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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1915)
THE 0MA1IA StTNDAY BEE: OCTOBEU 24, 1915. 5 A .. OCTOBER 88, IMS. vprnlnv service; cathedral. Jainln Brew iter, U, P., SOCIAL SERYICE DISCUSSION HERE Conference Will B Held Friday in Connection with Episoopaliaa Synod of Northwest. MASS MEETING IN THE EVE5HT0 A comprehensive and broad con ference on social service Is to be held Friday of thla week In Gardner Me morial hall in connection with the Episcopalian Synod of the North west, which is to be In session In Omaha Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The province of the northwest comprises eight states, and hundreds of delegates will be here. The conference on social service comes Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, "Child delinquency and the Tenement Dis trict." will be discussed by Iter. F. C Smith, "Industrial Justice and the Un employed," by O. O. House. "Community Service and Parish House Problems," by Kev. J. A. Schaad, and Rev. J.. Aashuts and "The Training- of Workers" by It j 8. Catley. At S o'clock In the evening- a mass meeting- will be presided over by O. W. Wattles of Omaha, Rev. P. M. Crouch, secretary of the Joint commission on social service Is to gjae an address on "The Layman's Opportunity for Social Service." J BUhope to Attead. , About a dosen bishops from the various states in the province will attend the nodical conference. These bishops will be assigned to the various Episcopal pulpits In Omaha and vinclty, where they will hold the Sunday morning- serr. ices. Following Is the program of the convention: Til L iu 10 :M A. A. Rt. Rev. preacher. 2:3a P. M t...iichcon. 3:"0 P. M. oi sanitation; appointment of eVimmlttwo. IN TUB UARDNER MEMORIAL. !:0D P. M. Conference an religious edu cation. Bishop McKlwaln, presiding. i.tb P. M. "How Can We Reach the Parents?- Rev. J. K Burleson, l. D. 4:30 P. M. "What Can We Ho for Schools and Colleges?" Mr. J. F. Douglas. o:15 P. M. "What Is the Crhuch's Ko sponslbllity?" Rev. W. Vt Barnes. 8:00 P. M. Reception aj, the University C " " FRIDAY. OCTOBER 29. 7:30 A. M. Holy communion; cathedral. :00 A. M. Business session. Report of provisional secretary; reports of com mittees; new business. 12:30 P. M. Luncheon. IN THE GARDNER MEMORIAL. 2:00 P. M. Conference on social serv ice. Bishop Beeoher, presiding. Sectional conferences will he held as follows: la) "Child Delinquency and the Tenement District." Rev. F. C. Smith, (b) "Indus trial Justice and the Unemployed," Hon. 1. O. House, (c) "Community Service and Parish House Problems," Rev. J. A. flchaad, Rev. J. P. Anshut. (d) "Train ing of Workers," Rev. 11. 8. Oatley. 8:00 P. M. Mass meeting; chairman, Hon. O. XV. Wattles. Music, Address by chairman. "The Layman's Opportunity for Social Service," Rev. F. M Crouch, secretary of the Joint commission of social service. Music. Our punitive ays- Um" SATURDAY, OCTOBER 90. 7:30 A M. Holy communion; cathedral. IN THE GARDNER MEMORIAL. 9:00 A. M. Business session. 12:30 P. M. Luncheon. 2:0 P. M. Conference on church ex tension. .Bishop Blller, presiding. 2:45 pf M. "Ways and. Means In the rarlsh." Rer. E. B. Woodruff. J:ii0 P. M. "The Relation of the Diocese to tne Board," Bishop Thomas. 4:15 P. M. "A Method of Administra tion." Rev. C. C. Rollit. 6:00 P. M. "The Clergy Pension Fund." Rev C. W. McWlllIams. 8:00 P. M. Mass meeting. "Religious Education," Rev. W. E. Gardner, secre tary of Joint commission on religious edu cation. "From a Layman's Viewpoint," Mr. G. F. Henry. "The World-VMde Preaching Mission, Rev. J. E. Freemen. D ' SUNDAY. OCTOBER U. 8-00 P. M. Missionary mass meeting, cathedral. "On the Firing Line " Rev. E. lray. "In Rural Communities," Rt. Rev. H. 8. Longley. D. D. "in Far Away Lands." Rt. Rev. 8. C. Partridge, D. D. "The Final Message," Rt. Rev. L. R. Brewer, P. D. White Autos Beaten by South Tacomas SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 23. The South Tacoma (Wash.) Tigers defeated the White Autoa of Cleveland, O., here to day In the first game of a series of three for the amateur base ball cham pionship of the world, excluding inter collegiate games. The game was closely contested, no runs being scored after the fourth frame, when Tacoma bunched two bits and sent across the deciding tally in a I to 2 score. Eley. In the lists for Tacoma. wobbled In the third inning and the easterners took full advantage of his temporary lapse. Three hits were turned Into two runs. From this point Eley had his op ponents at his mercy. Crowley, for Cleveland, pitched e splendid game, allowing but six hits. Martin and O'Dowd Battle to a Draw MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 23,-In the boxing bouts here tonight "Silent" Martin of New York and Mike O DowU of St. Paul, Welterweights, fought ten rounds to a lively draw, according to sporting wri ters' opinion. Matt Brock of Cleveland knocked out Charlie Aronson of Kansas City in the third round of a ten-round bout. Aron son was substituted at the last moment for Al Baldwin of Kansas City, who failed to get within the weight limit The men are featherweights. Young Wallace of Milwaukee knocked out Paddy Kelly of ft. LojIs In the third round of a ten-round session. The weight was 130 pounds. .' In the preliminary Casey Deloof ef Grand Rapids had the better of Jlmmie Fltzpatrlck of Minneapolis. p Four of the Episcopal Bishops Coming to S ynod Hero This Week 0 v - ? ' I .... y - , .. ,. 2sZy ManyS.ZoT$ler Bishop AL. Williams Of lows. -r - - - V - ' i. .. V ' W. J- Of Eastern Nebraska, (F y 'BisJiop Samuel 'CooJt Elstf 3iihop CosJjutorWF&ber Of Minnesota. Of Montana. 1100 baU. , The alleged libel was said to have been made during the recent pri mary campaign. Rainy Season Gives Russia Advantage (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) PETROGRAD, Oct. 18. The early and persistent rainy season over the greater part of the fighting front Is taken by the Russian peasants as a sign that the text Inscribed on the regimental stand ards "God Is on Our Side" Is not mis placed. The Russian places great faith la the defensive merits of his rainy sea sen, especially In the marshy sections, where Intimate knowledge of the bogs will enable local guerilla bands, under the skilled leadership of picked Cossack daredevils, to keep up a oontlnual harass ment of the German flanks and rear. The local peasantry alone is familiar with the shifts and tricks of the marshes, especially in the treacherous Plnsk dis trict, for there the bogs vary with the seasons and according to the rainfall. A case has already been reported from this district in which a German column was cunningly surrounded by a small force of guerillas, who crept by secret ways across the swamps and raised an alarm on all sides at once. . The enemy, seised i with panic, endeavored to find a way out and the whole column disappeared In a treacherous morass which seemed a possible road to safety from the un known strength of the attackers. It Is still somewhat early for the ap pearance of the guerillas, whose best op portunity will come when tne snow obliterates the landscsps for all ssvs the native-born. number of cuts and bruises on his face and body as a result of their falls through the ropes. Stecher says he will be In good condl tlon for his match with Amertcus at Lin' coin next Thursday evening. German Children Collect Waste Nuts (Correspondence of the Associated Trss BERLIN". Oct. U.-!n furtherance of tho suggestion that school children assist In conserving the national resources by a systematic collection of scorns, horse chestnuts and other nuts that ordinarily go to waste ior the sake of the oils they contain, the Prussian minister of asrl- culture has Just Issued s 'on and minute list of lnstruct:nni and advice. This Includes a detailed account of the methods to be employed In preserving the nuts until a marketable supply has been collected, the uses to which each variety of nuts ran be put as a fcod for animals, tho percentage of albuminous and oily eontts of each variety, and, final')' the market for the nuts end the prices that rule In It. This market Is the newly formed "war commission for plant and animal oils and fats," located in Berlin. Provided one works assiduously enough In collecting nuts there Is a tidy hit of pocket money In the labor, for the commlsNlon offers 5 marks ttlOSO) for 100 kilograms CIO pounds) of beechnuts, M marks for 100 kilograms of dried beechnuts and 140 marks for as many baas nut seeds. Pried acorns bring IS marks per 100 kilograms, crushrl serous 31 marks, dried and shelled norms 44 marks, dried horse IS mirks and crushed and dried horse chest nuts IN maiks. Germany Trying to Stop the Massacres WASHINGTON. Oct. 23, -Confidential advices received today by the State de partment said the German government officially had made efforts to alleviate alleged atrocities upon Armenians In Turkey, but that Turkish officials ap parently displayed lack of Interest In I such endonvors. Representation wers I tnnde by the United Hate through Am I bassador Mcrguenthau at Constantinople i some time ago, warning Turkey that I continued persecution of Armenians would alienate the friendship of the mcrlian people. Suffered For Seven Years "Peruna Cured Me"l Had Catarrh Of Head Nose Throat And Stomach ,i.vt,k.i.i ; sir Fnmuel Rnssl, No. (11 Chestnut Ave,. Vlneland, N, J., writes: "I wsnt to thank you for your advice and for what your medicine has done for me. I suffered with catarrh for seven years: , catarrh of the head, nose and throat, and stomach. Psruna cured me. I foUxreel your aavlee sad I need three eettlse ef Parana la three weeks, a4 aew my trouble Is all ever. I will never be with out Peruna In my house. I earn heartily reeonunsad rerun as a ea aire remedy. 