Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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Sayi Evanpelist'i Bemarki Thursday
Night Justifies Position of the
School Board.
Robert Cowell, rice chairman of
tbe Board of Education, publicly
challenges "Billy" Sunday to debate
before a "sane" audience before the
evangelist leaves Omaha.
Mr. Cowell has been the leading
opponent on the School board of the
proposition of allowing Mr. Sunday
and Homer Rodeheaver in the pub
lie schools.
"It would give me considerable sat
Isfactlon If I could have the oppor
tunity to debate certain matters wltn
Mr. Sunday," declared Mr. Cowell.
Another statement authorised by Mr.
Cowell wsei "I would regret to have to
be a permanent resident of any city In
which Mr. Sunday might be a permanent
Hetda Dlreetery of Hell.
"What are we coming to when a man
can atand up In a public place and claim
to hold In his hands a directory ot hell T
And for him to read off. 'Huxley, In hell;
Darwin, In hell; Spencer,, In hell; Cowell,
In hell.' " asked Mr. Cowell.
Mr. Cowell added that the remarks at
tributed to Mr. Sunday Thursday even
ing fully Justified the Board ot Educa
tion In Its action ef refusing to permit
Mr. 8unday In (he schools.
Mr. Cowell has not attended any of the
local meeting a. He said he read all ot the
sermons as printed in Philadelphia news
papers. "I do not ItUe religious vaude
ville," added this school official.
Mohler Says that
Business Improves
All Over the West
"Business la rm proving in the west,
declares President A. It. Mohler of the
Union Pacific, upon his return from a
trip to the Pacific, coast.
He accompanied Judge R. 8. Lovett,
head of the Harrlman railroad Interests,
on the letter's annual Inspection trip of
the western lines of that system. Judge
Lovett is still on the coast and will re
turn by way of Kansas.
"We noticed that business Is picking up
encouragingly all through the west,"
Tresldent Mohler said. "Judge Lovett
was pleased with his Inspection trip, and
with the fact that our lines and their
contributing territory looked good."
Six Hit tho Trail
at Noon Meeting
at the Brandeis
lt men hit th trail at "Pitly Sunday's
noon meeting In the Brandeis theater,
following a sermon In which the evan
gelist declared men should succeed In
world affairs, but that such success with
out Ood ws failure.
Sunday announced that be would talk
at the theater Saturday noon on the
Plble as the divine word of Qod.
The audience for the first time since
the series of talka In the theater was
started began to dissolve before "Billy"
had finished the Services. While the
trail was open and during the final
prayer several dotent of men walked out.
"There Is no quarrel In the Bible with
prosperity," "Billy" declared. "Away
with the hellish Ida that a man can't
be successful and be honest or be a
Sunday described the sad plight ot the
man who gains worldly riches, but who
does nothing for God when his turn
comes to die.
"Subtract 80.0 to llOc.WO from some
men and you've got nothing left but
wine, women and boose," he aald. "Don't
tell me what your estate Is worth, but
what you are worth."
Former Omaha Automobile Man Has
Thrilling Experience rith
Wild Hops.
Lincoln Men Call
"Billy" Grafter and
Send $100 Check
Twenty cltlsens of Lincoln wrote a let
ter to "Billy" Sunday calling him a
grafter and at the same time sent him a
present of I'Ofc
These names were affixed to the letter:
Charles W. Bryan, A. J. Sawyer, W. A.
Setleck, Clarence E. Hedges, Chester H.
Aldrlch, E. W. Brown, W. H. Hardy, O.
N. Magee, Charles N. Cadwallader, D. &
Gilbert. A. O. Wolfenbarger. F. M. Tyr
rell, L. C. Burr, J. C. Harpham, B. .
finavely, D. EL DePutron. Jason U Claf
II n, F. E. Linoh, J. 8. Hole and C. II.
Mayor Charles Bryan brought the of
fering with a letter which said In part:
"Certain unmentionable persons and In
terests have denounced you as a grafter.
This charge is terribly true from their
standpoint. Tou are seeking to graft
onto the battered and bruised Image ot
the Creator a new life and a new hope.
As matter ot fact, your form ef support
is as tree from graft as the 'widow's
mite.' "
Keep It Handy for Rktiralllim.
