANTED WOMAN Government clerk ships. Writ Immadiatsly for details. Franklin institute Dpt aA H. Kochsstsr, N. r. HELP WANTED FEMALE M larrlUHMII,. YOCNO women romlr.g to Omaha ss s'rnnsers sr Invited to vleit me Yning Women's Christian association building at St. Mary s Ave. and 17th St.. wher Ihey will be directed to suitable boarding Mince or ot here lee itselsted. !.ook for ir travclerV gulo at I'nlin srntlon. 8TENO., state experience. r lo. Bee. HELP WASTED MALE Clerical na oftlrr. STF.VO.. r.'. Compt. npcr.. '. WATTS HF.F. !.. M-4 1-4? Brand. The. FrFNnORAPUF'lt, rA Bkpr..".V). BUSINESS MEN'S R EFEH K N'"K ASS N, IVW Woodmen of World. ORIGINATORS. NO FILINO FEE. Beat commercial positions. R OG ICRS RE F. CO.. R4' Paxton Block. HIGH-4JRA D!"" commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE BOVD ASSN, 7ft Oioalia Nnt. Tank Bldg. WANTfcD High class, experienced man to manag district and sell monthly payment accident and health 1nuranc for large old line company. Top com mission contract with an allowance for tlx months will b mad. Only men of strictest Integrity and those who can produce result need apply. Here Is sn opportunity to secure a high class con nection. Surety bond required. Write, giving ago, qualifications, phone and street address to Box L 235, Bee office. Agjents, salesmen and Solicitors. MONEYMAKERS' GUIDEBOOK MAGA ZINE, 2c postpaid; enlightens you richly. New Century Supply, lies Moines, Town. Advertising rate, in word. STATE innnuger; also four honest edu cated men to sell hlgh-clas religious spoelalty; position permanent. State 'age. and former occupation, also phone num ber. K Wfi, Bee. TRAVELING lalmmpn of experience as stat managers for a Detroit manufac turing company, one accustomed to look ing after men. Ask for J. Park Smith, Henahaw Hotel. AGENTS Several of our list of 6 mnll order house w.tnt Nebraska names; particulars fre. Taliaferro Co., Fort Worth, Tex. COAL agents wsnted In every town; net a trial car. I. M. Cox. No. Platte. Neb. Factories and Trades. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE LEARN th bsrber trade by our sys tem of expert Instructions and free clinic. Positions waiting. Call or write for cnta logue. Omnha. Neb., A. B. Molor, Pres. ALL around hard goods and fudge man to work night shift of ten hours; saliry 7l per week. Writ Slfera Candy Co., Hutchlnon, Kan. WE need men; had o turn down two , U h I. t .. . .. 1 .. . . H. 1 .... V. .. jvu, iti w Tim ini. 1 1 . ... , ' ' 11 our method; get one of these Jobs. Cata logue D. is. tree. NehrasKa AutomoDii School. 240. Leavenworth St. ABLE-BODIED MEN for tlremen, brakemen. tl20 monthly. Railway, T S6, Be o. LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Trl-Cltv Barber cnlleae: low rate tuition. tncludlng set of tools; wages paid; elec trlo massage, nyarauuo chairs; catalogue free. 1124 Douglas St.. Oiuaha. Drug I'tnre Snaps, jobs Kneist, Bee Bldg. WANTED 60 laborers. 12 W) day. long Job. Intemotlonal Emp. Office, 1612 Cass. Miscellaneous. WANTED Railway mall clerks; $75.00 month. Omaha examinations coming. Sample nuestlons free. Write Immedi ately. Franklin Institute, Dep't 221 II, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED-Caller to assist flashlight pnotographer. Apply Savoy hotel, room WANTED Cordon feeder. Room i. Be Bldg. GOOD MEN WANTED at one to learn auto work to fill positions which we have open right now and are waiting for com petent men. Learn by our system of actual work on auto, tractors, else, starting sys. Fre catalog at one. AMERICAN AUTO COLLF3E. J068 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. I HAVE! a position In my business for a young man who can give m his service and make an investment of $00; I will pay a good salary and interest on his Investment. L IW, Be. WANTED Men to try examinations for government Jobs; 170 month; common education sufficient. Apply Immediately. Y t. Be. WANTED Man to milk in small dairy. Address 103. Red Oak. Ia. I MONTHLY for man to manage branch oftice. eastern Nebraska: siiihII Investment for fixtures. Address E. N. Cook, Dea Moines, Ia. WANTED