1 am pleased to make publlo the good that Peruna has done me." . In a later .letter Mr. Rossi writes! "I will never be without Peruna In my bouse. We ass It whenever ear ef the family has e slight cold, aaa flat It ef eonstsat serrloe. Peruna has many times saved one of my little boys from serious sickness.'' Those who ehjeot te liquid saedlelaea oaa sow procure Ferae Tablets. nMsT MeTVtJPSMsVTIM 2 3eC To My 0ET Tho most important part of your houso is the roof. It is up against the ele ments day and n'uht. It protects you from rain, hail, snow, wind and cold. WHAT ABOUT FIRE? Sixty per cent of all residenco fires start in the woo J shingles on the roof. Do you want a permanent, fadeless green or red roof ? You can't get it with paint or stains. Repainting is expensive. USE SUNDERLAND'S M VS ASPHALT' H IN Brc.WTIKL'lj, FA DrXHNS GREEN OR RED PKKMIT NO StnSTITTTION KVERY llOX MARKED TKX.TILK" CO YOU WAsTT BOOXIIT AITS SAKrXXt YOU INVESTIGATE OrrMe this question for yourself but do your own lnTeetiRsting. Get the facts. "TKX-T1I.K" is fireproof from outside hnsard. "TKX-TII.K" is surfaced with rrushM slate, either red or green. Fadeless. TEX.TII.K," costs no more than wood shingles painted or stained. No more, "TEX-TILE" will last 40 to ftO years. TKX-TILK" Is the best Asphalt Shingle made, or we would not handle it, "TKX-TlLn" will look better, last longer, satisfy you more than any other roof material. "TEX-TTIiE" Is guaranteed for m long period and Sunderland guarantee Invaluable. SUNDERLAND BROS. CO., 17th and, Uarncy, Omaha Wounded Russians in Austrian Palace (Correspondence of The Associated Press.) BUDAPEST. Hungary, Oct. U The Austrian Archduke Joseph. In token of his appreciation of the excellent treat ment accorded to his aide-de-camp. Count Batthyany, In a Russian hospital, has ordered that a number of seriously wounded Russian officers shall be trans ferred to his palace in Budapest, there te be given the best possible treatment by his own doctors. Bulgarian Prince Fighting Country of His "Old Love" (Correspondence of The Associated Press.) SOFIA, Oct, 18. The anouncement that Prince Boris, the crown price of Bul garia, will be commander-in-chief of the Bulgarian army, recalls the love affair between him and the Ruslsan emperor's eldest daughter, the Princess Olga. The engagement has been announced by the papers on two occasions, and while not officially confirmed his visits to ths czar have given color to the mmince. Me knows Petrograd better than any city outside his own country, snd prefers It to any other foreign city. Prince Boris is only 21 years old and Is the eldest of four children by King Ferdlnsnd's first wife, the Princess Marie Louise of Parma. While King Ferdinand remains a Roman Catholic l'rince Boris is a Greek Catholic. The prince's conver alon. which took place at the eurly age of two years, was a condition demanded by Russia In return for Russian recog nition of Ferdinand as king. When only i years old the little prince as tonic hed the Russian court on his first visit to Petrograd by his precocious knowledge of the nice ties of etiquette. The rule of the Russian court gives prece dence to ecclesiastical over lsy dignitar ies. When attending court the child prince never made a mistake in distinguishing between the two, kissing the hands of thi churchmen and presenting his own hand to the laymen to be kissed. 980,000 ACRES AT $1.00 PER ACRE IN ONE SOLID imCK Rich gracing and agricultural land, in southeastern Bolivia, bor dering Argentine. In the fertile valley of the Pllcomayo river. Ideal grazing, corn and sugar land. Two-thirds clear; balance Umber. Ample rainfall; elevation 2000 feet. Climate unexcelled. Only 120 miles from railroad, with full dining and sleeping car service, now building to point Immediately adjoining property; thence by auto mobile direct to property. Wireless station one mile away. This great block of 980,000 acres of fertile grazing and farm-land is now of fered for the first time at SI. 00 per acre. Terms reasonable. Full particulars, maps, photos, etc. I V. BUTLER, 115 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. yju sVHsMMHHMsl MM ieiiis u?ffzi fi. i i Dst-Bgru P Bails Sanatorium