Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1915, SPORTS SECTION, Page 4-S, Image 40
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 24, 1915. 4-S Nobody Has a Job On the 1916 Omaha Club, Asserts Marty Krug Tb. axe 1. ("tag to swing In the elan mt Rourk sometime thla winter and hio It doe. about a down alleged athletee will think a buii-Mw has landed In their midst, Nobody has a Job on the Rourke rrew U the way Fa Rourko puts It and every body who la given a new white uniform next eprmf will have earned It. Bo me ot the mob which finished the 1914 season probably won't get a chance to earn a new uniform a eome swaps are likely to ooeur during the hot etore league month. Marty Krug haa aeen th error of hie waya and promisee that 1U will see hlra on the Job aa hla ei manager and that the ball playera will not have anything to aay about bow a bail dub ahould be conducted. Last year Marty waa prone to let bla athlete ua their own Judg men and goodnea know how much judgment th ordinary athlete haa. But Marty found out that hi method waa a bum on and ha haa decided to change hla method. "I'll teil em every mor they are to make." aid Many the other day la Cleveland. "I'm going to run th bail club and believe ma I'll run It, ' he eentlaued. Leu North, Cecil Thompson and Bob lngroil are th three member of th team who ar practically certain to be beck. All three ar pitcher and their work waa mighty good at th fag-end of the year, wban they Joined the Rourkea. Th three pitcher, with th assistance of Tom Blodgett, took th Rourkea through that spurt of fifteen Tlotoiie out of twenty on th road and AUTREY STARTS A BIG ROW Omaha Boy Goes. Oat to San Fran cisco, Wins Pennant for That Town and Salt Lake Kick. SATS CHICK VIOLATED LAW Chick Antra?, Omaha boy, who la eon. aldereble Claa AA first baseman, haa started a flrat-olaaa mlxup In th elrclea ot organised baa ball. Mr. Autry haa won two pennant for two cluba In two different league thla yaar. When Minneapolis In th Amerloan association waa In dlr need of a first acker, Autrey Joined th Millar and th Millar promptly atarud on their spurt toward th rag, which they vantually copped. When th American association season closed Chick went out to th coast, wher San Franclaoo was leading the loop, but lipping. Th Seals war Just getting ready to allp Into second place, when Chick appeared en the ona and algrved up to occupy th first sack. Beatty and Meloan, regular 'Frtsoo Initial aaek guardian, wer falling down en th Job woefully. So Wolverton signed Chick and pat hlra oa th bag. Instanter th Baal put on speed and romped bom with th pen Dint He not only put pep and ginger Into th team by hla sensational fielding, bUt hla pinch hitting won at taast four distinct games, and th Seal, wen th pennant by less game than that. He also did considerable slugging In other game. When San Francisco took Autrey It 1 claimed he was a free agent, having had a non-reserve clause contract with Minne apolis. Now bla nam appear on th Minneapolis reserve list for the coming season and th eoest la up In th air. Salt Lake waa a few games behind the Seals la the pennant race and It la agreed lalt Lake would have copped the flag If Autrey hadn't saved the day for the exposition village. There I a rule et the national association that no player who haa participated In one championship race ahall Join a club In another leagu for the purpose of taking part In another 1 championship race. The rule also says j contests In which auch player partici pated ahall be forfeited. , Salt Lake promise to put In a kick. San Francisco says Autrey la a free agent while Minneapolis puts him on th aseociaiton club reserve 11st. 11 win be a neat little fuaa for th national elation to settle. Bohemians Will Mix With the Townsends The Bohemians, or Caechle, as they pre fer to be ealled.wl!l make the attempt to atop the Townsends la their uninter rupted rush toward first honor In th Omaha Beocer Foot Ball league, at Mil ler park today. The Bohemlona have been practicing assiduously and hop to take a fall out cf the Townsends, who have not yet lost a tame. The Csechle eleven ha several fast playera on It, Including J. Prchal In goal, l-ulik at half. Ant Hladik, Rudolph and Lai-rlk among th forwards, and these chapt may