Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1915, WANT AD SECTION, Page 4-C, Image 28
THE OMAHA SUNDAY REE: OCTOBER 24, 1315. . 40 : i KKAt, FSTATE NOKTIt S1PE Near Bemis Park Thin In the Innt wrrk I lint we are to noil (his brnntinil hunfinlow at the. ridiculous price nml tctmi itivcn lelnw. Think of It. All modern, oak finish, brand new nrvcr on iH. .'. rwnu, fin place, tmlll-in fret urea, ex'ra large, lot. etc. All f..r t.S only -"" down mid -l per month. Remember, thin prhe nn.l thcf term are rock bot tom. House will b open Sunday, full and irf It, and. If li t. rti .1. li t un near from von Mondiv. JEFF y. BFDFOUD & SON, : .' Ptnto lank It Mir I 'one "':. 2 Acres Florence Boulevard , . i.,i.f in i Ae hnxe n won.lerfvil Mraaln rli.lit in i ton one Mo. h wl n( MIUI.KIt ' I on th.- rttlent mile, a two-acre iinri-nn or nnvi' in'pn, t r:ir urrn. ii"i"n nn.l nllirl fruit l.r:i 1 1 r I f II I lln till'! Mh.i.ll'. nnil n prifcct hiii'. yuar'rr-nuwfl onk fini. h ami floors throinhoiu the enllie linuve. tiio.lrrn. new . nnU uivto-datn. 0n.'r tuilt it for a horn., and npared no fxperife. Now ho In r'.InK awny and Hlvrn ynf a :-hnn.-e. Not much ennh lurried. Vnlnmo at 6 per cent. Ste. IhlK nt on.o it'a Rood. iliarlos W. Martin & Co. Vhone Tyler 157. 742 Om. Nnt. Itk. PMg Beautiful Mercer Park Vow thnt the Water hnve com pleted the pinna for tieautlf yin of their ;ri.m.ln on the ninth, Im lli've we are. offennit the i lieu pent lot In the city, v.hen you take Into ronnliteratlon the am i -oumlinaa and Improvementn fully proteeted hy reanonnhle rentrlotlona. No Irnme i.ou. ea alluwi-d vei y lot front on a houli vrird. whlrh In ermnnently miilntainivl. Klne nhndi-. Trloe ll.nMi to Ij.rn. Bonie larne homen are now under connniciton In tht nddltlon. ToriB3 Roasonnble. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 13W Fnrnnm Bt. Tel. Doiiit. lf'4. 24th & Manderson Hot Water Heat $4,100 Eight rooma. flnlnhed In quarter-aawed oak. Every modern convenience. The. houne la ptartlcally new and la Junt mewlv painted and decorated Inalde and out. ' Ileautlful light lti fixture and one of the heat hot water heating plant! that money can buy. Fine eant front lot. Hoth ntreeta pnved and pnvtna: paid In full. The contractors entlmata the house alone to eont 4,fiij. Owner must sell. fee. this today. Armstrong-Walsh Co. BUte Rank lildg. Tyler ISM. Five Rooms ALL MOliKHN. Oak finish In living and dlnlnit room; full basement; A-No. 1 furnace; electric flxturn nnd window nhndea. Tills la B real barKain; not only for a home, but as an Investment. Tlila Is priced so an to sell. I'hone us for an appointment ana let us show you what we have In the line of new homes. Traver Bros. Ph. roug. 11?a. 706 Omaha Nat Pk. Fld Why Pay Rent " AVhnn you can buy home of your own 'on monthly payments? In the Henils I'ark '' district Is a t-room modern house that needs a few repairs, but at the price tht owner has placed upon It. It Is a bar gain. Terms can be arransnd, Addreas &M2 Lafnyette Ave. Two blocks to car. For price and terms call Creigh, Sons & Co. Dour las a0. 6 Bee llld. ' 5-Room Bungalow Just Completed Built By Owner Kvll lllnney Bt. On paved street, modern and up-tu-date, beamed celling, oak fin ish, white enamel and birch doors and mirror In bedrooma. Will be open for In spection dally. Owner, 44 Corby. Call Webster 1W7. ML'BT BELL OIT1CKLY. To settle estate, beautiful 6-room home, on paved street, all modern, oak wood work, hltihly flnlnhed, all rooma boautl- fully decorated; worth over tiMM. Price r.'l,0u0. 413) N. lHth Bt. I'hone Weheter 4l24. WELL LOCATED, NEV . 5-R00M BUNGALOW ON ,; EASY PAYMENT PLAN. House Is located between two lines and Is IV blocks to school. House la beautifully finished, la all modern and on paved street. . Telephone about this today. CALL WALNUT C82 TODAY, ANY WEED DAY CALL DOUGLAS 2926 CHOICE COTTAGE, $2,100. Near 87th and Ames, t rooma, all mod ern. Must be sold. Fur terms see . W. T. GRAHAM. BKB BLDO. Bee Bldg. WAR TIME PRICES LONDON OWNER SAYS SELL NORTH SIDE Lots I. I 4 and 13, In block 1. Woods Place, located on 8H Kit WOOD AVMi. (One block south of lke M., between L.IU and 14th bis., facing south.) Prion, only I oO each. Lot . block L Paddock Place (located on Burdette St., between IMh and ibth fctn , facing south.) Prfe. only lM. All the above lots walking distance V. P. shoi.s and new Ford factory. Thene lots have sewer, city water and sidewalks. Buiiable terms. 1 bene are the bent lots for th money offered in Omaha today. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 61 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. SPECIAL BARGAIN On Bristol Bt. verv eood 7-room bouse, 11 modern, parlor, dining room, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen, first floor; three I rooina upstnirn com, m inw;nii'it iP'i nace. lit 44xlZ.pvlng all paid. Owner bus made a price that should sell It li.ttHI. uuu down, iia.aiic roiL P. J. TEBBENS CO., H Omaha Nat Bk. Phone Doug. Ilsa . Isk- s-room huusc every modern ap pointment. I-arra lot, attractive price. eay Urms. M;l Pratt. Telephone Douglas Iff! I FH SALE by omiier 3ia) N. 3th Ave.. rooms and bath; juat brlns roinpluted; terms Telephone llirmy U4 IMPROVED NINE ACRES" NEAR CAR. Fine t-room cottage, full basement, good barn, chicken bouse, whII; all In good shape: ,th and Ma streets. Price I.u0. &1iul be sold quick. We also have nn Improved 4 acre tract. BIRIvETT & COMPANY, 4' Bee Bldg. Douglas M - - nr.h FSTATF TfOIVni SIDK I"i 'It Modem fc-room house, with cxiia lot; locnte.l u"r ?Ph nml anvlon Ave : inrillcM cnali I r p n ill. 1 lion on per, I'nlfsr 1 VI $3,o00 Buys thin beauiltul (,-nwm, sll m"J'm hour. with McoiltiK porch; onk finish; full basement: 2 yearn old. I.nrge lot; nice shrcdn, Located on the boulevard. Nn i,'iini nr mo In I tax. Thin I lue ought to hrlm i. imt t.i get the on , owner will take $.0; 1100 rsnh. hal. to lw arrnnd. Phone for appointment If you wlxli ! nee It W. S. FRANK, I 'on. ,.. v l .rviiir tun LOOK AT THKFE lilXiJALOW.-'. . No. mis anil 3o.'1 Ijifayrtt" Ave, ami ' A romnn villi I Tinif-rl if. I r.i; . lie I cil h:5" f rplnrr. hrokrnnn, liiff.t, rhina iicimti!- nuiiri". nuimiiiiK. heiit- in. ynril pouur.i, miuin innii, .inn wn'i h(o cnnm,., tlin- ,.,, ,. 1llP,t ,.n,t of Homm I'ark. In Montilalr. fall ownor K11(1 bnllcl,T for nn.l terma. I'hone i l. i.'.' NEAR CIEl(JirjY)N'S UNI VERSITY. ! room, ntnctly modern lioune, lnrre frninn KiirnKe, level lot. mvd ntre-t. Will nTi-pt (Wrooni rottime,- not to exceed IJ.."'ai. In trnil. C. (I. CAREREIUl, 112 Hrnndoln Theater nil- . LOOK AT THESE BUNUALOWS No 11S nd Lafayette Ave., t and I roomn. wl'h beainid relhnnn. paneled wnlln, fire pl.ire hookennen, buffet, china rloneta, llifhtlnr fltturen. plumbing, hent Ir k . yard nodded, noiith front, oak and while enamel fltnnh. cloae In, Juat enni of Hemln park In Montdnlr. Call owner nnd builder for prloen and tertna. A. 11. ' 'Inintead. Thone eh, y.-'O. will narrlflce -r., airle.tly mod ern houne. with Inrsa n'eepltm room, onk flooia, woodwork nicely di corutcd. Terma. I'hone Wehnter 1127. 83dani Fortlot,tix Walnut "i. HEAL ESTATE SOUTH HIDE Bargain in a Home Tlecaunn the house Is now too small we offer for sale one of the nicest, Cuslent and bent located homes In Omaha, on any terms to the right party In order to ma sue a quick sate. House located at Sl Marcy, one block from the Leavenworth line, ten minutes' ride on street car; one block from drug store and arocery siore; elone to school; streets paved and all paid for. In neigh borhood where iota are advancing in price. Hlk'h, dry and airy. House two-atory bungalow, built about five venrs' full basement: furnace heat. hot water henter, electric and gas fix turns; fine tile place; house well deror ated; living room, 14x24; good dining room, kitchen and pnntry. Mcona noor hne 8 large, airy bed rooms, four closets and batn. This Place Is worth looking at and worth the money. I4.7&0. L. C. Koberta. Fine New Home 3812 Mason St. This Is a brand new house, having five good sited rooms and bath on one floor. l mo iimi moin ruvini run i.ii shed In large attlo when noeded. Heautl- ful oak finish and floors. Hullt-ln fea. turea such as buffet, bookcases, plate rail, paneled walla and mirror door. f rtlstlu brick foundation and textile roof t 40x112. sodded and plenty of shade. Lighting fixtures will be Installed. I'rlce M.iuO. li4-asonabln terma. Open today. Fred W. Sliotwell, 4 Omaha Natl. Bank Dldg., Doug. 1229 LARGE HOME Eight rooms, fully modern; south front lot! one-half block from cross-town car. A big bargain at 13,700; on Poppleton Ave., between 24th and 16th Sts. W. FAltNAM SMITH & CO., 1330 Farnam Bt. Tel. Doug. 10C4. Four-Fifths Value .The best equipped and arranged 41-acre farm and feed lots, I miles south of Omaha, 1 mil from Bellevue college, In the county. Buildings fine, plentiful and modern, 36 rods from trolley line. Also modern house at !120 Wirt St., finished in oak; all recently overhauled liinide aid out. Owner olu. can't look after them. A. M BYEBS. 13M 8. Kth Ave. Harney 6Mf.. sFiaR8T CREIGHTON BRAND NEW HOUSES. Open for Inspection from t to I o'clock. 