Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1915, SPORTS SECTION, Page 2-S, Image 38

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OCTOBER 24, 191S.
Local Bowling Organization! Are
Centering Their Effort on Mak
ing It Successful.
Tigers Win Game on Own Grounds
Ij the Score of Thirty to
pnTYfTPON." N. J- Oct. rrtneo-
ton defeated Dartmouth here today.
o 7.
Dartmouth orned the game by kicking
oft to tho Prlnecttw'orty-yrd lino. After
on exchange of kick Princeton worked
tho boll from Ito own four-yard lino to
Dartmouth's forty-three-yard lino, where
Tlbbott dropped o fine field goal. Then,
getting the boll on the thlrty-elght-yard
lino, tho Tigers took It to Dartmouth's
Torty-four-yard lino, where Tlbbott kicked
mother fine field goal.
Score, flrot period: Princeton, ; Dart-
Buth, 0.
Princeton quickly added seven polnto to
Its ocoro in tho oeoond period. Hightey
caught a forword pass on tho five-yard
Uno and went over for o touchdown be
fore a Dartmouth man could interfere.
Later Barrowes and Tlbbotia of Dart
mouth tried field goals, but failed.
Score, end oecond period: Princeton. IS;
Dartmouth, ft.
Tlbbott ratekro Hall.
Prtneeton. chiefly through food puntlnit
by Drlggs and a penalty against Dsrir
tnouth for holding, kept the ball In its
opponenU' territory In the third perlol.
Gerrtsh punted from behind hl goal line
to hie own thlrty-flve-yard line, where
Tlbbott caught tho ball. With good Inter
ference he darted through the broken
field of Dartmouth playero for tho Tlgere'
oeoond touchdown. Tlbbott klrked the
goal. A few minutes later Tlbbott punted
tho ball close to Dartmouth'o goal line.
The ball struck Holbrook, who had taken
MeDonough's place, and rolled out tho
goal line, where Hogg fell on It for an
other Princeton touchdown. Tlbbott
kicked tho goal.
Un Falls In Effort.
Law, cent In for Tlbbott In tho final
period, tried a field goal from the Dart
mouth thlrty-nlne-yard lino and failed.
Dartmouth then ahowed Ho beat strength
of tho game. Getting tho ball on Ito own
thlrty-flve-yard lino after an exchange of
kicks, Dartmouth carried It to Princeton's
twenty-flvo-yard mark on lino plunges,
.nd run. and forward 1 paa.eo. but lost tho rcguls, ALLET.
Kail aa, iHlawniajl rta mm A foot mIh I a
Week's Hot. Una Brbedale.
Menoo Tauua Monday. Ideal Msok-
Inawa atralniit lrlnal Overalls. Dread
nought J. aimlnst Ideal Hrilila, Mliia Tay
lors nnalnsl Classic Coals.
itnoi. .t i-nsiie Tufwlny. omrina an
and Morans Co. against Corey-MoKen-
Eie, I'umis HgainKt teiy ltiving o
party. I'r-te lxirlis aaalnst Clara nei
Midland Olass siiii paint company against
Potl RudiiIv romianv.
NrhrnKkt Telephone league Wednes
dny, Installers KMlnt Traffic, Account-
antn nirn nt WisK-rn r.iermr pomiiany.
Construction against General Off.ce, Wire
Chief atiulnat District Plant, Auaiiors
Mercantile Leaguo Thursday. Byrne-
Knnimrr aKalnsl browiiliiK-HIng, r orcl
Motor SBAliiKt MK'ord Hrailv Atlvos. M
K Smith nvalnst World-Herald, Thomas
Klli.ntilik atialnat Drexel Shoe company
Nebraska lothlng company against
(iroh.rH A Wllhelm.
drain Kxrtiange league Friday. tTp-
rllkoa niiinii Oowell K evator company
Netiraska-lnwa drain company aualnat
Transmission! Grain onmiwiny, Omaha
Klrvstor roiimanv against A liters I'ol
lak Crmrnt company. Cavera-Hturtievant
company axaltiat Uialn Inspectora, Mwy
HKiHnv rumiiHnv asalnst M. C. Peters
Milling" comnr nv. Or-orse A. Roberts Grain
company against Hchnelder-Fowler com
hers I j.nff)te Monday. Ttees
Printing comtmnv airnlnst Omaha Print
ing company. N. C. leary company
against Hither Inks. Klopp-Hnrtlett
aiialnst Haticock-Epsten.
Gate Cltv League Tueaday, Lewis Buf
f. aaatnat oivmnla Candy Kitchen
ti,.t Ksnrlv Kids agaliiKt Murphy Iid
It: ThurstlHV. Mickey Olbsonn against
ttacan's Fnlvtnffn, Her Orand analnst
Flc rshelm 8 o-.
nmah On lasrue Wednesda y. nook
keener n irn Iniit Collectors; Kii.pso
agnlnat Tarbaltiea, Accountants against
Omaha Ttea(r"e Thursday, Jetter's Old
Age against Meti.