be successful In de feating the leader At Carter Lak municipal beach the Caledonians, who are banging around the bottom of the league, will attempt to bolster up their standing by walloping the Omaha City eleven. The standing of the league up to date 'a aa follows! P. W. L. D. For Agst. Pts. Townsends . Omaha City ltohebiane ., Caledonians r4 s 11 T S 17 11 14 Philly Fans Give , Alex Touring Car Grover Cleveland Alexander la the proud possessor of a Ul model touring car. The machine was presented to the St. Paul lad by a group of admiring Philadelphia fane at a banquet tendered the Phils In Quakertowa after the setlee was over. Eo it eaa be aeen the Phllly fans didn't blame Alex with the loss of the world's championship, or he would never have gotten the auto. NONPAREIL ATHLETIC CLUB TO HOLD OPENING The Nonpareil Athletic and Social club will hold the formal opening ef its new club room, at 1321 Vlntoa street. Tues day evening. The Nonpareil club la a newly organised club, which promise, to take aa active pert la athletic In Omaha la the future. C I. Bradford, who man agea the fetors base ball team, la chair nan of th athletia board and a board a Kb "Brad" at the bead of it la sure to trfanls crack albletlo teams and Pro " ie some big events. IBlaaa ( tlalt. iinurlmi Sett, who fallvd as an In- frlrtt-r with the Washington Ura, has vc ovd " """ '" ecconiiiMC to i practically every on of tb fifteen games w won by pitching alone. That trio will form th nucleua of a good pitching taff. Ona other good pitcher will make th Rourk staff a good aa their la. Two more would make It th belt In th leagu. But th rest of th team I due to be uney thl winter. Two new catcher must be obtained. Ernie Kruefer will re turn In all probability If th Yank can not see to u him and report from Ootham Indicate that Krnl lent feat enough for th company up there. Bobby Well will be traded or aold. Tannehlll la a free agent. He aaked to he made auch and aa Le la one of th men who haa put hi bt year In th gam and I growing old. Rourk fruited th request. "It Tannehlll can get a Job aa manager. I don't want to atand In hi way," aald Rourk. Achllebner and Breen. according to Krug, may or may not b back. "Breen probably won't and If w ran make a trad for Bchllebner we'll do If Th aama goee for th outfield, Rourk haa mad McCbny a free agent. If anybody offer aoro promising talent for Forsythe, Cy will be traded, admitted Krug. Karl Smith, who la a wlaard la left from th fielding standpoint,, but eeema to be bewildered In center, will probably fee retained, aa Smith ahould become a great ball player If ha ever learn how to atand correctly at th plat. 'Ihol Is lb way the Rourk club ot ini stancis. declare Krug, and nobody hit a Job. BIG THREE ARE SLIPPING Harvard, Tale and Princeton Not Only Pebbles on Beach in Foot Ball Circlet. FITTSBTJjZGH EAS SOME TEAM Br rnAifK o. mbukb, KETvT TORK, Oct tt-The reign ef the "Big Three" in th eastern foot ball world eeema to have bean effectively ended by th new gam. Tale haa been beaten once, and nearly beaten In another atari; Princeton narrowly squeaked through with a I to 0 victory over Syra cuse; Harvard had a mighty task In de feating the Massachusetts' Aggie en October 1 ' Tale, Harvard and Trlnceton ruled dur ing the bygone rears because In those day the greater the bulk the greater the foot ball eleven. Those colleges had a big enrollment, they got th "cream" of th prep school, athlete, and, as a result, they always could muster a team that rarely waa surpassed. But the new and open game the game that make speed a mightier factor than brawn, continue to bring newer and more atartling upsets each week In the' LAWRENCE, Kan., Oct St. With the foot ball world, and effectively ha kicked exception of the Nebraska game, the to piece the claim of Tale, Harvard and game with Oklahoma Is considered the Princeton that they alone may hold the hardest on the University of Kansas championship. I foot ball sohedule thla year, and the wary j Jayhawx la casting an anxious eye toward game Line, This. th, af falr th fjooner on October M. Syracuse, however, U on of th very Coach Herman Olcott. the Kansaa men few collegea that atlll Incline to beef, tof) MtkW Oklahoma play against Ms and thla season It haa placed on display sourl