Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1915, Image 15
lefaralsbed Hnu. DKWKT AVE., tomtrwm nfumlshrd front room; strictly mmiwii Ked "!. Fi-ataked Htutkrtlif lleoeas. ri'RNlSHKD room for light housekeep ing. S. lh 8u, &; 4 roimt, well fur nished. private bath and entrance; clfo In. HKrkrrrl Beeeas. TA VKNPORT TWO OR TtTREa NICELT FURNISHED HKFO. ROOMS, KEW PRICK FLAT. tA FARNAM Nice, modem, heated housekeeping rooim. steern- I or 1 nlrt rmi., housekeeping. 1113 8. 11th, Pt. Mary's Ave,, I rm, front roonte. CAUFURMA. Za-riwj,, hkp. rmmn. Heaeee aaal Ct Ikst. North. . SEVEN rooms, 2417 Charles, 1. Phone wamut JH. -R)oM house, modern, 1JJ Ixtlhrop, ..:i.ra. I.HU ii jias Loinnn. H colored people, e and e-room cot tages, partly modern. 1S40-1M1 N. ttd rt. ian iKiuit. "FOR RENT Beautiful mdrn rel dence, T rooma and bath, rot wta heat. Large garage; at 3S-X) Floranca Blvd. t-hona Colfax WWi 11 tf N. 22d. 4-r. fiat, steel range, U Stove, kitchen cabinet, water paid, H7. RABP BrlOB. IOUGUAa 1M- Seal. COTTAGE 4 room and bath; fa: no beat; good neighborhood; 2L ISO S. Hth. H. 1W. FOR RUNT Cheap, houae with 11 large rooms, electrlo lights and furnace. Tel. Poug. 672 or call at 1210 8. 11th St. 4 R. cottage: mod.; 1031 8. lst. H. MOD. -r. houae, Hanacom park district: newly decorated; fine condition. Call TRlCTLlf modern. 7-r., Hanacom Park, . i a4- m-i l i . -ti vnn i ruin m, ftv. iiri i -it-tr. IDEAL, 6-room oottage, modern except furnace, gas water heater, electricity, newly decorated, water free until spring. H23 8. Hth Bl D. 71W. l-R. moderp cottage. u. Tel. Har. laM. 130 Georgia Ave. eight rooms good fur nace. Tel. Harney 2S10. 1-ROOM. modern. Poppleton Ave. MODKKN 7-room house, lUi) Park Ave., 136. Phone Harney 1546. 627 PARK AVK. 9-room mod home. ; garage extra. Carey Cleaning Co, H. 7307. i?ROOM cottage, ill 8. 28th St., ls. Water paid. 7-R. house and bath. 16 B. 14. Red ft ROOMS. 116. POUTH. Gas. electrlo lights, city water, eta. AMERICAN SECU. R1TT COMPANT, 17th and Do uirl as. uougias ooi. o. 1S14 PARK AVE-Brick, modern. Wee. T-r. mod. house, 8S14 Leaven worth. W. ffW. tA DAVENPORT STREET, l-room modern home. Pretty corner. PETERS TRUST CO. la Farnam Bt. Doug. 9. o. olg JONES eT.6-room mod., iJO. H. laa. lit N. g?tl Ave.. 6-r. mod. Key Hit IN, 2fth -R. modern house, strictly modern; one oik. west ireignton col. rei. ti. xuo. WEST FARNAM HOME FOB RENT. 160.00 8-room strictly modern flat in "Norwood," 3326 Harney St., good location, fine repair. ObiORGE COMPANT, 801 City Nat l Rank Hldg. . Phone Pousjlas 7W. WEST DAVENPORT. 140. t-r. and maid's room down; 4 rooms and Dam up; hot water heat; big corner; garage; decorate to suit. O'KEEb'E REAI, ESTATE CO., 1014 Omaha National. Douglas 2715. MUcfllaneom, 114 8. 29TH 7-r., all modern house; newly papered and painted; close In, 2501 N. 6tfth Ave., 4-r., all mod. bouse; fine lot, auto garage, 20. N. 27th, i-r., mod. ex. heat, $12.60. RASP BROS. DOUGLAS 1658. lot MA HON, sr., all mod., 40. 1012 Pacific, 10-r., mod. ex. heat, 3S. 21A Poppleton Ave., -r., all mod., IfJO. Wi Chlcugo, 5-r., mod. ex. heat, $20. ' Okil N. is tli, 6-r., mod. ex. beat. lit. latis Ohio, 6-r., mod. ex. heat, Hi. 4-21 Fowler Ave., &-r., part mod., 1&. 217 Spencer (St., S-r., mod. ex. heat, MO. 1412 S. 17th, -r., city water, 112.60. HIRKETT & COMPANT. 43 Be Bldg. Douglas 688. HOUSliJ APAKTMHNT8 FLATS 14.60 6-r., 3026 Burdette, mod. ex. beat. V.0 7-r., 4:4s iTunKiin bt, modern. .. 6-r., &I0 So. 26th Ave., mod. flat i.Tti.00 6-r.. 63S Park Ave., mod. flat. I4A60 4-r. apt., "The Harold," 27th and Jackson Sta. 160.00 7-r., liti So. 87th St., mod., hot water heat, garage. fcO.OO-S-r.. JS2U llurney St, mod., first class. I75.CO 8-r.. 3.121 Harney St., extra fine. GEORGE & COMPANT. 02 City Nat l Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas T6&. HOUSES FOR RliNT. J'ij.00 6-r., all modern. SHi.Ou -r., newly papered. South Ride. I16.0O ?