Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1915, Page 4, Image 4
TIIE OMAHA, RATUTIDAY, OCTOttER 23, 1915. SEIMTEMIAL TO BE CELEBRATED Stat Eiitoriral Society Suggests that Spectacular Celebration Be Held Next Fall. FOLLOWED BY SOME OTHERS To commemorate th first move ment toward organizing Nebraska Into a atate, a big celebration and pageant la to be held In Omaha un der the auspices of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben in the fall of 191. The ezecutlre committee of twenty-fire appointed from the committee of 100, at a meeting at the Fontenelle hotel, made a definite line of recommenda tions for this seml-centennlal celebra tion la the following resolution: "1. That a spectacular celebration b held In the city of Omaha In the fall of m to commemorate the f lrat .step, to ward statehood, which were taken In thla city earing: the summer and (all of lw by the state letfaleture then In station ta thla city, and later bjr the election of United Stalaa senators and members of exMurrees in the same rear; that the prln tpej features of the Omaha celebration hall be a historical, spectacular street pefeant under the supervision and con trol of the Knli-bta of Ak-fier-Bn; that audi additional features be added to the street paxvant a mar be found expe dient, such as a panorama in the Audi torium Illustrating the growth and de velopment of the state, torether with mo tlo pictures Illustrating the present state of oar principal industries and civilisa tion; the production In one of the theaters of a historical drama during the period of the celebration, and other similar fea tures ta be worked out by the local com mltteea, - Tev rsletrate la!. 'X That under tha supervision of a committee, of which tha superintendent of pubiie instruotlon of tha state shall be the chairman, elebratlona be held on the flret day of March, 117, in the schools throughout tha state; that such contents bo arranged as will best serve to seoura historical aketches of pioneer life and of the elements of progress, which have made up the last fifty years' history of thla state; that county super intendents of schools be invited to co operate, to the end that at each county seat in the state on March 1, the day of the admission of Nebraska into the union, such celebrations and contests may be held aa will best serve to com memorate thla occasion. Wt All to Jola. "1 That in tha spring of early sum mer of 1917, at a date to be selected toy local committees, a celebration, literary in character, be held at Lincoln, Neb.; that tha state university, tha State His torical society and other institutions and societies be Invited to co-operate and assist in this celebration; that reunions of soldiers, state officials, university studente and others, who have had a prominent part in the upbuilding of Ne braska, be arranged aa a part of trie program that a musical program, and oratorical and literary productions, - and reunions of pioneers be central features of this celebration. "t, That the governor of the stats be Urged to Invite all cltlsens to participate In these celebrations, and by proclama tion to designate the several dates of the celebrations to be held. "The following committees were ap pointed to arrange the details and fix the dates of these celebration"! and to report later at a general meeting of the committee of K0 appointed by the State Historical society: On arrangements for the Omaha cele bration: Onrdon W. Wattles. A. I Reed. )lllxrt M. Hitchcock Home Miller, Victor Koaewater. W. A. Krnaer. K M. HticktnKham, W. IT. Kuchult. Caapcr K. Yot. Nonln Drown. On arrangement, for the school and county celebrations: lmf. A. O. Thnmaa, Lincoln. ttona Is. Hammond, Fremont. Judtfe Paul Jeanen. Nehraaka City. On arrangements for the Lincoln cele