Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1915, Page 9, Image 9
Till: 11KE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTONEU St, 1913. BRIEF CITY NEWS XdadtaJet, Tailor 100 Psxton Blk. Crffee percolator, Burgesa-Granden, Bar Moo Print It Now Pear on rresa Tha Be EXCLUSIVF.LT. Find out what th various moving picture theaters offer Tor Safety Tlrst In Life Insurance ee W. H, Indoe. general agent. State Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Worces ter. Mass, one of the oldest, "1 years, and best companies on earth. Commissioners Qo to Social City com missioners accepted an Invitation to at tend a social function next Tuesday eve ning at the Nonpareil Athletic and Social club's new Quarters at ZS21 Vinton street. The State Bank of Omaha lays 4 per cent on time deposits and I per cent on savings accounts. All deposits In this bank are protected by the depositors' guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska. Zn the Dlrorca Court Mrs. Alice A. luoore has brought suit for divorce gainst George B. Moore alleging cruelty. Mrs. Angelina McOall has been granted a divorce from Harry McOall on grounds of cruelty. Bound Over for Snooting Sam Cala- bretta, who shot and wounded Joe Dar gosta In a pool hall st 1004 South Four teenth street several weeks ago, was bound over to the district court with bonds fixed at 12.000. Jrder of Stags Charter fee, 5, monthly dues, 75c; weekly benefits, J7; funeral benefits. $125; free physlclnn, free legal advice, free employment bureau; 100 members In Omaha. Join now. Of fice 3U8 Brandeis theater. Douglas W1S4. Omaha's Bank In Becmitlng Omah.i ranked thlrty-Hrst ss an army recruiting point during the last thieo months, ac cording to a bulletin Just received by Sergeant Hansen of the local recruiting station. Kan King Is made according to number of men enlisted. Omaha recruited ixty-two men during July, August and September. Chicago, New York and San Francisco headed the list. Prompt Action Will Stop Tonr Cough. Dr. King's New Discovery will etop four eought. The first dose helps. Good for children. All druggists. 60c. Advertisement. Mr. and Mrs, Shirley . Funeral This Morning A coroner's Jury has returned a verdict that " Mr. and Mrs. E. George Shirley i came to an accidental death at their borne, S55S Dodge street, by the Inhala- on of a poisonous gas arising from a ighted defective heater." Funeral services will bo held this morning at 8:30 o'clock at the residence of Mr. Shirley's father, Michael Shirley, ESU Burt street, and at St. Cecilia's church at 9. Interment will be In St. Mary's cemetery Mrs. 8. M. Collins of Sacramento, Cal., mother of the dead woman, has arrived In Omaha. A number of local Notre Dame and Creighton university alumni will not attend the Notre Dame-Nebraska game at Lincoln Saturday on account of the tragedy, Mr. Shirley was a graduate cf Creighton and bis brother attended Notre Dams. Two f hwArf ? croup. ' The two children of J. Vi. Ntx. mer chant, Cleveland, Oa., had croup' last winter. One waa a boy of , the other a girl of 8 years. Mr. Nix Writes: "Both got so choked up they could -hardly breathe and couldn't talk. I gave them Foley's Honey and Tar and nothing elso and it entirely cured them." This re liable .medicine should be in every home, for it gives immediate relief from colds, coughs, and oroup, heals raw Inflamed throat and loosens phlegm. Sold every where. Advertisement. to ol T PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS T. I Combs has gone to Minneapolis to confer with Secretary A. W. Anderson of the National Jewelers' association. The date and place of the next national convention will be decided ttpon at this onference. BOARD'S HOME IN HEAYENJFOR RENT "Billy" Sunday Picture! St. Peter Telling Him Why Omaha School Men Didn't Arrive. ANOTHER PLEA FOR CASH "Billy" Sunday Thursday con signed to noil eight members, of Omaha's "reform" school