Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 14

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Announcements of a Literary Kn
tare Are Made for the Next
Seven Day.
Social Caleadar.
Onmha Society of Fine Art, business
mwtlns: and reception, Mr. J. K. Bum
mers, hostess. Hlhlr class orgnnlsa
tlon, Miss Lola Howell, hostess. Plper
Mulvlhlll wending, luncheon, Mn. W.
.1 Cnnnrll. nostras.
First dnninn Prty of tha Puharrlptlon
I'ance tluh, rtreopnd by dinner parlies
at homes of member. Reception for
K.ptstnpsJ rlersy nt 1'nlverslty club.
1 '.rid re luncheon at Hotel Loyal, Mr
Ferdinand Alder. hostess. Imdy Qreg
orv lecture. Hrandels theater, 4 p. m.
Vnssar elub exhibition. Central High
fl'ool. 1:14 B. m.
Ten for Episcopal women at Trinity
cathedral deanery. Cuml club dance,
Hansrnm park pavilion.
wedding at Chlras-o.
Michigan alumni benqnet. Diets club
Hallowe'en party. Breakfast tor Epis
copal women at deanery.
nana for the winter season begin to
loom on the aoclai horizon. Thla week
ee the safe launching of the Drama
league with lta lecture by Lady Oreicory
at the nrandcla theater Thursday after
noon, and the promise of Interesting
talk each Monday afternoon by local
The Fine Arta society opena lta aeaaon
with a reception at the home of Mra. J.
E. Summer Tueaday. Wednesday the
Subscription Dancing club, whose affairs
of laat winter were moat brilliant and
enjoyable, launches lta bark.
Debutantes are beginning to plan the
date upon which they will mak their
formal bow to society. Mtaa Marlon
Towl wUf be tha first of tha season's
debutantes, haying chosen November 17
to make her bow, November 21. and M
Mrs. Duncan M. VlnannhaJer will give
debut teas. Introducing her daughter,
Mia Isabel Vlnaonhaler. Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. MoCord will glv a dancing party
December XT, when they will Introduce
their daughter, Mlas Marjorl McCord.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor TVTitt will preeent
their daughter, Louise, at a dancing
party during the Christmas-New Tear
That society will 'trip the light fan
tastic" every night during the holiday
aeaaon la the outlook. Mr. and Mrs. R.
C. How are planning a dancing party
for their daughter, Mlas asarlon Howe,
the reigning queen of Ak-8ar-Ben, who
will return from New York for the holl
days; Mrs. Barton Millard will give a
dance at the Hotel Fontencll In honor
of Mr. Millard's brothers, Joseph, Hay
and Willard, and the Junior club and
the Subscription club are also planning
brilliant affairs for tha same week.
The war sufferers, for whom local
natrons did valiant service laat year, will
not be forgotten. Cards are out thla
week announcing that the Franoo-Bel-glan
Relief society will resume meetings,
the first one to be at the home of Mies
Jessie Millard Wednesday afternoon at
I o'clock. The afternoon will be de
voted principally to discussion of and
suggestions for the work of the society
this winter.
Anion the Visitors.
Mrs.. Rob D. Barry of Chicago Is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Cullen.
Mrs. V. J. Hill of Kansas City la the
gueat of her slater. Mm. D. M. Ylnson-
Mr. Albert Cahn Is epectlng his
daughter. Mrs. Isadora Wltmark of New
Tork. Wednesday. Mrs. Whltmark will
be accompanied by her children.
Bishop and Mrs. Thomaa of Wyoming,
who will com to Omaha for the Provin
cial Synod of the Northwest next week,
wilt b guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. H.
Do via. Bishop Brewster of Minnesota
will be the guest of Mra. A. J. Foppleton.
Mr. Alllaa Vail of Poughkeepsle, N. T
was the gueat laat week of Mrs. A.' B.
Jaquith and Miss Alice Jaqutth. Mr. Vail
motored west with a party or rnenos,
who accompanied him as far aa Chicago
and whom be Joins this week for the
return trip.
Mrs. J. M. Metealf Is entertaining Mrs.
Charles Eddy of New Tork City. This
afternoon Mrs. Metealf expects her
brothers. Mr. E. J. Cornish of New Tork
ritv and Judre Albert J. Cornish of
Lincoln. Judge Cornish will accom
panied by Mrs. Cornish and their three
Mr. and Mra Rhea S. Nelr hav been
entertaining at their country place near
Calhoun their daughter, Mrs. Eugene p,
Morris of Springfield, I1L, formerly Mia
Bcatrto Neir. and her amall son.