bration: lr. If. B. Lowry, It. n. nuehnetl, A. J. Fawyer. t'ol. K. K. Hlacr. THE ONLY SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT FOR LIQUOR . AKO DRUG USING The KEELET TREATMENT re moves the craving for Liquor and Drugs and laavea the man master of himself. IT IS THE ONLY TREAT MENT THAT WILL DO THIS, and the only one that cures alcohollo and drug Inebriety. This treatment has restored over 400,000 men and women who were addicted to liquor and drugs; among the number are over 200,000 physicians. . It ta the PIONEER In thla work and has many imitators, but un rivals or competitors aa tar aa KESL'LTB are concerned. During the THIRD OF A CEN TURY that this treatment has been continuously and successfully ad ministered, nearly two thousand im itation, or alleged "cure" concerns have started out aa our competitors; today scarcely a dozen aurvlve. Some of them ao closely imitate our claims, literature, etc., to such an extent, aa to Indicate a pre-determlned Intent to deceive. They appear almost under every conceivable same, fool the people for a little while and pasa on Into oblivion, forgotten by the public, but not by the unfortunates whom they deluded and duped Into trying their iuethoda. The one regrettable fea ture la that they ahould be able to deceive any through false preten sions, or with their absurd and pre posteroua claims, for in many canes they drive all hope and confidence cut of the Uvea of those whom they fcave thus misled. If you need to take treatment for the Liquor and Drug addiction, inves tigate THE KKELEY TREATMENT, a treatment that Is known the world around and which la recognised by the public and the medical profes sion as the SUCCKRSFUL TKEAT lit. NT for these addlctlona. Look tp some of ouc former patlenta, horn yon win find la every com m unity. They are healthy, happy and prosperous; many of them will tell you that tbfiy would not be liv ing today If it had not been for the I. LULL V TREATMENT. All busl kfe.s and correspondence with ua la etrlutly confidential and all Inquiries paired in plain sealed envelope. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE t-'-a a&4 Dtii KLreeU, Omaha Hob. Program for tho Third Day of tho Congregational Meet NEW HAVEK, Conn., Oct a -The Na tional Council of Congregational Churches divided Its third day's program today Into the regular business seaMon, the annua! meeting of the Congregational Church Ptilldlnir society and four sectional meet ings, at which special subjects were taken up for consideration. The afternoon was to be used for con tinuance of the sectional meeting and tonight at the general meeting the speak ers will be Rev. C. F. Aked, Pan Fran cisco, on "The International Conscience," and Rev. O. A. Gordon, Boston. Arkansas Lumber Going to Russia FORT BMtTH. Ark.. Oct. O.-ArkannaS lumber mills will furnish approximately ano.OOn.008 feet of red oak timber to the Ruaaian government within the nent few weeka. It Was announced here today. B. W. Oreen of this city, announced he he-d closed a contract with Ruselan pur chasing agents for red oak rail road ties and I P. Coleman announced he had secured contracts for more. The ties will be used In double tracking the Riga to Moscow railroad. Maet twe Thmm " A tailor's work ta sedentsry. That la why most tailors suffer from constipa tion. O. Vf. Roherson, Wichita Falls, ., ssys: "I find Foley Cathartic Tab lets the most delightful, cleansing cathar tlo I have ever taken. They are just the thing." They keep the stomach sweet and the liver active, drive away head ache, dullness, tired feeling, biliousness, bloat and other results of clogged bowels. Prompt and effective, without gripe or pain, Stout people pralae them for the light, free feeling they give. Bold everywhere. Advertisement in 13 111 X I I B.ELLrANS Absolutely ' Removes Indigestion. Onepackago proves it. 25c at all droggists. omefliijdL r Boim a. ,u COM PAN Y. 1516-20 Firnam 5r. puit$ for men byamW.PecK and jStein bioch Drop in and see the best Value in master tailor modeb we have ever offered ourTrade 'A A A 'A A YA lA 1 I 7 'A 'A V. 