board. Such disposition of the prominent men, re cently elected for their ability, in tegrity and high standards, so pleased the crowd that wild applause fol lowed for thlrty-!ht seconds. It happened, Incidentally, while the revivalist was'' in the midst of an imaginary visit to heaven. He told how he would shake hands with Jesus, upon arrival Inside the pearly gates, and how God would give htm a reserved seat, right next to the entrance, so he could watch for other saved souls. Then he told how he would stroll around heaven, looking for the mansion where he and the ' rest of the Sunday family should reside throughout eternity. rolltiiu A bunt Heaven. "Presently we come U a large mansion, with a For Rent intra Tianglng on It," he continued, describing his heavenly ex periences. " 'What mansion Is thitt?' I ask of St. Peter. " 'Why, that was Intended for eight members , of ,tho Omaha .school board,'. St. Peter replies. 'But It's for rent now. Eight members of the Omaha school board didn't get Into heaven.' " The way in .which "Billy" hung out the ' For Rent" Blgn In heaven especially tickled a number of real estate men In the audience, but the entire 11,000 people seated and standing In the tabernacle all joined In an Immense demonstration of delight. Rev. Mr. Sunday said ho would find "Roily" and the rest of the Sunday party In heaven, and lie declared that up there they would sing "Brighten the Corner" and other songs owned by Mr. Kode ieaver. Some Stench In Omaha. Speaking of his having to tcave Omaha within a few days, the evangelist said this city had grown to be a real home for him, and he regretted having to go elsewhere. "Omaha would be a fine place to live," he said, "if a lot of Its residents would die or move away. When we walk down the streets now, we have to hold our noses, to avoid the stench from those people who have had Omaha by the throat for many years." i Having come to Omaha to Invite Mr. I Sunday to take part In the prohibition campaign in Nebraska next year, Mayor Charles W. Bryan of Lincoln, with his skull cap and smllo, was in the audience last night, seated on the platform back of the rostrum, near the revivalist. ' Mayor tlrran No Trail Hitter. While the 233 trail hitters were going down the sawdust aisles to shake Sun day's hand, the latter left his post for a moment, and with other personal work ers urged Mayor Bryan to hit the trail. However, the "dry" mayor of Lincoln only smiled broader than before. The efforts of "billy" and the personal work ers brought the same results as when they tackled the "wet" mayor of Omaha. Before Mr. Sunday started to preach, Elmer E. Thomas made a lengthy talk, urging the audience to contribute to the free-will offering, which Mr. Sunday !s to receive personally for his revival work in Omaha. Thomas Looks for "Dry Wave. After telling how Rev. Mr. Sunday had brought Christ to Omahans, and had brought prohibition and righteousness to West Virginia, Colorado and Iowa, Mr. Thomas said: - "What Is It worth to you, to have a dry wave sweep Omaha and Nebraska, or to have your husband or wife, son or daughter or friend become a Christian? Pay Mr. Sunday what It Is worth. "And don't pay him with a meaaley W cents In ycur free-will envelope. Ten dollars, 1100 or Jl.cW would be more like It. 'A little town of only 11.000 people, back in the Ohio valley, gave Mr. Sunday UXOOU as their free-will offering for Ms campaign there. Is Omaha going to be outdone by a long-grass town In Ohio?" Collection t Tike. Then the tin pans were passed and the gifts and pledges for Mr. Sunday were gathered in. If Mr. Thomas' sug gestion about the Ohio town Is carried out In Omaha, the revivalist will get 2,0 from this community, there being many more than that number of people here, and Mr. Thomas' suggested expectations being on the basis of $1 for each In habitant. Following the plea for money for him. Mr. Sunday