Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 6-A, Image 6

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    G A
TIIK OMAHA M'NDA V HLK. o. 1 1 Ji.r.K J,
Supreme Chancellor Knights' cf
Pytiias of the World to Be in
Omaha on Friday.
On FYMy nleht ttie Knlphts nf Pythlss
tt Omaha and irrounllnic cities lire to
rather for 1h purport rf proctitis: Su
preme Chancellor of tho Worltl rrlghnm
R. Toung of Arlah. O. who 1U be the
iruest on that evrnlng of Nebraska
lodge No. 1. Mr. Tonn, who tins at
tained to the hlcho.ot dlotlnotlon possible
In the order, la well known aa a vigorous
and eloquent speaker, aa well aa an en
thitatsstlc worker In the order, and hi
presence here at this time la a matter of
much gratification to the knlchta. tnvl'a
tlona hivt been aent out to lodrea In weat
rm Iowa and eastern and northeastern
Kebraska. and It la now thought the oc
casion will are a notable arathertnir of the
Fythlane. Grand Chancellor Meredith of
Kebraaka and other notables will be here
for the reception, which will be held at
the lodge room In Myrilo hall, and to
which all Knighta of I'ytlilas are In
vited. laeVpendrn t Order of Odd 1'rllonn.
fr the flrat four dnya of last week the
Odd Fellows of our city were kept busy
entertaining visitors and smoothing tha
way for the fifty-tight h session of the
grand lodge of Nebraska. The aeaxlon
waa successful in every way, the at
tendance being much larger than usual
and the entertainment profitable and en
joyable to the members.
The reception at the Hotel Fontenelle
brought out more Odd Fellows than
could be accommodated. The large audi
torium, with a seating capacity of 1,M,
waa filled lone before the program com
menced, and many of those in attendance
were unable to hear any portion of the
program, which lamed until midnight.
Tha decree work given In the Douglas
auditorium on Wedneaday evening waa
well attended. Klkhorn lodge No. t of
O'Neill eiemplifled the inlatory degree,
while Omaha lodge No. 2 conferred the
flrat degree. On the aame evening at the
Ftmtenelle Htel auditorium the Degree
cf Chivalry waa conferred upon a claaa
of candidate by General K. K. Boyd,
slated by Canton Eira Millard No. 1.
Following this. Charity Rebekah lodge
of Lincoln exemplified the Rebekah de
gree work.
The moat Important work of the grand
lodge waa the adoption of a plan to
accumulate funda to build an addition
to the Odd Fellowa' Home at York.
The home will aoon be filled to ,lt ea
raelty and it will be neoeaaary to pro
vide more room for the next two or
three yeara to care for the ever Increas
ing number of gueata In the home. The
plan to equalise the grand lodge tax
waa defeated. Lincoln waa selected a
the next meeting place of the grand
lodge and B. A Carr wna elected grand
In the Rebekah Ftate aaaemhly Mr.
Town send of Lincoln waa elected warden.
In the Grand Encampment A. P. Hansen
of-Omaha waa elected grand Junior war
den. All of the other officers were ad
vanced except the secretaries and treaa
urera, who were re-elected.
A, R. Stocker. general commanding the
Patriarchs Militant, will be tha giiest
of Canton Exra Millard next Saturday
evening at the canton rooms In Odd Fel
lows' building. The Patriarchs Militant
degree will he conferred and the, ladies
of the Degree of Chivalry and the wives
of canton members will hold a reception
In honor of Oeneral Stocker.
Omaha lodge No. 1 will have four
candidates for the third degree next Fri
day evening. A large attendance Is ex.
pected. as matters of Importance - will
corns before the lodge.
Waaa lodge No. 183 will have work In
the first degree next Wednesday even
ing. A case of scarlet fever has been re
ported at the Odd Fellows' Home at
IVaron lodge No. will put on the
flrat degree work next Tuesday evening.
Rrathrrhooil of American Yromen.