Omaha K prtilo Light and Power
League Frltlny, Hoenlar pfheilole.
ITnfnn Paclfln League Monday. Inde-
MmUnti airulrtaf Mntrhea.
Ford Motor Iea gut Tuesday, regular
tchschile. ,
Women's League Wednesday, regular
schedule- . , ,
i in.i.ii. t Thin adav. Rtors against
Wroth's Cafe. Ilrandes Htars against
Krug's Iaixiis.
I'nlon I'scinc iuaunr-iimro
I. fhHuU
Knights or commDus istpa-tnuj.
ball on an Intercepted pass. A few min
utes loter Dartmouth worked tho ball
again from Ito forty-one-yard line to
Princeton's twenty-five-yard mark.
Hero Gerrlsh tossed a forward pass to 1
Olio, tho five-yard lino and scored a I
touchdown for Dartmouth. Oeniah
kicked goal. Just before tho game ended
Princeton got the ball on Its thirty-nlne-yard
Uno on a free catch. Then Law In
for Drlggs. kicked a field goal from place
ment. Final acoroi Plnooton, SO; Dan-
mouth. T .
Tbo lineup:
Resignation of Five Leading Stars
Deals Yale Foot Ball a Crushing Blow
'P7;V 7
. m m x m. :
wjM f"!" i i 1
(Continued from Fage One.)
Visitors' Great Defense Nearly Up
sets Traditions, but Russell
Saves Day for Chicago.
and nailed him, much to the relief of
the stands.
A fumble gave the ball to Nebraska,
but. after making one down Rutherford's
men flunked, due to lack of Interference,
and Otoupollk was obliged to punt. He
punted over the goal line ana me can , taln RU..ei's fifty-yard run on
was brought out to me twenty-yara
mark. Here the Nebraska line buckled
down and held.
rornhoskers fltart.
Bergman punted to the mldle of the
field and then the Huekers started. A
forward pass. Corey to Chamberlain,
netted twenty yards and the next play,
second forward pass from Chamberlain
to Calcy, netted fifteen more. Chamber
lain again took charge of things and hus
tled through the Notre Dame team ,
twenty yards for a touendown. knotting
tho score. Corey failed to kick goal. j
A few seconds after Corey's kick-off ;
the third quarter ended. As the fourth ;
period opened Notro Dame had the ball.
but a penalty forced tho Catholics to
kick. Tne call weni io mo nnuum oi mo; Chicago
field and Nebraska was handed a f If teen-I Referee:
yard penalty. This seemed to put tho
fight into Btlehm's men and they started j (.ornei
r. i ' '
f '.
jK,?! Xt Jm
Illghley IB
McLean LT.
Nourso ..M......L.O.
Oennert C.
Hogg R.O.
HalaaiV R. H).
i'.rown ...K.K.
oiii-k O H.
TtbbeU ....... .L H-
Rhea R H.
Diiggs F.a
L.K Dusossolt
Paxton' A Oallsgher League Monday,
swioiilaM an V MA 1 1 1
Ptandard Oil League Tuesday, regular
Clan Oorrton League Wednesday, regu
lar schedule.
Loyal Order of Mooso League Thurs-
w p.. .iila . arliedllle.
Metropnlltan league rTiaoy, rw"r
ehcdule. .
nnuNjrwicK allktb,
Marin Cltv.. Class A Monday, All Wtars
against Rouih Omaha Merchants, Cooley s
Bpeclals against Jetter's Old Age.
Msgle Cltv, Class n-Tiieeday. Curo
Mineral Springs ogalnt Farmers ipx
chsnge. R. A. I. against Murphy's Colts.
Wednesday. Centurion Club against Swift
And pnmnHnv.
ITnlnn Ktnnlr TlPlla Ta nie Thursday.
L.T. ....... McAullffel t-i.. q i. v..i .nimi n.,,t West.
Merrill rrn commission company. Fndav, Tagg
. n,-. ass nat Me env uros.. wooa oros.
against Clay Robinson company.
Oh Me. Oh My. Women's Leaguo Fri
day, regular schedule.
WifsafcitsTft mnaiMn
Not tn twenty years has there been such ,
gloom on tho Talo campus as that caused
by tho reolgnatlon of five athletlo stars,
declared Ineligible because they played
baso ball with tho Quoguo Field club of
Long Island last summer for their room
and board.
Tho men who withdrew 'from athletics
are Harry Lo Qore, tho star foot ball
and baso ball player; William Easton.
left fielder and candidate for one of the
backflrld positions on tho oleren; Spencer
Pumpelly, pitcher; Robert O. Rhett, out
fielder, and Arthur iUlburn, captalnn of
tho baso ball team.