two weeka ago. "The Booners have one of the heaviest line If not th a fast, aorappy team," he aald after- heaviest In th history of the game. ! from taokl to tackle that line averages 117 pound. There' exactly LOSS pound centered In that line, distributed as fol - low: McDonald, center, its pound: White, guard. IM pounds; Schlachter.1 guard. M7 pounds; Cobb, tackle, 19S pound., and Johnson, tackle, W pound. a line that no team so far has really dented; a line that haa thrown t o nearly every onrush. With a Una : that Syracuse ought to go through a season making a great record,-but un-i fortunately for the Orange team, it i backfleld Is Just a bit above the mediocre. : -( lias eoasa rasa, la the Navy eleven thla rear extremely punk or la Pittsburgh emaalngly power- fU on the offnlvT That' tb question foot ball enthusl- aata have been asking ever since that: Pittsburgh outfit walloped Navy, ) to ' M, thereby doling out to Uncle Bammy'a aallor school, the worst beating it haa received within the memory of the oldest foot ball Inhabitant. j If. a question that wilt have If. answer! very .oon to the later showing, of both eleven, and It Mem. to ua that the answer will be that Pittsburgh haa a foot ball team that rank, among the greatest , In the country. tllakey Has Troahle I Ufa doesn't seem to alee up aa one ., ,hV w'.T.l n5'. i. " ... , 7 and soul Into making a winner out of those Tale foot ball warriors, hut so far h haa failed. In Ult during hi first year as eoaor hi team auffered two defeat.; one unex pectedly at the handa of Washington and Jefferson and that other terrific beating which waa presented by Harvard. It was the worst walloping Yale ever has re ceived. ' There were many exouses for Tale'. poor showing laat year and much hope over the 191A outlook. Tale looked like a world heater In the preliminary dope but what does dope amount to after allT Tale went out end get. Itself beaten up by Virginia the blggeet surprise In Yale history and in Ita very next atart won a t to S victory over Ihlgh, not because It waa a better team than Lehigh, but because It outlucked the plucky Pennayl- vanians. Hinkey, Just now, is wondering what. going to happen next And as he wondera furrow, grow on hla brow. HEAVENS! BIKE RACERS PLANNING FOR WINTER NEW TORK. Oct - it-Follower of armory athletic who are keen for the bike races wll see aome great doings la their favorite sport during the coming winter months. The battles awheel, which proved eo Interesting last year, will be repeated with even more excite ment la the coming meet. . All ot th old flat floor Stars will be back at their work. Eddie Ooodwla ef the Irtah-Amer-tcen Athletle club, haa started working already. At Lake, who looks better than ever, will also be back, and the same caa be said for Jack Townsend, the tall young man who used to ride for, Domin ican Lyceum, Another flat floor filer who wTll figure in next winter's race la Jerry Nunsiata. th spaghetti eater, who bad a great season on the outdoor tracks last summer, winning race after race at Newark and Bheepshead. Just how much Jerry bas Improved may be gathered from the fact that he best Uhrt tr.e world s smateur champion, sev eral time et Newark. little Interest haa been displayed In th heavyweight class alnce the Wlllard Johnaon set-to at Havana. Wlllard has not done any fighting alnce he wrested th championship from the big colored JAYHAWK FEARS SOONERS saaakssaaaaasa Kansas Warriors Expect Oklahoma to Put Up Stiffeit Opposition of Tear Except Cornhiukers. THILEE VETS ABE OUT OF GAME ward. "Their backfleld Is a fast piece of machinery and know how to ua th , forward pass for big gains. W ar going to nY mighty hard time of It when w"n,w lnem' ... a sir jjivawoiii vuiiuua mwiitm vu iiuji.ij that the Jayhawker squad will go Into the Sooner game with three of Its star men tA o,4 inlurd list. Keellne-. veteran cen- tar, WM takn from th Drake game with a bad leg, and haa not been able to be ut tq a suit since that time. Hla chancea of getting back Into line-up before th Nebraska game are very slim. Fast, tho phenominal halfback who I considered Dr ivansas university coacnes aa me 1 1 in a or me season, is iaia up wun an obstinate charlry-horse In hi left leg A week' massag has failed to cure It, and It seems