Don't suffer and try to wear out your
Rheaumatlsm. Sloan'sXinlment goes right
to the spot, kills the pain. Mo. Alt drug
gists. Advertisement.
Use The Bee's "Swapper" oolumn.
With fifty wild hogs gnashing their tue
and spitting froth at bis heels, II. B.
rredrlckson of Omaha, wished be were
back In Omaha Instead of In Nicaragua.
That was some weeks ago. He Is baok
now, somewhat the worse for the experi
ence, but able to recover from his fright.
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrlckson have Just re
turned after spending a half year In the
Jungles of Central America hunting, fish
Ing and rusticating.
Fifty wild hogs of the type known In
Central America aa Wart treed FredricK
son one afternoon and held him eaptlve
In the tree for over an hour. He could
not get high up In the tree, for It was a
fallen tree, and sis. feet above the gnash
ing Jaws waa the beat he could do.
But he clung there, shooting right and
left with his revoler, and lifting his feet
nimbly one at a time as the wiry Wsrl
repeatedly leaped clear of the ground anj
tried te rip him llmh from llmh.
It was all because he shot one ef their
number to begin with. They would not
molest a hunter unless he molested thein.
The Indian guides knew all about It.
They wanted some of the Wsrl for meat,
so when they scented a drove of them
In the brushes they felled a few small
trees for a kind ef barracade, and mo
tioned Fredrlckson to get ap out of reach
and eut loose with his shotgun.
He did. The wounded animal squealed,
and it was then that the fifty In the
drove made the charge upon the assail
ant. Fredrlckson stuck to the tree and
pumped steel-Jacketed bullets Into them
until he had killed fourteen when the
Indiana asked him to cease firing. They
ordered him to remain perfectly quiet
for a half hour. The white man ami the
Indians ceased talking, and hung per
fectly still in their respective trees for
a half hour, when the wild hogs gradu
ally scattered and retired.
"They are fine eating," said Fredrlck
son. "They smell a llfTle strong, but
they are better eating than chicken."
Mr. Fredrtokson expects to go hack to
Central America, within a month. There's
a reason. He tea purchased a half In
terest tn a gold mine there, and he and
his partner, a friend In Denver, are going
back to build a cyanide milt and begin
Hendricks on a charge of violating the
Mann white slave act
Deummer la charged with having trans
ported Mrs. Hannah Grace, an employe
of a Council muffs laundry, from Council
bluffs to Omaha last April for humoral
purpewa Mrs. a race Is said to have
made some startling disclosures to the
l nlted States commissioner. .
Deummer Is being held under tl.ftw bond
which was procured by hla attorney,
Oeorge S. AVrlght
Not Undignified
to Take Stand
on Christ's Side
(Continued from Page Five.)
Arrest Max Deummer
for White Slavery
Max Eeummer, who married a daughter
of the late John Under, prominent
Omaha liquor dealer who died a few
months ago, about a week after Mr. Lin
dor's death, was arrested in Council
Bluffs by Deputy United States Marshal
Satorday Special EaEgato
At the 4 Sherman & McConnell Drag Stores 4
You can "save much time and money," by coming to our drug stores first for any arti
cle in our line, which mean drugs, chemicals, toilet articles, proprietary medicines, con
fectioneries and cigars.
25c Frostilla for 14o
50c Pompeian Massage
Cream 29o
50c bottle Bay Rum....25o
5 cakes Ivory or Wool
Soap 19o
25c Sanitol Tooth Powder,
for 14o
50c Malvina Cream 29o
50c Java Rice Powder.. 24o
50c Ricksecker's Cold
Cream 29o
50c Aubry Sisters Cold
Creams, Powders and Lo
tions for 29o
50c Melba Cold Cream and
Powders for 29o
60c Madam Yale's Toilet
Goods or Remedies 29o
Perfume Sale Saturday
50c Seeley's Crabapple Blos
som, per oz 29o
50o Lee's Flower Girl, at,
oz 29o
50c Rieger's Palo Alto Pink
at, oz 29o
50o Beely's Jockey Club, at,
oz., 29o
60c Extract Wood Violet,
i., 29o
Piver's Azurea or La Trefle
Extract, per oz 69o
Olive Oil Sale Saturday
Pompeian Olive Oil
E0o (pint) can for 34o
$1.00 (quart) can for 64c
$1.00 (H gal.) can for $1.24
1 pL California Olive 011....6M
All Kinds Chewing: Gum
Two Bo Pkga., Bo
Saturday we sball sell Yuca
tan, Blood berry, Uggett's, 8 pear
mint, Dentyne in fact, all to
chewing gum fresh from the
Two packages for So
Saturday, October 23
Saturday we shall give
to the first 2,000 customers
at our stores an -lb. box
of " Liggett 's Elect Choco
lates." These chocolates are the
most delicious eonfection it
is possible to produce. Price
y2 lb., 40c; 1 lb., 80c
Free, yg-lb. package Saturday.
