Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1915, Page 13, Image 13
13 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOIiEU 1015. S-.-L.'.L I. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Bean Take Hold on Local Wheat Floor and Price Goes One to Three Centi Lower. CORN AJTD OATS REMAIN FIRM OMAHA. October . 191S. The local cash whnt market had a dcrlilt-dly bearish ton again toaay and zrulrtl from lifJo lowr. Thera waa a lnodrate wmand for this careal and the rreeipta were fair. The corn market waa firm, th price for this cereal ranging from Unchanged to He higher. Corn receipt wra again very light and the demand for thli cereal waa quit active, especially for the yellow varieties. iaia receipt! snowM considerable im rovement over thoaa of t last few ays and there was a oreli active de mand for this cereal. The market was quoted unchanged to Ho lower. There was a fair demand for rye and this market sold unchanged to Ho higher. barley remained practically un changed. Liverpool close: Wheat, unchanged to Id higher; corn. ltTJd higher. Trimary wheat receipts wera I.TM OHO bu. and shipment! l.ilSUM bu., against re ceipt! of 1.7M.O0O bu. and shipments of MB.000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipt! wera 1S9.000 bu. and ehlraients H5.000 bu., against receipts of ntOiC bu. and shipments of 133.0UQ bu. last year. Primary eat! reoelpta wera 1.10.000 bu. and shipments 2E6.000 bu., against receipt! of BJ.UJ0 bu. ad shipments ot MS,0U bu. last year. cxRLyr RETBipm Wheat. Corn. Oats. c-niaagw M 70 Mlnneapoll! s jmuia 7n ... Omaha It IS U Kansas City t14 16 10 St. Louis JfiG 16 17 Winnipeg 1.104 Thee saJea were reported today: Wheat No. t hart winter: 1 car. Mo. No. I hard winter: I cars, JTHe; 7 care, sic; t cars, K6c; cars. Mc; I cara, KHc: 1 car, 96c. No. 4 hard winter: li cara, Mcj I cara, Mc; I cara, Kc: t cara, lc; 1 cara, 0o. Sample: 1 car, 89o. No. S spring: 1 oar, 96c No. t dummi 1 car, WVra. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, Mc No. velvet chaff: 1 cars. 6c; Z cara, Mc. Rye No. I: I cara, 97c No. 4: 1 car, 9M,c. Sample: 1 car, l3Hc, Com No, a white: 1 car, 3c; 2 car!, 62Vo. No. white: 1 ear, 2Ho; 1 car, lWc No. I yellow: 4 cars, 64H- No. t yellow: Z cars, 644c. No. I mixed: 1 ear (near yellow), 64o; 1 car, 63Hc; I oars, CSo. No. I mixed: 1 oar, W4C. No. I mixed: 1 car, 624c; 1 car, 2c. 8ampls: 1 car, Co. Oats No. S white: 1 cars, 35c; I cars, 34c; 2 cars, MVfco. No. 4 white: I cars, Mc; 4 cara, 83Ho; l car, 33 -e. Bampls: 1 car, IZ'c; 1 car. ZAn. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. t tur- ker. Mcegl.OO: No. I turkey. SScTOl.OD: No. 1 bard, tQ9Sc; No. I hard, lVi OTHVo: No. 4 bard. rmme: No. 2 spring, 6V496p: No. 3 spring, WM.G96C1 rxo. i -durum, jcoikic; mo. aurum, nammt. Oom-No. I white, 62Hc; No. S white. 6Piiffl2V4c: No. 4 white. fi26JHc; No. 6 white, 6lmtW, No. white, ZW, no. I yellow, mwic; no. i yel u 111 4h!jiA. V l . . 1 1 No. 6 fellow, 63Hg3c: No. yellow, 3Hfe63ic; No. 2 mixed, 3 avc; no. 3 mixed. 6s3tto; no .4 mixed. 2Hif()c: No. t mixed, (B2He; No. mixed, 622Hc. Oats No. 2 white, 35 S'lc; standard, Vi6Hc; No. 2 white, WtW.c: No. 4 white, 834flH4c. Barley Malting, 4(W?4c; No. 1 feed. 4649o. Rye No. 2, 9?H698c: No. 1, 6ty&97c. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain proKera, ais soutn wixteentn, umana: 1U Artl. lel Open. I Hlgh.l tow. Close ! Yes y. Wheat I i Iec. 1 03TH 1 OSH 1 1 OHB 1 OS1 May. 1 04Vit 1 06 1 UH 1 0ZHH 1 Corn: reo SSH M 57H M Cats: Dec.. SM4 28 SffffViB WH May. 39 34940 29 3yVl3 8H Pork : Dec. 12 0 13 60 13 46 18 60B 13 00 Jan.. 16 S7H 16 40 16 20 16 31', 16 45 016 So v Lard: Oot I 90 t OS t 92Vt Jan.. t7H 1 07H IttH MH 910 Ribs: Oot.. ItSH 83H 2?H 2H 9 47, Jan.. iojw tW I 2W I97H .9 053g A-Xsked. B Bid. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION! Featare. ( the Tradla ul ClosUaj Prices ea Bar4 of Trade. OHICAOO, Oct. Loosening of tho hold which producers hanre maintained on the winter crop did a rood deal to day to bring about much lower prices In the wheat market here. The close waa heavy, lli'OOo down, with lecember at 61.001 and May at 61.0ii4f?'1.0S. Corn finlnhed unchanged to He lower; oata H to Ha off and provisions showing losses of 2o to 15c. Despit a little exhibit of bullish sen timent around the start extreme weak ness developed In wheat and especially during the laat half of the day. Liquida tion waa general and the declines that ensued were accelerated at times by a large amount of stop loss aelllng of the December delivery. Continued big re ceipt! at the spring crop terminals had made the trad incline to the apprehen sive, but had led to further result until sign! begun to appear that liberal pur chasing from first hands In the south west ws being protected by option sales In Chicago. The downward tendency that ensued gained additional Impetus from report! of a railway congestion east of Buffalo, owing to a Scarcity of cars on one of tha principal roads. Liverpool firmness, which waa reapon alhle for the only strength displayed by wheat, seemed to be baaed on a tem porary acarclty of offerlnga. The effect oi inia conaition, however, waa mora than offset later bv rumors of a Hard. nelles victory for dreat Britain. On tk other hand, word of Bulgaria and Auatro German successes appeared to carry llt- u weigni, aa exporters were Said to bs cancelling contracts freelv. Corn manifested relative strength, ad vancing at ons Urns In tho face of the break In wheat. Export buslneaa en couraged the bulls, but the wheat weak Base and tha fine weather gave the bears uanuy me advantage in the end. Oat! had no Independent action. Traders were governed wholly by attempts to follow chanaes In the nrices rf r. v. - - . Provisions weakened under selling ' by .muiiinivn iies ana uis smaller pack ers. Ths market lacked any aggreaalvs support. H. l?Hc I ; filbert. 