Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 10-B, Image 22
10-11 OMAHA SUNDAY BEfl: OCTOBEH BSSSIS TUESDAY & ViEbHESDAtf CCTCEER 25 AKD 27 CSAWTOID, PKIX.I.ET fc IEBSVHO, Mm. Mrwt from It enntina onanRemeiit in w Vork t'ity A. H. WOOD8 Prn: FI EST 'lOUAY IIAXF wa-r-m a risT KALF FRED TEiOMAS & GO. In a Conisdy Sketch "MRS. SI7PTII rOHTXHI" 24, 1913 Scene Aom 3 T n rnn?? 4TVVIfiOGCOPE" WoTClty Ccniatlon of the SaTf fv ! U-f vK ' Sohhtwith'.The Kr k : 's!23 Mexicans - V f I ff 1 ' y I .! , .VI -..-. -iv ill - . -4k i y r . . . ? i I j 1 . 1 if f f l l -r v m m M m i t MBHHMaaaBIBP( i ii j .i it i JSff t tjr f u j S i v " IB I to . mako that orgnlitlon I l . ,i "'1 VIM 11 U " - " l Wt' V ' ' J , 'Xl .'.Hli ' 'f A , I wPir to on of itnm member. Their Vv' ;'J' fj VT-i.iy incarnation- I. the of the .kit to Vv JTv . t .7 VV I c I offered by Jack Allman and Bam I A Comedy Drama in Four Act3 y WILLIARD MACK A SYSTEMATIC, POWERFUL PL A r, VIVIDLY PORTHAYEO, WITH A "KICK" IN EVERY LIN DniOnO. MATINEE, 2Gcto$1(MATiriEE r.UbCO. MIGHT, 25cto$1.50UVECr:ESCAY 9 Days Commencing Thursday, October 28lh EDUJAHD LVHGH pla?ers;0llcffTeb GKO. M. COHAX'S MVSTKRV FAUCK TO 7 trwu mum ALBPflTE An Absoluts Sensation It Will Hold You Enthralled For 3 Hours THRILLS! MYSTERY! MELODRAMA! LAUGHTER! Four Matinees Oct. 30-31 and Nov. 2-4 Prices: Mats. 15c-25c Evening, 25c-35c-50c mu ii..uii o .an 1 1 in i ii ii. ii aniiM MrHTA7TU3 ft GilllOS Two Gtila an;l a Piano JONES - JOHKROIT, Eiif, fin. C.".!lcka HERBERT OEJ.M ISE TBIO Caitlng- ThriUn "ULLIRVS KU'jCAND'S nroadway Star Tra ore" A Tlir-Kel Comoc'y V.MtW Iillllaa "Vali'ir and Donald Hall. "PnttinT One 0cr" "Tiie Va't'ire" Minera Courtney Ona K.el Drama "Dreamy Pad" A Hew Cartoon Comedy Heart-Sell? No. ei Hiwi fr.'in the Camora. Boserved Beat lOo Extra. Phone D. 999. ADMISSION 10c "OMAHA'S TUW CEKTIB" r Mat..15-aS-SO SilSSs' Bcsei Posej Girls b". An Av.lanrh. of Ih-auty. Wealth n4 Bplnnor. "The llr.l. million Club." Ill Hromlw.y Hevlfw f olrOUlU-.. lly Mimic. I .-how In Town, lior.i-.u. Blwtrlral NoTflllfa. Ufuir eTiorua uf .0. Ladies' Dim Matinee Week Day. At She William Morris RAMA LEAGL'K actlvlllra are tuklnic aurh form bid fair to . mako that orffanlcatlon an Important factor In the effnira of the theater In Omuhn. It la not the prea- cr.t rurpose of those directing the work to act about any tak of houae cleanlng for the theater, or any other fonn of change. furthr than can be ac complished by rational methoda and' the development of taate throuKh careful tudy. So far aa I at preaent known, the local renter of the league will civ Ha effort principally to the atudy of typi cal playa and to the dlacuawion of related ubjects dealing- directly with the drama. Tbia will develop among the member an understanding- and a taate for the playa that are worth while, and will en gender an Influence that must sprrad farther than the members can realise, elevating the standard and cultivating the taste for better thing, to the end that In tlmn the men who direct the affalrp of the theater will appreciate the fact that this clclntele la worthy of attention. It does not mean that the drama must be made to ippeal solely to the Intellect; those who are serious In the work of the Uraina league realise well enough the vaat Importance f the function of the play aa means for en tertainment, and the lighter forma, sj far aa they are worthy, will be culti vated and eneouragtd equally with the more serious. Tho lesgue la not to bo considered solely aa a "hlKh brow" or ganisation, for It Is really an organltatlon that la earnestly bent on the task of giving the theater Ita proper l- in the social scheme of things, and this through the doptlon of reasonable and rnctlcnl ways. The Monday afternoon Informal talks are a tart of the prngrim. while the formal lecture feature wl.l bo opi ned on Thjurmiay afternoon by I.idy Gregory, 1 who will talk of the Irish drama at the