131 8. SKth Ave., ( rooms, living room across front of house; finished beauti fully In oak; sleeping porch in course of completion. Trice, 13, G0U. tm H. mh Ave., rooma, with sleep lng orch in course of completion, price, I3M) South Seth Ave., rooms, all on one floor; a dandy bungalow, now being finished. Price, 13,000. t'.iH H. 95th Ave., ft-room cottage. Price. 2.tM. 1348 B. 11th Ave., 4-room and bath, fur nnce. Price, 2,4i'0. 2&4 8. I'.th Ave., 6-room. on corner of Arbor. Price, la,). C. O. CARIifiERG, 111 Brandels Theater Bldg 6 ROOM S-I .A. Fin I-room St. Louis flats. In walking distance; modem; hheihy court. 22d 8U V block south of Leavenworth Bt., Hi. PKTKItH Tltl'NT t'OMPANV. 163 Farnam St. Dous. a FOR SALE Dandy full lot. solid ground. and cement walks; worth ou0. Quick sale, HOP. Tel. Ty le r 1764 -V, fx)H SALE by owner, K.-S 8. 43d. modern. t rooms and bath; living and dining rooms finished In oak; cement basement, good furnace; terms. Phone Harnev n4nii. 118 SO. 37T1I ST. Beautiful West Farnam home. I -arse living room, with mahouany finish. Fire place, tun room, dining room and con venient kitchen. Oak floors down stairs. Four bed rooms, sleeping porch. Hot water heat. Owner wants a fair offer. E. II. BENNER, Ramee Block. Douglas 741. SOUTH SIDE Kll South Uth St., 4 rooms, largo, floored attlo. electric lights, cistern; fac ing aal on South Ulti ft.. tuni m luil.i south of O St.; kevs at Victor Llndholt s second door south. Price reduced to tl.JO. I'O cssh. bnlnce U per month. C. G. CARLSBERG, 111 Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE Close In Up-to-date 6-roorn huuse. Just about finished, at a barsaln, bv owner and builder located at ISJ'7 Cass St. Tel H. For Quick Sale Owner baa reduced prlto of this prop erty In order to make a quick sale. 6-room, 2-story huune in cathedral dis trict, Junt one block from 4'Hh strevt csr line and 3 blocks from Maunders school. In one of trw beat neighborhoods In city. Ixt Is U'xlltt. east front. Building and I.can aisovlatlon loan on properly of li.i"t See us ah once. Price Is 3,uf Alfred C. Kennedy M First Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. Til r;sTATK west side West Farnam Residence Lot 12 feet front on 4lnt St.. Junt wont of the Junfjn home anil only one block from the M. Hnrnnbnn church. $1;..i and $Ji. rcsidcnria nil around It. We ri'ive a real ,wrlf, ,( r ti,,, ),,t. nnm. lv IK per fr..nt OP i. ony one- iti.Mi ot what property two bloekn from I thin n1 laying no better has nold for. Buy It for A hump and It will be a tip i ton Invcntmeiit nn well Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler State Hunk IMdir Near 39th and Cass Nine room ntuceo renldenea on the very top of tho Mil, facing eaat. 'Jne block from the ntrcet car. Ieep 60-font lot, with bit trees. roomn, nplendldly llnhted nml depurated. Interior flnlnh In tip top condition. Ti.ln I" not a new houne. hut wan practically rebuilt lant year and ponneenen all the advuntniren of a t-ew houne In arrar.K.metit nnd con venience", wltM extra nolldlty nnd hiith qunlltv woodwork and timl.ern. We off.-r It et .:1. at leant ll.n lena thin Its actual worth. Armstrong-Walsh Co, Slat" Hank lildir. Tyl.-r l.Wl Modern Home Cheap On Farnam Hill Only $7,600. Located near the finest residences In tho West Farnam district, not over half a block from the car line and within walking dis tance of the business district. The house Is conveniently arranged and substantially constructed, as it was built for a home, and yet It Is now offered for less than the houso alone rost. The lot Is 60 ft. In width, with fine shade trees and shrubbery. Don't miss seeing this place if you are looking for a real bargain. George & Company 902 City National Dank Bldg. rhone Doug. 756. $500 Cash Balance in Easy Monthly Payments Buys a brand new nix-room, all modem residence, located on the Boulevard near 84th and Jncknon; beautiful living room and largo dining room, finished In oak; good kitchen, antry and Ice box room; three light and airy bedrooms and bath room on second floor. An exceptionally attractive home at a price VW below real value 13,9-r.O. The Byron Reed Co Doiifclaa 2!i7. 