On last Wedneaday evening OmHha
homeatead No. '1404 held a short buMneaa
meeting at Its lodge rooms In Ijibor
temple, to pass. upon applications for the
big class which will be Initiated by the
Fremont degree staff on Wednesday
evening, November I. Owing to the fact
that Captain Charles Rackley of the
lodge degree team waa anxious to net
away to attend important doings at the
Odd Fellows' convention, the drill work
preceded the business meeting. The cap
tain la one wh6 does not believe In let
ting anything Ir.terfero with the drill
tram, and In order to show those present
that he did not Intend to neglect any
thing Just because he was In a hurry to
get away, he put the drill team through
a few extra stunts without giving them
any warning In advance, and one of the
beautiful four spokes of the wheel which
the captain waa so successfully going
through, to the admiration of all pres
ent, got lost and the captain was some
what delayed In getting away, but 'he
accident which caused tne delay wss a
very humorous one and thoroughly en
Joyed by all present except the partici
pant. On next Wednesday evening, October
T7, Omaha homestead will give tho next
dance of the winter suries, at which all
Yeomen and their friends aie Invited to
be present The attendance at tlie'diuiccs
is much largr thla season owing to the
fact that a new hardwood floor has been
put In the hall.
Drove of Stags.
A drove of Matis was lualltHcd in
this city Hunday evening at the HwkIIhIi
auditorium. An enthunlsstle ni.ellng was
helil, a feature of which was an addreje
by H?n A. Fay, national director of. Wis
consin. ho dwelt on the principles of
the order.
. It. Caulfield. International director,
made an address in whb-h he explained
fully the workings of the order, and ex
presiwd thenke for the hearty reception
he and his directors have met with In
this city. A temporary secretary was sp
Pointed to serve uutil the-election of of
ficers, which will take place at the next
meeting. November .
The charter fee of t will be available
until the licit meeting. All manly men
are lnviu4 to al'i 'y. The la to
taled at 8j4 Biari'lcia theater.
Kalaats s Ladies of Seearltr.
Omaha council. No. i Knights and
I-adie of 8uilly, will couriu.nce giving
ll monthly daucva at tha Swedish
Auditorium. Tbi.rsday evening, October
3k, a Hallowe'en iunr. will be given. At
tlie last regular meeting arrangements
were completed for a lartse class Initiation
early iu December.
Woman' Hrllvf t'wrpa.
The Woman's Kellef corps of the sec
ond district of Nebraika, w.ll meet next
Wednesday at W o'clock, ia Modern
Woodmen ball, Fifteenth and Douglas
streets.' Mrs. Ada Heine of Hooper, preal
usl of Ue association, will preside. An
i -
. '. "
V v
talk on the growth of the order. A sump
tuous banquet waa aerved to the members
and their families.
To t'rert Flainle.
An adlourned meeting of Menral Henry
W. I -a wlnn auxiliary a 111 be held In Me
morial hall October Z7 to decide when the
new flnrpole shall be erected at West cemetery.
Ilofal NrliKhnr of America,
The officers of Ivy rnrnp, No. 2, Royal
Ne ghhnrs of America, will meet at the
home of Mrs. A. (". Dukes, p4.i outh
Twentle'h street, Friday, October t'i, at
1 p. m.
California Lads
Get Long Trip for
.Farming Prowess
Piloted by R. O. Crocheron of the Uni
versity of California and R. M. Hagen,
agent for the lepartment of Agric ulture
; of the fnlted Ktates, twenty-eight Call
I fornla farmer lad who rataed record
'crops thla summer passed through Omaha
j last night over the Northwestern on a
p.p-nillB II Kllirn wbji awiinifil xnrrn 1
I by the Vnlveraity of California for t.lielr '.
i work. Sixty-five boys' agricultural !
cluh of California entered a crop grow- I
lug contest and the long trip la the prize,
elaborate musical program will be ren
dered during tho opening session, which
will be In chnrge of Mra. Lillian Eddy.
A memorial service will he given at
4:30 o'clock In the afternoon. Members
of the Grand Army of the Republic of
this district are Invited to attend. This
service will be In memory of departed
comrades and sisters, and will be In
charge of Mrs. Wilcox.
