Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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tee vrLAinrt
VOL. XLY-NO. 19.
The Parting
-a mmn innr" "
Holdsp Kan Cat Screen and Lctert
Pulloan Sundirf in the Park-
TYTHtyFtTe Thonaand Karvhaled
lj Siffne Leader Past Along
rifth Arenne in Afternoon.
Zrugtlist Saya that Bale ef Xe
eeary it Abort to Be Inirrx
rated Here to Eeplax tie
Old Regime.
Again Saya e Will Hake Scae
Speed&et for the Dry Cucp&igi
Eere lext FiH.
cehubes nn tee tab
Tnll. Attoaa-
XittRi. anon, tieaa.
FVtTie-aa ya..t,aU OCX, t30.7M.Tl
Totals .... .ejia
CoTieettaa lax MX
grcnday, art r
B J rioa ys
. iss
a. aa. nU Saaaay tckM) al y,
fm tTauttod rmkrunu ebon, wm
luur KiMW jaiauft raw i
Paid rmtTtaau, KiUiM UWwr I
Bona lVeofcySanaa. rtre Vntui ,
(raarUic&l, On.rjrr tNtin, Sowar f
St- a. m sua uratM, I
mtm, rrr-jaouv Cm- j
Trinity BL X. end Imwiml '
SaPQet. Same CVamba. j
ISM a. m Sunday at tbe TaVn-naeln. .
I p. Ib-4n4v a tb hMKM. I
a . m. atra. luiir at ta Aa-
'i t30 . at- (Zttte
MM) mnda.T at tb
p. sa. -Btay" Bsaaay ait Mrs. ma
lar aad evbor MKMtt el
Mar Oasa-ha far IM oae
Sartarweatoza raiiwar.
The old Omaha dominated It the
wiA&ky (U and set of black-leg.
rct-throat gamblers is dead ui yoa
arc about ready to tury its rotten
carcass." said "Billy- Sunday Is hij
sermon yesterday afternoon ia the 1
coarse of a fierce denudation of the
forces of era in thl city.
-A rale of deeeoey ia about to kev
inanmrated fcere wnen crime wEl no;
longer bo race past and tbe people of
Cod vHl have aKusetbing to saw as
to near thinga abaJl be re a.
nf I posaCbly can cad my &ealtb
and atreartb permit I an coining
tack rr- neat fa.3 and glwe that!
eTirty p"t cf Ctsga ram for tfeotr
money. .
Ta not through vttb that dirty.
nankin, lsnrovn, black-be&rted
Tnmck of moral topers. Tbeywe liod'
ntent mo and my wife and etadrenj
and rn with that miaerable.1
Cod-forsaken, rat-bole, tin-horn gang
of moral aaaassl&a. yon pet yonr Ufa, j
I seres aoUoo on them rlgit o-r. j
Taw ta rmedL i
Tba taberMS was Eiied alaat t !
1.,. Alaw anAmn !
" ' ' . 1
ch tbe campaifa. ;
Trbea tbe call was gtvra. T3 fcB tba
toml. tbe majority of tbeae beJnc ehfl-i
r Kmnl ftmflaT acbool aeWariwis!
bit tbe traO 1a bodies.
Several Oelecadooa vera present.
IKtitiera Sunday scbool ciaas from
era cava a 73 iae tLi:
rEar. Bodx. ba a tike tnas.
1f be oaat farts oa. "BiJtr" eaa.
"Hnrrab 'Billy fiaBtday."
Claaa mt tbe Beam Baptist cknrr
- " ' i
Tbe Bantu 'Womex s Ttjaaianary ottar- j
tcrty eccwptiid eeata ob tbe iwjusv j
-BlCr" made a oiea la fcia aermoa tor I
aaore CtrCia activity. !
"Tbe cbufLa a sotMRttcSog rtieVsa-.
