Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1915, WANT AD SECTION, Page 3-C, Image 27
.,41 . ? THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEfl: OCTOBER 1915. 3 C Who amid Where m 1 -1 ! WW ! ! W km Estate. 1 n K aaV If IUCAL ESTATE MI3CELL,NEOr9 I REAL KSTATB MISCELLANEOUS AUCTION SALE. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 10 A. M. SALE TO TAKE PLACE ON THE PROPERTY. OMAHA BUSINESS PROPERTY STORES, APART MENTS, COAL YARDS, STABLE AND VACANT BUSINESS LOTS. A non-resident owner has Instructed as to sell his Omaha real estate as noon as possible. Knowing that ImproTed business property on a main ar tery Is In demand for Investment, we have decided to offer the same dt auction to the highest bidder. This property Is all on 24th street, a few blocks north of Cumins street, and In the heart of a closely built-up resi dence district Twenty-fourth street is Omaha's longest street north and south, extending from South Omaha through Omaha to Florence. It will be Omaha's greatest business street In time. The corner of 24th and Far nam sold for $100,000 cash in 1914. All 24th street from South Omaha to Florence Is certain to increase In value. EASY TERMS ON ALL. Although these properties wilt be sold to the highest bidder, we do not require all cash, but only one-fourth cash and the balance In five years' time on monthly payments, with 6 interest, payable semi-annually. A contract or bond for deed will be given until one-half purchase price Is paid In, then a aeea ana mortgage DacK lr purchaser desires. BRIXO $200 CASH FOR DEPOSIT. Balance of first payment payable In ten days, when abstract CAn be ex amined. Abstracts are now ready. All properties are free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. Perfect title on each warranty deed. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS HEAL ESTATE MISCELLANKOl SUE L EST ATE MISCELLANEOUS KEAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS JltEAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS i :i.LwsLv i .'i i. i. fsc .s; . . w v.-........ t . At V! lUlHsfcA r -ilrfi Iffii Hiii si IK Ln ID DESCRIPTION OF EACH PARCEL. PARCEL NO. 1 OLSON BLOCK: South H Lot 2, North Vi Lot 3, Block 21, E. V. Rmith'a Addition. Lot 66x132. fronting on 24th Street and 23d Street. Three stores and six apartments above. Also four-room cottage on 23d Street. Rents f 1.302 a year. Building always rents well and it is a well built frame building, in excellent condition. This property will be sold on contract to highest bidder, on the following terms: S200 at time of sale. one-fourth within 10 days, If abstract shows a merchantable title in present owner. Balance In five annual payments (or monthly payments If pur chaser desires, extending over a period of five years), interest at 6 per cent, payable every six months. PARCEL NO. 2 Lot 11, Block 12, PARKER'S ADDITION: 64x120. Nos. 1708-1710-1712 North 24th Street. Coal yard. Office and dwelling. Brick coal aheds, and barn for 25 head of horses. Leased until March 1st, 1916, for $40 a month. Rent 1 low and could be increased. Alley alongside of lot. This Is a splendid place for coal or teaming business. . PARCEL NO. 3 Sooth 40 feet Lot 2. Block 12, PARKER'S ADDITION: Lot 40x120, ubject to private right-of-way over west 12 feet for alley. 1714 and 1716 North 24th Street Two small stores and rooms In rear. Income, $200 a year. This property is always rented on account of the low rent. PARCEL NO. 4 North 24 feet of Lot 2, Block 12, PARKER'S ADDITION: 24x120 subject to private alley over rear 12 feet. Vacant. Between Franklin and Decatur, east front on 24 th Street. PARCEL NO. 5 South, 24 feet Lot 1, Block 12, PARKER'S ADDITION: With reser vations for private alley on west 12 feet (rear end of lot.) This adjolna the Parcel No. 4, making 48 feet frontage It buyer wants. Highest bidder may take one of these lots or both at same price. PARCEL NO. 6 North 40 feet Lot 1, Block 12, PARKER'S ADDITION: 40xi20, with reservation on rear 12 feet for private alley. This is the southwest corner of 24th and Decatur, with 40 feet on 24th Street and 120 feet on Decatur Street; both streets paved. The ground is leased from month to month for $12.60 a month. Buildings owned by lessee and can be removed upon 80 days' notice or purchased for $600. We reserve the right to sell any parcel at private sale prior to date of auction sale. Dont forget: Each Sale to take place on the Property, Tuesday, Oct. 26, at 10 a. m. N. P. DODGE & CO., JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. Phone Doug. 829. 