unlikely that he will be un able to play before another week at least. Lindsey, dependable punter, suffered an Injured knee In the Drake game a year ago which forced hlra out of the line-up 'r the remainder ot the season. As fate wou,d haT th 0,l wou" torn open ln tne Dr'k ,n tn,t ""on- nd J-tndey now watches the would-be Jay. eln P'""n frm th To the ttmIonrr ,OM of tnw men. Coach Olcott Is working hi. back- field over time In an effort to develop promising material among the aeconl string men. The second team haa shown up unusually well during the last week, nd,WM uto ?v ue FX""1. th Agglea yesterday. Juat what the tyro. " v. In atock will be brought out during the coming week', practice. That the Oklahoma game la regarded aa crucial la evident through the Intenae In terest ahow by the rooters In regard to It More than MO students who otherwise could not afford to make the long trip to Norman for the game have chartered four box cars from the Santa Fe, and will rid In them to Norman, billed a livestock. They will thus be enabled to make the -round trip at an expense ot little more than S3. Regular fare from Lawrence 1 something over SS. The "box car spoclal" will leave Lawrence on afl through freight at midnight. Thursday. October M. . and will reach Norman the following evening at an approximate time. The escapade le being supported by the athletic authorttiee at the university. Cornell Athletic Fund Falls Short The following Is a statement of the ac counts of the Cornell University Athletlo association for the season 10l-lS:- ' Receipts. IPrnentl root nan v wt s Base ball , l.r.l07 Track ! 41 Navy Percy field 7VJ Bacon practice hall.... Alumni field Hchoallkopf building.... el IT Boat bulldlug 140 Bprlng day S.S s Season tickets H.KH.W General account com mon to -ail branches Including Interest end and dUcount, miscel laneous, permanent eqiripinent, poetaae, Prhttln. and advertis ing programs, rent. I2S.371.S6 , IS 687.75 15.467 48 14.M1 s.n n 1 wn .44 15 1.K4 0S 1.4X7.41 SU.SU llCht water, salaries and office expense. S.T4&IT . SSS.Sw.04 Nolo of H.M. A O p roprtatlon from interest amount to meet dvfUU l.OOO.ce S.W.0I 1019 04 S"&1.04 Hk Tessa. Announcement Is made In 8t. Iou.'s that the Cr llnls w I. again da their train Utg at ban Antonio. Trs. Heavyweights Coming Into Their Own fellow, but many moons wilt not pass un til he will be forced to meet either Jim Coffey or Frank Moran, or, possibly, both of them. Wlllard la making no secret that h la out after th money. He want Johnny Dennison Finds One Job that Is Too Big for Him This Is a post-mortem of th Cleveland Whit Auto-Omaha Luxua amateur game' at Cleveland two weeka ago. Johnny Dennison, being a very loquacious and garrulous chap, thla Interesting side light didn't leak out until the other day. , Some weeks before the game Omaha officials In the Amateur Base Ball asso ciation protested against the use of Tommy Atkins, recently signed by the Chicago Cubs, and another pitcher named Knight. These hurler were not members ef th Whit Auto during th regular season, and th rule prohibit their us In th post-season game. Because PresI dent Patterson took a hand and had the nerve to decide Cleveland In the wrong a thing no other amateur base ball of ficial bad prevloualy had the nerve to do Atkins and Knight were not allowed to play, i So when the Luxua arrived la Cleveland Manager Dennison discovered Messrs. Atklna and Knight calmly ocoupylng place, on the Cleveland bench. "Atklna and Knight will have to get off of your bench. I won't have them on the field," declared Dennison to the Cleveland manager. The Cleveland person gave Johnny the up and down, looked at the 109,000 per son, some human, some not, ln tb amphitheater ln which the game waa blared and Invited Johnny "to ma 0."" uunaee, jonnny Ui-irtlthe, Joe and put them off, that, the only way. you'll get 'em off " Johnny also surveyed the crowd a minute and Atkins and Knight .aw the game. Haughton Finds Left Side of His Line Quite Weak BOSTON, Oct - SS. Boston foot ball crttlos feel that the Harvard line did not ln any way meet expectation, in' the Indian gapte recently. The left side of the line where Dadmun and R. C. Curtis were -playing waa regarded a. the weak point and through hole, found here the Indiana made