TIIF, BKE: OMAHA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, , 1915. WANT ADS Snt Bde received at time, but to tneur proper rlasalflcatlon muat b pre fer ted before II o'clock noon for evening Litton aad T:4S p. m. for morning snd Sundsy editions. Wut ads received after uch hour will be under U beading, Too Late to Clm ify." CASH RATES. . (Uren consecutive umw. 1 cent a word ach Insertion. . ... Two or mors consecutive time. 1H cent word . On tin. I wiiti a word. CHAROIC FATES. Seven consecutive Umt 8 cnta nn ach Insertion. . Three consecutlv times. 10 cent a, lint each Insertion. Cm time, II fill a line. Count lx average words to a una. Minimum chare. $0 cents. An advertlaement Inserted entll discontinued roust bo stopped by written order. - A.I elalm for error mut b within fifteen car after the laet lner lion of tho advertisement Too. can place your want ds In The Bee by telephone. TELEPHONE TTLIJR 1000. CARD r TMiRKI lsh to thank our friend and nelsh Camp M. W. A., and bnion j employe for the sympathy ahown ffK bora. ua In the icsnes na ui.. . "7-. imnd and father; alio for the b 11 ilfi I floral offering and BexvlcrencH'rea. MRS. A. DUNCAN AM' FAMILY. Wo wish to thank our friend for their klndneaa and aympathy ahown u In the utd bereavement and loee of our beloved alater and aunt, Mrs. R Peterson, also lor the beautiful floral tributes. MRmSBS W. BM1TH. UMTHI A!U rUJSKAl, .KOTH.K! JONF.1-M. C. aged 7 years. Rurlal services will be held at the Flrat Baptist church. Twenty-ninth and Har ney streets, Bimdny afternoon at 2 ocidck. Interment, Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. MFCK Marv, wife of Oeorge B. Meek. Funeral Sunday, 1 p. m., from real dance. 1614 Bouth Twenty-eighth street. Uj Bt. Peter's church at 2 P- m. Hpeclal Street cmt at church for Alpha Grove No. 2. Woodmen Circle, and frlenda, wlehlng to attend Intennent at West Law" ceme tery. BAt'PMtTOSKN Helene C. wife of Hane C. Rauamussen. October n. U agod rrnral from residence, jnfji North Eighteenth, Hunday. rx-tolwr 14, WIS. at p. m. lntermfcnt Spring Hill. Auto garvlce. p-TER8-Anna M.. wife ,.of1.1lK"rt Petera, Titeaday, October, 1. 115. Funeral from reaidence of her .daugh ter, Mra. Charles T. Pkldmore 4011 North Thirtieth street. Bunday. tlctober 24 1. at 109 p. m. Interment at Mount Hops cemetery. O'CONNELL Lenora, aged 74 years. Bhe Is survived by three daughter, Mrs. H. O. Walker. Mr. C. C. Fle d of Tacoma, Wash.; Mr. O. H. Hell of Tacoma. and one son, K P. O Connell, Denver. Colo. Remains will be hlpled from re; dene of Mrs. Walker, 2831 Davenport, to Uloom Ington. 111. g TODAY S MOVIE PROfiRAM L , -i 1 r-r- j1 ie -r.- sJH ! i7Ju,523HS2S2S5iI5tScS?.53E5 Uovrnluna. EMPJtESS. 15th & DOUGLAS Hesrst-Sellg No. 74. ' . Lillian s llugfcsuid, -reel Vltaereph. The Vulture. Hlograph. 1.1. Billy. Bhasjvman. Esssnay. ft or t a. PRINCESa , i17-t DOUGLAS. Th Bherlff of Yellow Creek. (Anna LRU and Jsrk lUchsrdson.) Western drama. The Little Detective. (Ueoree ovev.l ( 0111. frisUUa the Hair Heiress. Clever Comedy GRAND, J6TH AND X3INNKY. The Great Question, t reels, featuring Harold Lockwood. ... His Lordship's lltemma, featuring; W. C. Fields and an all atar caat. Ths Flivver (John T. Rocks.) Featuring J. Holden and Mlgnotte Anderson. LofilKOP, 14TH AND LOTHHOP. Th Port of Mlaslng Men. (Arnold Bailey. b-rtl Paramount plciuie APPOLO. l81i"LEAVENWOHTH. Mind Over Motor. 1-reel Kaaanay. Willie Ktaycd (-'Ingle. Vltagraph Comedy. A Kentucky Kpiaode, iiloRraph. The Call of the City. Kdiann MONROE, "'UBS FARNAM. Daniel FTohman Preaenta MARY PICKFORD In a tragic epic, HEARTS ADRIFT A drama of dovotlon and sacrifice. Sua lb Btlc 24TII AND N. BESSIE, Puppreed Kvldcnce. l-reel Fjisanay Th till I end lh MnllhKg. Hi'IIy. . Mouf XU (Mis ttlckv). Vltacranh. Tumor row ilrat ot J. Ua.ln.iu.d pitiurea." OKPiiEUM. S4TH AND M Mutual Weekly. Btanley'a 8earch for the Hidden City, l-reel drama, George t-'vtt so a v iianKV ot IjUtn. Profit from Los. ANNOl'KCKMKXT8 rXKRCHtiR at M. C. A. Business men Government Auction Sale (inclalmed third and fourth cl pare Is. mall To be sold, on parcel at a dm, to th his heat bidder. Auction starts at promptly 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Wednealav. (h-t rih and will continue till all Is sold, which will take about S daya. Male takes place In the Postofflc Cor ridor, The parcels will be on display Monday iiu lufenjr 1 or your inaHci ion. JAMES L. DO WD, Auctioneer. JOHN C. WHARTON, Postmaster. feht'ONU hurch of Christ, Ki teutuit. of Omaha, Neb., announces a free lecture on t nrisiian eciriu ty Miuain It. Mc t racsan. c. a. n., or jw ork City, al th Auditorium Thursday evening. Octiv ber n. iin&. at I o'clock. Th public 1 coruiKiiy inviieq 10 do present, rvo col lection. Mr. McCrackan la a member ths board of lectureahlp of the mother hurt Ik, th Flrt Church of Christ, bciuii tioL io Hoston. Msss. He le an authoi of roiutlderabl not and waa a member of toe HWgian Keller commission. ALTOMOlllLKS Whenever you are considering selling or Buru. a uacd car ana you want full value for your mouy or you want peopl who are willing to y for what they are teuiug you will have no regret If you uy or advertise through ti.f. used car column if Tie He. Pl.un Tir Pwo. 4VM Mil.; O of mileage In your old tlrrs iRei ul.t). tMnd