20 Wlthnell Bldg. :K West Farnam AND Cathedral District Choice Close-in Residence Lots An Unusual Clean-Up Sale unday, Oct 24 and continues until all lots are sold 40 Lots v?ed0 re $395 to $495 20 Lots clesaaL"Up $495 to $695 $5 Down-Terms $5 a Month Now Is the Time to Buy In Greater Omaha This Sale 'Offers You the Opportunity. Never Again Will Such Prices and Terms Prevail in This District. rpi t .rtofiAM These lots are located within 12 to 15 minutes of tho 1 nc JLOCaLlOn City Hall, and are within a stone's throw of Omaha's finest residences. They are near the center of Omaha. Ttt-h. Nearly every lot has SEWER, CITY WATER, OAS, imprOVcmentS SIDEWALKS and all GRADING done. Moderate priced homes are going up nil over the property. Building lines have been estab lished in every block and MODERATE restrictions prevail for all lots. Tf Vrvii T)crk7C that many fortunes have been made in Omaha realty DO X OU J..eailZe during the ten years just passed, and that many larger ones will bo made in the near future T Buy now, and buy whero prices arc not inflated. Our Addition Office Is at 42d and California Streets. Salesmen there all day Sunday. Take a Dundee car, get off at 43d and Dodge streets and walk a few blocks north; take a West Farnam and Cuming car, get off at California or Cass street and walk two blocks west; or get off at 42d and Cuming streets and walk two blocks south. Phone Walnut 382 all day today and wo will send an auto for you. SHULER & CARY E. T. PKTERSON, PRESIDENT. Thirty years' experience in .- tract work; nlghteen yrars an chief clerk In city engineer' office. Incorporated under the laws of Nebraska. Capital atock 110.000. fully paid. KERR Title Guarantee and ( Abstract Co. A Modern Abstract Office r 17fVi Qf Kerr Backed by a bond of 1 1 . with the Massachusetts Bunding and Insurance company of Bos ton, Massachusetts, as surety. ABSTRACT COST TOO NO MORE. FEN MINUTES FROM HTII AND DOUGLAS A home on payments. Kive-room cot tage, modern except furnae, with a nice sigh lot. Good neighborhood. New. - eash. balance 116 ox M per month. A r big bargain In West Council Bluffs. Only Sl.SuO. The Benjamin Co. Wemj COUNCIL. BLUFFS. IA. Fhons L IrS-t, First Natl Bank Bldf." IF NOT, WIIY NOT? buy this t-room house? Almost new, modern except heat; block from car; good neighborhood; built by day lator; only 1,'m; terms. Also 4-room cottage; water, its, sewer, teiist; nice c ljrken yards; all tr II. , &iO owh pen t miss these. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO., GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO., Pbones Red 653; Sunday, Walnut 110. Addition Office: Main Office: 42d and California. 202-204 State Bank Bldg. Bungalow Bargain A real snap In a neat little bungalow, mint three years ago, na oak rintsn, a real fireplace, hot air furnace and ce mented basement with laundry sink, the best of plumbing, light fixtures, a'alra to attic. There are two good bedrooms, large living room hci.,mo uie housu, one end of which Is the dining room, good kitchen and pantry. A liouxe for simple life and yet eveiythlng Is the b at. ThU Is on Grand Ave. and 2-'d ft. Paved street. Lot 60 ft. front. Price, ("00 less than coat to duplicate. Take your con tractor friend along with you to see this and verify the coat. t-V'O0, on easy terms will take It. Possession at once. Bemis Park Home Owner of a good and well kept home In the upper part of the Bemis Park dis trict Is leaving the city, lluuse very at tractive, eight good rooms, sleeping porch; large trees and unusually at tractive yara. ib.uuu (or quick sale. Close-In Home Eight good rooms, hardwood floors, fire place, entirely modern and well con structed. Owner Is west and will sell at bargain. This Is within two blocks of the Farnam car line and only 12 blocks from the retail district. Price l sOO. hullt for a home by a Ger man, with out mucn extra style, but