most of their gains; In order to patch up this weakness Haugh ton, It la said, contemplates moving Oil man to right tackle, displacing Parson, Parson, If th move I. made, will go over tn 1 - f , n ' Mll.vlnv n.lmiin m'illS' , , Blgelow wm again take hU place at left tackle.. By thl. plan the coaches hope to bolster up the weak aide, and through the .addition of Oilman add o wer to the right side. Harte and .Bouoy look to be fixture at end for , th time being at least . Watson had a strong grip upon the Quarterback position; he Is a deep student of the theory of foot ball, and he also handle, himself well both on of fense and defense. tCmUht. Mahn and King are the regular backfleld nominees. King and Mahn.wiU surely play In the hlg garaee,: barring Injuries, but Enrlghf a present - disability makes It unwise to MoKllllochi count too much -upon him. and Wilcox are both ready and caier to fill Ekirighf a place, provided he remain, out of the game through several weeka How Expert Rates Billiard Leaders Bating and Player. 1 Wtlllem F. Hoppe... S-Ora Uomlniaitr S eore Bloason 4 Oeor.e Sutton 5 Harry P. Cllne a KoJI Yamsria 7 Albert O. Cutler ( Joarnb M-ver l.t . M ,. i- .. eo ,. .. Sli .. S?S ,. Sou ,. SM Jacob eVhaefer... lu Win lain Canon... 11 Welker Cochran.. 1S-AI Taylor sang ao o SuO I" Svft) Taaks Blow tola. It la stated that the New Tork A mer it an league club payed $Ji0.0u0 for lis vroum's In Lnir Island tlty and will sptnd at least SM).w building stands. tiaeet Waalaeaa. Art Guest, former utility Inr elder with Oaklnn i. has purchased a bil lard par- tor la Oakland. a big guarantee to meet any of the heavyweights In the ling, and the man who meets him will have to be a very popular drawing card to pull a gate big enough to give Wlllard the amount he wana. F. WELSH CAUSES A STORM Boxing Fans Are Much Pat Out at Lightweight Champ Because He Will Kot Fight PLAYS THE NO-DECISION GAME NEW TORK. Oct . When will Fred die Welsh defend his tltloT This question Is agitating boxing fans the country over, and fight writer In al most every paper that devotee any space at all to the manly art are saying some mighty harsh thing about the English man. Freddie has just returned to New York from the Paclflo coast, where he spent a couple of months loafing around and "resting." but this far he hasn't emitted a peep regarding his plana for the future. This silence evidently Indi cates that he will continue to take refuge behind the no-declslon law and not risk his title on the Judgment of a referee fn a championship fight It haa been over a year since Welsh wrested world', premier honor from Willi Ritchie. Since that contest b haa engaged In only one bout to a decision, that being with worn-out Matty Baldwin, twelve rounds, at Boston Just a year ago this month. Dominlck Tortoiich of New- Orleans Is ready to give TO per cent for a title bout to be divided as the principals see fit Aside from Willie Ritchie there are five 1 lightweights who are deserving of a nance at tne onampiopship. They are: Mandot Charlie White and one of Fred- countrymen, xea ituaj lewis. I " country " a rule patterned after , " ndo1? club, which their title, within a year or forfeit the belt emblematlo of the championship, Welsh would have been forced to fight for hi. title many month, ago. Three Twirlers . Have Been Heroes ' in World's .Series Pitcher "Deacon" Philllppe, Christy Mathewson and Babe Adams have been real world's series heroes. They have been In the banner event of the season and have gone through a siege with three decisive victories. To Adams and Mathew son are attributed the winning of world's titles. In IMS Pittsburgh won the flag In the - - .... National league and claahed with the Boston Amertcan league, but lost the . rlc, after.batUlng eight games. In that Mrle. Jhiuipp. twirled on October L S s .nd aefem lmd ' th. m which contained auch star players as La Chance, Parent, 8tahl.' Ferric and Free man. ' Alex Aberg Hurls Challenge at Joe Another wrestler Is on the trail of Joe Btecher, Nebraska'.' wrestling wlsard. and mis one is laming in large sum. ot money. The latest to challenge Joe la Alex Aberg, the world'a champ at Oraeon-Roman style. The Bee haa received a letter from Aberg'a manager In which be challenges Stecher to battle either Qraeco-Roman or catch-as-catch-caa style and he offers to post S1.000 with the sporting editor of The Bee to bind the match to be held H 1 in Omaha, Chicago. Kansas City or New tSTorn. 