(7 ncfclnaiiarira." be aaid.
cbnrcft of SBaae-betkreers breeds a urch .
ajeabaurwera. i
" , k
There U tae sracfc tons aod oot
aptrttaality ta tbe ehorcb '
o T" ..
renooiis eocame f porOoa Omaba ecrM ta se about X-
sra and tbry lo3 ta tbe weO led coo- oanmJt
taasment of tma kniidiiaa. aajned ciaav io. Pb&adeJpfaia San
pipe orraaa aad neb coagrora'TOTia j b.n jjj Itiadept. has a popola
' aeaatas of tbe outward eirs of tbe ".UJm rf mM. u Omaba aea ta tbJa
Q.rts7M.a he aUod tor tis rtlxloa of . proparuoa it wowd (1 Us oaly about
aawtaeaa. J
11 jma relidoa oaaest make yoa and 1 ba erwwfia at tbe rn:jhrr meK2iic
etben riad tlaat yoa bare tt you're cwt B tbe Tabrruarie wl bo ctxery beyond
tba wres brasd.' be said.' rams rear; tbe buu&fa capacity- Smftay. It la
raUeiaa. wvea tf pwa eoa't kaew a aots : aaid. tbey rS be ftiod tor oae aerrloe
Tian a aoreeSy er a bombiobea.'' almost as Boat aa tiy are erojJtlrd from
atra. fiuadar vaaat bmujL aarlar
feeea conaoad to ber bed aS day wCa
aa attack mt laffiaearlaa.
The Weather
rarecast ti3 T a. v Saadar:
Ter Cmar.fc Coiio:H E l.".i aad TicUtr
101 dkS cbaare ta lomperausra.
Hour. Ltf
j -
"s "i 1 "
ssiajsa 11 1 ae Mi H
Hebeat aaatej toy.
SreeWBTa; oaa
as Jd -e -a
per-jiisziea eepar-
Nemai cttipora.'.M.e .... Tr .
I niae for in aar .
1 erfia.'t ajoee blarca 1. -.-
lie T w
Taatlk.i aw karrt Jl s ux ui
ilTI JTjti J-
1. -t-y " oar. arut. J 4. t X nwtM
1-t rr iKfMrf i, 5 i mt .
i A. i-i. LamtMm r brwciou.
Teaweaaearaj as wai
fS" j J a. m.-
' , ,-raar li a. m
rrTJ ! in. n
p a ti ,
a p. a fc.
1 rssa t ' tm k m 7i ;
l I a. sa 2
Larj-e Check, Looked Tor Sunday
Expected to Srir; Total to
Orer Fiftoen Tnoiiaaj&d.
xiKJe more -vp "I
tMa " aoOE toward 'EOly Sua-;
dvr' PrKal compenaation for fci.
work in
Tbia InclBded tbe coUeeticna taken
at tbe Tabernacle this 'week aa area
as tfce cFetlr ttat nave been g ti
ered by tb(e working among the
baatMrn and professional men
of the
city In tbe canTaes for fanda.
Therw -aria be aereraJ larrc oaitrnm
tkna trotn weaJlhy lodiridsaia Uct axe
net teciadad la this amount Md mi
benur beta t put to at ue swecfeosw te
TJl"rrDci 5ay- Tbo
M .pour
A lanre wora wrin b naUaed tnsa the
Jttr ,rt"
nan, win &i v u arrend
tbecaasa ooSanL Some aglf aai, 1 Ifiga
wta be cade te rweB Mr. Bandars e-
Pnatto tvoA. beeausa people booewOr
feel lint tier bawe reetre socb rreat
. . . . .
- inm a-aa y- Ta um uny ui
r ' i
-7- 1 . " " i
" ''Z 1
i cefTed. a considerable aoni baa already
come directly ta "i2y tfcrouch tbe
B3aa TUs X1 be tatcludod.
XH ot tbe eontribncfaDU bare sot came
Iron thwaa vbe are auppoacd ta be bear-
; Ofy ta rarer x turn wars, riir exajspte.
. 1 a cbecfc came to boa tram a ptinaiwii! 1
fnnftA taiamnM mui ajS a njill ilM I oT
tba rpiaoopa Wsa cborca. xus anaa
-j KIm a 1PTr.v,r of tbe bide-bound
a-fi. t-n iat 1 idin-a 1.1
t a tbi aamanal-.T more aood
xjuiM mxr etber one SBSoewee Ss Its bie-
; tory. aod 1 wast yea ta aeorpt tbis
check as a toaea of set appreriattna.'