212 H, 17th Bt. $5,500 West FarnamHome On Rental Basis We can offer you an opportunity to pur chase a new 7-room all modern residence.. located only ik blocks from the Farnam car line. Built only of the very finest materials and flnlnhed In hard wood throughout. Interior has such features as fire place, long living room, sun room, with tiled floor; bed room 14x24, laundry tubs, toilet and gas heater In basement. We can sell this beautiful home on auch reasonsble terms that any one who paya 146 to $00 ped month rent couldn t afford to paaa it up. The Byron Reed Co Phone Doug. 297. Ml B. 17th St. See This Sure! Owner sayi sell this place now. Is in Cathedral district, has 7 rooms, Is modern complete, with hot water heat; small barn; large lot; near school, stores and car. It Is a bar gain at the price asked and on the easy, terms offered. Address 4031 Charles St. For price call Creigh, Sons & Co. Douglas 200. 508 Cue Bldg. 5-Room Cottage 25th and St. Mary's $2,750 House Is modern except heat and located on a dandy south front lot that will soon be worth as much as we ask for the entire property. Here Is a chance to buy a fine little home that is growing In value every day. Eastern owner needs money and has reduced the price from $3,200 for quick sale. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1536. State Bank Bldg. Inside Residence Snap We took In a 10-r., all modern home In a trade on a large ucai, we do not want this huuse. It has lo rooms, a good lot. water, heating plant, a south front on Capitol Ave., near &th St.; walking dis tance; rented for M per month, Price cut if sold at once to IS.Itiu. Terma easy. H. A. Wolf 614 Ware Blk; Doug. BILLY SUNDAY SAYS HOME IS THE BEST PLACE ON EARTH. LET US SELL YOU A HOME IN BEMIS PARK. Five room bungalow. Everything right uo to the milium. Two bed rooms, batu and kitchen finished In white enamel. Can you Imagine anything pi el tier than an ail white kitchen? Telephone Doulaa Evenings and Sunday Douglas t7 or Walnut kll CATHEDRAL AND sXuND" ERS SCHOOL. Clone to Farnam line, eaf front; 10 ft. lot; 7-r. siuare. nearly new. cah. balance like rent. Call Stinlay, Harney bin. or Monday, Doug. I71&. NEW COTTAGE BAKGA1N ONLY $50 CASH, $20 A MONTH Price Reduced from $2,100 to $1,000. Fine new cottage near Krug park. Oak floors fine bath. A daudy little home. Greatly under pi Iced. Owner lives In coun try, but is here to sell. Move into your own home. psy for It like rent A rare opportunity. I'hone owner Mr. Rvan Harney iu.0 bunday, or Douglas i'-U. Holiday. HEAL ESTATE WEST SIDE dm 24 Jolnn X-4 Jackson on cast. Non-renldent owner says Sell. Bern nnklng $:.X)'. Want an offer. Vf. If. GATES. 17 rimAlm Nut. Bunk Hld Douir. 12 WAI.KI.VO IjISTmNCK 2 as lioiine. -room modern hoPHO, firnl-einna condi tion; to move Into: k'y at jno. Pont fall to look It tliromli. W. W. Mitchell, owner. Phono Wrber 45. FOR SALE OR RENT 114 So. 'JJHh Seven-rootn lion e. rv.t new but In eood reinlr; f 1 1 1 v modem; lot alone worth I.'.kio, will make n fine on -in home for IE; noma one. WANT AN Oll Vl.ll. ' an n eany terma, t.r will consider lot or ( !! paper, or nmaller houne n. part paytucnt, or will rent for S-i per mu. RASP BROS. IK Mcf'nRiie 111.1k. I'ouif. K..V KEAI. ESTATE Mf fU KUAN llennoa. A KKW choice 5 and 6-ronm bounen In Ketinon. near car line, on rental pay mentn; rheap. See Hoehl. 2Mi4 leaven worth, or (hone Walnut Benson Snap $200 Cash $25 Per Month Slx-num, ntrlctly modern, 3 yearn old:, 1 rooms finished In oak; nil now being decorated; tfood saraire; choice corner lot, 2 blocks from Mcln St., No. Z' N. Mm li Ave. Here you can Ki t the hlirKeat har Kaln of the nennon. If n-.t nold In a few daya will he rented. See Rasp Bros. in; MoCucu 1 nor. KVU Dundee A fine, sightly lot located on Izard be tween .".lit and r.M street, south front, nize feet In the midst of attrac tive I". to JS.OtK) residences. Tlila Is f no of the high elevations In Dundee and In a restricted district, whleh you well know 1h a gieat advantage when select ing a site for a permanent home. The price Is as attractive as the site. Evanston Have a splendid location for a home, with a beautiful rlew of Elmwood Park and Happy Hollow golf grounds, which ran be purchased at a prtco loss than Its value. Alno have an attractive eight-room resi dence In ICvsiiHton at a price so low that I am ashamed to advertioe It. Better see me quick. C. A. Grimmel m Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 15. Dundee Two Bargains Will Be Sold 4,500 Heven-room bungalow, big living room, dining room, kitchen, bed room, toilet and lavatory on first floor. Three flno bedrooms and complete bath on second floor. Oak woodwork. Btiok fireplace. At tractive lighting fixtures and tanteful decorations. Ixt 50xi:io. One-half block to car line. A won derful bargain In one of the. best locations In the village. I,600 Owner wants an offer on this fine home Practically new, with all the little details that a discriminat ing buyer Is looking for. Living room la about ltx24 and all the