Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 12-B, Image 24

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fire omaha rundat rke: October 24, 1915.
s .
These New Blouses Will Make Many
New Store Friends
Hundrefls of beautiful new blouses shown Monday, combining ex
ceptional beauty with supc-rlor values at every price. 8eo the charm
ing new models we are showing here Monday, at
$7.50, $10.00 and $12.50
11 11 11x1
Attractive Values in Guaranteed Furs
Just Three of the Many, Here Mentioned.
12 R-nntlfu nr Seal Coat, all this season's newest Btylwv, spe
cial, at $60.00
Ftegnnt Hudson Seal Coats, values we do not believe can be dupli
cated, at 8125.00
(iftiulne White Pox Scarfs, among the best and most popular.
Special, at S35.0O
Values in High Class Fall and Winter Outer Apparel Seldom Equaled, Never Surpassed
mo oLui c nas uiu one stanaara in quality ana style in apparel for women, it is rigidly en-
axva uuu ano iui uiiu uuiiuicu ijei uuiu ciiiuinuy quality at every point irom tne wear
ing ot the cloth to the long service of the workmanship. Monday specials will be
ui &peuiui iiueiesi iu an women wno appreciate nign class merchandise and are
not averse to savings.
Coat Styles That Combine Most Charming
Designs With Great Values
Fifty Splendid New Coats that sell at
$50, in fine imported broadcloth, plushes,
novelties, etc., the season's choicest
' m it in 11 1 . 1 iiiiiTiii 111 1
iv 5 1 8 IP
$ i no Mil
? in
modes and values, truly match-
less at
vw Dainty Dancing and Party Dresses
Am "i Regular prices $35.00 and $45.00
I W&r most beautiful assort-
llilA ment, just received, goes
on saie in one 101, ivionaay, at
You cannot afford to miss
exceptional opportunity
Distinctive Designs in Tailored Suits
Two Elegant Chiffon Velvet Suits, reg
ular price S125, special at $75.00
Twenty-five Handsome Velvet Suits, re
gular price $65 both colors and black
special Monday at . $49.00
One Hundred Fine Tailored Suits
Regular prices $45, $50 and $55, in chif
fon broadcloths, poplins, velvets, etc..
A.1 1 A A A P . , m '
uie cnoicest lot 01 suits
ever put on sale at price,
Bit assortment of designs
and colors for your selection
The Newest Weaves
Wool Dress Fabrics
Every weave and. coloring that Damo Fashion ap
proves at pricings most economically interesting.
54-inch All-Wool Velours, in neat checks, black and white,
blue and white or Mue and green, very smart di qq
for suits or skirts; choice values, yard plJO
56-inch All-Wool French Gabardines and Epingle, very
popular medium weight fabrics in full lino of d nn
newest colorings, on sale at, yard V I UO
56-inch All-Wool French Serges, regular price $1.75 yard,
in all new colors and black, special, at, C 7 9
yard yl.LO
New All Wool Plaid Suitings, 48 and 5G inches wide, just
the thing for golf or hiking skirts, at, yard, n
$1.48 and .. POC
aro snappy in style, well made and prices are very low.
Don't miss seeing them.
Dress Skirts made to your measure Perfect fit and
workmanship guaranteed. Inquire at Dress Goods Dept.,
Main Floor.
Ire fill
Our Special October Sale of
Laces and Dress Trimmings Begins Monday
The Finest Selection in Omaha at Special Sale Pricings
Ecru and White Lace Flounctngs, embroidered la
gold and stiver. Regular price $3.00 0 f r
yard, ttale price.. 2X
Oriental Lace Flouncing embroidered In gold and
allver. Regular $5.00 yard. tfo ir
Sale price pj,lO
Demi Flounclngs embroidered in gold and silver.
Regular price $2.00 yard. 0110
Sale price 3 1 1 7
18 and 27-lnch Embroidered Chiffon Flounclngs.
Worth $4.00 yard. i OO
Sale Vrlce pl i0
6 to -lnch Chiffon Ed?es embroidered In evening
ihadea. Regular price $1.75. OQ
Sale price UOC
Heat quality Crepe Chiffons. Regular price qq
$1.60 yard. Sale price, yard 70C
A big assortment of Oriental, Venice and Chiffon
Edgea, worth $2.00 yard. qq
8ale price, yard iOC
Oriental, Venice and Shadow Allover Laces, worth,
$3.00 a yard. Sale 1 I O
price, yard J 1
A special lot of Venice Bands and Edges, A q
$1.00 a yard. Sale price, yard HuC
This Is a dress trimming season. Our stock Is
complete. See these special prices for Monday:
Novelty Beaded Bands, beautiful color combinations.