tsieiu to DLO TIRE CO.. 1611 t ill' fcSO bt . MbttAsKA Buitk ts-rvica htntlun, 1W4 Farnam M. Phon lHugla 771. I. ) liK WAitD for any magneto w can't .llr Coli repdHattorfe.'ilO N. Uth. MOUNK DRKADNAL'tJIlf In flrat olaj condlt'.n; new tlr-. For fnie il.np. huiiih lttfiier Uarage, Zli K. Uth H. 11, .1.0 Pin Kna 4,01'. a'lu. t.i-Miii,f liuie.' i,ujr, jhiII and ex t;.i.e uird vats, l-i raiuain. U. JiiC ft LOTHROr, 24T1I ANT LOTHUOP. Arnold Itnllry In "The Tort of Missing Mm." 6-rel paramount picture MONROE, 2666 FARNAM. Daniel Frohman present Miry Plrkford In a irarlc epic, lie r Ad-It " drama of devotion and sacrifice Produced by the Famoua Players' Film Co. ACTOMOIHI.ES Knn BALK Cadillac, 40 II. P.; In splen dtd condition. I'hone Tyler 111 3, Clasfy roa7iiiter, 12 Tel. Colfax st. Overton a for leaky radiator. &, dealers, or by mall li'KM Ave.. Co. Bluff, la. FHIt "HALE OiYtRADE n Hupmohll delivery rar, panel txaly; tar In good running order; Just the thing for quirk delivery. Apply Hay ward ilro'. Shoe Co., llih end rarnam St. Roadster for sain, 0. Phone Web. Ij4. Induatrtal Uarage Co., 2rtn Harney Bts. BUSINESS CHANCES If your Huatness Cliancs will stand rigid Imestlicstlun anu is )ust what It Is anvertlaed. or If you are looking to atart In bualrieea for youraelf you will be per fectly a'.lfled it you uae th lluainess Chance column of The lino. When buy ing or gelling a bualne t'lione Tyier Ifwi. TO SKLl. or buy a bvlni-, ca'l oit Ruach horghorf. Krcir Hik. I). JJi. F' )H 8A LK Only hlHCkainith ahoii In town; machinery Is all run by power. TMtt HroM , ltr(fv, Neh. BAUUA1N beat iwylng modern commer cltl hotel In northeast Neb.; 21 room; furniture; long leaao. JIM W1LAV, tflol'X CITV. 8KCRKTH of the grain buaine; fits you for poaltlun of manager at a salary of fiO to II, WM) per year. Partlculiir free. VVrlte quick. Western Uraln Hndicate, Ktenhope. In. T) UK.T In or out 01 bualrwae rail on OA NO KfT A I ). m Pee Hldg loug. 1477. A 10-IIO" 'M, nicely f iimlnht-d riMimliig house, full all the time, for sale at a bargain at Vt Howard Ht. ; owner leav- tng city. 2Q2I Howard Ht. KK8TA CHANT rqulpinent, complete, for ale at a bargain. Bee theaa at lOW Cees fit. THKATIiHS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and auppllee through Theater Kxrh. Co., 14" Farnam I). 1HS7. 12,000 F.Ql'lTT in property renting for IH per montn. ror lann, lots, acreage or Interest In buaine. Hoi 7H. Omhha. 1 HAVK a poaltlon open In my bual nesa for a young man who can give me his service and make an In vestment of l'. 1 will pay a good salary and Interest on hi lnveat ment. Box K IflS. He. CAFK AND LUNCH. The beat located cafe and lunch room In Omaha, doing a capacity bualneaa, can be bought right. Will fake Ford car aa part payment. Am going west. Addrea C. 2. fare Ree. 8F.K Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gain in eatahllahed ahowa P. 3H20. WANTFP Toung man aa partner In my . atora; will guarantee over 1100 a month; Invealment of )jti0 required, secured. Bos L 100, Bee. "'"' KA LW Hullding and stock 1 l unl.con and notions. Call Co groceries, I fax 84WJ. K YOU have aalra ability and a Fori car, you will profit by calling or ad renal rig 614 Flrat Nat I Bank Hldg. MILLiNKHY and ladiea ready-to-wear tore. In beat town In western Na- braaka, poptilathin 1,000, only millinery lore in town, all new stock, best of reasons for selling, I a at year's business Kfioo, Mrs, Catherine Herbolshelmer, 1 a 'ron, iscn. fa-ltoiiM hotel, clearing over M a month; J,uo. OANOESTAD, Room 422, Be Hldg. I. S47T. CIOAK and confectionery store; excellent location; a snap; Hjm. Another dandy place ror IIAM1KHTAO, Room 4T2 Hee Hldg. D. 477. GOOD restaurant for sale cheap; down town district. Apply to Dave, 1G11 Leaven worth, grocery. $2,000 FOIt J JUSTNESS Competent young man want a work. ng Interest In good honorable bualneaa; best reference. Addrea K 243, Hoe. EnrCATIONAI. Hie VAN SANT SCJlOOU 8TENOGRAPH Y BOOKKEEPINU. Day School for Young Women, Evening Uvhool for Young Men and Women. Saturday morning class In typewriting. Ion C. Duffy, Owner and Manager. 3f So lMh St Omaha. BUSlNKSb CULLKUU 8T UDENTS RAVE MONEY ON COURSES For sal, with good reason for sailing. variety of courses In a reliable Hual- tie Hcliooi, on or the leading business colleges of Omaha. Will b sold vary reaonable--away below regular price. If you ara considering tsklns- a couraa Inveaturat thla at one, aince Fall tri iieginu aoon. all or nee. omaha Hee. EXi-KRT lady stenographer will take pupils; shorthand, touch typewriting-. spelling and punctuation taught Indi vidual Instruction. 4U4 Douglaa St Tel vv ainui Boylee Bldg. Tel. D. lbeu, Omaha. Neb. run . in following scholarship in urei rmae .rnana ituaineaa toiluge One unlimited combination bu.h.u. and rhorthsnd course. One unllmlteo sienngraphlo oour. On three-mouth' bulne or atana. grai'hlc courae. Will ti sold at a discount at th offlo of Ths Omaha Pee. DAY SCHOOL BOTLK8 COLLKGB NIGHT BL IOOL Every day la enrollment dav. Book. keeping, Miortnand. Menotypy, Typewrit ins. - riegrapny. t ivii f-ervioa all Com. merclal and L'ligltah branche. Catalogue ire. BOTLES COLLEGE, 18th and Harnev Sta, 11. Douglas 15i. ron s a lr FOR SAl.n Her Is a claamcat1on that Is of the utmost Importance to averv reader, thla column offer aom xcu- iionai opporiunmna every aa and a small want ad will sell your article at Ha tun value, ftione Tyler ' Ksraltare, lUairtnU c..Mrt. Kt- BARO.1NS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. 