Tbe local owrw.i'w aw 1
jtbat tbe SM snara will be roaebed. It
; Bomtad out It tba coma-ditee tbal tUs
Prassoc aw VT7lT- TlT-
" wT. . w,,
of ML.MSX aaee hint CXJB6. Al UJS prw-
: tba aerrtoe before. At n e dock setur-
vajr4 at j
' day mormxsc
poopie were
tbe west
door of tbe Vabcnaue far tba
Memorial Services
for Miss Cavell
INTON. Oct. S Tb BKBorul oere-
iJr f Caeell. tbe fcrilaa narac
i wba waa caectstof ty tbe Gtrsaa autaurt
ties ia lTo.aa.-ie. a-bkS wae Biwim t Oc
aa caitatrua-re tribute, to drreae9Sbg aa
. UobbJ propertiaaa
Prenunr Anf jtb mjuS otber taeKbtr a
tuo of being prearxit at f Pane a eazfao
dral PYi&ay arbea tbe aorrvje HJ be boif
aad pwbue lVtoa aad ba ' nf. bcapnale
tbrournout. tbe eocntry wtU
I Young Woman School
Teacher Is Murdered
fCrGE CTTT. sTma. Oct. It After aa
Ih aua-bt eaarca tb boer of bfjan Stfcn
2 ; sryera. a aa laarror. waa xeaas M3Qea
I" i aafttr a pl of learea aad a'aati nrar
,' be" oday. fe bad bona artarSad. ber
: coi uc( s m aa w aa caout t
: doara. bttoe trrm. wb waa to ywue aad.
l ber acbool yraaord.y afiarwaoa te
: . t
: ru ia io oanuif " sier jun-
jai4aiance started a searvb.
Three Sessions of State CozTentien
Wi3 Be Held en Wednesday
aid Thrrsday.
Begirding "Wednesday of til week
a two cars- session of tie Nebraska
Barkfri aaaociation is to i neld in
Omaha at tbe FonteneHe boteL Gen-
cral headquarters and etncTeetioa '
hall are be-to be in tbe FonteneHa.
Tbe elates are October 27 aad 21.
By Tuesday ermine tie day be
fore the opening of the eoaeentlon.
Secretary W- B. Hagbea Is to haTe
his desk at the Fonlc&eSe, where he
wd be ready to register the early
arriraia. This desk will bo main
tained daring tbe entire eeweention.
Delegates are being nrged to register
Immediately npon arrieal and to ar
rive on Tuesday if possible.
Tbe oniweotioa la ta be iwiAe4 tata
three aeaainna. tm te be beid Wed&eadar '
afterooaa and tba otber twa Tbsraday
tmma and arurBBom. 1
A snooker ajad buet loatcbecm aea te be
CtvcB We&oeadar raentaic at t e'dock fta
tbe baB reoaa of Hotel FoDtena&a. A
baniruet la te be bed Tbmaaw anaiaf
at '. M at tbe rmteoe&e, Tbe baaaara mi
Greater Onaha are boats at beta tba
! antoaer aud tbe baoeitet.
Tneaday evening at 1- fbe eseea-
th reuacfl wOl Beet at tbe Fimunelle
t scaae liaal arrmaaems for tbe eao-
I freaideat J. C bicNtsa of
ogrrer tbe preatdect s addreca at tbe )
orsirx a'teioa WredneodaT aftmocm. J. I
C a..n. . - - i .k .
Cnaba Oearinc' Hoisae
I 6eaiTT tbe addreaa of
(Cornell of Yaienttae, preaidextt
e Ta. Cuiuma rjvaj
Carranza to Soon
Establish , a Full
Diplomatic Corps
TTAimxGTOX. Oct. .-Geaerwl Cae
racxa. tbrouca bla Kpreacstatxwe bora.
EUaeo Arreaooiifto. addreaaod a note
today ta tbe Timed Bt'jum and tbe ouiar
americaa repajQi tuck bae reeociuaod
jbla runt-i t, ri) 1 eeine; fcM mpprrctm
jttoa ef tbeir acoa aad aaaocnond tbat
cUposu&nc repreeectaSres sooa wl3 be
accredited to tbe nnosi eouatrtea.
aats departxaezl aC3lala today adasH
tog aearias a rumca from Juarrs attrlb
toad la ViS effjtcaJs tbat res Jias
raiata trews
Mel:ie City. Howerer. H was aaid tbat
aura amaber ef Zapata Xruenm bad
rfrr beea reported xf ure and ttsat tbe
Carraua ipT bad reserrod bocice that
relU llm bad beea seea la o Tors
U-e daya aca
Veaaasea were alas reoefred from Kex
tew Cby ly tbe Carraaaa aceory. ttnif
tLat tte Zapata f orceo bad disaiUraiad
mta aaaaH banda Maey of net bad
aaaed General Ocnsaltw Imt amnrwey.
