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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1915)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 21, 1915. YOUNG COUPLE MARRIED ON STAGE OF GAYETY Choma irtrle prccdd M'aa Mud re 0taf tr and Krl Edwarda out on tha atare of the Qayety theater Friday evening. where Judre Kdward Leeder was waiting to My tha worda that would make them man and wife. Softly tha orcheatre played tha etralne of th wedding march and a crowd that parked tha theater to tha doora hold Ita breath. Tha brlda had bran an uaher at tha Oayety for three eeanona and the Broom la an employe of the BrandHa 6 tore. A wedding preaent of a conalderahle aum waa ttreaented In the way of eotna rained down on the atage aurroundlng tba hapry couple together with ehowere of rice from frlenda occupying bnea. Manager Johnaon did the honors by a happy addrea of congratulation to tha bluahing couple. MOTHER OF GUS RENZE DIES AT ST. LOUIS HOME Word haa been received from fit. Iinl. awty there Friday evening from allmenta Inclder.t to old age. ahe being over 80 years old. Qua went to Et Loula eeveral daya ago upon receipt of the Informa tion that hla mother waa not quite aa well an ahe "had been and waa filling. Tha funeral will be held at St. Louis Sunday afternoon, with Interment at St Lot. la. Two Dodgers la. A "For Rale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into cam. from Oue Home, well known artificer for President Ebbets of the Brooklyn Dodgers announcea the aiming of Ed hjng Ak-Bar-Ben, that hla mother paxaed Appleton and Al Nixon to 1916 contract October Sale of Lace Curtales Our Annual ins Monday 12-A ir Never have we been more fortuna'e in buy ing such bargains as will be offered to the public Monday and Tuesday. IV e bought 46 cases of curtains (thousands of pairs), and hundreds of pieces of curtain materials. Every housekeeper should attend this sale, also every hotel owner and every rooming house manager. mmm J Lace Curtains "Worth to $10 pair. All the' imported St. Gall Duchcssc Curtains, Heal Arabian, Irish Point, Antique Lace, Quaker Lace, Marquisette and Scrim Curtains as many as 12 pair (J A nj of a kind. Your choice, pair aPTTaOO Lace Curtains Here is one of tho best bargains in the sale hundreds and hundreds of fine loom weave cur tains, Quaker curtains, lace edge curtains, scrim curtains, bungalow net curtains and novelty curtains; every one a big bargain. (t f A Values to $4.50 pair y Jpl.VU 1 This Is the Sale That thousands of Omaha women wait for every season. As in the past, we are going to give the best bargains, the best service, and every lot just as advertised. Curtain Materials on Sale Tuesday Lace Curtains All the lace curtains, such as Imported Duch esse, Irish Foint, Point Milan,' Lacet Arabian. Marquisette curtains, Cable Net, Fillet Net and Quaker Craft curtains. This is a great lot; doz ens of patterns in white and ecru. fl y r p Buy as many as you like. Mon. pair. . p0.ud There are over 1,500 patterns of real im ported Duchesse, Irish Point, Point Milan, Marie Antoinette, Antique Lace, Ciuny, Beaver Lace, Quaker Lace, Duo Curtains, Bungalow Curtains, Loom Weave, Lace Edge Curtains and hundreds of fine Mar quisette, Voile and Scrim Curtains. Lace Curtains 6,000 pairs in this lot, one of the greatest bargains in the sale; all the lots consisting of 1, 2 and 3 pairs, regardless of cost, grade or pat terns. Some of these would be big bargains at $6.00. Not a pair worth less than $3.00 fOn Wonderful bargains, special, each VOC Lace Curtains All the lace curtains worth from $3.50 to $5.00 pair. Hundreds of pairs in this lot, almost every known make in both domestic and imported; endless assortment of new fall patterns, as many as 24 pairs of a kind, special, pair $2.89 All the curtain materials go on sale Tuesday. See Monday night's Papers for particulars of this econimy' even. !' ... ' ? 3,000 traveling men's sample All the Tine JTarqubette and About 4,200 Traveling Men's of Fine Net Curtains, Scrim Etae (rtalns, trimmed Sample Curtains, 1 1-3 to 2 yds. . . v ii , ' , with pretty laces. All new fall ; Curtains, Voiles and Marqnl. goodg( neyer BoU for ,ess than long; just the thing for small settes; some of the laces in 2.00. Special in our October windows and doors. Hundreds these curtains would be o" sale, choice for , t jo of patterns, some A worth $5.00, each OIL oniyf pair 5 1 . 