15c lb.; rcans, lWo Ih. Aimond": Nonpareils. lc lv.; I XI, 17c lb. Drskes. lc lb ; Ne i'lus ultrea 1o lb.: Ingul.loca. IV lb. M ISCKUI.AN L' ;riKS : lt.W oa., te box. Crackcriark. 13.50 cae; H cae, I1.7S; Cornpoi. $.'. 36 c; W caee l fcV. Dates: Dromedary, $!. case; egr walnut dHtee, ll hi box. Peanuts: salted, 91 Ifc can. Popcorn: 40-1 lb. package, 12 SO rase, peanuts: No. I raw, a? ih.; No. 1 roasted. c lb.; Jumbo raw. 7c lb.; Jumbo roaated. 9c lb. Honey: 6S.71 cae; Airline, 3 doa. tumblera to case, $1.10. Cocoanuts: $4.M bag; TVs dot. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Qa.tatle.s ef li. Day Tartaa raaanaodltles. NRW TOHK, Oct. tl.-riOUR MarKet barely ateady. W H K AT pot market weak; No. 1 northern. Diiluth. II. (H, and No. 1. north ern, Manitoba. 11.08 c. I. f., Buffalo. Fu tures were weak; December, Il.OTV CORN Spot, taay, No. 2 yellow, Ha, prompt. OAT!-tPpot, eaay; No. 2 white. 41'S'41o. HA" Quiet; No. 1, H.2MT1.I5: No. !, tl.064ft.15: No. 2, 90c-gLOO; shinplhg. 7760. Hot'S Steady; state, common to choice, 1S15 crop. 2-Vii;Hic; I4 crop. Tl2c; Hacltlo coast, IS) 15 crop, UulSo; 1914 crop, lltLlc. HiDES-Steady; Bogota, lOjilo, CenUal America, I?o. LKATHF.K-rirm; hemlock firsts, $39 33c; second. 31S1S2C. PROVISIONS-Pork. ateadyt mass, $17.90 J17.50; family. 221.60423.00; short clears, 1S.50(B 30.a0. Beef, steady; mess, ll6.5oi'u 17.M): family. 118.00a 1.0. Lard, eaay; mid dle west. $9.30"Q.4. TALlxiw steady; city, TCi country, 7jy fttc; special. Sc. BUT1KR-Firmj receipts. , tube; creamer-, extras. ?8,tri'lc; firsts, 27W 28o; seconds, THi'X'iio. EOOB Pteady; receipts, (. eases; fresh gathered, extras, SfrtfKo.; extra firsts. tJ46c; firsts, W3oi seeonda. 29 27c. CHEBSO Firm; receipts, LTD boxaa: state, whole milk, freeh, flats, white and colored, specials, lMtttlfeVrO; Seme, aver age fancy, 16c. POVLTRT-Dreaeed, dull and weak; western fresh chickens, barreia, 14fr3gc; fresh fowls. Iced, iaai7Hc; frosen tur key. 18a$V. Live, firm; western chicken. lTglic; fowls, liWlc; tur keys, 18c. Mlnaeapolla Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Oot. 12. WHEAT De cember, 94c, May. 9814c; No. 1 hard, ll.oiN: No. 1 northern, c(r61.6v. FIl:R Unchanged. BARLKT-fOSMc RYES 9fc$l90c. BRAN-619.00. CORN No. 9 yellow-KTOe. OATS-No. 2 white, ft484c. FLAX 11.83 1.8&. 1 Liverpool Oral a Market. LIVERPOOL, Oct. M WHEAT pot. No. 2 Manitoba, lis 6d; No. . lis 6d: No. 1 northern Duluth. no stookv No. I hard winter, 12a 3d; Chicago) No. 1 hard, lis Wd. CORN F pot La Plata, li 2d. HOPS In London: Paclflo coast, ti 10s 9SS. Kansas City Gral aad Prvtalons. u-AKHASI PITT. Mo.. Oct. 12. WHEAT No a hard. tJ.0Jfi1.10: No. 2 red. I1.154J 1.18; December, SOaoeiee: May. Wiia. CORN No. 2 mixed, saifOc; No. 2 white. 6102c; December. iSo; May, 66S'SWto. OATS No. I white, !940o; No. I mixed. St. t.Aale Grata Market. ET liDtna Oct. 12. WHEAT No. 2 red. I1.W1.8; No. I hard, nominal; De cember, II OlVi; May, I1.O2VM01.O2H. corn No. 2 new. sno: new, tuvic: i. cember. K4c; May, 67. OATS-NO, 1. SiO. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 22. MERCANTILE PAPER Sk per cent. STERLING EXCHANOn-00-dRy bills. U W; demand, (4 cables, 34661S. slLVAtv-sar, tc; nexicait uuuars, 37M.C . . BONDS ewvernmsni, strong; rauroaa, M ON ET Time loans, easy; 60 and 90 days, 2V33 per cent. Call money, steady; high. 2 pr cent; low, IV, fT cent; ruling rate, 14 pr cent; last loan. 2 per cent; closing bid, l per cent; offered at 2 per cent. ... , Closing quotations on dodos wmay as follow!: . U s. ret. ts. ng..,. 9T Mo. Paa. a. M II t.W W N. Y. C. 4b. ...... 1(14 V 8 U r( Wl N. T. City J02 de ooutxm 101 N. Y. Biate 4Sa....l0 C. V e. "g W. H. A H. so eoupM w Panama e pea..lo4K raclfle e ti la MMr. t. l - A. T. T. a. .. io0. B. u nr. a. Armour ft Co. 4s.. M tee. T. ft T. a... Atrhlaon sa. .... HIT4T a. coo. 4 Ha... rttMdlna i. 4s.. m. u a. r. r, Pae. ev. Is... a as I. 4a r tt t a p r. 4. 44tn. Hal war aa. .. c! ft g. ret. 4Ha.... HVkfntoa Paclflo 4a.... U I), ft R. O. ral. M. M ao ev. 4a iv Brie sen. 4s 7HJJ. ft Rubber la....lo.t Oea. Gloria U M V. B. St-1 ta K4 Ot No. lat 4W WaVabaah lt la 10 III.' Cn. ref 4a....'. MIWeit fiiloa 4Ma... M . ia Anaio-t'ru la ... M OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt Light and Trade it Slow and Weak Sheep and Lumbi Steady. HOGS STEADY TO SOU! L0WB Receipt! were: Official Monday .. Official Tiierday .. OffV-tal Wednesday ... T.04 Official Phureday l.7?3 Eatlmats Friday 1.900 OMAHA. October H. 1918. rattle. Hog. Pbeep. .ll.S.9 ll.i .10.1K4 4,110 2.7S7 Lft 29. W U.2 16.24 a. wo It days' total! 