'aipeajs bad beea recelred from tba
of Xsreha for more troooa ta taaMi
tbe senaB ruornia - -hi as tba 7-t -a
troopa bad ateadmreal an preteaae of mr-
Don Gaspar Portola
Walks Out by Proxy
ajc rELkxcnaaa. cai, on. a. r-c
Caonar I Ioruaa. wt to aaid to bar
dwrered aaa rraneMca bay to ZTO.
eat oa atrtke ty prosy today. "&
Gaapar" eVrnanded Hi t ra-cUacwrer tbe
bay. tbto beaag rfortcia Ijay" al tb cs-
poarMD. It was refaaed oa tba groand
tbat be eooa aae aaaaa aaytb&g Ua a ;
moca m bto everyday life oa Xlobalas '
CaeWftoa. at rrrade. j
ATser ooanvfcrable aay. a poraoa wKk
a preriooa escrleaoe aa a dtooooererl
ot. baruc
bea paid ft ta adaboa. Tbe pajaat ' t
ftcerticn Prepe&nded rry Italian
Jadpe to J try Kay Berolt in
(hulian Goirj Free.
OOMO. lU-. Oct. it. To4ay"
ceKion of tne court ia tne trial of
Porter Charlton of Omana. Neb, the
American who Is charged with hav-1
tng mnrdereA his .V't, was glee
orer largely ta the report ef aia
Ista. The expert for the prosecatios
read a lengthy report, which reached
the eonclnalon that Charlton was esv-
orely recponslblo mentally. The ex
pert for the defense argnee that the
prisoaer was Irresponsible. Both
oeslred ta amplify their written opin
ions by oral eUaoonrse, bet the Jadge
cat them abort. -
CAer Cbe Itaitas lav. a fvfr vbsaMa
ta tba )my a aumber of qutwuona ajad
pieawuiwes eeouoeaai eeoorCltu; te tba
aaawera. Ia Caritoa a caaa tbe nala
Ooeaelons wUl be:
rfawt: Wltetber. arbea be amed Icta wlii
be was sacstaQw raapmaafb.
Saeood: 'VTbetbar be waa partASy ra-
TTbird: WTbetbar tbeae were titmui4
dreamataooas. eacst mm prevbeauoe. ta
frtrwtttm or Jeaiouay.
If tba fat quwtMra. la aranrerwd fai tbe
pecaOve Caritoa wlii be acquitted. If la
liim't.M Km 11 k. - - &
-k-,,. .w-r t -r .
I ,na v,-, ammm.
I f xh
is aneweiad al
may be reuoad
Crmitpely. tbe peaally
ty baX
If aa affimatrre acewer Is cteo ta
tba Uurd vwoaUoa CarUoa may be aea
teooad to tmprawmwwaw tor mix years or
leas, wfcieb weald probaMy mrii tbat
be wosiid be relraaad. slaee on Ctctobar H
be win bars pafl Ce years aad four
rnwrbs ta pnooa aad would btatfll ty
tbe year s rodactloa aTaclod la frr'ina'
peoalttea for all off eonea commlrted bo
fore Italy catered tbe war.
Invaders Forced
Back by the Serbs,
ATEEjra Oct.
Boraiaa auiisbRor to uowt - anaamaoae
taat tae btrau ooeraxwbs m toe aorta
ef bat eoisktry bare bean taaoorartlr
aaepeaded. Tba Serb-aae are aaid ta
baw aaanmod tba oflenatre and at oer
tala polnta to bare forced bees Tbe Bv
raders. Tb Cermaa eotreBtmecta. be
staiea. extend tmr a few kUometers
mMmx tba bne aooth of Betcrade.
Tbe snsaiamer stasoa tbal tbe flu 11 mi 11a
rryeilmd tbe Bucanana wb
Tracya. Freaks and Brtuab Sbllaaiy t
etiacbea arrrrlag from Xata aay tbat
1 Traxra. was atec oeciipied by too Bid-
ganeae. wba stmny made a oaralry
raid tbere aad wore snras off. Tbey
furtbor saaeirt tbat tbe Cerfcikaas bae
emorod Biucariaa termury.