other rooms are large In propor tion. Fine brick fireplace, 4 good bedrooms and large sleeping porch. Ixit MxlHu. Beautiful shade. One block to car line. Armstrong-Walsh Co, Btnte Bonk Bldg. Tyler 153fi. DUNDEEv M.R00. T ROOMS AND BLtfBPINO PORCH FINE tlARAOR AND DRIVEWAY. IJving room with vestibule, entrance and coat closet, dining room, den and kitchen on the first floor. Three nice bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch on I the second floor. Strictly modern, nearly new. Ixcated on a fifty-foot lot. short dis tance to car line, good garage and ce-1 merit driveway. The Improvements alone on this lot would cost more than $4,000. This Is an exceptional bargain for this locality ana it will pay you to Investi gate. Oood reasons for selling, otherwise this property would not be for sale at this price. Call us up and we -will be glad to show you this home. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. :30 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 498. Mlnrellsneoni. 2Yt ACRE SUBURBAN HOME. Two blocks from car, nice cottage, city water, poultry.buildlnga, abundance of fruit. Cheapest of the kind on the mar ket. $4.2f). Terms. W. T. GRAHAM. BEE BLDO. REAL RSTATE INVESTMENTS Farnam Street A Growing Street We offer for a short time one of tLe best corners on Farnam St. for $250,000. Hzirrison & Morton Farnam Street A Growing Street We can offer on this street for a short time ht feet near 31st St. for I11.FO0. I'M feet near this, some Improvements, I1V00O. 6h feet east of Farnam school, $13,300. Harrison & Morton 15 Omaha National. Doug. 314. o Investment Three-story and basement brick build Ing, lias plate glass front, freight ele vator lelecirtc); fine steam plant, party wall agreement worth lHOuO. lJrl,- h,. lust been reduced from iia.uOO to l-Vmu lor a quick sale, owner here and Invites ormrs ror tins npiemiid proportv now under lease to good Jcnant. Full par ticulars at offl.-v W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. in) Farnam St. Tel. Doug. mm.. Farnam Street A Growing Street We offer for a short time one of the best corners on Farnam St. for $250,000. Harrison & Morton 12 Business Investment Thla la a r.ew brick buniness center in a fine location near strut l car Juic'l in In the north part of the city, rented to r spuimible pjttuti under lung time U,. Will divide and sell stures separately If desired. A glit-edge investment. Price l-j0 or llO.uoO for two stores on corner nnd 115 mo for remainder of property. Lot rr.SxlIi feet George & Company I Tel. P. Ki. JS City Nat. Bank Bldg HEAI, ESTATE INVESTMENTS I " VF3T vol k SAViNaa AND ?7 GET T.SO A MT.xnrc OF TH K PROFITS. Yrtii nr K in r.'inrfj 7 prr i nt (HvMnd ariiliin on tho nrat of July and January of urn y nr. if you tnvt-nt with ns in our profit -n harlnc plan. Also a dlvlnion 01 tne prontn at me ent or eacn year in addition to the 7 per cent renii-annunS dlvldenUn. which linn been not lena than 9 per rent for the last twelve yeara. Your n oiiey Invented I amply noruitii hy well F.'lect. d renl estate, morliiKcn anil con tracln of nolo. Shares can be purchased now for IP.. Allthorl7.el capital. .T1yiO. rile or nee un nbnut It. IIASTINU.S & UK YUEN. 1611 Harney St. CHOICE G'0 MORTGAGES. Various sums, $.", Jl.O'fl. Il.f'10, I2.0X). !l.rn, on choice city property, first class Investments V. T. GRAHAM, DEE HLDO. H KA iTkhTAI K--V.U'.l NT Only $150.00 Owner offer to nscrlflce ' :n corner lot at this very low price. . wa ter, cement wslk and si. graded, situated one block south o. Clalrmont Addition. Cash talks In this esse. Two car lines. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 13J0 Farnam St. Tel. Ioug. 104. VACANT 4o-foot lots fronting east on 3"th Ave., between Martha and Arbor, ttiOO each. These lots are on prnde and 142 feet deep. look at them todny and compare with lots offered at 11,0 jo and then you will realize what bargains they are. Terms to desirable pnrth n C. G. CARLSBERG, 313 Brandels Theater Bldg. RE A I, ESTATE IOANS tioa TO 11.000 taade promptly. V. D. Wead. Wead Pidg . ISth Farnam Sts. CITY and farm loans, J. H. Dumont Co. k bVk. a per cent 414 State Bank. A ' For Kale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into cssn WANTED Good farm and city loans at lowest rates. PETSUS TRU"T CO.. 3M Farnam. CITV property. Largo loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas 22K fts Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO.. lfll Omaha Natio-inl. Phone Douglas 2711 MONEY on hand for city snd farm loans. H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. fiC'.CITY