Eugene. lr., and Mrs. Nelra sister, Mra
William D. Soul of Chicago. Mrs. Soul
left Saturday for her home, but Mrs,
Morris Is remaining.
Star Dinner at Nash Home.
Echoes ar heard of a stag dinner given
a week ago by Mr. Louis C. Nash to his
asaoclates on the Ak-Sar-Ben board of
governors at the beautiful Nash horn,
which. In some respects, rivaled th mys
teries of the order's famous Initiation.
Alt the present members f the board
wer there except Messrs. Oeorg Bran
dels and Gould Diets, who wer out of
the elty, and also a few favored ex-governors.
When the company was summoned to
the dining room each place was found
set with a tempting quail ready to b
man-handled by knife and fork, but as
each guest seised the tablo utensils,
whos ua ha com to b demanded In
polite society, h short-circuited an elec
tric current neatly fed by concealed wire
that sent the birds flying about the room
and put the victims through the motions
of a rub wrestling match. Another fea
ture of the entertainment revolved about
a veiled lady Intruder who was eventually
captured and forced to join In the merry
u a king.
At the conclusion of the evening It was
unanimously voted that tho who were
not there would never know what they
had missed.
Change in Eetidence.
Dr. and Mrs. Updegraff have moved to
the Colbert.
Mr. : and Mra Adair's new horn at
'Uty-econd and California street Is
Hearing completion and they expect to
move Into It nest month.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walter hav
moved from their horn on Harney street
to the apartment at the Beaton recently
, occupied by Mra. Louis Bradford.
Mrs. K. R. J. E-dholm and daughter,
Camilla, hav closed their house on South
Thirty-sixth street and taken a suit of
rooms at the Merrlant for the winter,
The Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd HoUapple
have moved from 1310 Davenport to UK
on the same street, which la nearer to
Mr. Hoaaappl' church, BU Barnabas.
Eooten at Foot Ball Game.
Omaha society was well represented at
the great Nebraska-Kotr Dana foot
ball gam In Lincoln Saturday. Tha
Guests of Mr, and Mrs.
at Their Country Home Near Calhoun
board of Ak-Rar-Ben srov-more enter
tained the king ana queen and the sDecil
maids of honor, occupying seats In a
body. The perfect autumn day afforded
opportunity for many motoring parties,
among them were:
Mr. Fred whoae guests wm
Miss Helen Clarke, Mlsa Louise Lewis,
Miss Stella Thummel and Mr. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Megeath had with
them, Mia Mary Megeath, Mr. and Mrs.
Windsor Megeath, Mr. Montgomery, Mr.
Rlohter and Mr. Edward Megeath.
Mis Isabel Vlnaonhaler, Mlaa Mollora
Davis, Mr. Ben Oallagher and Mr. John
Caldwell made up a party.
Miss Louise Wh-.t was with a party
of Lincoln frlands.
Mr. A. P. Whltmore with Messrs. II.
P. Baraon, Victor Diets, Amos Thomas.
am Bees, Jr., W. R. Wood. Robert
Swltsler, Henry Foster, Howard Baldrlge,
Drs. Cutler and I. 8. Cutler.
Others Parties were; Mr. Walter
Thomas, ten: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jud
aon, ten; Mr. and Mra. Robert I. KtouU
five; Mr. Richard Kitchen, six: Mr. A. I.
Creigh, five; Mr. Allen McDonald, five.
Mlssos Elsa Haarmann, Laura Zim
merman, Messrs. R. A. Vanorsdel, E.
A. Benson, Albert Bloom, Vincent Has
011, J. H. Mlthen. A. B. Jaquith, Murray
Llplon, H. P. Murphy, Cuthbert Potter,
Drexel Blbbemsen, Raymond Low and
Lieutenant Thomas, were other enthus
iasts attending.
The Misses Florence and Irene Crosse
of Pasadena, with Mr. George Wright,
will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.
E, George In their car.
Social Affair Planned.
Th Et-A-Vlrp club will glv a dancing
party at th Home hotel Wedneaday eve
Th La Ball club will glv a Hal
lowe'en party at Chambers, Monday even
ing. November L
The members of th Comus club will
entertain their husbands at th horn of
Mr. and Mrs. Jsnnlngs, Monday evening.