1839 N. WTH. WEB 18"7. IS4.8 RANGE, nwr.rly new. Web. M7. nBl.t bought and aold. J. C. Reed, I'tBliS 13.(7 Farnam St. Douglaa 14C COMMICIU'K ateel rang for sale ihcap 1&18 N. tth. Tel. -el. 4.C1. BANQUET ateel range. -hole, $14. 1014 N. Mth Bt, lienaon. FOR 8ALD-1 baa burner, used I winter, lo. K cn 1 1 i 11111 l . BASE burner for sale, cheap. Wal. J4' llvraea aad Veklele. FARM wagon. I): ha mesa. $M; both new. Jehnson-Danforlh Co. 14th and Clark St. HEAVY tvain and barn, ess. wagon sik! coal box. Harney 541. Horses aad Vralclee. OLD raalin, r.awa aail aavalira, MXD grain. Km lbs $1 7t Wagnur, KOI N 11 In, Men Hunner du ka i ll ni'iu h 'ioi tblckea. Phon Lla.k Ja.0, Co. Lluffs. MOVIES FEATURES TODAY ran silk Pniltrr, Ktit aad Happllri. STEREOTYPE matrices make tho beat nd rhpeet lining for poultry houses. They are 1723 Inches, stronger and mur durable than tarred felt and piartlrally ftrepioor. 70 a hundred at I he lea oirira f rafertiira, TTNDEnWOOO. bargain. Phone P. T147 MONARCH, No. 2, vlall.ie, like new; bar- K"Hi i' l tMl I' 1tf- H. , loom TV t'KVN HI1I.IU aold. rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Kir. W frnam. FOR HAl.K New and aroond-hand rnrom and poiket billiard table and bowlInK l.ra and acceaaorlea; liar flxturea of all kmd: enay payment The Brunawlck-Ialk-fMendiir Co.. . iWh Ht. RKI.IANCK Ribbon and CarlKn Co., car bon paer and Inked rllibona. I. 3242. M laeellaarnaa. FOR HAT.V. CHEAP Ruslneas College Course. "oil gnd corr.ulete uchnlarahlp tn on Of the teat Omata buatneaa erhool Uood reason for aelllng: perfectly relia ble; worth full price, hut will he ol1 very reaeonahly. If Interested inveatlgate t once, because fall term begin aoon. Tliore are variety of eouraea for al For particular Inquire at the ofUoa of The Omaha Ilea). C0 Or(1"lnn Wm Whisky. 4 full Xllnuaria hottd In bond, prw 4i .-(1(lM rck,, Bros.. Omaha HAROA1N Kdleon phonograph, with 1W record, lift, or beat offer. Tel. Wal. ft0; CA MHK NTF. It tool, shovols, sledges, picks, Jack.icrews, 10 penny match vend Ing machines. Boo each. Horae, harness, wagon, 1100. On ele"tr1o pl&no. J. C. ISH. Itm fth ft Hamey 1 2 i-lectrin motors. Room t, Be Bldg. HELP WANTED FKMALK Clerical r- Offlre. WANTEI An experienced girl for gen eral housework; no wanning, good referencea required. Mr. M. B. Newman, lf.30 Howard. Phone Harney 331S. 8TKNUORAPHKR fo 1K:TAPHINK OFKHATUIl lilCT OPR. HTKNO COM I'TOM ETKR OI'K. Hfl'l flfllf A I'll nPh.llATllH WXiKKEKI'KR W ATTS RKF. CO., HW-40-42 Brwndel The YOt'Nil Indy for cashier In wholesale s iiMiihrnnni mnat have some experi ence In keeping cash book and stenog rarhy; poalllnn permanent; applications to be made In longhand, giving age ex- lerlenco and reiercnce. Aoareas o , mi t.ivii nUrb and at enoKranher. IviO. BUS1NKSS M K.N'fl RKFF.HKM'E A83 N, 14ih wnmimen or worm. Factory aad Tragea. dim to learn halrdrelng. Oppenhetm. BALESLADT WANTED, APPLY JULIUS ORKIN, lulO Douglas Ht. Housekeeper tlomeatle. THR harvsnt Olri Problem Solved. Tb Bee will run a Servant tun wanted Ad rHKK until you get th delrel result, his applies to resident of Omaha, Bouth Omaha and Council Hluffs. Bring sd to he l'.ee office or telephone Tyler louu. Ilonaekeener and llontfitlri. WANTi:i A competent girl for general housework. Mo washing, iim Dewey Ave. jet. tiar. 23. VANThi -Lad-v to help with house work. Call Douglas bu6. W'ANTKl-Olrl for general housework; small family; no wanhlng; good wages. iteicrence required. 717 Park Ave. WANTED Olrl to asBlat with housework and care for small child; one attending school half day preferred. Phone Harney WANTHD Reliable foreign girl for gen eral housework. Must be neat and strong. Harney 4UtS. WANTED-Olrl for housework; no wash ing or cooking. Tel. Walnut 1176. WANTED Girl for general houaework: two In family. Call Douglas 929 be for iu a. m. and after 7 p. m. WANT1CD A competent white girl for general housework; no cooking; good wages; permanent poaltlun to right party iierercnre required. Harney 4bi2. WANTKD Young girl for housework; no WANTED VS hlte girl fo' general house' work; no wsshlng. S4U4 Hawthorn Av. Hem.s Park. Walnut 7v2. V b.i uei uian or hvandinavlan girl ror general nousowork, two in family. Maniey Jt. WANTKD Experienced while cook; alao aecond sill who will help with children: will pay good wages for competent help. I'leaaant room vvltn private bath. Tel, Walnut m. iM N. 4sth St. HKLP "WANTED Competent girl for general houaework, family of two, nice room with private bath, pny $7. Must be competent I'hone Hamey 4bH2. 1U0$ 80. Wth St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework: no laundry; good wages. I'hone Harney 8192. WANTKD Competent girl for general housework. tiZi Farnam St. Tel. liar. S62 a housework, two In f sillily ; reference required. Harney IMS. WANTKIi A g r lor general housework. J. Alitcreon. avf wt. Mary a Av. Ty. lfll. WANTKU Olrl for general housework. Harney tr.ii4. WANTKD Uood steady girl for general nousewurs; gooa noiue to rignt party. Hiimey $104. WANTKD Competent woman to take full charge of small home: i In family; must be good, plain cook and do laundry work; good wake and permanent place. 