-r., near car, school. Bo. Side. HH.Ou 3-r., near car, school. So. Side. $14.00 4-r., eiec. light, cement basement; half block to car. $.T8.0o lo-r. flat, modern; ea ear line; 6 niln. walk to Union depot $46.00 S-r., furnlahed, $40.00 7-r., unfurnlnhed. $16.00 -r partly furnished for tight housekeeping. $25.00 of ice room with skylight, 24x20; heat furnished. ; AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANT. 17th and Douglas Douglas sols. $17 W 1721 Lake, I rooms and bath. S20.0O-XM8 jonet, f rooms and eath. GLOVER 4b SPAIN. Doug. 392. lis CltT National o. 6-KOOM modem cottage for rent Phone Walnut eno. Globe Van&Storage Store, moves, packs, ahlpa; s-borse vaa and men. $1.26 per hr.; storage IS per mo. Saustaotlon uar. D. 4HS A Ty. tW. FIDELITY gJAh FBEE Phon DoutU 8tt tor eoviplat 1U ol w'aoant hou and .ptrtmenu; aio Cor I Id.L. J eZt Gordon Van Co. 3 Stores . n n. utb st Tel. D SM or Har. 1W7. GOOD aula aeles room on Farnam 6t Very reasonable rent Tel. Doug. 4U. Maggard's SJVS png, pacmng, snipping. ITU wsbetsr Bb Deuglas 14sC CEB the Central Furniture Swre'e FREsI KICNTAb LIST. SEVEN and five-room houses; modern; walking a ist a nee, uougias ebs. 1 1 nn ho a Crelah Sons at Co.. Bee Bldg, T C Reed V stores a. Farnajn. D. ti4. WANTED TO BUT OFFICE furniture bought and sold. u, tteea, iwi r arnara. jjoug. sie fetrlctly high grade piano Web. 172." Tale bun everything Id hand. Web. 404. WILL buy a Ford. 614 First Nat l Bank. HIGUEaT prices for eid dotting. D. 4714. WANTED TO RENT TWO furnished rooms for light house keeping, on car line. State full parucu lara first reply. Addreaa M 214, Bee. REAL ESTATE FA Hat RMCit LA NUB TOM i 'shin era Msn live Oak Colontee. none better. W. T. fmith Co.. IS14 City Nat Ha. D. Bia fa. FOR f ALB OR LEASE Any part ef 4.00 aoree nr Hosetowa. Saakatchewan. I ' aww.vwv vuaasi vi ow Rim w,wv busbels ef flax on land tbta year. Prloe cheap and terms very easy. Frank Crew- Iowa. 60MB! fine acreage on main traveled rnurf - . i o m i-. ,, - vuwi, vu . w. i m uuibi north of Council Bluffs. Has good soil fur fruit growing or for small farms, Prioa $76 per acre oa easy term. Let us show this to you. DAY A HESS COMPANT. 12) Pearl Bt, Council Bluffs. Ia. RKAIi ESTATR FARM A H4.1MII l-MH FOR gAI.R Mlseeerl. Farm for Sale KO arret, close to market; Vtnwn rountv Missouri; free and fleer: M acre In cultivation, balance In valuable pecan timber and sts.s; Idea) stock farm; two and three cuttings of hay per rear; two sets of (nod Improvements, beeines tenant house: three aod never failing wella; fanred and rross fenced: within three mile of two railway stations. Will dlvtde (ami If denlred. selling lOu acres or IsU. Addreaa owner, tl'KEE WET.TT, R. F. L. No. 4, Rith Hill, Ve. Nebraska. Iuvestigato Kimball County, Nebraska. Place for you to buy for big crops and rise In value. 160-jjo or whole section left out of selected tract of level land. Best black, sandy loam, underlaid with clay. WRITR FOR PICTURR FOLDWRS. A special Imrsraln close to county seat: 190 acrea. Irrigated, at 6 per acre. O'keefe Heal Estate Co., m Omaha National. Douglas I71K. CHOICE farm for sale A snap; owners need money and will sell at a sacrifice; 1 miles from Omaha; welt Improved 100 acre farm. Clauson Bros., Klron. Is. Wla. UPPER WISCONSIN Beat dairy and general crop state In the union; settlers anted: lends for aala at low prices ea easy terms. Ask for booklet $4 on Wiscon sin Central Land Grant Excellentfianda for stock raising. If Interested in iruu lands aak for booklet on auple ore hard a Address Land and Industrial Depart, te Line Railway. MlnneaoOHs Vina Mleeellaaeoea. TTAVB TOU A FARM FOR SALBt Write a aood descrlntlon ef your land sad send It to the Sioux CUT, la JeureaL "Iowa's Moat Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five words every Friday evening, Saturday morning ana every Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ads oa twelve different days for 62; or words, $4, or 76 words, 16. Largest circulation of any Iowa sew paper, SAMMO reeuere dally la four great state. REAL ROTATE IXAN MONET TO LOAN. To people wishing to build homes or business buildings For complete Information con cerning terms, etc., call oa or addreaa. BANKERS REALTT INVESTMENT CO. Ground Floor Bee Bid, Telephone Douglas !. o $j00 TO $1,000 made promptly. F. D. weaa, weao cog., istn ai remain am. CITY and farm loans. 