Iirandela theater. uinrp) ) r sj 0 COflTIUUOUS FROM 11 A.M. TO 11 P. Fil. BEGKillKlG FOUR DAYSSUNDAY, OCT. 24TH JESSE L. LA5KY TRESEXTS FOK THE F1UST TIME IX A PHOTOPLAY THE FAMOUS PRIMA DONNA In elaborate, beautiful and extraordinary Paramount Pictures of the operatic masterpiece FARRAR Plrerted by Cecil H. De Mille. A wonderful presentation by a noted star and excellent company, of a story universal in appeal and thrilling In episode. L O IZ E r T A. De LONE -:HARP:- 30S LYUTO BLnO. lKrCJLAS 8701 Harps Ilented to Student. aaiiJaakAaa fflrs Fiske al Becky Sforpe in'Vanity lair Ai the Doyd 1 V Je 7W -Ah "Kick In"- will be presented at tli Iirandela theater neat Tuesday attu Wednesday with a matinee Wednesday, coming direct to this city after Ita all sea son run at the Republl? theater. New Turk. The piece was written by Wlllard Mack, who went into the underworld fur his characters and his story. . A reformed convict named "Chick" Ilewes. his wife who married him unaware of his past, and several other reformed "Seven Keys toUaidpate.'' a farce In Jail birds, are brought to clash with of- two acta, bnsed on a novel by Karl !err ficiala of the poll. department of New BlgSers. will b the bill for tbo reopen- Jv! i . , , , ",0rK " lh " t the llrande.. llv ni tr Ight for a "umber of , thet b,,innBB Thurl.y n.ght. falU Into hU old habtU nd Is hot whtU rw.iw w a i .. j r V -A ChrcQouldAitteCmpress each and every on of whom was engaged for his special ability In enacting his par ticular rule. XarJ 0ate contracted version of the comedy he I to present hare Is said to be one of vaude ville's funniest sketches. Tha principal role I one that was played originally by Mr. Morris when the farce had Ita first production and Ita first long run in New Tork and Chicago. A particularly excellent mimical or ganisation, the Mexicans, will be another striking feature of the bill this week. The company I one of eleven member. Their band and orchestra was one of the at tractions of the Panama exposition, ' ne lncarnatlon" Is the title of the skit to b offered by Jack Allman and 8am Iody. Comfort and King will contribute "Coon Town Dlvorcons." a sketch writ ten for them by Junle McCree. New to Omaha are the GaudaroldUi, whose laugh able performance la greatly enhanced through the assistance of two Spanish poodles. The Kour Melodious Chaps will doubtless be popular, since comedy is a pronounced element of their song num ber. It Is said that the aerial act to b contributed by the Flying Wernt duo is at times as startling as It is graoo ful. The Orpheum Travel Weekly will -I BORGLUM PIANO SCHOOL B661 Douglas Street. me-open Sept. eta. August Borglum, Madame Borglum (Pupils of Wager riwayne) Bolfege-Bchvarts Method, Pari Harmony Public Performance Jean P. Duffield Teacher of Piano New Location, Rooms 8 and O Ilaldrlge Iluildlnff, Twentieth and Fa mam Streets. JAMES EDWARD CARNAL School cf Voice Culture All Branches of Mnslo Taught. For Information an to tonus, etc., addr.-s.i James Kdward Carnal, Lyric rtMg, 19th and Ftarnam Sts. Phone Red 3854. w A L T E R WHEATLEY VOICE AND OPIEA INSTRUCTION. April y Saturdays 8 BALDKIOE BUn,DIJfQ. Phone D. 7837 Marie Swanson PIANO-HARP 533 Sonth 27th Street. Phone Harney 10.55. Advertising is the pendu lam that keeps buying and selling in motion. la BOY J3m (Continued on Page Eleven Col. Three.) IS-"".S''"' . i ii.. i liuuuu, l .. L .1 ..iijiiji I) ami auu.1 mmhiii liiiaMipilliliyiifl.Mj jj. x I r. IfCcWvx I Ptase' g making his get-away with a IJOOO dia mond necklace. Wounded to bia death, la aided ty his sweetheart to the flat of The play Is a farce picturing with agree- ; able satire the possibilities of "best Chlch and Molly Hewes. who hide him In I . , 'up inn is inai the attic, where be dies, but not before ! 