97.5S6 1.r M.Vl Pame days last week..S1.tM9 U.U 1'' Seme 8 weeks aro 13.26 1.1 fame 8 weeks ago 27tJ 94 TM 14 OS! Came 4 weeka ago K 18.4H; IM 111 Same days last year... 14,643 9D, lJ9.6r4 The following table shows ths receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the Omaha lire stack market for tn year to data, as compared with last year: 115. 114. Ine Cuttle V.076 7R7.2J3 175 Megs irnim j.171.147 r.sii Pheep 9,685.087 2.63.1S .8 The following table shows the average prices of hoas at the Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with comparisons: Date Oct 6 Oct. 7.. Oct. 8.. Oot. .. Oct . Oct. 11. Oct It Oct. 11 Oct 14. Oot li. Oot 16. Oct. 17. Oct 19. Oct. 19 Oot 20. Oot 21. Oct 2L I 1716. 1914. 1913. 1111.1 lU 110 . a 8 2144 i 94 3 2T. is J 7 701 3 2i T 6 7 87 7 40 T74 7 4T. 7 34 I 7 34 7 K 7 JC e 7 04 94 64 I Tl 7 8 8 77 7 98! 8 T7 7 i 3 : 8 Oil 8 o II w 8 101 6 04 7 M 7 93 J DO K 7 75 7 S 9 40' 47 4 941 H I 27 j sr. 3 77 8 74 3H 9 71 8 37 I 81 37 30 N r M i i 8 47 6 r a 3 tt 8 n 8 41 3 r 6 87 9 4 IS 8 1 8 37 31 8 44 7 63 7 87 7 64 7 6. 7 64 e 7 7 1 7 7 61 7 40 7 4 7 44 a 7 87 15 r 6i day. Beat ewes cannot be quoted over 9S 76, while wether would do well to make 6 Co Heat yearllnga should make vik, although soma vety de nt stuff waa un abua to beat N 36 today. Uuotattona on fneep and lambs: Inmha. good to choice, tl tVg 4n; lambs, fair to good, 3V4Vu..60; lambs, feedeia. 7 . 7r-W I 60; yearllnsa. fair to choice, 10 76; rearllnga, feedera, 6 OH4T7.IO; wetbera, fair to chv. ee li.Mve S. , gool to rlok-e. r.6O06 76; ewes, fair to good. 36.00 ti6.60, ewes, feeders, 84.604I M. No. A. 947 Colorado feeder ewes.... 81 l.M) Ro. Dakota feeder lambs.. Mi Pt Ifo. iieJiota feeder lambs.. 1.S3I pouth iakota lamba 4 Idah feeder lambs. 67 Maho feeder ewes... 811 Breeder ewes 8) Idaho ewes II mile 1M Maho ewes...... 310 Idaho ewe ID Idaho lambs l,f-S I tan lambs. 414 Wyoming ewes Wyoming reenter lames. Pr in I 31 .. 7 00 .. 72 ( .. 04 7 74 ..104 .1 .114 1'tah feeder lambs. 360 Utah feeder lambs. .118 .104 . 73 . 71 .104 69 tl 41 4 tl W I 9. . 3 60 60 16 8 e 8 66 8 70 8 U 8 40 8 U CHICAGO LIV39 TOt K MARKET Cattle Weal Weak f beef. Sunday, Receipts and disposition of live stock i and at the Union stock Tarda Omaha for twenty-four bours ending at I o'clock yes terday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle sea Cv M. A Pt. P. .. 3 1 Missouri Pacific .... 1 1 Union Pacific 7 1 14 C. A N. W., east ..7 2 1 C. ft N. W.. west .. t S .. I C, 8t P.. M. ft O... 1 C, B. ft Q, east ..3 1 1 C. B. t Q., west ..24 7 C, R. I. ft P., east ..8 4 1 C R. I. ft P., west .. 1 Illinois Central .... 1 1 .. 1 Chi. Ot Western.... t 2 Total receipt! ....60 28 9 DISPOtilTlON-H fe-A D. Cattle. Hog. Sheep. flags Firm. CmCAOO, Oct. fJ OA TTL- Re ceipts, ,ooo head: market, weak; native beef steers, 8tl.OPnn0.40: western steer. 8i'..70i".: com and heifers, 32."tre; calves, rr.flnif? il.ort )IH)S RxH)tpte, 14.000 bead; market, i we, uncnanged to ISO lower; bulk. 9R o 7 60; light. it7:i7.; mixed. 344f..0; heavy 80.00177.90; rough, 8.0i.; pigs, 84.0Mrv 00. BHEH1P AND IAMT Receipt. lO.OtW head; market, firm: wethers, KO0t4.6; ewes. 84.004jtl.00; lambs. .0i&.8l. St. !. Mts Stock Market. T. LOUTS, Oct. n. CATTlJe Re eelpta, 9u0 head) market, steady; natrre baef steers, 37 6f!pi0. 16: yearlings, steer! end heifers, 8AtOu'lv.36; cows. 90.0Wa.0O; stockers and feeders, 96 0oy7.7l: southern steer-, 86.2f.tfft.6fl; cows and hnlfers, 14. "0 )K: native calves. 90 Xo 11.00. 1 1 Ma nsAt,,M a Biio t.... m..v.i steady; pigs and 'lights. "..7Mi'..,; mixed nuicners, Wi.Wpl.W; good heavy. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Farther Sensational Gains in War Shares and Automobile Issues. BETHLEHEM STEEL GOES UP NFAV YORK. Oct. Tl-FVrther senaa tliinal gains in war share and automobile leuea, lone; her with some irregular Im Movement In railway, were the chlet feature of today active market. Trad ing wn mot heavy In the forenoon, mora than half 'the day's btilncss of l..4 shares being transacted In that period. ine usual number of new high price wera recorded, ttethlehem Uteel adding a mere fraction to Its recent beat bv touch ing 4W, from which It reacted materially 'l1rS Other new maximum Included l-ethlehem preferred, up II point! to 1K4. Oerieral Motors 10 to J; Pnlted Statea lndustiial Alcohol, 7X to ir7T; Ptude baker, 4 to !); Willys Overland, 34 to : Maxwell Motora. s4 to 70, and Cen tral leather. I to tetv. Baldwin lvmolive was the moat Im pressive feature of the afternoon, ad vancing H, points to 144. within a frac tion of it a record. Tlie riae In thla atiK-k gave currency to fresh rumors of an in dustrial consolidation, embracing that company wtth the newly organlaed Mid vale 8t-el company and the 4Tlordo lron company and Oreat North em Ore rrocrtlc. The two Inst namd were very active and strong, while Mid vale annroxtmat.d i,. "ii "I, " the ourb. " "" " -LJVl,i st"l was a disappoint- tnent. fluctuating narrowly on a imr.o overtiim hi e m . . . . . -tt. a m J. 1 ? . vrin wnnin nalf-7 .V "-nms ior in a third uarter of the year next Tueedar rana-e rom 4O.X) 0ri0 to 146,000,000. i . .. r..Vtr- iZ. ... . nwiwsys ware Canadian Paclflo, Korfotk 4k Western. PHKKP head; market 744 1.3 OMAHA GBIIKKAL MARKET. POULTRY Hn. aiA. i n Ir , , . , , ...... quucih llSL.'SH1g'- P01 "xxters. 