CHICAGO, Oct. B.-Purdues great de
fense, centered about Captain Blocker,
nearly upset traditions today, but Cap-
I tain Kusseu s riny-yara run on me
kick off In the third period turned ihe
scale and Chicago won, 7 to 0, after a
bitter battle. If the Purdues defense was
a marrel. Its attack, however, was slow
and except for Pulls out punting Russell
by many yards, the Maroons showed
much the better offense.
The line up:
Pennsylvania Lose to Smoky City
Aggregation by Fourteen-to-Seven
Hake L.E.
Herns L.T
lllocker ..
Mason ....
Dixon ....
Htahop ...
Purdue ...
.L.O. L.G...
- i c
....R.U.I R.O...
....R.T.. R.T...
....R.K.I R.F....
..Q.B., VI. H
... .'-pull
Red in on
. Itrodle
Br loi
versity of Pittsburgh won from Penn
sylvania, 14 to 7.
.'. ho start of the first period Penn
sylvania got the ball on downs. Pltts
hurph held, and after recovering the ball
Hastings mado an unsuccessful attempt
to kick a goal from the field. Tho period
ended with the ball in Pennsylvania po
sition on Pittsburgh's twenty-three-yard
line. Pcore. end of first period: Pitts
burgh, 0; Pennsylvania, 0.
Pennsylvania kept the ball In Pitts
burgh's territory In the beginning of the
secor.d period. Wulgley fumbled the ball
In mid-flcld. Herron recovered for
Pittsburgh, and Hastings was pushed
over for a touchdown, r ry aicaeu ino
goal. The period ended with the ball In
R H.
R.H Gordon
F.U Flood
0 0 0 0
0 0 7 -7
Masters. Northwestern. I'm-
plre: Redden, Michigan. Linesman:
Smith. Harvard. Field Judge: Whyte.
j C ornell. t nicago scoring touennown:
vtoruon. vjoui iroin luuiuuuwn. niiuii.
-i,. .. . hrnuffht Into Dlav Substitutes: Purdue, Walter for Dixon,
Tho forward pass was brought into piay j 0xfp ?or B,shop EldrldBe for van iken.
again, and again It proved successful. Aj ttinchfleld for
Hake. Mcintosh for
toss from Chamberlain to Reese gave Muei hncr. Allen for Pults. Chicago,
An-.. h"ersriing ror (.loraon uonson ior riooa,
T1PB . ...wi.i r, . . T.- .
Nebraska twenty-two yards.
from Caley to Rlddell netted twenty
eight yards and tho third touchdown.
Corey botted the goal and tho score stood
20 to 13, In favor of tho Lincoln school.
bcanlon for Brodie, Norgren for Pershing.
Two of the Stars .
In Omaha Today
Tho loss of Lo Gore Is most keenly
felt, because Yalo was depending largely
on his line bucking and running ability
on tho gridiron this fall. Lo Gore was
easily the star on tho Talo eleven and
was personally responsible for the vic
tories of Tale over Lehigh and tho Spring
field Trainnlng school this year. His
playing at shortstop on tho Talo nine
last year brought him offers from the
New York Giants and tno Philadelphia
By accepting their board and room
from the Quogue Field club the men in
advertantly became classed as professionals.
.......... ia ivi
RO Ppears
Li.H., uernan
R.H...... Thielsoher
r.B Duhaniel
T Cotton
LB Emery
i.B McDonough
Base Ball Players
To Shoot in Omaha
Midwest Toaraasjiowt Notes.
Creston. Ia,, will onUr a team.
Tho Chicago entry will bo ton teams.
It will cost S2.S00 to stage tho big affair.
The Wellington Inn has entered a team.
Ixca entries are commencing to
oomo la.
Tho Nebraska stats entry will bo un
usually largo.
Tho entire Mercantile league of ton
teams will enter.
Peoria bowlers announce a probable
(Continued from Pago Ono.)
WILMINGTON. Del, Oct XJ. 8peclaL)
Arrangements were completed today
foe a traMhootlng trio of 1(00 miles to
w . . ... eon. wail known I entry of four teams,
base ball pUyonj. f Chr. "S5j- "
Mathewson of tho Ntw Tor Nationals, buJ( of ,h ou,,,a. ntrle- wl
Marry Davis, Philadelphia Americans; not m untU tho last day.
"Doo" CrandalU St. Louis Federals, and president Joe Kelley has eomenoed ao-
"Chlef Bender," nntn rooently with tho tlvlties with tho local tournament ooin-
Baltlrooro Federals. Tho baU players, all Pony.
, fc ..k ... shooters will Kvery prominent hotel and cafo will
of whom are crack I WMi,u it least ono team In tho tourna-
tour tho largo cities In tho middle west nnt. -
and In tho east They will shoot a N9 to& medals, each ono costing
match of 100 targets in eighteen eltlea I2K, will bo given to tho different cham-
wlth teams of amatours at each plac. I P'ons.