Regular price $2.60 yard. g ACy
Sale price, yard J 1 .4 17
Novelty Persian Bands, very popular. tr fjc.
Regular price $4.00 yard. Sale price. . . . O
Fancy Ornaments In Jet, Pearl and Irridescent
beads and spangle. Regular price jr
$1.75. Sale price 4VC
Beaded Pearl Bands, In the rhlneetone and spangle.
Regular price $2.60. Sale tT i a f
price $ 1 ,4y
Fur Trimmings, worth to $1.50. g0
On sale, at UOC
Fancy Silk loops. trimmed with black, brown and
gray fur. Regular price 85c. r"A
Sale price, only OUC
72-Inch Brettonne Nets, for party frocks. jq
Regular price $1.00 yard. Sale price OtC
A special line of fancy Handmade Braids, A q
worth $1.00 yard. Sale price, yard 45 C
The Above ' Merchandise on Display In Our
lBth Street W indow.
High Class Silks and Velvets
Most attractively priced Monday in our
popular daylight Silk department.
$4.00 Quality Black Silk Chiffon Velvet, an elegant Lyons
velvet, 40 inches wide, rich, deep black, on TIT
sale Monday at, yard .pi O
40-inch Chiffon Velvets in the very newest colors, includ
ing African browns, Russian greens, navy and Belgium
blues, blackberry, field mouse, etc, etc., on An Mf
special sale at, yard yOOU
Beautiful Satin Stripe Taffetas, soft chiffon finish in
newest colorings, both light and dark shades, a q
on sale at, yard .., pi40
$2.00 Quality Imported Swiss Chiffon Taffeta, 40 inches
wide, black only, rich, soft, lustrous finish, g
on sale at, yard .yi07
$1.25 All Silk Crepe de Chine and Silk Poplins, 40 inches
wide, very popular numbers, on sale Monday q q
at, yard .OOC
f j 1
; nil nm .
ner's lace
extra .
long in hip, with
wide elastic band
ing in back; $q00
special at 0
Ladies' Monarch and Perrin
real French kid gloves, very
prettily embroidered, in all
the new fall shades ; guaran
teed and fitted; very special
ly priced, pair. . . . .2.00
Ladies' $1.25 double silk
gloves in all contrasting
stitchings, at, pair.. $1.00
Hosiery Specials
for Monday
Women's $2.50 Pure
Thread Silk Hose, in plain
and fancy colors, regular
and out sizes; sp'l $1.G9
Women's fl.SO Kllk Hooe, all
colors and sizes. In best makes.
Sale price QSt
Women's Wayne jilt, mercer
ized lisle, black and colors, reg
ular and extra sizes, pair, 50 C
Only the cash purchase of
a wholesaler's samples en
ables us to sell at such re
diculously low prices.
Solid Gold Scarf Pins Your
choice of cluster sejtting, reg
ular $3.00 values. . . .$1.98
Solid Gold Cuff Links Dia
mond setting, $5.00 values,
for $3.45
Solid Gold Bar Pins and
Brooches Your choice, at,
from .....$1.50 to $4.98
One Oat of the Many
Shoe Specials
For Monday Only
"Women's button or lace,
cloth or kid tops. Leather
French heels, exceptional
$4.00 values
Staple and Fancy Notions at
Extremely Low Prices Monday:
25c pad hose supporters, pair, 10c
35c cord shopping bags, each, 10c
Omo & Klelnert's dress shields
pair 10c
All widths dress belting, yd., fic
50c hair brushes 23c
23c dressing combs ...10c
Snap fasteners, dozen 3c
De Long's hooks and eyes, per
card Be
Black silk thread, 100 yds., 5c
10c needle books, each 3c
Cotton tape, 0 rolls for Be
Gold eye needles (best) 3 pkgs.
for 10c
All Silk
in flesh or white, pure silk,
winter weight, heavy qual
ity; regular price $7.50. On
sale, Monday, only.. $4.85
Ladies' Union Suit, silk and
lisle, fine quality, low neck,
no sleeves; high neck, long or
short sleeves; flesh or white;
regular price, $3.50; Monday,
only $2.98
Period Styles in Furniture
$179 Bedroom Suites, $138
A handsome, 4-post Circassian walnut
suite of six pieces Dresser, Bed, Chif
fonier, Table, Chair, Rocker. It's a beauty
and you 11 want it.
We Sell for Less Money
$203.00 Mahogany bed room 6uite, post
Colonial design, 54-inch dresser, 38-inch
chiffonier, 4 poster bed and $19D
large 3 wing dressing table. . . .