'A 'A A This r.laoclvo Fumod Oak 11F!L ETT Tcrms:$4.00 Cash, 3.00 Monthly TOljllllimiilMiinnwiMiiMwii M,..t...,,.fm)1 ut . ' I I" l 1,1 Hi,... ... 1 n II: ' ' . r KROEHLER DU0F0LD SUITE A LIVING ROOT by day-Abed room at night Set coueistt oi" Duofold Bed Davenport, Arm Rocker and Arm Chair, Richly Upholstered. Of Solid Oak Con- Richly Upholstered S60.00 to S65.00 is in Fabricoid Leather. The aeata and backs of thla Duofold 8et are very handsomely and durably upholstered In Spanish Fab ricoid Leather of a splendid quality. Colombia Grafonolas. traction Throughout. Not only la thla 3-plsce outfit extremely beautiful In design, but It la also sub stantially built of solid oak finished In a beaatiful fumed. the Regular Price. If you were to purchase tbcsu plecea separately at one or several stores you could not purchase the com plete outfit ror less than $60. Note the special easy terms. Mrs. Potts Irons. H.tndfcmely nickel plated, (tat of three different Ulie Irons with holder and rest. 6a turd only. ay, a e e i 59c 18 Latest Record 8le Hons and a (Vluutbla "lead er" Urafonola, $78.90 Special trm$. only $ I a week f?TtT-4?-. m m tc w The Columbia tone la lncouipar able and matchless and the tone vol ume can ue t. J - . 0 suit your pleasure. V Fit i " ? Ur(Un (I aa 11 IW I J 1) U Electric Irons. cord Nickel plated with socket. Fully guaran teed. Saturday, only. Goods Bold Out of Town on Easy Terms. Tour Old (Move Taken I'art Pafment on a New Range or Ha Uurnor. and Baseburners The kind that save you muney. Prl-.ea as low aa $29.50 D Union mfittinsG? CMAllA ' . $1.65 u Altiatin HEATERS Vwtoe tbe keat wtta eae-lwif Ute fuel. Fully (ruar anteel. &lany eiaes to salvvt . front. Moderate prices. Kaay term. ff --- '' . . .-. . ... iii . "vil 1 II mm mm mmmM ' J Our Big Daylight Men?s Floor Is a Pleasant Place to Buy Clothes Men's and Young Men's Suits anf Overcoats Second Floor Boston Store. Our immense variety insures you get ting exactly what you -want. The entire floor is flooded with daylight in which col ors and shades show true. There's no guesswork in buying here. No taking something you don't quite like. Courteous salesmen will give you careful attention and do all in their power to please you so fully that you will come again. And, what ever price you wish to pay, you will get as good value at Brandeis as it is possible to get in any store in all America. The Home of Hinh-Wickwire, Seciety Brand, and Scbloss Bros. Overcoats and Suits for Men and Yonng Men, at 1 5 - 35 Nothing is good that is not worth re peating:, especially if it makes friends by the hundreds like this sale did of last Saturday. It waB a larga purchase, enabling tis to offer values that would be impossible except under favorable buying conditions. They are made of finer woolens than could be put into regular suits and overcoats from $18.00 to $25.00. The workmanship, finish and fit of every overcoat and suit is of uniform high standard and sizes are so complete that every man from slim youth to partly middle age can be fitted per fectly. In two big Jots for Saturday LOT 1 ' LOT 2 ii Oo a QJ Every day we demonstrate to our customers the superior excellence of our Blue Serge Suits. The va riety of weaves and models gath ered from the leading producers are offered you here at )r aa from $10.00 to 3CD.UU Genuine Pieced Coon Overcoat 62 inches long, shawl tOC flA collar epaCdeUU Exclusive distributers for Patrick Duluth Mackinaw Coats for Men and Young Men, $7.50 to a u.a $15.00 Omaha's