Tho players will reach Omaha No
vember U, and their contest will take
place at tho grounds of tho Omaha, Uun
Tho opening shoot will bo hold at tho
West End Oun club, Richmond. Va.,
November S. Tho closing match will
take Pisco at tho Paleface Oun club,
Tho Lolsy Brewing Co. and tho Swan-
son st Aylsworth teams are two new
local entries.
Tho Dupont Powder and Woodmen of
tho World teams of St. Louis have re
served dates.
Tho largo silver all-event champion
tropny will soon do aispiayea in aown
town store windows.
Tho Gate City league holds a meeting
Boston, November ST. On Thangs giving I today to lay tournament plans. They
day tbo ball players will meet a team at
tho New York Athletlo club . grounds.
New York.
These cities win bo visited tn tho order
named: Rldbmond, Baltimore. Pttts
burgh. Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Bt
Louis. Kansas City. Omaha, Dos Moines,
Intend to enter nine teams.
Ono hundred and fifty sots of new reg
ulation tenpins have oeen ordered lor uie
tournament. Tney wm oosi i.w.
You don't hear "Foul" called as often
as you ueea to in tne rncme league.
Tho boys are getting to bo real rollers.
Victor n. Parish of tho publicity bu-
reau of the CoiumsroiaJ club Is sending
Minneapolis, Milwaukee, cnicago, loieao, out .oou entry blanks this week. He
Detroit. Syracuse, Now Fork, Hartford I expects all of them to bo returned prop-
and Boston. 0"ea ou.
nhUf" Bender has lone boon rooosv Those Auditors In the Telephone league
-- - - .iT. will bear watching. Tbey nave won nine
nlsed as ono of tho best shots In tho w" "V M ,ithou,. iq-. .ni .r-
aast, and Mathewson. Crandall and Davis I uadJng the league with two games to
are not far behind htm, Tho trip is tho I spare.
. .v.. .u.e .mnnkl. I limh of tho Wosteni Electrlo team of
"v . Ithe "hello" league shot three nice games
. I l..t week, for a total of 6T5. He will
Ohioans Fall Before arst t ot th- UUot ,f h
T I TI J Poor old Holllday of tho 'Phono league;
ilnTlPHTl H HflflCTfirS struck another slump last week and
UUUCaU OilCUUlO dropped down again after making a
meteorio rise the week before. Bettor
MADISON WU OcL a-B.ll,uneaa;. .' th. .,
Badger cohorts defeated Jack Wilde's 'sme up In the percentage column
Buckeyes on tho gridiron today, SI to 0. .t week and are now within striking
Alter ftrhtlne- on even terms during the distance of tbe icaaere. ixnsiry .01
first half. Ohio', open attack was slightly ?
Even little Klein, tbo 130-pound quarter
baok of Missouri, found holes In tho brit
tle Ames lino.
Packer, Uhl. Bloss and Aldrlch played
Ames best game.
Jones R.K.
Dnnfeld R.T.
Klappernlck ...R.G.
Miller C.
Kolmes L.G.
McKlnley L.T.
Packer UK
Aldrlch R.H.
I'hl F.
Moss L.H.
.... Hamilton
.... Speelman
Ill tarn
Substitutes: Dubel for Uhl. Evans for
'', iinanam ror Miller, Uhl for
Dubel, Clay for Hocker, Karr for Holmes,
vvyau ror inttam. Hutledge for Kle n.
Hyde for Mulr, Rider for White. Touch
downs: Packer, Bloss, Rutledge. Goal
kicks: Moss, S. Referee: Orover, Wash
ington university. Umpire: Qulgley,
Kansas. Hesd linesman: Brvsnt, Prince
ton. Total gains: Missouri. yards;
Ames, SM yards. Total lost around: Mia.
aourl. twenty-two yards; Ames, twonty-
i anil.
Texas Loses by One
Point to Oklahoma
DALLAS, Tex., Oct H.-The narrow
margin of ono point, a goal from touch
down, gave tho University of Oklahoma
foot ball team a victory over the Univer
sity of Texas eleven hero today before
ono of the largest crowds over gathered In
tho southwest for a gridiron contest. The
final score was 14 to 13, Oklahoma win
ning in tho last three minutes of play
with a touchdown and goal kicked by
Captain Gayer from a difficult angle.
Until today Texas had not been scored on
Zupke's Eleven, Minus Services of
Pogue and Clark, Piles Up
Big Score.
CHAMPAIGN, III., Oct. 2S.-Mlnus tho
services of Pogue and Clark, Zuppke's
crippled champions defeated Northwest
ern today, M to 1
Tho Illinois lino showed well, but
Nortbwestern's delayed pass mado re
peated gains.
Tho lineup:
Crane UG.
McCurdy LT
StelDbronnor ...L.G
Bnlnt C.
Stromberg RG.
Randolph R.T.
Norman R.K.
Underhlll Q.
Driscoll L.H.
Williams R H.