'om "'t f tK, mountain summer the brother-in-law of Chick robs him of ' holc, ,n lh dcad of Here comes the necklace. I novelist who has Just wagered a Knowing they are aiding a dying thief ""lrI that he can turn out a story of to eacape the officers of the law, but : louu0 words In twenty-four hours. The otherwise quite Innocent of any sliare of ' w"lter apparently believes he has tha Every NlCht, 8:15 I The Only High Class TaadevUl CI re nit. WEEK STARTiaOSUHDAY MATIflEE, 0ST.24 ---iMi',; r jw" WILLIAM H10RRIS "IIS. TEMPLE'S TELEGRAr.1" ' A Comedy In Ono Act by William Morris Til MSXICAVS JACK iUHAH and SAM DODT Native Musical OraiiUallon, nirect n from ponniua-l'si'lftc Kxpowl'ton. "ite-Tncarnstlon' COMPOatT and KIMO TVS OAVOfHIDTI ' In "Coon Town lvon-ons, Kccentrto Clown Written by .lnnlw McCree With Their Spanish Poodles MELODIOUS CHAPS 4 PXiYDTO WXHHTS DUO A Homewhat I Afferent Qiianette Ovmnaatia Prleesi Matinee, gallery, looi OKPHEUM TtATEL WSIXXT beat seats (eaeev Saturday aad Around the WurM with the Or- Sunday), 85c Mights, 10c, gSo, 600 rheum Circuit Motion 1'lcture aad TSo. Photograihera. the crime, the husband and wife ate hauled up before the police commissioner who sweats them in vain. Thrills are pro vided when Chick disposes of the dead crook by carrying his body from the attlo only key to the hotel, and that he will be able to work uninterruptedly to a suc cessful conclusion of his wager. As Mr. Cohan has termed it. tiic I. y is a c.ya- tery farce. At th end the epilogue re- to the cellar and sending It away In a I veals the fact that the audience has beun barrel on a wagon supplied by friends when the dead man's sweetheard learns of his death and drags herself from Chick's bom to throw berself In the river; when It 1 discovered that Chick s brother-in-law, a dope fiend, ha the dia mond necklace, having stolen It from the 6ed crook; when Chick force the "dope" to "kick In" with the Jewels; when th detective from headquarter tries to aouble-croaa Chick and hi wife who bar k aided over th necklace) without a question; aad when Chick and the da- seeing th story that has been running off the author's mind. j Mr. Lynch has a large force of stage I mechanics and scenic artists busily at j work the last week and the production will be an exact duplicate of the one presented her a year ago by the original New York and Chicago company. It is undoubtedly the largest unuertaktng yet attempted by the stock company. William Morris, who eme t the Or- tective fight their thrilling battle back .' l'heum thlg week aa th stellar attrao- en fort about the room and In which Molly takes such aa unexpected and start ling part. "Kick In" ha encugh thrills, but It has l-lenty of comedy, too. Manager K. IL IVoods he provided a cast of players. ttnst. will be seen In "Mia Temple's Tele gram," the comedy that he made famous. As leading man for Modjeaka In 17 and lhcM he became conspicuously known the country over for his portrayals of ltomto, ptnedict and Don Cataax. li s ' , , - ; V, ,1 " .. . V '.. - ; A.. SONG RECITAL SaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSiaaBSM inSWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaSBJBsaanSWSBgBSSB BEULAH DALE TURNER Soprano Tues. Eve., Oct. 26 Y. V. C. A. Auditorium 17th and St Mary' Avenue. Madam Aagutt Borglum at the Piano Tickets tl. Pos sale at Ilospe'a and liaydtn's Music btorea. WHERE EVERY ONE: GOES Pictures That Are Pictures Four Days---Beginning Today As Becky Sharpe in Thackeray's Her Last Screen Appearance Don't Miss Seeing This Wonderful Woman in Her Greatest Role rP-i.a,.!! ( Tho Battle of Waterloo O WQlil S The Ball at Brussels ( Queen's Crawley Cammncing today the nunigemsnt has engaged for every perform ance. Prof. Albin Muster's concert orchestra of 8 pieces. THREE DAYS-Dcginning Thursday Afternoon UU1II& Tho Film Play With a Heart Interest, p?9 iu WITH Late Star of "The Song of Songs" Quick in Action Unique in Situations IlfiCdy.t, Afternoons, 10c; Nights, 10c-20c I Next Sunday-For Four Days-- Graustark" Thursday, Friday, Saturday--"Tho Dlindncss of Virtue"