2408 N. lth M. Webster IWol. YOUNG couple with baby want girl or woman for general housework. No fam ily washing. 4u0 Seward Bt. Wal. $036. WANTKD Uood girl for general house work In small family; no washing. Mrs. W. C. Lyie. 634 Park Ave. WANTED A girl for general housework references: mornings or venlnga. m 8. 36th St. JIar. M. ANTLD Uirl for general houaework. $1 por week, laundre kept Cas A.Nii.i A slrl ur elderly woman to help with light housework for room and board: companion for an elderly lady, one In family; no wage expected. i"7i Grant. Webster 1136. k AN l'Kl Experienced slrl for general houaework, two In family, Hamey lOui. 12S 8. 3Kth St. WANTKD A gd girl for general housework. Csll liar. 3o4l or Har. tzr.. kllarellaaeoa. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers ar Invited tc vtalt tn Young Women' Christian aaoclatlon building at St. Mary s Av. and 17th St.. whr thev will b. directed to ultabl. boarding they will b directed to auttabl boarding placea or otherwlM aaaUted. Look for our traveler' guide at Union atatton. 8TENO. tat experience. K ts6, Hee, WANTEI WOM AN Government clerk ahlna. Writ Immediately for detalla. Franklin mtitut Dept 66g H. Rocheeter. N. Y. LADIES make shields at home; $10 for 100; work sent prepaid; no canvaaslng; send stamp. Ivanhoa Mfg. Co., tt Louis. Mo. het.p wAJnrmi male t lerieal aad ufiioe. ORIGINATORS. NO FILING FEB. Beat conuiierclal poaltlona. ROUERS RKF. CO.. 640 Paxton Block. H1GI(-4jRADK cummereial poaltlona. WEST REFERENCE A BOND A8SN. TTt Omaha Nat Pank Bldg WANTED High class, experienced man to manage district and sell monthly payment accident and health jnauranc for larg old line company. Top com mission contract with an allowano for ix month will be mad. Only men of trlcteat lntearlty aad thoa who esa produce reaults need apply. Here I an opportunity to secure a high class con nection. Surety bond required. Write, giving age. qualification, phon and Fl V K guod man w lt':i Fold Ouj to handl the Uat moner making proposition on the market Absolute necessity, not lux ury. Here's your chance to make real monev. Knieraon-Miarp ales lo., 111 &. ih 8t. - Aaenta, SeleaMtea aad Boltrliora. Mo FVM.tKKIW GUIDEBOOK MAGA ZINE, I.: ptiatiaid: en. I htm oj il lily. New ii 111 lily, I Mol k, Uu. .drt.l..g talo, .c word. HELP WANTED MALE Attii almra 4 Kollrltora. PAT.K,(MAN-Only A-1 implement man need apply, lion to I'M) and epenae. WATTS KkF. CO., MV40-42 Urand. Thea. WANIKIi Four young men of some abil ity as aaleamen that are willing to work five to a1 hour a dy In Omaha on a rommllon haela that can earn from 130 to Ho a week. Your commlaalona are paid every day. We have aaleamen wlio are earning t;o a week on the rond Thla la a proportion for good, clean aelmen. Any one not willing to work. U l nre.llo to waate their time making application. Call Warren Cloeaen. 312 Halrd lllook, between and . mornlna. rerv the elate, to sell beat and absolutely guaranteed device on the market. If you are looking for an opportunity to get In on the cleaneat. beat proooaltlon J"et, here" vour rhnre. Kmeraon-harp Pates Co. 211 8. r.th St., Omaha. Neb IF YUU ave lea ability and a Ford car. vou will Droflt hv calling or ad- dreaslng EI4 First Nat l Bank Bldg. TltA VKl.INO salesmen of experience aa state managers for a Ietrolt manufac turing company, one accustomed to look ing after men. Ask for J. Park 8mlth. Henshsw Hotel. AORNT8 Several of our list of mall order house wftnt Nehrsaka nam; particular free. Taliaferro Co., Fort worth, Tex. COAL agenta wanted In every town; get a trial car. I. M. Cox. No. Platte. Neb. Factories aad Trade. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE I.P.ARV tha barber trade hv our sys tem of expert Instructions snd free cllnlo. Position waiting. Call or write for cata- ogue. Omaha. IScb., A. a. Moier, free. ALL around bard gooda and fudge man to work night ahlft of ten hotira; salary in per week. Write Hlfers Candy Co., Hutchinson, Kan. WANTED Car repairers), carpenters and all kinds of railroad mechanic. No strike. International Employment Office, 1S12 Caaa Ht. WE need men; had o turn down two lobe oer week lately: set In: learn by our method; get one of the Jobs. Cata logue i. H. free. Nebraska AutomoDii School. I40H Leavenworth 8t. LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Trl-Cltv Barber college: low rate tuition. Including set of tools; wage paid; lec tiio maaaage, hydraulic chairs; catalogue rre. 1124 iougta nt.. unaana. Drug More Snepa loh Kne at. Be Bldg. M laeenaaesaa. WANTED Railway mall clerki; I7S.00 month. Omaha examination coming. Sample nuestlon free. Write Immedi ately. Franklin Institute. Dep't ttl II. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Gordon feeder. Room t, Bee Mldg. GOOD MEN WANTED at onoe to learn auto work to fill position which we have open light now and are waiting for com petent men. Learn by our system of actual work on autns, tractors, elee. atartlng y. Fre catalog at once. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, ZuGJ Farnam fit Omaha, Neb. I HAVn a position In my business for a young man who can give me his services and make an Investment of $000; I will pay a good salary and Interest 00 his Investment L 1H9, lies. WANTEI Men to try examinations for government Jobs; $70 month; common education sufficient Apply Immediately. Y 91. Be. WANTED Man to milk In small dairy. Address Kfl, Red Onk. la. $70 MONTHLY for man to manage branch otf.ee, eastnrn .Nebraska; email Investment for fixtures. Address E. N, Cook, Des Moines, la. - WANTED Young man as partner In my store; will guarantee over $100 a mouth; Investment of I'jOO required. J 17. Bee. HELP WANTED MALE AND KF.M4.tK. WANTED Man or woman to put out feather ventilators. Write for eample and particular by mail. loo. L. B. Har den, Hotel Neville, Omaha. WANTED Cook, waitreasea and houa girl. International Employment Office, 1I3 Cai St. DON'T quit your Job yet, look beyond It; Employ spare time establlahlng a cir cular mailing bureau many auorsaso, why not you? Our copyright mailing In struction make everything plain Post paid $5c. Direct Sale Co.. Quincy. III. WANTED Married couple to take care of children for furn. room. Doug. 6808. SITWnOJTS WANTED MAN AND -WIFE wish Position as care takers of residence, club, apartment or rooming nouse; trustworthy, induatrloua, long experience: beat of referencea: cltv or out C. Mitchell, lilt Chicago. Phone uougiaa tra, YOUNG man with 4 months' experience na barber, wishes position where he can finish learning trade; will work for smuil wages. A. A. Hlrsch, 61 8. Win Bt. Apt. T, or call Doug. SKIS. A POblTlON on atock farm by a mar ried umn; good man: good habit; thor oughly acquainted with the hone bual neaa; can give reference from the best men In Lexington. Ky. Address Y 111. Bee POSITION as housekeeper or chamber maid, apartment or rooming house, trustworthy; Industrious and neat, long experience; beat of references; city or out Laura Johnson, $11$ Chicago St. Tel. Douglas 8721 COUPLE without ohildren would like work oa farm; for elderly folks, or bachelor, or widower. Addrea Y 112, Omaha Bee. POSITION wanted by young lady ste nographer; on year'a experience. Webster 1WJ. WANTED Position as housekeeper by colored lady, good references. Tel. Doug las $4. STENOGRAPH KR wishes position. Will ing to start with small wages. $U17 Chi cago St. WANTED Position aa hotel dark in or out of the city. Minor. Hotel Lyon. Phone Douglas 8K40. WANTED Position In tailor shop or Cleaning worn, iiougia was YOUNG msn to year old. furniture re pairer, pouaner, etc., want a position. Don't drink or amok. Will work for moderate wages, i'hone Red 219J for ap pointment KxlK RJ EN C ED bookkeepiT JnT" col lector, 10 years' experlenoe In city; can furnish referenons; now employed, but wtah to chans. venster ar.J. i ; r-r n 1 1 COLOHKD lady wi.he poaiUon M 0.10k In orout of th ctty. Call Tyler 1WS-W STKNOGItAPHEK with aome experieuce lahea a poaltlon. fall Benson (f. BOOKKEEPER with several yeara' ex perience, wholeaale and retail, desires poaltlon. Can accept employment any time. Red 6476. !oS St. Mary's Ave. LiNOTYPK operator wants country sit uation on No. 6 or No. 1 machine; com petent to care for either nvdel- Jtin line. 8 point, per hour. Address Y 116, Bee. YOUNG, man. with good commercial edu cation, wants to learn banking busi ness, country bank preferred: single. now employed; references, Addrea Y lia, lie. SITUATION wanted In genu' furnishing tor by well experienced young man, single; now employed, but direa a Chang; reference Address Y HI Bee. MIDDLE-AGED lady, competent snd re liable desire poaltlon as housekeeper In family of two. child's nurse or second maid; no laundry work: references ex changed. Call Wb. 6J1 IvESFKCTA RLK German woman, expert enced In city and country housekeeping, wlshea poaltlon aa housekeeper or plain cook, or aay work; city prarerred. c Naumenn, 1011' S. Uth St. U'lKinil .... . . .1.. ... rirm.n hotel clerk or all around houa and yard man. Call F. W. Carter, I'lioo Douglas waj. IX)ST AND POUND Lost or found ad tn Omana'a Lost and Found medium mean th Immediate re turn of that article If advert teed la The Bee, the Lost and Found leaner LOST Lady' gold watch; a keepsake; little reward, tall 1 ounx j.t SMALL Shr.neia' pin; reward. Mia. aluu gvr. iioivl Harley. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA A OHNCIL, PU'FK 8TREKT RAILWAY COMPANY. Person having lout om artlcl would do well to rail up th office of the Omaha 4k Council Bltiff Street Hallway company to aaeertaln whether they left It In the street crs. Many articles each day are turned In snd the company Is ahxlou to restore them V th -Ightful owner. CaU Doug, a PERSONAL HL'BHCKIPTIONS KARN8 V. For the Invalids' Penlon association. The Ladle Home Journal. II SO; Batur dav B.venlng Past, II 50; Country Gentle, man, l.oo. mi needed In October. Your order or renewal contribute M) cent. Please phone Dougla 71M or gddresa, OOHDflV, The Magaxlne Man. Omaha. TOl'NO women coming to Omaha as trangerg are Invited to visit the Young Women' ChOatlun aaoctatlon building t 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., wher they will be dlre ted to (Ultabl boarding places or nthorwlse aaalsted. Took for our traveler' guide at th Unlid etatlun. THR Salvation Army Tnrtustrt! home eo- lliltg your Jld clothing, rurniture, maga lines. W collect W e d tMhute Phone liougla 413B and our wagon will call. Call and (narect our new home, 1110-1112-1H4 Dodge Ht C. R. M The folk want to hear from you. Writ or telegraph. M. Suite, gown and remodel ing at reaannable price. ANNA . SISTKK. 