Mis Nellie Qren will glv a Hallowe'en
party at th Pralrl Park olub Tuesday
evening for th dancing pupils.
Th La Plasoma club will be enter
tained at a stag party Monday evening
at th horn of John Hayea. Next Fri
day th club will glv It annual Hal
lowe'en party at th home of Paul Ervln.
Th L Mar club will glv a Hallow
e'en dancing party Friday vnlng at
Turpln's academy. Th committee In
charge ar Moaara. Jack MoCarthy, Bob
Heath, Jay Collins, Vlneent Schmlttroth
and Adrian Lund.
Notei of Interest.
Mr. Edwin T. Swobe has been appointed
on of th trustees of Shattuck Military
academy at Faribault, Minn. Mr. Swobe
la a graduate of th academy which has
honored him.
Russell Larmon, Omaha's tennis cham
pion In singles, won more honors at th
gam, thla time th Dartmouth college
ohamplonahlp. Russell and his brother,
Park, ar both of Dartamouth and
th latter had been considered one of
th . best tennis players In th college
until bis brother arrived upon th scene.
Piper-MnMhill Wedding-.
Th marriage of Mlaa Anaatacla Mulvl
hlll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J.
Mulvthlll, to Mr. Thomas F. Piper of
Philadelphia, son of Mra Oeorg Piper,
of New Tork City, will be celebrated at
t:M o'clock Tuesday afternoon at St. Pa
ter's church. Rev. J. T. McCarthy offi
ciating. Th bride will ba attended by her sis
ter. Mis May Mulvthlll. Only members
Of th families and a few Intimate friends
will be present, Th bride will wear a
go-away gown of blue velvet, fur
trimmed, and a coraag bouquet of lilies
of th valley and orchid. Th gown of
th bridesmaid will be of mulberry cloth,
trimmed In fur, and ah will carry Mra.
Ward roses.
After th wedding trip to New Tork and
Atlantlo City. Mr. and Mra Piper will be
at horn In Philadelphia, but they expect
ultimately to make their homo In Oer-
mantown, adjoining Philadelphia,
Past FeitMtiei.
Mra A. L Reed entertained at lunch
eon at her horn Thursday In honor of
Miss Keller and Mlsa Oeorgla Keller f
Charlattea villa. Covers wer laid for:
Mednme Mesdamea-
Jame Tancock. James Chadwlck,
Cherlee B Keller. Frank O. Johnson.
J. J. Sullivan. John H. Butler,
K. K. Ualch.
Last Saturday evening about thirty of
Mr. A. J. Love's friends helped him
celebrate his birthday at a "stag'' din
ner party at Loveland Farms. This was
also a sort of house-warming, aa It was
the first entertainment In the new home
Just completed by Mr. and Mrs. Love on
their farm on th Weat Leavenworth
Mr. Devld A. Baum entertained at
luncheon Thursday. Autumn flowera, th
button chrysanthemums, larkapur and
cosmos mad an attractive tabi decora
tion. The guest were:
Mearianirs Metdnmes
Herman Kountxe, C. J. Urwne.
John Q. ttourke. J. It. Uhmer.
'olpetmr, J. W. Hevnolds,
John N. Baldwin, A. 1- Mohler.
Mtaaea Mtase
Caroline Summera. Sharp,
Ida Sharp,
Vfra rnnlr J firv untArtalnMt a t Via
horn Saturday In honor of th seventh
birthday ot her son, Robert. Th decora -
S. S. Neir
4 I
WC it
i 4
' It '
1.1 i
Hps. EufzneElIorrte
tlona were of Hallowe'en character, and
children's games were played.
Miss Rose Svaclna entertained last
Thursday at her horn. Those present
Maadame Mesdnmes
A. L Horky, A. J. Prohaaka,
A. Fuxa, IL F". prohaaka.
Otto Hohllck.
Mlsa Daisy Maurer entertained Thurs
day venlng at a theater party. An early
dinner waa served at Maurer a cafe.
Those present were:
Misses Mlaaes
Evelyn McFerrln, Daisy Maurer.
Anne Maurer,
Messrs. Messrs.
Vsrn Hayward, 0. Howmann.
Dr. Maaer,
Th Phi Beta Phi waa entertained at
tuncheon -Saturday with Mr. George Fva
bury hostess. The decorations wer
Hallowe'en In effect, and thirty guests
wer present. Mrs. Feabury wak assisted
by Mrs. William L. Daughn, Miss Ger
trude Branch and Mrs. D. R. Oould.