headquarter for Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits jr AA at $15.00 to sfJd.UU Omaha's headciuarters for Men's and Toung Men s Mackinaw Coats at $5.00, $7.50 ana $10.00 V II viu ) I ViW IVi eeeeeeee VMIIV W I LU eeeeeeeeeeeee U M V W V I SMiU eaaeeje Unusual Advantages in Men's Furnishings 125 Dozens Men's Heavy and Medium Weight Flannel Shirts, in plain and neat striped patterns. Regular and military collars. These are wonderful values, worth $1.25, fi on large bargain square Saturday, at vlaJC Oar Annual Sale of Webber's Hand Made Men's Sample SWEATER COATS At Actual Wholesale Prices Webber's Sample Jumbo All Worsted Sweat- r Coats, worth $10.00 and $12.00, at S " $5.98 $4.98 $3.98 $2.50 er Webber's Sample All Worsted Hope Stitch Sweater Coats, worth to $8.50, at , Webber's-Sample All-Wool Sweater Coats, V neck and ruff neck collars. Worth $6.50, at Webber's Sample All-Wool Sweater Coats. Worth to $5.50, at , , Webber's Sample Wool Sweater Coats. Worth to $4.50, at We consider this a lucky purchase, as w are only able to secure these sample sweater coats once each year. One targe Bargain Square of Men's Ribbed and Fleeced Union Suits, ecru and gray color. Closed crotch, medium and heavy weight. Munslng Union Suits for Men. We are Omaha's exclusive agents for this famous underwear. All sizes, In all weights of all fabrics. Sults V Values to $1.75. at 98c . One Big Lot of Men's Wool and Wool Ribbed Shirts and Drapers- natural gray color. Worth to $1.60. Special Saturday, garment $1 to $5.50 89c Several Hundred Dozens MEN'S GLOVES Samples and overstock from on of the best eastern glove makers, on sale Saturday at about 50o on the dollar. Auto and Driving Gloves. Men's Unllned Dogskin All-Leather Gauntlets. Men's Lined Dogskin Gauntlets. Men's Dogskin Wool Lined Gaunt lets. Men's Imported Cape Leather Gauntlets. Men's Dogskin Gauntlets, grip palm. Actual valuea to $4.00, - gg Men's Imported Cape Street Gloves. Men's Pique Dress Glove. Men's Lined Cape Gloves. Men's Unllned Mocha Gloves. Men's Blsck Cape Street Gloves. Men's Suede Dress Gloves. ' Men's Wool Lined Cape Gloves. Men's Lined Mocha Glores. Men's White Kid Dress Glovss. Aetusl values to $2.00, t, pair- .98c The Sort of Head wear Men Appreciate Men's $1.50 and $2.00 Hats at 65c ' Odd lots and sample lines of Men's Hats, over 75 dozens to select from, black, brown and green mixtures. SUIT hats in black and brown. Choice Saturday or , Men's Sample Caps, 65c Orer 100 dozena Men'a and young men's fall and winter rape. High grade sample lines, silk lined with fur in side band. Valuea to $1.60. Choice Saturday CC for DOC Boys' $1.00 Hats, 49c Saturday we will place on ale about 60 dosens boys' and children's new fall and win ter headwear. Chirhilla rah raha aad polo etyu.; al. flae wool hate and cap. M f ValtiM te 11. Cholo. Q M Saturday at IJ and w Felt hate in gray, 65c New Fall Hats for Men Here you have tha best the world produces to choose from. v We are headquarters In Omaha for tha famoua John B. Stetson (MA AA Hats, $3.50 to....$lU.UU Exclusive agents In Omaha for the celebrated (fo et "Mayo Hats," at.... $ J.UU "Brandeis t0 A A Special" 7aC.UU Other standard n pa makes p3U A SALE OF MEN'S' FINE SHOES 500 Pairs of Men's Fine Shoes, in tan calf, dull calf and patent leather, lace or button styles ; new English lasts or the high toe patterns. Every pair fitted with welt sewed Jo a r f-Cri.Tw soles. All sizes. Worth $3.50. Special Saturday, pair Extra High Top Hunting Shoes, made from genuine elkskin, soft and pliable. Made to sell for $7.50, all sizes, jg qq neavy Work Shoes for Men, made from fine soft elkskin, heavy full double soles all the way to the heels. Always comfort- o fr able. All sizes, pair ipO.UU AN INVEST MM THAT PAYS DIG DIVIDENDS A BEE WANT AD