8c; tur tes, 16c; ducks, 10c; geese, full feather- -ti r" Pr dosen. FISH Halibut, lie; aalmoa red, 12Hc; salmon Dlbk. 9a: ulfl.h -iti. t,..n k..3J Ji lML uV-. JPif . L wbitefUh, , . .. , M., fLL.,,, 1W,'S..aii? v,eelb' price! furnished by Ollinakl Fruit Co.. BaiJCJT CUT-Rlbs: No. 1. lHo: No. 8. lSc; No. 8, 13WC, Loins: No. L V4c No. 2, 16c; No. 8, 14c Chucks: No. 1, 10c: No. 8. 9ci No. 8, 8c. Hounds: No. I. i4He; No. 2, 14c; No. 3, Uo. Plates; No. 1, lOUo; No, 3, 9 Wo; No. 3. SHc FRUIT3-0 ranges: California Valen clas, 136s IfiOa, 64.76 box; California Val so das, 176a aad smaller, 65.60 boa. Lemons: Kxlra fancy Qoldaa Bowl, luus, 86.00 box; extra fancy Golden Bowl, Sous, 84 60 box; extra fancy Bunklat, 9. UbO box; Red Rail. 84 00 bog. Grapefruit: 3Gs, 4rta, 64a, s. 8660 box. Peaches: Colorado FJlbertas. 66c crate; California Sal way a. 66o crate. Pears: Michigan Keif era, II. 2S bu.i winter Nations, S3.36 box; Buarre Clargiue, 83.50 box. Orapea: To koys, 1. 6 crate: Michigan and New Tork basket grapes, 36o basket Apples: Idaho fancy Jonathans, 87.60 box; Idaho extra tngton Jonathans, 31.75 bos; Jonathans, 13.36 bbl.i, Oriines Golden, Huntsmans, Pewaukeea and Greenings, 83. u bbl.; Illinois Ben Davla, 83.76 bbl. Bananas: Medium fruit "00 to 8336 bunch: C Vaiigulnokas ad Port Llraon, Jumbo. 4o lb. Cantaloupes: Colorado pink meats, 76c erate. VKOFrABLF-S Cabbar. Hie lb t head lettuce, 1 1 ' do!.: leaf lettuce. 4V aoat celery, jumoo, tee oos. ; celery, western. to dot ; celery, Mlhlcgsn. 3&e doe. Celery: Jumbo TSe doa.; celery, onions, yellow. 10 lb.; tomatoes. Cal ifornia, 11 H boa; peppers. 6uc basket; parsley, t&e doa; rutabagas, lb.; cauliflower, 10c lb.; wax and green beans, 81 00 baaket. Onions: Bpaniah, 81 M crate. Potatoea: Colorado white sto'-k. Cue bu.; Ohlos. t.rc bu. Sweet potatoes: Hampers. 11 00 hamper; Virginias, ir rola ?7a bbl. NUT Walnuts: No. 1, 13o lb.; Bra- Dal. Ohio 4a.... ran. Paclflo lat... Cbae. ft Otlle 4H. O B. m U. 1. 4a.. C M ft 8 P g 4Ha. .. .. 7'J ..1M'4 .. IKVi 4s tl lis: K. C. 8o. nt. la. LAN. sat. 4e. 14. at. ft T. Ut aid. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 22. -COFFER The market for coffee futures was easier to dav. Kelllna- waa not aacresslve. but the recent advance seemed sufficient to at tract considerable realizing, wnne sup port was less actlvs with Msjch contracts selling ort to a.noc ana hiv to o.wc or about 14 to 16 points under the high level of yeaterdsy. The market opened 2 points higher to 9 points lower and closed at a net decline of 7 to 12 points. Pa lea, 32,600 bags; October, D.60e.; November, 60c; Deoember, 6.64c; January. .Mc; .February, 6.57c; March. .6So: April, 6,62c; May, 6.7c; June, 6.73o; July, .77o; August, 6.K!c; Beptember, 7e Bpot. steady; Rio No. 7, THe; Bantoi No. 4, 9Vc. Comparatively few firm oi ten were reported In th cot and freight market from Brasil with quotation! rang ing around 8.76tr 20o for feantos 4s. The official cables reported advances of 60 to 76 re la in the Brazilian markets with Rio axchsnge on London, l-ld lower. Santos reported a clearance of 136.000 bag for New iorlt ' Osaaba Hay Market. OMAHA, Oct 22.-PRAIRIE HAT Choice upland, none here, llO.iO'all.OO; No. 1, none here. I10.wwl0.60; No. 2, .& 10.00; No. 3. 00; choice midland, none here, SlO.eOQ 10.H: No. 1, 39.604jl0.O0; No. X 8. W 1 9. 00; No. 8, 16.00.00; choice lowland. I 00fil.60; No. 1. OOtjO.00; No. 2. 87.0tx&.00: No. 8. 3S.OIW7.00. STRAW None on the market; choice wheat Is quotable at IS.OO.fcO; choice oat or rye, 86.607.00. Cotton Market. NT5W TORK. Oct M.-COTTON-Futurea opened steady; October, 13 22c; December, 13.:c; January, 1146c; March, 12.6c; May, 12.SSC. Ki)H cotton quiet; middling uplands, 12.4ftc. gales, 100 bales. HVEllI'OOL, Oct. 23. COTTON Spot, easier; good middling, 7.44d; middling, 7.13d; low middling, 4.4d; sales, l.wW baies. 'lbs cotton market closed steady at a net advance of 8 to I points for the day. Metal Market. NICTW TORK, Oot 22 The Metal ex change quoted lead, $4.76. Spelter not quoted. At London: Lead. 34 Sa Id; spelter, tm 10. NEW TORK, Oct. 22. M ETA I J6 Copper, steady; electrolytic. 916.00. Iron, steady and unchanged. Metal exohang quotas tin steady, 6,'J. 11)33.60. At London: Bpot copper, 73 la td; fu tures, 71 10s; electrolytic. 4; spot tin, 6U61 ls; futures. Hi; sntkoony, .12&. Oil mm Boat a. SAVANNAH. Os.. Oct tl 7'RPK.V. TINE (Strong. 81(iti3et sates, 234 bbls.; re ceipts, 247 bbis.;; shipments, 4t4 bbli. stock, laU bWa I.OSIN Firm; salss. 173 bbls ; receipts, 9(17 bbls.; shipments, 1.149 bbls.; stock, 66.M1 tbl. Uuote: A. B. C, D, FJ, V, U Su; O. 34 65; tl.t 65. 1,84 6; K, $4 76; M, o.60; N, 8S.W; WU, (6.45; WW. .60. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Pralta. NEW TORK. Oct 23. EVAPORATED APPLM Bteady. DRIED FRUITS Prunes, quiet but firm: apricots and peaches, ateady; ralalne, firm. I , agar Market. KV TORK, Oct. 3J-BI ' l-Raw, barely steady) oentrlfim 14 39c; molaaaes, 3.62c; refined struily. Kunar futures opened easier today on consider able realising and at noon prices were 4 to points lower. . t Dry Goods Market. NEW TORK, Oct 23. DRT 0ODB Cotton goods steady; yarns and wool market! were firm. Morris 4k Co 83 204 Swift dt Cb ITS 6 Cudary Packing Co. .. 41 l.l'fl Armour A Co 877 J. W. Murphy m Lincoln Packing Co. ., I Ronton, Vansant 4k la. 14 Hill A Bon 24 .. .. IT. B. Lewis' a Huston eV Co 44 4. B, Root Co. 1M J. II. Bulla 3 F. G. Kellogg 8 Rothschild . 44 Christie 41 Hlirglna 8 1 Kotn 4 Glassberg 1 John Harvey 77 Other buyers Gel Total 2,004 2,307 CAT 1 l.iv Reoemta r,f cattls wen aa usual on a Friday, only 60 cars being reported. For the five dnva thla week re ceipts amount to 87,686 head, which, bar ring tne record-breaking run oi last ween, la only slightly smaller than most recent weeks and larger than a year ago by almost 8.000 head. The quality of the cattle today was very poor and that together with the fact that the week le ao near a close rendered the trade very stow and dull. It was, how ever, very little different from most other Friday markets, as the trade on that day is usually notable for a lack of activity. Prices ranged anywhere from steady with yesterday to possibly ft little lower In soms cases. Quotations on rattles Good to choice fed yearlings, 19.000.76; fair to good fed yearlings, 3H.604r9.oo; common to fair fed yearlings. I6.60f8.60; good to choice heavy beeves, 19.0OtiH.7S; fair to good corn fed eeves, 38.304r9.00; common to fair corn fed beeves, !.7V(i8.SO; prime grass beeves, 3.1.001. 75; good to choice grass beeves. S7.6O&8.00; fair to good grass beeves, 87 09 tjv.bu; common to lair graas oeeves, 7.v; good to choice graas noiiera, .ev 16.76; good to choice grass cows, It.wil .40: fair to mod eowa tt.OOSM.OO: com mon to fair cowa. 14. 00(06. 00: Drlme feed ing ateen, IS.UO'al.BO; good to cnotce feed ers. 37. 40(07 .86; lair to good feeders. 96.60 tT7.40; common to fair feeders, $t.6og.8o; good to choice stockers. 17 .764J8 .00; fair to good stockers. 86 764j7.7i; common to fair stoeksrs, 86. 6091.76; stock heifers, 35.S fy7.00: stock cowa, I5.604JD.3d: stock calves, r66Oj.60; veal calves. 87 .0Q&10.00; bulls, Stage, etc., I4.36ti0.36. Representatives sales t NEBRASKA. 7 stockers. 9 60 7 heifers. .8 78 4 cow 10K3 t 26 1 bull 040 17 SW7 60. AND LA MTAA Receipt a. 409 steady: lamba. IkOOirlOl): sneep ana swes, ib.uu7re.B0. Kansas City Live gtok Market. KANSAS CITT. Oct 22. CATTLB Receipts, 1,700 head: market, steady: prime fed steers, tf-HTO, JO; dressed bent ateer, 38.JMiiO.00; western steer. Srt'&nt S.7S; striker and feeder. If. 50ti8.26; bulls. 2M; calve, 0 MUflO W. HOOtt Iteelpts. 3.ii0 head; market, ttltihcr; bulk. 37 00177.36: heavy. 37.0ii7 ): enn uutoiier. sr.uu'u'i-40; light. ilgs. 86.00ft7.00. K1IKICF AND LAMBfl RecelDta. 2.0 0 head; market, lower; lamba. s.ootr.'; yearlings. 16.6097.00; wethers, 3i.6wwii.40i ewes, 8i.40tj.00. packer .i.'7.40; ileadlng A lhlah Valley. St. Paul. New York Central, Krle and New Haven. At their beat aalna in thla group ranged I rom 1 to I point, but realising reoui ei these advances later. A sudden demand for Pullman car, one of the moat In active stocks of Its rlss. came In the final deallnaa, with an advance of 6 to IhVUj. t'rlcea were somewhat mixed at the close, with a steady undertone. The known local money movement point to a heavy rash gain tomorrow, the result, primarily, of recent gold se cession from abroad via Halifax. For rlKti exchange denoted little change from recent weakness. Honda were strong with less breadth to the yelling Total sale, par value, ag gregated tl.970.0xi). I'nlted ft a tea bond galntl 4 to 14 per cent on call. Number of aalea and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: 9al Hit Alaaka OoM AIM, ( bulmo , 1 nn Am rrli-an lrt urr I.JnO Amarlran fan IS MM Aaienna a LiicoiaMlT Am.rlr.i, H. a H 1.MD An S. ft R f4 Aai Hi r Heflnlna I.Kt Amerl.aa Tl. ft Tel.... ' Amirlran Tnaneo I'! Ana.-nt.rta ixsppar 1 " llal.tala livomrtlv 6T 4 tlaltlmofa A. I'hlo l.tM n.ihi.t Hiwi i. pnkln Tlri.l T nrll I'aMfntnla lvtp.l,ua .... 41 Itiwllu Pa. KM l aw ivmm letihtr 14. I'hMpeak ft Okie I.l o. w an rtilraao. M. ft (ft. P hl.-o ft N. W toe t-M.aao. H. I. ft P. llr.. 41.4 4 i'Mnt irv",r reler itn Kael ft turn.... Cni.-miv SitMl II, Peaeee ft R. O BfA. ntitlllera' H)eurttlaa .... 41 w Rrl ll.tW Ui.aaral Klwtrla I M r Northers nt l 4 Ureal Nn. or etra ra.7 Uuarenheim Sttrlevatlea.. I.ravt lnierki nsH m, Uar. . 1,100 In Ifatlo OfPit fl.4 latemattonal Hat tstar... 1. W kansaa tit ftuuthara..., Labiak Valley 6.104 '4 4S T4 M4 iis'i l.'44 :t 10. 