4,1 A berg's manager says It la us to ewj Stecher to answer his challenge and that J'lf be does not do so he will declare that w,l stecher is afraid of Alex. 10 Alex hails from New Tork City, or at lesst Is making the big village his home at present. TH0RPEIAN CLUB WILL GIVE DANCE TONIGHT The Thorpelan Athletle club will hold Its first annual dance at Chambers' acad- t, vninc S o'clock. Fifty or Mventy-flve couples are expected to at , . ten. The Hypodermic Needle :By ruo s, PROVlNa THAT THE HARRISON LAW IS MORE OR LESS OF A LARGE JOKE. We know the base ball season lias passed spos It way, We know the field's deserted, A ad that foot ball athletes play. For despite the fed'rat dope law. The foxy baee ball experts Are iitsppl Mitre' najala. Abe Klvlat has been fired by the Amateur Athletic union because of an "exorbitant expense account." Why not turn the Amateur Athletic union loose on som of our well known publlo of ficial T Frank Moran seems to have copped that punch Pat Moran Just lost. THE OLD A LID I 8TCFF 18 WITH US ONCE MORE A ouncA ot late bal tnanagen, Jicgan a $ong to ting, It mid, "to flunked it thit year, But teat' h ui in ,he gpring." Pat Moran has signed to manage the Phils for 191. We had our suspicions FREDDIE TO RETIRE IN YEAR Lightweight Champ Says He'll Quit the Squared Circle Within Another Tear. WHICH IS 0HE YEAS TOO 'LATE By RINGSIDE. NEW TORK, Oct 23. Freddie Welsh, who tapped his way to the world's light weight championship, haa come out of his four-month hibernation with two Im portant announcements. The flint wll) sadden the hearts of devout fight lovers. I while the aecond will gladden these aame ' hearts, In almost the same breath Frederick taya that he la coming back to the ring and that he la going to retire within a year. The laat portion of the statement aounda good to the ear. Ah. well. If Freddie threatens to go on "fighting" for another year, there Is nothing we can do but let him; he can't "fight" more than twelve or fifteen time, during that period anyhow. If Fredide were to leave hla return to the ring to a popular vote, the anawer would not be pleasing to hla aenaltlve nervea Ae far aa the fight fane are concerned, Freddie can etay out of the ring for another year, and then retire. Which would be the only way Welsh could re gain some of his waning popularity. But wait! Freddie haa another Idea. Ho fear, that once he retire, he might be unable to resist the lure of the ahekel.; and there la nothing Freddie dreads more than to ''come back" after he has retired. Freddie realises that It 1 not going to be an easy matter to retire. He aaya that It doesn't seem real to him that he le going to forsake the ring forever ln another year. All Welsh wants, be fore slinking out of the limelight. Is to collect a few more thousand dollar from the gulllible public. Then only .will he be sufficiently reinforced, financially, to abandon the game he ha. loved so well for the money In It Woald Revive Dead Onea. Welch's ambition Is to go away from the tnaddlntf throng, and establish him self ss an honorable keeper ef a sani tarium. He think, he can build up such decrepit battlers a Battling Nelson and Ad Wolgaat, and aend them out after the lightweight champion Welsh', auc cesaor, to be sure. Good luck to you, Freddie; may you realise your ambition right soon, so that we can glimpse at a regular fighting lightweight king. And, holdl Freddie would like to quit the ring' undefeated. (Hasn't he been defeated enough alnce he boxed Ritchie out of the title T) Welah may rest as sured that he will retire undefeated If he merely maintain his Insistence on ten round no-declslon bouts. Freddie Is too wily a ring general to permit himself to be knocked out Inside of ten rounds. Twenty rounds may do the trick, but no one will ever get the chance to take Freddie over the route not If Freddie can help It. One thing we can say ln favor of Fred die, he has never been connected with 4 any shady dealing in his bouts so far as we know. Many of hla "battles" looked auspicious enough, but they were excused a. every one knew Freddie