1 0 matched pairs, each 1 4C 4 Cases of Lace Curtain Rods, All the 1 and 2-pair lots of Extra Special One small lot Goose Neck Rods, sash rods and fin6 Domestio Lace Curtains of, 50-inch colored Madras Cur- ;;tr::,5c - ra....25c mills; over 2,500 pair (not ".in- One big lot of Muslin and ele curtains) All widths and 1N Dcen Sample Pieces of Bl curtains;, ah wiatna ana Sunfast Bungalow Nets, extra .Bwlsi foripedrooms,in our o- , colors. Values to fct.0 pair, good bargain in our October tober sale, ' tq in our October fi. sale, your choice,- . . 1f each ...OOC sale, each., WC each HJC Lace Curtains 6 cases of fine lace curtains, dozens and dozens of pairs, and hundreds of fine single curtains and panels; some of these would be big bar gains at $4 a pair. White or ecru, each 49c This sale takes place on the third floor; Plenty of room; many additional clerks to wait on you. Dress Goods and Linings- 54-Inch Imported and Domestic Scotch Tweeds, fancy velours, stripes, plaids, pop lins, etc., including all the various weaves and colors of the season. Mon day, yard, $1.50, $1.85 and $eDU M-Inch FLbJb and Novelty Suiting, alio broadcloths, including tha season's smartest weaves and colorings. ' flQ Worth to $1.60; yard VOC tl-Inch CbJffoa Broadcloth, sponged and shrunk; in all the wanted shades and black. Regular 12.50 quality; yard ::$i.95 W-Inoh Gabardine Salting, a very desirable fabrto tor tailored suits and dresses; la a wide range ot colors and black. C 1 C A Monday, yard plt)U 50-Inch Tina Chiffon Broadcloth, very fine lustrous cloth, in black only. Regu lar price 12.00, sale price f rv Monday, yard vlefjy 82-lDch Yeaetlaa, in brocades and plain, nice satin finish; azecellent coat lining in gs all colors. Special, yard.... i)UC Kereertsed Sateeai, full line of colors and shades. Very high luster, S6 inches -j p wide. Special, yard lee and udC Down and Feather If off Beds, good satin lined pillow and barrel styles; r"i 'tr-' atlUSand $2.25 59c 89c Bedemad Skirt Fleasctng in popu lar shades. Special Monday, yard... ritwell Coat Tosadatlona, In two styles; at toe and Wonderful Showing and Sale of The Season's Newest Styles in Gold and Silver Laces Kovelty Gold and SUrer Lace Flonnclngs, in hundreds of styles all new designs 13 and ne-Inch Embroidered Net All STcrs in black and gold and black and su rer effects S7'Inch Ket Floinclngi Embroidered tn gold and colors Metallic Laees, beautifully embroidered on silk mallne nets.... Gold and Sllrer Lace Floincings, on metal colored nets al-Inch SUrer Beaded Silk Chiffons.... 4 to 6-inch Gold and Silver Lace Edges on silk ma line nets; also black and silver and black and gold effects; some on silk chiffons all ' TlVfT new patterns. Worth to 75c, speciaLyard. . . . ' V Worth $1.50 and $2.00 Monday 95c Yard Extraordinary Blanket Bargains Monday we will place on sale about 60 pair of Sample Wool Blankets that we bought exceptionally cheap. These are very fine all-wool and wool filled factory samples and they come in white, plaids and plain shades, usually sold up to ( a rc $7.50. While this lot lasts, choice, pair $4.98 One Large Lot of Very Pine Wool Tilled Blankets, at nn regularly sold up to $3.00, Monday, pair. J ,yQ An Exceptional Bargain in Cotton Blankets Extra large size, double cotton blankets In white, grsy and n r fi tan i worth to $2.50, sale price, pair , $1.5" Bed Pillows These are all new, clean, mixed feather filled bed pillows, size 21x28 j well worth Jfx $3.50, special Monday, pair , ...ipZey One Lot of Exceptionally Tine Comforts, very fine, white cot ton filled, full size comforts, In qualities that sell at $2.00 and up to $2.50. Finest Silkollne and Sateen covered, Af fancy scrolled, stitched and hand tufted, each. 5)1.4 Crisp Values in Linen 35c Initial Towels, 29c Tull Bleached Turkish Towels, double twisted thread, hemmed ends, blue border with the initial embroi- dered very elaborately. For one day only, Monday, each.VC Extra Special $2.50 TABLE CLOTHS, $1.98. 300 All-Linen Table Cloths, hemstitched or scalloped ends, all in beautiful designs breakfast size, g jq Choice, each ...... .....,i.,.,,..,.,,,.ijyQ Our Velvet Department Is the most complete in the west, showing a most comprehensive range of pile fabrics. 