This institution Is the only one In the central west with separats buildings situated in their ov ample grounds, yet entirely dls tlnct, and rendering It possible to classify cases. The one balding being fitted for and devoted to the treatment of non-contagious and non-mental diseases, no others be ing admitted; the other Rest Cot tage being designed for and de voted to the exclusive treatment of select mental cases requiring for a time watchful care and spe cial nursing. Chinese Provinces on Verge of Revolt MANILA. Oct . Ths Chinese prov inces of Kwantung-Kwang-81 and Hunan rre on ths verge ef revolution pre pared by those who are opposed to ths establishment of a monarchy, according to Information received from private tource. which is believed to be reliable. It is stated tbst many arms recently lave been smuggled Into Canton. FORMER GOVERNOR F0SS HELD ON LIBEL CHARGE BOSTON, Oct 3.-Probabls cause was found against ex-Governor E. N. Foss In an action for criminal libel brought against him by Dennis V. Drlacoll. a labor leader, la municipal court today. Totn was held for the grand Jury in Urge Council for the Defense of Nation BOSTON". Oct. 33-he establishment of a permanent council for national de fense was urged as a primary measure of preparedness by speakers at a mass meeting held under the auspices of the National Security league tonight. Governor Walsh and United States Sen ator John W. Weeks both advocated the defense council Idea. A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into cash. STECHER UNABLE TO GET BEHIND STRANGLER LEWIS FREMONT. Neb., Oct . (Special.) Bruised and sore from his efforts to corner "Strangler" Lewis of Louisville, Ky.. in their clash at Evanavule, ln1., Wednesday night Joe Stecher of Dodge, accompanied by Ma brother, Anton, passed through Fremont yesterday on his return home. Joe said he was unable to get behind the big Kentuckian during the two hours they were on the mat, although he tried desperately. He was confident hs could have made quick work of him If he had ahown any Inclination to mix it Etecher'a elbows and knees were bruised snd hs had a Owes Health to Duffy's Had not slept in bed for five years and weighed only 111 pounds when Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey proved to be the best remedy Mr. Schap pert had ever tried, increas ing his weight to 150 pounds. "I have been using Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey for eight years and find It the best thing I ever tried. "For five years I had not slept in bed and my weight was reduced to 111 pounds. My weight Is now 150 pounds. "I am 65 years old and thank Duffy'i Pure Malt Whiskey for the help It has been to me." Joseph Schappert. 133 Walnut Street , La tonla, Ky, Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is a dependable liquid food tonic containing the life giving elements of the choicest grains, thoroughly malted, and so refined and distilled as to render It absolutely pure. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is genuine. Doubt cannot exist where such a product hits been of public benefit for more than 60 years. If taken In prescribed dores of a tableepoonful In wuter before meals, you ran with every confidence. ' ' "Get Duffy's and Keep Well." , Sold in fiKALKn IlOTTLKS ONLY. Beware of Imitations. a ' Yi r, . iM..'lMmajt nrf ,1 SSXwsS.1sm " ' M JOSEPH 6CHAPPERT .... 0t SNffya from yonr local arag-glst, grooer ov ROTF a"tlari '100 Per bottle. It hs caaaot supply you, l a, writ, ns, we U1 tell you where i get It. Wwl booklet free. ' Are Your Hands TIED By Rent Receipts? Do your living expenses eat up your income? Do you feel that, though you work hard and persistently, you do not have a chance; can save nothing because there, are always bills, bills, de manding most every cent you bring inf So that you feel as if you are in a treadmill and forever doomed! But there is hope! Even though your hands bo tied by rent receipts by rent, the greatest of living expenses-r-there is hope. You can, in fact, turn this expense into a saving. But it requires decision and action on your part. We of The Omaha Bee will help you, but, after all, success or failure in your fight for 1 freedom lies with you. 0 T1IK BEE does offer sincere and concrete assistance. You will find it in the Keal Estate columns. There we place you in communication with reliable real estate men and builders of whom you can buy real estate on reasonablft tirma. and with competent builders, who will help you plan and erect the new home you have in mind. And, remember, always Use THE BEE as Your Real Estate Guide r Put Your Money In a Homo The lufy Malt Whiskey Co, Rocheatsr, N. V.