The Initiation ceremony will be ex
emplified at 1 o'clock by 'the officers
of Tekamah corps.
New fwedlsh Lodge.
A lodge of the Order of Vasa was Insti
tuted at the Swedish AudltoriumltiuO
Chicago street, Thursday at o'clock.
The Order of Vasa la the strongest
wedlsA fraternal organization In Amer
ica, numbering over 40,ono members and
'M lodges. Its aim ia to render Its mem
bers moral as well as financial aid In
time of distress.
lief ore the lodse was organized If.
Alarlk, organizer for the order, gave a
short address on the Order of Vasa, Ha
accomplishment and alms.
Woodmen of World.
"The Law of the Air" will be the sub
ject on -which Harry O. Palmar. Omaha
lawyer and former editor of the Harvard
Law Rov(ew, will lecture before the mem
bers of Alpha Camp, No, 1. Woodmen of
The World, In IJarlght hail, Tuesday,
evening. October Si, at 8:30 o'clock., j
Mr, Palmer has long been a student
of tha legal problem growing .out-of
(nan's mastery of the air and his lecture
will deal with practical questions aa well
a with novel eases which have been de
termined recently.
The public I Invited.
Kala-hU of Pythias.
Thero will be an open meeting given
by Nebraska lodge. No. 1, at their hall.
Fifteenth) and Douglas street, Monday
evening, October 15.
All knights and their ladles have the
privilege of inviting any one eligible to
membership and their ladles.
A short program of speeches and music
will precede tho outs and dance. Some
special features will be pulled off. Don't
miss them. Come by 7:30 sharp.
iHin't forget the special meeting Fri
day evening, October 2, the official visit
of the supremo chancellor, the second
time such an event has occurred In the
state of Nebraska. ,
lerrce of Honor.
A k -Mar-Hen lodge. No. 173. of the De
gree of Honor and slater lodges, will
hereafter meet on the flrat and third
Thursdays of the month at Millers hall.
Seventeenth and Vinton streets. The
order for the change la signed by Julia
Lynch, chief of honor; Josephine Wittlg.
recorder. Thla lodge has heretofore been
mooting at Armburst hall. Twenty-fourth
and Vinton strict, but tills hall has been
leased to others, hence the change.
Maces' hern,
. Veyflower'ltevlcw No. 3! of the MaVa
hecs, South Pldo, celobrated the anniver
sary on October W. Mrs. Agues T. Coyer,
deputy atute commander, was the .guest
of honor. She gave some very Interesting
Germans Repulse
Russian Attacks
BERLIN, Oct. 23. fHy Wireless to Say
vllle.) Russian attacks northeast, east
and aoutheast of Hahanovlchl have been
repulsed by the troops of Prince Leopold.
It was officially announced by the Ger
man war office today. The capture of
eight officers and 1,140 men Is recorded.
The army of Oeneral vo Llnslngen has
mado a general counter attack to the
west of Cxartorysk and thrown back the
Russians. During the last few days nine
teen officers and l,00 men have been
taken prlaonera In thla district, and one
cannon and eight machine guns captured,
the official announcement adds.
English King: Calls on My People
to Rally to Support of My
LONDON, Oct. 23. King George
has Issued an appeal to his subjects
to come forward voluntarily and aid
Great Britain In her fight against the
Germanic allies. "More men and yet
more," the monarch says, "are
wanted to keep my armies In the
field and through them to secure
victory and an enduring peace."
Appeals to People.
The message of the king follows:
"To my people: At this grave mo
ment in the struggle between my
people and a highly organized enemy
who has transgressed the laws of
nations and changed the ordinance!
that hinds civilized Europe together,
I appeal to you.
"I rejoice In my empire's effort, and I
feel pride In the voluntary response from
my subjects nil over the world, who
have sacrificed home and fortune and
life Itself In order that another may not
lnlieiit the free empire which their an
cestors and mine have built. 1 ask you
to make Rood thes? a rlfl'-es.
Knd .Not in Plant.