1 City Nation! Bank Bid FIRST-CLASH dressmaker at Kelster College. Harney 1703. YOCR furnace cleaned. It; work guar anteed. Central Tin Shop. Doug. 4TkS4. BWAFPER8 (XILtMS Wanted to Mwap. Why . not advert! something that you no longer have any use for and get something you really need? It costs you nothing to Join the Swappers' club and you will find It lota of fun swapping thing. Writ Hootn 104, AUTOMOB1LE3 For othr automobll bargain see the "Automobile'' classifi cation. AUTOMOBILE-Exehang big 6-passen-ger car for uood l'-ton auto truck. Joel N1lon. Alcesler. 8. D. AUTO Light weight model, perfect hape, fully equipped, new tire, to wap for four or flv-pasengr rar. Addrea II. C. HSJ, Bee. tf BAHEHL'RNER, medium slxe, to trade for sectional bookcase, chiffonier or anything of equal valu. Addrea 8. C. 32S, Bee. BRAND new vineyard plow, one ad luatable garden . cultivator with com plete attachment, on set Russian sad dle chimes, one-horse dray and single tree, for a fair slsed hog or yearling calf. 8. C. 82S, Bee. CEMENT BRICK MACHINE I have a hand $-biick machine In the beat of condition. Just th thing for making brick for email buildings and repair work. Will awap for chickens, or what have -ouT Address 8. C. $41. Bee. 43 Dumbbells, new, , weight 1H pounds; also ona 4-hole range, new, burn either wood, coal or oil, with or without oil burner. To trade for what have you 7 8. C. 843, Bee. ELECTRIC AUTO HORN Motor driven, vibrator type; coat $10.00. Will wap for assortment of late Edison (Amberol) records. Address S. C. $33, Bee. tf PRESTO TANK Style "B." with gaa regulator, for an 80 a. b. storage bat tery In good condition. 8. C. 339, Bee. GARDEN TOOLS Spade, I shovels, I rakes, hoe and grass knife, to trade for 4- mlnute Edison records, or anything. Ad drea B. C. 334, Hoe. tf GUN tlnle shot, le-gitugo gun for .22 callber pistol or revolver; $40 violin and 10 for H-carat diamond. B. C. 331. Bee. LAW- BOOKS for trade. 36-volume set of American-English, encyclopedia of law for a good shotgun or small diamond ling. S C. 74. BlS'OEK sewing machine; drop head; In good condition; for a good heating stove, or- what else have you7 , Address 8. C. 330 Bee office. PIANO What have you clear to ex change on a new Standard piano. Ad drena fl. C. '844, Bee. SHOW CASEH and all flxturea of a millinery store for - what have you? o. C., 33S Bee. ONE gold plated Conn slide trombone, 6W-lnch bell. In Dlush lined case, never used, cost $110, to swap for anything of uan around v restaurant, or a aiamona dress 8. C. 848, Be. I60O PIANO to trade for a lot, diamonds or what have you? Call D. 6364, or ad dress 8. C. $46, Bee. SHOE reoair busln. latest machinery for sale, or will trade for light auto or team, wagon and harness. Aaaress 4 D. Ford, 11 22d St., Kearney, Neb. TO TRADE A library table or sewing machine for a gas range, t. aw. TROMBONE One gold plated Conn slidfl . Ml.. 1 n n Kail In tllllMn lilin irvioi'uiiw, 7l-llivti ....... rase, never used, cost $110. to swap for anything of use around a restaurant or a diamond, o. u. s, nee. TO BELL or trad your shotgun or rifle. He FRIEDMAN. Wt Dougla. WHAT have vou that 1 worth $i.0 th you will swap for a business that you, can Sit at youraesa ana ma.ae eido m month without any worry? I am doing It and vou can too. Will swap at Invoice price and mut do It at once on account of falling health. This la a chance for ome one to get a business that will pay the year around and get It worth the money. Give full partlcularg In first letter. Address p. f. ins, nee WISH to tnule new Hemor gas heater or china painting tor boys oicyeie. u. u. 840. Bee. . . FOR RENT tpsrtan 1 ai Flat. T-R. APT.. I baths, sleeping porch, large rooms, beautifully finished, strictly up-to-date: large porch In front, private; fof rent now. ciariaa apis. n. uw. Tha For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will pleas and fill the need of auy ona desiring to rant Phon Tyler. aty ELEGANT. rooms with $ bath; 8 ex poaurea. Also 4 rooms; all modern. New Hamilton. I'oug. cxe. VERY choice 4 or 6-room, steam-heated apartment on west Farnam street. JOHN W. HOBBIN8. 1802 Farnam St ONE 4-room end one 6-room apt, Th Hamilton. Douglas XA. ST. CLARK, 14th and Harney Sis., pleasant apartment. Tel Harney 447. UN USUALLY desirable -r. corner apt fine yard. 4032 Hard 13ft. Wal. lew. 211$ Chicago. 7-r., modern. Tel. Doug. 7i65 New (-room brick flat, atrictlv modern, up-to-date. Wt N. th St.. $x. MADS A. HANSEN, McCague Bdg THE HKLKN. $464 Harney St. Very choice 4 and fr-room apart men' in cloe In, flrepreef building. Call lKug. Itaar sal gaoaa. rumlatiavl Rooms that offer vry mod ern ronvenlene and comfort In privet fanillle or boarding houses of th high est class will be found In th Furnished Room column or Th Be. Pnon Tyler IOUO. N1CKLY furn., room for couple or two gentlemen: In Field club dlt.; meals If oai reel; re re re nee reiuired. H 7im. HOWARD, H beat horn cooking, clos In V; epwial price to students FUHNlbHKD room and board, strictly modern house, IS a week: three car lines. $111 8. 24th Bt. Doug. 6170. SPECIAL LOW RATrs TO PKltMANENT GUESTS. HOTF.L 8ANFOHD, tth and Farnam. HOTEL HARLEY. SMh and Farnam. Km. bd. W. Fa mam. .'