Patterson F.B.
Referee: Oreen of
L.E Squier
UT Kundqulst
L.O Applegrant
C Watson
R.O Stewart
R.T Petty
H E Marquardt
Q Brenneman
L.H Kliene
RH Macomber
F.B Halatrom
Pennsylvania. I'ra-
llannrs Wlna the Ran
NEW BRUNSWICK. N. J., Oct. 22.
Hannea Koehlmainen. Irish-Ami rloan
Defease Goes to Bleep. i Athleilc cljb. New York, won the t n-
Corey kicked to Notro Dame's ten-yard ' "lie national Amateur Athletic union
' i. n n. k k, w A I championship run here today in B:30:it!V.
fense once more went to sleep on the Job,
evidently believing tho game was on Ice.
Talng advantage of this delinquency,
Bergman promptly staged a twenty-flvo-yard
run. A forward pass netted ten
yards. Here Guy Chamberlain took a
hand because nobody else seemed anxlanj
to get in the game and bo Interc
next forward pass.
Tho Huskcra tried tho forwa
but a Notro Dame man Intercept
first one attempted. A forward pi
the Catholics twenty-five ya
Bergman chalked off another fl
the ball fifteen yards away :
goal tho ever-trusty Bergman vf
upon to do his duty and he dl
covered the remaining fifteen y
Ing around Rlddell's station ad
the touchdown. This put the
to 19. In favor of Nebraska, am
would have tied the score.
Stratea-y Falls.
Here Harper tried tho Haughf
tgy and the Haughton stratt
But it was pretty much luc
failed, as tho kick was an eas
the ball went under the cross)
fraction of an inch.
It was an exceedingly hot d
game was played in a swelt
with tho thermometer over SO,
it hard for tho players to pul
usually fast, snappy, gingery
may have accounted for th
speed on 'the part of the Hue
It seemed more lndtsposltio
than lack of ability.
Tho gams also was quits
Notro Dame was frequently
Gang tackling was a promlri
of tho game, especially by
Dame men, who appeared to
Ire to end tho foot ball care
berlaln and ono or two other!
A largo number of Omahif
tho game. Two special tral
Omaha, one at noon and on
ing carrying live stock men
Bide men took George Green
and paraded tho field befoi
All of tho regular trains f
tro polls were packed with f
Lineup for Tears
Here is the lineup for th
nounoed by tho coaches, vf
clals for the game:
NEBRASKA. Positions. N
plre: Schommer of Chicago. Field judge:
Knight of Michigan. Head linesman:
Nichols of Chicago. Time of periods:
111 minutes. Touchdowns: Brenneman.
Kleine (2), Macomber, Patterson. Goals
from touchdown: Macomber (3). Goal
from field: Macomber. Substitutes: Illi
nois, Craft for Marquardt, Graham for
Petty, Nelson for Halatrom, MacUregor
for Stewart, Potter for Watson, Hansch
man for Apples rant,- Allen for Macomber,
Cowles for Graham, Anderaon for Kleine;
Northwestern. Heme for Patterson. Pat
terson for Williams, trader for Crane,
Stickler for Heme, Rose for Driscoll.
Kran for Steinberg.
PHILADELPHIA. Oct. . Dartmouth's
oross country run team defeated tho
this season. Forward passes featured tho . University of Pennsylvania ovsr a four
gams and aided In tho two touchdowns I mile course In Falrmount park today
cored by each team. J S3 to 2S.
Chamberlain. L. Ell R. EL
Corey L. T. R. T..
Shields La G.I R. O..
Moser C. C
Abbott R. G. U O..
Shaw R. T. L. T..
Rlddell RE. L. E. .
Caley Q. Q
R herford(C) L. H. R. H..
Gardiner R. H. L. H.
Doyle F. B. F. B..
The score by periods:
Nebraska Scoring Touch?
berlaln J. Rlddell. Goal
down: Corey (2)
Notro Dame Scoring To
ran. Bergman (2). Goals fr
Substitutes Nebraska:
diner. Notre Dame: J
ferald. Fltxgerald for O
or Cofall.
Officials: Walter Ecke
university, referee; Birch
lege, umpire; ver wiece
varsity, field luage; 'aia
university, head linesman!
Time of halves: Thirty
Shields a 6j0 total-
effective, but Wisconsin's was even bet-
The Wire Chiefs of tho Telephone
ter. Wisconsin's first touchdown wai u. ... miiH HI' In the second game last
. - . w . akliul u.lnJ I..u Lul. hla helns the first MO-ISIIM Of
ms.a. ,n .... ....... ..w. . 1 I 7,: Th. Auditor- were a does
circled an end. Slmpsen wcaing goal, two Vlth M. If this keeps up Secre-
addltional touchdowns wore scored by I ... .in ran gXtMOt o A Fit TV f rOItt tht
Wisconsin In tho third period. Tho first I Telephone bunch for tho midwest tour-
nf these was made when Byers ran I ney.
through tho entire Ohio team and the
second when Btavrum pulled down a
pretty pass from Byers and rarri d It over
the line, Simpeon kicking tho goal.