6, . per eeot J. H Dumont Co.. 4i Mate nana. A "For Sale" ad will turn second-ttaad furniture Into cash. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. w. w. inomas iai Bia'e nana zma. WANTED Good farm and city loans at lowest rates. PETERS TRUST CO., 1M Farnam. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.; 1916 Omaha National. Phone Douglas IT16. MONET on hand for city and farm loans. H. w. Binder, city National uanx oiua. 6fi CITT LOANS. C. a. Carlberg, He ll Brandela Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED At once, residence, Dundee, West Farnam or cathedral neighbor hood; will pay $4,000. spot cash. Full par ticulars. Box 518 Lincoln. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE FIVE ACRES ON PAVED ROAD. A splendid piece fronting on two streets. House Is all modern and contains 6 rooms. Lots of fruit Property is clear and owner might consider Omaha Income property, but it would have to be priced at its actual casn value. PATNB INVESTMENT COMPANT. Fifth FL Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. D. ITU. REAL ESTATE NORTH 6IBH $3,300 Buys this beautiful 6-room, all modern house, with sleeping porch; oak finish; full basement; 2 years old. Large lot; nice shade. Located on the boulevard. No paving or special tax. This place ought to bring $4,000, but to get the cash owner will take $3,3ii0; $1,000 cash, bat to be arranged. Phone for appointment If you wisn to see it. W, S. FRANK, Doug. mo. 201 Neville Blk. LOOK AT THESE BUNGALOWS. No. 2018 and 2024 Lafayette Ave., 6 and rooms, with beamed cellngs, paneled walla, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, china closet lighting fixtures, plumbing, heat ing; yard sodded; south front; oak and white enamel finish; close in; Just east of Be mis Park, In Montolalr. Call owner and builder for prices and terms. A. H. OLMSTKAD, Phone Web. 820. OWNER will sacrifice 6-r strictly Mod ern house, with large sleeping room, oak floors, woodwork nicely decorated. Terms. Phone Webster 1127. OWNER. LEAVING CITT. Seven rooms and garage, 1st floor fin ished in oak; hot air furnace; laundry. Worth 24,000; $4,260 buys It this week. Terms If desired: Tel. Owner, Web. 7210. Get Settled FOB TILE WINTER In a new, modern, up-to-date T -room house, finished In oak and rosewood; quarter-sawed oak floors. IBM Sahlet'. Owner. Colfax 41M. LOOK AT THESE BUNGALOWS No. 201$ and 1024. Lafayett Ave.. S and rooms, with beamed ceilings, paneled walla, fire place, bookoaaea, buffet, china closets, lighting fixtures, plumbing, heat ing; yard sodded, south front, oak and white enamel finish, close In, Juet east of Bemls park In Montolalr. Call owner and builder for prices and terms. A. H. Olmstead, Phone Web. 2620. 3d and Fort lot S200. Walnut $064. $4600 HOME FOR $4,600. One of the beat bargains we have ever listed. Near Omaha university contains rooms and Is up-to-date la every re spect, can us. PATNE INVESTMENT COMPANT. tth Fl. Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. D. 17U. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE NEAR IIANSCOM PARK 221$ 8. ilh Ave., lot 40x142, east front brand new house, just completed, fin ished In oak, completely up-to-date, $3.u0; $.'