LOANS. C. G. Carlberg. y' 12 Brandels Theater Bldg. DO. i:eaij estate fou exchange lb". S. 42D ST. 8-r. : all modern, for mod. 4-room cottage. Tel. Harney 2704. FARM Highly Improved 240-acre Mis souri farm. mile modern city; price, $!o per acre; one loan of $7,0iWi Owner will pay cash difference and trade for running store, or good Income property. This Is beautiful home, E. Sprague & Co., RldKeway, Mo. FARM Owner will pay cash difference and trade 4K-acre Missouri farm, 300 acres corn, for stock of merchandise and building, or for hotel or Income property. Price, IC7.ri0 per acre. Incumbered for one. loan of ?12,3X) at ti per cent for 4 years. Six miles city of 3 5i0 people. H. Sprass, & Co., Kldgewsy. Mo.' FARM Owner lives on farm, but wants stock of merchandise. Will add cash and trade 1"6 acres on Auto Trail, North went, Missouri; big house and bain. Price, lloO per acre; incumbrance, $7,600. Oood home in fine neighborhood. E, Spragg & Co., RldKeway, Mo. FARM Clear northeast Kansas 80-acre alfalfa farm: 4 miles two cities. Price, 19,010. Oood neighborhood. Owner wants running general store only. E. Sprugg at Co., Kldgeway, pio 6-room cottage. Council Bluffs, W acres Irrigated Colorado land; for lots or cot tages In Omaha. Colfax Sft. Cl.HAK Colorado land to exohange for stock of groceries, hardware, gen. mdse., chicken ranch. Owner, 2433 Crown Point Ave.. Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 2.8 Acres Improved G-Room House, on Paved Road Owner has listed for sale a well lo cated, high and sightly piece of land which has a 6-room house, barn and other outbuildings. Oood location, only lVs miles west of Benson; on paved street; at tho ivery low price of $2,800, This Is very nearly what the ground la worth alone without the buildings. See us about it at once. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney 8t. REAL ESTATE FARM RANCH LANDS FOR SALE FOR cheap lands In iSouthwest Arkan sas, wrlto W. L. Perkins, Ashdown. Ark. Fine Improved Farm R0 ACRES, $2,000 CASH OR TERMS; IN CLOVER AND PORN BELT, 14 MILES FROM COUNTY SEAT. NO BOCKS, NO HILLS OR SWAMPS; 8URV CROPS; NORTHERN SETTLEMENT; OTHER FARMS: FREE MAP. TOM BLODGETT, LITTLE ROCK. ARK.' Calnorata. Live oak Colonlur, none better. W. T. smith Co.. :M f'itv Vat. Hw. T. Utia 21 MILES FROM LOS ANGELES Do you want to Join parties in buying acres at M each, within 21 mlloa of cen ter of Los Angeles? Tills land Is f ne. level fruit land; IK, mllee to amall town; electric cars and fine boulevard to Los Antcles. Am well known In Omaha and wl I be glnd to tell you full particulars. Phone mornings or eveninsa, Harney 4412. t'ssass. FOR SALE OR LEASE-Any part of 4.0OO acres nwtr Rcsetown. Saskatchewan. I rald moon bushels of oats and .nno hnahels of flax un land this year. Price heap and terms very easy. Frank Craw ford. Omar a. Neb., or Rosetown. Sank. nlraI. FARM LANDSCHEAP-Attcntlon farmer and renter: Whv buy high priced lands or psv big rents when you can buy lands In eastern Colorsdo at fntn IU to per acre on easy terms that will raise crops of wheat. oa!fl. barl.-y and corn eiunl to Nebraska, hoth In yield and o.unlltv. For particulars write A. E. Zlehme. 105 .LaSaneSt.. Chlcaro. COMPLETELY Improved eastern Colo rado farms. l- per acre, with houses, feru-es. ,l s, near towns and railroads, liest schools, churches and markets. We guarantee ouh rental first year, II V pr acre to purchaser if he Is not ready to take possri,hn. Farm Sales Co.. bU Rec tor Bldg., Chicago. HKKIa ESTATE FARM A HlXCII l,AM Ktin "AI.H. Mlnreltaneona. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY LAND DEPARTMENT Tboro can be no safer or more profitable investment than tho purchase of land at its value. The lands listed below are desirably located and the prices are attractive and right. IN NEBRASKA: Fanning and pasture lands at from $60 to $40.00 per acre. Some very choice tracts adjoining County Seat Towns ut $30.00 to $70.00 per acre. IN KANSAS AND COLORADO: Fine wheat lands at from $7.00 to $,)5.00 per acre. . IN WYOMING: Mixed fanning and pasture lands at $'.00 to $11.00 per acre. Large and small tracts of grazing lands in the great Sheep and Wool territory at $2.00 to $2.50 per acre. TERMS OF SALE: One-tenth down and balance in ten years at 6rc interest. For maps and full information, address or call upon J. A. GRIFFITH, Land Commissioner, U. P. R. R. Co., 109 Union Pacific Building, Omaha, Nebraska. o Idaho. Want Money? Let me tell you how to get it. Idaho land Is full of It, and the land Isn't very high-priced, either. Climatic and living conditions are