Young man as partner In my ator; will guarantee over 11(0 a month; Investment of (000 required. J 17. Bee. HELP WANTED MALE AND FMMAtg, WE want (.000 men and women In th next thirty days; live wire partners In vary town and city to help ua handle our fast increasing real estate and gen eral agency bualnes. W will share enormous profits with thos who will Join us now. You receive a life member ship. Writ today for fre particulars. B. V. Loos Co., Des Moines. Is. o WANTED Msn or woman to put out feather ventilators. Writ for sample and particulars by mall, 10c. L 8. Har den, Hotel Neville, Omaha. DON'T quit your Job yet, look beyond It; f.mpioy spar tun Mtaoiisning a cir cular mailing bureau many successes, why not your Our copyriKht mailt is in structions mak sverythlng plain Post- paiq Direct Kale Co.. Quiney, 111. WANTED Married couple to take care of children for turn. room. Doug. fcJ6. SITUATIONS WANTED MAN AND WIFE wish position as cars taker ot residenc. club, apartment or rooming house: trustworthy. Industrious, long experience; b.-st of reference; city or out v C. MltclZll, Ills Chicago. Phon Douglas 722. YOUNG man with 4 months' experience as barber, wishes position where he can finish learning trad; will work for small wage. A. A. Hlrsch, 61$ 8. 16th St. Apt. 7, or call Doug. Kurt. A POSITION on stock farm by a mar rled man; good man; good habits; thor oughly acquainted with th hors busi ness; can give reference from th best men In Lexington, Ky. Address T Hi. Bee POSITION aa housekeeper or chamber maid, apartment or rooming house, trustworthy; Industrious and neat, long experience; beat of references; city or out Laura Johnson, Ills Chicago Bt. Tel. Douglas gfla. COUPLE without children would like work on farm; for elderly folks, or bachelor, or widower. Address Y 112, Omaha Bee. POSITION wanted by young lady ste nographer; on year's sprlnc. Webster 182. WANTED Position as housekeeper by colored lady, good reference. Tel. Doug las U4. EXPiLlUliN'CED bookkeeper and col- lector, W year experience in city; furnish references; now employeo, wish to change. Webster 273. can but STENOGRAPHER with some experience wishes a position. Call Benson 1. BOOKKEEPER with several years' ex perienc. wholesale and retail, desires postilion. Can accept employment any tint. Red 47. .1 St. Mary' Av. LiNoTYPE operator wants country sit uation on No. or No. I machine; com petent to car for either model; 200 lines. g point, per pour. Aoorea 1 n, oe. YOUNG man. with good commercial edu cation. , wants to learn Hanking busi ness, country bank preferred; alngle. now employed; references. Address x Hi, Bee. SITUATION wanted In gents' furnishings ator by well experience,! young man Single; now employed, but deaires a change; references Adlress T 111 Bee. MIDDLE-AGED Isdy. competent and re liable, desires ignition as housekeeper In family of two. child's nurse or second maid; no laundry work: re I ere nee ex changed. Call Web. tax littPB'TAHLK German woman, experi enced In city and country housekeeping wishes position as housekeeper or plain coos, or cay worn; city preierrca. v. Nan .. 11)1 U K. llth SITUATIONS WANTED WANTM Position as steam fireman, hotel clerk or all around house and yard man. Call F. W. Carter, Phone Douglas 7o7. YOUNG laJy wlshea position as nurse maid or to assist with housework, or both. Phon Wal. 1. EXPERIKNCr I), accurate Isdy stenog rapher desires position in office; com rr.erclnl education; references. V. F., phone fiom-'liis f,2.T . WANTED Position as steam fireman, hotel clerk or all around house snd vsrd man. Call F. W. Carter, phone D. 7Wi, LOST AND FOUND Lost or Found ads in Omaria's Lost and Found mediums mean the Immediate re turn or that article If advertised In Th Be. Oe Lost and Found paper SMALL Shnners' pin; reward. Mrs. Mun ger. Hotel Harley. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLL's'KS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost soin article would do well to call up the office of th Omnha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whethor they left It In th street or. Many articles each day ar turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the -igntful owner. Ca'l Doug. 16 REWARD and no questions asked for return of box tsken from porch at 11J4 Georgia Ave. Address H. C. Hall. Lost a la rue hairpin set with brilliants. ; 1'hone Web. 4. Reward. LOST Ijidles' monh bag, containing keys and change, near 2Hth and Farnam; re ward. I'hone Harney 22S3. PERSONAL .' SI BhCKIFTlONS EARNS U000 For the Invalids' Pension association. Tha Ladies Home Journal. $1 .60; Satur day Evening Post, 11.60; Country Gentle man, tl.00. 400 needed In October. Your order or renewal oontrlluitea 60 cent. Pleee phone Douglas 713 or address, GORDON, The Magaxine Man, Omaha. YOUNG Women coming to Omaha aa strangers ar Invited to visit 'he Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., wher they will ht directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise asslxted. Ixjok for our travelers' guide at the Unls.i station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home So licits your jid clothing, rurnitura, maa tlnes. We collect. We distribute Phon Doi.tilns 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, JilO-1112-1114 Dodge St. C. E. M. Th folks want to hear from you. Write or telegraph. M. Suits, gowns and remodel ing at reasonable prices, ANNA SISTEK, l City National Bank Bids YOUR furnace cleaned, SI; work guar anteed. Central Tin Shop. Doug. 4584. SWAPPERS COLTJMN - Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something you really need? It costs you nothing to Join the Swappers' club and you will find It lots of fun swapping things. Writ Room 104, Bee Bldg.. or phone Tyler 1000. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see tba "Automobile" classifi cation. AUTOMOBILE Exchange big 6-paasen-ger car for good lVs-ton auto truck. Joel NilBon. Alcester. S. D. AUTO Light weight. 1916 model, perfect shape, fully equipped, new Urea, to swap for four or flv-passngr car. Address II. C. 332, Be. tf BASEBURNER, medium six, to trade for sectional bookcase, chiffonier or anything of equal value. Address 8. C. Sia, Be. CEMENT BRICK MACHINE I hav a hand S-brtck machlna In th best of condition. Just the thing for making brick for small bulldlnRS and repair work. Will swap for chickens, or what have "OUT Address B. C. 841. Bee. 42 Dumbbells, new, weight 1H pound; also one 4-liole range, new, burns either wood, coal or oil. with or without oil burner. To trade for what hav you? S. C. 843, Bee. ELECTRIC AUTO HORN Motor driven, vibrator type; cost $10.00. Will swap for assortment of late Edison (Amberol) records. Address S. C. 833, Bee. . tf PRESTO TANK Style "B," with gas regulator, for an 80 a. h. storage bat teryln good condition. 8. C. 839, Bee. GARDEN TOOLS Spade, 2 shovels. 2 rakes, ho and grass knife, to trad for 4 mlnut Edison records, or anything. Ad drees B. C. 834, Bee. tf GUN Single shot, 16-gaugo gun for .22 callber Dlstol or revolver: 840 violin and k$10 for 14-carat diamond. 8. C. 331. Be. LAW BOOK 3 for trade. 25-volume set of American-English encyclopedia of law for a good shotgun or small diamond ring. B.C. 7A4. SINGER sewing machine; drop head; ia good condition, for a good heating stove, or what else hav youT Address 8. C, 330. Be oflic. PIANO What hav you clear to ex change on a new Standard piano. Ad drens g. C. 844. Bee. SHOW CASES and all fixturea ot a millinery ator for what hav you? S. C. S3 Be. O.NK gold plated Cone slide trombone, 6's-lnch bell, In plush lined case, never used, cost $110, to swap for anything of use around n restaurant, or a diamond, dress 8. C. 846. Bee. $600 HANO to trade for a lot, diamonds or what have you 7 Call D, 6964, or ad dress B. C. 846. Bee b'HOB repair buainess, latest machinery. for oale. or win iraae ror tignt auio or team, wagon and harneas. Address J. D. Ford, 11 Z2d St., Kearney, NeD. STNOTYPE Practically new stenotype used on month; leaving city, must dis pose of It at once. What hav you 7 Ad ores cv c. mo, nee. TO TRADE A library table or sewing machine tor a gas range, is aw. TROMBONE On gold plated Conn slldo trombone, "-incn neii, in piusn