began hia sermon on "Heaven" by first answering the ques tion. "What do I want most of all?". He said he wanted eternal life. "I don't want to die,'! he explained, "but I am not nfrald to die." Then he described his Imaginary trip to heaven, and hung out the "For Rent" slsn on the school board's mansion up there. WfirUmen Out Cnree, A delegation of I," lrsnna, members of the Ancient OiMer of United Work men, with their fnmllles and a uniformed band, occupied reserved seats last night. Many of them. Including a large part of the band, hit the trail. The delegation representing the Workmen order was the largest from any organization that has visited the tabernacle during the cam paign, with the single exception of high scnool delegstlons. It was said. ' A large group of trail hitters repre sented the Gordon Van and Storage com pany. They marched down the aisle, led by Al Gordon and his wife and daughter. The trail hitters ranged In age from 2 ycara to past 73. and included a couple of Intoxicated men, one of whom mounted a bench, after shaking hands with Mr. Sunday, and started to shout his religious convictions. Efirm t.onpel Trams. I. Organization was begun after last night's meeting, for the "gospel teams" of men, which are Intended to carry on the trail hitting, after the Sunday cam paign closes. Their work Is to be the echo of the campaign. It was explained. Charles W. Robel will be secretary of the gospel team work, and will be as sisted by J. R. Lines of the Young Men's Christian association and Rev. Mr. Cleve land, assistant pastor of the First Con gregational church. Further organization of the gospel teams wtl be effected at a 2T.-cent supper at the Young Men's Christian association, the evening of November 1. Rev. William Asher will speak on "After 'Billy' Sun day, What?" Those signing cards for the gospel teams last night were mostly tabernacle ushers and secretaries. I'lnn Mnnlclna ( aiirni, A permanent municipal chorus, to be made out of the tabernacle choir, was announced as a probability by Chorister Rodeheaver last night Most of the choir singers indicated their willingness and approved such an undertaking. It Is planned that Ihe permanent chorus shall -sing for public occasions, as well as for Surday school. Christian Endeavor and prohibition conventions. SUNDAY WILL NOT STAY WEEK LONGER ! But He Makes a Tentative Promise to Return in September to Help Out the Drys. SCHEDULE IS ALL MADE OUT "Billy" Sunday made a positive re fusal and a tentative promise to two propositions Friday morning. He refused to remain In Omaha an additional week and he promised to come to Nebraska, "If possible,' next Sentember and devote a week to 'speech-making in favor of prohibi tion. The committee that asked him to remain here another week railed at Ills headquarters In the Loyal hotel ifter the Tabernacle meeting Thurs lay and remained there until 10 Vrlock, devoting about one hour to prayer. Failing to see "Billy.' they came again Friday morning at 9 o'clock. Rev. Hugh B. Speer, Elmer E. Thomas. F. D. Wead. Isaac Carpenter, W. G, Vre, W. E. Foshler. Charles McDonald and others were In the committee. "Billy" positively declined, to remain. schedule All Made (Int. "My schedule la fully made out," he said, "and allows only one week for rest letween each meeting. Allowing seven in cyracuse nrginning i iriowr si, takes us up to the Sunday before Christ mas. If we stayed here another week we would have to cut Syracuse to six weeUs "If we lose sny time we would miss our steamer In San Francisco by two weeks. We sail from Kan Francisco for the Hon olulu meeting the end of next June." Charles W, I'.ryan, ioaor of Lincoln, brought the petition for Mr. Sundny to help In the "dry" campaign next full "Hilly" promised that he will If ho cau. Mayor Kryan wanted him to come for a month but "Hilly" snld he would try to come for a week. "1 can't wear out my strength Just be