excellent electricity used for cooking, lighting and heating on many farms educational advantages unexcelled. There are many tracts of land Irri gated and non-lrrlgated suitable for all kinds of farming, for sale cheap and on reasonable terms. Seed raising highly profitable. I will give complete informa tion to you free for the asking. R. A. SMITH, Colonization A Industrial Agent, Union Pacific System. Room 609, Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Nebraska. o Iowa. SOME fine acreage on main traveled road, near school, on R. F. D.. 6 mlies north of Council Bluffs. Has good soli and water and Is some of the best land for fruit growing or for small farms. Price 175 per acre on easy terms. Let us show this to you. DAY & HESS COMPANY. 12S Pearl St.. Council Bluffs, la. Minnesota. GET THESE SNAP9. BUY NOW. 320 acres, flno wild land, Morrison County, ll per acre; 160 acres, house worth IS,rO0; 115 acres broke, balance eaay cleared, fenced, main road, 7 miles out, 138 per acre. Other Improved farms In Benton County. Wild lands In Cass. Hubbard and MorrlRon countiea. BUY FROM OWNERS. Ml'RPH Y-HARTWIO LAND CO., Foley, Minn. o Hebraika, FOB. SALE (no trade) BOO acres of Sheri dan Co. land, a portion broken out; good for farming and stock raining; half cash and balance on good payments. Write Paul H. Beebe, University Place, Neb. IUK bALfc lo-acre tract, in gardening section, near city of 8,000 ; 3 acres In alfalfa, one acre walnut and oak tim ber, rest In cultivation; the richest land in the state; price &.500 if nold Immedi ately. This Is a bargain. Write owner, H. O. Todd. Nebraska City. Neb. FOR SALE At a sacrifice, 700-ocro ranch In Boyd county. Neb.; nearly all fenced; two sets of buildings; 300 acred under cul tivation; 60 acres or alfalfa; plenty of good water; excellent crass; no sand; some timber. Address John Stenronsky, Wagner, 8. D. FOR SALE 80 acres improved, 4H miles south of Oconto. Custer Co. This land lays from rolling to rough, but Is good sold. At present there are two stsck yards of grain raised on this farm this year; also two stacks of alfalfa and the third -crop is about ready for cutting; some wild hay. Price l,6u0; $300 cash pay ment, C. K. DAVIES, Kearney. Neb. o FOR SALE 340 A., 100 A. level bottom balance smooth, rolling and pasture land; 4 miles from a good railroad town, 10 rods from school; no Improvements, U0 acres broke. Price $2R. ll.OiK) down, balance long time. S. B. McKenty, Ana my. Neb. o 64-ACKE Improved farm, 2 miles south of Frlcson, Neb., and quarter of mile of now Ericson lake property; will be sold at public auction Wednesday, Nov. 3: terms. 1600 down, 11.600 March 1, 19W. bal ance tlmo to suit at 4 per cent. Address Ericson State Bank, or Frank Ege, on.-r, for further particulars; 740 more land ad Joining can be leased If desired. Farms Farms Farms SEVERAL BARGAINS in 80 acres, ISO acres, 240 acres or 3au acres, or larger. Some of these will not last long. Farms within less than 25 miles of Omaha our specialty. Call forenoons if convenient. ORIN 8. MERRILL COMPANY, N. E. Cor 2Td and M Sts.. South Omaha. Buy Farm Near Omaha Splendid land; not a waste acre; fine house, big barn and other good buildings; pretty grove; one mile to postofflce; one hour's auto to Omaha. Get this Ideal 160 acres on easy terms. O'Keefe Real Estate Co. 1016 Omaha National. Doug. 2715, 4(M'uia,-l80-acre unimproved tracts; 2 are 18 miles from Omaha stock yards; none over 6 miles to R. R. town. $10) to $225 per acre; two-thirds cash required. JOHN N. FRENZER. Ill S. lith. lootk Dakota. FOR SALE 10 aerea land near Kadoka. S. D., county seat of Jackson county, at a bargain, I7.W per acre. Address Y U0, Bee. Texas. 1,000 ACRES famous Red River valrey land: administration sale for settlement of heirs, must sell for cash; good crops growing, showing the value. J. L. Jack son. Wichita Falla, Tex. WIx-oaalB. UPPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and general crop state In the union: settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices on easy t.rms. Ask for booklet 14 on W'scon sin Central land Grant. Excellent 'and for stock raising. If interested in fruit lands ask for booklet on apple ori harda Address Land and Industrial I-.