We recommend
excessive perspiration
Keeps the armpits, feet
or hands comfortably dry
and absolutely odorless.
Harmless. Easily applied.
25c, S0ct $1. Six times
much for $1 as for 25c
Each Saturday we offer two
or more special values in
candy all in factory-sealed
50c Goodwill's Chocolates
(in purple box), Saturday,
at 29o
Liggett 's Elect Chocolates
(every piece containing a
nut, fruit or nougat center),
lb., 40c; 1 lb 80o
Liggett 's Butter and Milk
Bittersweets, per lb., 40o ;
1 lb 80o
Liggett 's Fruit Cordial Cho
colates, y2 lb., 50o ; 1 lb.,.$l
We sell the original
(Barr's) "Saturday Can
dy." There are over 100 dif
ferent imitations now
Ours (Barr's) is
fresh every Satur
day, 1 lb 29o
D inning's Mazeppa
Chocolates, per lb.,
at ...60c
50c Maxixe Cherries
for 39o
60c Triola Sweets,
for 39c
40 kinds Wood
ward's Candies,
O'Brien's Monte
Christo Chocolates
i lb., 30c; 1 lb..60o
25e Allen's Foot Ease..l4o
25c Allcock'a Porous, Plast-
ers 12o
Bourjois Java Rice Powder
(genuine) 29o
5c Carter's Little Liver
Pills 12o
85c Castoria genuine) . ,21c
25c Cutioura Soap 17o
60o Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
for 29o
60c Doan'a Kidney Pills. 34c
$1.00 Duffy's Malt 84o
Father John's Medicine. 34o
Fellows' Syrup 34o
$1.25 Gude's Pepto Mangan,
for 98o
25c Hill's Cascara Quinine,
for 14o
Horlick's Malted Milk, 390,
69o and $2.74
Hydrogen Peroxide (pure)
for 14o
75c Jad Liver Salts.... 49o
Listerine...l2o, 19c, 39o 69o
25e Laxative Bromo Quinine
for 19c
50c La Blache Powder (4
shades) 80c
Mellin's Food 39c, 64o
25c Massatta Talcum... 12o
Mentholatum (genuine) ,14o
25o Mistletoe Cream.,.. 14o
60o Pape's Diapepsin...29o
25e Packer's Tar Soap..l4o
Sal Hepatica..l9o, 34c, fi9o
50c Syrup of Figs 34o
$1.00 S. 8. 8 64o
60c Scott's Emulsion.... 84o
$1.00 Wine of Cardul...69o
$1.00 Plnkham'i Compound, Me
$1.00 Pierce's Favorite Rx.,..64
tbe Pond's Vanishing Cream, 14e
Rogers A Oallet Rice Powder, 17s
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, 34e
25c Woodbury's racial Soap, 17e
Wonsrf ul Offer Mada to ths Sick
Relief r
k IviaaH'tl.f.taaUleav
sm4 si ettek MNSA
rivet Doe.
STOKE, dteealt ts.
get a UMriy-aer iraaw
mant of Dr. Botkhart's
OUMD. If it fsila te
relieve Kidaay, Uar er
Stomach Troubla, or the
(following; srnftena,
l.uch as ilin the side.
IbMh, uaasr the abeuLdsr
DUda, smotnanng aen
aartoa, parpltatioa of the
heart, tired, Srewsy last-
if, areata, rveu-
as, sour sick stomach, dime, nin-oowa
systaaa er coastipatioa. Juat hrtaf beck the
tmpty baa end we will rahiad your aaoaey,
Wit oa drit, if yea are aot satiated.
Sherman & rvScConnell BDrug (Co.