fore I enter on such a strenuous cam palgn as that In Host on where we begin next October," he said. Mr Iltyan promised thai bis brother, W. J. Hryan, will adjust his speaking dates during the "dry" rampalgn to gull "Hilly's" convenience. BED ROCK DRILLED AT SITE OF NEW BANK BUILDING I'ed rock etgTity feet below the ground surface at Sixteenth and Fartiam streets la being drilled In numerous places be neath the site for the new First National hank building In order that the builders may learn Its thickness where the foun dation of the new building Is to he anchored. Heard at the Tab There are seven lT"slvtrrlnns In the Sunday partv. two Mnpilsia, a Cnngrega imtloimllel and a AI liodlat, as Pillows: Presbyterian; Mr. and Mrs. Sunday and tieorge, Mrs. Asher, "II.. b" Mathews, (ienrai- llrewstcr and Albert I'eterunn, the ciistrd an. Hnptlat: Mi-, (fomlln and Miss Snxc. f 'onvregallonnlist : Miss Miller. Methodist: Mr. Itndcheaver. Miss Frances Miller of the Sunday party will leave Omaha Saturday at TO p. in. She will spend Sunday In Chi os", anil thn vlsl. a sl-ter In pltta burgh until time for her to go to Syracuse. Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition San Francisco, 1915 San Diego, 1915 For Flavor and Quality BAKER'S COCOA is just right It has the delicious taste and natural color of high-grade cocoa beans; it is skilfully prepared by a perfect mechanical process: without the use of chemicals, flavoring or artificial coloring matter. It is pure and wholesome, conforming to all the National and State Pure Food Laws. CA UTI ON: Get the genuine with our trade-mark on the package. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. ato. u. a. tat. org. THEY REFUSE TO EAT At periods in most childrens'. livei they fail to relish their meals and refuse to eat even the delicacies prepared to tempt their appetites. ' They lack am bition, and growth seems impeded, which causes anxiety and worry. To compel them to eat is a grave mistake, because nutrition is impaired. Healthful exercise in fresh air and sun shine is important, but equally import ant is a spoonful of Scott's Emulsion three times a day to feed the tissues and furnish food-energy to improve their blood, aid nutrition and sharpen their appetites. The highly concentrated medicinal, food in Scott's Emulsion supplies the very elements children need to build tip thetr strength. They relish Scott 'a It is free from alcohol IScoU & flowue, Bloomficld, N. J. 1S-M MGMMSM HIGH -ffiABffif PIE SPECIAL FUSMISMIMGS FOR SATURDAY (MY Below we illustrate only a few of the many special val ues we are offering for Saturday. It will pay you to call on us and see for yourself what remarkable savings our stock offers on really fine, high-grade merchandise. . rtHng I lie world' jnvalost buyers and sellora of homo furnish Inns, riiK, carpets, He, 'we arc armed with mighty ptirchaxlng power no other concern can command. l'y us call and make us prove It. Wo are able, willing and ready. Investigation cor dially Invited. ... I f 1 . Summer or Winter J ummer or Winter IN summer or winter Red Crown gasoline is the one fuel, to stick to. Red Crown is the quick-starting power fuel which keepsyou going. It is absolutely uniform every drop the same all power. At Garages Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEBRASKA) ASILEME JLl V -iVV -V-,H J A If K4 ori i r V4 IMrKniAI.. CIRCASRiANr WALNUT 1KKHRKH Made With hravy t.lank top and large 42-lneh base; French beveled mirror. 24x28 Inches. SDlenclldly con structed and excellently finished. BpO' ciauy priced ror tomorrow, at, only Il.BO Cash $1.3S a Month. A Wonderful Value in a 2-1N. POST Bed Outfit Including ' Bed, Spring and Mattress 6Th zy.zvzv BFXCIAX TIIMII l Cash. II a Moatb. J-INCH CONTJNUOI H I'oST M10TA1. HKD CoMMNATION Hert Is niadii with ten li-avy fillers and lienutlfully enameled In white or vernls martin. The mattress Is niRcle of hcvy, iurall.i ticking Willi soft cot ton top. The spring Is nil aiis;le Iron frame and sanitary wire fabric top. This complete ' outfit for tomorrow's soiling" at tlie low price Quoted above. . 