144 M "4 171 W4 M4 t"4 l.w in KM 44 M .4 Tl i4 IHS Ul u 1M 4 i: 'iiii 147 67 4 ID HH m U5 l 4 1111 A14 r 4 179 lTji 177 ititi in 3 111 it 4 us 4H 44t 6-' 44 , 13 n4 I'M HJ4 K4I4. Ill 74J 10S IU - IT 4 l' 1:0.4 n 17 4 W4 "1 H 14 177 V 4 ml tin li 11 r. M llllll ft Nek,llt... .Mexl.aa Petre lauia Miami (Vippef Ml oarl, K ft T. pM.... Mi.eniirt liftfle ,. NaH.Mial Plarnlt Nalunal le.l Nevarta rier New York t'enlml N. T . N. H ft It Norfolk ft WwlerB Nnrthern paifio pwllle Mall P.rlflr Tl ft Tel renn.vlrllnla railama I'ala car Put i .n. t opper ReaAtn Iterill'IIP Iron ft tt... ISe.llrtern l'f Iflft pmsm ltailwar Hiuehaker Omeaay .... Por-pr Tela '.wtaaf ... t'nlon Parlfle Vnlon Pi Ifle rf4 t'nIIHI lat meet 11. R. Rteel afil flak coepe Weetera I nian Weeltntn F1erl ... Montana 1'r.wer Otaeral tUmart Total Me rnr in aa. I i 14 "4 l.oe 114 i.iw . I ivm I. umi IM I . WO ev 4 It 14 lei I 117 ll?" T4 u "4 an tia 11 1 ve 17n !) 41 4.J00 tu im 4. TOO ! 10 an 74 t an M4 M' 1J.IO0 t1 :4 I ? 11 4, 14 vn l 1 I 41 '4 ;4) 7. vt iw 11, ll4 14 em K 11 4 Me T4 '4j " 1114 Hf'4 9.10 ia, H't t fA an 7eii ..1 Tl. T1i4 an M4 M i Mas ahane. 194 -4 4 i a 14 a IM 714 14 4 10 i4 111 4 lll4 l"S 44 4 144 k 74 14 S P 1S attk Jin urt Ufa 77 H r5s Whore They Play in tho Valley Today Mlaaourl valley rames today nd thg scores of last year'! Conteit, where the same teama met, follows: Missouri t Aames, 0 to , .. Kanaaa at Kansas Agricultural college. o . . 1. Notre nam at niori. m lmry at Wsahlngton. 38 to J. Plmpson at I 'rake, did not roeeu Ha.kell at Crelghton, to 0. Mlaaourl NorroaJ at WaiMwn, did Hoi mOklshom. fttalnst at Dalles, T iepaw at t. Ixwils. did "".t"- .1 Oklahoma Aggie! against Arkansas a Fort Smith, 44 to 0. Slons City Lire gtoek Market. STOUX CITT. Oct 22. CATTLE ne ed tit a, 600 head; market, stesdy; native steers, 30.6otfH.00; rows and heifers, i.VAt 6,75; canners, 83 60iy4 9T; stockers and feeders, 86.0034.70; bulls, stags, etc, 2S. HlKlS necelpta. 1.600 head; market, steady to VlOo higher; heavy. (lHwl.ib; mixed. light, tf.XXuUb; bulk of sulcs, 17 fesi SS. HHra AND LAMBS Receipts, 609 head; market, steady; lambs, 88.7&3.60. t. Jaeeph Live gtoek Market. ST. JOS-PH. Mo., Oct. . CATTt Recelpts. 800 head; market ateady; steers, '(t.Mlji 10.00; rows and heifer!, 34.00i&9.26; 2J1 tit Ives, 6.00-u8.7.V I HOGS Receipts, 1,300 head; market l.MVj eteady to strong; top, 87.40; bulk of salt. r. llgiit s so 6 00 s to t k0 i 76 7 40 T 15 7 7i bull 1110 4 60 T cows but heifers... 67 6 60 14 heifers... 7o6 10 calves .. 874 8 60 76 feeders.. 9 feeders.. 904 9 76 39 cows 970 IS COW! 1096 t 10 WYOMING. 39 feeders.. 474 T 40 10 feeders.. 833 13 steers.. ..11"4 T 76 61 steer... i7 1 feeders.. 878 T 60 11 steers.. ..1106 NEW MEXICO. 69 steers.. ..IOCS 8 70 49 steers.... 8ZS IB 61 steers.... M S 38 HOGS Supplies today were ths lightest for any one day slnos (Saturday. March 6, 1914. Only twenty-four cars, or about l.euo head, ware reported in, which makes the total for the five days 18,330 head. This li a few head imaller than last week and 3,100 lighter than for the earns days a year ago, but Is larger than two Week ago by about 6,000 head. Keoolpts ware so vary light that when One of the shippers and two packer buy ers started out picking up a few hogs on a steady basts it looked ss though the decline had been checked for the present at least. Other killers, ho we vet. refused to follow this lead and made their first ofrers at prices that were anywhere from Una If to as much as a Quarter lower than yesterday, claiming that ths cost of their droves here yesterday was far too high as compared with other markets, hellers refused to accept any reduotion from early sales, snd the result was that the market went flat, movement coming to a complete standstill after about half ths supply bad been started scaleward. About lu:30 one packer bought three or four loads on a kulOo lower beat, and this wound the thing up, there being cloae to ten loads of fresh hogs still un sold at noon. By this time buyers had all quit, and It was Impossible to even gi t a bid. Moat of the hogs sold early landed around I7.2wi7.SO, with a top of 17 3f. Last sales were mads largely at 17. IM 7.w. Representative sales: Ne. M... 41... ... II... ... 44. AT. ..177 ..417 ..104 ..k4 .lo .174 h. pr. IM 1 16 N 111 ... 1 30 ... t lu M 1 !S4 m 1 m Ne. At. ga. Pr. II ! ... 18 II s i 19 M l 4 m I M .2i BHEEF ctupplles of shsen and Lam ha dwindled to almost nothing this morning, the revtslpts of nine cat, or S.ikjo head, being the smalltMt for any day except Saturday sine lat In July and Uis lightest for a Friday slnos ths second week of June. Ths week's arrivals foot up 1U6.S61 bed. being U.itjO smaller than last week. W.vOO short of two weak! ago and a failing off of 84,009 as compared with the same days a year ago. Must of today's offerings of both sheep and lambs were on the very seinmon order, and as there was really nut enough stuff here to make a market under any conditions, and packers were not at all attracted by the quality of the stuff on hand, trads had a very dull tone, al though valuea were quoted as nominally steady with yesterday. The nearest thing to fat lambs here sold at 34.43. It was a very slow deal in feeders also, as there were not enough here to arouse sny amount of Interest In buying circles. About deok of breeding ewes topped out of ft two-load shipment, brought W.76, and ft feeder buyer took a load out of the balance nt 86.30. Feeders have been selling on a fully steady basts all week, r.nd are quotably steady to strong at laat week's close. There was practically nothing here in the fat sheep line, although packers bocgthi ft fiw ewes that htd no merit either as feeders or killers. Old muttons have been In very slack demand all week, and price, are fcdtoo below laat week's close, -or tU&Mc under the high time Tues- FHEEP AND LAMB9-Receipts. 