Car. lata and Padre Streets
OWL iBlti CO., Ca. ISlk ead Baraey Streets
HABVABD rilABMACV, Car. Set an Fanaa Mr
LOYAL fUAMslACy, Ml-tWS rt leak Hmt, Li Ratal)
tor the devil, but every spark to be a
Another says: nll, my trouble Is
that I am waltlns; to be converted." Tou
have been listening for weeks and are
still waltlns; to be converted. Tou say:
"Just as soon ss I am convinced 'that
Jesus Christ Is the Son of Qod and tbe
Ulble the word of Qod I am rolnc to take
iny stand."
The Plhle says: "Tlieae thltm are
written that ye might believe that Jesus
is the Christ."
Now, If you are an officer and trying
to find a prisoner and somebody gars
you a clue, you would run the clue down
to find If there waa anything to tt.
If you were a aH'lenlist and trying to
make a discovery and somebody (are you
a clue you would follow It.
If you are honestly seeking light, and
somebody gives you Information and a
clue, then If you are honest you will do
It, and It you don't do tt you are not
honest. And you will have to pull down
the sign to any claim te being an honest
"Now, then, do you betleve that Ood
answers prayers V I aald to the fellow.
He said: "I don't know."
God's footprints Plata.
But I know. I know there la a devil.
I see the footprints In the Jails, and the
penitentiary, among the highway robbers,
and the aoum and offspring of God's dirt
I know that there is a God. I see His
foot prints In happy homes and pure Uvea,
and church and Sunday achool. I know
that there la a God and a devil in Omaha.
Jesus will save you from the power of
the devil In this world and from damna
tion In the world to come and you ought
to accept for the sake of your Inflirenoe,
Bvery man and woman has aa influ
ence, and the man or the woman who has
the greatest Influence against Christian
ity Is not the fellow In the brothel and
the gambling hell; It la the beat man or
woman morally In thle town who la not
a Christian.
There was a great rerWal en tn Tale
college many yeara ago. God bless your
aoul. there was a time whrn we had re-
flvale In collraea. I
Think of having a revival In that t'nl
erslty of Chlcaso or Harvard. 1 would
aa aoon think of having a revival In hell,
and that wnuld be mint; snme. We used
to hAe area! revival in our collpgos and
universities, but It Is all a thing of the
If 1 wanted to make an InfKlel ot my
child. I'd send her to the t'nlverslty of
Oilcago or some other achool where they
have shut the Ulble out of the curriculum.
They were having a revival at Tale, and
Horace Bushnrll stood across the revival.
He was ens of the most popular pro
feasors In the college, and hundreds
waited to see what he would do. And he
went to his room to think It over,
A voice said to hlra: "Horace Hush
nelll what do you believe, anyway T"
"Well. 1 bellme in the eternal differ
ence between right and wrong."
"Then take your stand on the side of
He accepted Christ and ever fol
lowed Horace Buahnell Into the kingdom
of God,
llarrleea's Raasaele,
FVr the sake of your influence you
ought to be on the elds of Jesus Christ.
I traveled with Dr. Chapman for two
years. We were holding meetings In In-
One night President Harrleon with his
daughter, Mrs. MoKoe, entered Tomllnson
Dr. Chapman tried to Induce the pastor
ot the First Iresbyterlan church to ask
the president to sit on the platform, but
he did not want to ask him. So, Dr.
Chapman asked me If I would go.
t went to President Hsrrlson and In
vited him to take a seat on the platform.
1 said: "Tour presence on the platform
would have a atrona; Influence and mlcht
Induce others to take a stand for Christ,
for the sake ef your Influence, will
His daughter said: "Papa, yon go and
1 will alt here."
He said to m: "Mr. Sunday. If yon
think that my presence on the platform
will hnnnr my Savior and Induce any
body to accept Him aa their Savior, 1 will
be glad to sacrifice my personal Inclinat
ions and go," and one of the proudest
moments of my life was when t walKed
down the alale with President Harrison,
The vast audience swayed te Ha feet and
burst Into eheers and sans;! "My Coua
try 'TIs of Thee."
How do you fori, ymi little two-bjr-fnta)
whlsky-aoaked fellows who can't rare
$10 a week and turn uP your nose at re
It Is beneath yon to be Christian. II
would lower your manhood.
Tou are a fool. Tou will not come nnta,
me that ye might have life.
Tou come, and others will follow.