Pre-Nnptial Entertainments.
The marriage of Miss Kathryn Mc
Clannhan to Dr. Henske cn Wednesday
November 1, will be preceded by a num
ber of entertainment In their honor, be
ginning Wedneaday, when Mrs. Ewlng
Brown will entertain for them. Mrs. Fred
W, Thomas and Mrs. Mylcs 8tandlh
have Invitations out for an afternoon
bridge Thuraday for Miss McClanahan
and th Monday following Mrs. O. W.
Hervey and Mrs. Walter Hopewell of
Tekamah will glv a luncheon at th Uni
versity club for th same gueat. That
sam evening Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Stokes
and Dr. and Mrs. John Potts will glv
a dinner for Miss McClanahan and Dr.
Henske, and Tucfday evening Dr. and.
Mrs. McClanahan will glv the bridal
Silver Wedding Anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kinder celebrated
th silver anniversary of their wedding
Saturday evening at their home, 110
Stanford Circle. It was th anniversary
of Mrs. Kinder' birthday aa wejl. With
Mr, Y. Klenk officiating, th marriage
service was repeated. Thoa present
Messrs. and Mesdames
Adolph Brandes,
Oscar Kuenne,
P. C. Schroeder,
John Dahmke,
Charlva Ulna.
A. Poiny,
A. Brandes,
William Gloe,
R. Heal.
H. Geist,
Fred Klenk.
John Keller,
H. McUee,
F. Klenke.
Hans Oloe,
Otto Kinder.
Henry Kodenburg,
C. Kumohr,
Henry Huser,
Theo Slnhold,
Henry Sump,
L Lehman n,
Henry Wolf,
Fred Hanson.
Bvxsy Coufal,
I.llllan Rodeuburg,
Dora Oloe.
Andrew Kinder,
M leas a
Anna I'leuler,
Tllll Pleuler.
Marge Kinder,
Otlllle Kinder,
W. "red Pleuler.
Sax-Sehechter Wedding".
Miss Etta Schechter, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Schechter, will be mar
ried this afternoon at 4:10 o'clock to Mr.
Abraham IV Sax of Mason City, la., son
of Mr. and Mra Jonas Sax of Ottumwa,
la. Th ceremony will be celebrated at
th horn ot th bride's parents. Rabbi
Orodinaky officiating. Th out-of-town
tueat will be:
Meaara. and Meadames
H. W. Bellcovits. Kort Dodge, la.
Otto Davis, Burlington, la.
Jonas Sax. Ottumwa.
Max Ptudna. Kaiuwa City.
MUses Misses
Esther Huchman Belle Rosenthal
of St. Louis. of Chicago.
Etta Davis of Burllnrton.
Meaara. Ueaors.
Arthur 8ax Sam Frvedman
of Ottumwa, of Ottumwa.
A Prevolsky H. H. Wlnchell
of Chicago, of Ottumwa,
Mrs. Sehcovlts, Champlaln.
Hallowe'en Dance Planned.
A Halloween dance wlU be given
Thuraday at Chancers" academy by the
1'nlverslty Mixers' club, composed of
students of Cretghton university. Mem
bership In the club and attendance at th
dances ar restricted to students and
aiumnl of th university. This affair
I will be th first of a series to be given
1 during th school year. R. F. itullin of
. Ill
... , , , w .. v i
1 ' i
J yM
v V.- . . ..
jftts.louzs "BusJunan
ITyrl Cbffmatt
the medical college, R. A. McCab of the
pharmacy, Oerald La Vlolett of th
arts, 8. Mulvehlll of the dental and F.
A. Silver of the law college constitute
th , executive committee In charge of
th dances, The following ar patrons
and patronesses:
Mayor and Mrs. J, C. Da f nan.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert ReUer.
Ir. and Mrs. A. H. Hippie.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Martin.
Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Breunlng.
Dr. and Mra. O. F. Crowley.
Prof, and Mrs. J. C. Arledg.
Dr. and Mrs. J. 8. Foot.
Prof. J. A. Bennewlta.
Dr. J. A. Graham.
Dan Butler.
Prof. J. E. O'Brien,
Prof. H. C. Newton.
Prof. L J. Te Poel.
Prof. Hugh Gillespie.
Engagements Announced.