47-In. "Drestex" In black, African d e rjc brown and Russian green. Yard.... j)OaVts $2.75 22-Inch Boulerard VelTeteen, all colors,; 69cjralue, yard OvC 40-Inch Chiffon Telonrs, 6.00 values, yard... 4 40.dU 40-Inch Black Chiffon Velrets, -j c $5.00 values, yard 4)J.OU iO-Inch "Black Water Fall," c. A OC $6.00 values, yard 4f.VO 86-Inch Extra Heavy Silk and TTeol Salting Faille, a splendid wearing fabric. AO Regular $2.00 quality, yard "Ot 60-Inch Black Seal CoaUng Flush, $3.95 quality; special, yard.... S4-Inrh Black Badlnm Satin f a wonderful soft, lustrous heary satin. Splendid ACin $1.00 value; special Monday, yard 26-Inch SUk Poplin In floral, Terslan and plaid combinations; in all the new fall . colorings. Regular 60o value; spec, yd. "C High Class 36 and 40-inch Silks Worth to $1,50 Yard- 36-Inch Silk Faille 36-Inch Stripe Messallne 36-Inch Stripe Taffeta 36-Inch Plain Black Meesallne , 40-Inch Silk and Wool Novelty Poplin 36-Inch Colored Messallne 36-Inch Dresden Messallne 69c Big Reductions in Notions Dnrson's Best Seamless Stocking Feet, regular 12Vo values, spe cial pair ,...6 Large sise Hair Nets, Monday, each It San-Silk, special, spool. .. ,3V'2 Coat, Skirt and Pants Ilangers, each 26 Good Shell Hair Pins, special, box 5t Rust-Proof Dress Clasps, card.l InBide Skirt Belting, special, yard ..,.5 Extra large Bone and Amber Cro chet Hooks, regular ?5o values, Monday, each ......'...... Black Jersey Covered Bust Forms, all sizes, 82 to 44. Reg ular $1.50 grade, each M 69 e Good Rubber Baby Pants, 35c grade, pair 19 Our best Mercerized Skirt Braid, bolt 5S Our $1.00 Guaranteed Scissors and Shears, pair ........... 504 Barrettes and Combs, . special, each , ,,..5 0. M. O. Crochet Cotton, white and colors, ball (J Extra heavy Sew-On Hose Sup porters, pair 5 wash Edging, special Monday, ard 1 1 vara ie Delong Hooks and Eves, all sizes, Washable Dress Shields, special, black and white, card G pair 5 100,000 Rollsof Wall Paper Purchased at Auction ' 20,000 Bolls of Paper, suitable for any room. Regular price 6c, our price with border, roll ZC 30,000 Bolls of White Blank Paper for parlors, dining rooms, store and hall. Worth r 1 to 12o. Sale price Monday, roll , , . . u 5C 60,000 Rolls of Elegant Two-Tone Papers, all liquid gold papers, worth 111 to 30c, roll ., IZ 2"C 30-Inch Plain Papers, all shades, sold with, eut borders. Regular 15o grade t m Monday, roU ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, iC 0 Easy Terms. N Victor Victrola New Stylo X $82.50 Together with 20 selec tions of music, ten 10-inch double face records. Victor Victrola X has all the latest and best fea tures of the higher priced Victor Victrolas. Pompeian Boom. Fine Domestic Fabrics Genuine Amoskeas; Oatlng Flan nel, 1921 aad Teaseldowa, none bet ter made. Extra weight, warm fleecy, permanent nap. Beautiful fancy figures, llgbt and dark grounds; lltto value; 10 special, yard lUw Tke Gaaalaa Belfast Draaa Pcr ala, thla rallabte fabrlo la minu factuaS by tha Paolfte MUla. aJl war ranged teat Indigo dyei llht and dark arounda, neat dota, atrtpes and flauraa. Boekfold, full ptaoea to aa lact from IIHo value; o apaclallr prlcadi O "J"C Se-Iach Vablaaahad MaaUa, soft ftnlah. Full bolta to aalact (rani Monday, yard 4c raaer rria4 Crctaaaa aad Caaafartav CaTerlac. la all tha wanted atylaa and printing, naat floral and oriental effeotal 1 a yard ' MoDdar. 4- Se-Iach Laaadal Canbrte. the renulne maka; In Ions' aerTleaabla lenstha up to It yard Regular IIHo value; apaclal 0 a 8c rra White Plcaoedawa Oettea Battlaa;. hand rolled, aanltary cot ton, thoroughly oombed and cleaned; 4-pound roll, worth lOol ra.l:.1f.0.n.!:r: 69c A pre a Claghaaa, beat Indigo dye, eomparea with Amoakea or Ln caatar. All tha wanted blue and white chacka and broken m .,.!?.:.m.lrr.,..; 5c Se-Iaek Bleached Haalla. Oaatbria aad Leagrleth. lengths to m 1 yarda; I to 10 e TC value; yard UK' t7-Iaeh dlala aad Paaey Oatlag Vlaaael, light and dark grounds, auch wall known gradea aa Swlaa, American, Fleecedown, Jrla cloth, ate. Soft, warm nap m , full placea; to value, tC Rag Rug Specials For Aondays Selling: -Hlt-aad 81 is Size Dretdea Else Else Site Irllngtei Sixe Else Else Hlii' Rag Rugs 17x54 Inches, regular price 11.60, at 08 Sx7J Inches, regular price IJ.00, at $1.35 Ear Bags, la plala colors, with herring-bone borders 4i4S inches, regular prioe $1.25, at... OSV 80x69 Inches, regular price $1.75, at ...81 35 36x7J lnchea, regular price $2.60, at -"BSiOO i Bag Rags, with creteaae borders j la plain and mottled efforta. 24x36 Inches, regular price $1.00. at.... Tojl J0x0 lnchea, regular price $1.75. at ".Vsi 4? $6x72 Inches, regular price $2.60, at ! "$2'00