substantial, Cottage With Two Lots In Benson, a half block from the street car line on 6uth St., the second street west or tvrug perk. A o-rouru house, with city water, electric lights and gas. Also a well and good bain. One lot planted to fruit about ready to begin producing. Property In good condition and can get possession In about a month. School t blocks away, good ce ment walks, and not how near car. Get off at the Country club a"-1 walk Kt, block north. Prloo only tt.000, easy tortus. A great plj.fl lur ecuuomy. uud yet the healthful luxury of a garden, fruit and chickens. About 25 minutes' car ride and 1 minute walk from down town. Our tlt'ii on the house. See It today. Harrison & Morton nil Omaha .Nut. Bank. tlt DOWN, 110 in Nov.. then 6 winter and Vi summer, will buy x-r. house and two lots for Ki'fden, chicken, etc; I blks. u scnoot, t bias to car. oall j07 Paxton Block. Shole's Bargains West Farnam 3513 Dodge St. The home of the late Mr. 1). V. Kholes. We are offering this riouse at a very reasonable figure. House consists of 8 rooms, large living room with fireplace, fine re ception hall, dining room, kitchen, on first floor; finished In oak with oak floors; four large bedrooms, finished In white enaniol, with oak floors, up stairs; good both room. House in first-cleuts condition. Hot water heat; fine fixtures; vevy well arranged; full south front 1 l. with shrubs and fruit. Cement drive and garage. Price, td.uoo. Dundee Special lO.Sop For an unusually attractive, well built, modern, up-to-date house; In one of the prettiest blocks In Dun dee; large living room with fire place, French doors opening on to sun porch, nice dining room, excel lent kitchen, finished In quarter sawed oak . downstairs; four good bedrooms, finished In while enamel, mahogany oors, on second -floor, nl Luth. Oak floors throughout. This pries has been made for QL'WK sale. Worth looking at Let us show you. Business Property Will Build to Suit Will build strictly fireproof building under own plans, on long time lease, at the tj. VV. for. 9th and Howard Kta.. on lot kxi:i2 feet, with U. P. trackage. If you want a modern, up-to-date, permanent business lo cation. Invent ltts this proposition. Or will build under your own plsna, on' long time base, at the ri. K. Cor. of 14th and Howard fits , Just east of the Auditorium, eautiful corner, on Council muffs and South Omaha car ll"s. For Lease WESTKTtN NKWHPAPFR VNNW. building, being txlJ'J feet, S stories slid basement, liaaement very well liKhted, could be ustd for display windows on Bt. side. Will re model building to suit ten na tits. Bee 1 r, - , I I .- i . ..w ............ 1 , . Wll Farnam Ht., a good stroy brick nunning. jr-'xiai reel, witn good beat ing plant and elevator. Owned by an eastern estate, which will lease at a reasonable rent or will sell, pries Is right. See us about this. D. V. Sholes Co. vlS-M City Nat 1 Bank blag. Iu. . WELL BUILT HOMES Bult to Your Order. F. S. Trullinger $20( CASH, BALANCE $20 PKIt MONTH For a hoven-room house on Ohio, near r.'rt St.. south front lot with a garage. Price 12.360. Six-room modem house at 2924 No. ?4th St., on eaat front lot, S4x2T. for 3,600. Six-room modern up-to-date house on Pinkney St.. llKht oak finish on 1st floor, three bedrooms on 2d floor with bath. stairway to floored attic, convenient to 24th St. car. Only VJ.400, on very easy terms. Seven-room modern 4rlek bungalow with hot water heat. lth and Spencer, Corner lot, 62x124, for I3.7.VI. W. II. GATES, 647 Omaha Nat. bank lildg. Doug. 1294. 5-Room Bungalow The owner of a practically new bunga low will sell It very cheap and on easy terms. All on one floor. Oak finish, built In buffet and bookcases. Large floored attic; cement cellar; warranted furnace' 11 IlKhtlng fixtures; large corner lot: good garage. CALL COLFAX 14M. 1 IE AIi ESTATE DOWNTOWN Downtown Comer $40,000. All. tJttrka tmm lath mnA Vamm property has sold for ). I will sell 183x132, a fins comer, for 140,000, or lease for long terra of years. Mrs. H. Hawver, me ioiDen, una. aaa iray. i'boae Harney 4442. Buy Acres NOW is (ho very host lime of the yonr to look over ncrenge property. The very best place to buy is OUT 1WXSON WAY in a direction where much develop ment is