nnea case, never used, cost $110, to swap lor anything of use around a restaurant, or a diamond. B. C. 83S. Boe. TO SELL or trad your shotgun or rlfla He FKircuM AN. 1Z11 DOUgia. WHAT have you that Is worth $5,000 that you will swap lor a ousiness tnat you, can sit at your desk and mak $160 a month without any worry T 1 am doing It and you can too. Will swap at Invotcs price and must do It at one on account of tailing health. This Is a chance for soma one to get a Duainess mat win pay the year around and get It worth the money. c.ive run particular in nri letter. Address 8. C. 342, Bee. WISH to trails new Kexnor gas healer or china painting lor Doy s Dicycia. t. c. 340, nee. FOR RENT Apartiutals aud Flat. T-R. APT.. 2 baths, sleeping porch, large room, beautirrlty finished, strictly up. to-date; large porch In front, privets; for rent now. ciartoa Apia rt. Th For Rent advertlaement appearing In th For Rent column of Th Be daily cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill tn neeas or any on oemring to rent. fnons lyice lew EI .KG A NT, ( rooms with 2 baths; $ ex posurea Hamilton. Also 4 rooms; all modern. New Doug. 254. VERY choice 4 or S-rooro. steam-heated apartment on "est Farnam street JOHN V. BOBBINS. la2 Farnam St ONE 4-room and one ft-room Hamilton. Dotmlas 2540. ipt, The 6T. CLAKH 24th and Harney Sts., pleaeunt anertment. Tl Harney t47. UNUSUAIJY desirable H-r. coiner apt fine yard. 4032 Hard $3". Wal. Sm 211! Cliicaso, T-r.. imxlern. Tel. Doug. 7565, New 6-room brick flat, strictly modern, UP-to-dale. lfH N. 2th St., 8J0. MADS A. HANSEN, McCague Bldg. THE HELEN, Harney St. Very choice 4 ana a-room aparimen'a in close In fireproof building. Call Doug. 70. Hssr4 a. a SLomwmm. Furnlshad Booms that offer svery mod ern convenlenc and comfort In Prlvat families or boarding houses of th high est class will be found tn tbe Furnished Booms column of Th Bee. Pnon Tyler IIIUU. (CONTINUED ON COLUMN SEVEN, THIS PAGE.) Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and exjiert service that will please the most critical. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED ABSTRACT CO , oldest abstract effir In Nebraska. 2" Prandets Thea. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern ahstract office. S. 17th St. Phone D. 547. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 4SS-4.TT Ram ge Bldg. Phone Doug. 74", ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. F. Phafer A Co., 12th, Farnam. P. 7474. M. AMATEIR FINISHING. FILMS dnveloned free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 414 Be Bld. Dept. D. ARCHITECTS. Everett B. DooVis, mi Paxlrm Blk. n. fl. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson. 611 Paxton Bile. D. 104. MLT, N. JOHNSON, H W, Cor. 14th and Douglas. Don gla 4fif. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co., im-1s W O W. R. rS. AUTO I1 HANCE. ATTTOMORILE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., Douglas 1819. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha P.adUtor Rep. Co. 20D Far. D. JOM. BATHS. BATH-214 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. MEDICATED vnpor and modern Turkish baths for ladles and gentlemen; lady attendant for ladles: Swedish mussage. 1919 Farnam St. Douglas 8437. BAKERIES. Z. H. REEDER, IWsTn. Wth. Web. 8297. BRASS AND IROS FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mitchell Co., 27th and Martha Sts. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON, 823Sd. Douglas 66". Leaaard A Son, 190fi Cap. Ave. T. 132. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTS Dr. J. C. Lawrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 84S1. DR. MACNAMARA, 874 Brandels Thea- , CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Buford. 620 Pax. Blk. Red 4M7. CLOCK REPAIRING. FATHER TIME wants 1.000 clocks to re- ymr; orK gone at home. Web. 1312. COFFEE BY MAIL. f rese Bafle money. Use better V-01T66 offee 15 lb" lgh grade $3.60. W. A. Skalfe A Co.. Omaha. Neb. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' academy, classic D. 1871. FALL, term open at Mackle s. Doug. 6446 OENBVIEVB HAUFLAIRE. Rom hotel. DE LUXE ACADEMY. Ill 8. J8th Bt. TURFIN'S SCHOOL OF DANCING. 