$94.00 Mahogany, 4 post suite, 42-inch
dresser, 38-inch chiffonier and nQ
38-in., 3 mirror dressing table. . . . yOi
$105.00 Circassian Walnut Colonial design
suite, 48-inch dresser, 3G-inch chiffonier
and large 3 mirror table Hnr
tor y
are necessary to home beauty
and comfort. Don't miss
these big values Monday.
3d Floor.
50o Framed Pictures, in gilt
and brown frames, 5x7 to
8x10; large line of popular
subjects, 50o values... 35
$1.50 Framed Pictures 9Sc
heavy gilt frames, brown
frames, complete line of all
the latest pictures, $1.50 val
ues 98
$2.98 Framed Pictures, $1.98
brown and gilt frames
with scenes, religious, fruits
and character pictures, $2.98
values $1.98
See our line of Pastels, in gilt
and dark frames, from $9.00
to $1.98
19 Pounds Best Pure Granu
lated Sugar, Monday, 98c
4A-lb. sack bait htrh nad Diamond
X. Floor, Monday, vt sack. .. .(1.40
It will pay you to buy flour now.
Gallon cana Golden Table Byrup. . 38o
16c ran pure Olive Oil. Monday.. BOO
40o can pure Olive Oil, Monday.. SSe
Gallon cana, rev. 11.75. Monday, la.13
cans oil Sardines IM
IS Ibe. beet White or Yellow Corn-
meai fur S3o
lba. beat rolled White Breakfeet
OmitiMl for so
4 K-oi. cana Condenee.1 Milk....g6
Bllnnr'a Macaroni. Vermicelli or
tjia,liettl. pk. TH
I rakea llexo bcourlnf Soap....lSe
H-lb. fk(. Uakln Chocolate. .. .160
Aeaat Foam, pks. ...1 3)
Grape Null, pkg 104
K. C. Corn Klak.a, pk. 6
1-lb. can aaaurted Boupe SVo
The beat Soda or Oyeter Cracker.
Per lo THe
Tall cane A tank Salmon loo
Ailvo Jell, fur desaert. pk TVe
xmrzD rmurra rom tous od
i"os, rxsa oi cables.
Choice California Muaratel Cookln
llalalna, per lb avo
Choice California Mulr Peaches, pe-
The beat mixed Peel. lb. 80e
New California Fi. pkg THe
Fard Datea, per lb 15o
New Honey, per rack 17K
New Honey, e trained, i8-o Jar.. ,S6e
noma out tit iast or ovn
Bushel baakets. extra fancy fruit,
nothing finer or healthier; for your
supply. Monday, basket..., 11.10
fancy No. 1 Country Creamery, per
1 870
fancy No. 1 Dairy Table Butter, p-r
b BSo
Full Cream, White or Colored Cheese,
Per lb. aoo
TBI ri:ori..
IS lbs. beat Karly Ohio Potatoes. ISo
11 lbs. good Cooklnjr Apples 18o
II lba. Jonathan Rating Apnles..aoo
Cape Cod Cranherrtes, qt TV
4 bunches fresh Beets. Carrots or
Turnips for t
Fujicy Michigan Cabbage, for kraut
per lb io
I bunches Oreen Onions M
4 bunches Fresh Radishes Bo
Fine China
On 4th Floor Monday
Beautiful Imported Dinner
Sets at greatly below worth.
$35.00 Haviland Dinner Sets
100 pieces, also Limoges
China Sets, floral spray de
sign, half gold mat handles;
on sale Monday,
per set
$40.00 Limoges
Dinner Sets
A beautiful design, 100 piec
es, border decorations, half
mat gold handles and gold
edges. A beauty, Cfl
Monday, at, set.yw DU
Many other splendid spe
cials in etched and cut glass
ware, fancy china, etc., Monday.
$3.00 "Ideal"
Electric Irons, $2. 19
The IDEAL is a full weight, fully guar
anteed iron we have sold for years, and
have hundreds of satisfied users in Omaha,
It is beautifully finished, has detachable
cord and plug. An article as good as the
best at a real bargain price.
Genuine "Wizard" or American Lady
Polishing Mops, the kind that gets into the
corners. $1.25 size, special q
to close out OiC
$1.00 size Cedar Oil Polish, 50; 9
50c size Cedar Polish DC
cut, do not crush, all kinds of
flesh, nuts or vegetables,
leaving all the pieces.
98c, medium size, special,
Monday 79
$1.25, large size, special Mon
day 98d