going on. YOUR MONEY INVESTED IN BENSON GARDENS is the very best place to invest. Acreage property near Oraalia has beeu the best investment for years, and will be the best in the future. If you don't believe it, ask anyone who knows. We can sell you acres in Benson Hardens now on terms of $10 DOWN AND $10 PER MONTH or we can sell you half acres, $10 down, $7.50 per month, or large residenco lots in the new town of West Benson for $200 on terms of $5 down and $5 per month. Write or call at our office for plat and price list Sales men will be on the ground all day today. Benson Gardens is located on West Main Street just West of Benson. The Benson Gardens jitney makes connection with the end of the car line. It is only six blocks from the end of the car line to Benson Gardens. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 16H HARNEY STREET. M Our Record in 5 Months in inne Lusa Broke down and burned the corn stalks, moved 250,000 yards of earth to make perfect grade. (NO "FILLED" LOTS.) Put in nearly 12 MILES of sidewalk and put in 6 MILES of Water Mains. Through the city engineer, worked out tho finest sewor system in Omaha. Surveyed, staked and platted into 792 lots. Obtained Gas Mains on 24th and 30th streets (Vs miles). Secured the paving of 2-4 th and 30th streets and created paving districts for all streets in Minno Lusa. Established grades and graded all streets. Leveled and seeded the entire tract Thirty beautiful, modern homes are being built at a cost of over $100,000 and we have sold over 400 lots for nearly $300,000. Do You Know That MTNNE LUSA is the largest addition ever platted in Omaha; that the lots we are selling for $500, $550, $650 and $750 offer the best investment for youf That, aside from absolute safety for your savings,, you can make money by buying these lots T All Improvements except paving are paid for at these prices. Opportunity is knocking at your door. Come Out Today and see this beautiful district. Charles W. Martin & Co. Phone Tyler 187. 742 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATIC NORTH SIDE 3906 North 17th Brand new, all mod., bungalow, t large rooms. and bath, living room across front of house, living room snd dining room have beam ceilings, bookcases between living room and dining room, window scat, plats rail and panel wall in dining room; den or combination room finished In oak; oak floors throughout house, dan dy kitchen, pantry and les box room; bed rooms, each have a clothes press; large reception hall with cloak closet; guaran teed furnace; lighting fixtures can be se lected by buyers; full set of screens snd shades; 'second floor unfinished; could finish I dandy bedrooms; fins east front lot, paved street, only 1 block to car. Have no price; want an offer; will make terms, or building lot taken as first payment. House open all day Sunday, do out and see this brauttful home. Come In Monday and submit your proposition. Rasp Bros, 101 MeCagus Uaig. Doug. MG3.S OWNBH IJ1AVTNO CITT. km rooms and garags, tat floor fin ished In oak; bot air furnace; laundry. Worth U.(X: U,m buys It this wvek. Terms U desired. Tel. Ownsr, Wsb. Ilul REAL ESTATE NOKTH SIDB Prettiest Mile Florence Blvd. A High Class Proposition That must be snapped up at one. Owner llv.a in house and will not move after cold weather sets In. All modern -room house, oak floors and finish, hot water heal, fireplace, beam ceilings, built-in features, sun room eto. The lot Is finest on entire Frettlest alUe. It la 100 feet wide by 840 feet deep; fins shads, hedge on both sides, all kinds of fruit, berries, eto. Artealan well, that flows all year round. If taken quirk this fall, you can buy thia place for K7.S0, on reasonable terms. Nest door neighbor wants to buy 10 feet of this at &j0 per foot, and you can make VV0 back right away if de atrrd. round alone here la worth over 16.(m0, and house Is thrown in at far leas than cost. Must have iulck action on this. Call Douglas &!4 Monday for appointment or any further information. VERY SPECIAL OFFEE. Norwest part. 7 rooms, corner, om block from street car, all modersv flats) condition, ready for occupaaoy, t trrmis. U.KO. W, T. 0 RAH AM. BSS BXXk GOOD cottage, nios lot Vr sw i mmm teems. ZeVCaU ( bmaAm