Tba Ses-bava mJaJtntx Arr mm ttat tbe
Bucaraans tar oocupaad K
norot er sXopruts.
Naval Aviation
Corp3 Proposed
WAnilNOTOS. Ci. It -A aarad erla-
j CLjb eorja toat-paridi-rit of tbe nary fper.
a ax me same lutiii as tb nana eorpa.
wlU be rer-orr n urtiid to oobgaeas by SW.
retary laaaosia as oa atop toward tlx
af tbe miiai aocena al
Tba pi laiat requirements
j be a gradual af tb .aJ
l aa act-re aometbtng La t we yaara
ta tb line. weud be I Irr aad sooa
wwoid be eevhsia. ta b trbtm earpa
from ctn IV u. wr u opportaauzy of
hocmw f Jt-ratod erxar mt tbe
Si I IT i TWmU..m V . . .
j tto paa boeaaae if to reroarkabi am a
taixic acme ta warnag EVarvpaaa aa-
ty puaT
w-SLboat seteary
ef tow tbal ' ba October
rkcaa oer-rv mut T "orcont raawaia g
irf at the Birlinfti
Bev. B. K. Eonnaai Another and Ee
Lotei 7 "Won: an Lo$r Koney
and WaUh.
Flra occupant cf a Pcl!t&aa ear.
parked sear tbe Burlisrtoa 6 e pot,
were rot bed early Saturday by mother flnana. fwrra vt -
. . . . . , area la baf c.rrtaea. et wlia
man wb rIe4 trai.p ly eotUng tn4 biM1 . p9rp tt. ull
a acreea at tbe end of tbe ear. Tbe ree rit,hotv r tnnOM ta ttika
lstrtider gathered eoarideraUe Tb motbera tHe4 uat tfca
loooe ebarge and eereral .atcbee, KSSTS. V.
making bif eecaae ee-eEUtgiy eay. (thaw that aufrraa voraera ba4 tw)-
Joba r. Flack of 107 So nth Thirty-; lecled their cblldrea la taardb.
eigbtb atreet wftl awakened Vy tbe' m- Hta " narahai la
... ... , ... . , ta imaA tba paeada. Mlaa BID aae bho-
rartUng of tbe eurtala of t: lrtb, rf htk anfl
He noticed a bead inside tbe curtain, wora biark rtdmc bawta. btack aeWu
and wten be aammonod a porter by purpia. wfaii aa4
rating tbe electric bnttoa tbe bead, 1TVnmrtMng -rucr-
esickly dlitajpearetd. Tbe porter re-j "Unr -ZHsoMittiT -JutMw" aaa u
rponded, bat wai naable to appro-' wi'-"" rca a -tcurr neat
bend tbe calpriU Flee doUar. were J
taken from Mr. Flnck'a trounera. j vmnn tx baa tbe rraachtM. oora
Eer. B. H. Honatnan cf UK Sooth 'trtea baac evoal ewrfraoa, ruiftaannai
Tbiruetb ..enae reported to the
lk that 17 bad been takea from bU Mtkmaiiuea.
trosner. R.' A. Browne!! of 11
Soath Tenth wtreet lo 111. and
J. Heebe of Mawaakee was robbed
of H and a watch. Mrs. F. O. Bar
ron of Richmond. "rV'is, missed a
handbag eontalnlxg f I and a watch.
"lae-k Sua aVrr.
hlr. Flack, the only one of the rie
timi to get sight of the robber, de
clared that in the partial darkness
aad his sleepy state It was in: possi
ble to get a good deecrpition ot the
tbief. j
Tbe ear aad tJ
. . . i
Omaha on an early morning train,
aad was parked ts allow ths ceo-'
pants to finish their sleep snSi-'1,
Diseased Meat is
Off the -Block in
snmmrizsjs. m, on. za
of aa eZaaw trarae ta
caoteim artrtraea
mals at Cast sX Xssds. tbe ta Laws
tock rornirrtaaaae today smspoafled Dr.
lorn pa A. Oniiealt iaa irns. SVpwty eeter-
taarlaa. ta cbar- ef tbe
partmeed ta FAat tn. Lento, peeaSlac aa
luMjallsatloa. Ooeeraar Itame a toe or
dered tbe stMpeaaana of VlOtoss Jas
state bunaaa afTVter.