$ Far. Wal. 72G. Large rm titeam li t for couple. Har. 62S ROOM and board for ladles. Web. Wi Two front rms.. with bd., private family, mod., on rar line. 17VJ Park Ave. H. MM. MAHOGANY furnished 8. K. room, steam heat, private heih, good beard H. 70M). Karalahea H. WEST FARNAM. near schools, T-r. runitaneo. ami, i ail tiarney tlM. $-r. all modern furnished house. H. 2122. I-R. furnished house; $16. Tel. H. 4x4. Fara'ahed avwwaaa. NICE, larg turn la h J room; all modern tn location, fjui Wbtr BL Phon Marnev 4X. tCONTLNL'EU ON COLUMN SEVEN THIS PAGE.) , Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. RETT) ABSTRACT CO, oldest abstract office In Nehraaka. , Prandela The. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. IS S, 17th St. Phone D. &47. ACCdiajTAFITS. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 4M-4.T7 Ramg Pldg. Thohe Doug. 74";. ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. T. Phafer Co., 12th, Farnam. P. 7474. M. AMATEUR FINISIIITfG. FTT,MJ developed free If rurchased from Photo Craft Shop, 418 Bee Bid. Dept. I. ARCHITECTS. Everett W. Dol. ei2 Paiton Blk. D. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson. 611 Paxton Hlk. D. 1S04. WILL N. JOHNSON. S W. Cor. 14th and Douglaa. Douglag 4!ng. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1115-18 W O W. R. ?5. Al'TO IXSCRANCE. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., Douglas ?gl. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. M? Far. D. KXH. BATHS. BATH 1!4 Balrd BllTT 17th and Douglas. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish bath for ladle and gent'emen; lady attendant for ladles: Swedish mussage. 191 Farnam St. Dousla 3437. BAKERIES. Z. H. REEDER, 13n N. ISth. Veb. nST. 1 BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Sts. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON, KJ 8. 22d. Douglaa 5KH). Lesaard Bon, 1B"6 Cap. Ave. T. 163$. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTS Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 8461. DR. MACNAMARA, 674 Brandel Thea- mr. uougia rait. CHIROPODIST, Carrie J: Buford. 620 Pax Blk. Red 4SS7. CLOCK REPAIRING. FATHER TIME wants 1.000 clocks to re- pair; work done at home. Web. 1312. COFFEE BY MAIL. --.T Save money. Ue better Oliee c 16 lb, high grade -T-. by parcel nost. crenald. 80. W. A. Skalfe & Co., Omaha. Neb. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' academy, classic D. 187L FALL term open at Mackle'a. Doug. 6446 GENEVIEVE HAUFLAIRE. Rome hotel. DE LUXE ACADEMY. Ill 8. 18th St TURPIN'S SCHOOL nv nAMOTisin 28th and Farnam. Classes and private lessons. Harney 6143. Just completed, forty-four-page book of new dances for 1916 and 1816. Clearly de scribed. Complied by Albert Tumln. Ev ery teacher should have a copy. Mall orders filled. Price. $1. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college, 20th & Farnam MISB STURDY. 2116 Blnney, Webster 4989. DRESSMAKING COLLEGE). Renter's Dressmaking Col., 1628 City Na. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co., 120 N. 12th. D. 6071 DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Block. Evi dence secured in ail cases, tyier u DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain, 912 W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickle, 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas. D. 2184. DRUGS. DRUGS at rut prices: freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman & Mo Con ne 11 Drug Co., Omaha. Neb! ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender, 24 Bee Bldg. Red 8065. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, sll slseg snd Styles; hsmstltlchlng, point edging. Em broidery, bead ins. Draining, corning. eyeiet cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., HM uougias uiocs. Douglas 183. FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HABER8TROH. 402 Hamilton. Wal. 1971. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, 1804 Farnam St D. 3000. L. HENDERSON, 1814 Douglas. D. 1258. MemDer f ionm icttKraim - HESS A 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam St A. DONAGHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. IOOL FURRIERS'. 4 SAM KNEETER. 120 Farnam. ' Red 6S34. INSTRUCTION. English, French lntructlon. $06 Lyric Bid. J t STICKS OF TIE PEACE. H H. CLAIBORNE. 512 Paxton Plk. Red 740L Notary public, deposition steno. C. W. BRITT. 801 Baker Block. LANGUAGES. Language taught; private or classes. Webster 6564. LADIES' TAILOR. M-grhwrtJ!?-pton Blk- Poug' m1 "TlGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. DURKIN .cKt 2519. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS CO. Exchange Bldg. COSTUMES AND LODGE SUPPLIES. MNFG. of lodge regalia and costumes. The largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costume in th country. Theo. Lteben Bon. 1514 Howard. Doug. 4116. MOTORCYCLES. HARLEY-DAVIDBON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machine. Victor Roo, Th Motorcyci Man. zm ieavenworin MOVINGICTiRBf MACHINES OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tion plctur machine and film bargain. DiOTIONS. NOTIONS, news, cigars, candy. 1339 Park. OCULISTS. Eyes exsmlned. glasses fitted, pay a can. Drs. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINS ARMSTRONG. 611 Be Bldg PATENTS. D. O. Bamell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 711? IL A. Eturgca. 