8.000 head; market steady; lambs, 8.wtl.65. Llvs Stock la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western market!: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha 1.00 l.ooO St30 Chicago 3.00 14.OU0 10,000 St. Lc euis 900 4.NO0 4 Kansaa City 1,700 8.0UO 1.0" ttloux City 600 1,600 M Totals ...8,700 34,300 13,900 BR1DITRKGT REVIEW OF TR1DB Progress In Trade and ladastry Is Ceaepleaoaa, NEW TORK, Out. itt ilradstreets to morrow will say: Save for a probably temporary setback to retell distribution caused by ft spell of warm weather, progress In trade and in dustry is of conspicuous proportions, with even greater gains apparently In store. In larger line cumulative expan sion Is ths chief characteristic Retail merchant show a stronger propensity to buy ahead; the steel trade goes on mak ing grounds; prices on some finished products have been advanced, partly to keep buying within certain bounds; the long periodic scarcity of railway cars Is an actual fact; a paucity of labor exists: payrolls axe enlarging: weekly bank clear ings sre of unparalleled proportions; de mand for money, tne supply or winch la plethoric, at easy rates. Is Increasing; exports of wheat and flour for the cur rent week established a new high record: export trad continues unprecedented; meritorious new enterprises are being launched more readily; real estate, long dormant. Is reviving, and farmers In the south sre paying off old debts. Weekly bank elearlngs were 8o,3n.7i,000. QoAtatlnns furaWhed br Roma, "trinket ft Co., 441 Crmaha NetkauU bank bull4lag: Ktocke Bid. Ak4. Poena t'ein pany. era t Fairmont Creamery, aft let Molina Plow, first d, 1 aer east... 17 Omaha A C B. St. Hjr.. aid 19 71 Omaha ft C. B Rr ft B., pM 41 17 Omaha ft O. B. ft. Rr.. Ha 47 U, It Nye-rV.heiaHar-PVm lar Company 8 t'nloa stork Tarda gtoek 174 t t'pdlk Grain, corn 74 11 Bwirt ft Co Ul 111 Argentina fiorarnniaat I par neat. 1411 Jna Ine. Aaale-rrench 6 par eant aataa, 14. . 47 f4 Uoorn Tel. ft Tel. 4. tU M Llaenln H . 1, ft P. la l't II jm nAeelea Ratlwar U, 14 S IT Oarroaa ft m rnraent I pot cwt. 1IM, . 14 Kl Paao. Tei . ft-nool la, KM mt lot I Near Rial a Telephone 4a 70 1214 Dundee Haallf ta, 1MI M 100 Omaha Water 4 He 1M1 VX (nv4 Omaha Gas la, I HIT ao N Omaha ft C. B. Bt. Rt. 6a, 1IM II 44 Merchant H. ft U la, )4! 44 M Paclflo Tel. ft Tel la. 1141 17 I7t4 Parl'l laa ft tlleetHO UtUt 174 l2 Wfklta linlrm Stork Tarn . 1M4.. H Inn gwlft ft C Ml H Leaden Stack Market. LONDON, Oct. U BAR BILVEH 33 13-1AV1 per ounce. MONFT 44T4 per cent. DISCOUNT RATKS-tHhort bills, per cent; .three months, 4 per cent. Tforlk Loan is Winner. NORTH LOUP, Neb., Oct S2.-(SpeeUl.) North Loup defeated Apeldlng college yesterday, 63 to 9. The game was clean throughout. Referee: Clark. Grand Island. Umpire: George, Spalding. Srh salts Denied Iteeeeat. SAN FRANCISOO, Oct. SI. Eugene E. Schmlts, thrice mayor of San Francisco, deposed during the 1906-07 graft trials, was dented today ft recount of votes cast at the city and county primary, Septem ber 38, In which he was defeated fur LEGAL 1TOTICE8 1 NOT1CB TO, CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will bs received by the owners, O. P. Coffee and 11. Y. Pitman, until 3 o'clock p. m. , Monday. November L 1916, for the erection of the fireproof superstructure of the Coffee-Pitman building at Chadron, Ne braska. Ail proposals must bs based upon the drawings and specifications which will be on file with the owners at Oh ad r on, Nebraska, at the Builders' Exchange, Omaha, Nebraska, and at tha offke of the architect, James C. Stilt, Norfolk, Nebraska. Keen proposal must be accompanied with a certified check In the amount of one thousand (tl.O00.6O) dollsrs, made pavable to the ownera Jointly, as a guaranty that the bidder will Immediately enter into, contract and bond If awarded the work. These checks will be returned to un suctesaful bidders when contract la swarded, and to the suocessful bid ier when contract and bond are executed. The owners reservs the right to re ject any or all lld or to waive infor malities In any bid. COKKKK PITMAN, Owners. Chadron, Nebraska, October 13. 