28th and Farnam. Classes and private lessons. Harney 6148. Just completed, forty-four-pag book of new dances for 1916 and 1916. Clearly de scribed. Compiled by Albert Turpln. Ev ery teacher should hav a copy. Mall orders filled. Price, 81. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressm ak'g college, 20th A Farnam MIS8 STURDY, 2116 Binney, Webster 49S9. DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. KelsterVi Dressmaking Col., 1S2S City Na. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co., 120 K. 12th. D. 6072. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Block. Evi dence secured in all cases, xyier nw. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain, 913 W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickle. 724 City Mat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglas. D. 2184. DRUGS. DRUGS at nit prices; freight paid on flft orders: catalogues free. Sherman o- Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender. 24 Bee Bldg. Red "6S. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstltlchlng, point edging. Em brofdery, beading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., Mt uougias xjiocb. Douglas 1936. FURNACES AND TINWORK. HABERSTROH, 4025 Hamilton. Wal. 2971. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, 1804 Farnam St D. 3000. Xj. HENDERSON, 1814 Douglas. D. 1ZM. Member Florists Teiegrapn uei. as a. HESS A 8WOBODA. 1116 Farnam 8t A. DONAOHUE, 1622 Harnay. Doug. 1001. FURrtlERS. BAM KNEETER. 1920 Farnam. Red "34, INSTRUCTION. English, French Instruction. 806 Lyric Bid. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE. 611 Paxton Blk. Red 7401. Notary puduc. oeposiwuu i. C. W. BRITT, 801 Baker Block. LANGUAGES. Languages taught; prlvat or classes. Webster 6664. . "LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING, v .rm t TXT Thomas. Douglas 2il9. U U 2419 Cuming St LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS A CO. Exchange Bldg. COSTUMES AND LODGE SUPPLIES, iivrm nf lods rexallal and costumes. The largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes in ins couniry. into. Lieben A 8on, lilt Howard. Doug. 4115. MOTORCYCLES. H ARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCTCLE& Bargain In used machine. Vk tor Roos, The Motorcycio juan. ziva Lieavenworin MVINlICTURMTCHlNEi OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture macnine ana rum pargama NOTIONS. NOTIONS, news, cigar, candy. 1339 Park. OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Pre. Mccarty, mi w. u. w. mo ' OSTEbPAfMlTPiiTSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARM8T RONO. (11 Be Bldg. PATENTS. D. O. Ban lell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red Till. H. A. Bturgcs. 3f Brandels Theater Bldg. PILLOWS AND BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. Mattresses msd to order or reload. 177 Cuming. D. 2407. PRINTING. WATER3-BARNHART Ptg. Co., tju" printing. Tel. Doug. IltO. 4 S. 13th Bu CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS S754. DOTOLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. PLUMES CLEANED. CURLED, dyed. DTTiTsele. 11" City Nst. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. SAFES Opened, repaired, comb, chsnged. F. E. Daven port, 140 Dodge. D. 1SCT. SCALE REPAIRING. Om . Standard Scale Co., oil 8. llth. D.tSU SHOE! REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair, til 8. 14. Harley Shoe Rep'r. Co., Fsrn' m RM4 SEWING MACHINES. yy rent, repair sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. " MICHEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Douglas 1S1 STEEL CEILINGS. CARTRSheet MetarCompany. 110 S. IS. STORE AND OFFICE! FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcase, shelv- Ine:. etc. W buv, sell. Omaha Flxtur ftSupply Co., 414-16-18 B. 12th. Doug. 2724. STOVE AND FURNACE REPAIRS- ALT. REPAIRS Water fronts, furnac coils, etc. Quick service. Omaha Stov Repair Wks. 1206-S Douglas St. Tyler SO. TELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC Co.. Be Bid. D.887S, TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 S. llth. D. tt Tree Trlnmlag. TREE TRIMMING Reforeno. Har. 2818. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELINO A 8TE1NLE, 1806 Farnam Bt TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 8 mo. for IS. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1906 Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, 81 8. 18th St. All makes for sal or rent. RENT a "Remington " not Just a typo- writer. Low rent. call Dougras 1ZM. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, td fl. Paxton Bk , 18 yr. exp. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. WINES AND LKtUORS. ALEX JETES. 201-8 8. 13th St Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to 3, 10c. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUT your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house. 622 N, 16th. Douglas 1809. MEDICAJL PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures pile, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. K. TARRY, 240 Be Bldg. , W 1 li l A ...... llcat-CU utVON, Uli; 1 suits guarant'd. Dr. Bowser, 314 Be Bldg. D , 1 1. T-l 1 TI.'H ............ .n.f,.llu .- FOR RENT Hoard smd(Rooms. NICELY furn. room for coupl or two gentlemen: In Field club dlat.: meals If desired; references required. H. 7167. HOWARD, 2213. best home cooking, close in, so; special price to students. FURNISHED room and board, strictly modern house. $6 a week; thro car line. 8111 S. 24th St. Doug. 6170. SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT OUB8T8. HOTEL SAN FORD, lth and Farnam. HOTEL HARLEY. 20th and Fa mam. Rm. A bd. W. Farnam. 4223 Far. Wal. 726. Larue rm. Steam li't, for couple. Hnr. 6293. ROOM and board for ladies. Web. 6835. Two front rnis., with bd., private family. mod., on car line. 1708 Park Ave. H. 6L8S. MAHOGANY furnished 8. E. room, steam heat, private bath, good board. H. 7080. Fnrnlahea Houses. WEST FARNAM, near schools, T-r.; furnished. $60. Call Harney 0134. 8-r. all modern furnished house. H. 2123. 2-R. furnished house; $16. Tel. H. 4f. Completely furn., up-to-date, 6-r., modern bungalow. Call coirax 3K alter a Furnished keeau, NICE, large furnished room; all modern; fine location. 330$ Webstar St Phon Harney 8143. NICE larg rm.; prjv. family; near car line; man ana wire aesirea. yveo. (. WELL heated, hot water, alectrio light. splendid location, ciose in. tii a. am. FRONT rm. ; good heat; prlv. fam. H. 2797. NICELY furnished room; clos tn; all modern, dji jq t. 2913 MASON On room for two gentle men. Can have us of den. RMS., modern fist Phon Douglas Bfrig. GOOD rooms; reasonable. Red 8569. Furnished rms. on car line. Douglas 4163. RMS., well heated. Tel. Web. 2937. NEWLY furnished rooms, heat Red (661. Fin rm. Prl'te entrance. Ill Cass. R. 7796. LIGHT, nicely furnished room for coupl or two gentlemen. In Field Club dis trict. Prlvat family. Meals If desired. References required. Harney 7167. NICELY furnished room; clos lu; all modern. 631 S. 22d St. 610 So 21st Ave. modern, furnished room. Close In. Quiet phone. Call Doug. 7819. FUR rm., mod, suitable for 8. 2126 Doug. 627 8. 22d.. furnished room for rnt In private home. Telephone Red C08. SOUTH Two single rooms for gentlamea; private bath. 10H6 Park Ave. Uaf aralshe! Raa. DEWEY AVE.. 20O9 Large unfurnished front room; atrictiy mw " ' Faralahed Heaicketplag Hmsi. FARNAM 2SI2 Two nice housekeeping rooms: electricity, steam. HousckrruUg Hesau. Unn DAVENPORT TWO OR THRKB NICELY FURNISHED HKPO. ROOMS. NEW BRICK FLAT. t2o FARNAM Nice, modern, heated housekeeping rooms. steam- I or 3 nice rms.. housekeeping. 1H2 S. llth. St. Mary's Ave. 25)3, 2 rm. front rooms! C A LIFORNIA. 2fia mod., hkp, rooms. Ulllara d Cltasa, North. SEVEN rooms. 2427 Charles. $14. Phon Walnut b TOR RENT Beautiful inodorn retl dene. T rocm and bath, cot wattr beat. Large garage; at 3aJ) Florenc Blvd. I'hone Colfax 3vO. 6-ROOM cottage, modern except heat KUv Hamilton St. FINE 7-rooin. modern house and garag $40. 2117 Lothrop St. Call Wb. Tjis. (CONTINUED ON PAGE SEVEN." COLUMN ON