"Tbe safonaaUna was creea te sns
eoDAdesttoJiy. eaid CMreeraor trsnoa.
It ajaaaars tbat Dr Creaafcretaee was
sway cai a eaeattao for four days, darted
wideb time tbe dieweana catreaaaao were
aoML Tbe meat artnaOy was eold by
buHAeis ta Zaat C Lamia, I told,
kaae's tiiaanacTJoa wKb the buaiocoa to
tbat be to aBeowd te bar beea pteeed
ta cbarpe ef tbto saaoecttoa werk dortn
tbe aetertnartaa s
tbto. Tbe fact rematas tbat
meat was eoM te aencaera. who ta tars
retailed tt. and I am Sotosj te tbe bettaaa
ef tbe wbole I iiatrm i "
Los Angeles Gets
the Next Meeting
jrrw HATTX, Conn, Oct.
Aorelea. Cat- waa rbaoaa as t
aaa I
Concrevatlooal Cbarrfaoa ta RT aflar a
aad California.
takea tip ta ebaraaanoa of aaana far ad- )
laatmeat af bom iiSaali naiy aad raUstoas j
odooataoa boards. Tba avCiastment pro
to oowajtblato subaViakry boctoa
i arnaf b era aarrrtaar aa
.irrrt amr tbe aer-oea tbe soetb.
J tbeoa wblcb bald eatarcbea. toeue Btfaday
: atool eocmea and tbroach oubiloazlana
g-r raLcioos saatnacuoa or tsasateS- Tba
aim to to aoriria adcaiatotra.bre ttZjctmmrj
of efforts. Tb pre-
to ta grwvp ccriata ooorta ta-
eorporata tb ew boibea so tbat tbey
may boid iroparty aad Oot f anda. aad
avAsOsaT Mill todj T tmufmrmtrnM aVbd aawaawaeaav tss
Vsnewt sTft C?urt VLKA tawTV Cmim tsey fctltar
saVMBasn sUasTsMabBB alftfat eafHlaaT b Saras awt Wato f-f. grti
L-noa Tba cbauaa lapoaed ara ta be
grasaai-y scasa. Tn eowen aaoptoa an i
tb plaaa.
Tbe eovxtctl adopted
drafia ef re-
eraaotaatiiea inirtf tbe aejuacaaent ptoa
wbK tbe artTr final urwauue tbat
net be 'a-toe far ra-.
aatll afXrt
two yoara vr aiajaatt, ktiortiea anoer
tb are paa arU probably be bold aeat
work, rioreaa waa tbea taaee mutil Man-
Vessels Sunk by
German Submarines
tEEi. Oct. StCbr Vtrtaeas ta ar
Tl; 'Ooecpetoat Oi mn s aatbarrM
deaty tbe offtrai umiaiKurat made te
to taat aawy IS Brlzmb
aad n fcrsuah ftoaaag
enk by aaitnaa nmt s Bp
te October B. sas tbe Oversoas Xews
Then aatborKios state fbat ap to tbe
rrrtlfa of Octooer. Sto bugbas trading
eeooeia bad baoa aank and taat ap bo
SKptomaar A, T ftobmg
psbiaaaod from m te Oat ta
clam an tbe facts aad ta aotaat
. i a near . bad beea
SEW YORK. Oct. IX SafTrare
leader today ueblUaed tboaaaad of
vottiea aad Mveral thonaasi xoea for
tbe irnrtn up Flrta aTraue la the
ITatest deaonatratioa erer ciad la
ftmr of vonti aarrrtf. Fall
2 1.0(0 vomea were la Uae at
1 o'doca, tat kor rhed&W for tbe
ctart from Wassi&ftoa aaare. Ia
addition to tnt on nor tbaa
16.000 men reciter4 for tbe parade.