could not or would not do any better. He ha. served an honorable term In the ring, -quite true, but he ha. outlived hie usefulness and It would occasion Uttle surprise if he were to retire before the year hi up. Th heavyweight Influx has started. The town Is full of them heavyweights. we mean. The htoran-Coffey fight started it all. and no relief I In sight And to top It all. Jess Wlllard will be with us soon. Then a sudden exodus la pleasantly anticipated. Wlllard has been doing some light training the last few days, so aa to be In) fair fighting condition before he eigne with hi first challenger. Big Jean will be ready to talk business within two or three weeka Then, heavyweights, be ware! Uy Gibson, who has succeeded Bill Wellmen, a matchmaker of Madison Square Garden, haa offered Wlllard a tempting purse to appenr In the garden arena before the year la out The new heavyweight champ'on Is considering the proposition, and haa promised to give Oil eon hla anawer In two weeka. Pimples and Skin Eruptions Danger Signs of Bad Blood It May Mean Eczema, Scrofula The First Sign of Inherited Blood Disease Pimples, scaly itching skin, rushes, burning sensation, and Scrofula, denote with unfailing certainty a debilitated, weakened and Impure etate of the blood. The trouble may have been ln your blood from birth, but no 'matter how you were infected, you must treat It through the blood. It la a blood dlaeaae. Yon mu.t use S. 8. Hn th standard blood tonic for 60 years, if you expect certain relief. For purifying the aystom, nothing 1. equal to It. The acUon of 8. 8. 8. 1 to cleanse the blood. It Make, through the are- tem direct to the seat of the trouble the blood poison a. It revitalise, the red blood corpuscles, increase the flow eo that the blood can properly perform It. physical work. The dull alagglah pond promptly. But you mu.t take 8. 8. 8. Drug, and substitute, won't ! do. Get 8. 8. 8. from your drug slat. It your, is a .pedal caae and you meed expert advice, writ to b. b. b, Co., Atlanta, Oa, xxraTTxm; that Pat again. would probably get the Job We would also venture a guess that ona BUI Carrlgan will be on the cene again next year. Matt Wells says American ftchtera are too punk for him and that he la going back to England to mix with some real pugs. Probably Matthew will find that forty-two-rentlmeter sheila can put up a pretty handy battle. TUB WORST 19 VPOIt V9. The baee ball seases's aver. And we're fall ef fatlarae, For now we'll hear the rhlrplar Of the well known Hot Stove leagae. Thin to Worry Abent. Freddie Welsh says he will retire from the ring within it year. The only trouble with that declaration Freddie, la that It's a year too late. Flguring-out the late Vforan-Coffey af fair the best we can deduct Is that so: heavyweights are punker than other Chicago sport writers are back In form They are selling the Cuba again. Aa we understand it Charley Taft la willing to aell the said Cubs, but Charles Webb Murf won't stand for It A BUNCH OF POETRY IS ' " NOW COMINO. LOOK OUT. Joe Tinker's Feds have made a claim, They've flopped a festive fit, They claim the womleVa ship. And we don't en re bit, Sj eve will pnll that (rasd old arngr, What can they do with Itf i J HERE'S BOMB MORIS. The gamt at Lincoln ytf.trdag Waa gloriout and grand, Tht only thing that murred it tra That torn-out collegt band. THIS 19 ALL AS WE THOUGHT THAT IT WOULD BB ENOUGH. We always knew that foot ball scribe Were numbered by the scora. From Omaha to Lincoln, From coast to coast to shore. But we never knew so many scribes Existed in this land, Until we lamped at Lincoln rest Tne press coop in the stand. (")UR prom- ises are lived up to exclusive fab rics and des gn, the finest of tailoring, and delivery wbea eaktd for. Oar pricee are mod at isdeett 2S to (SO. 1 , ... Perfect Fit Guaranteed. MicCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. 81S South 15th Street. I BASE BALL All national Start VS. All American Stirs ROURKE PARK Sunday, Oct 24, 3 P. M. I tSSa pnasenwaseni A whiskey that bas maintained its supreme aualitv. rich mellowness, deli cious flavor and popular demand for over three (feneration.. Made in the good old fashioned way to satisfy tha (aaccs OX tne moat critical. Bocuea a acting a an antidote to neutrallie af j fa s (f