-10 cash, balance $30 per month. To see It is to buy It. C. O, CARLBERG, ' 212 Rrandels I heater Hldg. FOR SALE Strictly modem stucco house now under construction In Field club district; 7 rooms and Incloeed Sleep ing porch; entrance to houae from $ atresia: can be finished to suit purchaser if bought now. Phone owner and builder, Harney 75111. MUST BE SOLD. New, T rooma sleeping porch, pressed brick foundation, oak floors, oak and birch finish, book cases, buffet, beam celling, mirror doors, tinted walla, beau- uiui iignuiing fixtures, guaranteed fur naoe, fine bath room, beat material and workmanship, south front, one block to oar, very cheap. OWNER, Douglas 161 6 ROOMS-A4. Win (-room St Louis fiats, ia walking distance; modern; Shelby court, 224 st H block south ct Leavenworth St. $16. PKTER8 TRUST COMPANT, 1622 Farnam St Doug. evs. o LOT 60x12. all Improvement Hanacom park district. Tel. H. lata. B 2S8, bee o IN CREIGHTON'S FIRST ADDITION 2236 B. Kth Ave., e-room house, fin ished la oak, kt ilri. east front $4; uUU cash, balance I nr mnrnh 0. G. CARLBERG, 212 Brandela Theater Bldg. RRAI. KSTATF WF.ST RTDW West of Mount Farnam Why not select your lot In the new addition to Dundee, sooth ef Dodge St.. west of 6ld St Don't wait until every lot Is told In this beautiful new addition. H. H. Harper & Co. Douglas 26M. 1012-14 City Nat l Bank. Bungalow This fine new bungalow will be ready for you to occupy In two weeks. Is I blocks from Farnam car and blocks from the Cathedral. Has oak floors and finish, 6 rooms, and Is completely mod ern. Can be bought on payment. It will pay you to see this place if you want a home. Address of bungalow, 4311 Chi cago St For price and terras call Creigh, Sons & Co. Douglas . 60t Bee Bldg. J II L.n liiut-pn S-Btrfcrv trmmm and At a moderate price In Crelghton's aou UKJ II. xnoueni, riwj uwwftini stucco, one year old. Has recep tion hall, dining room, kitchen, sun rarlor on first floor; three fine bed rooms, screened slcepiug porch, bath and plenty of closets on sec ond floor. Hardwood finish throughout. Full crmetited lae ment. with furnace; large lot beau tifully sodded; cement walks; everything right un-tMhe-mlnute. This Is a home that will suit any .one, no matter how particular they may be. Terms can be made. W. T. Smith Co. atf National Bank Building. WALKING DISTANCE S Dodge, - room modern house, rirai-oiass oonai tlon; ready to move Into; key at 240, IWt fall to look It through. W. W, Mitchell, owner. Phone Webster 4K76. Close In TTn-wAate t-room house, lust about finished, at a bargain, cy ownw ana builder, located at 2007 Cass St Tel. H. 14S. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Deadee. 5028 Burt St. Price, $4,250 5-Room Bungalow This Is a fine five-room bungalow, lo cated on a nice corner lot; two blocks from car: south tront: on paved street Living room, dining room and den or i oearoom iimsnea in oaa; aucnen, oaui and bedroom finished In hard pine. Is strictly modern In every way, hav ing all built-in features, such as beamed ceilings, buffet and bookcases. Reason able terms to the right party. Call us up "and we will be glad to show you this property, or go direct and look It over. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. ttO Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. D. 498. Beaeea, Benson Snap $200 Cash $25 Per Month 6-roora, strictly modern, t year old; 2 rooms finished In oak ; all now being decorated; good garage; choice corner lot t blocks from Main St, No. 201 No. 6Hh Ave. Here you can get the biggest bar gain of the season. If not sold In a few days will be rented. See Rasp Bros. 10s McCague Bldg. Doug. 1062. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Farnam Street A Growing Street We offer for a short time one of the beat corners on Farnam St. for 1250,000. Harrison & Morton REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Mu Sell D. J. O'Brien's new horn, oa boulevard and Field club district; 7 rooms, sun par lor, heated garage, fireplace, bookcases and an Ideal arrangement Owner moved to New fork. Chance to buy a big bar gain. Northeast corner tKth avenue and Pop pleton, Field club, brand new 7-room, oak, white enamel and mahogany finished home; heated garage attached, and an ideal place In every way. Owner says sell before first of month. OBT BUST. Investments Brick business corner southwest all stores on five-year leases: shows 11 per cent gross on a value of $21,200. and be side there Is M feet vacant and unim proved that oould be made to bring In at least $40 p.r month on an expenditure of about tltoe. Owner says sell. Will take part cash and carry balance back. Brand sew apartment house: inoom. $1JU per year, all rented. Owner says sell. sal iake us aa offer. Acreage Tea acres, highly Improved! new, big bam, brick chicken house, 7-r. all modern home: place has a great deal of fruit and an ideal proposition In every way. It can't be beat IN VB8TIOATE. Vacant Three lots wlthla one-half block of paved street, north; all clear: quick sell ing price of $1,000. Here la a big bargain. Calkins & Co. Douglas 121$. City Nat Bldg. TrMD ART OF SELLING FOR CASH. This little brochure explains fully bow we can sell your real aetata or business for cash, no matter where located. We meaa it Write today describing what you have to sell, buy or exchange, and receive this booklet tree. b. F. LOOe) CO.. 401 W. Walnut Bt. Ds Moines. Ia e 5-Room Bungalow The owner of a practically new bunga low will sell It very cheap and on easy terms. All on one floor. Oak fliilsn, built In buffet and bookcases. Large floored attlo; cement cellar; warranted furnace; $v0 lighting futures; large corner lot; good garage. CALL COLFAX 1461. LIQUOR LICK I IS) APPLICATIOM. NOTiClt Matter Applloulua et Theoua a Pstsrssa lor Lienor lAamam. Mwtlse la fcorsby givea taat Tnai I. Km 41. dmi tUa i 4r ef Ucteter. A. D. 114. (lis ku apsiioattoa whs lb ue4 at Coast? Ceemusluom ef Iwus las Ceustr, aw lieu Is sail mm. spirituous aue vievua Ulnars ai UA 1 la Muck I, BMMoa, Mrlr4is rVeclaot), DoutU Count,, N krsaka, ttvm tea first r o Nuiakaf. 114. t tks lirat ar l Nn'iaisr, 1I4 It thars bs as b)ecias, rmaaB. or yruusc tiUd withis to eaaks Irum lbs latk da, ol Oetobar, A. u tha said llcua will ba srsaue. THrM44 g. 1'kfa.Kat.N. Avullcuu &UVNJ REAL ESTATE WEST RIDE geftasnlW ssC gt llg, Vs"' jplA Cfii "fl"! Gi A 7Y fTi T T"il (OlI'T'n nA Choice AN UNUSUAL CLEAN-UP SALE Saturday and Sunday.Oct. 23-24 40 LOTS S.e:ore $395 to $495 20 LOTS Up. $495 to $695 $5 Down--Terms$5 Per Month Now Is The Time To Buy In Greater Omaha This Sale Again Will Such Prices and Terms Prevail in J This District. TVia T nrci rr These lots are located within 12 to 15 minutes lie lAJUrtllUll 0f the City Hall and are within a stone's throw of Omaha's finest residences. They are near the center of Omaha. Tmnrrnmionf c Nearly every lot has SEWER, CITY WATER, lilipiUVeilieillb GAS, SIDEWALKS and all GRADING done. Moderate priced homes are going up all over the property. Building lines have been. established in every block and MODERATE restrictions prevail for all lots. T)r Vnil T?A.1i'7P many fortunes have been made in UU 1UU IVCailZfC Omaha realty during the ten years just passed and that many larger ones will be made in the near future? Buy now and buy where prices are not inflated. f . s Our Addition Office Is at 426. and California Sts. Salesmen there Saturday and Sunday. Take a Dundee car, get off at 43d and Dodge Streets and walk a few blocks north; take a West Far nam and Cuming car, get off at California or Cass street and walk two blocks west; or get off at 42d and Cuming streets and walk two blocks south. Phone Walnut 382 or Douglas 4233 and we will send an auto for you. HULER Addition Office: 42d and California REAL ESTATE WEST SIOE Close-in Offers You REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE Residence Lots the Opportunity. Never & GARY Main Office: 202-204 State Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE -WEST HIPE in r r r n I ,r t rJ fl fl' ft B 1