Wisconsin seemed to be in better con
dition than Ohio and no ono was seriously
I Ths present entries are! Local, "ton
ti.. firmnt hntal s'lrat National bank.
nwanaon Ayiswonn. jener yvs
I-elsy Brewing Co. and Wellington Inn
rtut .M. tiiimA Htara Mason Cttv. la.
Martin Hotel and Boosters, ftloux City
la.: Centrals. Mtnrearralls: Kllpatrlck
foundry. Kansas City; Orinnell, la
io ana lu uua was wnviuij i iunory, rvanass i-ny t '
injured. Both teams mads several substV- Creston. iHinont t-owoer ana voo
I Bwtsms n tra TAnsln Mr. I 4 lM sVlra.
.,,. n m isa ths. saoartAI-iil tmt I saovas VS, va esws.v "
Wolverines Beaten
By Michigan Aggies
Ths new sporting goods department of
the Brandets Stores was a busy place on
ANN ARBOR. Mich., Oct. tS. -Tho I opening day. Many visitors interested in
Michigan Agricultural college by outplay-I sports and a'hletlos dropped In to Inspect
ing the University of Michigan defeated Itho brand new goods exhibited there and
the Wolverines. 14 to H today. Maul-1 not a few of them became purchasers.
fcttsch. Michigan's great plunger, was an-1 Tho department lo locttai on tho first
able to display his usual ability, tho visit- I floor of tho old Boston Uro building,
nr.- forwards ripping ths Wolverine line I where It Is readily accessible to patrons.
to pitcas before Toot's backs could get I Aa interesting display of artloloa designed
t.i-t.d. The poor physical condition of Ito meet every need of tho sportsman and
tho Michigan players also was shown in athlete may bo seen there. Expert advice
ths lajge number of men Injured. Ito patrons is part of tho service ofterd
I by the new department.
Wl Tttla Walk. I Oolfers' sul tlieo are oonsplouous among
NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. Oct. tl I tbo goods of fared by Brandcas, as are also
V' Vrr woo .ho" Am.H7rn"ithWlc revolver, and their accessories.
- i i -'ii s ' nsuonal channaonshlp evven- hunters' clothing, munition and all sorts
",,'j.e waja i..e tuday. breaking the of base ball, foot ball, tenuis and other
Tean Standings and Individual Averages of
w.u rt.
t'pelks Orsla Oe M I M
TrmsamlHlMlapl ....It .Ssl
riab.-ia.a O Cfc....U 1 .(II
Urals laapmiloas ....11 T .til
Mas? Milllni Cs. ..IS I
kr-..r. Oram Co.. t .ul
Cro.ail EUvaXur (..
Alban-fo.luck (.... I I ..
.TraurtTast .. t 11
Osiska Eistaiof CV. t U .ui
0, A. Kobarts Ce.... 4 14 .Ui
H. C. rstan Mill Os. I 14 ,lu
(aolilSual asesaoaei
Nsska. A. Naau. A.
Hvau ,....TOlbR. 1...
Wills ......Ull-lu rfcol .160
Ksrr lijboikkod ..L,
k.uiorouli ...l4at. ouas....l4
luaur isniokssuaj ,...i4
W.U IVrt
.u 4 .m
.it .en
Murshy PIS Ita
iiimi uinaoas )..!
Huriai ......If f .
fittsaa't ,. I .bwl
I l.i- Urssils , j .W
r'liirahalua ,,111
tllrvin fWllaa 4 11 .Ui
iius.ra- 0o4j alas. II
Is4lvtdsi svessi
kioVr ...
Bari.r ....
H.uw ....
Krrtaalt ..
KlOaaa ...
(-baadVar .
Thaicssr .
Haras ....
Hvr ....
wiW ....
B. Koraa.
..ItlllU ....
. .luSijn ...
,.1M udiar .
..lair. 1-Ib
..inl'ltbaua .
,1-a) .Intear ..
..177 U.m.aVOa
..Ktk.a m,
,.7ibala ,
..ITIKoore ,
..lTITaal ..
171 H.Wk
Hofmaaa ...17tMiur
Kalaua .
VMS ....
.7 oraos
.ITS V fala
.!Teiaa4 ,
,.11Olia ...
.. U4
W.U Pet.
I. Andrawa 4
Tea OMkaaUni I 1
Bohsie Bursa t
indmaual avarasaa:
KasM. At. Nam.
Palcasar ...LllwMMf ,,
Ht.los 1.4 Haas ....
H-x-as 144)unD ....
Clark 144Malcim .
Mulr 114 Hialo...U
Malrola ... lJohraa ....111
Puma It 4-louk ...II
Laa. birr ,,.U. Mutr ll
Grahsai ....UKlrania .i
Wiuw la brtaiM li
Ixwdaa'4Duaa t
Maare IM
W.U Prt.