Tt-a rbtcf TiNittra of th tnmrdb. aatda
tmra lb aumwutl (ttnm-.h aa tlx
WaKhipS Of AlHCS
Bombard the Port
of Dedeaghatch
FAJUS. Oct. EL A a official oaiuiuuieea
tloa was (dves out by tba FYaaca SBta
brtry ef marine this afteraoea anaonaclna'
tbat tbe wenrhips ef tbe eeteete allies
Tfacroday bembardod tbe Bulsartaa port
ef rjeatoaa-batca ta tbe Aeseaa Baa. Ta
atatemest said:
"Tbe a-ltesT aowadroa Vara Weed
wareboooes aad wrbarees at Ike&S'batrfe
M ti- om mZ ocxrtmr a. bot did
eat rtre apos tbe iwdeatial mumrterm of
tD thte toe roat irtrM
a acmber at cilcary pests along- tbe
XEulsartea eeaat,"
Tb text ot tbe semsejwsdeatMa taaVrara:
Teaawftoy aftoroooa tra9a ef tbe ea-
esBy annas wad ta wane wt tress taww
traaMtes osar tbe rest of Oresslty. Tbes
, rostaoltorla tm of U- a
robaoNorla- parOna of tbe
erad te take of mr tsKlees
ta tbe wWiJttj- mt mm Tabera, bat
were eweryw-bare wpslsed aad rtrtmsily
deatt eyad by are.
"la Larratae rreatcb famaa. after a
saebbora bead So head ceasflks. cjaad
j a craaaca bald by tbe iiinenj at
nnar toa JunrCioa of tbe raaOa
twoea ltoitrry aad Oodreoa aad Asms
eeeourt aad HefTiae,
Tbe alsbt pa ami ta swiatrre oaba oa
tbe rasoalader ef tba front."
j German Government
Assumes Control of
the Food Snpplies
ratlJW, Oct, SU-Ey. Wtoetose la say-j
rte V-Tbs Genaaa I e&oral saj amend
today decided to s swims ojastroj of tba !
price aad supply of rirSuaOa tbreoabooti
Oermacy. Tp te tbe piiaaaait Urns tba
state pi rilicaJ authorities bar base
ta baadie tbe teed
ottatrfootloa aad tbe artee af
tk are slwibdsat. but naitor fflTerii
teoas ef Qermnay.
j Kas realatloas wis be made ta erear
saoirttei fall anppltas al
la an daxrioia.
Report that Turks
Meet With Defeat
1 - vrmm oa on
' - ad acrwag
, "l" "- m ta awna aaa Surtut
V"tm' " " ;aiia paauiuia. me-
. lt,r, oy """"J" 1 1 J Wm t-wsTaV
Tbe Turks are aaad ta lax ban boarSy
ta artilasry actfcax. Trt dcatreyera ea-
f mntta bombarded Teaca
Oot. aa.
reoaaoerod umiij alii
Tbe Geranaa geaeasaneat ow rnoi1flM
It naraaaiary. tb Orarwaas Sen Aecy
says, te eeualtoa tbe nidUua of tba we
rteua sactloas ef tba owuarc aa to ea
tbrawaboot Oae
fer tb 1 i a 1H1
w alto prtoaa
Admitting to the FoIIovring Picture Shows
TVto Bee CsHspeea essutle baaes te
Xbesse grandJmonroe
m p. seta aad sr. -rsnrrs i.J ii l.J L,
ZrZ BiAWTxincrx- a, rnu
SS liOS WIM Ta araclSa mt Btsaay. u r ,
ertrh r g 1 a r Siata m a a a W JTItT
..ia-. mm aaa ' " . swaa ria&na. Sim aoaaa.
'.J .J! wM"1u' Couaoaa are ro4 r-lt
adolt paid tkkrt boa ad TXr tr ar blwaiar . Taaa.
aaA art adrtirams ur swam- we ao- "baa. anoaao-
T." . - " paad mr a 1 uouaM r oa eater' by a lac
iron. imj admiaoiaSL aaud aULawa. atd atmiaiiee.
SUd Cesmbaar as. - - wjfbo Woaa- Ba.
mZ. mmnmmmmmm ba seab aad batbawb.
Awara b Boat , lun Coo la,
'X!"'" aeaSbs, jjj,
. , Coed oa Maarajra Wboa atocomoaa- IHiaamas
sea a . Tfcaradara ae a oa-id a- - -.
ir toaaaoy tvt ao w a a a r a Cttm -.ens oa M.smmt
U o ion a i o mi wltb a said 4 ta mj.t wna aae
a eat a r ii laanaa. nraaC bloa&ay i irl t paid aAsauwaav
Petregrad Beporti Qetk ef DriTt
of Ton Bundrsbarf; is Kartb
Toward Bjga en the Bal
tic Sea in Benin.
Tear Bxpreued in Athens AUiea
Eare Dilnred Too Long Entry
Lata the Balkan Tield.