3V?VisjBi,- $17.85 Sliding Desk Compartment 2lx48-lm-h Top. Pi! raes- 1 MAMSIVK rniINIAIj TUm:h.KR Ex actly as shown In Illustration. Heat and bark upholstered with extra heavy im perial artlflclsl leather. Frame Is ex tremely massive, finished golden In American qunrter-sawed Imitation oak. Fully worth 17.G0. Our Jow price only 1.00 Cash II. OO a Moi'h. -..i. inn' a is1 S' NOTE THE MAGAZINE RACKS CORRKCT VISION ARTS AND CRAFTS THRKE-l'l F.C'K MISSION 81TITK Unlit throughout of solid oak, nplnnrildly finished In fumed. Has roomy chair and rockir, with back anil seat upholstered In aniarnnt-ecl uphMhii artificial n-auier. ream sup ported by heavy coll Mprlnits. The latere library tnlU iiiPnsiirrs 28X4H Inches, fitted with sliding desk drawer, equipped with pen holder and Ink well, tnngailno racks at ellhnr end. A renmrl'Hhle value at, only... $1.60 Cash 11.80 a Month. $15.75 ELEGANT 8GL.1D OAK CHINA CIX58ET Of very large l well made and neatly finished In golden; has bont glass ends, adjustable shelves and carved claw feet, French beveled plate mirror set In neat frame. Offered at AJA f" the extremely attractive Ik I -C price of iflelel V tl.tS Cash 1.00 a Month. Agents for the World't Best Makes of Stoves 4 Your Old Stove Taken in Exchange 5 (iVi" - .--"I- .'"'1 y'r -f si 1 IrTS i ia.iA ff Toll Whits Fv.retlaln VvC J Oven Door and Xlgh mil White Oven Door and Closet Back Guards. The Famous REGENT Combination Coal and Gas Range Including Broiler $52.50 Special Terms, $S Cash. Ji i Monlta A RANOE XH'AT IS OFEHATKD KylJAl. I.Y WKI.U WITH (!l)AI. OH OAS Has four adjustable burn ers for Kas, four holes for coal. 18-Inch oven with white porcelain door, splendid high cloaet, with full white porcelain back. Convenient and handy broiler attached to gas compartment. Comp le t e 1 y eiiulppcal and exactly as shown In Illustration. A rare bar gain at this low prlia. OICNUIN15 9UAKTKKTl1 AW I'D OAK COLON I- fl Al. lU'FFKT Strongly- fci constructed of well seasoned woou and finished golden. Has roomy base, con sisting of two silverware drawers, large linen drawer and roomy china compart ment. Mirror Is of French hevelej. plate set In a heavy frame. Offered for to morrow's selling, at this low price 1.80 Cash 1.85 a Month. Largest and Best Line of Heaters in Omaha ml JEM' v oitr rcw N COLE'8 CEI.EKH ATED HOT UI.ABT II'EATEK This stove will hold tire .i" Vimira without uttentlon. Rurns roal. ood, roke or rubbish. No oilier heater In Its class. Perfect air tlltt sinake ronsumers. Absolutely guaranteed. ITIced kin frnm . .. . f 1.00 Cash 1.00 Month. tllit sinake $10.95 ISIS Guaranteed 10 Years FREE!! HARTMAN'S GREAT PREMIUM OFFERING A beautiful -IK-plece Porcelain Din. nor Ht fr'vcti away ahholutel v free) t niorruw with every unlia of $AO r over. Cutth or Credit. STTT.R ACME OAK HEAT ER A large sire stove that will hurn coal, cokn or wood. Ilua extra heavy grale and body, built of the beat polltihed Wcllsvlllo steel Elaborately trimmed throughout. Note the - beautiful and plain lines that this stove Is built on. , tn aonoiuieiy guaran teed ouk heater. Specially juiced at, only 1.00 Cash 91.00 a Month. THE BIGGEST HEWING MACHINE BARGAIN OFFERED IN OMAHA Cabinet Is made entirely of selected oak, with sin roomy drawers. Hold with a ten-year guarantee. A very celebrated make. Complete with full set of ice sorles and attach ments, at, only W OO Cash 42.00 a Month. $18.75 'AKItlCA'l OSBiTHT BOMB rUmHWKX B." 1414-16-18 DOUGLAS STREET .S7.50 GREAT VA LITE IN SOLID OAK MIS SION JIOCKEK lias heavy paddej spring seat, upholstered with Ki anistt .ruiu-iAi leuiner, iiiuanea in golilen only. lngly comfurtable. Spe cially nfferel tomorrow at., 60o Cash 60o a Month. i vi un oniy. $3.45 $9.75 $12.75