Ovaaka -....11 T .411
Ual (
Mouaa I
OnUr 1 U .MS
Ia4lTtdual avarssaa:
Niai AT. N.B4. At.
um laOJohauaaa ...ra
Walaa V'-Hrr IU
Kurara 144 Uluomqulat .1-1
sicMahaa . .10 1 rh.lra .In
Sutlls I4erkhar4t ..I S
Kovlls lMWhaalar ....111
E-lmoadaoa .l!1 14
Inaiut .lnr Irchal...l04
Mall lwCUraasar ..W
CMtrasi 147 A. rrclaU... 44
W U Pet.
Fsnaar Baekssgs.,1 I .4
Wuruh-a lHl I I .441
Bum. Aalmal ln4.. I T .IU
gwin's rramtusw .. T I .4.7
tr-aoiurloM I 1 .44
Cura Mia Spline. .. 4 11 .Ui
Indl.idaal esra(aa:
Hassa. Av At.
Onau ....lTbi'laybarae ..US
TwrfWJd 444 Taser 114
Maruaaaa ..11 Human ....US
Quia I4uanau(i .117
SuIlUaa ,.1J1
Ocaaalar ...) Naal.r 11
T.rk. inOaaa lf
bo.llBg ....lUMurpb 114
Rnslaa 131 Bojfd 114
Mars 14
vr u ret.
Mlra Ala Orasw....!! I .u
l.rle.lion Oils I I .411
Polarlna Auto Oils... 7 I .4.7
Crows aa.olln I 11 .lis)
Inillrldu.l tvarssasi
Nam. At. Nam. At
Kiln. 141 Jonas 141
atu. 1.4 V-hank 114
riaSMadoa .IMAIlanas ....Ul
Bursa lMJanaos ...1J4
Croas Uiv.rltr IU
rlaearosa ..149IMft lja
Hasraiaa ...14 arkolt ...III
Hbart 147yoor 114
Hnllaawlls .144Ullnor ....114
Dorothr ... ,144'lraa.maa ..
Johnaoa ....144Cackr.ll ....10j
W.U rvt
S. Omaha MsrehaaU I U
iDdlvldiMU s.arasaa:
Urflar ...
Pataraos .
Kannadf .
Boy la ...
Tooua ...
..lrrtu ....
..Ift.LiOOBay .
. .llil'tiadd ...
..IM FrUcnar
..UlOrlbbl. .
. .Ill Hancock ,
,.l7Troolaj ...
..177 Koch ...
..lTIBrisna ...
,..17?weinia ...14:
. .1
talae 17 Kaae It
tasaar lilUn.a 1!
rlnaif 1.4 Burks lu
Oov 141 olaaiaa ...14
Aodaraoa . . . 1 Paiarsoa ...161
H.lioa U'loa.rS ... 144
Itaaaaa ....l7Vaju 1
Yaara lt'Thoia ....141
A. Bla....laKsou 114
CUrka ..
II 4
.11 7
. I I
. I II
. 11
N. P. Lsary...
Omaha Prist .
Kaas rna4 ....
Hubar Inks ...
Klops Rariiklt
K.sta. At
Taal lUhort
Tb.trhar ,.114 0runs
Hanaas .
M.iisr ..
Ho. ....
Conr ...
Kurt ...
C. AaSstsas Ul W4aAna
maok rrrr imxar.
CU4.BB A, W.U Pat.
Oool.r. ttvaoUis ...-U 4 .in
All Stars T
W.U P"
Wlr Chl.f.
Waatare BKTtrla
Oaoaral Ottloa...
Dlatrlrt Plant..,
I intruttoe
I !.
inc. KIamr..lW
..1704. P.atoa...lM
..ITS Miautakr ...141
..l.lOallus 14
..14 R. tata..!44
..UlOaboraa ....144
..lD.'rulk.Mnk 144
..1MB Kiaaaaar 14'1
..lraoj 14
. . iisaii 114
..1MB Anasraoalll
..ItlHutrtilaaaa .1
. lllftiiiail ...!
,..l.n.lDtl 1. I .11 pun m .
...144 VV. O. Blak.144 I J. liar-a OK Ass I 1
IndlrMual STarssM-
Kttma. Av. Nama. A
Phillip. ....lvn JofcnasDl
Koraa 14 laoa 1
Wbatlock . l.JKoll.r 1
Prlmas ...l4Nol.a ..,.1
BhlalaS ....14 HollloaiT ...j
lank ...I
Bio. , 161 Carsabr
balrs 11' laubarl
lnilaT ....It'bourhar
fUbacbsh ..l4Malaoa
Okaarar ... it Coo red
Hurt 1VJ.