Mr. and Mr. J. O. Beefus of Elkhorn,
Neb., announce the engagement of their
daughter, Elsie B., to Robert W, Warren
of Spring Grove. Th wedding will take
place In th near future.
Surprise Party.
A surprise party was given In honor
of Mra Anna Rlha at her horn Tuesday
evening. Autumn leaves and garden
flowers wer used in th decoration.
Those present were:
B. Prchal
M. Myer
M. Bkryla
B. Fran feel
J. Form an
F. Vlach
T. Foua
Jv. Chleberad
M. Altman
A. YunCek
J. Janecek
B. Suchy
M. Svaclna ,
B. Vrana
A. Klha
A. Duda
B. Hynek
M. Kus
A. Kment
B. Kanferllk
A. Miner
A. Pudll
K. Levi
H. t.'adonio
Al. Hemeraa
F. Prohal
M. Vavra
A. VoJIo
M. Bosdech
Meaara. and Mesdames--
C. Swanson J. R. Rlha
Messrs Messrs
F. J. Rlha F. C. Rlha
Miasea Mtsxe
A. Vranek A. Mlnar
A. Rnucek M. vavra
a Rlha A. Rlha
BlMh(1V party.
Mr. and Mr. Richard Merwln Clark
entertained In honor of th first an
niversary of th birth of their son,
Richard Merwln, Jr., at their home, 4734
North Fortieth street, Monday after
noon. Richard Merwln Clark, Jr., represent
th latest generation ot Merwln Clark,
coming fourth In a line of A. Merwln
Clark, E. Merwln Clark, R. Merwln
Clark, sr., and R. Merwln Clark, Jr.
The out-of-town guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Hancock and Miss Mlrlan Hancock
of Kansas City. Other guests were:
Fl M. Clark
C. A. Adams
G. W. Harcadtn
Carl Wtemer
Walter Braun
Donald I'alst
Charles Allen
Edwin Clark
Dorothv Clark
Mary Adama
Ruth Wiemer
Clara Lee
Albert Hancock
Ira Palst
C. P. Allen
Albert Hancock
Morton Clark
Robert Clark
Charlotts Braun
Mary Le
Outinjr at Fort Crook.
A small "campfire" party and walnle
roast will b held In Fort Crook today,
when those present will be :
Messrs and Mesdames
Wili lVly, Jack Rennta,
A. J. Koch. Toledo, O.
Harry Si hoenleln,
Miss Florence Long.
Mr. J. W. Arnoldl.
Past Festivities.
The Comus club was entertained Thurs
day afternoon by Mrs. Arthur Hoover.
Mra. A. P. Kronk, of Everly la., was
the guest of honor. Prises were won by
Mesdames Kronk, P. J. Larmon and
George Morris. A hostess prise waa given
to Mra Hoover.
To Entertain Lady Gregory.
Th board of managers of the local
Drama leasrue is Dlanninar a luncheon to
j be given at the Omaha club Thuraday at
1 1 o'clock complimentary to Lady Gregory,
y"'i mi ...ii
Popular Girl to
juv" , ill
: Hi
t-' VV- f j 1
SUcia MShihill
who lecture at th Brandels theater at
4 o'clock that afternoon. In the morning
Lady Gregory will be taken for an auto
mobile ride through the city, if Lady
Gregory will accept she will be enter
tained Informally at dinner.
Thursday Bowlinsr Club.
Mrs. Charles J. Hubbard was elocted
president of th Thursday Morning Bowl
ing club at th last meeting. Mrs. W. II.
D France is secretary; Mrs. Burd Mil
ler, assistant secretary, and Mrs. A. L.
Green, treasurer. The club meets to bowl
very Monday afternoon and gives a
luncheon the first Monday of each month.
The members are:
A, L, Green,
C. J. Hubbard,
W. H. De France.
D. A. Johnson,
O. W. Qulnter,
Otto Showera.
E. L. Huntley,
Avory Lancaster,
L. M. Cohn.
Austin Braun,
E. E. Masee.
H. w. Beaslev.
E. A. Beardsley,
Walter Hllver,
J. E. Pulver,
Howard Goodrich,
Surprise Party.
A surprise party was given for Miss
Louise Fillmore and Miss Anna Hosford
at th home of Miss Mary Bosnian Fri
day evening. Music and game afforded
th amusement of the evening.' Those
present were:
Gertrude Parker,
Fmlly Barker,
Violet Sorenson,
Irene Berney,
Hasel Mounts,
Cora Slmms.