1.15. OZldttiuft FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1915 BURQ ES3 NASH STORE NEWS TOR MEN. A WORD TO IVEEM TILIS is your storo. "We've anticipated your every want and we want you to become acquainted with what we have here for you. Whether it be in the complete men's furnishing shop on the main floor; the spocial men's shoe section, tho men's ready made clothing store or in the sporting goods section, you will find us ready and anxious to serve you and be of genuine helpfulness. Make this YOUJR storo. Command us, we are hero to servo you. It's the idea of the Burgess-Nash organization to be of "The greatest sen-ice to the greatest number.". YOUR CLOTHES MONEY GOES FARTHEST at BURGESS-NASH A MAN'S idea about buying clothes is not so much to ,4pay leas, but to get more for what he does pay. You may have $15.00 to spend for a suit, or you may have $25.00 or $40.00. You'vo made up your mind what to spend. Your question is where to get the utmost in value for that particular amount. The answer lends you to the Burgess-Nash Store for men. Take for Instance: These Men's and Young Men's Suits at $25.00 We like to dwell on thla suit It'i a erood Idea of what we art doing; to attract the men' clothing business, of Omaha aad hereabout to this store. These suits have not a elnrle disappointment. The fabrics Include the best combinations. Models for the most conservative business men and models for the youngs men either young In as or disposition, or both. Bnug tltUng, narrow shoulder. English effects, patch pockets or the more staid styles, all colors, none extreme. In fact, the assortment is large enough to permit the statement that these suits at 126.00 can please every man. Other suits, all strictly hand tailored, from to $4o.oo. - "Boulevard Clothes" for Young Men. For the young man who knows we specialise In "Boulevard Clothes," first shown this season. Strictly hand-tailored, exclusive patterns and models. Come In and let us show you the line at f IS. 65. f 18.60 and SZ0.00. Something' New "Highland Heather" Top Coats for Men at $23.00. One-quarter lined, vent pockets, medium shoulders, box back and very swagger, guaranteed absolutely rain proof. Three shades steel gray, heather green mixture and brown Scotch. Exclusively here at (25.00. nrys-Waah Co. Tonrth Tloor. F -.Mi ' ff: Ik h j 4 ft EXTRA ! MEN'S $2.50 to $5.00 SWEATER COATS Main Floor SATURDAY $1.59 TJROKEN lines and odd lots of medium and heavy sweater coats e- irom a large distributor. The lot In cludes rope stitch, Jumbo stitch with rough neck and Byron roll collar, also coats with no collar. If bought In the regular way we would have to ask $2.60, $8.60. $4.00 and $6.00 for them, but as a "flyer" for Saturday we offer your choice for $1.A0. Big assortment of the most desirable shades and sties represented. Men'i $1.50 to $2.00 Pajamas, 08c. A clean-up lot of outing pajamas, samples that would have to retail, it bought regular, at $1.60 and $2.00. Men'i "Star" Shirts, $3.50 to $6.50. New arrivals in the high-grade "Star" shirts, suss, Tencn nannei ana oxford cloth, the nicest and most unique patterns we have yet shown. Prices range, $8.50, $0, S and 8.B0. Updegraf'i Gloves for Men. Auto and driving gloves and mittens, lined and unllnurl. hnth wnstt and sheepskin lined. Gauntlets and wrist lengths, $13 to 3.B0. Men's Neckwear for 50c. Another shipment of feature neckwear, made to our order, with s large flowing end, apron shspe, every tie, with a slip-easy band, price, 60c Barf-- Co Mats, rioov. A Word About: Burgess-Nash SPECIAL SHOE Section for MEN Fourth Floor THIS new section in the men's store is complete with the best In footwear ail new lines, made especially for Burgess-Nash Shoes that represent the best at every price $2.60 to $8.00. We feature for Saturday Burgess-Nash Special at $3.50 and the "Burnasco" at $4.00. Here are a few of the lasts "Arlington" "Panama" "Hub" "Banker" "Belmont" "State Street" In dull calf, patent colt, kidskln and tan Russian calf, all styles, all leathers. NOTE We are exclusive dis tributors for this vicinity of the famous James A. Banister shoes for men. nrgsss-Sfash Co. fourth Ilof. J YOUR HAT is here In the very shape, color and price best suited to you. Come get it Saturday. Men's New Two Tone Hats, $2.50 Latest shades, tan body, brown band and brim, pearl body, blue band and brim. Very new, very stylish, very dressy. The price, 92.0O. BletMon Hats, (VS. BO Latest shapes and colors for Fall and Winter, in both soft and stiff styles. A remarkably com plete line at $8.50 to (12.00. Men's Caps, SOc to $2.00 New and exclusive shapes and patterns for golfing or general wear. Bargtss-BTssh Co. Tonrth meet. Boy's Knicker Suits With 2 pair of Pants, Saturday, $4.95 KNICKER style, for ages S to 17 years. Coats Norfolk, loose belted style, pants lined through out. Extensive range of materials and colorings. Special at $4.03. Other suits to 913.00. Boys' Overcoats, $4.95. . For the little man who wants to look like dad, ages 3 to 8 and 6 to 13 years. Balmacaans, unllned, one-half, one-fourth and full lined, cravanetted tor Fall and Winter Wear. Splendid assortment, at $1.93. Boys' $1.50 Pants) 87c. Knickerbocker style, lined throughout, for ages 6 to 17 years. Patterns to match his old coat, $1.60 values, at M7r. Boys' $1.00 Blouses, 50o. A new lot In percales, for ages 6 to 16 years, usually $1.00, for fiOc. Boys' $1.50 Pajamas, 60c "Goodnight" pajamas, made of a splendid quality choicest flannel, for ages 4 to 10 years; usually $1.60, for 0lc. urgsss-efash Cow oaitk Staov. Burgess-Nash Gompaeto 'everybody store