636 Brandela Theater Bldg. PILLOWS ASO BEDDiajO. OMAHA rTLIyOW CO.. Mattresaea made to order or remade. 17 Cuming. D. 1407. PRINTING. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality Printing. Tel Doug. 2190. 624 8. 13lh St CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS $754. roUOLAB Printing Co. Tel. Douglas M4. PLIMES CLEANED. CURLED, dyed. D. FIrcIo 111 city Nat SAFE AND TIME Lot K EXPERTS. Ct Opened, repaired, comb. NAM l changed. F. E. Daven-KJJ- J-v p,,,. itos podge. D. lttL SCALE REPAIRING. Cm. Standard Scale Co.. 613 8. Wth. D.WI SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair, til & 14. Harley Sho Rep'r. C-., 2 M Farn'm. R.M44) SEWING MACHINES. We rent, repair sell needleg and parts for all sewing machines. . "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Douglas lttX STEEL CEILINGS. CARTERShcet Metril Company. 110 8. 10. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, sare. scales, showcases, hbr. lng. etc. We buv, aell. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.. 414-16-18 S.J2th. Doug. 2774. STOVE AND FURNACE REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS Water fronts, furnace cofla, etc. Quick service. Omaha Stove "Renalr Wk. 1J08-8 Dnuslas St. Tvler KIl TKnac'TRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC Co.. Bee Bid. D.S87S. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. . R Tree Trimming. TREE TRIMMING-Reference. Har. 1818. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRF.LINO STEINLE, 180 Farnam St TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 8 mo. for $3. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1306 Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange. 816 & 18th St. All makes for sale or rent RENT a "Remington " not Just a type writer. Low rent. Call Douglas 12S4. WATCI1 SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, I1 fl. Paxton Bk., 18 yr. ex p. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES. 101 -8 S. 13th St Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner U to t, lOo, HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, luth and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house. 622 N. 16th. Douglaa 1809. MKDIUAXj PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Wrhe for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. PH. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg. RUPTURK cured In few daya without pain. Call or write Dr. Wray, $06 Be Bldg.. Omaha. Established UM, e RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sults guaxant'd. Dr. Bowser. 31 Be Bldg. FOR RENT Furnished Rooms. PARK AVE., 1120-Newly furn. rooms; In private family; best accommodations; home privileges. Call Harney 8083. NICE large rm.; prlv. family; near car line; man and wife desired. Web. 4217. WELL heated, hot water, electric light, splendid location, close tn H -4 'fith. FRONT rm.; sood heat. , nv. f m. n. .,4.! NICELY furnished room; modern. Wl S. 22d St. cloae In; all 2913 MASON One room for two gentle men. ian nave use or den. RMS., modern flat Phone Douglas . GOOD rooms; reasonsble. Red 8f,6. Furnished riv.g. on car I nn. Douglas 4153. RMS., well heated. Tel. Web. $957. NEWLY furnished rooms, heat. Red 6661. Fine rm. PrI'te entrance. 2112 Cass. R. 7796. LIGHT, nicely furnished room for couple or two gentlemen, In Field Club dis trict Private family. Meals If desired. References required. Harney 71CT, NICELY famished room; close In; all monern. mi zzo ei. 610 So 21st Ave. modern, furnished room. Close tn. Vlulet phone. Call Doug. 7819. FUR rm., mod. suitable for 2. 2126 Doug. 627 S. 'lid., furnished room for rent. In private home. Telephone Red 6103. Unfurnished Rooens. DEWEY AVE., IdOSLarg unfurnlhd front room; strictly modern. Red 6790. furnished Hsaiekteslag Roo ana. FARNAM 2S23 Two nice hoUMkeeplng- rooiua. iwuiriciiy, ileum, llAuarkrrp'ix Rooms- imn DAVENPORT TWO OR THRBB NICELY FURNISHED HKPG. ROOMS. NEAV PRTCK FLAT. t2n5 FA RN AM Nice, modem, heated housekeeping rooma. steam 8 or 8 nice rms., housekeeping. 1112 8. 11th. St. Mary'a Av. 2iD3. I rma, front room. CALIFORNIA. a;-. mod., hap, rooms. Ho a sea s4 CotUsgv North. SEVEN room. 247 Charls, lit. Phone vainut wtn. i-HH,ai house, modern, 1WI Lothrop, t"S0 Call t 1o I.othrop. FOR RENT Beautiful modern rl dence. T rooms and bath, pot. watay heat. Larg garage: at 330 Floreno Blvd. Phone Colfax Sw. 6-ROOM cottage, modern except heat tZl Hamilton Ht. FINE 7-room, modern houe and garage, $40. 2117 Lothrop St. Call Web. Tilt. WA LK I NG-distance. 2638 Dodge, I-room, modern. 6&; key, 2640; call Web. 4876. 3.03 Seward St.. -r. cjttage. water, gas. toilet, corner lot, ttis i. sin, n. aL Sooth. COTTAGE 4 rooms and bath; gas; no heat; good neighborhood; 111 U0 6, 4th. H. 19-4. FOR RENT Cheap, house with 11 larg room, electric lights and furnace. Tel. Doug. 671 or call at 1210 8. 11th St JtUL. -t. houae, Hanscom park district: newly decorated; fine condition. Call D. STRICTLY modern. 7-r.. Hanacom Park, cottage, oak floors. $25. Tel. Har. 49. IDEAL, 6-room cottage, modern except furnace, gaa water heater, electricity, newly decorated, water free until aprlng. IfJ 8. t4H. St D. 7163. 630 Georgia Ave. eight rooms good fur nace. Tel. Harney 2M0. (CONTINUED ON PAOE SEVEN, COLUMN ONE i ) ')