Mary Schaeffer,
Mary Scanlan,
Robert Peterson,
George Parker,
Erennlng Sorenson,
Walter Waldelich,
Ieo Gross,
Clement Kmmett,
Lee Doty,
P. J. Scanlan,
William Good,
Blanche Waldelich,
Helen Good,
Margaret Hosford,
Katherlne Hosford,
Mamie Hosford,
Marie Scunlan,
Juanita Fillmore,
Anna Hosford.
Will Doty,
Sidney Parker,
John Keating,
Harry Fillmore,
V,i Scanlan.
Willie GooX
Andrew Peterson,
W. T. Warner.
Columbus Club Dance.
The Columbus club entertained at
dancing party Friday evening at Met
ropolitan hall. The following were pres
F. J. KombAch,
V. 3. Collins,
R. J. Olson.
C. W. Britt,
J. E. Fltxpatrlck,
George Keyser,
C. J. Asaman,
Oertrudo Laux,
Kuth Gentleman,
Mario O'Brien,
Irene Delehanty,
Frances Laux,
Emma Klssling,
E. W. Harkins,
T. P. Curran,
K. J. Watera.
J. J. Houlton.
J. J. Khment.
F. R. Wallace,
Helen O'Brien,
Sadie Noonan,
Mary O'Brien,
Fthel King,
Mary Houlton.
In and Out of tho Bee Hive. .
Mis, Ethel Tukey leave next week for
a visit of several week In Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. C. Johnson have
gone to New York for two weeks.
Mr. Louts Nash left Thursday for a
two weeks' business trip to New York.
Mrs. W. R. McKeen returned Tuesdai
from the east, where she ha toaen since
Mr. Willard Hosford went to Salt Lake
City Wednesday and is expected back
Miaa Louisa Lewis, the guest of Mlas
Helen Clarke, leaves today for horn In
D Kalb, III.
Mra. Holmes, who waa guest of her
daughter, Mrs. C. A. Hull, last week, re
turned to Lincoln Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. William re
turned last week from California, whero
they have been alnce last July.
Mra. Louise Straus and son. Morris,
left Saturday evening for a visit of sev
eral months In New York City.
Mr. and Mra Lout Goldsmith leave to
day for Excelsior Springs to stay for
two weeks, at the Elms hotel.
Miss Ruth Wlgglesworth of Boston, who
waa the gueat of Dr. and Mra Robert
Hollleter, left Monday for her home.
Mrs. Elisabeth B. Bar son. who has been
pending the summer In the east, haa
returned to her home at S14 North For
tieth street
Mrs. J. LX Forest Richards returned
Monday from New York. Mia Charlotte
Callahan, who went east with her, la ex
pected home thla week.
General and Mr. E. F. Test hav re
turned from visiting their son, Lieuten
ant Frederick Test, in New Mexico. Mrs.
Test was south for nearly a year.
Mra W. 8. Poppleton arrived home
Thursday from three weeks' stay in the
east, which Included a visit at Mr. and
Mra Hoxie Clarke' country place at
Belvedere, N. T.
Mr. C. F. McGrew has returned from a
week's visit at Ma boyhood home in
eaatern Iowa. He was accompanied by
E. C. DeWltt of New Tork, who also
visaed there with him.
Pr. and Mr. Edwin N. Robertson and
son, Maater N'orrla, ot Concordia, Kan.,
! are .vialtina: Dr Robertson's mother. Mra.
John A- Dempater. The Dr, and Mra
I Robertaon ar taking a motoring trip.
Marry Tuesday
Mrs. R. C. Howe and Miss Marion
Howe expect to leave this evening for
New York. Miss Howe is the reigning
queen of Ak-Sar-Bcn and will continue
her musical studlc this winter In New
Mrs. Henry Horn left Saturday eve
ning for Cleveland, O., to attend the
wedding of her Bister, Miss Lena Lleber
man, to Mr. Michael Krasne of Oakland,
Neb., which will be celebrated Novem
ber 7.
Miss Polly Adler left Saturday night
for St. Paul, to visit later In Minneapolis
and Kansas City. While in St. Paul.
Miss Adler will be the guest of Mrs. D.
P. Feder, formerly Miss Goldle Alplrn of
Personal Mention.
Ralph Jackson Is fast completing a
bungalow at "Haselhurat," the country
. cow
8oa Perls, laws balls.