XXiNDON. Oct. Jl. The latest
official news from Petrograd gJees
some iadicaUoa that Field Marshal
Von Hindenhnrg's drive toward the
j Baltic port pf rats has again been
j checked and that, nearer tbe center
1 toe uermaa line, German eoanter
attacks hare been repulsed. Fight
ing on tbe left bank of the Styr con
tinues, and the Bassians assert they
hare made farther captnres of largo
nam ber of men. Vienna acknowl
edged Austrian troops hare retired
tn Galicia snder the press are oJ s
perior Baasian forces.
MtMaaey aad roMtiea Straatawau
Tbe atame at poetical affaire ta tbe
Balkans la almoat equal ta totereot te
tba military attnaOoa. Tbe belief la
t -- bare that oetlber Vreece mar
toraaala to Uk4y ta enter tbe war, at
least aaUl tbe evtetita allies smta aonie
eeclatra enrnias. Greece apparently re
Sards this as snore tsnportsot Utaa tbe
I offer of tbe laiand of Cyprus, and St ta
reares la Athens tbat tbe allied troops
bars earns too tale tete tbe Belkaa Setd.
BwoAbairdDMeit of tba Baiaarma ooaat
by aa elUed fleet raises bopes ta Enr-
aad Chat tba eotente pea-era will aot be
ooutamt with laadina; troops ta ai--t
bt way caaae eooora at a drreraloa
elaewnere te earao a caraaadarabis body
of Bulaarlaas. It Is ecpacted bare tbat
tbe arrrral at tbe XardaDetlea f fSeawral
Rtr Cbarles Monro, tbe are ecroaneader
of tbe npvOKitteary fores. WIS be as
oaeRpaaled wltb ate military acttrtry
oa tb OalUpeU penmaoia.
la tbe sweantlme It la expected tbat tbe
alaate pewoia win eaeKtaae te esert
e Create, relafac wbaetkona So
Ra paaiaat ariltade. Tbeae e4ractlossi
botb ssORary and poUtleal
s treaty oMirsttaas te
Sertas. It le bald, were raUad cpoa by
(be easaasa puawi as e ef tba sum a
Ua3 eleavesrls of ma an amies aa tbe Bal
kaaa the ouiIiortuae ts tbe btdldms; wp
mt Wucb taay aeaiurtbotad. Tbey tabs
tbe pesritloe tbat Orveo to bound ta
aopport Ha treaty srtts Serbia aad tbat
a defiafce dertartw eo tu part ta ee
ptbt-rwiae wontd Hot be ooasidered eoRt
patlble wi-Ji ts fc-vs&a'y rauatloos wttb
9Ce etparatlons of teiportanns are sjaeer
way aeoac tbe Western f road.
Two Serbian Towns
Taken by Bnlgars
EE3H2K. Oct. H. (By Wlreasss te ttoy-e-llto-l
Qmiasj troops eee ti aaaud tbe
Dita ttrar sn oortbwestera Swrbaa near
Taesnad. orrnna; eosrtbwara tbe Cr
blaaa oa the betsttls. aceorOtag te tbe
official statement tosned today by Gee
saaa amy hsadiraarters. It to also aa
Sjoonoed tbat Bulssriaa tjaupa bar eap
tarrd tbe SertoaJi towns ef Kesotm aad
The Day's War New
ceKatas TBoors art fotsowtoar
tarlr a wot anffe
mm sbe Frtoi-b trwaa Sal
maty mm Stabtlma-
that Cbe
aftraafae eeetb ad
tbe taab aad Sere baa bt ea
abat aa
sarxa aawirtreai peuba a
note arettagr fortb b m isitaoa oe
kaewa tie
tata a tVaradly artttad leoarf Cba
mt rmHiii tt So
aos ta tkrtr amtx So lasarpaeC
tb traea On blaa Sreavty.
a free UcAet te aay
i of rhese hJgn
a KJsatnT airna a am
bo Itoalaaa eaS. atrleaa ti i a
ems aad VI a aaa tatdboaS ratal
b awlt aot a a anaial mt a
fa oat, aa wader tall biod aiay.
airlaaai Baaa di aalepad.
AST dSTbOt nCKXCST mad by Cba
aeliliBa sotaararw a tmm Sadd
aaaea tbat tbo toradera ad iabea
sea. Tb mbebraee Hurt
adrd foe Sbo isa) bedaar aad