-rL. duJ Line ltai;ay. Mlnneaooils Minn 1 laceltaaeoas. HAVB TOU A FARM FOR SALU Write a good description of your land nrd .end It to the SiouK City. Ia., Journal, 'Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad M dlum " Twnty-flve words every Friday evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ads pn twelve different days tor $2; or t words. . or 75 worda, H. Largest elrtnilatloaj of sny Iowa newa psper, Cai.UM readers dally tu four great . i.a I TRADI catLe ranchea for improved farms, larg. or small; I a'so have city Income and business propeitles in price irom $i0.0u6 to $jOU.uo0 to ex change for farms and ranch... L. Davis. First Nat. bank Bids- Ouiaua. into. o. REAIi ESTATE IIHM BIMII 1. l H "AI.R. M Ineellaneoan. FOR RENT Apartments and Flats. The For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and till the needs of any one desiring to rent. Phonn Tyler 10K. HEATED APARTMENTS. BOP WORTH. 2217 HOWARD ST. $27.B0-r.50-Two rooms and bath, close In and best arranged apartments of the character In the city; only two left: one furnished and ono un furnished. 8T. CKORGE. 113 N. 31 ST AVE. t45-$50 Five rooms and bath; fine loca tloi r large front and back porches. UrtBANA. 13!7 PARK AVE. $40.00 Five rooms and bath; first and third floors. Tbn above are nil first class apartments, good J.nltor tervlce, heat and hot water when you need it. AR , STRONG-WALSH COMPANY. Tyler 1536. State Bunk Bldg. R-room brick attached house ner 2511 Harney; living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; 2 bedrooms and bath on 2d floor; oak and birch finish: all modern, with full sized basement and fine little furnace. Only $36. Rarely va cant and an exceptional place for the money. FTRNERT SWEET. Office 2511 Harney St. Douclns 1472 MONTH RENT FREE. CLOSE IN. 3-ROOM APARTMENTS. Three- rooms nnd bath, newly papered, ben' repair. . No. 1 'oca'on close in, modern but heat, rental only $li U. i... & lO., 912 Omnha Nel l Bnnk. Doug. 5231 . DOWNTOW N ROOM ER8. Eight-room brick on lth. 6o. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Oinnha Nn.tlo n aL Douglas 2715. HANDSOME UP-TO-DATE FLAT. In the Hanseom Park neighborhood. ' It is a beauty. Only $30. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Douglas 1781 CHOICE HEATED APARTMENTS. NOTHING BETTER IN THEIR RE SPECTIVE LOCATIONS. THE FICK, 106 South Mth St. 8 rooms and sleeping porch, well ar ranged, first-class condition. private porch, heat and Janitor service fur nished. THE LOOMIS, 1007 South 30th Ave. 8 targe, light roorra, conveniently ar ranged; private porch, laundry, private entrances; heat, hot and cold water and Janitor service furnished. $45. THE MASON. 31st and Mason Sts. Apt No. 10, five large, light rooms, ideal arrangement; hardwood finish, nice ly decorated. $40. THE CARLYLE. 625 South 18th St. 4 rooms, strictly modern and up-to-date; hardwood finish, tiled bath, large porch; very close In. THE STOFCKER, Ko South 24th St. Apt. No. S, 4 rooms, very light, bargain at $J3 summer, $3) winter. All apartments open for inspection. Look at them today. We have others. See our complete printed list before renting. PAYNE & SLATER CO.. 616Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Peters Trust Company Apartments 4 ROOMS "NEW FLO-LES," 20th and Capitol Ave., fireproof and light rooms All convenleces. Close In. $32.50-$ 37.50. L4 ROOMS "ATHLONE," 2fith and Doug las cms., an comer apartmenia. Finely finished. Large rooms. Quiet location. 37.6o-$.tO. S ROOMW "THE GEORGIA." 1040 Geor gia Ave., large, well arranged rooms. Beautiful location, east front, pretty Inwn. $37.50. S ROOMS "THE ALSATIAN." 115 8. 35th St. (WEST FARNAM) Quiet, re fined neighborhood. Completely modern; beautifully finished. tiO $45. 8 ROOMS "WINONA,"' 26th and Dewey Ave., 3 bed rooms, well finished, corner apartment. $47.60. 7 ROOMS "Wl NONA," 26th and Dewey Ave., 4 bedrooms, corner apart ment. 155. 8 ROOMS-'THB MEYER." SS08 Popple ton Ave. Beautiful 6-room apart ment, arranged like a separate homo, bedrooms, water and heat furnished. Rental $.T7.W-$47.5i. 8 ROOMS "THE MEYER," 3306 Popple- n ii nvis. , nruili. U railnillBIH H " above) with extra bedroom and sleeping porch. $.00 I'iO.oo. Peters Trust Company 172 Farnam St. Douglas W- The Colbert 39th and Farnam Sts. Just com pleted and ready for occu pancy. Let us show you these beautiful 6-room apart ments nothing like them In the city. BeautlfuV.y ar ranged and elegantly finished. Service In keeping with the building.' Rental not high when you consider all you get in one of these fine apart ments; 190 per month. D. V. Sholes Co. 915-16 City National Bank Bldg. ' Douglas 49. MODERN apartments of 4 rooma each; gas rami.; private bath; .team heated; best of Janitor serv ice, to only small fnu'is. and must hsvo reteneaces. Summer rues li? ") and :S .-;icV. w.mer rates, lls.50 and $21. Location, r.50 to &u Cuming Si. THOMAS 307 McCague Bldg. W. II AZEN, Douglas woo