Copyright, William A. Sunday.
Ouch! Lame Back.
Rub Lumbago or
Backache Away
Rub pain right out with small
trial bottle of old
'St. Jacobs Oa"
Kidneys rauss Backache T No! They
have no nerves, therefore cannot cause
pain. Listen I Tour backache Is cauaod
by lumbago, sciatica or a strain, and the
quickest relief Is soothing, penetrating
"Pit. Jacob's OH" from your druggist and
painful back, and Instantly the soreness,
stiffness and lameness disappears. Don't
stay crippled! Get a small trial bottle of
"8t. Jacobs OH " from your druggist and
Umber up. A moment after It Is applied
you'll wonder what became of the back
ache or lumbago pain.
Rub old, honest "St Jaoobs OU" when
ever you have sciatica, neuralgia, rhsu
mattam er sprains, aa It is absolutely
harmless and doesn't burn the skin.
For a
A IVtAfiv ATlwa inn vrttlr. at.
Solid Oak Dresser, golden fin-C
ish, well made, priced now at
about half real value.
on. r m
Oe7U t& . U
fKS ' ' ' "--"L VjJ
i7 -Trorp?
Carrying Cases for school books,
gpparel or samples, size 0x6 Hi
IS H ; brown Imitation
leather, sale price
Duofold Davenport Bed $
It's a thoroughly good Davenport, made of
solid oak, beavy frame and strongly built,
upholstered in genuine Moroocollne. Ample
space provided for bedding during the day;
best Inner construction, perfect satisfaction
assured; the biggest Davenport Bed value of
the year. Extra special at
I 1 I f
III II I ! II .J kl
The Best
(jase El
tn Va
r i
The "Fuel Savers," the well known
"Peninsular" make, from 800 to 1,300
more inches of radiating surface, cut
coal bills; smooth nickel trimmings,
best heaters to buj
O to
Your Old Stove
Taken in Exchange.
Oak Heater
Burn a wood or coal.
Heavy gauge sheet
steel sides and heavy
cast base section, screw
draft registers, patent
shaking grate and other
Improvements. Good
powerful heaters and
of extra durability.
5. 95-1'
1518- 111'' '!.UI''aaa-agiLi; H ' Jjgggl ' 0
16th ft
It Hill Do to Your Advantage to Buy
Your Stove or Range
Buying a new stovo or range is a matter of much Importance tn
your household. A poor stove is a constant source of dissatisfaction
and annoyance. Why not buy a stove with a reputation? Then you
will run no risk or trouble, but will be absolutely sure ot getting full
value for your money in service and convenience.
See our complete line
of steel and cast iron
ranges, cook stoves,
heating stoves and base.
You old stove taken
in as part payment on a
new s:ove or range.
Mr J
i n KT
S I 1!
Commerce Range
Have bine steel tops which require
no blacking; they have doable steel
walla, with asbestos board interlin
ing. An extra large firebox, lined
with the heaviest of castings and
fitted with duplex grates; the ovens
are extremely large and absolutely
guaranteed to bake and to give per
fect service.
Triced from
See our beautiful I -room home out
fits, everything complete, for. , .$81
See our beautiful 4-room home out
fits, everything complete, for.. f 110
i 9
.. a h
nowerfut and eonm..... nl
haatlna; ateva, has a heavy pol
lahed steal body, solid cast Iron
base, heavy ribbed fire bowl,
nickel toot rail, top rail, name
plate, screw drafts, large at
pan, etc Positively ansrejiteerl
io give perreet
servloe. Our
Turquoise blue, triple coated white lined and seaunleeta.
An Inexpensive
Building and
Location Enables
Ds To Make
the Lower Prices
Have the
Figure on
on Your
Two-quart ceffss pot with
enamel oover. f 10
Our price m..'"
Keventeen-quart white lined dish
pan. uur priue
Ten-enart white
weter paiL Our.
price.. . . .
1 1 .
Tea enart white lined praaerv
ing aeiua. uur th
Ka. Tea Kettle with enamel 40 a,
cover. Our price ,vv
.our pr. w
Laree slaa slf-laaung white 7C.
lined roaster. Our price I Ol
;f"VjjP" Hi f'
! gy y n
t a a? ek - a aei' m w
1 III II II I II 1 i X 1
s a tail as ri aiti i n i 1