"The end Is not In sight. More men.
and yet more are wanted to keep my
armies In t . .icld and throuch thorn to
secure victory and an enduring peace.
In anclrnt days the dsrkest moment has
ver produced In men of our race the
sternest resolve. I ask yo'i men of all
classes to come forwsrd voluntarily and
take your share In these fights.
"In freely responding to my appeal you
will be giving your support to our broth
ers, who for long months have nobly
upheld Great Britain's past traditions
and the glory of her arms."
Supposed Mexican
Bandits Are Killed
BROWNSVILLK. Tex., Oct 23. A de
tachment of the Sixth cavalry late today
fired on and killed two supposed Mexi
can band Its who were crossing the Rio
Grande at the Ban Pedro ranch, twelve
miles up the river from Brownsville.
Roth were armed. The bodies were not
recovered. Lieutenant T. R. Van Natta
of Troop L, Blxth cavalry, was In com
mand of the detachment.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 22,-Ellseo Arre
dondo, who received the recognition of
the United States and the Latin-American
republics for the Carranza govern
ment In Mexico, will leave here tomor-,
row for the Mexican border to present
In person to his chief the communica
tions handed him by Secretary Lansing
and the Latin-American ambassadors
and ministers last Tuesday.
Did Farewell to Dust, Smoke, Excessive
Ash. Clinkers and Other (irieis
re "Vulcan Ck,M the Perfect Fuel, and way fare
well to the things yon DOV'T like about HARin Coal.
"Vulcan" takes the of Hard Coal: does not horn
out fire pots or grates, and mny be used In any sort of
heating stove, base burner, hot water plant or furnace.
It generally proves to be nlwut 20 cheaper than Hard
Coal If you'll meaanre the money spent by the length of
time It burns, the amount of heat It produce and the
bother It dispenses with. Vulcan Coke Is a by-product
of coals, but the? men who prepared the formula KNEW
what they were about. Ktart a Winter without fuel
trouble; use "Vulcan Coke."
We are Wholesale
and Retail Agents.
Phone Tyler Qfl Cf Per
210 South 17th St.
Urnndels Theater Building.
One Dead, Five Hurt
in Auto Accident
EAOLB, NJeb.. Oct 23. Mrs. Elijah
Morrell of Palmyra, Neb., wss killed, her
husband perhaps fatally Injured and Mrs.
Countryman, a daughter of the Morrells,
and her two children and Mrs. Merwln
of Eagle less severely Injured this even
ing when an automobile In which they
were riding swerved on a bridge they
were crossing and rolled down a fifteen
foot embankment.
SACRAMENTO, Cal.. Oct 21 Four
fires, started by arsonists broke out
simultaneously at midnight last night at
tha brewer hop ranch of Horat Brothers,
east of this city, and across the American
river, causing 35,000 In damages.
Telephone wires had been cut and power
lines severed so that the pumps could
not be utilised to extinguish the flames.
A messenger who hurried to town to
get aid was ordered to halt near the
ranch by seven armed men, but drove
madly by them. Hop kilns, press room
and warehouse were fired. .
LOS ANGELICA, Cal.. Oct 1.1 -Two po
licemen shot two boys off a motorcycle
in the east Lake park district here to
day, killing one named Lehr and prob
ably fatally Injuring the other, Arthur
Wand, who claimed ownership of the
machine. Wand, at a hospital, said the
shots followed Immedlatoly upon an order
lo halt.
William Cahlll and John Shammo, tha
policemen, said they believed the motor
cycle had been stolen.
i hwwW fniii
11 II VlflJ fctOUaJrir NAWUimillT V-wlw I l I
ls-tey 'j ' . j'fjlA ruT ok ' --fXA---'
or hips- ffimwflfty m"
I i I - II ADjurrAtuc
S3 Aiwmi. ) R;f - takdaw WILL LAST
r3 ALWAYS 1 WDIMMDfUT m J Wtii roit ocsiftKB a irmar
3 READY AMUaTOMrr ' It SHTTtsi Weil 9KH1 L"W J I
Si mwnc i J 9 SAVES ITS
IM., , fMnitxiT nil I COST
Twice the number of handsome gowns can be
had for half tlie usual cost, if you let us show
you how to economize on your Fall and Winter
The Famous "IDEAL"
Automatic Adjustable
Dress Form
Enables even the most inexperienced home
sewer to quickly and easily obtain expert and
successful results come in and let us demon
strate the actual money saving we offer.