Shopping List
For Crochetiag
Handkerchief edg
ings. Insertions and tat
ting, um Art. &U Cor
don net Special, balls.
fowel edt-inss, and
heavy crochet. Art.
ir Art. too Puis, laigs
Boudoir caps, baby
bootees. Art. Bis Satia
Gloss, whits, colors,
Inlants'lacksts, Art
7 Crochet F lochs,
white, balls.
For EmbreUsrlns
Cross stitch, initials,
,1 xWs&f&y:
far TOomw
Embroidery, Beading, Braiding, Cording, Scalloping, Eyelet
and Cut Work, Button Holes, Pleating, Buttons.
Ideal Button and Pleating Company
107-0-11 So. lath St. ' Phone Pong. 1936. Omaha, Nebraska.
The N. C. Leary Company
710 So. 15th St. Ihone D. I860.
Phon Harasy 188.
Mrs, J. Xa. Barges Kra B. rhalpa
Ivarythiag In Hand Work
Rom Mad Cake, JsUia and rtokls
Hand Faints i Cbla
Phone jug. 4113 3 IS . IStk Btr
home of th Jacksons on th West Cen
ter street road.
Mrs. Charles F. Manderson, who ha
been 111 since she received the news of
her brother's death In Oregon, continue
to show no improvement.
Margaret Lee Burgess, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ward Burgess, who was oper
ated upon for appendicitis at the Clark
son hospital. Is recovering nicely and
will be removed to her home today.
Mr. C. F. McGrew has returned from
the east, where she has been visiting
her daughter, Mra. Wilson Austin, and
Mr. Austin, In their new home at Pel
ham Manor, Just outside of New Tork.
Mlaa Harriet Slmth returned home Sun
day from the east, accompanied by her
luncle. Mr. J. L. Batchelder of Boston,
who will remain here the guest of Mr,
and Mra. Arthur C. Smith for a month.
Mrs. George MIxter, who was called
here by the Illness of her mother, Mrs.
(Continued on Pag Three Column Four.)
The Newest
Sterling Silver
Sterling Silver
Rings set with sap
phires, stone
cameos, crystals,
Beautiful designs,
newest fad in the
east. See them.
$2.50 to $9.00
s i mi busy
Fine Art instructions
after live model Call
at once. Colfax 4109.
ml us7
- Ti'mi i n
The popular crochet thread for heavy edg
ings, for centerpieces, scarfs, table and piano
covers, and for noveltlss, such as collar bag, cushion
tops, band bags and belts, is ArticI 804 Kloetersilk
Perl 1 os. balls. Kloetersllk-luster is not affected
by years of war and laundering-. This smooth, ven
thread is mad in whit, cru, and all popular colors.
For all tatting and crocheting which requires a firmly
twisted, high-luster thread, Article SOS Klostersilk Corden
net Special Is unequalled.
ArticU SOS Kloeterailk CorJonnat Special
M.d.,wi,.-T, , vszZ
S IB BO LlshtBlu Red
SO BO Delft Bhi Vellew
I SO 70 Piuk Black
HO 100 150 LsvesMlar Creesa
Ten,. sis... 3. B. 10. IB. i0. 30. 40. BO. BO. 70
"Whit that stars white colors tkat tast"
Ua th Klostersilk Shopping List In connection with the
Illustrated design books at your dsalera. Kloctatiilk for
aal everywhere.
Th Thread Mill Company
Thread Sale Dopt. Sit W. Adas St Chleas
Art TJT MnullaSjColors,
whits, skeins.
Trench knot, hesTf
Initials, Art. too Perls,
colon, whits, skaias.
Preach embroidery.
Initials, Art.Tot t lochs,
whits, skaias.
Eyelets and Mono
grams, Art. Buj Brodsr
Special, white, skein.
Padding aad solid
ynbroidery. Art. Tie
bshbsus, white, balls.
Shadow work, Art,
7i K lochs, whits, balls.
Towels, pillow eases,
Art. Sai, Inry Waits,
skeins or Art. Iss.whlta,
Colored sm broidery.
Art. Sat, India or Art.
ttl, Rons, holders.
Phon Doug. 1151
Fontsnslls Hotel.
1114 Douglas St.
Mice no socaxxa.
BBth aad raraaao.
"n Tats uiit er ni crrr"
Cvcnv coNvgNitNcg ano comfort
gajCC Auto Bos Mees Trsins snd Sesmers
M i ts f r