Baal U4
Balhanrs Pabrlas.... 1 if
Oak Hraad Ova rait.. 4 1
Vkolarlas Draeanaa.. I I
B. A H Bblna I 4
Viator Hoatar. I
Paiiirlaa (.toak..... t I
Individual svaraga: Av
.lSinarllni ,
.Ul Mullet. .,
.11 laak ....
.lMWolff ....
.lsiXdia ...
.Ul ftratk ...
Palloira ..
Boom ....
a Smith.
V. Baulk.
Bartca ...
11 IIRMH 1 i Pittsburgh's poseeeelon on their own
forty-flve-yard line. Score end or second
period: Pittsburgh, 7; Pennsylvania, 0.
Run Forty Yarda.
Third period: End runs by Dehart
brought the. ball to Pennsylvania's forty-flve-yard
line after an exchange of punts.
Berry caught an on-side kick by William
son and ran forty yards to Plttaburgh'e
thlrty-flve-yard line. He lost the ball,
however, when Williamson Intercepted a
forward pass. Pittsburgh kicked out of
bounds on its own thirty-yard-line, but
Pennsylvania failed to gain In the four
downs Kecesa Intercepted a forward
pass from Williamson and tho period
ended with tho ball in Pennsylvania's
possession on Pittsburgh's thirty-yard-llne.
Score, end of third period: Pitts
burgh. 7; Pennsylvania. 0.
After an exchange of punts m tho laat
period, Depart secured the ball In mid
field, and In four plays around end and
through the line, carried the ball over
for Pittsburgh's second touchdown. Fry
again kicked the goal
Pennsylvania came back strong In the
a Back Strona.
tnutes. carrying the ball to
I line. After three plays in
ylvania failed to gain. Pitts
penalized for oftsides, and
a naa tour more cui".
attempts to buck the line
ran around the end for a
one minute and thirty see
the time was called. Bell
goal. Final score: Pltts-
'ennsylvanla, 7.
i, Handicapped by Lobs of
Half, Swamps Sioux
Neb., Oct. 23. (Special Tele-
'ayno State Normal eleven de
cisively Coach arsons' Bloux
lollcs. 13 to 0, today. Though
nd disorganized by the loss ot
halfback, Captain Dawson, In
It's game, the Normal huskies
1 their rivals In every way.
had the ball only about ten
ring the game, falling to make '
Urns almost Invariably. Wayne
ntrary, using straight line bucks
runs, mado steady gains at all
Iguard, starred making several
Both sides executed several
ses. Tno game was marrea oy
continually contesting tho um-
owns occurred In the second and
arters. The Normal goal was
r only at tho end of the last
when Trinity advanced the ball
Jclve-yard line. Wayne held for
ending the game. Ellis, Stone-
Christensen and Wallen did
U playing while Stanton, Hogan
ie were tho visitors' best men.
no up:
U.K. It. EJ tvam
LT.IL.T Kaiser
L.O.L.Q Llnnan
C.iC Reeves
R.G.IR.O JnVOulr-e
R.T.IR.T Lacalf
R.R.iR.E S.iaau
ker ....Q.B.I Q B Hogan
I K.U.iF.B Stanton
UH. L..H jNoonan
sen ...K H.l K.n
Lamb. Umpire: larey. nean
Trennlrk Touchdown: Dale.
Kile, Stonebecker. Atendance, 600.
getown Loses
gh Game to Army
POINT. N. T.. Oct tS. The
feated Georgetown by 10 to 0 here
i ono of the roughest games ever
Ion the local gridiron. One cadet
collegians were ruled off for un-
Jry roughness and tho play was
by the Infliction ot penalties for
play and holding In the line, with
own offending most frequently,
rmy'i playing was a very decided
raent over the showing of a week
linemen charging lower and with
tap and getting the Jump on their
its at every stags of the game. All
fy'o points were scored by Oilph&nt,
y of Purdue.
XBR, Onlo.. Oct a-Colorado
defeared tho University of Coio-
ot ball eleven here this afternoon.
Two fumbles early in tho first
by Evans, were responsible for
rst scores by ths college, ino
lty presented a better front in ino
half and held the couege io ww
The work of "Stub" Davis and
Taylor stood out for Colorado
Chapman, who replaced Walters
i university, mado a sixty-yard
ISTENNE, Wyo., Oct tt Denver
raity this afternoon defeated Wy-
, ,
i university. to i. " ".i""
Wyoming failed at repeateo at
s at forward passes and Denver
A only by lino bucking. Cortherl,
Wyoming quarterback, was tho star.
Ing seventy-five yards to a wuco-
li la tbo fourth quarter.
Hold Oat Grtr.
.I. Jonnlncs and Joe treaeofi. r
d hv Washington from Minneapolis
gslt IKe tliy. railiwuniy, atr.
to be holding out for mora mooey.
'Tor Sale" ad will turn second-hand
nlturo Into cash.
v,i . 1' r-r.rd bf itn swuu-. lauoolles.
- s iu.euj