Union Outfitting Oo.
Free information, personal sewing advice and
complete dressmaking knowledge will be cheer
fully imparted by an expert in conjunction with
a practical demonstration of the many marvel
ous features and pleasant economies that can
easily be practised by any woman regardless 61
how little previous sewing experience she may
have had with one of the "IDEAL" Forms t
TRUE. During this dem-Qt
onstration we are making 1
a special price on the Ideal
Dress Form of
Terms, $1 Cash, 50c Weekly
PROVIDENCES, R. I., Oct 23.-A motion
to quash tha Indictment against Mrs.
Elisabeth P.' Mohr, charged aa an acces
sory before the fact In connection with
the murder of her husband, Ir. C. Frank
lin Mohr, August II lust, was made In
superior court here today on the ground
that tha atatute under which the indict
ment was drawn Is unconstitutlonsl.
Netlah Overcomes Kntitnn.
KRIJOU, Neb., Oct. .-(SpeolM Tela.
gram.l-Nellgh High school 1
tanton In a foot hall game here tod.-iy
by a score of 32 to T. Stanton s lone
touchdown waa scored on a long for
ward pass. This waa the onlv time dur
ing the game Nellgh's goal line was In
t.iil.'jistiliJnr ,W
I Baseburners
Howard Heaters are so
constructed that tha draft
conies In over the (Ire in
a sort of spiral wave,
forcing the gases over the
fire, where they are en
tirely consumed; hence
you get In the Howard
Over-Draft Heater TWICE
styles to select from;
prices moderate and
terms very eary.
t i v 1 . .Tr
There cfin be no real!
health so long as the Stom '
ach, Liver and Bowels arc j
in .a weakened condition!
and are unable to perform '
their daily functions.
are "foes to health" that!
soon develop. You can help I
Nature conquer them by;
tho timely aid of !
j A splendidly built base-
burner, automatic feed
t niararlne, lnre fire pot with
p oliakins and revolving grate.
f picket trlm
mod. Special,
Goods Sold Out-
of-Town On Easy
Freight Paid 200
No frpicht nn
it "
Wyeju ia i i u. 11.. m j
Vwur Own Terms lrf vail at All Times at the I'r.lon,
Pedestal Exten
sion Tatlss
! wV ' i maM
I T 1
$1.00 a
Twelve Latest Record Selec
tions and a Genuine "Lead
er" Columbia Grafonola for
Just like cut. Con.
structed of solid
ok. Round top and
pedestal, golden fin
ish. Worth 115.00.
price. . . $9,951
The Leader Is equipped with a
motor capable of playing; four rec
ords with one minding. The Colum
bia tone Is incomparable and
matchless In fidelity. The tone
volume can be regulated to suit
your pleasure. Just drop In and
let our Columbia Salesman play a
few selections for you.
Thla Mas- gjy
sive Quarter-Sawed
IT pholstered
Rocker Is Just
like illustration,
constructed o f
genuine quarter
sawed oak and
has an uphol
stered seat of
abiicold 1 e a
ther. This Is a
p 1 e n did high
grade rocker;
worth $7.50. Spe
cial $4.45
83c Weekly.
- r ;
i . 1 J, . BDlendid
iI IH-k. tM TCI
Seamless Brussels Rugs
Sizo 8-3x10-6.
Made of good
quality wear
resisting ma
terials, pretty
worth $17.50,
a ie'.f ( Mil iM
- "SkJ S 'r-r - '.17.. M
V1 J(I
st :mf i r x r-'t i i r- i
Similar to Illustra
tion with high sani
tary leg base, upper
warming closet.
and nickel
Sale price.
trimmings. CQQ Kfl
Use coal, wood or
cial price. $46.50
Easy Terms.